`”mesh-lie (ib‘T-t’ln'bal see Ethiopia. —Ab'y_s-slofl-an
`d}.- k n.
`brown coat upped
`mug may. all
`. Bella ”20—93. Amer.
`'olttic'tao‘ noted
`forher rapportof feotgtlmm andthe
`cr- moveltltent.
`Ac‘ '{h'esymbolforlheelementoetht urn.
`kl obbr. Bible Acts of the Apostles
`AC alrbr'. ‘Iailhemafing current 2. area code
`Instill»: Laue lair-cool
`“o our. Lorin ante cibttro (before meals}
`of: on. 1.ml 2. account current 3. or nc air conditioning
`u—pnf. Variant of ad- 1.
`«Huff. Used co form adiectiwa from nouns: ammonioc'INLat.
`m < Gk. «he!
`o-oo-do (o-ltl'sha) n. 1. Any of various often spiny trees or
`M of 13.3.8951“; Acacia in the pea family. having heads or
`3:5 of small Elm 2. Any of several other legttnfinous
`B. 3. See
`arable. {ME e Let. < Gk. olefin]
`R'I'dtt‘ne (
`la-dem') n. 1LThe academic environment. com-
`munity. cit-world. b. Anodemic life. 2. A place in which inritruc-
`given losmdents. 3. Ascholar. esp. a pedant.1< Lat. Aru-
`dernru. the'Aoademy. See ACADEMYJ
`seen-drain (skfo-dermbo} n 'lhe academic cornmmfity; at.
`some. Macadamia < Lab. the Academy. See ACADMJ
`m-dem-kffli'ml adj. 1. 0h relating to. or character-
`istic-of! schoolms‘p. one of higher learning. In. Relating to stud-
`is Harare [bet-a! or classical: b. Relating to scholarly perform--
`allot: a student’s academic average. 3. Of or belonging to a
`'on. 4.. Scholarly- to the point of being unaware
`olthe'_ _
`' miwmformal education. 6. Fol-mais-
`tic or conventional. 7. Theoretical or speculative. 3. Having no
`pneécdporpouorumO n. 1.Amemberofan institution of
`learning. 2. one who has an 'acarlemic viewpoint or a
`-—ac'a-dem'l‘-cal -ly adv.
`flu-don rt.- Liberty'to teach. pursue. and discuss
`hulledge' mthont restriction or interim-mm.
`ac-i-tlflnfi'dln =(ik‘a-da-mlah'on. aikid'a-l n: 1. An aca-
`Garlic-1 A member of an an. literary. or scientific academy or
`gmmledfln [Ik‘a-decnfl-s‘it'oro) also a-ood-a-mism (o-
`kid’a-mfihm) n. Traditional fun-realism, esp. in art.
`non-delivks (We-dimmer) it. (used with o pl. verb) College 'or
`road-rut! (radio-me] n., pl. «tiles 1. Axel-tool for special
`lam-um 3. A secondary or colleg'e-preparatoi-y school. esp. 'a
`private. one; So. The academic community; awderoe: h‘. Higher
`Whmuaedwith the. aAdetyofscholai-‘s.sci—
`enlists, or-orliata.-4.'Academy a. Plato's school for advanced edu-
`ulioinb. Plato'nism. cm disciples'ol Plato. [Lac-mama, the
`MM-Plam taught (Gk.Mm]
`Ava-an (Hutton-o) A region and former Fruidi colony of E- '-
`Chanda. chiefly in Nova Scotia but also including New Bruns-
`aeiti. Punoelidvmd 1.. Cape Breton Land the meal am from
`HE’S; mitts-imam; _
`A-ie'I-rlt onto-WM) adj. Of'or- relating-to Acadia or in pen-
`“manicure. 6 a. to. One of the eaflyl’r‘ench‘settlers
`‘ Adenoendantof these settlers, esp.aCajiitt.it_.A dia- _
`um a-Hn'thol n. pl. cine-(1th?) A shun . mt!!!" “7
`Wench as theispioous process of aver-rebut: Nlat. < Git.
`lith- pref Thomr Emfiohgpltnlon. _[<- Gk:
`m'satéam’whm) minimally
`_ Welded worm. [ez Enchant!»-
`m:' bit-"Gk. keyhole: oceanic-e '
`the Pacific Queen. Pup. 301.902.
`acfar-boso {atrial-They) n. A drug used in the management of
`mild diabetes melltlus that acts to reduce blood glucose levels.
`Fla-I + mulol— + mil
`ac-a-rl-a-sls [myrtle-sis) n. Infestation with or disease caused
`by mites. “cannot + —1nsts.]
`{C'l'fld [filth-rid) n. An arachnid of the order Marina. which
`“dud“ “‘9 mites "Id “‘35- l< NLat. Acart'dtre. family name
`< Acorns. type enos 4: GIL alum-i. a mite-.1 —acta-rld adj.
`rear-pout (lb ltr’pas) adj. Botany 1. Producing no fruit; sterile.
`2. Having no fruit.
`ae-I-rus {Hitler-as] it. pl. -I'l [-rl’) A nllle. cap. one of the genus
`Atoms. [NLaL Atoms. See mutual
`I'tl‘t'a'lecttlc (fl-kflt’I-t‘k’tlk) adj. Having a metrical!
`plete pattern. esp. having the lull number of syllables in 1 e final
`foot. Used of verse. lust. ominlmirus < 01:. nkatalrktilm : on.
`nor. see A-l + lmmtrlcrikos. incomplete: sec antenna:
`no ta: .
`a-couidata (a-kofdtt’) also a-eau-dol ta~kndttl mi}. Having
`a-eau-les-cont {a’kfi-li‘s’onll adj. Barony Stcmlcss or appar-
`ently so.
`acc. abhr. accusative
`AC'CId [hlt'fid’. Elkfidlj Sec Akkad.
`ae-cede [tksedtt intmr. {ed-ed. -oed-lng. nude: 1. To give
`one’s consent, oltcn at the insistence of another: concede. See
`Syns at assent. 2. To arrive at or come into an office or dignity:
`accede to the throne. 3. To become a party In an agreement. IME
`fit‘ffllfll, to come near <1 Lat. act-Mere. to go near : ad—. ad- + cs-
`dcre, to 50.1 —ac-ced*ence (Ased’nsl n. —ac- ced‘er n.
`ac-cel-er-In-dn (d-chol’a—rh‘n'do) adv. 3r adj. Music Gradually
`accelerating in time. lltal.. pr. part. of accelerate, to hasten < Lat.
`aa‘clerdre. Sec ntlUElliltnTFJ
`acocel-er-ant tilt-oil'ar-antl n. A substance. such as a perm
`Ieum distillate. that is used as a catalyst.
`ac-coI-er-ote (ck-sallomit’) l’. -at-ed, -at-ing.-ates—tr. 1. To
`increase the Speed of. 2. To cause to occur sooner than expected.
`3. To cause to develop or progress more quickly. 4. To reduce the
`time required for (an academic course, for example). 5. Phflcs
`To change the velocity ol. —intr. ‘I. To move or act faster. 2. To
`develop or progress faster than usual. ant. nrcelerdre. accelerate 1
`dd‘. intensive pref; seem—+czlernre. to quicken t< m'er. swift”
`——ac-celter-a'tive anti.
`ac-cel-erva-tlon (lik-sél'a—ro'shan) o. la. The act of accelent-
`ing. b. The process of being accelerated. 2. Physics The rate of
`change of velocity with respect to time.
`acceleration of'gravlty n. The acceleration of freely falling
`bodies under the influence of terrestrial gravity. equal to approx.
`9.81 meters {32 feet) per second per second.
`ac-oel-er-avtor (ik-sél’a—ra'tar) n. 1. A device. esp. the gas
`pedal of a motor vehicle. for increasing speed 2. Chemistry A
`substance that increasfi the speed of a reaction. 3. Physics A par-
`ticle accelerator.
`accelerator board it. A printed circuit board that enhances a
`computer‘s performance by substituting a laster microprocessor
`without replacing the entire motherboard.
`accelerator mass spectrometry n. Ma'ss'spectrascopy in which
`a particle accelerator is used to disassociatc molecules; ionlze
`atoms, and accelerate the ions.
`takeaway—ego?) n. An: accelerometer
`equipped to measure and record ground motion during an earth-
`- oercoI-er-omve-tor (ak-sél'ovromfl-tor) it. An instrument used
`to' measure acceleration. [AmlAHON) +-MI-.'T‘ER.I
`lit-cont (akfaentiln. 1. The relative prominence at a particular
`syllable of a word by greater intensity or by variation. or modula-
`tion of—pitch or tons-2. Vocal prominenoe'or-emphatis given to
`a partials: syllable. word. or phrase. 3. A- characteristic promo--
`elation. capo a. One determined by the rcgional or social buck—
`ground of
`e speaker. b. One dew-mined by the phonetic habits
`'tjve language carried menu his or her use of
`another language. 4. A marl: or symbol used in the printing and-
`writtng-of oeminunguag'es-tn indicate the vocal quality to be
`r letter: on acute accent. 5. A marker symbol
`given too
`used in printing and writing to mdtootethe screened syllables ot a.
`oi 50!
`I P“
`spoken-hora: o. Rhythmiwly signification.” m 1 Into of. verse.
`3 P"! W m
`Liliana. Emphasis given to a note. as byanlncreue in volume
`a: care a m
`or extended duration. la. A math-@reoepttllgl'flnrs. Morhemor—
`a my" on m
`g...". “on."*‘Wntc°r‘w.mnr.ttc . rm
`. ..
`some mu .
`marinara“ the no: dodmtiveofotariahle. 9. A ntnrlt or ”one oi
`‘ g;
`a. :5
`,tevor'al manicured asa supesaoripttoindmaten unit. much as feet
`1 F“
`in this
`wand-WUHHWWHIEAWW kph h r.
`or 'q'uallmal in a doconlivo style-1th Particular unpomn’ce or
`a Pill
`Interestt'emplmii.“5c'e Sync u emphaatogronrme {tighten _. Mr.
`é tee
`term éo'onteod.‘ «things-out! ILTo metropolitan-the
`a W m
`it’l‘tr nitric trial [women-1'9 foam-
`~ We. [Mil-it Wemmmw slim-m
`nomad-.mw mnmangkmwflng-soewtowt arm);
`'I--'rk.unm=d}mfidl-0WW mum- *;
` El
`WWW... inflow-Mme“ urn-
`7 '-
`atop a Corinthian column