`Dorgham Sisalem
`GMD-Fokus, Berlin
`Henning Schulzrinne
`Columbia University, New York
`Many distributed multimedia applications have the abil-
`ity to adapt to fluctuations in the network conditions. By ad-
`justing temporal and spatial quality to available bandwidth,
`or manipulating the playout time of continuous media in re-
`sponse to variations in delay, multimedia flows can keep an
`acceptable QoS level at the end systems. In this paper, we
`present a new scheme called the loss-delay based adjust-
`ment algorithm (LDA) for adapting the transmission rate of
`multimedia applications to the congestion level of the net-
`work. The LDA algorithm was designed to reduce losses
`and improve utilization in a TCP-friendly way that avoids
`starving competing TCP connections. It relies on the end-to-
`end Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) for feedback infor-
`mation. In addition, we enhanced RTP with functionalities
`for determining the bottleneck bandwidth of a connection.
`The bottleneck bandwidth is then used for dynamically de-
`termining the adaptation parameters. Simulations and mea-
`surements of the LDA algorithm suggest the efficiency of the
`scheme in utilizing network resources, decreasing loss ratios
`and its fairness towards competing TCP traffic. Our inves-
`tigations also suggest that the report intervals and feedback
`information of RTP require some enhancements to accom-
`modate the needs of adaptive QoS control schemes.
`1 Introduction
`A large part of the multimedia conferencing applications
`used currently in the Internet, such as VIC [17] and VAT [14]
`are based on the UDP transport protocol. However, UDP of-
`fers no quality of service control mechanisms and can there-
`fore not guarantee any level of QoS. Fluctuations of network
`conditions combined with the inability of those protocols to
`support QoS control often render multimedia applications
` This work was funded in part by the BMBF (German Ministry of Ed-
`ucation and Rese arch) and the DFN (German Research Network).
`In addition, deploying non-congestion-controlled UDP
`traffic results in extreme unfairness towards competing TCP
`traffic. Sending best-effort traffic without any considera-
`tion of the network congestion state can easily result in
`packet losses. In response to that, TCP connections sharing
`the same bottleneck would reduce their transmission rates.
`However, without any rate reduction on behalf of the non-
`congestion-controlled traffic, the TCP connections which
`constitute around 95% of the Internet traffic today [25]
`would starve and receive much less than their fair bandwidth
`shares. Therefore, UDP sources need to be enhanced with
`quality of service control mechanisms that not only aim at
`reducing loss ratios and improve bandwidth utilization but
`also are fair towards competing TCP connections, i.e, be
`Currently, different approaches are being discussed for
`solving the QoS and congestion control problems such as:
`resource reservation [4], priority mechanisms [1] and appli-
`cation control [7], i.e., to instruct the applications at the end
`systems to adapt the bandwidth share they are utilizing to the
`network congestion state.
`Reserving enough resources for supporting a certain QoS
`level in advance guarantees this quality level and would be
`the most straightforward approach for handling the prob-
`lem. However, as it is usually impossible to know the ex-
`act characteristics of a stream in advance, one would tend
`to over-allocate resources to guarantee the requested QoS
`level, leading to network underutilization. In addition to the
`complexity and scalability problems of reservation based
`QoS control schemes, these schemes do not easily allow the
`use of extra bandwidth for improved quality during network
`underload states for example.
`With priority mechanisms, different data packets or
`streams are labeled with different priorities and thereby
`treated differently at the network routers. Such an approach
`is simpler than the reservation approach as it requires no
`signaling and less complicated control mechanisms at the
`routers. However, the exact mechanisms for setting the pri-
`ority levels, the router mechanisms for controlling these lev-
`els and the actual gain achieved with such an approach are
`Page 1 of 12
`VIMEO ET AL., v. BT, 2019-00833
`still under discussion [1].
`In this paper, we propose to use QoS control mechanisms
`based on adapting the sender transmission rate in accor-
`dance with the network congestion state. That is, based on
`feedback information from the receivers, the sender would
`increase its transmission rate during underload situations
`and reduce it otherwise. This is especially beneficial when
`the bandwidth availability may change during a session, par-
`ticularly during long-lived sessions typical for multimedia
`communications. Note, that with such an approach no QoS
`guarantees can be made, but the user perceived quality is im-
`proved through loss reduction.
`Ergonomic studies and the experience gained from the
`Internet demonstrate that people can use audio and video
`data as long as the information content is above a minimum
`level [28]. This level depends on media content and the task
`at hand. For instance, a foreign language is more difficult to
`understand than a native language when audio quality is re-
`duced. So, at the expense of slight degradation in user satis-
`faction, it is possible to adjust the transmission rates of end
`systems in accordance with the network congestion state.
`Hence, deploying application control results in a better over-
`all bandwidth utilization, as it avoids network congestion. A
`major advantage of application control schemes is that they
`require no support from intermediate routers and are, thus,
`easy to deploy.
`Applications control works best for live transmission for
`unicast and small multicast groups; in large multicast groups
`in a heterogeneous environment, a “race to the bottom” can
`occur so that one poorly connected receiver determines the
`quality for the much larger number of well-connected re-
`ceivers. To avoid these problems, various proposals have
`been made for hierarchical data distribution [27, 18, 29].
`Those proposals are based on partitioning a data stream into
`a base layer, comprising the information needed to achieve
`the lowest quality representation and a number of enhance-
`ment layers. The different layers are then sent to different
`multicast sessions and the receivers determine how many
`sessions to join and thereby adjust their QoS in respect to
`their own requirements and capacities.
`While layered data transmission solves the heterogeneity
`problems, it might cause additional delays at the receivers.
`As the different layers might use different paths and hence
`have different round trip times, the receivers need to resyn-
`chronize the arriving data. Additionally, data partitioning
`might lead to a drift problem caused by motion compensated
`coding if only the lower bit rate layer is received [11]. Fi-
`nally, it increases the complexity of the end systems consid-
`In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end rate adap-
`tation scheme called the loss-delay based adjustment algo-
`rithm (LDA) for adjusting the transmission rate of multime-
`dia applications to the congestion level of the network. The
`LDA algorithm resembles other adaptation approaches pro-
`posed in the literature [3, 5] that increase the transmission
`rate during network underload periods by an additive in-
`crease rate (AIR) and reduce the rate multiplicatively during
`congestion periods. However, these schemes show a rather
`aggressive adaptation behavior, often leading to the starva-
`tion of competing TCP traffic [23]. The LDA algorithm is
`on the contrary designed in a TCP similar fashion that pre-
`vents the starvation of TCP connections but sill allows for a
`stable transmission behavior.
`Another issue that none of the adaptation schemes we
`encountered addresses is how to choose AIR. The appro-
`priate value of AIR depends on the bandwidth share of a
`connection. As this share might change dynamically during
`the lifetime of a connection using a constant AIR value is
`rather inappropriate. The LDA algorithm adjusts its adapta-
`tion parameters dynamically in response to the losses, delays
`and capacity observed on the path traversed by the adap-
`tive connection. The capacity of the network is estimated
`by enhancing RTP with the packet pair approach presented
`in [13].
`In Sec. 2 of this paper we present some related work on
`the issue of TCP-friendly adaptation. The loss-delay based
`adjustment algorithm (LDA) is then presented in Sec. 3. Fi-
`nally, the performance of the algorithm in terms of band-
`width utilization, scalability and fairness towards competing
`TCP connection is investigated using simulations and mea-
`surements in Sec. 4.
`2 TCP-Friendly Adaptation Algorithms
`As deploying non-congestion controlled UDP traffic in
`the Internet might result in starving competing TCP con-
`nections [10], different approaches have been suggested that
`aim at adjusting the transmission behavior of UDP senders
`in a TCP similar fashion. In the following we present a brief
`summary of some of those approaches:
` Jacobs [12] presents a scheme that uses the congestion
`control mechanisms of TCP, however, without retrans-
`mitting lost packets. In his scheme, the sender main-
`tains a transmission window that is advanced based on
`the acknowledgments of the receiver. Based on the size
`of the window the sender can estimate the appropri-
`ate transmission rate. Thereby, the adaptive connec-
`tion is guaranteed to acquire the same bandwidth a TCP
`connection would be getting under the same conditions
`of losses and delays. However, the need to acknowl-
`edge each packet limits the benefits of such an ap-
`proach to unicast communication. Also, the acknowl-
`edgment packets increase the overall network traffic
`significantly diminishing the benefit of adaptation, par-
`ticularly for short voice packets.
`Page 2 of 12
` Floyd et al. [10] and Ott et al. [19] propose a model that
`estimates the throughput of a TCP connection (rTCP) un-
`der known delay and loss conditions as
`3 The Loss-Delay Based Adjustment Algo-
`rithm (LDA)
`rTCP =
` : M
`with M as the maximum packet length, RTT as the
`round trip delay of the connection and l as the average
`loss measured during the lifetime of the connection.
`Based on this estimation, Mahdavi et al. [15] and
`Turletti et al. [26] propose end-to-end, TCP-friendly
`congestion control schemes in which the end systems
`measure losses and delays in the network and restrict
`their transmission rates to the value estimated by Eq. 1.
`Floyd et al. [10] describe a mechanism in which routers
`identify connections that use more bandwidth than al-
`lowed by Eq. 1 and then throttle these connections.
`The TCP-throughput model is based on a TCP sender
`interpreting packet drops as an indication of conges-
`tion and responding by reducing the congestion win-
`dow and thereby the effective sending rate by half. Fur-
`ther, this sender should only increase its transmission
`window by at most one packet each round trip time.
`While this model is rather simple, it is only partially
`correct. It does not consider timeout cases or delayed
`acknowledgments. However, even under those restric-
`tions different studies [10, 16] have shown this model
`to be accurate enough for losses of less than 16%.
`that the TCP-throughput model is
`Note, however,
`based on the average loss and delay observed during
`the lifetime of a connection. However, adaptation de-
`cisions need to be taken based on the current loss and
`delay values. As the observed losses and round trip
`delays change dynamically, using the TCP-throughput
`model as the sole basis for adaptation results in a rather
`oscillatory adaptation behavior which might lead to an
`annoying perceived QoS by the users due to the rapid
`changes in the quality of the received data stream. In
`addition, the TCP-model does not state the rate increase
`method during no loss periods. Testing a simple adap-
`tation mechanism based on setting the bandwidth to the
`rate estimated by the TCP model using the loss and de-
`lay values reported in the RTCP packets and increasing
`the rate additively during no loss periods the scheme
`showed a very oscillatory behavior and on the average
`a rather low throughput [23]. Also, the authors in [19]
`state that if the round trip time is caused by queuing de-
`lays, or if the bottleneck router is shared among com-
`peting connections, this model is only of limited value.
`The LDA algorithm is a sender based adaptation scheme.
`It relies on the Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) [20] for
`feedback information about the losses at the receivers and
`round trip time. We additionally enhanced RTP to estimate
`the bottleneck bandwidth of a connection. Based on these
`information, the sender calculates for each received feed-
`back message from receiver (i) the appropriate bandwidth
`to use for the reporting receiver (ri). During periods with-
`out losses the sender increases ri by an additive increase
`rate (AIRi) which is estimated using the loss, delay and bot-
`tleneck bandwidth values included in the feedback reports.
`The actual sending rate is then determined at equally spaced
`adaptation points as minri.
`We divide the algorithm description into three parts han-
`dling the feedback information, upon which the adaptation
`decisions are taken, the mechanisms for setting the adapta-
`tion parameters and the actual adaptation mechanisms.
`3.1 Feedback Information
`The loss-delay based adjustment algorithm is based upon
`the Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) [20] designed
`within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RTP en-
`hances other transport protocols such as UDP with features
`needed by continuous media applications, such as the capa-
`bility of distinguishing between different media streams and
`keeping track of various statistics describing the quality of
`the transmission as seen by other members of the session.
`RTP sessions consist of two lower-layer data streams,
`namely a data stream for, say, audio or video and a stream of
`control packets (using the sub-protocol called RTCP). Each
`session member periodically sends RTCP control reports to
`all other session members. Senders transmit reports describ-
`ing the amount of data they have sent and a timestamp indi-
`cating the time the report was generated. For each incom-
`ing stream the receivers send a report indicating the fraction
`of lost data, the timestamp of the last received sender re-
`port (tLSR) for that stream and the time elapsed in between re-
`ceiving the last sender report and sending the receiver report
`(tDLSR). Knowing the arrival time t of the RTCP packet the
`sender can calculate the round trip time (RTT) as follows:
`RTT = t (cid:0) tDLSR (cid:0) tLSR
`This calculation requires no synchronization between the
`clocks of the sender and receiver and is therefore rather ac-
`curate. With the LDA algorithm, we estimate the round trip
`propagation delay ( ) as the smallest measured RTT.
`In addition, we enhanced RTP with the ability to esti-
`mate the bottleneck bandwidth of a connection based on the
`Page 3 of 12
`ple, consider the case of a 1 Mb/s link shared between 2
`connections. An ideal sharing would be if each connec-
`tion received 500 kb/s. For this case, measurements [5]
`have shown that an appropriate AIR value that allows small
`convergence periods and only small oscillations would be
`50 kb/s. This value would, however, be inappropriate if the
`link was being shared among 100 connections for example.
`With the LDA algorithm the additive increase rate (AIR)
`is set dynamically based on the congestion state of the net-
`work. That is, AIR is set initially to a small value, and is
`then increased during periods without losses. If losses are
`reported by the receivers, the senders set the AIR back to
`the initial value. We have chosen an initial value of 10 kb/s,
`which is small enough to be used even in narrowband ISDN
`If the received RTCP messages from receiver (i) indicate
`no losses the sender calculates an AIRi for this receiver as
`AIRi = AIR + AIR Bf
`with Bf = (cid:0)
`with AIR as the additive increase value calculated for the en-
`tire session, r the current transmission rate, b the bottleneck
`bandwidth and Bf as a bandwidth factor that allows connec-
`tions with a low bandwidth share to use larger AIR values
`and thereby converge faster to their fair bandwidth share.
`The difference between AIR and AIRi will be explained in
`Sec. 3.3.
`Further, AIRi is limited maximally to the average rate in-
`crease (rincr) a TCP connection would utilize during periods
`without losses in a time interval equivalent to the interval be-
`tween two adaptation points (T ). So for a round trip prop-
`agation delay of and a packet size of M , a TCP connec-
`tion would increase its transmission window each by one
`packet size. Translated into transmission rate increase, rincr
`would be
`r b
`rincr =
`M T
` +
`3.3 Congestion Control Mechanism
`With each received RTCP packet from a member i the
`sender calculates a transmission rate ri it would use if
`member i was the only member of the multicast session. ri
`is then saved into a data base. So, if no losses were indicated
`the sender can recalculate AIRi as was described in 3.2 and
`ri is then set to
`ri = r + AIRi
`with r as the transmission rate the sender is using for the en-
`tire session.
`packet pair approach described by Bolot [2]. The essential
`idea behind this approach is: If two packets can be caused
`to travel together such that they are queued as a pair at the
`bottleneck, with no packets intervening between them, then
`the inter-packet spacing will be proportional to the time re-
`quired for the bottleneck router to process the second packet
`of the pair.
`We added to the RTCP packets an application defined
`part including the source sequence number, the sequence
`number (SEQ) of a data packet that will start a stream of
`probe packets and the number (n) of probe packets that will
`be sent. Then, n data packets starting with packet numbered
`SEQ are sent at the access speed of the end system. At the
`receiver site, the bottleneck bandwidth b is calculated as:
`b =
`probe packet size
`gap between 2 probe packets
`Note, that we are using data packets as probe packets and
`therefore the additional bandwidth required for the bottle-
`neck probing is restricted to the increased size of the RTCP
`packets. Sending data packets as probe packets is appropri-
`ate when transmitting video streams as one can send a few
`packets belonging to the same video frame together without
`considerably altering the traffic characteristics. Also video
`packets tend to be large which increases their possibility of
`being buffered at the routers. For the case of audio streams
`with small packets and stringent timing requirements an-
`other solution might need to be considered.
`To estimate the average bottleneck bandwidth we need to
`further filter out incorrect estimates. We rely on an approach
`similar to that used in the BPROBE tool [6], namely clus-
`tering similar estimates into intervals, and choosing the av-
`erage of the interval with the highest number of estimates.
`The estimated value is then sent back to the sender with the
`next receiver report.
`Obviously, this approach has lots of drawbacks. We do
`not include the time between the transmission of two probe
`packets. But, as we send the packets at the sender’s network
`access speed which in our case was 10 Mb/s we can usu-
`ally ignore this time. Also, we do not consider packet drops
`or competing traffic. However, testing this approach on dif-
`ferent Internet connections we achieved results comparable
`to those estimated by a more complicated tool such as the
`PATHCHAR tool by LBL. Still, we need to further refine
`the estimates filtering method and do more measurements.
`3.2 Dynamical Determination of the Additive In-
`crease Rate (AIR)
`The appropriate value to use for AIR depends largely on
`the bandwidth share a connection could utilize. For exam-
` A tool for estimating the loss, delay and bandwidth characteristics of an
`Internet path. The tool is freely available from ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/pathchar/
`Page 4 of 12
`Otherwise, the sender reduces ri in a rather TCP similar
`fashion, i.e., proportional to the indicated losses (l)
`ri = r (cid:0) l Rf
`with Rf as the reduction factor. This factor determines the
`degree of the reaction of the sender to losses. Higher values
`result in a faster reduction of the transmission rate but a more
`oscillatory behavior. Lower values, on the other hand, lead
`to more stable rate values but result in longer convergence
`periods. The different simulations we ran suggest that we
`get the best tradeoff between convergence time and stabil-
`ity for a reduction factor between 2 and 5. Throughout this
`study we use a factor of 3.
`Additionally, to favor connections with a low bandwidth
`share, we define a lower loss threshold (lth) below which a
`connection with lower transmission rate than an equivalent
`TCP connection can increase its transmission rate. Equiva-
`lent TCP connection indicates here a TCP connection with
`the same packet size, round trip delay as can be calculated
`using the timing information of the RTCP packets and hav-
`ing the same losses. In all of our simulations we set lth to
`Instead of reacting to each RTCP packet as some adap-
`tation schemes suggest [5], the LDA algorithm is based on
`so called adaptation points. At each adaptation point, the
`sender searches the transmission rates data base for the min-
`imum value (rmin) and sets r to rmin. A rmin smaller than the
`current transmission rate r indicates that at least one mem-
`ber has reported losses. In this case, AIR is reinitialized to
`the initial value of 10 kb/s. If rmin was higher than the current
`transmission rate (r), then AIR is set to AIRi calculated for
`the member for which rmin was determined for.
`We have used a period of 5 seconds between two adap-
`tation points which is also the average value between gen-
`erating two RTCP packets at the same source. As the time
`between two RTCP packets might actually be larger than 5
`seconds, choosing this fixed value has the disadvantage that
`the adaptation decision might be taken based on the reports
`of only a subset of the session members and not all of them.
`However, the other alternative would be to wait for the re-
`ports from all members before adapting. While this might
`work for small groups, for larger groups the interval between
`two sent RTCP packets increases and thereby the adaptation
`decision will be taken less frequently and, thus, be less effec-
`4 Performance of the Loss-Delay Based Ad-
`justment Algorithm
`When designing an adaptive control scheme, following
`goals need to be considered:
` the scheme should result in a low packet loss ratio,
` achieve high overall bandwidth utilization,
` fairly distribute bandwidth between competing con-
` and scale for large multicast groups.
`In this section, we investigate the performance of the LDA
`algorithm with regard to those different requirements using
`both simulations as well as measurements on a real network.
`4.1 Fairness and Convergence of the LDA Algo-
`Sender 4
`Receiver 4
`Sender 3
` b
`Receiver 3
`Sender 2
`Sender 1
`Receiver 2
`Receiver 1
`Figure 1. LDA performance testing topology
`As a first performance test of the LDA algorithm, we sim-
`ulated the topology depicted in Fig. 1. The model consists
`of 4 connections sharing a bottleneck router. All connec-
`tions deploy the LDA algorithm and are persistent sources.
`That is, they always have data to send with the maximum
`allowed rate. They all have the same round trip propaga-
`tion delay ( ) and are similar in their requirements and char-
`acteristics. The router is a random early drop (RED) gate-
`way as was proposed by Floyd and Jacobson [9]. A RED
`gateway detects incipient congestion by computing the av-
`erage queue size. When the average queue size exceeds a
`preset minimum threshold the router drops each incoming
`packet with some probability. Exceeding a second maxi-
`mum threshold leads to dropping all arriving packets. This
`approach not only keeps the average queue length low but
`ensures fairness and avoids synchronization effects. Based
`on results achieved in [10] the minimum drop threshold was
`set to 0.5 of the routers buffer and the maximum one to 0.95
`of the routers buffer. In our simulations we set the maximum
`queuing delay to 0.1 seconds and the bandwidth (b) of the
`bottleneck router to 1 and 10 Mb/s. The packet size is set
`to 1 kbyte, which is a typical video packet size. In the first set
`of simulations, we looked at the utilization, losses and fair-
`ness of the LDA algorithm with all connections having the
`same round trip time and different starting times. The band-
`width distribution and loss figures shown in Fig. 2 and 4 re-
`veal that after a convergence period the four connections re-
`ceived equal bandwidth shares with average losses between
`Page 5 of 12
`Time (sec)
`(a) = 1 ms, b=1 Mb/s
`Time (sec)
`Rate (kb/s)
`Rate (Kb/s)
`Time (sec)
`(a) = 1 ms, b=10 Mb/s
`Time (sec)
`Rate (kb/s)
`Rate (kb/s)
`(b) = 100 ms, b=10 Mb/s
`(b) = 100 ms, b=1 Mb/s
`Figure 2. Rate of competing LDA connections
`with round trip propagation delay ( ) and link
`bandwidth (b)
`Figure 3. Rate of competing LDA connections
`with round trip propagation delay ( ) and link
`bandwidth (b)
`2% and 10%. The utilization was around 95% in all mea-
`surements. Note that the convergence period for the simula-
`tions with bottleneck rate of 10 Mb/s, see Figs. 2(a) and 2(b),
`might extend over more than 300 seconds. This, however,
`depends on the value of the chosen reduction factor (Rf ).
`We have used an Rf of 3. We could have achieved shorter
`convergence periods using higher values of Rf . This would,
`however, have lead to a more oscillatory adaptation behav-
`ior which is inappropriate for adaptive video as it would re-
`sult in a lower perceived quality due to the rapidly changing
`video quality.
`4.2 Interaction of TCP and LDA Traffic
`The simulations run in Sec. 4.1 showed that the LDA al-
`gorithm achieves a rather fair bandwidth distribution among
`similar connections. In this section, we investigate the fair-
`ness of the LDA algorithm towards other adaptive traffic
`such as TCP. As a simulation topology, we use the topol-
`ogy depicted in Fig. 1 but with one of the senders replaced
`by a TCP sender. We investigate the bandwidth distribution
`achieved for the case of a bottleneck rate of 10 Mb/s and dif-
`ferent round trip times.
`The bandwidth distribution results depicted in Fig. 6
`show that for the case of ( = ms) the TCP connec-
`tion receives the same bandwidth share as the LDA con-
`nections. For ( = ms) the TCP connection receives
`nearly 1.4 Mb/s which is around half of its fair share which
`we would expect in this case to be 2.5 Mb/s. Based on
`Eq. 1 for a TCP connection with a packet size of 1 kbyte,
`a round trip time of 0.1 seconds to reach a bandwidth share
`of 2.5 Mb/s we would need to maintain an average loss rate
`of less than 0.16%. Actually, as we should also consider
`the queuing delay the loss value is even smaller. However,
`the RTCP packets only include a field of 8 bits for the loss
`value. That is, the minimum loss value that can be reported
`is around 0.4%. With such a loss value a TCP connection
`would utilize for the delay and packet size at hand a band-
`width share of around 1.6 Mb/s which is only slightly more
`than the value depicted in Fig. 6. To achieve optimal fair
`Page 6 of 12
`100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
`Time (sec)
`(a) = 1 ms, b=1 Mb/s
`Loss (%)
`Loss (%)
`100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
`Time (sec)
`(a) = 1 ms, b=10 Mb/s
`Loss (%)
`Loss (%)
`200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
`Time (sec)
`100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
`Time (sec)
`(b) = 100 ms, b=10 Mb/s
`(b) = 100 ms, b=1 Mb/s
`Figure 4. Loss of competing LDA connections
`with round trip propagation delay ( ) and link
`bandwidth b
`Figure 5. Loss of competing LDA connections
`with round trip propagation delay ( ) and link
`bandwidth b
`bandwidth distribution with the TCP connection getting ex-
`actly the same share as the LDA connections we would need
`to enhance RTCP to carry finer granulated loss values. An-
`other approach would be to use the value of the cumulative
`number of lost packets (lcum) included in the RTCP packets
`instead of the loss fraction. This value indicates the number
`of packets lost since the beginning of reception. While this
`leads to more accurate loss indications it also increases the
`complexity of the scheme as the sender needs to maintain
`more state information to actually benefit from lcum.
`4.3 Scalability of the LDA Algorithm
`To investigate the behavior of the LDA algorithm when
`used in multicast groups of different sizes we tested a simple
`case of a sender transmitting data to n receivers with n set
`to 1, 4, 64 and 320. As Fig. 7(a) shows the bottleneck router
`is shared between the sender and an on-off connection intro-
`ducing bursty back ground traffic, see Fig. 7(b).
`From Fig. 7(c) we can notice, that with a session of 64
`or 320 members the reactions to the sudden loss peaks are
`larger than those for smaller groups. The reason for this
`is related to the RTCP scaling algorithm. To avoid the in-
`crease in control traffic with the increase in group size the
`RTCP traffic is restricted to 5% of the bandwidth utilized by
`the session. With 320 members in the session the interval
`between two successive RTCP messages is larger than the
`adaptation interval of 5 seconds that we are using. As the
`reported losses in an RTCP message is calculated over the
`entire time between the sending of two RTCP packets the ef-
`fects of a loss peak will be noticed over several adaptation
`points even though the congestion has actually cleared. As
`an example, consider the case depicted in Fig. 8. Between
`the first two adaptation points we measure a loss rate of 10%
`over a time period of say 2 seconds. Assume, that the RTCP
`intervals of two members are 10 seconds long and are over-
`lapping with one RTCP message arriving before the second
`adaptation point and the RTCP message of the other mem-
`ber arriving only before the third adaptation point. As the
`loss is averaged over the entire 10 seconds the first mem-
`Page 7 of 12
`Receiver n
`Bursty Sender
`Adaptive Sender
` 1 Mb/s
`10 msec
`(a) Multicast test topology for LDA
`Receiver 1
`Background traffic
`0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9001000
`Time (sec)
`(b) Background traffic
`1 Sender
`4 Senders
`64 Senders
`320 Senders
`0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9001000
`Time (sec)
`(c) Sender transmission rate
`Rate (b/s)
`Rate (Kb/s)
`Figure 7. Testing the scalability of the LDA
`As TCP’s throughput is inversely proportional to the
`round trip time we would expect TCP to be unfair under
`these conditions, that is two similar connections sharing
`the same bottleneck but having different round trip delays
`would not receive the same bandwidth share. We use the
`same topology depicted in Fig. 1 but with all senders start-
`ing to send data at the same time and the connections from
`senders 3 and 4 to the receivers 3 and 4 having a round trip
`time 10 times as large as the other two connections. The
`bandwidth distribution results depicted in Fig. 9 suggest that
`TCP Sender
`Time (sec)
`(a) = 1 ms, b=10 Mb/s
`TCP Sender
`Time (sec)
`Rate (kb/s)
`Rate (kb/s)
`(b) = 100 ms, b=10 Mb/s
`Figure 6. Bandwidth of LDA connections com-
`peting with a TCP connection with round trip
`propagation delay ( ) and link bandwidth b
`ber would report a loss of 2%. Th