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`Total Clalr:ns PrJniClalm
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`✓ DRAWl�9
`Orwg. Figs.
`14 15
`Primary _Examiner
`WARNING: The lnlormation
`herein may be,. restriit, . Unauthorized
`may be prohlb1te·
`by the United Stales Code llllr;,
`35, Seclio_D 22, 1B1 and 368.
`outside the U
`Palenl & Trademark omce Is restricted
`and conlracters
`Page 1 of 63


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`_ _ _ _ 16. - - - - - - - - - - (cid:173)
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`_ _ _ _ 18. - - - - - - - - -- (cid:173)
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`Page 2 of 63


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`Page 3 of 63


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`Page 4 of 63


`, )RM PT0-1449
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`a, ApproprfoteJ
`tfi AL 3-250820
`ltl AR
`. AS
`OTHER DOCUMENTS (Including Author, Title, Date, Pertinent Pages, etc.J
`"NIKKEi COMMUNICATIONS", March 7, 1994, Vol. 3, No. 7, pages 100-105.
`• An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol -•or•- Converting Network Protocol
`Addresses to 48. Bit Ethernet Address for Transmission on Ethernet
`Hardware", David C. Plummer, November 1982, RFC826.TXT, pages 1-9.
`"Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange
`Between Systems - Local Area Networks - Media Access Control (MAC) Bidges",
`Draft Amendment ISO/IEC DIS 10038IDAM 2, 1992, pages 1-42.
`I# AT
`~-\- l<rzou
`• EXAMINER: Initial It roferonce considered, whether or not cltetlon It In conformance with MPEP 608; Draw line tlvough citation II not In conlormonce ond not com,idorod.
`Include copy of this form with next comm,ncation to applicant.
`Page 5 of 63


`Cllfiffiil fflttl
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`~ ~ o~71 A0) ~~ 7~ ~-~fJ:c. 't>g~~tJ:~o ~- ~* ,y ~ ~ c~.
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`C·;6:N Jitij'U:li~~O)~L ,;p,ii35tf JZ:t.J'? Z:.~~o .
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`Page 6 of 63


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`fit'l;t 16M t',;; 1-/f)-C-d'>-!> ('.§'.A'.1)o
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`9800 t.t t"jµJ 1:H:[ffl§e ('.§:~2), ~83~
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`Page 7 of 63


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`LAN m- r t ;r, -y ~ r; -1 QS (])
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`-~A ~ •• ~~L~~?~?~: ;!' -~ ' ;,.), Jp;±ii§FMR
`~IJJ:lffltfj;, ··- , _: _ ____ . _ NetWari!/OD! _
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`NEC PC-9800,
`1,;,., JEIOA4'. I), Meclntosh(NuJ,A)
`1--+t*•;; 1 -~I
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`·- ~
`12Sk!:: •:, I- /"r)
`4 M/16M, 10Mt::·•:) 1'/f'J>
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`Page 8 of 63


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`V 1) - ; (~ IBM PC AT~tlc'::'
`nt.t 1 { 1/ ::i ✓ ra:i tn: ,r-- ~ f m x 1., 0
`WaveLAN 1: 1±, NCR§ Fat· Ii
`PC AT lf~-\b s li 7 V ;,, (ti] It OJ~
`a~ l.,.~l'Wii -C1,1 t.(t,li}i, NEC iJS'8:.$:
`NCR i}l I:, ms o"l:i (J) ~ ~ f ~ It l.
`WaveLAN il(J)fo.i~ LAN rC&c(cid:173)
`NETRadio 8100Jfll.&?'c-t J.> 0 rNCR
`(J) WaveLAN t O)ti~T 2-. 1- ~-'1-J
`(NEC 0)~0Jffi3x • C&C VJ.. T 1'~
`~~$VAT 1,,~~mrnt@~~)
`-c, PC AT Dtr!t.c t·??i~tElt.:~
`.tlR LAN f-m~-c-~ {lo
`.. <;.~S;NE'T Radios 100. ~··:. JRL-10oy1J-x
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`.JL,, -=rc-:::;.::i.-/1,,) z1!,L -CH. ·8~
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`L l'." 1 OBASE2/S/- Tl:fflit
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`L, 1 OBASE2/ -Tl::-mlc
`BASE2/S/-Tl:f~- _
`PC-9800, XStationl, ::.,;.. 10BASE2/-U:!~ 10BASE2/S/-~~
`IBM PCA ~ (ISN ~;i.,
`McA,~~). NCR,::,;;:._~.t,.
`'r.L..3100, OP-X
`300077 ~ 1) -
`NetWare/ODl LAf'f-'=l"·(cid:173)
`Y1' /NDlS. TCP/If. Star•
`NetWare/ODlfi I::
`~Ii (2. 4Gflz~)
`~ it (2. 4GH~) •
`1iM (19GHz~)
`256kt::"·;,, h'f.l.'
`;t-7'::.,,fJ'12Q-i80m, -I?
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`~ ;r-:t::.,,ti'Jtr-6011\ '7 7'::.,.t)•zsm. '7 □ -;,: i: tJ'
`a-;( rtJ1!S-30m
`15MI:::'•;,, ~ /f'J>
`;t 7-< ;;(fflt_l "'C' 12m
`tiJO (ET300) /
`~ 7 ;., -;., - ,~ -
`100 (f!ll330)/100~170 (fal330i)/
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`NIKKEi• COMMUNICATIOl'IS· 199-4, 3. 7 1
`Page 9 of 63


`:J.l..~o:,,O')A"-A LAN
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`Page 10 of 63


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`Page 11 of 63


`RFC826. TXT
`Network Working Group
`Request F9r Comments: 826
`David C. Plummer
`November 1982
`(____ ~~-~the_rn_et ~':'::•solution Prot~~0
`Converting Network Protocol Addresses
`to 48. bit Ethernet Address

`for Transmission on
`Ethernet Hardware
`The implementation of protocol Pon a sending host S decides,
`through protocol P's routing mechanism, that it wants to transmit
`to a target host T located some place on a connected piece of
`lOMbit Ethernet cable. To actually transmit the Ethernet packet
`a 48.bit Ethernet address must be generated. The addresses of
`hosts within protocol Pare not always compatible with the
`corresponding Ethernet address (being different lengths or
`values). Presented here is a protocol that allows dynamic
`distribution of the information needed to build tables to
`translate ari address A in protocol P's address space into a
`48.bit Ethernet address.
`Generalizations have been made which allow the protocol to be
`used for non-lOMbit Ethernet hardware.
`Some packet radio
`networks are examples of such hardware.
`The protocol proposed here is the result of a great deal of
`discussion with several other people, most notably J. Noel
`Chiappa, Yogen Dalal, and James E. Kulp, and helpful comments
`from David Moon.
`[The purpose of this RFC is to present a method of Converting
`Protocol Addresses (e.g., IP addresses) to Local Network
`Addresses (e.g., Ethernet addresses). This is a issue of general
`concern in the ARPA Internet community at this time. The
`method proposed here is presented for your consideration and
`comment. This is not the specification of a Internet Standard.]
`This protocol was originally designed for the DEC/Intel/Xerox
`1 ~-:)
`Page 12 of 63


`RFC826. TXT
`It has been generalized to allow it to be used
`lOMbit Ethernet.
`for other types of networks. Much of the discussion will be
`directed toward the lOMbit Ethernet. Generalizations, where
`applicable, will follow the Ethernet-specific discussion.
`DOD Internet ProtocoJ will be referred to as Internet.
`Numbers here are in the Ethernet standard, which is high byte
`first. This is the opposite of the byte addressing of machines
`such as PDP-lls and VAXes. Therefore, special care must be taken
`with the opcode field (ar$op) described below.
`An agreed upon authority is needed to manage hardware name space
`values (see below). Until an official authority exists, requests
`should be submitted to
`David C. Plummer
`Symbolics, Inc.
`243 Vassar Street
`Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
`Alternatively, network mail can be sent to DCP@MIT-MC.
`The Problem:
`The world is a jungle in general, and the networking game
`contributes many animals. At nearly every layer of a network
`ar9hitecture there are several potential protocols that could be
`used. For example, at a high level, there is TELNET and SUPDUP
`for remote login. Somewhere below that there is a reliable byte
`stream protocol, which might be CHAOS protocol, DOD TCP, Xerox
`BSP or DECnet. Even closer to the hardware is the logical
`transport layer, which might be CHAOS, DOD Internet, Xerox PUP,
`or DECnet. The lOMbit Ethernet allows all of these protocols
`(and more) to coexist on a single cable by means of a type field
`the lOMbit Ethernet
`in the Ethernet packet header. However,
`requires 48.bit addresses on the physical cable, yet most
`protocol addresses are not 48.bits long, nor do they necessarily
`have any relationship to the 48.bit Ethernet address of the
`hardware. For example, CHAOS addresses are 16.bits, DOD Internet
`addresses are 32.bits, and Xerox PUP addresses are 8. bits. A
`protocol is needed to dynamically distribute the correspondences
`between a <protocol, address> pair and a 48.bit Ethernet address.
`Use of the lOMbit Ethernet is increasing as more manufacturers
`supply interfaces that conform to the specification published by
`DEC, Intel and Xerox. With this increasing availability, more
`and more software is being written for these interfaces. There
`are two alternatives: (l) Every implementor invents his/her own
`method to do some form of address resolution, or (2) every
`implementor uses a standard so that his/her code can be
`distributed to other systems without need for modification. This
`proposal attempts to set the standard.
`2 ~-:)
`Page 13 of 63


`RFC826. TXT
`Define the following for referring to the values put in the TYPE
`field of the Ethernet packet header:
`ether_ type$DOD_I NTERNET,
`ether_ type$CHAOS,
`and a new one:
`Also define the following values (to be discussed later):
`ares_op$REQUEST (= 1, high byte transmitted first) and
`( = 2),
`ares_hrd$Ethernet (= 1).
`Packet format:
`To communicate mappings from <protocol, address> pairs to 48.bit
`Ethernet addresses, a packet format that embodies the Address
`Resolution protocol is needed. The format of the packet follows.
`Ethernet transmission layer (not necessarily accessible to
`the user):
`48.bit: Ethernet address of destination
`48.bit: Ethernet address of sender
`16.bit: Protocol type= ether_type$ADDRESS_RESOLUTION
`Ethernet packet data:
`16.bit: (ar$hrd) Hardware address space (e.g., Ethernet,
`Packet Radio Net.)
`16.bit: (ar$pro) Protocol address space. For Ethernet
`hardware, this is from the set of type
`fields ether_typ$<protocol>.
`8.bit: (ar$hln) byte length of each hardware address
`8.bit: (ar$pln) byte length of each protocol address
`16.bit: (ar$op) opcode (ares_op$REQUEST I ares_op$REPLY)
`nbytes: (ar$sha) Hardware address of sender of this
`packet, n from the ar$hln field.
`mbytes: (ar$spa) Protocol address of sender of this
`packet, m from the ar$pln field.
`nbytes: (arStha) Hardware address of target of this
`packet (if known).
`mbytes: (ar$tpa)-Protocol address of target.
`Packet Generation:
`As a packet is sent down through the network layers, routing
`determines the protocol address of the next hop for the packet
`and on which piece of hardware it expects to find the station
`with the immediate target protocol address.
`In the case of the
`lOMbit Ethernet, address resolution is needed and some lower
`3 ~-:)
`Page 14 of 63


`RFC826. TXT
`layer (probably the hardware driver) must consult the Address
`Resolution module (perhaps implemented· in the Ethernet support
`module) to convert the <protocol type, target protocol address>
`pair to a 48.bit Ethernet address. The Address Resolution module
`tries to find this pair in a table.
`If it finds the pair, it
`gives the corresponding 48.bit Ethernet address back to the
`caller (hardware driver) which then transmits the packet.
`If it
`does not, it probably informs the caller that it is throwing the
`packet away (on the assumption the packet will be retransmitted
`by a higher network layer), and generates an Ethernet packet with
`a type field of ether_type$ADDRESS_RESOLUTION. The Address
`Resolution module then sets the ar$hrd field to
`ares_hrd$Ethernet, ar$pro to the protocol type that is being
`resolved, ar$hln to 6 (the number of bytes in a 48.bit Ethernet
`address), ar$pln to the length of an address in that protocol,
`ar$op to ares_op$REQUEST, arSsha with the 48.bit ethernet address
`of itself, ar$spa with the protocol address of itself, and ar$tpa
`with the protocol address of the machine that is trying to be
`It does not set ar$tha to anything in particular,
`because 'it is this value that it is trying to determine.
`could set ar$tha to the broadcast address for the hardware (all
`ones in the case of the lOMbit Ethernet) if that makes it
`convenient for some aspect of the implementation.
`It then causes
`this packet to be broadcast 'to all stations on the Ethernet cable
`originally determined by the routing mechanism.
`Packet Reception:
`When an adaress resolution packet is received, the receiving
`Ethernet module gives the packet to the Address Resolution module
`which goes through an algorithm similar to the following.
`Negative conditionals indicate an end of processing and a
`discarding of the packet.
`?Do I have the hardware type in ar$hrd?
`Yes: (almost definitely)
`[optionally check the hardware length ar$hln]
`?Do I speak the protocol in ar$pro?
`(optionally check the protocol length ar$pln]
`Merge_flag := false
`If the pair <protocol type, sender protocol address> is
`already in my translation table, update the sender
`hardware address field of the entry with the new
`information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true.
`?Am I the target protocol address?
`If Merge_flag is false, add the triplet <protocol type,
`sender protocol address, sender hardware address> to
`the translation table.
`?Is the opcode ares_opSREQUEST?
`(NOW look at the opcode!!)
`Page 15 of 63


`RFC826. TXT
`Swap hardware and protocol fields, putting the local
`hardware and protocol addresses in

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