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`The En
`A Dic
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`Copyright © 2003 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. — Eleventh ed.
`Includes index,
`ISBN 0-87779-807-9 (Laminated unindexed': alk. paper). — ISBN 0-87779-
`808-7 (Jacketed hardcover unindexed : alk. paper). — ISBN 0-87779-809-5 (Jacket-
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`Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`Page 2
`intending o intercept
`. PROSPECTIVE, ASPIRING (an ~ teacher)
`n [L integumentum’ fr '.
`. (1738)
`t n 14c . the true meaning or intention
`in-ter-pro-fe -sron-al
`Effie? TFA'gCH] (ca. 151%?”
`M d-mgriii \xn"‘e¥‘(d) mg!”
`fogging If?” (its and" "l7
`a w _
`na- rat\ vt -at-ed; —at-ing [‘in- + L tener so_ft, ten-
`5 ° 1 3 Pa 5 “ "‘48th
`\lD- te' Eli] (1575) : to make tender : SOFTBN ——~ Incten-
`a £5.25th n
`in. er-re- i-gious
`n- er- n-s i. u- ion-a
`n- er-corcre- a- ion
`fr. MF fr.
`r. pp. 0 inten are
`2thT3326124E1fr. L final/n
`, 5W “5 (12? an") EaNffiexisting in an extreme degree (the eircite-
`’rom the OWE: (14D)
`1 a.
`it“ out] (
`ain) b : having or showing a characteristic in ex—
`he ca may fr 0 f?e1andlo‘ .
`“was A!) ("J50105) 2 : marked by or expressive of great aeal,
`or rat‘Pnal or [W
`E155<~tion or concentration (N effort) 3 a : exhibiting
`, d E .
`' aperson w‘thgreatin
`‘ dealEmma miestness of purpose (an N student) b : deeply
`‘ ”19'1“
`' a
`“1‘” ” ‘“"e'is\e'"5§§s’3
`n (1579)
`1 - an act
`‘ a t . t ’
`n- er-senvso-ry
`in- an ay-er
`in- er-cu - ur-a - v
`— fi -9 r n
`: one
`a in ensi ies; esp
`tend) 5° '
`d fy i
`in- er-so-ci-e
`n- er- en
`in- are ea -er
`0. orb
`1 vb -ile ; -
`- n vt,
`:to ma aim
`flail-W \mfigflvf :lfQI‘RENGTI-IEN 2% : to increase the density
`_ al
`b’,“:ih“(-9)l\ any,“
`urinal?“- f (a photographic image) by chemical treatment b : to
`~t br its ’use
`was! 0 ts . 5mm; ~ vi : to become intense or more inten-
`{a b
`ln-ter-de-parI-men-tal-ly in-ter-lo-cal
`. r; 1i, 5:“ 1°“ 01' eXlJeritnce
`5 3°“ 6',- or more acute —— m-ien-SI-ii-ca-tlon \-.ten(t)s~fo—
`"1 a PC (ngf‘mes), _2 a:
`in-ier~de-pen-dence i
`' 511.3%:
`“1 “mini/reg" :
`.5119,“ n (1604)
`1 : INTENSITY 2 : coNNorA-
`l-lgémll SKI; "Me 'lecqm»
`\uien-Sion'a' \-‘tench~ricl, -'ten(t)-sho-n°l\ adj —. ln-ten-
`~tel [act "I ' ek-cha.w
`L n- ten(t)-she-'na-lc—t5\ n —- innten-SIonnal-ly \-'tench-nc-
`in-ier-mi-tft-lc I
`' we dress \"lek-cli
`'vs-llflbg'hgbaa v
`-a- ec- a
`in-ter-mm ec-u- ar
`-' u
`— 946 n
`l —t as 1665
`: t e qua ity or state
`we ' lntelleomi‘l ”We“ Zita
`IS 4,1! “'52? :5 exti-erhg degree of strength, force, energy, or
`'-chc-wc- 1M
`in! ”fig: ,‘nagnitudeofa quantity (as force or energy) per unit
`2 ‘ barge, mass, or time) 3 : sATURnTIoN 4a
`'to the ekercaim' {Fm-ilk. qt,
`l-al-ist \-1ist\ seoo intellec um
`a \.
`.'ten(t)-SiV\ adj (15c) : of, relating to, or marked by in-
`in-ter-trib-al A
`_ _shW:-1-rad’ Tin l
`5- ‘ensification: as a : highly concentrated (~ study) b
`wwg' iiz -ch _11§" 'chu('=)-
`W. ”I Inskrgngthen or increase; esp : tending to give force or em-
`in-ter-ocean ‘
`. to ive smog 'llfz’ ~Shwa-.
`ding adverb) c : constituting or relating to a method designed
`:cheFWQJQJZEPSah 0”“ “TC.
`(N roduCtiVitY by the expenditure of more capital and labor
`-al-iz-er \-'l R an, -cha:la._ .1},
`" fleas: By increase in scope <~ farming) - In-ten-SIVe-ly adv -—
`e -c c-wa-ill-zar.-c
`n-ter-va - ey
`, n-ter- i- er
`n- er-opoer-a- ive
`__ i
`: an intensive linguistic e ement
`fgfifigigalfdag liefilmvenlion,
`1 : continuous monitoring and treatment of
`in-ter-or-gan _
`elatin to this I m e 1w; also:
`Wigem patients using special medical equipment and services 2
`in-ter-Vll-Iage .
`n [Mgfi fr MF f L .
`as)” y.“ a hospital providing intensive care (heart patients in mten~
`1 (14C) .1 5 (D16;
`ln-ter- _s-i-ble‘
`3r tryin situation f” ‘1“? {0 le
`flinytenfi n [ME entente, fr. AF, fr. LL interim, fr. _L, act_ of
`ability go apply kjgi‘fifizg'iga" ’
`€337{fishing out, fr. intendere] (13c)
`1 a : the act or fact of intending
`W was? es? : the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or crimi-
`nk abstractly as measured by 011"
`. Km
`d wounding him with ~) b . the state of mind With
`11 net
`§;€"§§,;,§1,3§D‘;?§§§6t§ 23.12%“?
`ygfi'fl‘i’géli: done : VOLITION 2 : a usu. clearly formulated or
`' n : AIM the director’s ~) 3 a : MEANING SIGNIFI-
`$3315; °r4ngrfdn$°°sm° ~>
`cgdifii°§3§mmnén 3 syn see INTENTION
`“5;“ adi [L ,‘mgntus, fr. pp, of intendere] (14c)
`1 : directed With
`inater-act \.in-tcr—‘akt\ vi (1839) : to act upon one another
`flig‘g’uzgfifgiflggggmg f“ in
`gained 0; eager attention : CONCENTRATED 2 : having the mind, at-
`in-ter-ac-tant \-'ak~tant\ n (1949) : one that interacts
`u‘un orwill concentrated on something or some and 0: purpose <~
`: IQ 1
`in-ter-ac-tlon \.in-tor—'ak-shcn\ n (1832) : mutual or reciprocal action
`lilaiiivorlr) —— indent-Iv adv —- ln-ient-ness '1
`scr; -'te-lc-.jen(t)-, -.te~la-‘\n(158l
`or influence _. ln-ter-ac-tion-al \-shngly ~shg.n°]\ gay
`3,43:le \in-'ten(t)~shcn\ 71 (140)
`1 : a determination to act in a cer-
`iger of news : REPORTER
`ln-ter-ac-five \-'ak-tiv\ adj (1832)
`1 : mutually or reciprocally active
`way : RESOLVE 2 i IMPORT: SIGNIFICANCE 3 a : what one in—
`est designed to determine their
`2 : involving the actions or input of a user' esp : of relating to or being
`[lands to do or bring 31301111 b l the 013550?— for WhiCh a prayer, mass, or
`a two-way electronic communication system (as a telephoiie cable
`ll: 3“ is offered 4 i a process or manner 0f healing 0f incised
`[L intelligent-, intelligens, prp. of
`television, or a computer) that involves a user's.orders (as for interma-
`fluids .5 : CONCEPTSg-EP :ta52306911; gonsigerled as thesglfiitfided3;;
`fr. inter- + legere to gather, seletl
`tion or merchandise) or responses (as to a poll) ———- in-ter-ac-tive-ly
`figgcted to ano 15° o
`”W e ge
`P .‘ p“m0
`r SP
`having or indicating a high or ia ‘
`adv —— in-ter-ac-tiv-i-ty \-ak-'ti-vc-te\ n
`mental capacity b : revealing ni
`in ter alia \ in—t -“-l'-
`_,.._\ dv [L 1665 .
`th th‘
`.mi mm‘mN, INTENT, PURPOSE, DESIGN, AIM: END, ouJEcr, 013-
`, craeo a a
`).amongo er mgs
`:ected by intellect : RA‘l‘lONAL 3r-
`[thought : SKILLFUL 2 a : puss (
`ln-ter all-OS \<lé-,5s\ adv, [L] (ca. 1670) : among other persons
`Em‘ GOAL mean what one intends to accomplish or a ain
`l'ttl more than what one has in mind to do or bring
`In-ter-aI-Iled \uln'tal'Ja-illd, -9“11d\de (1917) 1 $13}me t0; COmPOSGd
`afiflapnlifgmliceed his intention to marry). INTENT suggests clearer
`in ..
`1 '
`puter; esp : using a built-in micro ,
`_.0 i or mVO Vlng
`3 ion or reater deliberateness the clear intent of the statute).
`in-teribreed \.in—tcr-'bréd\ vb -bred \~'bred\; -breecl-llig vz (1859) : to
`£13,318]; suggesgts a more settled detcrfnination (being successful was
`ngnlgogteSfingfglgattg, oggi‘fcaechitlh
`breed together: as a : CRossBREED b : to breed Within a closed pop—
`1 ~ co ier) '__ inniel-lljlr- en-llgn
`‘ ”impose in life). DESIGN implies a more carefully calculated plan
`1 w
`ulation ~ vt : to cause to breedtogether
`inmy \gte_la_jant_lé\ advg
`(tile order of events came by accident, not design). AIM adds to these
`. 5,,
`in-ter-ca-la-ry \in_'tar~kg;'ler,e. .1n-tcr-‘ka—lc~ré\ adf [L intercularzus, fr.
`implications of effort directed toward attaining or accomplishing (her
`«in! was to raise film/to an art form). BND stresses the intended effect
`intercaIare] (1614)
`1 a : inserted in a calendar (on ~ day) b of a
`«fiction often in distinction or contrast to the action or means as
`Ln intelligent person could assemli
`year : containing an intercalary period (as a day or month) 2 : insert-
`r sses success “1 coping With M
`~.’ i
`ed between other things or parts : INTERPOLATED
`iucli (willing to use any means to achieve his end). OBIEC'_I‘ may equal
`in-ter-ca-late \in~'tor-ko-.1z'it\ vt ~lat-ed; -lat-ing [L intercalatus, pp_ of
`$23; gzlgggfsfitfiwjr‘égétflafi
`‘ENDbut more often applies to a more indiVidually determined Wish or
`intercalare, fr. inter- + salon: to proclaim, call —— more at Low] (1603)
`understanding (alert to new teclm
`need «115 constant 917-75” Was the Echieve‘fiienf oftpleaslljilre).holamg-
`1 : to insert (as a day) in a calendar 2 : to insert between or am’ong_eX-
`:mptness in finding answers in (let‘s
`"VF,“FPU“ something ta‘l‘f‘ble an imme tate y atam“ t: (t ed" "1'
`2.» .f’
`isting elements or layers
`syn see INTRODUCE -—~ in-ler-ca-la-tlon
`noments of danger or challenge it. “mam" “he the 0’ fie S>‘ GOAL sugges 3 some
`“3 a a “e on y
`in prolonged effort and hardship (worked years to reach her goals).
`\—.tor-kc-'15—shon\ n
`l-sé-a, ~'gen(t)e\ n [Russ intellig:
`Ellen-llama: \in-'tench-nsl. -'ten(t)-she-n°1\ adj (ca. 1577)
`1 :done by
`inner-cede \iin-ter-'sed\ vi ~ced-ed; -ced-ing [L intercedere, fr. inter—
`907) : intellectuals who form NI-
`?figfiglggigflsfigeng?f€aégg gigglglfiteiigcf °§yfie§$¥ofi
`+ cedere to go] (1597) : to intervene between parties with a view to rec-
`or elite
`oncilin differences : MEDIATE syn see INTERPbSE -—~ in-ter-ced-eri
`1] [ME, fr. Lmteizzgibzzzgi “'éi’ii‘i MyUK“ielightig-lg?gteaii(lt)t.¥h\g13393153 :13 na la te\n
`in ten iion
`, 3
`gjlfiggflo Elfin?) —-ln
`‘l51‘\in-'tar\ vt in-terred; ln-ter-ring [ME enteren, fr. AF enterrer, fr.
`m-ter-cen-sal \im'tQI' swim-89“ ad] (1887) i occurring between 0611-
`n __ in-telnliugi-bIe-ness We!
`" Vi. 'inlerrare, fr. in— + L term earth —— more at TERRACE] (14c) : to de-
`1i5“595 <~ estimates) (”V P611051)
`will (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb .
`é\ adv
`n-ter-cept \.in-tor—'sept\ vt. [ME, fr. L interceptus, pp. of intercipere, fr.
`9“ V
`(15 ) . lack of modem is
`leF'IJI'EJ‘iXIIIlAE mter—, enter-, fr. AF 65 L; AF 1nter-, e_nt'r2~J fr. .L intern
`mter- + capers ‘50 take, 56126 “.more {it HEAVEI (150)
`1 Obs - PRE‘.‘
`(l-llller.‘ akin to OHG untar among, Gk enteron intestine, CE in in]
`. on f .
`t" .
`C t '
`VENT, HINDBR 2 a : to stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course
`tween : among : in the midst (intercrop) (interpenetrate) (inter-
`Egg”)? 32:? SL inteniperallmi ‘
`or before arn'val b : to receive (a communication or signal directed
`2 i reciprocal (interrelation) : reciprocally (inter-marry). 3
`to tern gr] (146') . not temperate
`elsewhere) usu. secretly 3 obs : to interrupt communication or con—
`.ive usep of intoxicating liqucri ~ aocatc'd bEtWEPH (interstation) 4 l carried 911 between (internation-
`nection with 4 : to include (part of a curve, surface, or solid) between
`) '15 ' ““11an between (IntgrbOIOV-lgh) 1 intervening .(interglaCial)
`Ieroaie-ness n
`two points, curves, or surfaces (the part of a circumference ~ed be-
`, ‘ilflW
`'en, intenden, fr.‘AF entendre, fr:
`'5 “Ed by, mVOIVlflg- or derived from two 01‘ more (interfaith) 7
`tween two radii) 5 a :‘to gain possession of (an opponent’s pass) b
`: to intercept a pass thrown by (an opponent)
`tat, fr. in- + tendere to S‘retchflmgg if!!!
`ten the limits of . Within (mtertropical) B . eXisting between
`n-‘ler-cepi \'in-tor~.sept\ n (1821)
`1 : the distance from the origin to 3.
`to mind on 2 archaic : to prom .
`' WWW“) (zntercompany)
`b : to refer to 4 a : to have In
`, m,
`point where a. graph crosses a coordinate axis 2 : INTERCEPTION‘ esp
`t°.d65ign for ‘1 SPECified “55 or I“ _,
`Egfigggggcu h
`:_t.he interception of a missileby'an interceptor or of a target byla‘inis-
`—- ln-tend-er n
`Sile_ 3 z a message, code, or Signal that is intercepted (as by monitoring
`rad“) °°mmum°an°ns)
`'efrdefi’?‘gn?tnt_ intendens pip-”[2
`r" “ r'
`W'r" * r" ‘ em
`diln‘n‘ e t!
`\e\ abut \°\ kitten, Ftable \cr\ further \a\ ash \i\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`.‘an a
`inistra ive c 1
`h hi
`. hi
`. b
`b t
`ush, or Portuguese monarc
`~ 4'l5l'aVall-abil-My
`\au\ out
`\c \c n \e\ e
`\e\ easy \g\ go \i\
`\i\ ice \]\JO
`“”13 be S“9h§n,f£ee§“i§‘3d$”
`\n\ sing \e\go \6\ law \e\boy \th\ thin nuke \fiuooc \1'1\foot
`'10 AL——lnoe
`)whom another is engaged
`in-ier chan nel
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ Vision, beige m,
`, oe, ue, y\ see Guide to Pronunciation
` -
`in ter com mu ha!
`Ingenico Inc. - EX. 1010
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