Network Working Group S. Cheshire
`Request for Comments: 5227 Apple Inc.
`Updates: 826 July 2008
`Category: Standards Track
` IPv4 Address Conflict Detection
`Status of This Memo
` This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
` Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
` improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
` Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
` and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
` When two hosts on the same link attempt to use the same IPv4 address
` at the same time (except in rare special cases where this has been
` arranged by prior coordination), problems ensue for one or both
` hosts. This document describes (i) a simple precaution that a host
` can take in advance to help prevent this misconfiguration from
` happening, and (ii) if this misconfiguration does occur, a simple
` mechanism by which a host can passively detect, after the fact, that
` it has happened, so that the host or administrator may respond to
` rectify the problem.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
`Table of Contents
` 1. Introduction ....................................................2
` 1.1. Conventions and Terminology Used in This Document ..........4
` 1.2. Relationship to RFC 826 ....................................5
` 1.2.1. Broadcast ARP Replies ...............................7
` 1.3. Applicability ..............................................7
` 2. Address Probing, Announcing, Conflict Detection, and Defense ....9
` 2.1. Probing an Address ........................................10
` 2.1.1. Probe Details ......................................10
` 2.2. Shorter Timeouts on Appropriate Network Technologies ......11
` 2.3. Announcing an Address .....................................12
` 2.4. Ongoing Address Conflict Detection and Address Defense ....12
` 2.5. Continuing Operation ......................................14
` 2.6. Broadcast ARP Replies .....................................14
` 3. Why Are ARP Announcements Performed Using ARP Request
` Packets and Not ARP Reply Packets? .............................15
` 4. Historical Note ................................................17
` 5. Security Considerations ........................................17
` 6. Acknowledgments ................................................18
` 7. References .....................................................18
` 7.1. Normative References ......................................18
` 7.2. Informative References ....................................19
`1. Introduction
` Historically, accidentally configuring two Internet hosts with the
` same IP address has often been an annoying and hard-to-diagnose
` problem.
` This is unfortunate, because the existing Address Resolution Protocol
` (ARP) provides an easy way for a host to detect this kind of
` misconfiguration and report it to the user. The DHCP specification
` [RFC2131] briefly mentions the role of ARP in detecting
` misconfiguration, as illustrated in the following three excerpts from
` RFC 2131:
` o the client SHOULD probe the newly received address, e.g., with ARP
` o The client SHOULD perform a final check on the parameters
` (e.g., ARP for allocated network address)
` o If the client detects that the address is already in use
` (e.g., through the use of ARP), the client MUST send a DHCPDECLINE
` message to the server
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` Unfortunately, the DHCP specification does not give any guidance
` to implementers concerning the number of ARP packets to send, the
` interval between packets, the total time to wait before concluding
` that an address may safely be used, or indeed even which kinds
` of packets a host should be listening for, in order to make this
` determination. It leaves unspecified the action a host should
` take if, after concluding that an address may safely be used, it
` subsequently discovers that it was wrong. It also fails to specify
` what precautions a DHCP client should take to guard against
` pathological failure cases, such as a DHCP server that repeatedly
` OFFERs the same address, even though it has been DECLINEd multiple
` times.
` The authors of the DHCP specification may have been justified in
` thinking at the time that the answers to these questions seemed too
` simple, obvious, and straightforward to be worth mentioning, but
` unfortunately this left some of the burden of protocol design to each
` individual implementer. This document seeks to remedy this omission
` by clearly specifying the required actions for:
` 1. Determining whether use of an address is likely to lead to an
` addressing conflict. This includes (a) the case where the address
` is already actively in use by another host on the same link, and
` (b) the case where two hosts are inadvertently about to begin
` using the same address, and both are simultaneously in the process
` of probing to determine whether the address may safely be used
` (Section 2.1.).
` 2. Subsequent passive detection that another host on the network is
` inadvertently using the same address. Even if all hosts observe
` precautions to avoid using an address that is already in use,
` conflicts can still occur if two hosts are out of communication
` at the time of initial interface configuration. This could occur
` with wireless network interfaces if the hosts are temporarily out
` of range, or with Ethernet interfaces if the link between two
` Ethernet hubs is not functioning at the time of address
` configuration. A well-designed host will handle not only
` conflicts detected during interface configuration, but also
` conflicts detected later, for the entire duration of the time
` that the host is using the address (Section 2.4.).
` 3. Rate-limiting of address acquisition attempts in the case of
` an excessive number of repeated conflicts (Section 2.1.).
` The utility of IPv4 Address Conflict Detection (ACD) is not limited
` to DHCP clients. No matter how an address was configured, whether
` via manual entry by a human user, via information received from a
` DHCP server, or via any other source of configuration information,
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` detecting conflicts is useful. Upon detecting a conflict, the
` configuring agent should be notified of the error. In the case where
` the configuring agent is a human user, that notification may take the
` form of an error message on a screen, a Simple Network Management
` Protocol (SNMP) notification, or an error message sent via text
` message to a mobile phone. In the case of a DHCP server, that
` notification takes the form of a DHCP DECLINE message sent to the
` server. In the case of configuration by some other kind of software,
` that notification takes the form of an error indication to the
` software in question, to inform it that the address it selected is
` in conflict with some other host on the network. The configuring
` software may choose to cease network operation, or it may
` automatically select a new address so that the host may re-establish
` IP connectivity as soon as possible.
` Allocation of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses [RFC3927] can be thought of
` as a special case of this mechanism, where the configuring agent is
` a pseudo-random number generator, and the action it takes upon being
` notified of a conflict is to pick a different random number and try
` again. In fact, this is exactly how IPv4 Link-Local Addressing was
` implemented in Mac OS 9 back in 1998. If the DHCP client failed to
` get a response from any DHCP server, it would simply make up a fake
` response containing a random 169.254.x.x address. If the ARP module
` reported a conflict for that address, then the DHCP client would try
` again, making up a new random 169.254.x.x address as many times as
` was necessary until it succeeded. Implementing ACD as a standard
` feature of the networking stack has the side effect that it means
` that half the work for IPv4 Link-Local Addressing is already done.
`1.1. Conventions and Terminology Used in This Document
` The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
` document are to be interpreted as described in "Key words for use in
` RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" [RFC2119].
` Wherever this document uses the term ’sender IP address’ or ’target
` IP address’ in the context of an ARP packet, it is referring to the
` fields of the ARP packet identified in the ARP specification [RFC826]
` as ’ar$spa’ (Sender Protocol Address) and ’ar$tpa’ (Target Protocol
` Address), respectively. For the usage of ARP described in this
` document, each of these fields always contains an IPv4 address.
` In this document, the term ’ARP Probe’ is used to refer to an ARP
` Request packet, broadcast on the local link, with an all-zero ’sender
` IP address’. The ’sender hardware address’ MUST contain the hardware
` address of the interface sending the packet. The ’sender IP address’
` field MUST be set to all zeroes, to avoid polluting ARP caches in
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` other hosts on the same link in the case where the address turns out
` to be already in use by another host. The ’target hardware address’
` field is ignored and SHOULD be set to all zeroes. The ’target IP
` address’ field MUST be set to the address being probed. An ARP Probe
` conveys both a question ("Is anyone using this address?") and an
` implied statement ("This is the address I hope to use.").
` In this document, the term ’ARP Announcement’ is used to refer to an
` ARP Request packet, broadcast on the local link, identical to the ARP
` Probe described above, except that both the sender and target IP
` address fields contain the IP address being announced. It conveys a
` stronger statement than an ARP Probe, namely, "This is the address I
` am now using."
` The following timing constants used in this protocol are referenced
` in Section 2, which describes the operation of the protocol in
` detail. (Note that the values listed here are fixed constants; they
` are not intended to be modifiable by implementers, operators, or end
` users. These constants are given symbolic names here to facilitate
` the writing of future standards that may want to reference this
` document with different values for these named constants; however,
` at the present time no such future standards exist.)
` PROBE_WAIT 1 second (initial random delay)
` PROBE_NUM 3 (number of probe packets)
` PROBE_MIN 1 second (minimum delay until repeated probe)
` PROBE_MAX 2 seconds (maximum delay until repeated probe)
` ANNOUNCE_WAIT 2 seconds (delay before announcing)
` ANNOUNCE_NUM 2 (number of Announcement packets)
` ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL 2 seconds (time between Announcement packets)
` MAX_CONFLICTS 10 (max conflicts before rate-limiting)
` RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL 60 seconds (delay between successive attempts)
` DEFEND_INTERVAL 10 seconds (minimum interval between defensive
` ARPs)
`1.2. Relationship to RFC 826
` This document does not modify any of the protocol rules in RFC 826.
` It does not modify the packet format, or the meaning of any of the
` fields. The existing rules for "Packet Generation" and "Packet
` Reception" still apply exactly as specified in RFC 826.
` This document expands on RFC 826 by specifying:
` (1) that a specific ARP Request should be generated when an interface
` is configured, to discover if the address is already in use, and
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` (2) an additional trivial test that should be performed on each
` received ARP packet, to facilitate passive ongoing conflict
` detection. This additional test creates no additional packet
` overhead on the network (no additional packets are sent) and
` negligible additional CPU burden on hosts, since every host
` implementing ARP is *already* required to process every received
` ARP packet according to the Packet Reception rules specified in
` RFC 826. These rules already include checking to see if the
` ’sender IP address’ of the ARP packet appears in any of the
` entries in the host’s ARP cache; the additional test is simply to
` check to see if the ’sender IP address’ is the host’s *own* IP
` address, potentially as little as a single additional machine
` instruction on many architectures.
` As already specified in RFC 826, an ARP Request packet serves two
` functions, an assertion and a question:
` * Assertion:
` The fields ’ar$sha’ (Sender Hardware Address) and ’ar$spa’ (Sender
` Protocol Address) together serve as an assertion of a fact: that
` the stated Protocol Address is mapped to the stated Hardware
` Address.
` * Question:
` The fields ’ar$tha’ (Target Hardware Address, zero) and ’ar$tpa’
` (Target Protocol Address) serve as a question, asking, for the
` stated Protocol Address, to which Hardware Address it is mapped.
` This document clarifies what it means to have one without the other.
` Some readers pointed out that it is probably impossible to ask any
` truly pure question; asking any question necessarily invites
` speculation about why the interrogator wants to know the answer.
` Just as someone pointing to an empty seat and asking, "Is anyone
` sitting here?" implies an unspoken "... because if not then I will,"
` the same is true here. An ARP Probe with an all-zero ’sender IP
` address’ may ostensibly be merely asking an innocent question ("Is
` anyone using this address?"), but an intelligent implementation that
` knows how IPv4 Address Conflict Detection works should be able to
` recognize this question as the precursor to claiming the address.
` Consequently, if that implementation is also, at that exact moment,
` in the process of asking the very same question, it should recognize
` that they can’t both sit in the same seat, so it would be prudent to
` ask about some other seat.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
`1.2.1. Broadcast ARP Replies
` In some applications of IPv4 Address Conflict Detection (ACD), it may
` be advantageous to deliver ARP Replies using broadcast instead of
` unicast because this allows address conflicts to be detected sooner
` than might otherwise happen. For example, "Dynamic Configuration of
` IPv4 Link-Local Addresses" [RFC3927] uses ACD exactly as specified
` here, but additionally specifies that ARP Replies should be sent
` using broadcast, because in that context the trade-off of increased
` broadcast traffic in exchange for improved reliability and fault-
` tolerance was deemed to be an appropriate one. There may be other
` future specifications where the same trade-off is appropriate.
` Additional details are given in Section 2.6, "Broadcast ARP Replies".
` RFC 826 implies that replies to ARP Requests are usually delivered
` using unicast, but it is also acceptable to deliver ARP Replies using
` broadcast. The Packet Reception rules in RFC 826 specify that the
` content of the ’ar$spa’ field should be processed *before* examining
` the ’ar$op’ field, so any host that correctly implements the Packet
` Reception algorithm specified in RFC 826 will correctly handle ARP
` Replies delivered via link-layer broadcast.
`1.3. Applicability
` This specification applies to all IEEE 802 Local Area Networks (LANs)
` [802], including Ethernet [802.3], Token-Ring [802.5], and IEEE
` 802.11 wireless LANs [802.11], as well as to other link-layer
` technologies that operate at data rates of at least 1 Mb/s, have a
` round-trip latency of at most one second, and use ARP [RFC826] to map
` from IP addresses to link-layer hardware addresses. Wherever this
` document uses the term "IEEE 802", the text applies equally to any of
` these network technologies.
` Link-layer technologies that support ARP but operate at rates below
` 1 Mb/s or latencies above one second will still work correctly with
` this protocol, but more often may have to handle late conflicts
` detected after the Probing phase has completed. On these kinds of
` links, it may be desirable to specify different values for the
` following parameters:
` (a) PROBE_NUM, PROBE_MIN, and PROBE_MAX, the number of, and interval
` between, ARP Probes, explained in Section 2.1.
` (b) ANNOUNCE_NUM and ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL, the number of, and interval
` between, ARP Announcements, explained in Section 2.3.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` (c) RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL and MAX_CONFLICTS, controlling the maximum
` rate at which address claiming may be attempted, explained in
` Section 2.1.
` (d) DEFEND_INTERVAL, the time interval between conflicting ARPs below
` which a host MUST NOT attempt to defend its address, explained in
` Section 2.4.
` Link-layer technologies that do not support ARP may be able to use
` other techniques for determining whether a particular IP address is
` currently in use. However, implementing Address Conflict Detection
` for such networks is outside the scope of this document.
` For the protocol specified in this document to be effective, it is
` not necessary that all hosts on the link implement it. For a given
` host implementing this specification to be protected against
` accidental address conflicts, all that is required is that the peers
` on the same link correctly implement the ARP protocol as given in
` RFC 826. To be specific, when a peer host receives an ARP Request
` where the Target Protocol Address of the ARP Request matches (one of)
` that host’s IP address(es) configured on that interface, then as long
` as it properly responds with a correctly-formatted ARP Reply, the
` querying host will be able to detect that the address is already in
` use.
` The specifications in this document allow hosts to detect conflicts
` between two hosts using the same address on the same physical link.
` ACD does not detect conflicts between two hosts using the same
` address on different physical links, and indeed it should not.
` For example, the address [RFC1918] is in use by countless
` devices on countless private networks throughout the world, and this
` is not a conflict, because they are on different links. It would
` only be a conflict if two such devices were to be connected to the
` same link, and when this happens (as it sometimes does), this is a
` perfect example of a situation where ACD is extremely useful to
` detect and report (and/or automatically correct) this error.
` For the purposes of this document, a set of hosts is considered to be
` "on the same link" if:
` - when any host, A, from that set, sends a packet to any other host,
` B, in that set, using unicast, multicast, or broadcast, the entire
` link-layer packet payload arrives unmodified, and
` - a broadcast sent over that link by any host from that set of hosts
` can be received by every other host in that set.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` The link-layer *header* may be modified, such as in Token Ring Source
` Routing [802.5], but not the link-layer *payload*. In particular, if
` any device forwarding a packet modifies any part of the IP header or
` IP payload, then the packet is no longer considered to be on the same
` link. This means that the packet may pass through devices such as
` repeaters, bridges, hubs, or switches and still be considered to be
` on the same link for the purpose of this document, but not through a
` device such as an IP router that decrements the TTL or otherwise
` modifies the IP header.
` Where this document uses the term "host", it applies equally to
` interfaces on routers or other multi-homed hosts, regardless of
` whether the host/router is currently forwarding packets. In many
` cases a router will be critical network infrastructure with an IP
` address that is locally well known and assumed to be relatively
` constant. For example, the address of the default router is one of
` the parameters that a DHCP server typically communicates to its
` clients, and (at least until mechanisms like DHCP Reconfigure
` [RFC3203] become widely implemented) there isn’t any practical way
` for the DHCP server to inform clients if that address changes.
` Consequently, for such devices, handling conflicts by picking a new
` IP address is not a good option. In those cases, option (c) in
` Section 2.4 ("Ongoing Address Conflict Detection and Address
` Defense") applies.
` However, even when a device is manually configured with a fixed
` address, having some other device on the network claiming to have the
` same IP address will pollute peer ARP caches and prevent reliable
` communication, so it is still helpful to inform the operator. If a
` conflict is detected at the time the operator sets the fixed manual
` address, then it is helpful to inform the operator immediately; if a
` conflict is detected subsequently, it is helpful to inform the
` operator via some appropriate asynchronous communication channel.
` Even though reliable communication via the conflicted address is not
` possible, it may still be possible to inform the operator via some
` other communication channel that is still operating, such as via some
` other interface on the router, via a dynamic IPv4 link-local address,
` via a working IPv6 address, or even via some completely different
` non-IP technology such as a locally-attached screen or serial
` console.
`2. Address Probing, Announcing, Conflict Detection, and Defense
` This section describes initial probing to safely determine whether an
` address is already in use, announcing the chosen address, ongoing
` conflict checking, and optional use of broadcast ARP Replies to
` provide faster conflict detection.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
`2.1. Probing an Address
` Before beginning to use an IPv4 address (whether received from manual
` configuration, DHCP, or some other means), a host implementing this
` specification MUST test to see if the address is already in use, by
` broadcasting ARP Probe packets. This also applies when a network
` interface transitions from an inactive to an active state, when a
` computer awakes from sleep, when a link-state change signals that an
` Ethernet cable has been connected, when an 802.11 wireless interface
` associates with a new base station, or when any other change in
` connectivity occurs where a host becomes actively connected to a
` logical link.
` A host MUST NOT perform this check periodically as a matter of
` course. This would be a waste of network bandwidth, and is
` unnecessary due to the ability of hosts to passively discover
` conflicts, as described in Section 2.4.
`2.1.1. Probe Details
` A host probes to see if an address is already in use by broadcasting
` an ARP Request for the desired address. The client MUST fill in the
` ’sender hardware address’ field of the ARP Request with the hardware
` address of the interface through which it is sending the packet. The
` ’sender IP address’ field MUST be set to all zeroes; this is to avoid
` polluting ARP caches in other hosts on the same link in the case
` where the address turns out to be already in use by another host.
` The ’target hardware address’ field is ignored and SHOULD be set to
` all zeroes. The ’target IP address’ field MUST be set to the address
` being probed. An ARP Request constructed this way, with an all-zero
` ’sender IP address’, is referred to as an ’ARP Probe’.
` When ready to begin probing, the host should then wait for a random
` time interval selected uniformly in the range zero to PROBE_WAIT
` seconds, and should then send PROBE_NUM probe packets, each of these
` probe packets spaced randomly and uniformly, PROBE_MIN to PROBE_MAX
` seconds apart. This initial random delay helps ensure that a large
` number of hosts powered on at the same time do not all send their
` initial probe packets simultaneously.
` If during this period, from the beginning of the probing process
` until ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds after the last probe packet is sent, the
` host receives any ARP packet (Request *or* Reply) on the interface
` where the probe is being performed, where the packet’s ’sender IP
` address’ is the address being probed for, then the host MUST treat
` this address as being in use by some other host, and should indicate
` to the configuring agent (human operator, DHCP server, etc.) that the
` proposed address is not acceptable.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` In addition, if during this period the host receives any ARP Probe
` where the packet’s ’target IP address’ is the address being probed
` for, and the packet’s ’sender hardware address’ is not the hardware
` address of any of the host’s interfaces, then the host SHOULD
` similarly treat this as an address conflict and signal an error to
` the configuring agent as above. This can occur if two (or more)
` hosts have, for whatever reason, been inadvertently configured with
` the same address, and both are simultaneously in the process of
` probing that address to see if it can safely be used.
` NOTE: The check that the packet’s ’sender hardware address’ is not
` the hardware address of any of the host’s interfaces is important.
` Some kinds of Ethernet hub (often called a "buffered repeater") and
` many wireless access points may "rebroadcast" any received broadcast
` packets to all recipients, including the original sender itself. For
` this reason, the precaution described above is necessary to ensure
` that a host is not confused when it sees its own ARP packets echoed
` back.
` A host implementing this specification MUST take precautions to limit
` the rate at which it probes for new candidate addresses: if the host
` experiences MAX_CONFLICTS or more address conflicts on a given
` interface, then the host MUST limit the rate at which it probes for
` new addresses on this interface to no more than one attempted new
` address per RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL. This is to prevent catastrophic ARP
` storms in pathological failure cases, such as a defective DHCP server
` that repeatedly assigns the same address to every host that asks for
` one. This rate-limiting rule applies not only to conflicts
` experienced during the initial probing phase, but also to conflicts
` experienced later, as described in Section 2.4 "Ongoing Address
` Conflict Detection and Address Defense".
` If, by ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds after the transmission of the last ARP
` Probe no conflicting ARP Reply or ARP Probe has been received, then
` the host has successfully determined that the desired address may be
` used safely.
`2.2. Shorter Timeouts on Appropriate Network Technologies
` Network technologies may emerge for which shorter delays are
` appropriate than those required by this document. A subsequent IETF
` publication may be produced providing guidelines for different values
` technologies.
` If the situation arises where different hosts on a link are using
` different timing parameters, this does not cause any problems. This
` protocol is not dependent on all hosts on a link implementing the
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` same version of the protocol; indeed, this protocol is not dependent
` on all hosts on a link implementing the protocol at all. All that is
` required is that all hosts implement ARP as specified in RFC 826, and
` correctly answer ARP Requests they receive. In the situation where
` different hosts are using different timing parameters, all that will
` happen is that some hosts will configure their interfaces more
` quickly than others. In the unlikely event that an address conflict
` is not detected during the address probing phase, the conflict will
` still be detected by the Ongoing Address Conflict Detection described
` below in Section 2.4.
`2.3. Announcing an Address
` Having probed to determine that a desired address may be used safely,
` a host implementing this specification MUST then announce that it
` is commencing to use this address by broadcasting ANNOUNCE_NUM ARP
` Announcements, spaced ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL seconds apart. An ARP
` Announcement is identical to the ARP Probe described above, except
` that now the sender and target IP addresses are both set to the
` host’s newly selected IPv4 address. The purpose of these ARP
` Announcements is to make sure that other hosts on the link do not
` have stale ARP cache entries left over from some other host that may
` previously have been using the same address. The host may begin
` legitimately using the IP address immediately after sending the first
` of the two ARP Announcements; the sending of the second ARP
` Announcement may be completed asynchronously, concurrent with other
` networking operations the host may wish to perform.
`2.4. Ongoing Address Conflict Detection and Address Defense
` Address Conflict Detection is not limited to only the time of initial
` interface configuration, when a host is sending ARP Probes. Address
` Conflict Detection is an ongoing process that is in effect for as
` long as a host is using an address. At any time, if a host receives
` an ARP packet (Request *or* Reply) where the ’sender IP address’ is
` (one of) the host’s own IP address(es) configured on that interface,
` but the ’sender hardware address’ does not match any of the host’s
` own interface addresses, then this is a conflicting ARP packet,
` indicating some other host also thinks it is validly using this
` address. To resolve the address conflict, a host MUST respond to a
` conflicting ARP packet as described in either (a), (b), or (c) below:
` (a) Upon receiving a conflicting ARP packet, a host MAY elect to
` immediately cease using the address, and signal an error to the
` configuring agent as described above.
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`RFC 5227 IPv4 Address Conflict Detection July 2008
` (b) If a host currently has active TCP connections or other reasons
` to prefer to keep the same IPv4 address, and it has not seen any
` other conflicting ARP packets within the last DEFEND_INTERVAL
` seconds, then it MAY elect to attempt to defend its address by
` recording the time that the conflicting ARP packet was received,
` and then broadcasting one single ARP Announcement, giving its own
` IP and hardware addresses as the sender addresses of the ARP,
` with the ’target IP address’ set to its own IP address, and the
` ’target hardware

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