`|PR2019—00906 (US 9,059,969)
`Exhibit 2080
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00906 (US 9,059,969)
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 1 of 5
`OVER 500, 000 SOLD ”'
`The Authoritative Resource for
`Telecommunications, Networking.
`the Internet and Information Technology
`by Harry Newton
`’I 8‘“ Updated and Expanded Edition
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 2 of 5
`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00906 (US 9,059,969)
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 2 of 5
`I if
`; i1
`copyright © 2002 Harry Newton
`email: Harry@HarryNewtonicom
`personal web site: www.HorryNewton.com
`business web site: www,Technology|nvestar.com
`All rights reserved under international and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including
`the right to reproduce this book or portions thereot in any form whatsoever.
`Published lay CMP Books
`An imprint 01 CMP Media LLC.
`12 West 21 Street
`New York, NY 10010
`ISBN Number 1*57820-104-7
`February 2002
`Eighteenth Edition
`For individual orders, and For intormotion on special discounts for quantity orders,
`please contact:
`CMP Books
`6600 Silacci Way
`Gilroy, CA 95020
`Tel: 1-800-500-6875 or 408848-3854
`Fax: 408-848-5784
`Web: www.cmpbooks,com
`Email: cmp@rushorder.com
`This book is also sold through www.Amazon.com, www.Fot13roin.com and
`Distributed to the book trade in the U.S. and Canada by Publishers Group West
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`Manufactured in the United States of America
`— We off
`WHY i
`- The 101
`— Chen ‘
`- How
`- HowM.._._JA._w,A,m»
`- Hurry
`- Ray111
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 3 of 5
`1 H
`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00906 (US 9,059,969)
`Exhibit 2080
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`Table of Contents
`— We offer a real reward ............................................................. V
`- How To Save on Telecom, PC, Internet and Airline Expenses and Best Investment Tips ................... VII
`- The logic of call centers, customer cares, and buying on the Internet .............................. XV
`- Cheaper, faster and more reliable are obvious trends but there are other less obvious important ones also .
`— How to Make Sure Your Computing and Telecommunications Still Run ............................. XIX
`- How to figure our ordering of terms and our spellings ....................................... XXI
`- Harry Newton does have a life outside this dictionary ....................................... XXV
`- Roy Horak teaches, consults and lives in Paradise ......................................... XXVII
`Dictionary begins with Numbers then goes onto Letters ................................v ......... I
`~ Industry Standards Organizations and their contact information ................................. 850
`- International Calling Codes ............... I ......................................... 856
`- Standard Plugs and Connectors ..................................................... 858
` )
`Exhibit 208
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`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00906 (US 9,059,969)
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 4 of 5
`involves numbering each cell associated with a seg-
`tion. Partial Packet Discard ( PD)
`merited packet as it enters t e ATM domain through the inbound
`offer of the ingress
`switclt. If any cell is dro pe , he subsequent cells associated with the packet are dropped,
`with the exception of the cell indicating the end of the data packet. P Penhances the per
`formance of the ATM ne work by dropping those cells, which serve no urpase as the entire
`packet will be transmitted in either case. PPP is an earlier, and less sophisticated, tech-
`niaoe that largely has been re laced by Early Pocket Discard (EPD). See also ATM, Classical
`I? over ATM, EPD, and LAN .
`PPIIN Public Packet
`PPI Pixels Per Inch. See Resolution.
`PPI. Pioneer Preference licensees. A PCS wireless term. Three US com anies were awarded
`licenses before the A an B band auctions began. They all adapted PCS» 900, at least in art.
`PPM T. Pulse Position Ma ulotion. Also known as Pulse Phase Modulation. A form of
`pulse time modulation in wrich the position in time of a light pulse is varied; signal ampli-
`rude and frequency hot
`remain constant. The Iypical implemento ionsare known as4 PM
`and IoPFM, as a pulse of
`i ht is emitted in one of4 or to time sots, respectively. For
`example, 4FPM is a
`ibit coding scheme which allows two his of information to be
`impressed onasingle ight uIse, with the exact bit ponern (Le, 00, 0], )0 orii) tndi-
`coted by
`e specific position in time in which the pulse appears in a synchronized ight
`stream. PPM can be used in
`oth analog and digital transmission systems; it is particular
`Iy useful wien powerreauirements must be kept low and when
`e ransmission me tum
`may he puse easily. Mcommonly is usedin infrared (IR) transmissionsystems, in oth
`wireless LAN (WLAN) ands art-haul networking applications; it aso is used in deeps ace
`laser communications systems.
`2. Periodic Fuse Metering.
`rivate (i.e. non-pa hr)
`3. Private
`lacement Memorandurn.Adocument that describesa
`company’s as irations and attempts to convince some poor unsus ecting soul (like me) to
`invest their hardearned money in thecompany. Sometimes the investmentwillbeturn out
`good in the long-run. Sometimes it won't. Most times, you have no idea.
`4. Parts Per Million. Also known as Parts of error For All
`ion, clockslack, drift, skew, sew
`ingrate, and IE (Time Interval Error). PFMiso measurement of he accuracy of sync to
`nization o a cocking source associated with a switchin system ora transmission system.
`Farexample, T-i systems are characterized by clock slack of 50p in, which translates into
`50/I 000000 of deviation, or five percent (5%). Tho means t at the accuracy of the
`clocking source is +/-5“/n accurate. TS systems are characterized by a clock sack of
`ZDpprn, meaning that up there can bea variation of up oi789 isin the signal between
`an incoming and outgoing T-El facility. Clock slack exceeding this specified ppm causes on
`unaccepta le evel of data error.
`PPM Processor Port Ne
`ork, which is the master controller li.e., CPU) of a pro rietory
`Avgyg sys em.
`PPP Point-to-Point Protocol. As defined in RFC I66), PPPis a layer 2, or Data link layer
`(Dill, protocol that allows one peer devices (eg, two ost computers, or a has comput—
`er and a
`rid e or router) to transport packets over a simple link. PPP commonly is used
`to support TC /IP traffic between an asynchronous PC and an access router for nternet
`access over a dialup seria link. This generally is the way that you connect across he PSTN
`from your PC at halite to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). PPP is a connectionorient-
`ed protocol that encapsulates packet data using a varia 'on on the HBLC (lli h level Data
`Link Control)
`rotocol. P P, which largely has replace
`the less robust pre ecessar SLIP
`(Serial line Internet Protocol), supports fullduplex do a transmission, both syncironous
`and asynchronous. PPP includes error detection and do a protection features, an ike SLIP.
`See also HBIC, link Con rol Protocol, Multilink PPP, PP oA, PPPoE, and SllP.
`PPPoA Point-to-Point
`rotocol over ATM. A BSL term, defining the use of the
`PP pro-
`tocol over a DSI (Digital Subscriber line) access cichit running the ATM protocol. At the
`customer premises, tho/i M protocol is embedded in an IAD (Integrated Access Device).At
`the edge of the network, ATM runs in on ATM-eaaippe DSLAM lDSl Access Moti Iexer).
`See also ATM, DSL, DSLAM, IAD, PPP, and PPPoE.
`PPPoE Point-to-Point
`rotocol over Ethernet. Defined in the RFC 2516 from t e IETF
`(Internet Engineering Task force), PPPoE is a means a connecting from your premises to
`your Internet Service Provider. Its main advantage is that it eliminates the need for the ISP
`to manage the allocation of lP addresses. According to www.dslreports.com, PPPoE is a
`method of encapsulating your data for transmission to a for point.
`It is veny sirni at to PPP
`over ATM. In this case though, a BSI modern pumping ATM is internal to the computer,
`rather than being a shar Ethernet cable away. Drigino ydestgned tor dialup lines, PPPoE
`paired device an I
`such as voice on ,
`data must have tar
`ed to,
`revel acrosfi
`enmyiun of the
`ierky video).
`to modulation ing
`qgemy mugging,”
`er fie uency au io
`[Umpflny is a utilit
`phone rings. Co or
`the customer. Men
`line“ ile Sloyuge'
`from 30 secon 3
`retrieved and bar
`exam le, about it
`retrieved from a g
`599mg need. my
`uni/[0| processing
`year-end processin
`of [e uluy cyclestt
`Pre-puid Ca
`Each card comes‘
`or long distancep
`[mg and ti
`”[93 how long vol
`$5, 510V 520V 5
`cheap for short cc
`ditional long dista
`on doing a “pres
`your office, and c
`Preuwirifl “
`2_ Wiring install‘o‘i
`Preamble t
`Netwoyks), the pi
`fmmg Avery 5'];
`deyiw to the {my
`the preamble is it
`the data bits 0ch
`signal at g predet
`go“ through [1 ml
`assigned to a PM
`urgency (therefor
`which the ”1955.1!
`tional four {ought
`fignfm DTMF.
`how a message i
`Precise po‘
`with GPS (Bloba’
`Precision A
`designed for (out
`C 9
`Exhibit 2080
`Page 5 of 5
`is being used by DSI providers to solve the problems they get managing an open DSI net-
`work, viz.: IP address shortages, broadcasts not meant for you appearing on your local IP
`address (because you are on a giant ISP centered virtual ne ), and other (mainly ISPend)
`difficulties inherent in large bridge networks. See also Ethernet, PPP, and PPPoA.
`PPS i. Pulses Per Second.
`2. Precise Positioning Service. The most accamte dynamic positioning passrble With GPS
`(Global Positioning System), base on the dual frequency P—code.
`3. Packets Per Second. A measurement of the throughput of a packet swrtcb or router, or
`a packet-based network. For example, the theoreical limi of IO Mbps Ethernet, when
`measured in terms of the smallest (i.e., 64-bytel
`ackets, is 14,800 packets per second
`(PPS). By comparison, Token Ring is 30,000 and FBBI is 70,000 pps.
`4. Path Protection Switched, A rin
`topology defined by Be Icore TA—496. PPS is really a
`fancy name for a duplicated SONE signal traveling over diverse (i.e., different) physical
`routes. When one route of ne
`ark crashes, the at er will take over. This enables itvto sur-
`vive service outages caused ycable cuts, earth uokes,
`l| htning stakes and equipment
`failures. The PPS ring gives a SDNET route a greater degree of survtvability than other
`SONET transmission paths t at don’t have route diversrty. Such SONET rings also are
`known as "self-healing.” _
`PPSN Pu IicPocketSwitched Ne
`PPSS Pu Iic Pocket Swrtched Service. Aconnec iononented, packet-switched data com-
`municotion service that permits users to communicate wt
`data terminals of other cos
`torners an on other packet networ s.
`PPTP Paint-to-Pointiunneing Protoco, o nevi
`rotocol t at enab es vrnual private net-
`working —— enabling secure remo e access to corporate networks over the Internet. The
`rotocol was first demonstrate at |nter0p, Spring I996. Accordin
`to the press release
`min US. Robotics and Microsoft whici demonstrated the protocol, PPTP will help com
`anies depoy remote access to em loyees more quickly, usingtewer resources, by allow»
`them to take advantage of existing enterprise network infrasructures such as the
`nternet for remote access.
`.8. Robotics devela ed the Windows
`PPTP driver, which
`wil be integrated into Microsa '5 Windows NT Senrer 4.0. Under an agreement wrth
`.S.Rohoticswill icenseavarietyotso rarecoinponentsforPPTPtoMicrosott.
`P P will
`e added as a son ard feu
`re to Microsoft's Windovrs NT Server and 0.5.
`a otics’ otal Control NETServer remo e access sewer platform. P
`streamlines access
`T networking environments, and alows NT network clients to take full advantage of
`the services provided by Microsoft’s RAS (Remote Access Service). For remote access, over
`analog or SDN lines, PPT createsa ”tunnel" directly to the appropriate departmental NT
`Server on a network — even i
`there are hundreds of NT Servers.
`e PPTP specification
`uids on standards such as PPan TC /IP. PPTP’tunneIs’ aremoeuser’s PPPpackets
`mm the
`ETServer to a Windows NT server, By terminating the remote user's PPP con-
`nection at
`e NT server, rat or han at he remote access hardware,
`PTP allows network
`administrators to standar ize securi
`using the existing services an capabilities built into
`he Windows NT security domain.
`sing PPTP, network administrators can extend a virtual
`rivate network from their Windows NT server throughout the lriterne and still retain con—
`To of their user passwords on
`accounts. NT provides its own knowledge of enterprise
`users, data ases, ollowe
`access and network addressing integrate
`into its RAS capabili
`ties. With
`PTP, users accessin their N based network will use these son/ices, including
`CP and WINS, for access.
`PQFP Pastic Quad Tlot Pack, a ormat used in the design of PCMCIA devices. Another
`ormat is called TQFI’, which stands for hin Quad Flat Pack.
`PRA An SDN ITU<T term use
`interna ionally to mean 230+0 and also 30B-i20. The
`in ornotional version of w at Americans call PRI. See also ISBN and rimany Rate interface
`or longer explanations.
`Practice The
`technical and instalation manuals often used by Bell Operating
`Companies. A poor use o the wor .Abetterward would be procedure.
`Prairie Dogging When someone yells or drops something oudly in a cube form
`(an office made up of cu icles), and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what’s
`going on.
`PRBS I. Pseudo Random Bit Se uence/pattern. A test pattern having the properties of
`random data (generally fill or 2047 bits), but generated in such a manner that another
`circuit, operating independently, can synchronize on the pattern and elect individual trans-
`mission bit errors.
`2. A Bluetooth term. Pseudorandom Bit Sequence, pre—pairecl deviceAdevice with which a
`link key was exchanged, and the ink key is stated, before link es ablishment. See also
`PayPal Inc. v. IOENGINE, LLC
`IPR2019-00906 (US 9,059,969)
`Exhibit 2080
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