`1 'N Il'EIiIT'I' nlfi‘n
`Dsfn'rd. L!r|.i-.Iel':rit:iI Fresn]nr..uuhli:heswurk.stl1at Eurlher
`flxfmd U11 ivmury's nhirrtn'e of r-rcrllrnrc
`III resemh.srlmurm1n, and educmm
`DIEDTH New ‘r'nrk
`Aucklurnl Cane I'mn Dares Salaam. Hunfllunu. Karat!“
`New Delhi Shanfl'lal. Taipei Term
`with nrl‘im In
`Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CuehIlepubiie Frame Greece
`{Juan-mall Hungary lialgr Japan Pnlamd Portugal Slipper-n
`Swath Kulea Ewltner'lalld Thailand Turkey Uklaule 'U'iifiuam
`(inwnghrgi anion? nafnrd. LJanrrlry Pro-s:
`First ediliurl II”:
`Third edition mm
`FUN IEE'IEEI D1" UIifll’d Unmrslw HESS. “IE.
`[9!- Madisun .Mlenue. New York. N‘l" 1mm.
`www map mm
`Unifnnt is a registered tnflernarl. of Oxford University Press
`Mi rifllfi HES-EfI'EII. NC! hm {If [hi3 flbiiiflilll'l I'I'lfl' Ii! fimlflfi'fl.
`shared in a retrieval system. m1runsrna1 bed. in II'IJ' farm nr hramrrneans.
`BIBflI‘flI‘LIL’. mthnlral . Janina-towing, record mg. m nthrrwme.
`u'ilhrrul. the prior permaasiun. of Dxfmd. University Press.
`The hurwufcmress cumulan-ln-hmuuim Data
`Ita'ra available
`ISBN gas-wiggjggzr-L
`Printed in lli'H'! Unlined 5.1m: DfJI'IITII‘I'iEI
`on I: H1 tree paper
`uhukflwmureofihfl lt1 LhLfllinfltti
`‘iDfl'iIlld my I Immune lIIII IIIIIIIH} and tomid-III
`tht lI:tiI:IrII to tile. link inn-n an IIIIrIIIt that mu
`m bettEf'IJ'Ill'L In: In. In.- mfina. inking gnu:
`l'l‘lll'hili. hilt“ imlm. but M{M slurp}
`Ir‘crrat he qulth. not I'I'D‘l'll'lfl. lull on “till wlllwut
`:t-tllru 'I'rL'lthIvnI‘l. Inch. am he zit-:11 menilth:
`trmlhln. III: ‘II ‘I n'lL' oI'I. Hal-inane tltHln Mimi-hing.
`I Impeur expat 1!: din. lull: IqI iI'q'ImrILIuaI
`MSW III 1 Mb EDI Woman
`in: rlfmnnchaolj .'I.--hI visit nrumtlcta
`friclilunkwmhma-lnlnfrflpm I'nr.
`InnI-l-Ih.'1flkajrkl p L ape-nun w'hn limits um
`Iirnilal' tn-I1'Inll1t-I'.—.
`“Mounts double.tmu.tlono. IIIrIIIII: Ilium.
`“Hammer. l'i‘IJIIDIUIkI-rzl mItIIruImIIaa.
`. dud rIIIrr.
`InnI-Irfllfihkaa'] p I. riflrl‘u I person Wlti'll
`Ipetlfierl IF‘IEII'JI'IEE‘: IJIE'I. marl Mimic".
`Ink-nutitfl‘ukrntt- I: II who: from Which run
`tank-L1 muhnr 'IIiEII-II landmapcj Ipt'l'lul'l wl'In
`WWH [or damror trouble.
`fll‘lllll'hel. WWI.
`aha-anionic“ tuliulmwttmt he
`alrrl II:I.:l 'ict'm marching: I'I:Ir.
`lm' .‘Ifl'umI I- rI. I mhlm for waiting cloth—
`lwn‘ Inn-.1 apt-urn“ vacuum! IhIIeaLEIIirur
`shape! which-s [unmet-Ito! th‘ darkness. I {Inf
`turn-thing hall} worn :JIIIIt tn hppcn.
`' I‘I'NEIH'I'M I.
`'I em.wpeur.nuiem_lue. Like
`limo. I hail-mum. ho Ill'l'l'n‘tl': human.
`IrIIIrIIIrHt. throm-ftwnw, tin-just around thu-
`IvtlnlllIII-yI "Mu-III nkrrtl I- I.E£III'.'I!|IIHIIII]1¢I12L' I:Ir
`Iillr penal. p- H]. Hazy I:Ir silly.I
`Inwflo—a'p' pl. 1 I shun: prod-nod h'rlcun'zti-t
`hand: around IIIad cruise-s III-Hi. I I mm of we
`or him 'IIIIth the End: Iolmd. BIIIPII'IM 9::th or
`lung»: tn- hn- :nqttinuuutly Tn-pnllvd. : I WP
`tin-nit for In ok'ttrit {'tll'l'fll'l't- I- Ir. form into or
`M“! IIIe-ilap-eof: loot: EH? roam! Mr um
`around Iii-i mtla.
`' 1': IIItEIH'I'M I. p I. Hi. firm tirrJE. nun-IE. InlrIl.
`:uIL hot-I. tun-11. IIILLII'II-l. who-IIJItmm-ILL
`".1 “lit-Ind. IMLII'H'IE. Shinbone-Juana.
`tum t hm:tt.mlfl.ctl'tl1fltt. knot. haul.
`“I? .
`quay-Ii- III! [of III :imfln'l'y' iI'L1 I'm-nut
`law-hull i'lIfip-Ihhfil} I- II. I. rrIiItuht: o‘r Plfll I:IF
`IIIIIIII wordl l'fl thII leti tonIeone III-old ones-Inn II
`lain-or hoodlum a cmtTIct.
`1'Ir I1: 110mb]? IIt-I'ta-lhrod livinl or 1min: I long
`mm. Imp: 1 #4: II: he 111ml loos: distant.
`! relating to I. put-ind nl' lint: FII: iltu t'h-e Euluu: I!
`long ransom-mm. lun- shot a IdLerIo or [men
`Ti‘flt has only the distiller! thnnw on' microfilm:
`tong-11mm: hflinl “II-"MI To: I In: I Inc
`III-I'M" patiently putting up with Indium:
`orII'IIIuy-Inz hghfl'mr. inn. ma whom-mo“.
`wm1emth liIPI'E one nlomeoer LII-It I ITEILIEI'HZY
`tut-m 1m lt'tlnhllm}. Inna-mmd tool: Inn-I1
`lull" pl. (Inn. I'nI-ol'il do} hufladnmgwidtln
`do or raw.- mthlm.
`Ewen-m !- ! Inlfllfilr [M #06th Iran-n tor.
`unima- {on ache [ennui-Ilia: {mutton hunger [II-I.
`thrrI-‘t for. itrh Int. bu ulster fanbe damn-ti:
`fflr.trll'E.dlEfil.lTl I:II'.!¢IrI:II:IrI1.EII.rI I:IrI:Ir‘h'II-I-
`bedflnfi fur.
`lung. tum. longtime.
`lamb-ll dim-trot. Hint-9 I I. t't'trw-‘i tlIc
`lamps-t but urI-iurlh'p I :I illng tIIIp. 1 a lungrlirp.
`Inn'uhnul flimslhd. Inns-j [I II. I [Int-bow Lin-Id
`f-ul' Ihmtmu mum; [umrly wind by the English
`”mil: brim: II1I.- intmduttiun vI.II'|l FIIBII'ITD.
`lunrgIIII-I-ty .-l6n'ch.-ul!.lIn-.' :- I. tom lIEIL
`lung-hind flinch-ml. 'Iimt-I l- n. ordinafif
`Tujndyntlrutflmmd Io flIotllImd.I.wII1II:.ot
`lung-hmt'I-irsonu-a. 'Jflzna .I H. 1 “1|:
`ttldhlmtll d'NII'IirH uE the 11wuui: and. ulher
`Honh momma Indium: I hm communal
`hum I11 ram of MIIIIIIIII Ind Ihdomtll
`lulu-in] I'lonoII-‘o: I- n. I Itrumi: 1‘” III to do or have
`IIIImEIIIIrIg. phi]. strung” wishing EIIr ulna-thing.
`II'I'HER'I'MI- u mni-u.cnvirul. Irhe.
`hummus. hunger. thirst. Mun-nuts. dull-o.
`with. hope. SEDIIIIEIUI'I: nan-nan yamltrh.
`Ilifl'rh-lt‘fl-i! In.
`Inn-gi-MI- ."l;3IIIJI.t1'rI-fi.'u:i. ion-.- In. tho dlstlnm
`of a pLI-rr rut or writ or1 he firm-with {England}
`mendiatt. Imuurnd III dam:-
`Inani-hI-Ii -IIII .'_|'.'I.II.j:'I{JI)MIfl.III-:Il. III'IrI-j My.
`1 mulling Imgthwtu. I reluumtln iuflflitudb.
`l1ml-fiI-d-n-II-hr In
`lunl-Ihil "humanism. 'Il'th'G'.‘ In. I lo‘rLIII. rumm-
`WInL'I'q) with nan and .I nail. Iliad. bf IIhI: Viking:
`Innrlilun."I-ir¢s.s11fir.1ixo-Ir I4 ruialiniilnvn-T
`mlng 11mg Im- seashore.
`Inn-Iii .I'LcTura; n. I hnzmhofimmed In
`wIm monolf with mumtmn. tonnmmonho
`I'ItI-Ild Inner part: of I II'oIIItIi I'tIIIt.
`Int wot: i 1.1 direct filtll' 21mm I plttItuLIr
`dirrclinn. :l I'LI'I'E "IE Inn-um: uf being: mm:
`hm" farm-r Min-Mm. :I [act- or I mutt:
`dlroulonuhr moms idol: fl'l-ll out: It! humor. H.