`TSG-RAN WG2 meeting #16
`Beijing, China, 9 - 13 October 2000
` Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting
` (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Document for:
` Comment
`3GPP support team
`Hans van der Veen
`ETSI Mobile Competence Centre
`F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
`Tel+33 4 92 94 42 61
`email: Hans.vanderVeen@etsi.fr
`15 September 2000.
`Page 1 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Executive summary
`[SECRETARY's NOTE: Due to a lack of time, no executive summary was produced.]
`Opening of the meeting
`Denis Fauconnier (Chairman) opened the meeting and welcomed the delegates to Sophia Antipolis.
`Approval of the agenda
`R2-001549 Proposed agenda (Chairman)
`Denis Fauconnier (Chairman) proposed the agenda for the meeting.
`Decision: The agenda was approved.
`Results of the previous meeting
`Minutes of the previous meeting
`R2-001550 Draft minutes of WG2 meeting #14 Paris, 3 -7 July 2000 (Secretary)
`Hans van der Veen (Secretary) presented the draft minutes.
`Decision: The report was approved. The approved report (updated with meetings and comments received by
`e-mail etc.) would be available in R2-001551.
`R2-001551 Approved minutes of WG2 meeting #14 Paris, 3 -7 July 2000 (Secretary)
`This was the approved report of the TSG-RAN WG2 #14 meeting.
`Permanent documents
`No review was needed since the permanent documents had been approved by TSG-RAN.
`Page 2 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001552 TS 25.301 v3.5.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001553 TS 25.302 v3.5.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001554 TS 25.303 v3.4.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001555 TS 25.304 v3.3.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001556 TS 25.305 v3.2.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001557 TS 25.321 v3.4.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001558 TS 25.322 v3.3.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001559 TS 25.323 v3.2.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001560 TS 25.324 v3.1.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001561 TS 25.331 v3.3.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001562 TR 25.921 v3.1.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001563 TR 25.922 v3.2.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001564 TR 25.924 v1.0.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001565 TR 25.925 v3.1.0 (Secretary)
`R2-001566 TR 25.926 v3.1.0 (Secretary)
`Results of other activities
`Results of e-mail discussions
`R2-001579 Report on e-mail discussion: RACH selection (Ericsson)
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this report.
`Discussion: The reply by Philips had not been incorporated in the appendix. The CRs submitted to this
`meeting on this topic reflected the conclusions of the e-mail discussion.
`Decision: The report was noted. To incorporate the Philips comment a revision of the report would be
`provided in R2-001699.
`R2-001699 Report on e-mail discussion: RACH selection (Ericsson)
`This was the update of R2-001579.
`R2-001580 Report on e-mail discussion: RLC timers (Philips)
`Sylviane Gilly (Philips) presented this report.
`Discussion: There was no conclusion on this topic. Ericsson had a proposal that would be discussed under
`Agenda Item 6.
`Decision: The report was noted.
`R2-001581 Report on e-mail discussion: RLC Mod Comparison (Silicon Automation Systems)
`Atul Suresh Joshi (Silicon Automation Systems) presented this report.
`Discussion: There was no conclusion on part of the issue. A CR for the other part was provided by Silicon
`Automation Systems.
`Page 3 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Decision: The report was noted.
`R2-001582 Report on e-mail discussion: Hybrid ARQ (Siemens)
`Reinhard Köhn (Siemens) presented this report.
`Discussion: The e-mail discussion was reflected in R2-001672, an update of the TR on Hybrid ARQ.
`Decision: The report was noted.
`R2-001703 Report on e-mail discussion: 25.304 review (Vodafone Airtouch)
`Alan Law (Vodafone Airtouch) presented this report.
`Discussion: The resulting internal version of 25.304 was included in the report.
`Decision: The report was noted.
`Summary of Ad Hoc meeting on 25.331
`R2-001686 Report of Ad Hoc on 25.331, Paris, France, 16-17 August 2000 (Ad Hoc on 25.331)
`Denis Fauconnier (Chairman) presented this report.
`Discussion: The Ad Hoc had made good progress, but had not finished the review of the entire specification.
`Since many procedures were near-word-exact, it was proposed to check if those many could be reduced to a
`small number of procedures (keeping the messages).
`Decision: The report was noted.
`R2-001687 Version of 25.331 with yellow marking (Ad Hoc on 25.331)
`This document was for information.
`R2-001688 Commented version of 25.331 (Ad Hoc on 25.331)
`This document was for information.
`Report from LCS Ad Hoc meeting
`R2-001719 Report of LCS Ad Hoc (LCS Ad Hoc)
`Robert Beeson (Lucent Technologies) presented this report.
`Discussion: There was some discussion on the work distribution between WG2 and WG3, and it was not
`clear to everyone what was the best way to capture information for R'00.
`Decision: The report was noted. The decisions taken by the LCS Ad Hoc were endorsed.
`Denis Fauconnier (Chairman) thanked Robert Beeson for chairing the Ad Hoc session and producing the
`The documents that were handled in the LCS Ad Hoc meeting can be found in Agenda Item 6.6 (CRs for
`R'99), 7.1.4 (Release '00 TDD issues) and 7.1.5 (Release '00 FDD issues).
`Page 4 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Reports & liaisons from other groups
`R2-001717 (R1-000421, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Use of Compressed Mode for Seamless Hard
`Handover (TSG-RAN WG1)
`Kaisu Iisakkila (Nokia) presented this LS.
`Discussion: This LS had been postponed a few meetings ago, but had slipped through and no response had
`yet been given to TSG-RAN WG1. After checking offline, it appeared that WG1 did not think it was
`essential for Release '99.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001567 (R1-000901, copy TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (R3) on Measurements (TSG-RAN
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The change needed had already been incorporated during WG2#14.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001568 (R1-000961, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Progress Report of the WI 'Low Chip Rate TDD,
`physical layer' and request for support (TSG-RAN WG1)
`Armin Sitte (Siemens) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The progress in WG1 was described. There was nothing to do for WG2.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001569 (R1-000975, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Some study/work items with RAN WG1 having the
`primary responsibility (TSG-RAN WG1)
`Ki-Ho Jung (Samsung) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The request by WG1 was against the working procedures approved by TSG-RAN in June. The
`lesson learnt from R'99 was that if all WGs would work on the same topics in parallel (as had been done for
`R'99 in the past), this caused confusion, double work and even less time for each WI for which WG2 was
`responsible. Therefore, TSG-RAN had approved working procedures for future releases (see R2-001323 in
`WG2#14), which require a TR being made by the WG leading the WI before involving other WGs.
`Decision: The LS was noted. Denis Fauconnier (Chairman) would draft a response in R2-001706 to remind
`WG1 of the working procedures.
`R2-001804 (R1-001127, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on UE capability parameter definitions (TSG-RAN
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: This contained a CR to 25.926, which had been agreed by TSG-RAN WG1.
`Decision: The LS was noted. R2-001821, CR 013 was agreed.
`R2-001796 (R1-001128, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Compressed mode for measurement purpose
`"other" (TSG-RAN WG1)
`Kaisu Iisakkila (Nokia) presented this LS.
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`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Discussion: The LCS Ad Hoc in October would handle this issue. A response would not be given until after
`that LCS Ad Hoc. Delegates would tell their colleagues in TSG-RAN WG1 and TSG-RAN WG4.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001853 (R1-001146, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on TFCI in the case of invalid set of transport blocks
`and during DPCH synchronisation (TSG-RAN WG1)
`This LS would be handled in WG2#16.
`R2-001861 (R1-001162, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Status of HARQ type II/III work item in RAN WG1
`Mikko Rinne (Nokia) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The LS was such that further discussion of the mentioned documents on Hybrid ARQ was
`deferred to WG2#16.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001862 (R1-001163, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Issues related to UE timing (TSG-RAN WG1)
`Francesco Grilli (Qualcomm) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The issue would be handled in WG2#16.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001570 (R3-001955, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Reconfiguration of Radio Bearer during Cell
`Update (TSG-RAN WG3)
`Armin Sitte (Siemens) presented this LS.
`Discussion: It was clear that this procedure needed more attention.
`Decision: The LS was noted. Armin Sitte (Siemens) would draft a response to WG3 in R2-001841.
`R2-001571 (R3-001998, copy TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (SMG2) on Support of AMR via Iu-ps
`Joakim Bergström (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: There was nothing for WG2 to do.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001731 (R3-002198, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Questions on Behaviour in the "forward handover"
`scenario without an Iur in Release '99 (TSG-RAN WG3)
`Joakim Bergström (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The questions were related to an outgoint LS that had already been prepared.
`Decision: The LS was noted. The response to this would be merged into the outgoing LS to WG3.
`There were no LSs from this group.
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`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001572 (S2-001053, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on "Two phase resource reservation" (TSG-SA WG2)
`Kaisu Iisakkila (Nokia) presented this LS.
`Discussion: This issue violated the model in use and there seemed to be misunderstandings.
`Decision: The LS was noted. Ainkaran Krishnarajah (Ericsson) would draft a response in R2-001709.
`R2-001576 (S3-000487, copy TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (N1) on UE triggered authentication
`and key agreement during connections (TSG-SA WG3)
`Alan Law (Vodafone Airtouch) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The impact could not be judged now. First the stage 2 description was needed.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001740 (N1-000997, to TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (S2) on Proposal of exchange of the terms
`"in GSM" and "in UMTS" (TSG-CN WG1)
`Kaisu Iisakkila (Nokia) presented this LS.
`Discussion: There needed to be a response to say that we do not need to broadcast as we always connect to a
`3G core network.
`Decision: The LS was noted. Kaisu Iisakkila (Nokia) would draft a response in R2-001822.
`R2-001741 (N1-001011, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Question about the RRC Flow Id concept (TSG-CN
`Jörg Schniedenharn (Siemens) presented this LS.
`Discussion: TSG-CN WG1 would not meet till November. Therefore, it was possible to take some time for
`the response. This issue would be handled at the next meeting and a response would wait till afterwards.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001742 (N1-001038, copy TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LSs (R3/S2) on Timing between RAB
`Assignment Response and user date (TSG-CN WG1)
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: There was nothing to do for WG2.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001743 (N1-001039, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Missing definition of high quality signal for UMTS
`and on comparing UMTS and GSM signal quality (TSG-CN WG1)
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: The definition would be drafted for the next meeting by Ericsson. TSG-RAN WG4 would
`provide the values.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001744 (N1-001044, copy TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (S3) on UE-Triggered Re-
`Authentication (TSG-CN WG1)
`Alan Law (Vodafone Airtouch) presented this LS.
`Discussion: There was nothing to do for WG2.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`Page 7 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001575 (N4-000524, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on Synchronisation issues during codec type change
`Armin Sitte (Siemens) presented this LS.
`Discussion: It was not very clear what was requested of WG2. For the next meeting a clarifying description
`will be added to RRM strategies by Siemens.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`TSG-T and TSG-T WGs
`R2-001573 (T1-000110, to TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (R2-000931) on Changes to TR 25.926 UE
`radio access capabilities (TSG-T WG1)
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this LS.
`Discussion: It was somewhat strange that T1 was using the GSMA ISG document, which had no official
`status in 3GPP.
`Decision: The LS was noted. Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) would draft a response in R2-001716 to inform T1 of
`the latest status of 25.926.
`R2-001772 (T3-000433, to TSG-RAN WG2) Response to LS (R2-001541) on Parameters to be stored in
`the USIM (TSG-T WG3)
`Marko Mahkonen (Nokia) presented this LS.
`Discussion: There were several questions, some of which could be answered, and others of which were not
`very clear. The contact person would be asked for clarification.
`Decision: The LS was noted. Marko Mahkonen (Nokia) would draft a response to T3 in R2-001656.
`ITU Ad Hoc
`R2-001641 Revised Overview of IMT-2000 CDMA TDD (ITU Ad Hoc)
`Andrea Buldorini (CSELT) presented this document.
`Discussion: This document needed to be reviewed, with comments provided to Andrea Buldorini (CSELT).
`It was agreed to remove the ODMA description.
`Decision: The document was noted. Andrea Buldorini would send a response to the ITU Ad Hoc contact
`person, indicating the need to remove ODMA description.
`R2-001642 Revised Overview of IMT-2000 CDMA Direct Spread (ITU Ad Hoc)
`Andrea Buldorini (CSELT) presented this document.
`Discussion: This document needed to be reviewed, with comments provided to Andrea Buldorini (CSELT).
`No comments were received.
`Decision: The document was noted.
`R2-001644 Information about the ROHC working group in IETF (Nokia)
`Mikko Rinne (Nokia) presented this document.
`Page 8 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Discussion: There should be something for WG2 to check for the October WG2 meeting.
`Decision: The document was noted.
`5.2.2 GSM Association
`R2-001574 (SG34, to TSG-RAN WG2) LS on IMEI format for UMTS (GSM Association)
`Kaisu Iisakkila (Nokia) presented this LS.
`Discussion: There was nothing to do for WG2.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`R2-001823 Response to WG2 comments on Typical Parameter Sets v1.2 (GSMA-ISG Radio Parameter
`Ad Hoc Group)
`Alan Law (Vodafone Airtouch) presented this LS.
`Decision: The LS was noted.
`Completion/changes on release 99
` 6
`General decisions
`Cell selection/re-selection
`TS 25.304 was discussed at length during WG2#15. The final result can be found as R2-001750, CR 044 to
`25.304 in Agenda Item 6.5.
`R2-001733 Inter-frequency and inter-system cell reselection in CELL_FACH state (Nokia)
`Mikko Rinne (Nokia) presented this document.
`Decision: The document was noted. There would be an e-mail discussion with Mikko Rinne (Nokia) as
`R2-001751 A security problem in SRNS Relocation (Nokia)
`Juha Mikola (Nokia) presented this document.
`Discussion: A stage 2 would be needed for WG2#16 meeting. Contributions were invited.
`Decision: The document was noted.
`6.1.3 Other
`R2-001583 Directed signalling connection re-establishment at RRC (Ericsson)
`Joakim Bergström (Ericsson) presented this document.
`Discussion: There needed to be some confirmation from TSG-SA WG2 and possibly TSG-RAN WG3.
`Decision: The document was noted.
`R2-001645 RRC Procedure Performance Requirements (Nokia)
`Mikko Rinne (Nokia) presented this document.
`Page 9 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Discussion: Although there was a concern that the values were too high, the definitions N1 and N2 were
`accepted. It was agreed that the information of this document should be put somewhere, but where was for
`further study. The information would be provided to WG4, which would hold an Ad Hoc during the same
`week as this WG2 meeting. Mikko Rinne (Nokia) would provide an LS to WG4 in R2-001727, containing an
`update of R2-001645.
`Decision: The document was noted.
`R2-001771 Cell reselection during the transition from idle mode to connected mode (Nortel Networks)
`Claudiu Mihailescu (Nortel Networks) presented this document.
`Discussion: The problem was to be studied and proposals were invited for WG2#16 in Beijing.
`Decision: The document was noted. An e-mail discussion would be held on the general topic of Cell
`reselection during the transition from idle mode to connected mode, with Claudiu Mihailescu (Nortel
`Networks) as rapporteur.
`R2-001757 Suggested changes to 23.060 on SRNS Relocation from RAN2 (Ericsson)
`This document was replaced by R2-001842.
`R2-001842 Suggested changes to 23.060 on SRNS Relocation from RAN2 (Nokia, Ericsson)
`Juha Kalliokolju (Nokia) presented this document.
`Decision: The document was noted. An LS was drafted in R2-001766.
`R2-001849 Pre-configuration concept: Proposed corrections, Version 2. GSM to UMTS handover
`(Vodafone Airtouch)
`Alan Law (Vodafone Airtouch) presented this document.
`Discussion: This topic would be handled in WG2#16.
`Decision: The document was noted.
`Proposed changes on 25.301
`CRs to 25.301
`R2-001809 Agreed CR 041 to 25.301 on RLC modes for SHCCH (Siemens)
`Reinhard Köhn (Siemens) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`Proposed changes on 25.302
`CRs to 25.302
`R2-001584 Replaced CR 068 to 25.302 on Simultaneous reception of Primary and Secondary CCPCH
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The PCH should be added in section 3. The word 'required' could be interpreted wrongly and
`should be changed. The service dependence would be renamed too.
`Decision: With these changes, the CR was agreed. The update would be in R2-001728.
`Page 10 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001728 Agreed CR 068r1 to 25.302 on Simultaneous reception of Primary and Secondary CCPCH
`Decision: The CR was agreed (an additional correction had been done as was clarified in the meeting).
`R2-001616 Withdrawn CR 069 to 25.302 on TDD BER Measurement (InterDigital)
`This document was withdrawn.
`R2-001668 Agreed CR 070 to 25.302 on Removal of puncturing limit from the transport format
`definition (Ericsson)
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001864 Agreed CR 071 to 25.302 on Clarification of the Timeslot ISCP Measurements (Siemens)
`Christina Gessner (Siemens) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`Proposed changes on 25.303
`CRs to 25.303
`R2-001585 Replaced CR 035 to 25.303 on SRNS relocation (Ericsson)
`This document was replaced by R2-001754.
`R2-001754 Replaced CR 035r1 to 25.303 on SRNS relocation (Ericsson)
`Ainkaran Krishnarajah (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Discussion: There was an error (Cell update to extend to source RRC) in Figure y that needed to be
`corrected. Also negotiation of RLC would be added to this figure. Something that still needs to be studied
`(not necessarily for this CR) is what happens in the case of failure.
`Decision: An update of the CR was needed. The update would be in R2-001774.
`R2-001774 Agreed CR 035r2 to 25.303 on SRNS relocation (Ericsson)
`Ainkaran Krishnarajah (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed. An LS to WG3 and TSG-SA WG2 would be drafted by Ainkaran
`Krishnarajah (Ericsson) in R2-001844.
`R2-001603 Withdrawn CR 036 to 25.303 on Description of SRNS relocation (Siemens)
`This document was withdrawn.
`R2-001611 Agreed CR 037 to 25.303 on Variable Rate Transmission (Panasonic)
`Eiko Seidel (Panasonic) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`Page 11 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Proposed changes on 25.304
`CRs to 25.304
`R2-001700 Withdrawn CR 036r2 to 25.304 on RAT selection at cell selection (Ericsson, Mannesmann)
`This document was merged into R2-001750 (CR 044) and was therefore withdrawn.
`R2-001586 Withdrawn CR 043r1 to 25.304 on RACH selection (Ericsson)
`Johan Lundsjö (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Discussion: This would be better placed in 25.331.
`Decision: The CR was withdrawn.
`R2-001750 Agreed CR 044 to 25.304 on Correction and restructuring (TSG-RAN WG2)
`Discussion: This was the result of a major review held by e-mail and in the WG2#15 meeting. In the
`meeting, revisions of 25.304 were discussed on Tuesday (entire day) and Thursday (morning), with the final
`pass being turned into this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`Proposed changes on 25.305
`CRs to 25.305
`R2-001722 Rejected CR to 25.305 on Restoration of Open Interfaces (Qualcomm)
`Vince Jolley (Qualcomm) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The CR proposed to modify the LCS architecture to reflect that the LCS functions may be
`performed in the UTRAN, but not necessarily in the RNC (e.g., in an SMLC). This provoked a sharp debate.
`The general feeling was that this could not be accomplished in R'99, but should be re-examined in R'00.
`Decision: The CR was rejected in principle because of the timing and emphasis on completing R'99.
`R2-001640 Replaced CR 021r2 to 25.305 on Assisted GPS Procedures (Qualcomm)
`Vince Jolley (Qualcomm) presented this CR.
`Discussion: All proposed changes except 1 were agreed
`Decision: With this change, the CR was agreed in the LCS Ad Hoc and would be forwarded to TSG-RAN
`WG2 plenary for agreement. The update would be in R2-001721.
`R2-001721 Agreed CR 021r3 to 25.305 on Assisted GPS Procedures (Qualcomm)
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001604 Replaced CR 022 to 25.305 on TDD/FDD alignment of OTDOA and GPS assisted
`positioning methods (Siemens)
`Mark Beckmann (Siemens) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The CR was considered and modified
`Decision: An update of the CR was needed. The update would be in R2-001720.
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`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001720 Replaced CR 022r1 to 25.305 on TDD/FDD alignment of OTDOA and GPS assisted
`positioning methods (Siemens)
`Mark Beckmann (Siemens) presented this CR.
`Discussion: This change modified the assumptions for LCS. It was suggested that additional changes to 4.1
`could be completed in this meeting.
`Decision: With this change, the CR was agreed in the LCS Ad Hoc and would be forwarded to TSG-RAN
`WG2 plenary for agreement. The update would be in R2-001776.
`R2-001776 Agreed CR 022r2 to 25.305 on TDD/FDD alignment of OTDOA and GPS assisted
`positioning methods (Siemens)
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001605 Agreed CR 023 to 25.305 on Clean-up (Siemens)
`Mark Beckmann (Siemens) presented this CR.
`Discussion: Other positioning methods were agreed to not be considered for R'99. They would be considered
`for R'00.
`Decision: The CR was agreed. Siemens would create a draft TR for R’00 containing the other methods.
`R2-001777 Agreed CR 024 to 25.305 on Corrections from LCS Adhoc (Ericsson)
`Mats Cedervall (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Discussion: This CR proposed changes to 25.305 that plug some of the holes in the CR as identified by the
`LCS Ad Hoc group.
`Decision: The CR was agreed in the LCS Ad Hoc and would be forwarded to TSG-RAN WG2 plenary for
`agreement. This decision was endorsed.
`Proposed changes on 25.321
`Ad Hoc on MAC, RLC and PDCP
`During WG2#15, a parallel Ad Hoc session was held on MAC, RLC and PDCP, chaired by Mikko Rinne
`(Nokia). Also related CRs to 25.331 and CRs to 25.324 and 25.925 were handled in the Ad Hoc.
`R2-001843 Report of the Ad Hoc on MAC, RLC and PDCP (Ad Hoc Chairman)
`Mikko Rinne (Nokia) presented this report.
`Decision: The report was noted. The decisions taken by the Ad Hoc were endorsed.
`Denis Fauconnier (Chairman) thanked Mikko Rinne for chairing the Ad Hoc and producing the report.
`CRs to 25.321
`R2-001587 Postponed CR 050 to 25.321 on Logical channel prioritisation (Ericsson)
`Johan Torsner (Ericsson) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The content is similar to that proposed in R2-001679. Differing use of available bandwidth was
`pointed out. It was proposed that interested parties would discuss the issues between the two proposals.
`Decision: The document will be input to email discussion together with R2-001838.
`Page 13 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001657 Replaced CR 051 to 25.321 on Editorial Cleanup (Siemens)
`Reinhard Köhn (Siemens) presented this CR.
`Discussion: There were no technical changes. Outdated / redundant references were omitted in this CR.
`Nokia and Ericsson suggested some additional editorial modifications to further clarify the specification.
`These comments were agreed by Siemens.
`Decision: With these changes the CR was agreed. The update would be in R2-001808.
`This document was replaced by R2-001808.
`R2-001808 Agreed CR 051r1 to 25.321 on Editorial Cleanup (Siemens)
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001679 Replaced CR 052 to 25.321 on Corrections to relative priorities in MAC Protocol
`Peng Li (Qualcomm) presented this CR.
`Discussion: It was asked for clarification whether the priorities would be set according to the guaranteed
`bandwidth. Use of specifying bandwidth as a percentage of the total bandwidth was questioned as this may
`lead to unfair re-allocation of bandwidth due to addition / deletion of a logical channel. It was brought up by
`Nokia that further development of release '99 features at this point in time is very late. Qualcomm replied that
`the intention is to clarify the present specification and not to develop a new mechanism. It was asked whether
`the addition of new radio bearer would cause change of transport format set.
`Decision: Nokia requested more time to look at the proposal until the second day of the parallel ad-hoc. The
`proposal was revised in R2-001838
`R2-001838 Postponed CR 052r1 to 25.321 on Corrections to relative priorities in MAC Protocol
`Peng Li (Qualcomm) presented this CR.
`Discussion: It was agreed that the present specification requires clarification and that the proposed changes
`need further checking to increase the probability that the specification text would not need to be revisited
`Decision: Have an email discussion with the topic "Logical channel priorities in MAC protocol". Target is to
`conclude on clarifications necessary to the MAC protocol to support the currently defined logical channel
`priorities. R2-001587 is additional input to the discussion. Qualcomm will be rapporteur for the discussion.
`Proposed changes on 25.322
`CRs to 25.322
`R2-001588 Replaced CR 060r3 to 25.322 on SDU discard (Ericsson, Silicon Automation Systems)
`Decision: This document was replaced by R2-001748.
`R2-001748 Agreed CR 060r4 to 25.322 on SDU discard (Ericsson, Silicon Automation Systems)
`Johan Torsner(Ericsson) presented this CR
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001705 Replaced CR 061r3 to 25.322 on General RLC Corrections (Silicon Automation Systems)
`Atul Suresh Joshi (Silicon Automation Systems) presented this CR.
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`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`Discussion: The delegates felt that it is better to mention the order in which STATUS PDUs are transmitted.
`At the same time it was agreed that it should be mentioned that the receiver may not receive them in the same
`order as they were transmitted in certain cases. Also it was suggested that if a STATUS PDU indicated
`conflicting status for the same PDU, behaviour of the RLC needs to be defined.
`Decision: An update of the CR was needed. The update would be in R2-001798.
`R2-001798 Replaced CR 061r4 to 25.322 on General RLC Corrections (Silicon Automation Systems)
`Atul Suresh Joshi (Silicon Automation Systems) presented this CR.
`Discussion: After a discussion it was agreed to revert to the earlier proposal and remove definition of the
`order in which STATUS PDU:s of a status report are transmitted.
`Decision: With this change the CR was agreed. The update would be in R2-001840.
`R2-001840 Agreed CR 061r5 to 25.322 on General RLC Corrections (Silicon Automation Systems)
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001810 Replaced CR 067r3 to 25.322 on Correction to RLC window size range (Nokia)
`Juha Mikola(Nokia) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The WSN minimum value had been changed on both control and user plane to be the minimum
`number of transport blocks in a transport block set. For the encoding Ericsson insisted that the range of WSN
`should be [0,2^12-1] but in the text it should be mentioned that 0 is not valid in R'99.
`Decision: With this change the CR was agreed. The update would be in R2-001839.
`R2-001839 Agreed CR 067r4 to 25.322 on Correction to RLC window size range (Nokia)
`Mikko Rinne (Nokia) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001599 Replaced CR 070 to 25.322 on General corrections to RLC (Silicon Automation Systems)
`This document was replaced by R2-001732.
`R2-001732 Replaced CR 070r1 to 25.322 on General corrections to RLC (Silicon Automation Systems)
`Atul Suresh Joshi(Silicon Automation Systems) presented this CR
`Discussion: An editorial change was suggested.
`Decision: With this change, the CR was agreed. The update would be in R2-001799.
`R2-001799 Agreed CR 070r2 to 25.322 on General corrections to RLC (Silicon Automation Systems)
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001600 Agreed CR 071 to 25.322 on State Transition in RLC Ack. Mode (Silicon Automation
`Atul Suresh Joshi (Silicon Automation Systems) presented this CR.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001601 Withdrawn CR 072 to 25.322 on Result of e-mail discussion on MOD N comparison at TX
`(Silicon Automation Systems)
`The relevant changes were incorporated into R2-001748 and therefore this CR was withdrawn.
`Page 15 of 67
`TSG-RAN R2-001875 - Draft Report of the 15th TSG-RAN WG2 meeting (Sophia Antipolis, France, 21 - 25 August 2000)
`R2-001613 Agreed CR 073 to 25.322 on Clarification of the Length Indicators (LGIC)
`Seung-June Yi (LGIC) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The front sheet should refer to category 'F'. Hans van der Veen (Secretary) would change this
`when preparing the CR for the RAN plenary.
`Decision: The CR was agreed.
`R2-001614 Rejected CR 074 to 25.322 on Remote Suspend procedure (LGIC)
`Seung-June Yi(LGIC) presented this CR.
`Discussion: The CR pointed out a possible deadlock situation, if the receiver sets WSN to zero, which was
`agreed as a minimum value in the previous meeting. Ericsson felt that there is not a problem on the level of
`the specification, but that the implementation should take care of this situation. Nokia felt that if UE
`implementation failed, the network should be intelligent enough to RESET the RLC. It was also pointed out
`that termination criterion is not fool proof, as there is currently no way for the receiver to know if an update
`to the WSN value was correctly received or if there is just no data to transmit. One possible solution would
`be to add a Window_ACK SUFI that had been proposed earlier by SASI. But further discussion on the issue
`is required.. Topic open. The proposed solution was not agreed upon at this point.
`Decision: It was decided to clarify if the earlier decision to allow WSN 0 on user plane could be reverted,