Dynamic Source Routing
`in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
`David B. Johnson
`David A. Maltz
`Computer Science Department
`Carnegie Mellon University
`5000 Forbes Avenue
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
`An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a temporary network without the
`aid of any established infrastructure or centralized administration. In such an environment, it may be
`necessary for one mobile host to enlist the aid of other hosts in forwarding a packet to its destination,
`due to the limited range of each mobile host’s wireless transmissions. This paper presents a protocol
`for routing in ad hoc networks that uses dynamic source routing. The protocol adapts quickly to routing
`changes when host movement is frequent, yet requires little or no overhead during periods in which
`hosts move less frequently. Based on results from a packet-level simulation of mobile hosts operating in
`an ad hoc network, the protocol performs well over a variety of environmental conditions such as host
`density and movement rates. For all but the highest rates of host movement simulated, the overhead of
`the protocol is quite low, falling to just 1% of total data packets transmitted for moderate movement rates
`in a network of 24 mobile hosts. In all cases, the difference in length between the routes used and the
`optimal route lengths is negligible, and in most cases, route lengths are on average within a factor of 1.01
`of optimal.
`Mobile hosts and wireless networking hardware are becoming widely available, and extensive work has
`been done recently in integrating these elements into traditional networks such as the Internet. Oftentimes,
`however, mobile users will want to communicate in situations in which no fixed wired infrastructure such
`as this is available, either because it may not be economically practical or physically possible to provide
`the necessary infrastructure or because the expediency of the situation does not permit its installation. For
`example, a class of students may need to interact during a lecture, friends or business associates may run into
`each other in an airport terminal and wish to share files, or a group of emergency rescue workers may need
`to be quickly deployed after an earthquake or flood. In such situations, a collection of mobile hosts with
`wireless network interfaces may form a temporary network without the aid of any established infrastructure
`or centralized administration. This type of wireless network is known as an ad hoc network.
`A version of this paper will appear as a chapter in the book Mobile Computing, edited by Tomasz Imielinski and Hank Korth,
`Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.


`If only two hosts, located closely together, are involved in the ad hoc network, no real routing protocol
`or routing decisions are necessary. In many ad hoc networks, though, two hosts that want to communicate
`may not be within wireless transmission range of each other, but could communicate if other hosts between
`them also participating in the ad hoc network are willing to forward packets for them. For example, in
`the network illustrated in Figure 1, mobile host C is not within the range of host A’s wireless transmitter
`(indicated by the circle around A) and host A is not within the range of host C’s wireless transmitter. If A and
`C wish to exchange packets, they may in this case enlist the services of host B to forward packets for them,
`since B is within the overlap between A’s range and C’s range. Indeed, the routing problem in a real ad hoc
`network may be more complicated than this example suggests, due to the inherent nonuniform propagation
`characteristics of wireless transmissions and due to the possibility that any or all of the hosts involved may
`move at any time.
`Routing protocols in conventional wired networks generally use either distance vector or link state
`routing algorithms, both of which require periodic routing advertisements to be broadcast by each router. In
`distance vector routing [9, 17, 26, 27, 29], each router broadcasts to each of its neighbor routers its view of
`the distance to all hosts, and each router computes the shortest path to each host based on the information
`advertised by each of its neighbors. In link state routing [10, 16, 18], each router instead broadcasts to all
`other routers in the network its view of the status of each of its adjacent network links, and each router then
`computes the shortest distance to each host based on the complete picture of the network formed from the
`most recent link information from all routers. In addition to its use in wired networks, the basic distance
`vector algorithm has also been adapted for routing in wireless ad hoc networks, essentially treating each
`mobile host as a router [11, 19, 25].
`This paper describes the design and performance of a routing protocol for ad hoc networks that instead
`uses dynamic source routing of packets between hosts that want to communicate. Source routing is a routing
`technique in which the sender of a packet determines the complete sequence of nodes through which to
`forward the packet; the sender explicitly lists this route in the packet’s header, identifying each forwarding
`“hop” by the address of the next node to which to transmit the packet on its way to the destination host.
`Source routing has been used in a number of contexts for routing in wired networks, using either statically
`defined or dynamically constructed source routes [4, 5, 12, 20, 22, 28], and has been used with statically
`configured routes in the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) work for routing in a wireless network [14].
`The protocol presented here is explicitly designed for use in the wireless environment of an ad hoc network.
`There are no periodic router advertisements in the protocol. Instead, when a host needs a route to another
`host, it dynamically determines one based on cached information and on the results of a route discovery
`We believe our dynamic source routing protocol offers a number of potential advantages over conven-
`tional routing protocols such as distance vector in an ad hoc network. First, unlike conventional routing
`protocols, our protocol uses no periodic routing advertisement messages, thereby reducing network band-
`width overhead, particularly during periods when little or no significant host movement is taking place.
`Battery power is also conserved on the mobile hosts, both by not sending the advertisements and by not
`needing to receive them (since a host could otherwise reduce its power usage by putting itself into “sleep” or
`“standby” mode when not busy with other tasks). Distance vector and link state routing, on the other hand,
`must continue to send advertisements even when nothing changes, so that other mobile hosts will continue
`to consider those routes or network links as valid. In addition, many of the “links” between routers seen
`by the routing algorithm may be redundant [11]. Wired networks are usually explicitly configured to have
`only one (or a small number) of routers connecting any two networks, but there are no explicit links in an
`ad hoc network, and all communication is by broadcast transmissions. The redundant paths in a wireless
`environment unnecessarily increase the size of routing updates that must be sent over the network, and
`increase the CPU overhead required to process each update and to compute new routes.


`Figure 1 A simple ad hoc network of three wireless mobile hosts
`In addition, conventional routing protocols based on link state or distance vector algorithms may compute
`some routes that do not work. In a wireless environment, network transmission between two hosts does not
`necessarily work equally well in both directions, due to differing propagation or interference patterns around
`the two hosts [1, 15]. For example, with distance vector routing, even though a host may receive a routing
`advertisement from another mobile host, packets it might then transmit back to that host for forwarding may
`not be able to reach it. Our protocol does not require transmissions between hosts to work bidirectionally,
`although we do make use of it when afforded, for example, by MAC-level protocols such as MACA [13] or
`MACAW [2] that ensure it.
`Finally, conventional routing protocols are not designed for the type of dynamic topology changes that
`may be present in ad hoc networks. In conventional networks, links between routers occasionally go down
`or come up, and sometimes the cost of a link may change due to congestion, but routers do not generally
`move around dynamically. In an environment with mobile hosts as routers, though, convergence to new,
`stable routes after such dynamic changes in network topology may be slow, particularly with distance vector
`algorithms [20]. Our dynamic source routing protocol is able to adapt quickly to changes such as host
`movement, yet requires no routing protocol overhead during periods in which such changes do not occur.
`Section 2 of this paper details our assumptions about the network and the mobile hosts. The basic
`operation of our dynamic source routing protocol is described in Section 3, and optimizations to this basic
`operation are described in Section 4. In Section 5, we present a preliminary evaluation of the performance
`of our protocol, based on a packet-level simulation. In Section 6, we discuss related protocols for wireless
`network routing and for source routing, and in Section 7, we present conclusions and future work.
`2. Assumptions
`We assume that all hosts wishing to communicate with other hosts within the ad hoc network are willing to
`participate fully in the protocols of the network. In particular, each host participating in the network should
`also be willing to forward packets for other hosts in the network.
`We refer to the number of hops necessary for a packet to reach from any host located at one extreme
`edge of the network to another host located at the opposite extreme, as the diameter of the network. For
`example, the diameter of the ad hoc network depicted in Figure 1 is two. We assume that the diameter of an
`ad hoc network will be small but may often be greater than one.


`Hosts within the ad hoc network may move at any time without notice, but we assume that the speed with
`which hosts move is moderate with respect to the packet transmission latency and wireless transmission
`range of the particular underlying network hardware in use.
`In particular, we assume that hosts do not
`continuously move so rapidly as to make the flooding of every packet the only possible routing protocol.
`We assume that hosts can enable a promiscuous receive mode on their wireless network interface
`hardware, causing the hardware to deliver every received packet to the network driver software without
`filtering based on destination address. Although we do not require this facility, it is common in current LAN
`hardware for broadcast media including wireless, and some of our optimizations take advantage of it. Use
`of promiscuous mode does increase the software overhead on the CPU, but we believe that wireless network
`speeds are more the inherent limiting factor to performance in current and future systems. We believe that
`portions of the protocol are also suitable for implementation directly in hardware or within a programmable
`network interface unit to avoid this overhead on the CPU.
`3. Basic Operation
`3.1. Overview
`To send a packet to another host, the sender constructs a source route in the packet’s header, giving the
`address of each host in the network through which the packet should be forwarded in order to reach the
`destination host. The sender then transmits the packet over its wireless network interface to the first hop
`identified in the source route. When a host receives a packet, if this host is not the final destination of
`the packet, it simply transmits the packet to the next hop identified in the source route in the packet’s
`header. Once the packet reaches its final destination, the packet is delivered to the network layer software
`on that host.
`Each mobile host participating in the ad hoc network maintains a route cache in which it caches source
`routes that it has learned. When one host sends a packet to another host, the sender first checks its route
`cache for a source route to the destination. If a route is found, the sender uses this route to transmit the
`packet. If no route is found, the sender may attempt to discover one using the route discovery protocol.
`While waiting for the route discovery to complete, the host may continue normal processing and may send
`and receive packets with other hosts. The host may buffer the original packet in order to transmit it once the
`route is learned from route discovery, or it may discard the packet, relying on higher-layer protocol software
`to retransmit the packet if needed. Each entry in the route cache has associated with it an expiration period,
`after which the entry is deleted from the cache.
`While a host is using any source route, it monitors the continued correct operation of that route. For
`example, if the sender, the destination, or any of the other hosts named as hops along a route move out of
`wireless transmission range of the next or previous hop along the route, the route can no longer be used to
`reach the destination. A route will also no longer work if any of the hosts along the route should fail or be
`powered off. This monitoring of the correct operation of a route in use we call route maintenance. When
`route maintenance detects a problem with a route in use, route discovery may be used again to discover a
`new, correct route to the destination.
`This section describes the basic operation of route discovery and route maintenance. Optimizations to
`this basic operation of the protocol are then described in Section 4.
`3.2. Route Discovery
`Route discovery allows any host in the ad hoc network to dynamically discover a route to any other host
`in the ad hoc network, whether directly reachable within wireless transmission range or reachable through
`one or more intermediate network hops through other hosts. A host initiating a route discovery broadcasts


`a route request packet which may be received by those hosts within wireless transmission range of it. The
`route request packet identifies the host, referred to as the target of the route discovery, for which the route
`is requested. If the route discovery is successful the initiating host receives a route reply packet listing a
`sequence of network hops through which it may reach the target.
`In addition to the address of the original initiator of the request and the target of the request, each route
`request packet contains a route record, in which is accumulated a record of the sequence of hops taken by the
`route request packet as it is propagated through the ad hoc network during this route discovery. Each route
`request packet also contains a unique request id, set by the initiator from a locally-maintained sequence
`number. In order to detect duplicate route requests received, each host in the ad hoc network maintains a
`list of the initiator address, request id
`pairs that it has recently received on any route request.
`When any host receives a route request packet, it processes the request according to the following steps:
`for this route request is found in this host’s list of recently
`1. If the pair initiator address, request id
`seen requests, then discard the route request packet and do not process it further.
`2. Otherwise, if this host’s address is already listed in the route record in the request, then discard the
`route request packet and do not process it further.
`3. Otherwise, if the target of the request matches this host’s own address, then the route record in the
`packet contains the route by which the request reached this host from the initiator of the route request.
`Return a copy of this route in a route reply packet to the initiator.
`4. Otherwise, append this host’s own address to the route record in the route request packet, and
`re-broadcast the request.
`The route request thus propagates through the ad hoc network until it reaches the target host, which then
`replies to the initiator. The original route request packet is received only by those hosts within wireless
`transmission range of the initiating host, and each of these hosts propagates the request if it is not the
`target and if the request does not appear to this host to be redundant. Discarding the request because
`the host’s address is already listed in the route record guarantees that no single copy of the request can
`propagate around a loop. Also discarding the request when the host has recently seen one with the same
`removes later copies of the request that arrive at this host by a different route.
` initiator address, request id
`In order to return the route reply packet to the initiator of the route discovery, the target host must have a
`route to the initiator. If the target has an entry for this destination in its route cache, then it may send the route
`reply packet using this route in the same way as is used in sending any other packet (Section 3.1). Otherwise,
`the target may reverse the route in the route record from the route request packet, and use this route to send
`the route reply packet. This, however, requires the wireless network communication between each of these
`pairs of hosts to work equally well in both directions, which may not be true in some environments or with
`some MAC-level protocols. An alternative approach, and the one we have currently adopted, is for this
`host to piggyback the route reply packet on a route request targeted at the initiator of the route discovery to
`which it is replying. This use of piggybacking is described in Section 4.2.
`3.3. Route Maintenance
`Conventional routing protocols integrate route discovery with route maintenance by continuously sending
`periodic routing updates. If the status of a link or router changes, the periodic updates will eventually reflect
`the changes to all other routers, presumably resulting in the computation of new routes. However, using
`route discovery, there are no periodic messages of any kind from any of the mobile hosts. Instead, while a
`route is in use, the route maintenance procedure monitors the operation of the route and informs the sender
`of any routing errors.


`Since wireless networks are inherently less reliable than wired networks [1], many wireless networks
`utilize a hop-by-hop acknowledgement at the data link level in order to provide early detection and retrans-
`mission of lost or corrupted packets. In these networks, route maintenance can be easily provided, since at
`each hop, the host transmitting the packet for that hop can determine if that hop of the route is still working.
`If the data link level reports a transmission problem for which it cannot recover (for example, because the
`maximum number of retransmissions it is willing to attempt has been exceeded), this host sends a route
`error packet to the original sender of the packet encountering the error. The route error packet contains the
`addresses of the hosts at both ends of the hop in error: the host that detected the error and the host to which it
`was attempting to transmit the packet on this hop. When a route error packet is received, the hop in error is
`removed from this host’s route cache, and all routes which contain this hop must be truncated at that point.
`If the wireless network does not support such lower-level acknowledgements, an equivalent acknowl-
`edgement signal may be available in many environments. After sending a packet to the next hop mobile
`host, the sender may be able to hear that host transmitting the packet again, on its way further along the
`path, if it can operate its wireless network interface in promiscuous mode. For example, in Figure 1, host
`A may be able to hear B’s transmission of the packet on to C. This type of acknowledgement is known
`as a passive acknowledgement [11]. In addition, existing transport or application level replies or acknowl-
`edgements from the original destination could also be used as an acknowledgement that the route (or that
`hop of the route) is still working. As a last resort, a bit in the packet header could be included to allow a
`host transmitting a packet to request an explicit acknowledgement from the next-hop receiver. If no other
`acknowledgement signal has been received in some time from the next hop on some route, the host could
`use this bit to inexpensively probe the status of this hop on the route.
`As with the return of a route reply packet, a host must have a route to the sender of the original packet in
`order to return a route error packet to it. If this host has an entry for the original sender in its route cache, it
`may send the route error packet using that route. Otherwise, this host may reverse the route from the packet
`in error (the route by which the packet reached this host) or may use piggybacking as in the case of a route
`reply packet (Section 4.2). Another option in the case of returning a route error packet is for this host to
`save the route error packet locally in a buffer, perform a route discovery for the original sender, and then
`send the route error packet using that route when it receives the route reply for this route discovery. This
`option cannot be used for returning a route reply packet, however, since then neither host would ever be able
`to complete a route discovery for the other, if neither initially had a route cache entry for the other.
`Route maintenance can also be performed using end-to-end acknowledgements rather than the hop-by-
`hop acknowledgements described above, if the particular wireless network interfaces or the environment in
`which they are used are such that wireless transmissions between two hosts do not work equally well in both
`directions. As long as some route exists by which the two end hosts can communicate (perhaps different
`routes in each direction), route maintenance is possible.
`In this case, existing transport or application
`level replies or acknowledgements from the original destination, or explicitly requested network level
`acknowledgements, may be used to indicate the status of this host’s route to the other host. With hop-by-hop
`acknowledgements, the particular hop in error is indicated in the route error packet, but with end-to-end
`acknowledgements, the sender may only assume that the last hop of the route to this destination is in error.
`4. Optimizations
`A number of optimizations are possible to the basic operation of route discovery and route maintenance
`as described in Section 3.2, that can reduce the number of overhead packets and can improve the average
`efficiency of the routes used on data packets. This section discusses some of those optimizations.


`4.1. Full Use of the Route Cache
`The data in a host’s route cache may be stored in any format, but the active routes in its cache in effect form
`a tree of routes, rooted at this host, to other hosts in the ad hoc network. For example, Figure 2 shows an
`ad hoc network of five mobile hosts, in which mobile host A has earlier completed a route discovery for
`mobile host D and has cached the route to D through B and C. Since hosts B and C are on the route to D,
`host A also learns the route to both of these hosts from its route discovery for D. If A later performs a route
`discovery and learns the route to E through B and C, it can represent this in its route cache with the addition
`of the single new hop from C to E. If A then learns it can reach C in a single hop (without needing to go
`through B), A can use this new route to C to also shorten the routes to D and E in its route cache.
`A host can add entries to its route cache any time it learns a new route.
`In particular, when a host
`forwards a data packet as an intermediate hop on the route in that packet, the forwarding host is able to
`observe the entire route in the packet. Thus, for example, when host B forwards packets from A to D, B can
`add the route information from that packet to its own route cache. If a host forwards a route reply packet,
`it can also add the route information from the route record being returned in that route reply, to its own
`route cache. Finally, since all wireless network transmissions are inherently broadcast, a host may be able
`configure its network interface into promiscuous receive mode, and can then add to its route cache the route
`information from any data or route reply packet it can overhear.
`A host may use its route cache to avoid propagating a route request packet received from another host.
`In particular, suppose a host receives a route request packet for which it is not the target and is not already
`is not found
`listed in the route record in the packet, and for which the pair initiator address, request id
`in its list of recently seen requests; if the host has a route cache entry for the target of the request, it may
`append this cached route to the accumulated route record in the packet, and may return this route in a route
`reply packet to the initiator without propagating (re-broadcasting) the route request. Thus, for example, if
`mobile host F needs to send a packet to mobile host D, it will initiate a route discovery and broadcast a route
`request packet. If this broadcast is received by A, A can simply return a route reply packet to F containing
`the complete route to D consisting of the sequence of hops A, B, C, and D.
`A particular problem can occur, however, when several mobile hosts receive the initiator’s broadcast of
`the route request packet, and all reply based on routes found in their route caches. In Figure 2, for example, if
`both A and B receive F’s route request broadcast, they will both be able to reply from their route caches, and
`will both send their replies at about the same time since they both received the broadcast at about the same
`time. Particularly when more than the two mobile hosts in this example are involved, these simultaneous
`replies from the mobile hosts receiving the broadcast may create packet collisions among some or all of
`these replies and may cause local congestion in the wireless network. In addition, it will often be the case
`Figure 2 An example ad hoc network illustrating use of the route cache


`that the different replies will indicate routes of different lengths. For example, A’s reply will indicate a route
`to D that is one hop longer than that in B’s reply.
`We avoid the problems of many simultaneous replies and attempt to eliminate replies indicating routes
`longer than the shortest reply, by causing each mobile host to delay slightly before replying from its cache.
`Before replying from its route cache, a host performs the following actions:
`1. Pick a delay period   
1  , where
`is the length in number of network hops for the
`is a random number between 0 and 1, and
`route to be returned in this host’s reply, 
`is a small
`constant delay to be introduced per hop.
`2. Delay transmitting the route reply from this host for a period of .
`3. Within this delay period, promiscuously receive all packets at this host. If a packet is received by
`this host during the delay period addressed to the target of this route discovery (the target is the final
`destination address for the packet, through any sequence of intermediate hops), and if the length of
`the route on this packet is less than
`, then cancel the delay and do not transmit the route reply from
`this host; this host may infer that the initiator of this route discovery has already received a route reply,
`giving an equal or better route.
`Another problem that can occur when hosts reply to route requests from their cache, is the formation
`of a loop in the route sent in the route reply packet. The route record in the route request cannot contain a
`loop, and no entry in a route cache ever is set to a route containing a loop, yet the concatenation of the route
`record and the entry from the replying host’s route cache for the target may contain a loop. For example,
`in Figure 2, if host B does not have a route cache entry for D, it will need to initiate a route discovery
`before sending a packet to D. In this case, A could immediately reply from its route cache with the route
`to D through B and C. This, however, would form the concatenated route of A-B-C-D for B to then use in
`sending packets to D, creating a loop from B to A and then back to B. In order to avoid this problem, if
`a host receives a route request and is not the target of the request but could reply from its cache, the host
`instead discards the request if the route in its reply would contain a loop; this restriction also implies that a
`host will only reply from its cache with a route in which the host itself is on the route, at the end of the route
`recorded in the route request packet and at the beginning of the path obtained from the host’s route cache.
`As a last optimization involving full use of the route cache, we have added the ability for the initiator
`of a route request to specify in the request packet, the maximum number of hops over which the packet
`may be propagated. If another host near the initiator has a cache entry for the target of a route request, the
`propagation of many redundant copies of the route request can be avoided if the initiator can explicitly limit
`the request’s propagation when it is originally sent. Currently, we use this ability during route discovery as
`1. To perform a route discovery, initially send the route request with a hop limit of one. We refer to this
`as a nonpropagating route request.
`2. If no route reply is received from this route request after a small timeout period, send a new route
`request with the hop limit set to a predefined “maximum” value for which it is assumed that all useful
`routes in the ad hoc network are less than this limit (currently 10).
`This procedure uses the hop limit on the route request packet to inexpensively check if the target is currently
`within wireless transmitter range of the initiator or if another host within range has a route cache entry for
`this target (effectively using the caches of this host’s neighbors as an extension of its own cache). Since
`the initial request is limited to one network hop, the timeout period before sending the propagating request
`can be quite small. This mechanism could also be used to implement an “expanding ring” search for the
`target, in which the hop limit is gradually increased in subsequent retransmissions of the route request for
`this target, but we have not yet experimented with this approach.


`4.2. Piggybacking on Route Discoveries
`As described in Section 3.2, when one host needs to send a packet to another, if the sender does not have a
`route cached to the destination host, it must initiate a separate route discovery, either buffering the original
`packet until the route reply is returned, or discarding it and relying on a higher-layer protocol to retransmit
`it if needed. The delay for route discovery and the total number of packets transmitted can be reduced by
`allowing data to be piggybacked on route request packets. Since some route requests may be propagated
`widely within the ad hoc network, though, the amount of data piggybacked must be limited. We currently
`use piggybacking when sending a route reply or a route error packet, since both are naturally small in
`size; small data packets such as the initial SYN packet opening a TCP connection [23] could also easily be
`piggybacked, but we have not yet experimented with this option.
`If the route request is
`One problem, however, arises when piggybacking on route request packets.
`received by some host and is replied to based on the host’s route cache without propagating the request
`(Section 4.1), the piggybacked data would be lost when the host discards the route request. In this case,
`before discarding the packet, the host must construct a new packet containing the piggybacked data from
`the route request packet, setting the route in this packet from the route being returned in the route reply. The
`route should appear as if the new packet had been sent by the initiator of the route discovery and had been
`forwarded normally to this host: the first portion of the route is taken from the accumulated route record in
`the route request packet, and the remainder of the route is taken from this host’s route cache. The sender
`address in the packet should also be set to the initiator of the route discovery.
`4.3. Reflecting Shorter Routes
`While two hosts are communicating with each other using cached routes, it is desirable for the hosts to
`begin using shorter routes i

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