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`Webster's New World"' College Dictionary, Fourth Edition
`Copyright © 1999 by Macmillan USA
`This edition is a major revision of Webster's New World'"' College Dictionary,
`Third Edition, copyright© 1997, 1996, 1994, 1991, 1988 by Macmillan USA
`All rights reserved
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`Macmillan General Reference
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`A Webster's New World"' Book
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`Dictionary Editorial Offices:
`New World Dictionaries
`850 Euclid Avenue
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster's New World college dictionary/ Michael Agnes, editor in
`chief. - 4th ed.
`"A Webster's New World book"-T.p. verso.
`ISBN 0-02-863118-8 (thumb-indexed). -
`ISBN 0-02-863119-6 (plain-edged).
`ISBN 0-02-863120-X (leatherkraft). -
`ISBN 0-02-863471-3 (deluxe).
`1. English language-Dictionaries.
`I. Agnes, Michael.
`II. Title: College dictionary.
`PE1628.W5629 1999
`Manufactured in the United States of America
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`inputter / insensitive
`organic, in which the' personality is seriously dis
`ANT. sanity
`a circuit, machine, etc. c) data or programs entered or to be
`in·sa•tiable (in sa'sha ha!, -she a-) adj. [see IN-' &
`entered into a computer for processing d) any offered infonnation,
`stantly wanting more; that cannot be satisfied or 8/\'I'i.,.
`as an opinion or advice 3 a terminal connection for receiving elec-
`tric power or signals -vt. -•put', -•put'•ting to enter (data) into a
`. greed:;: -in-sa'•tiabil'·ity n. -in-sa'•tiably adv.
`computer -adj. of or relating to computer input -in'•put'·ter n. m·sa-t1ate (in sa'shat; -she at, -at') ad/. [L insatiatu ]
`in-quest (in'kwest') n. [ME enqueste < OFr < VL *inquaesita , fem.
`lied; insatiable -in•sa'•tiate-ly adv. -in-sa'-tiate•ne~ neyer
`s 11•
`in-scape (in'skap') n. the essential quality of a thin
`pp. of *inquaerere: see INQUIRE] 1 a judicial inquiry, as a coroner's
`investigation of a death 2 the jury or group holding such an
`etc., especially as expressed in an artistic work
`g, Place,
`inquiry 3 the verdict of such an inquiry
`in-scribe (in skrib') vt. -•scribed', -•scrib'·ing [L inscr·b
`in-qui•etude (in kwi'a tood', -tyood') n. [ME < MFr inquietude < & SCRIBE] 1 a) to write, mark, or engrave (words s
`i ere:
`some surface b) to write on, mark, or engrave (a ~ui}"boJs, e
`LL inquietudo < L inquietus, restless: see IN-' & QUIET] 1·estless-
`the name of (someone) to a list; enroll 3 a ) to dedtce) 2
`ness; uneasiness
`in-qui-line (in'kwa lin', -Jin) n. [L inquilinus, inhabitant< in-, in+
`sage in (a book, etc. one is presenting as a gift) 4 to A:11:lled
`song, etc.) briefly and informally b) to write a short cate (a
`steJT1 of colere, to till, dwell: see CULT] an animal, usually an insect,
`deeply or lastingly in the mind, memory, etc. 5 Geo,n or ilQ
`that lives in the nest or abode of another, with or without harm to
`figure) inside another figure so that their boundaries •toto
`in'•quHin•ism' (-Jin iz'am) n.
`the host: cf. COMMENSAL -
`in-quire (in kwir') vi. -•quired', -•quir'•ing [ME enqueren < OFr many points as possible -in-scrib'er n.
`in-scr_ip•tion (in skrip'shan) n. [ME inscripcioun < L ·
`enquerre < VL *inquaerere, for L inquirere < in-, into+ quaerere, to
`inscnptus, pp. of inscnbere] 1 the act of mscribing 2nsc11
`seek] 1 to seek information; ask a question or questions 2 to
`inscribed or engraved, as on a coin or monument 3 o) 80111
`carry out an examination or investigation: usually with into -vt.
`J svN
`informal dedication in a book, etc. b) a short si= a·b ·


`k · f
`written in a book, etc. one is presenting as a gift ~,end In:
`to see m ormat10n a out to inquire t e way -
`'. . ASK -
`inquire after to pay respects by asking about the health of -
`adj. or in·scrip'•tional
`inquire for 1 to ask to see (someone) 2 to try to get by asking -in•
`in•scru-table (in skroot'a bal) adj. [ME < LL(Ec) inscrut b'
`quir'er n. -in-quir'•ingly adv.
`in-quiry (in'kwar e, in kwir'e, in'kwir'e) n., pl. -•quir•ies [earlier
`in-, not+ scrutari, to search carefully, examine: see SCR~ i ,
`cannot be easily. unde~stood; completely obscure or Ill tel
`enquery < ME enquere] 1 the act of inquiring 2 an investigation
`or examination 3 a question·, query
`unfathomable; emgmatic -SYN. MYSTERIOUS -in•scru•,tJ~11,
`-m•scru'•tably adv.

`in•qui-si-tion (in'kwa zish'an) n. [ME inquicisioun < OFr inquisi-
`in-seam (in'sem') n. an inner seam;
`tion < L inquisitio < inquisitus, pp. of inquirerej 1 the act of
`crotch to the bottom of a trouser leg
`inquiring; investigation 2 [I-) R.C.Ch. a) a former general tribunal
`established in the 13th cent. for the discovery and suppression of m-sect (in'sekt') n. [< L insectum (animate), lit., notched (
`neut. of pp. of in'secare, to cut into < in-, in + secare to cut
`heresy and the punishment of heretics b) the activities of this
`SAW'): from the segmented bodies: cf. ENTOMO-D 1 ar{y of a 1
`tribunal 3 a) any harsh or arbitrary suppression or punishment of
`class (Insecta) of small
`dissidents or nonconformists b) any severe or intensive question-
`arthropod animals charac-
`terized, in the adult state,
`ing 4 Law a) an inquest or any judicial inquiry b) the written
`finding of such an inquiry -in'•qui•si'•tional adj.
`by division of the body into
`in•qui•si-tion-ist (-ist) n. INQUISITOR
`head, thorax, and abdomen,
`in-quisi-tive (in kwiz'a tiv) adj. [ME enquesitif < OFr inquisitif <
`three pairs of legs on the
`LL inquisitivus < L inquisitus, pp. of inquirere: see INQUIRE] 1
`thorax, and, usually, two
`inclined to ask many questions or seek information; eager to learn
`pairs of membranous wings,
`2 asking more questions than is necessary or proper; prying -SYN.
`including beetles, bees, flies,
`CURIOUS -in-quis'i-tively adv. -in-quis'i·tive-ness n.
`wasps, and mosquitoes 2
`in•quisi-tor (in kwiz'a tar) n. [OFr inquisiteur < L inquisitor <
`popularly, any small arthro(cid:173)
`inquisitus, pp.: see INQUIRE] 1 an official whose work is examin-
`pod, usually wingless,
`ing, or making an inquisition 2 any harsh or prying questioner 3
`including spiders, centi(cid:173)
`[1-] an official of the Inquisition
`pedes, pill bugs, and mites
`3 an unimportant or con-
`in•quisi-to-rial (in kwiz'a tor'e al) ad;_ [< ML inquisitorius] 1 of
`temptible person
`in-sec•tar-ium (in'sek ter'e
`or like an inquisitor or inquisition 2 inquisitive; prying-in•quis'i·
`am) n., pl. -•ia (-a) [ModL] a
`to'•ri•ally adv.
`in re (in re', in ra') [L] in the matter (of); concerning
`INSECT (housefly)
`place where insects are
`in rem (in rem') [L, lit. , against the thing] Law designating an
`raised, esp. for study: also in•sec•tary (in sek'ta re, in'sek'-· in'sek
`action or judgment against a thing, as property, as distinguished
`ter'e), pl. -•ta•ries
`in-sec•ti•cide (in sek'ta sid') n. [< INSECT + -CIDE] any substance
`from o~e against a pe_rson (in perso~am)
`-m-res1dence (m rez'1 dans) combining form appomted to work at,
`used to kill insects -in-sec'·ti•ci'·dal adj.
`and 1;1suall1 residing at, a given insti~ution, as a college, for a * in-sec-ti•fuge (in sek'ta fyooj') n. any substance used to repel or
`certam penod [the English Departments poet-in-residence]
`drive away insects
`INRI abbrev. [L Jesus Nazarenus, Rex ludaeorum] Bible Jesus of
`in-sec-tile (in sek'tal) adj. 1 of or like an insect: also in•sec•tl·val
`Nazareth., King of the Jews: the inscription placed over Ch,~st's
`(in'sek ti'val) 2 consisting of insects
`in-sec-ti•vore (in sek'ta vor') n. [Fr < ModL insectivorus: see fol)
`. head durmg the crucifixion Cf. Luke 23:38
`m-road \in'rod') n. [IN~• + ROAD (in obs. sense of "riding")] 1 a
`1 any of an order (Insectivora) of generally small, primitiye mam(cid:173)
`sudden mvas1on or raid 2 any advance; esp., an mtrus10n or mals that are active mainly at night and that feed frinc1pally OD
`insects, as moles, shrews, or hedgehogs 2 any anima or plant tbal
`encroachment: usually used in pl.
`in-rush (in'rush') n. a rushlng in; inflow; influx
`feeds on insects
`ins abbrev. 1 inches 2 insulated 3 insurance
`in-sec-tivo•rous (in'sek tiv'a ras) -adj. [ModL insectivorus: sel
`INS abbrev. Immigration and Naturalization Service
`. INSECT & -VOROUS] feeding chiefly on insects
`in sae-cula sae-cu-lo-rum (in sa'koo Iii.' sa'koo Jo room') [L, into m-se•cure (in'si kyoor') adj. [ML insecurus] not sec~e;_sp~if.,ol
`_ ages ?f ages]_ for ever and ever; for eternity
`not safe from danger b) not confident; filled with_ ~~ties:
`he_n~1ve c\ not firm or dependable, unreliable -m secure Y
`m-sah•vate (m sal'a vat') vt. -•vat'ed, --vat'·ing [IN-'+ SALIVATE] to
`. -m ·se-cu ·nty n., pl. -ties
`mix (food) with saliva in chewing
`in-sa•lu-bri-ous (in'sa loo'bre as) adj.[< L insalubris + -ous] not m-sel•berg (m'sal oorg', -zal-) n . ., pl._ -_-bergs' or -•ber'~e 1~~
`in'•sa•IU'•brity (-bra te) n
`salubrious· not healthful· unwholesome -
`an 1Solated :rocky hill or mountam rismg aboye a pen P
`I -sane m san a _i.
`- ') d. ['L

`hot, dry region: cf. MONADNOCK
`] 1
`. not sane; menta y I ir in-semi-nate (in sem'a nat') vt. -•nat'ed , -•nat'•in~ (<
`. insanus
`deranged, demented, mad._ not a techmcal term. see _INSANITY
`inseminatus, pp. of inseminare, to sow in < in-, in + semi~re, IO
`of or for msane peopl~ [ an insane a~ylum], 3 very foolish, impracti-
`sow < semen, seed: see SEMEN] 1 to sow seeds in; esp., to llllPrel'
`nate by sexual intercourse or by artificially injecting ~e!Ilen 2 IO
`. cal, ex_travaga_nt, etc., sen~eless -m•sane ly adv.
`~n-sam:tary (m s~'a_ ter'e) adJ._ UNSANITARY
`. implant (ideas, etc.) in (the. mind, etc.) -in•sem'i•na':tIon_ n. <'·
`m-san-1ty (m sa_n a te) n., pl. -t,~s [L insamtas < insanus] 1 the m-sen-sate (in sen'sat', -sit) adj. [LL(Ec) insensatus, 1rration~.;.,:
`in-, IN-' + sensatus, gifted with sense < sensus, SENSE]. 1 lac;,
`state ?f bemg msane; menta_l illness or derangement, usually
`excludmg amentia: not a techmcal term 2 Law any form or degree
`sensation· not feeling or not capable of feeling sensation, in. •
`of mental derangement or unsoundness of mind, permanent or mate 2 w'ithout sense' or reason· foolish· stupid '3 Jacking sens!
`temporary, that makes a person incapable of ~hat is re_gard_ed
`ity; without regard or feeling fo; others;' cold; insensitive -in•S
`legally as normal, rational conduct or Judgment: 1t usually implies
`sate'ly adv. -in-sen'•sate'•ness n.-
`a need for hospitalization 3 great folly; extreme senselessness
`in•sen-sible (in sen'sa bal) adj. [OFr < L insensibilis: see IN·•
`SYN.-insanity, current in popular and legal language but' not
`SENSIBLE] 1 lacking sensation; not having the power to perce
`used technically in medicine (see definition above) implies men-
`with the senses 2 having lost sensation; unconscious _3 not oti
`tal derangement in one who formerly had mental health; lunacy
`nizing or realizing; unaware; indifferent 4 not responsive: ·
`specifically suggests periodic spells of insanity, but is now most
`ally; without feeling 5 so small, slight, or gradual as to
`commonly used in its extended sense of extreme folly; dementia
`ally im1erceptible 6 not intelligible; without meanin!(' !'tyown
`is the general term for an acquired mental disorder, now gener-
`in lega use 7 [Obs.) senseless; stupid -in-sen'•s1b1l'· 1
`ally one of organic origin, as distinguished from amentia (con-
`sen'•sibly adv.
`in-sen:si-tive (in_sen'sa tiv) adj. 1 not sensitive, esp., incaie• ·
`genital mental deficienci:-); psychosis is the psychiatric term for
`any of various s;:,ecialize·d mental d1sorders , functional or
`bemg 1mpressed, mfluenced, or affected; having little or no
`' ·,.
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