`from the University of’ldaho
`Center for Potato
`A comprehensive guide
`For potato production
`written by scientists and educators
`Research and Education
`ieffrey C, Stork
`Stephen L Love
`A comprehensive guide
`For potato production
`written by scientists and educators
`‘ from the University ofldaho »
`Center for Potato
`Research and Education
`Co- Editors
`Jeffrey C. Stark
`Stephen L. Love
`, Extension
`Photo Credits
`Most photographs and graphics were taken from collections of University of Idaho Extension educators,
`scientists, and researchers who have written the chapters, Others were used with permission From the
`idaho Potato Commission
`Potato Grower Magazine
`Idaho Crop Improvement Association
`Oregon State University Extension
`Cornell University Cooperative Extension
`Colorado State University Entomology Club
`University of California
`Weed Science Society of America (WSSA)
`Dodie Wilson and Scott Nissen, Colorado State University Weed Science
`Paul C. Peck Photography
`All photography in Chapter 11, Nematode Management, courtesy of]. D. Eisenback, professor of
`nematology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia.
`Drawings in Chapter 12, Weed Management in Potatoes, courtesy of Betsy Morishita, Twin Falls, Idaho.
`Publishing Credit
`Pubsished through the University otldaho Agricultural Communications.
`Project management: jerald R. Adams, jRAdams Publishing
`Design and illustration: A. E. Grey, Matthew Cutshall, Deborah Martell, and Lorraine Ashland
`Marketing: Sherry Croston
`Index and CD: Kit Craine, CyberLibraries
`Cover Photo Credit
`Jonathan L. Whitworth, idaho Crop Improvement Association, Inc., Generation 3 (G3) seed lot of Russet
`Burbank near Squirrel, Idaho.
`Copyright © 2003 University ofldaho Agricultural Communications. Ail rights reserved. No part ofthis
`publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
`electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the
`Requests For additional information should be made to University of Idaho Agricultural Communications,
`PO Box 442332, Moscow, Idaho 83844-2332 USA. Telephone: 208/885-6436 Facsimile; 2o8/885-9046
`Email: ageomm®uidahoedu or visit us on the Internet at http:f/inio.ag,uidahoeduf
`Printed in South Korea
`International Standard Book Number: 158803-0016
`Published in the United States ofAmerica
`jeflrey C. Stark—Division Chair, Plant Science, and Professor, Crop Management, University of
`Idaho Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Ph.D. from Univer-
`sity of California at Riverside (jstark@uidah0.edu)
`Specializing in soil, water, and nutrient management in potato cropping systems with emphasis on nutri—
`ent—use efi‘iciency, stress physiology, and precision fertilization and irrigation technologies.
`Stephen L. Love—Superintendent, Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, and Professor, Plant
`Science, University of Idaho Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences, Aberdeen, Idaho.
`Ph.D. from Clemson University, South Carolina (slove@uidaho.edu)
`Specializing in potato variety development, with emphasis on evaluation ofpotato germplasm, produc—
`tion and dissemination of breeder seed, commercialization of new varieties, and development of crop
`management strategies for new potato varieties.
`juan M. Alvarez—Research Entomologist, Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, University of
`Idaho, Aberdeen, Idaho (jalvarez@uidaho.edu); specializing in the management of potato and cereal
`Peggy Bevin—Scientific Aide, Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, University of Idaho,
`Aberdeen, Idaho (mbain@uidaho.edu); specializing in potato variety development.
`Craig R. Baird—Former Extension Specialist and Professor Emeritus, Parma Research and Extension
`Center, Parma, Idaho; specializing in the management ofpotato and cereal insects.
`Edward j. Bechinski—Extension Specialist and
`Professor, University of Idaho Department of
`Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences, Moscow,
`Idaho (edh@uidaho.edu); specializing in inte~
`grated pest management.
`William H. BOW—Extension Educator«Pota~
`toes, Bingham, Power, and Bannock counties,
`University of Idaho, Bingham County Exten—
`sion, Blackfoot,
`Idaho (Wbohl@uidaho.edu);
`specializing in potato production.
`Dennis L. Corsini~-~-Potato Pathologist (retired),
`USDAlARS, Aberdeen Research and Extension
`Center, Aberdeen, Idaho; specializing in potato
`viruses and screening for disease resistance.
`Robert B. Dwelle—Professor, University of Idaho
`Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sci—
`ences, Moscow,
`Idaho (bdwelle@uidaho.edu);
`specializing in potato physiology
`Charlotte V. Eberlein—lnrerim Director, Uni-
`versity of Idaho Extension, and Extension Spe—
`cialist, Twin Falls Research and Extension Center,
`University of Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho (extdir@
`uidahoedu); specializing in weed management
`for potatoes and other crops.
`Lorie L. Ewing-Tissue Culture Specialist, Univer—
`sity of Idaho Department of Plant, Soil and Ento—
`mological Sciences, Moscow,
`Idaho (lowing
`@uidalioedu); specializing in micropropagalion
`ofpota toes.
`Brian F. Finnigam Former Extension Educa
`tor and Associate Extension Professor Emeritus,
`University of Idaho, Bingham County Exten—
`sion, Blackfoot, Idaho; specializing in potato pro—
`duction and green manures.
`Bradley D. Geary—Extension Specialist, Parma
`Research and Extension Center, University of
`Idaho, Parma, Idaho (bgeary@uidaho.edu); spa
`clalizing in potato and onion production.
`Joseph F. ‘Guenthner—Extension Specialist and
`Professor, University of Idaho Department of
`Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology,
`Moscow, Idaho (jguenthner@uidaho.edu)g spe—
`cializing in agricultural economics with emphasis
`in potatoes.
`Sand 1.. Heifer-Extension Specialist and Su—
`perintendent, Parma Research and Extension
`Center, University of
`Idaho, Parma,
`(shafez@uidaho.edu); specializing in crop nema~
`Pamelaj. S. Hrrtchlnsanmfixtensim Specialist,
`Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, Uni—
`versity of Idaho, Aberdeen, Idaho (phutch@
`uidahoedu); specializing in weed management in
`Wayne B.jones——-Extension Educator and Chair,
`University of Idaho, Bonneville County Exten-
`sion, Idaho Falls, Idaho (wjones@uidaho.edu);
`specializing in potato production and urban ltorti~
`Bradley A. King—~Irrigation Research Engineer,
`Department of Biological and Agricultural En—
`gineering, Aberdeen Research and Extension
`Center, University of Idaho, Aberdeen, Idaho
`(bradk@uidaho.edu); specializing in irrigation
`water management and irrigation system design.
`Gale E. Kleinkopf—«Research Professor and Su—
`perintendent, Kimberly Research and Extension
`Center, University of Idaho, Kimberly, Idaho
`(1d,einl<opf@l<i1nberly.uidah0.edu)g specializing
`in potato storage and physiology.
`jefi’rey S. Milken—Extension Specialist, Aberdeen
`Research and Extension Center, University of
`Idaho, Aberdeen, Idaho (jsmiller@uidaho.edu};
`specializing in the management offield diseases in
`Phillip Nolte—Extension Specialist, Idaho Falls
`Research and Extension Center, University of
`Idaho, Idaho Falls, Idaho (pnolte@uidaho.edu);
`specializing in seed potato production and man—
`agement ofpotato diseases.
`Robert L. Stoltz—Former Extension Specialist
`and Professor Emeritus, Twin Falls. Research and
`Extension Center, University of Idaho, Twin
`Falls, Idaho; specializing in the management of
`Richard Nonly—Research Geneticist, USDA/ARS,
`Aberdeen Research
`and Extension Center,
`Palanisamy Sundararaj——Research Associate,
`Parrna Research and Extension Center, Univer—.
`Aberdeen, Idaho (rnovy@uidaho.edu); specializ—
`ing in potato breeding and genetics.
`sity of Idaho, Parma, Idaho; specializing in crop
`Nora Olsen—Extension Specialist, Twin Falls
`Research and Extension Center, University of
`Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho (norao@uidaho.edu);_
`specializing in potato sto/age management and.
`seed physiology.
`Dale T. Westermann—Research Leader/Loca—
`tion Coordinator and Soil Scientist, USDA/ARS,
`Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Labora
`tory, Kimbei ly, Idaho (DTVV@NVVISRL.ais.usda.
`gov); specializing in crop soilfertility
`Paul E. Patterson—~Extension Specialist and
`Professor, Idaho Falls Research and Extension
`Center, University of Idaho, Idaho Falls, Idaho
`(ppaLterson@uidaho.edu); agricultural
`mist with an emphasis in farm management, cost
`of production, and economic analysis of produce
`tion systems.
`Larry E. SandvoI—Former Extension Specialist
`and Professor Emeritus, Aberdeen Research and
`Extension Center, University of Idaho, Aberdeen,
`Idaho; specializing in the management ofpotato
`and cereal insects.
`James C. Whitmore~8uperintendenn Tetonia
`Research and Extension Center, University of
`Idaho, Tetonia, Idaho (whitmore@uidaho.edu);
`specializing infoundation seedproduction.
`jonathan L. WhitworthiArea Manager, Idaho
`Crop Improvement Association, Idaho Falls,
`Idaho (whitworth__idahocrop@junocorn); spe—
`cializing in seed potato certification.
`Chapter 1
`Distribution to the World
`Famous Idaho PotatoesTM
`The Need to Know More
`Chapter 2
`Plant Structure and Terminology
`Growth Stages
`Chapter 3
`Russet Varieties for Fresh Use or French Fry Processing
`Bannock Russet
`Gem Russet
`Russet Burbank
`Urnatllla Russet
`Russets for French Fry Processing
`Ranger Russet
`Russets for Fresh Use
`Russet Norkotah
`Long Whites for Processing
`' Shepody
`Varieties for Dehydration Processing
`Round White Varieties for Processing into Chips
`FL 1533
`Ivory Crisp
`Specialty Varieties for Fresh Market (Red Skin)
`Red 1,05on
`Specialty Varieties for Fresh Market (Yellow Flesh}
`Yukon Goid
`Chapter 4
`Producing High-Quality Seed Potatoes
`Production ofPre-Nuciear Mini-Tubes
`Harvest and Storage ofPre-Nuciear iubers
`Production of Nuciear Seed
`Productionfrom Mini-Tuber:
`Productionfrom {Dre-Nuclear Transpiants
`Vine Killing and Maturing the Nuclear Seed Crop
`Harvesting and Siwugc
`Producing Later Generations
`Ci to (36 Seed mber Crops
`Certification of Seed Potatoes
`Definition ofCertifieci Seed
`Application for Certification
`Certification ofGreenhouse Pre-Nuclear Stocks
`Idaho Certification Standardsfor G7 to C 6 Seed
`Difircrences in State Certification Programs
`Field Selection
`Soil Texture and Organic Matter
`Soii Compaction
`Soil Chemicai Characteristics
`Ficid History
`Crop Rotations
`Crop Sequences in Mano
`Tiiiagc and Soil Managemcn;
`Nitrogen Contributions from Legume Crops
`Potato Root Disease and Nematode Suppression
`Selecting a Green Manure Crop
`Culturai Practicesfor Green Manure Production
`Comparison ofCosts of Production with and without
`Green Manure
`Chapter 7
`Guidelines for Seiecting Seed
`Selection ofl-ligiri Quality Seed
`Examination ofCertification Records
`Seed Tuber and Seed Piece Size
`Seed Tuber Size
`Average Seed Piece Size and Distribution
`Determining Average Seed Piece Size
`Determining Seed PieCe Size Distribution
`Seed Age
`Physioiogical Age
`Performance ofPhysio/ogically Aged Seed
`Factors influencing Physiological Age of Seed
`Estimating Physiological Age of Seed
`Management Considerations
`Seed Cutting and Seed Piece Treatments
`Seed Cutter Maintenance and Adjustments
`Seed Piece Treatments
`Pre~Cutting Seed
`Establishing a Uniform Plant Stand
`Planting Depth
`Planting Seed Pieces Accurately
`Determining Planting Accuracy and Average
`Seed Piece Spacing
`Examples of Determining Planting Accuracy
`C ha pter 8
`Nutrient Management Efiiciency
`Nutrient Uptake Patterns
`Factors Affecting Nutrient Requirements
`Soil and Environmental Factors
`Plant Diseases
`Determining Nutrient Requirements
`Soil Analysis
`Plant Tissue Analysis
`9 7
`1 1 7
`1 18
`1 19
`Fertilizer Application Methods
`Nitrogen Management
`Crop Nitrogen Uptake
`Available Nitrogen Sources
`Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations
`Split Nitrogen Management
`ln-Season N Applications
`Monitoring Crop N Status
`irrigation Management
`Winter Cover Crops
`Phosphorus Management
`Soil Phosphorus Availability
`Prenlant Phosphorus Recommendations
`In—Season Phosphorus Applications
`Potassium Management
`Yield and Quality
`Potassium Uptake
`Prepiant Potassium Fertilizer Recommendations
`fin-Season Potassium Applications
`Petiole K Responses
`Sulfur, Calcium, and Magnesium Management
`Calcium and Magnesium
`Micronutrient Management
`Benefits osting IPM
`How to Use IPM Principles
`Principle No. 1: No Silver Builet
`Principle No. 2: Treat Causes ofPest Oatbreaks,
`Not Symptoms
`Principle No. 3: Pest Presence Does Not Mean a
`Pest Problem
`Principle No. 4: lfYou Kill the Natural Enemies,
`You inherit Their Work
`Principle No. 5:]ust-in-Time vsjust-in-Case
`Economic Injury Levels and Economic Thresholds
`Non~Eeonomie Pests
`Occasional Pests
`Severe Pests
`Pest Scouting
`Rule 1: Examine Every Field
`Rule 2: Sample Randomly
`Role 3: Sample Across the Entire Field
`Rule 4: Take Enough Samples
`Rule 5: Keep Records ofScouting Data and
`Management Actions
`Minimize Harm to Natural insect Enemies When
`Using Convention Insecticides
`Cultural Practices for Managing Weeds, Insects,
`and Diseases
`Before Planting
`During Planting
`During the Growing Season
`After Han/est
`Other 1PM Practices for Managing Certain Pests
`Physical Pest Control
`Biological Control
`Summary and Grower involvement in Using WM
`Chapter 10
`The Disease Triangle
`General Disease Management Strategies
`Other Factors to Consider
`Diseases Caused by Viruses
`Potato Latent Masaio (PVX)
`Potato Mosaic (PVY)
`Potato Mosaic (PVA)
`Potato Leafroll, Tuber Net Necrosis
`Corlqr Ringspot
`Potato Mop Top
`Viras~Vector Relationships
`Virus Management Strategies
`Diseases Caused by Bacteria
`Bacterial Ring Rot
`Blacklegfioft Rot Disease Complex
`Common Saab
`Witches’ Broom
`Diseases Caused by Fungi
`Dry Rot
`Early Dying
`Early Blight
`Late Blight
`Rnizoctonia/Blaek Scarf
`White Mold
`Pink Rot, Water Rot
`15 7
`1 64
`1 G9
`Pythiam Leak, Watery Wound Rot
`Silver Scarf
`Powdery Scab
`Biaek Dot
`Powdery Mildew
`Timeline for Disease Management Decisions
`Before Pianting
`Growing Season
`Vine Kill and Harvest Activities
`History of Potato Nematodes in the US.
`Common Nematodes in ldaho on Potatoes
`Root~Knot Nematodes
`Stubby-Root Nematodes
`Root-Lesion Nematodes
`PotatoRot Nematodes
`General Strategies for Managing Nematodes
`Green Manure:
`Chemical Controi
`Advantages of Fumigation
`Factors influencing the Efrectiveness
`ofSoil Famigation
`Chapter 12
`General Principles of Insect Management
`Avoiding insecticide Resistance
`Major Pests for Potatoes
`Colorado Potato Beetle
`Green Peach Aphid
`Management ofCPA
`Relationships ofGreen Peach Apnid to PLRV
`Factors Aflecting Spread ofNet Necrosis
`PLRV/G PA Controi Recommendations
`i l E :
`Secondary Pests for Potatoes
`Blister Beetles
`Cutworms and Armyworms
`Flea Beetles
`Garden Symphylan
`Lygus Bugs
`Potato Aphid
`Twospofted Spider Mite
`White Grubs
`Chapter 13
`Weed Identification
`Weed Llfe Cycles
`Seedling Weed Identification
`Major Weeds in Potato Cropping Systems
`Hairy Nightshade
`Cutleof Nightshade
`Common Lambsquarters
`Russlan Thistle
`Redroot Plgweecl
`Common Cocklebur
`Prickly Lettuce
`Annual Sowtlm’stle
`Prostrate Knotweed
`Common Purslone
`Tumble Mustard
`Common Mallow
`Canada Thistle
`Field Blndweed
`Yellow Nutsedge
`Green Foxtail
`Wllcl Oat
`Weed Ecology
`Dormoncy, Seed Bank, and Germination
`Weed Competition
`Integrated Weed Management
`Weed Mapping
`Cultural Controls
`Chemical Controls
`Selective Use Herbicides Registered for Weed
`Control in Potatoes
`Tre an‘3
`Pro wl®
`Dual Magnam‘a/Daal ii Magnumfl
`Non-Selective Use Herbicides Registered
`for Weed Control in Potatoes
`Gramoxone Mafi/Boa"
`Herbicide Resistance Management
`Herbicide Classification System
`Herbicide Resistance Management Strategies
`Recommendations {fResistance Is Suspected
`Chapter 14
`Potato Growth and Soil Water Availability
`Irrigation Management
`Soil Water-Holding Capacity
`Optimum Soil Moisture
`Evapotranspiration and Yield
`Irrigation Method
`Irrigation Scheduling
`Soil Water Measurements
`Irrigation System Operational Parameters
`Irrigation System Management
`Center~Pivot Management
`Set~Move Sprinkler Management
`Farrow irrigation
`Irrigation Uniformity
`28 7
`Chapter 15
`Foiiar Physiological Disorders
`Frost Iniury
`Chemical Damage
`Nutrient Imbalances
`Hail Damage
`Windburn/LeafTip Burn
`Lightning Damage
`Air Poliution Damage
`Waterlogged Soils
`Tuber Physiological Disorders
`External Physiologicai Disorders
`Maiformed Shape
`Heat Sprouts/Tuber Chaining
`Tuber Cracking
`Enlarged Lenticels
`Internal Physiological Disorders
`Brown Center/Hollow Heart
`Internal Necrosis
`Stem—end Discoioration
`Sugar Ends/Translucent Ends
`Freezing/Chilling injury
`internal Sprouting
`Bruise Damage
`Biackspot Bruise
`Shatter Bruise
`Pressure Bruise
`Summary ofPhysiologicai Disorder Management
`Chapter 16
`Processing Quality
`Carbohydrate Production and Storage
`Tuber Specific Gravity
`Environmental Factors
`Cuitural Factors
`Tuber Sugar Content
`Measuring Tuber Sugars
`Factors That Aflect Tuber Sugars
`Using Sugar Measurements to Predict and
`Manage Tuber Quality
`Assessing Current Quality
`Chemical Maturity and Storage Monitoring
`Storage Maintenance
`Skin Development and Set
`Skin Development
`Skin Set
`3 27
`3 31
`Lhapter 17
`Management Practices Before Harvest
`to Minimize Bruise Damage
`Field Selection
`345 s
`xvi i
`Fiela' Preparation
`Fertilizer and irrigation Management
`Vine Kill
`Minimizing Bruise Damage from Vine Kill
`Through Harvest
`Soil Condition
`Hydration Level
`Pulp Temperature
`Preparing Harvest Equipment
`Harvester Inspection
`Adjusting Harvester Conveyor Speeds
`Calculate Ground Speed
`Determine Current Conveyor Speeds
`Set New Conveyor Speeds
`Windrower Operation
`Minimizing Bruise Damage After Potatoes
`Are Harvested
`Tarping Trucks
`Unloading Trunks
`Even-Flow Bins
`Dirt Eliminator
`Educating Harvest Personnel
`Storage Principles
`Storage Structures
`Prenarvest Decisions
`Storage Cleaning and Maintenance
`Filling the Storage
`Early Storage and Wound Healing
`Air Circulation
`Storage Temperatures
`Relative Humidity
`Sprout inhibition
`Storage Disease Management
`General Control Methods
`Checklist for Storage Management
`1 to 3 Months Before Harvest
`7 Week Before Storage
`At Potato Delivery
`During the First 2 Months
`During the Holding Phase
`Before and During Removal
`M A R K ETI N G :
`Grower Marketing Decisions
`What to Grow
`Where and How to Sell
`When to Sell
`Principles of Economics and Marketing
`Advertising and Promotion
`Market Structure
`Market information
`Pricing Mechanisms
`Market Channels
`Fresh Potatoes
`Processed Potatoes
`Seed Potatoes
`Marketing Issues
`Regional and Seasonal Production Patterns
`Global Markets
`Market Power
`Futures Markets
`New Products
`Ch apter 20
`Cost and; Returns Estimates
`Idaho’s Costs and Returns Estimates
`Basic Assumptions
`Budget Procedures and Assumptions
`Model Farm
`Enterprise Budget Structure
`Operating and Ownership Costs
`Estimated Operating Costs '
`Calculating individual Operating Costs
`Ownership Costs
`Calculating individual Ownership Costs
`Sum mary
`t a
`[effigy C. Stark
`I n developing an efficient potato cropping system, a potato
`grower needs to make several key decisions before planting:
`(i) select a suitable field for potato production, (2) choose a
`compatible sequence of crops for the rotation, and (3) develop
`an appropriate tillage and residue management program. Since
`each field has its own unique set of characteristics, growers need
`to adapt management plans on a field—by—field basis to maxi—
`mize production efficiency.
`The suitability of a field for potato production depends on sev—
`eral characteristics, including soil physical and chemical proper—
`ties, topography, cropping history, and previous pest problems.
`Ideally, potato fields should have low to moderate slopes and soils
`that are deep, well drained, and friable with good water—holding
`capacity and low soluble salt and sodium concentrations.
`71 \'
`Soil Texture and Organic Matter
`Potatoes grow effectively in soils with tex—
`tures ranging from sands to clay loams, al~
`though yield potentials can vary appreciably
`across textural classes. Soils with relatively fine
`textures. such as clay loams and silty clay learns,
`generally have much lower water infiltration
`rates than coarsotextured soils and, therefore,
`are more prone to runoff and unequal soil water
`distribution. This can be a substantial problem
`in fields with slopes greater than 5 percent
`Unless addressed through specialized tillage
`operations, such as basin tillage, runoff problems
`can result in excessively dry soils on, upper slopes
`and ridges and waterlogged soils in low areas. PX—
`ccss water can erode soil and leach soluble nutri—
`ents out of the root zone. Waterlogged conditions
`can also reduce soil aeration, which contributes
`to reduced root physiological. activity and in»
`creased disease susceptibility and tuber disorders.
`The relatively low infiltration rates charactcr~
`istic of fine—textured soils make them more suit--
`able for set—move sprinkler irrigation systems,
`such as wheel lines and hand lines, or solid—set
`systems. Surface irrigation is also more effective
`on fine~textured soils.
`Sandy soils, on the other hand, typically have
`high infiltration rates and low water—holding ca—
`pacities, which are more suitable for center—pivot
`and linear—move irrigation systems. In addition,
`sandy soils are generally more susceptible to no—
`trient leaching than fine—textured soils because
`of their lower waterdtolding capacity.
`Soil water—holding capacity3 permeability,
`and tilth tend to improve as soil organic matter
`content increases. However, many soils in po—
`tato—producing areas have organic matter con~
`tents less than 1 percent. As a result, growers
`must make consistent efforts to increase soil or—
`ganic matter levels by returning crop residues to
`the soil and minimizing residue burning and
`unnecessary tillage operations (see Chapter 6,
`Ma n ageinent of Green Manures in Potato Crop~
`ping Systems).
`Soil Compaction
`Compacted soil layers typically result from
`excessive wheel traffic. or heavy axle loads, par»
`I Figure 5.1. Surface compaction and cmsting can slow plant
`emergence and reduce plant vigor.
`ticularly when equipment is operated on wet
`soils. Natural hard pans also occur and can have
`similar effects on soil water movement and crop
`growth. These zones of high soil built density
`can decrease soil Viratei'~holrling capacity. infil—
`tration, and drainage, which can result in exces~
`sively wet and dry areas in the field and
`increased runoff and erosion.
`Soil compaction can substantially reduce po—
`tato production efficiency. Cornpacted soils and
`hai‘dpans interfere with potato root and tuber
`growth because of increased mechanical resist~
`ance of the soil. Compaction also increases the
`amount of energy required for plant emergence
`and root extension and reduces the plant’s abil—
`ity to absorb water and nutrients (Fig. 5.1}.
`Another effect of compacted soil is that po—
`tato plants are typically less vigorous and more
`susceptible to stl‘essdnduced tuber defects than
`those grown in non—compacted soils. Limita—
`tions on root growth coupled with uneven soil
`water distribution in the field can also hasten
`the onset of early dying and increase the inci~
`dence of several other potato diseases, including
`rhizoctonia, pink eye, and pink rot.
`Generally, clay soils compact more readily
`than sandy soils, although hardpans in sands
`can also severely limit potato root penetration.
`in addition, compaction of clay and loam soils
`can lead to clod problems at harvest. which can
`increase labor requirements. interfere with bar
`vester operations, and increase tuber bruise
`Growers can use the following management practices to
`help minimize or reduce soil compaction in potato rotations:
`I Avoid field operations, such as tillage, planting, and harvest
`ing, when soils are too wet. Also, consider performing pri—
`mary tillage operations directly after harvest in areas where
`soil moisture is typically drier in the tall than in the spring.
`" Chisel or rip when soils are relatively dry at a depth that
`will adequately disrupt the compacted layers.
`' Vary the depth 0‘ tillage operations to avoid developing
`tilLage pans.
`" Reduce axle loads by usinq liqhter field equipment, or using
`equipment with axle loads distributed over several axles
`rather than one or two.
`" Minimize repeated passes across the same wheel tracks, and
`avoid unnecessary field operations.
`' Use rotation crops, such as alfalfa, small grains, and corn,
`that help break up hard pans and improve soil structure. By
`field operations associated with row crops,
`such as sugar beets, tend to increase soil compaction.
`row crops in
`the rotation.
`Increase the number mc years between potatoes and other
`The development of center—pivot and linear~
`move irrigation systems, together with basin tillage,
`has greatly expanded the range of topographic con~
`clitions under which potatoes are grown. However,
`strongly sloping ground does increase the potential
`for soil erosion, uneven water distribution, and
`presents severe limitations to planting, cultivating,
`and harvesting operations (Fig. 5.2).
`Slopes greater than 5 percent substantially in—
`crease runoff and erosion potential unless groi —
`ers use some form of basin tillage, such as
`clarnmcr—cliking (see Fig. 5.}; at end of chapter),
`to intercept and hold water in place. Even with
`basin tillage, however, runoff can be significant
`in wheel tracks. Slopes greater than 10 percent
`create problems with slippage and alignment of
`planting, cultivation, and harvesting equip-
`ment, Misalignmcnt and unequal spacing of
`rows can cause plant damage during cultivation
`and harvesting operations.
`Soil Chemical Characteristics
`The primary soil chemical characteristics that
`affect potato production are pl‘l, cation ex—
`change capacity (CBC), soil salinity, and sodicily.
`pH Levels
`Potatoes growywell under a fairly wide range
`of soil pH levels, although soils with near neu—
`tral pH (6.5 to 7.5) generallyprovide maximum
`nutrient availability. However, potatoes fre—
`quently are grown on high pH soils (greater
`than 2.5).
`At high soil pH levels, the availability of phosv
`phorus, iron, zinc, and manganese are reduced,
`which creates a need for growers to modify fer—
`tilizer management practices that improve nu»
`trient uptake efficiency. Under acidic soil
`conditions (pH less than 6.0) nutrient availabil—
`ity is also reduced, and soils frequently need
`lime applications to raise soil pH to the optimal
`range for nutrient uptake.
` CouriasyofPam:
`Cation Exchange Capacity
`Cation exchange capacity (CBC) is an impor—
`tant soil property that strongly influences the
`availability of positively charged ions (cations),
`such as potassium, ammonium, calcium, magne—
`sium, iron, zinc, and manganese. Since clays con—
`tain the vast majority of cation exchange sites in
`soils, CEC’s are proportional to clay content. Al—
`though CEC is usually not a limitation to potato
`production, soils with low CEC’s, such as sands,
`usually have a greater need for in—season n utrient
`applications than those with high CEC’s.
`Soil Salinity
`Saline soils, which have relatively high soluble
`salt concentrations, can reduce potato growth
`and yield by decreasing the plant’s ability to ab—
`sorb water from the soil. Salinity can also inter—
`fere with plant physiological processes involved
`in dry matter production and distribution
`within the plant. This condition may cause re—
`Figare 5.2. Sloping ground can present challengesforp/ant
`ing, cultivating, and harvesting operations.
`duced Vine and tuber growth. Saline soils can be
`reclaimed if infiltration and drainage character-
`istics are adequate and sufficient amounts of
`low salt water are available to leach salts out of
`the root zone.
`For long—term irrigation management consid—
`erations, growers should adjust water application
`amounts to maintain adequate leaching of salts
`out of the root zone. The amount of leaching re—
`quired, known as the leaching requirement (LR),
`is the amount of drainage water (DW) that must
`be produced, expressed as a fraction of the
`amount of water applied to the soil (1w).
`The LR depends primarily on the ratio of the
`salinity of the irrigation water (8,) to the accept-
`able level of salinity in the soil solution as meas—
`ured in the drainage water (SD). The LR can be
`determined using the following relationship:
`LR: fits—l
`Recommended long—term leaching require-
`ments fo