`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`19 September 2013 (19.09.2013)
`P O P C T
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2013/138500 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`G06F 1/16 (2006.01)
`H04M 1/02 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`PCT/US20 13/030991
`13 March 2013 (13.03.2013)
`(30) Priority Data:
`14 March 2012 (14.03.2012)
`(71) Applicant: POPSOCKETS LLC [US/US]; 6305 Sun
`shine Canyon, Boulder, CO 80302 (US).
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU,
`RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ,
`TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA,
`ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Inventors; and
`(71) Applicants : BARNETT, David, B. [US/US]; 6305 Sun
`shine Canyon, Boulder, CO 80302 (US). NAHUM, Altan
`[US/US]; 2525 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 55 1, Boulder, CO Published:
`80302 (US).
`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`(74) Agent: BALES, Jennifer, L.; Macheledt Bales LLP, 1520 — before the expiration of
`the time limit for amending the
`Euclid Circle, Lafayette, CO 80026 (US).
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`00 (57) Abstract: Docking platforms formed in one of the largest-surface-area surfaces (the back surfaces) of mobile electronic devices
`(1, 32). Such a docking platform comprises a docking accessory cavity (3, 41, 5 1, 60) having a docking connection system (49) com
`prising one or more docking connectors (4, 5, 42, 52, 56, 58) formed within the cavity, and optionally two or more electrical con
`tacts (19) within the cavity, the contacts electrically connected to electronics within the electronic device and constructed and ar
`o ranged to allow electrical connection to detachable docking accessories (6, 8, 27, 30, 3 1, 33, 36, 45, 61). The docking connection
`system is operable to form detachable attachments to multiple independent docking accessories simultaneously. The cavities of the
`o docking platforms are shaped to accommodate a broad range of docking accessories that are specially adapted to sit in a generally
`flush manner with the back surface of the mobile electronic device while attached to the docking connectors. One type of accessory
`(8, 27, 33) forms an assembly with an expandable accordion (10) attached to the docking platform.
`Quest Ex. 1008
`Embodiments of the present
`invention relate to docking connectors for mobile electronic devices. In
`particular, embodiments of the present
`invention relate to docking connectors disposed on a largest-
`surface-area surface of the electronic devices.
`Mobile electronic devices often comprise docking connectors, which enable the mobile electronic
`devices to temporarily attach to multiple external docking accessories, such as speakers and batteries,
`generally further enabling power and data transmission between the mobile electronic device and
`the docking accessories. Docking connectors are generally housed on one of the edges of the mobile
`electronic device, as opposed to one of the two major faces of a typical mobile electronic device,
`wherein the front face is generally designated by the location of a screen, should the device house a
`screen, and the back face is designated as the face opposite the front face. For example, the
`smartphone shown in Figure 1A (Prior Art) has two major faces and four relatively narrow edges,
`with a docking connector housed on the bottom edge. A shortfall of housing a docking connector on
`the edge of a mobile electronic device is that when the device is attached to docking accessories, the
`resultant system is generally inconvenient
`for transport.
`If the docking accessories attach by a
`flexible cable to the docking connector as shown in Figure 1A, the resultant system comprises two or
`more independently moving bodies, connected by the flexible cable, and is thus inconvenient
`If the docking accessories attach in a rigid fashion to the docking connector, the resultant
`system generally increases the effective magnitude of at least one of the dimensions of the mobile
`electronic device to a degree that renders the resultant system inconvenient
`for transport. This is due
`to the fact that the edges of mobile electronic devices generally have a relatively small surface area
`compared to the front and back faces of the devices; thus, to accommodate the volume of a docking
`accessory that is rigidly attached to such an edge, the resultant system generally extends significantly
`in directions away from the docking connector edge. See for example Figure I B (Prior Art).
`To address the preceding docking-system transport problem, some docking accessories, such as
`certain supplemental batteries, are manufactured as parts of mobile electronic device cases. The
`resultant "docking cases" attach to mobile electronic devices, both at their docking connectors (as
`standard docking accessories attach) and around their various edges (as standard mobile electronic
`device cases attach), to enable the docking accessories to be transported securely against the back
`faces of the mobile electronic devices. See for example Figure 1C (Prior Art). In a similar vein, some
`docking accessories are manufactured as parts of docking "sleeves" (or "jackets"), which attach to
`compatible mobile electronic devices at their side edges and at their docking connectors (some
`docking sleeves are themselves operable to form detachable attachments to independent docking
`Quest Ex. 1008
`accessories). See for example Figure I D (Prior Art). Docking cases and sleeves enable the majority of
`the volume of docking accessories to be distributed in a generally even manner across the relatively
`large back faces of mobile electronic devices, with the aim of minimizing effective increases in
`magnitude to any single dimension of the mobile electronic device and thus enabling the resultant
`systems to be transported in a convenient fashion. While going some way to mitigate the increase in
`effective size of mobile electronic devices to which docking cases and sleeves are attached, the main
`shortfall with this method for addressing the docking-system transport problem is that docking cases
`and sleeves nevertheless increase the effective size of the corresponding mobile electronic device,
`both in the dimension perpendicular to the back face of the mobile electronic device and in the
`dimension perpendicular to the face of the edge that houses the docking connector.
`A second method for addressing the docking-system transport problem is to (i) recess a portion of a
`selected edge of a mobile electronic device to form a rectangular cavity that is open both at the
`selected edge and at the backside of the mobile electronic device; (ii) form a docking connector on the
`recessed edge; and (iii) form rails (or tracks) on the two cavity edges perpendicular to the recessed
`edge. See for example Figure I E (Prior Art). The rails serve to guide docking accessories as they are
`inserted into the rectangular cavity through the opening on the selected edge and to help fix the
`positions of the docking accessories when they are in their docked states. The rectangular cavity
`enables docking accessories to attach to the mobile electronic device without increasing its effective
`carrying size. For certain designs, the formation of the cavity may lead to an increase in the initial
`carrying size of the mobile device by taking up space that could otherwise be used for internal
`components of the device; still, the cavity enables docking accessories to attach to the device without
`further increasing its effective carrying size and without altering its overall contour. This method
`thus avoids the main shortfall with the preceding method. Nevertheless, it has several shortfalls of its
`own. First, it does not allow multiple docking accessories to attach simultaneously and independently
`to the mobile electronic device. Some docking accessories, such as supplemental camera lenses and
`flashes, stereo speakers, and electrophysiology sensors, naturally work together in pairs, so there is a
`need for a method that enables multiple docking accessories to attach simultaneously to the mobile
`electronic device. Furthermore, different circumstances might call for one and the same accessory to
`be paired with different partner accessories. For instance, a daytime circumstance might call for a
`supplemental camera lens accessory to be combined with a supplemental battery accessory, whereas
`a nighttime circumstance might call for the same camera lens to be combined instead with a
`supplemental flash accessory. So there is a need for a method that enables multiple docking
`accessories to attach both simultaneously and independently to the mobile electronic device. A
`second shortfall with this method is that its rail system requires the corresponding accessory cavity
`to be open at one edge of the mobile device. This is disadvantageous, as edge openings reduce
`available space for mobile-device features that are ideally located on an edge of the device (for
`instance, volume buttons, power buttons, built-in speakers, and built-in sensors) and, if the selected
`edge is tapered, as is common to create the perception that the device is only as thick as its outermost
`edges, the tapered boundary of the corresponding accessory cavity places adverse constraints on the
`design of compatible docking accessories. Athird shortfall with this method is that, by fixing the
`Quest Ex. 1008
`positions of the outer edges of attached accessories through its rail system, it presents design
`obstacles for a broad range of accessories whose functionality improves with the ability to
`temporarily expand away from, and rotate at various angles to, the backsides of the mobile electronic
`devices to which they are attached (for instance, speakers, electrophysiology sensors, massage
`paddles, hand-pump chargers, and ultrasound transducers). A fourth shortfall with this method is
`that accessories whose attachment does not increase the effective carrying size of the mobile device
`must have a certain rectangular shape and size to mate with the rail system (and those accessories
`that protrude beyond the boundaries of the rectangular cavity must have a base of a certain
`rectangular shape and size to mate with the rail system). Different docking accessories have different
`ideal shapes and sizes, however. For instance, whereas certain camera lenses, speakers, and
`electrophysiology sensors might ideally be circular and relatively small, certain game controllers,
`external keyboards, and solar panels might ideally be elongated and relatively large. Ideally, a
`solution to the docking-system transport problem should enable a range of shapes and sizes of
`accessories to attach to the mobile electronic device without increasing its effective carrying size.
`What is needed is a docking platform that is housed on the back face of a mobile electronic device to
`enable multiple docking accessories of various shapes and sizes to simultaneously and independently
`attach to the mobile electronic device with the optional freedom to temporarily expand away from,
`and rotate at various angles to, the back face of the mobile device, and with at most a nominal
`increase to the effective magnitude of any one dimension of the mobile device. Furthermore,
`docking platform should not require openings on the edges of the mobile device.
`One or more embodiments of the present
`invention are directed to mobile electronic devices having
`docking connectors. A device according to the present
`invention includes a docking platform formed
`at one of the largest-surface-area
`surfaces of the device, generally the back face of the device. The
`docking platform comprises a docking connection system, the connection system comprising one or
`more docking connectors generally disposed in a recessed docking accessory cavity that enables
`docking accessories to be attached to the docking connectors without significantly increasing the
`effective carrying size of the mobile electronic device. The connection system is constructed to enable
`the docking accessory cavity to be open only at the selected surface. The accessory cavity is generally
`shaped and configured to accommodate a broad range of docking accessories that might be specially
`adapted to sit in a generally flush manner with the outermost surface of the back face of the mobile
`device while attached to the docking connectors. The connection system is operable to form a
`detachable attachment
`to multiple independent docking accessories simultaneously. The connection
`system may be further operable to form a detachable attachment
`to an accessory without fixing the
`outer edges of the accessory. The range of docking accessories that might be accommodated by the
`docking platforms includes, for example, batteries, solar panels, game controls, LED lights, hand-
`crank chargers, weather sensors, camera flashes, camera lenses, electrophysiology sensors, memory
`Quest Ex. 1008
`cards, keyboards, massage paddles, glucose monitors, body fat monitors, breathalyzers, ultrasound
`transducers, and pulse oximeters.
`In one embodiment, the docking platform is integrally formed with the rest of the body of the mobile
`electronic device. The platform comprises an accessory cavity that has a generally oval shape, this
`cavity further comprising two circular cavities, one constituting each end of the oval cavity, with a
`depressed region between the two cavities constituting the middle part of the oval cavity. Each of the
`two circular cavities has an annular docking connector disposed at its center. Each docking connector
`comprises (i) an annular female snap-fit feature, for attaching docking accessories securely to the
`docking platform; (ii) 30 electrical contacts disposed evenly around the inner edge of the female
`snap-fit feature, for transmission of power and data to and from docking accessories; and (iii) a male
`index key, to ensure that the electrical contacts on a docked accessory mate with the appropriate
`contacts on the docking connectors. The electrical contacts are formed of gold-plated nickel-plated
`copper, with copper pads, and the remainder of the platform is formed of the same hard material as
`the rest of the body of the mobile electronic device.
`Other embodiments include variations in (i) shape of platform; (ii) size of platform; (iii) number of
`docking accessory cavities; (iv) shape of docking accessory cavities; (v) size of docking accessory
`cavities; (vi) number of docking connectors; (vii) shape of docking connectors; (viii) size of docking
`connectors; (ix) mode of attachment of docking connectors to docking accessories; (x) configuration
`of electrical contacts; (xi) number of electrical contacts (including zero); (xii) mode of attachment of
`platform to the body of the mobile electronic device; and (xiii) materials of the platform and its
`A docking platform according to the present invention is formed in a selected one of two largest-
`surface-area surfaces of a mobile electronic device and comprises a recess formed within the selected
`surface, the recess forming a docking accessory cavity, the accessory cavity optionally forming a
`further recess, a docking connection system formed within the docking accessory cavity, the docking
`connection system comprising one or more docking connectors, the docking connection system
`operable to form a detachable attachment to at least two independent docking accessories
`simultaneously, the docking connection system constructed to enable the docking accessory cavity to
`be open only at the selected surface.
`The docking connection system might be operable to form a detachable attachment to a docking
`accessory without fixing the positions of the outer edges of the accessory.
`The docking platform might comprise two (or more) electrical contacts within the docking accessory
`cavity, the contacts electrically connected to electronics within the electronic device and constructed
`and arranged to allow electrical connection to the docking accessory when the docking accessory is
`attached to the docking connector.
`The docking platform might enable power and data transmission between the mobile electronic
`device and the docking accessories by electrical connection to the docking accessories, or the mobile
`Quest Ex. 1008
`electronic device might enable at least one of power or data to be transmitted between the mobile
`device and the accessories through wireless technology.
`The docking connection system might form a detachable mechanical bond with docking accessories,
`or a detachable magnetic bond.
`The docking connection system might comprise a single docking connector operable to form a
`detachable attachment to two or more independent docking accessories simultaneously (for instance,
`the docking connection system might comprise a single magnetic element operable to form a
`detachable magnetic attachment to two or more independent docking accessories simultaneously), or
`it might comprise more than one docking connector jointly operable to form a detachable attachment
`to two or more independent docking accessories simultaneously.
`The docking connector might be generally circular.
`The docking accessory cavity might be elongated.
`The selected surface in which the docking platform is formed might be substantially flush with an
`outwardly facing surface of the docking accessory when the docking accessory is attached to the
`docking connection system.
`A docking system according to the present invention comprises a docking platform formed in a
`selected one of two largest-surface-area surfaces of a mobile electronic device (comprising a recessed
`docking accessory cavity formed within the selected surface, a docking connection system formed
`within the docking accessory cavity, the docking connection system operable to form a detachable
`attachment to at least two independent docking accessories simultaneously, the docking connection
`system constructed to enable the docking accessory cavity to be open only at the selected surface,
`and optionally two (or more) electrical contacts within the docking accessory cavity, the contacts
`electrically connected to electronics within the electronic device), and a docking accessory
`constructed and arranged to form a detachable attachment to the docking connection system, the
`docking accessory further constructed to allow at least one of either data or power transmission
`between the mobile electronic device and the docking accessory.
`The docking connection system might be further operable to form an attachment with a docking
`accessory without fixing the positions of the outer edges of the attached accessory.
`The docking accessory might be further constructed and arranged to allow electrical connection to
`the electrical contacts of the docking connection system when the docking accessory is attached to
`the docking connection system.
`The docking system might further comprise an accordion capable of extending outward from the
`selected surface and retracting back toward the selected surface, the accordion distal end attached to
`the docking accessory body. A flexible circuit (such as a flat flex circuit or a flexible cable) might be
`formed within the accordion to enable electrical connection between the docking accessory body and
`the mobile electronic device.
`Quest Ex. 1008
`The docking accessory might comprise a battery, solar panel, game control, LED light, hand-crank
`charger, weather sensor, camera flash, camera lens, electrophysiology sensor, memory card,
`keyboard, massage paddle, glucose monitor, body fat monitor, breathalyzer, ultrasound transducer,
`or pulse oximeter, among other docking accessories.
`A docking accessory system for a mobile electronic device according to the present
`comprises a docking accessory body, an accordion constructed to attach to a selected one of two
`largest-surface-area surfaces of the mobile electronic device and capable of extending outward from
`the selected surface and retracting back toward the selected surface, the accordion distal end
`attached to the docking accessory body, and the docking accessory comprising electronics enabling
`transmission of at least one of data or power between the accessory and the mobile electronic device.
`The docking accessory system might further comprise a flexible circuit formed within the accordion
`and configured to electrically connect to the docking accessory body and the mobile electronic device.
`The method of allowing attachment of a docking accessory to a mobile electronic device according to
`the present
`invention comprises the steps of:
`(a) forming a recessed docking accessory cavity within a selected one of two largest-surface-area
`surfaces of the mobile electronic device; and
`b forming a docking connection system within the docking accessory cavity, the connection system
`constructed and arranged to form a detachable attachment a docking accessory, to enable the
`docking accessory cavity to be open only at the selected surface, and to enable attached docking
`accessories to temporarily extend away from, and articulate at various angles to, the selected surface
`of the mobile electronic device.
`Those skilled in the art will appreciate that configurations similar to embodiments shown and
`described herein may be used.
`Figure 1 (Prior Art) comprises Figure 1A, showing a cell phone device with a typical end connector
`and a cable-connected accessory, Figure IB, showing a device with an end connector and a rigid
`partial-case accessory, Figure 1C, showing a device with an end connector and a rigid full-case
`accessory, Figure ID, showing a device and a docking sleeve, the device and sleeve specially adapted
`to mate with each other, and Figure IE, showing a device and a rectangular dummy accessory, the
`device and dummy accessory specially adapted to enable the dummy accessory to attach to rails on
`the inner edges of the rectangular cavity on the backside of the device without increasing the
`effective carrying size of the device.
`Figure 2 comprises Figures 2A, 2B, and 2C. Figure 2A is an isometric back view of a mobile electronic
`device with a docking platform according to at least one embodiment of the one or more present
`Quest Ex. 1008
`Figure 2B is a back view of the mobile electronic device with a docking platform of Figure 2A, with a
`detailed view of one of the docking connectors.
`Figure 2C is side cutaway view of the mobile electronic device with a docking platform of Figure 2A.
`Figure 3 comprises Figures 3A and 3B. Figure 3A is an isometric view of a mobile electronic device
`with a docking platform according to an embodiment wherein the electrical contacts of the docking
`connectors are disposed in sockets at the base of the docking connectors. This is an alternative to the
`embodiment of Figure 2A, wherein the electrical contacts of the docking connectors are disposed
`evenly around the inner edge of the female snap-fit feature of the docking connectors.
`Figure 3B is a detailed view of one of the docking connectors of Figure 3A.
`Figure 4 comprises Figures 4A, 4B, and 4C. Figure 4A is an isometric view of the mobile electronic
`device with docking platform of Figure 2 and two unattached basic generic docking accessories.
`Figure 4B is a side view of the mobile electronic device with docking platform of Figure 2A and two
`unattached basic generic docking accessories.
`Figure 4 C is an isometric view of the mobile electronic device with docking platform of Figure 2A
`with two basic generic docking accessories attached to the docking connectors of the docking
`Figure 5 is a detailed isometric bottom view of a basic generic docking accessory.
`Figure 6 comprises Figures 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E, and 6F. Figure 6A is an isometric view of the mobile
`electronic device with docking platform of Figure 2A and two unattached expandable generic docking
`accessories in their expanded states.
`Figure 6B is an exploded isometric view of the mobile electronic device with docking platform of
`Figure 2A and two unattached expandable generic docking accessories in their expanded states.
`Figure 6C is an exploded side view of the mobile electronic device with docking platform of Figure 2A
`and two unattached expandable generic docking accessories in their expanded states.
`Figure 6D is an isometric view of the mobile electronic device with docking platform of Figure 2 and
`two attached expandable generic docking accessories in their expanded states.
`Figure 6E is an exploded side cutaway view of the mobile electronic device with a docking platform of
`Figure 2A with unattached expandable generic docking accessories in their expanded states.
`Figure 6F is a side cutaway view of the mobile electronic device with a docking platform of Figure 2A
`with attached expandable generic docking accessories in their expanded states.
`Figure 7 is an isometric view of the mobile electronic device with a docking platform of Figure 2A
`with attached generic docking accessories that are either basic accessories or expandable accessories
`in their collapsed states.
`Quest Ex. 1008
`Figure 8 is a side view of the mobile electronic device with a docking platform of Figure 2A with
`attached expandable generic docking accessories in one of their partially collapsed states, wherein
`the bodies of the docking accessories are rotated at oblique angles to the back surface of the mobile
`Figure 9 comprises Figures 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, and 9E. Figure 9A is an isometric bottom view of an
`expandable generic docking accessory in its fully expanded state.
`Figure 9B is an isometric top view of an expandable generic docking accessory accordion of Figure 9A
`in its fully expanded state.
`Figure 9 C is an exploded, isometric, bottom view of the expandable generic docking accessory of
`Figure 9A in its fully expanded state, with a detailed view of the expandable generic docking
`accessory body female flex-circuit connector.
`Figure 9D is an exploded, isometric, top view of the expandable generic docking accessory of Figure
`9A in its fully expanded state, with a detailed view of the expandable generic docking accessory
`accordion flex circuit.
`Figure 9E is an isometric view of the expandable generic docking accessory body female connector of
`Figure 9C.
`Figure 10 comprises Figures 10A, 10B, IOC, and 10D. Figure 10A is an isometric view of the mobile
`electronic device with two docked speaker accessories, according to one embodiment of the
`invention, in partially expanded modes.
`Figure 10B is an isometric top view of the speaker accessory of Figure 10A.
`Figure IOC is an exploded, isometric, top view of the speaker accessory of Figure 10A.
`Figure 10D is an exploded, isometric, bottom view of the speaker accessory of Figure 10A.
`Figure 11 comprises Figures 11A, 11B, and 11C. Figure 11A is an isometric view of the mobile
`electronic device with a docked solar charging accessory, according to one embodiment of the
`Figure 11B is an isometric top view of the solar charging accessory of Figure 11A.
`Figure 11C is an isometric bottom view of the solar charging accessory of Figure 11A.
`Figure 12 comprises Figures 12A, 12B, and 12C. Figure 12A is an isometric back view of the mobile
`electronic device with a docked supplemental battery accessory, according to one embodiment of the
`Figure 12B is a top view of the supplemental battery accessory of Figure 12A.
`Figure 12C is a bottom view of the supplemental battery accessory of Figure 12A.
`Quest Ex. 1008
`Figure 13 comprises Figures 13A, 13B, and 13C. Figure 13A is an isometric back view of the mobile
`electronic device with two docked electrophysiology accessories in one of their partially collapsed
`states, according to one embodiment of the invention.
`Figure 13B is an isometric top view of the electrophysiology sensor accessory of Figure 13A.
`Figure 13C is an isometric exploded side view of the electrophysiology sensor accessory of Figure
`Figure 14 comprises Figures 14A, 14B, 14C and 14D. Figure 14A is an isometric top view of a game
`controller accessory in its closed state, according to one embodiment of the invention.
`Figure 14B is a bottom view of the game controller accessory of Figure 14A.
`Figure 14C is a back view of the mobile electronic device with the game controller accessory of Figure
`14A docked in a partially open state.
`Figure 14D is a front view of the mobile electronic device with the game controller accessory of
`Figure 14A docked in its open state.
`Figure 15 comprises Figures 15A and 15B. Figure 15A is an isometric back view of a docking system
`comprising a generic docking accessory and a mobile electronic device with a generic docking
`platform formed on its back face.
`Figure 15B is an isometric back view of the mobile electronic device of Figure 15A with isometric
`back views of at least six embodiments of docking platform 2 radiating outward from the mobile
`electronic device of Figure 15A. Moving clockwise from upper left, the first docking platform is the
`docking platform of Figure 2; the second platform is the platform of Figure 3; the third platform
`comprises an oval docking accessory cavity with two docking connectors, each comprising an annular
`magnetic element, for bonding with docking accessories, and ten electrical contacts embedded in an
`annular connector cavity; the fourth platform comprises an oval accessory cavity with a single
`magnetic element that is operable to bond simultaneously with multiple independent docking
`accessories that are operable to wirelessly transfer at least one of power or data between the
`accessories and the mobile electronic device; the fifth platform comprises an hourglass docking
`accessory cavity with two docking connectors, each comprising a fixed tab and a spring tab for
`forming detachable attachments with docking accessories, each connector further comprising five
`electrical contacts on an outer edge of the accessory cavity; the sixth platform comprises an oval
`docking accessory cavity with two docking connectors, each comprising nine electrical contacts
`formed inside eight connector cavities.
`Figure 16 is an isometric drawing showing an embodiment of the present
`invention implemented
`with a tablet device.
`Quest Ex. 1008
`The following table lists elements of the illustrated embodiments of the invention and their
`associated reference numbers for convenience.
`Quest Ex. 1008
`Docking accessory cavity second embodiment
`Docking connector fourth embodiment
`Docking connector fourth embodiment connector cavity
`Docking connector fourth embodiment female aligning element
`Docking connector fourth embodiment magnetic attachment system
`Docking connector fifth embodiment
`Docking connector fifth embodiment spring tab
`Docking connector sixth embodiment
`Docking connector sixth embodiment magnetic attachment system
`Docking accessory cavity third embodiment
`Generic docking accessory
`Docking connector fifth embodiment fixed tab
`Figures 2A-C illust