`The Genetic Basis of Natural Variation in
`Kernel Size and Related Traits Using a Four-
`Way Cross Population in Maize
`Jiafa Chen1☯, Luyan Zhang2☯, Songtao Liu3, Zhimin Li1, Rongrong Huang1, Yongming Li1,
`Hongliang Cheng1, Xiantang Li1, Bo Zhou1, Suowei Wu1, Wei Chen1, Jianyu Wu1*,
`Junqiang Ding1*
`1 College of Agronomy, Synergetic Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops and National Key Laboratory of
`Wheat and Maize Crop Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, 450002, China, 2 The National
`Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Institute of Crop Science and CIMMYT
`China Office, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China, 3 Henan Vocational
`College of Agriculture, Zhengzhou, 450002, China
`☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.
`* (JW); (JD)
`Kernel size is an important component of grain yield in maize breeding programs. To extend
`the understanding on the genetic basis of kernel size traits (i.e., kernel length, kernel width
`and kernel thickness), we developed a set of four-way cross mapping population derived
`from four maize inbred lines with varied kernel sizes. In the present study, we investigated
`the genetic basis of natural variation in seed size and other components of maize yield
`(e.g., hundred kernel weight, number of rows per ear, number of kernels per row). In total,
`ten QTL affecting kernel size were identified, three of which (two for kernel length and one
`for kernel width) had stable expression in other components of maize yield. The possible
`genetic mechanism behind the trade-off of kernel size and yield components was
`Citation: Chen J, Zhang L, Liu S, Li Z, Huang R, Li Y,
`et al. (2016) The Genetic Basis of Natural Variation in
`Kernel Size and Related Traits Using a Four-Way
`Cross Population in Maize. PLoS ONE 11(4):
`e0153428. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153428
`Editor: Xianlong Zhang, National Key Laboratory of
`Crop Genetic Improvement, CHINA
`Received: January 22, 2016
`Accepted: March 29, 2016
`Published: April 12, 2016
`Copyright: © 2016 Chen et al. This is an open
`access article distributed under the terms of the
`Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
`unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
`medium, provided the original author and source are
`Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
`within the paper and its Supporting Information files.
`Funding: This work was supported by Henan Basic
`Research Program of China (142102110051).
`Competing Interests: The authors have declared
`that no competing interests exist.
`Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereal crops in the world, and increasing the
`maize production by selection for the components of grain yield is the main objective in maize
`breeding programs [1]. Maize kernel size, measured by kernel length, width and thickness, is
`an important component of grain yield. Moreover, the characteristic of kernel size is also an
`important factor of appearance quality, which may influence the corn market grades and con-
`sumer preference [2]. Therefore, investigating the genetic basis of kernel size, and discovering
`any possible genetic constraints to optimize it, will facilitate the improvement of grain yield in
`maize breeding programs.
`Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping based on molecular markers have been widely used
`in the genetic study for different traits in different crops [3–6]. There were several QTL/genes
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`have been identified in grain crops for kernel size [2,7–9]. Especially, some genes for kernel
`traits have been successfully isolated by map-based cloning strategy in rice, e.g., GS3 [3,10],
`qGL3 [11], GW2 [4], qSW5 [12], GS5 [13], GW8 [14], GL7 [15] and GW7 [16], and these genes
`can be useful targets of molecular-assisted selection for larger seed size in modern rice breeding
`programs. In maize, mutants analysis have identified several genes in key pathways involved in
`seed development, such as Mn1 [17], o2 [18], sh2 [19], gln1-4 [20], o1 [21], and others [22].
`Compared with the effects of mutants in kernel size, which are often dependent on the genetic
`background [23], QTL mapping approach is ideal to identify favorable QTL/genes that can
`contribute to natural variation of kernel size. In recent years, mapping QTL for kernel size is
`attractive in maize, and most studies for kernel size and related traits have been conducted in
`bi-parental populations [7–9,24–28].
`The available QTL generally detected in bi-parental mapping populations have greatly con-
`tributed to the understanding of the genetic basis of kernel size. However, QTL mapping in
`such populations is subject to low allele numbers and limited recombination [29]. In recent
`years, the generation of multi-parent advanced generation integrated cross (MAGIC) popula-
`tions has provided an additional option for QTL mapping. Compared with the bi-parental
`linkage populations, the development of MAGIC populations usually involved inter-crossing
`of multiple parental lines, which may introduce more than two independent alleles at a locus
`and subsequently increased probability of QTL being polymorphic across the multiple parents
`[30]. In addition, the precision and resolution of QTL detection can be increased by the ampli-
`fied number of recombination events [31]. In view of the merits of MAGIC for QTL mapping,
`increasing number of MAGIC populations have been created in model animals and plants
`recently. For example, two MAGIC populations have been developed in mice and used for
`identifying candidate genes for serum cholesterol and coat color traits [32,33]. In plants,
`MAGIC populations were first developed in Arabidopsis and subsequently expanded to crops
`[34]. In recent years, encouraging results have been reported for flowering time, leaf morphol-
`ogy and seed traits of Arabidopsis thaliana [35–37], fruit weight of tomato [38], plant height
`and shoot traits of wheat [39,40], biotic stress and abiotic stress of rice [41] and flowering time
`of barley [42]. Very recently, MAGIC populations were also developed in maize and then used
`for QTL mapping in traits such as flowering time, plant height, ear height and grain yield [43].
`Crop seed is a life-history trait, and the availability of resource pool in seed developmental
`processes drives seed production [2,44,45]. Due to the competing apportionment of resources
`between fitness components (i.e., seed size and seed number), a trade-off between seed number
`and size must occur [46]. A better understanding of natural variation in seed size requires
`simultaneous consideration of trade-off of kernel number related traits to seed development
`Given the potential benefits of multi-parental (four-way cross) mapping population, we
`developed a set of multi-parental (four-way cross) mapping population in maize [6]. In the
`present study, we investigated the natural variation in seed size and other seed related traits.
`The objectives of this study were to detect the genetic architecture underlying seed size in
`maize, and specifically we were interested in the genetic mechanism behind trade-off of seed
`traits to better understand the genetic basis of kernel size.
`Materials and Methods
`The experiment was conducted in Zhengzhou Experiment Station (34°51'N 113°35'E) and
`Jiyuan Experiment Station (35°4'N 112°36'E) of Henan Agricultural University (HAU). At the
`two experimental locations, HAU has set up experimental field bases for non-profit agricul-
`tural research with a wide array of partners in China. In the present study, the field experiments
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`in the two stations were approved by HAU. Further, the stations where field studies were con-
`ducted are not protected locations for endangered or protected species.
`Plant materials
`The four-way cross mapping population including 305 individuals was developed from the
`four-way cross among D276/D72//A188/Jiao51. The four parental lines were selected based on
`the agronomic performances for a range of traits in maize breeding programs. All 305 individu-
`als were self-crossed to develop progeny families. Twenty eight out of 305 individuals lacked
`enough self-pollinated seeds, and finally, 277 four-way cross F1 individuals were genotyped for
`genetic map construction, and their selfed progeny, known as four-way cross families, were
`used for phenotyping [6].
`Field trials and trait evaluation
`In 2010, the 277 four-way cross families, together with their four parents were planted at the
`Jiyuan Experiment Station and Zhengzhou Experiment Station, respectively. Field experiments
`in each location were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates.
`Each plot included one row with 4 m long and 0.67 m wide, and was overplanted and then
`thinned to 15 plants per row at a density of 52,500 plants per hectare.
`To determine whether flowering time (FT) affects the trade-off between kernel size, FT was
`investigated and recorded as the number of days from planting when 50% of the plants in a
`row were shedding pollen. At physiological maturity, eight consecutive plants from the center
`of each plot were harvested by hand for trait measurements. The ear traits were evaluated,
`which included ear row number (ERN) and kernel number per row (KNR). After ears were
`dried down to a constant weight, the kernels at the middle of the ears in each plot were shelled
`and bulked. Four kernel traits were measured, including 100-kernel weight (HKW), kernel
`length (KL), kernel width (KW) and kernel thickness (KT). HKW was estimated from the aver-
`age of three measurements of the weight of 100 randomly selected kernels; KL, KW and KT
`were estimated by the average of three replicated measurements of 50 kernels randomly
`selected from the bulked kernels using electronic digital calipers.
`Phenotypic data analysis
`Analysis of variance for phenotype data was performed using the General Line Model (Proc
`GLM) procedure in SAS software [47], and Fisher Least Significant Different (LSD) method
`was used for multiple comparisons. The components of variance were estimated using a ran-
`dom-effect model and broad-sense heritability (H2) for each trait across the two environ-
`ments was calculated as defined by Knapp et al. [48]. Phenotypic correlations among traits
`were calculated by the Pearson correlation method using the mean values of genotypes across
`Genetic map and QTL mapping
`Genetic linkage map was constructed using the algorithm proposed by Zhang et al. which was
`implemented in software package GACD as functionality CDM [49]. Two hundred and twenty
`one markers were relatively evenly distributed on 10 maize chromosomes and the whole length
`of the genome was 1799.03 cM [6].
`The algorithm of inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) for four-way crosses was
`implemented in GACD software ( as functionality CDQ [50] and
`used for QTL mapping of six traits, i.e., KL, KW, KT, HKW, KNR and ERN. QTL analysis was
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`performed on the mean values of each genotype across the two environments. Inclusive linear
`models that includes marker variables and marker interactions so as to completely control
`both additive and dominance effects were built respectively for each trait. Stepwise regression
`was used to select significant marker variables and then used for background control in Inclu-
`sive Composite Interval Mapping (ICIM) of QTL [50]. The two probabilities for entering and
`removing variables were set at 0.001 and 0.002. The scanning step was 1 cM. LOD threshold
`was set at 3.97 by the empirical formula derived from Zhang et al. [50]. The original genotypes,
`phenotypes and linkage maps of the four-way cross population was available in S1 Dataset.
`Phenotypic variation and heritability
`The phenotypic variations of kernel size and related traits among the four parental lines were
`investigated in Jiyuan and Zhengzhou locations in 2010, and significant variations were
`observed for all traits measured in this study, including three kernel size traits (i.e., KL, KW
`and KT), ear traits (i.e., ERN and KNE) and kernel weight (HKW) (Table 1). Among the four-
`way families comprising of 277 entries, extensive phenotypic variation was observed in kernel
`size, HKW, ERN, KNR as well as FT (Table 2, S1 Fig). The heritability (H2) of the traits ranged
`Table 1. Summary of phenotype analysis and multiple comparisons of traits evaluated for the four parental lines.
`KL (mm)
`KW (mm)
`KT (mm)
`HKW (g)
`LSD 0.05
`LSD 0.01
`a: KL: kernel length; KW: kernel width; KT: kernel thickness; ERN: ear row number; KNR: kernel number per row; HKW: hundred kernel weight. LSD:
`Least Significant Difference; The same letters in LSD 0.05 and LSD 0.01 columns indicate that difference is not significant in the same group at P < 0.05
`(LSD 0.05) or P < 0.01 (LSD 0.01) levels.
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`Table 2. Phenotypic variation among four-way cross families for all traits measured.
`Flowering Time (days)
`Kernel length (mm)
`Kernel width (mm)
`Kernel thickness (mm)
`Ear row number
`Kernel number per row
`100 kernel weight (g)
`Minimum (Min), maximum (Max) phenotypic values for each trait, as well as the phenotypic mean plus or
`minus their standard deviation (SD) and their broad-sense heritability (H2) were shown.
`from 0.70 (KNR) to 0.81 (FT) across the two environments, suggesting that genetic factor
`played an important role in the four-way cross population.
`Correlation of seed size and other traits
`Of the traits surveyed in this study, a number of significant pairwise correlations were observed
`between kernel size and the other traits (i.e., FT, ERN, KNR and HKW) (Table 3). For example,
`ERN showed significant positive correlation with KL (r = 0.248), while with significant negative
`correlation with KW (r = -0.319) and KT (r = -0.187), suggesting the trade-offs between ERN
`and kernel size. However, KNR was only significantly correlated with one of the three traits of
`kernel size (KT, r = -0.606), which implied the trade-offs between KNR and KT instead of KL
`and KW. Significant positive correlations were also observed between HKW and kernel size (r
`values were 0.462, 0.693 and 0.493 for KL, KW and KT, respectively), which means each of the
`three kernel size components contributed to the weight of the kernel in this population. Corre-
`lation between FT and kernel size was observed, however, FT was significant but weak corre-
`lated with KL (r = 0.156), and not significant with KW and KT.
`Given the extensive correlation among all traits, multiple linear regression model was used
`to estimate the effect of the different life-history traits on kernel size. The best fit model (small-
`est AIC) of KL (F = 54.53, p-value <2.2e-16, r2 = 0.56) included: KW, KT, ERN and HKW,
`which explained 15.9, 9.0, 8.1 and 16.3% of the variation of KL, respectively. For the KW, the
`best model (F = 103.4, p-value <2.2e-16, r2 = 0.65) could explain 65% of the variance. The
`Table 3. Pairwise Pearson’s correlations between traits measured.
`a: FT: flowering time; KL: kernel length; KW: kernel width; KT: kernel thickness; ERN: ear row number; KNR: kernel number per row; HKW: hundred kernel
`*: Significant at 0.05 level;
`**: Significant at 0.01 level.
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`model included: KL, ERN and HKW, which explained 19.2, 16.1 and 16.9% of the variation of
`kernel width, respectively. Similarly, KL, KNR and HKW can explain 13.2, 10.9 and 11.8% of
`the variation of KT, respectively (F = 47.0, p-value <2.2e-16, r2 = 0.45). Thus, agronomic traits
`can explain some of the variation in kernel size, but the variance explained is smaller than the
`QTL mapping results of kernel size and related traits
`A summary of the QTL detected across environments, including the positions, LOD scores,
`genetic effects (additive effects of aF and aM and dominance effect d), phenotypic variation
`explained (PVE) and the mean values of four different genotypes, were shown in Table 4. A
`Table 4. Estimated QTL locations and genetic effects affecting six traits using average data from two environments.
`Position (cM)
`Left marker
`Right marker
`Genetic effectsb
`PVE (%)c
`a: Trait abbreviation as follow, KL: kernel length; KW: kernel width; KT: kernel thickness; ERN: ear row number; KNR: kernel number per row; HKW:
`hundred kernel weight.
`b: The genetic effects of aF and aM were the additive genetic effects of the two single crosses, D276×D72 and A188×Jiao51, respectively; the genetic
`effect of d was the dominance effect between the two single crosses.
`c: Phenotypic variation explained.
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`total of 10 QTL were identified for kernel size, including 5 QTL for KL, 3 QTL for KW and 2
`QTL for KT. Single QTL of kernel size explained from 5.51% to 17.94% of the phenotypic vari-
`ation. Five QTL were identified for HKW which located on chromosomes 1, 3, 5 and 7, and
`single QTL explained from 6.62% to 8.23% of the phenotypic variation. Six QTL were identi-
`fied for KNR, which included 4 QTL on chromosome 5 and 1 each on chromosomes 1 and 3.
`Single QTL of KNR can explain from 5.13% to 6.85% of the phenotypic variation. Seven QTL
`were identified for ERN which located on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10, and the largest
`QTL for ERN was located on chromosome 6 and explained 11.24% of the phenotypic
`Positions of all detected QTL were marked in the linkage maps, and overlaps between QTL
`of kernel size with other traits were observed (Table 4 and Fig 1). The first overlapped QTL
`Fig 1. Genetic linkage maps and QTL identified in the four-way cross population.
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`located on chromosome 5 (bin 5.03/04). In this region, qKW5-1, which conferred the kernel
`width, shared the same flanking markers with qHKW5-1 and also with qKNR5-2. The second
`region located on chromosome 3 (bin 3.04/05). In this region, qHKW3-1 shared the same
`flanking markers with qKNR3-1, which had the largest effect for KNR. Moreover, one QTL for
`KL, qKL3-1, was also detected, which shared the same flanking marker umc1347 with qHKW3-
`1 and qKNR3-1. Other region with closely linked QTL was also identified on chromosome 7
`(bin 7.02/03). In this region, both QTL for KL (qKL7-1) and ERN (qERN7-1) were identified,
`and they shared the same marker bnlg1792 within the QTL region. Despite the significant cor-
`relations between kernel size traits (i.e., KL, KW and KW), we did not detect any overlapping
`QTL region for the three kernel-size traits.
`The trade-off between kernel size traits in maize
`Grain seed is a life-history trait, and the trade-off of grain seed and related traits has widely
`reported in many plant species [2,37,44,45]. However, few studies have addressed the genetic
`mechanism behind trade-off of the factors involved in maize kernel development by taking
`into account life-history traits. In the present study, complex genetic mechanism behind the
`trade-off of seed traits in the four-way cross population was observed. On one hand, over-
`lapped QTL for kernel size (i.e., qKL3-1, qKL7-1 and qKW5-1) and yield-components were
`observed, and most of them had the same direction of additive effects (aF and aM) (Table 4),
`which indicated the allele that increases kernel size is from the same natural accession, indicat-
`ing past occurrence of directional selection for kernel size and yield components. On the other
`hand, kernel size (i.e., KW and KT) showed significant negative correlation with ERN and
`KNR (Table 3), which implied the potential trade-off behind them. However, there is little evi-
`dence for overlap in their genetic architecture since no common QTL between the traits were
`Comparison with published QTL/gene
`In the present study, we mapped 10 QTL for kernel size, with three of them (qKW5-1, qKL3-1
`and qKL7-1) had consistent co-localization or adjacent to QTL for one of the components of
`maize yield (Table 4). We compared the QTL with published kernel-size QTL, and overlapped
`QTL independent of the genetic background were identified.
`qKW5-1 with flanking markers bnlg1700 and umc2298 in the present study, shared the
`same QTL region with CQTL5-1, an common QTL for kernel width in multiple connected RIL
`populations in maize [8]; In this region, the other QTL for kernel width (i.e., qKW5) was also
`identified in an independent QTL mapping of kernel-size [9] (S1 Table). More importantly, we
`identified qKW5-1 overlapped with the qHKW5-1 (the QTL with the largest effect for 100-ker-
`nel weight in the present study), similar results were also observed by Li et al. [8] and Liu et al.
`[9], who also identified the QTL for kernel-width overlapped with kernel weight in this region.
`Within qKW5-1 region, ZmGW2-Chr5 conferring kernel size in maize has been identified and
`is perhaps one of candidate genes for the QTL [51]. Therefore, it could be concluded that this
`genomic region is very important for grain yield since the QTL has the stable expression across
`different genetic background.
`qKL7-1 located in bin 7.02/03 is another important region for the genetic control of grain
`yield and kernel traits. In this region, cluster QTL for kernel-size and yield-related trait were
`also identified in independent studies. For example, Li et al. [8] found one common QTL
`(CQTL7-1) conferring kernel weight, kernel width and thickness in multiple connected RIL
`populations in maize. Peng et al. [7] identified two QTL, Qqknpp7 and Qqgypp7, conferring
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
`kernel number and grain yield per plant, respectively. Other kernel-size QTL in the present
`study with known QTL/gene included qKL5-1 with gln1-3 [20] and Yqknpp5 [7], qKT1-1 with
`CQTL1-2 [8], and qKT5-1 with qKT5-1 [9]. The consistency of QTL/gene in independent study
`implied the common genetic basis for these traits (S1 Table).
`Joint analysis for multiple related traits
`In this study, QTL analysis was performed on the six traits, respectively. In total, 10 QTL for
`kernel size (KL, KW and KT) and 18 QTL for other three traits (ERN, KNR and HKW) were
`detected. In fact, these traits were highly related (Table 3). Multiple-trait analysis took into
`account the correlated structure of multiple traits, and could improve the statistical power of
`the QTL detection and the precision of parameter estimation [52]. However, there were seldom
`studies focused on the QTL mapping methods for jointly analyzing multiple traits in four-way
`crosses till now on. We will try to develop a statistical method for joint analysis on four-way
`cross populations in the future.
`Implications for molecular-assisted selection (MAS) breeding
`In the present study, a total of 10 significant QTL for kernel size were identified, which ranged
`from two for KT to five for KL. However, these QTL seemed to be independent genetic regula-
`tion of seed size since no consistent QTL were observed. These QTL could be valuable because
`it means that improvement in one trait can be accomplished without a corresponding decrease
`in the other. Here, we also found that at least three QTL (i.e., qKL3-1, qKL7-1 and qKW5-1)
`with stable expression across kernel size and at least one of the other kernel related traits, and
`they had the same direction of the additive effects. These QTL may imply the genetic regulation
`of seed size and the components of maize yield, and may have high values using MAS to
`improve yield in maize.
`Supporting Information
`S1 Fig. The distributions of the seven traits across the two environments. A, kernel length;
`B, kernel width; C, kernel thickness; D, 100 kernel weight; E, number of rows per ear; F, num-
`ber of kernels per row; G, flowing time.
`S1 Dataset. The original genotypes, phenotypes and linkage maps data of the four-way
`cross population used in this study.
`S1 Table. Comparison of the QTL identified in the present study with previous reported
`QTL/genes from the literature.
`This work was supported by Henan Basic Research Program of China (142102110051).
`Author Contributions
`Conceived and designed the experiments: JW JD. Performed the experiments: JC JD ZL SL RH
`YL XL HC BZ SW WC. Analyzed the data: LZ JC JD. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis
`tools: JD JC JW. Wrote the paper: JD LZ JC JW.
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`QTL Mapping for Maize Kernel Size
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