Network Working Group S. Kent
`Request for Comments: 2402 BBN Corp
`Obsoletes: 1826 R. Atkinson
`Category: Standards Track @Home Network
` November 1998
` IP Authentication Header
`Status of this Memo
` This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
` Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
` improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
` Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
` and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
`Copyright Notice
` Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.
`Table of Contents
`1. Introduction......................................................2
`2. Authentication Header Format......................................3
`2.1 Next Header...................................................4
`2.2 Payload Length................................................4
`2.3 Reserved......................................................4
`2.4 Security Parameters Index (SPI)...............................4
`2.5 Sequence Number...............................................5
`2.6 Authentication Data ..........................................5
`3. Authentication Header Processing..................................5
`3.1 Authentication Header Location...............................5
`3.2 Authentication Algorithms....................................7
`3.3 Outbound Packet Processing...................................8
`3.3.1 Security Association Lookup.............................8
`3.3.2 Sequence Number Generation..............................8
`3.3.3 Integrity Check Value Calculation.......................9
` Handling Mutable Fields............................9
` ICV Computation for IPv4.....................10
` Base Header Fields.......................10
` Options..................................11
` ICV Computation for IPv6.....................11
` Base Header Fields.......................11
` Extension Headers Containing Options.....11
` Extension Headers Not Containing Options.11
` Padding...........................................12
` Authentication Data Padding..................12
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`Ex. 1016
`Apple v. MPH Techs. Oy


`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` Implicit Packet Padding......................12
`3.3.4 Fragmentation..........................................12
`3.4 Inbound Packet Processing...................................13
`3.4.1 Reassembly.............................................13
`3.4.2 Security Association Lookup............................13
`3.4.3 Sequence Number Verification...........................13
`3.4.4 Integrity Check Value Verification.....................15
`4. Auditing.........................................................15
`5. Conformance Requirements.........................................16
`6. Security Considerations..........................................16
`7. Differences from RFC 1826........................................16
` Acknowledgements....................................................17
`Appendix A -- Mutability of IP Options/Extension Headers............18
` A1. IPv4 Options.................................................18
` A2. IPv6 Extension Headers.......................................19
` References..........................................................20
` Disclaimer..........................................................21
` Author Information..................................................22
` Full Copyright Statement............................................22
`1. Introduction
` The IP Authentication Header (AH) is used to provide connectionless
` integrity and data origin authentication for IP datagrams (hereafter
` referred to as just "authentication"), and to provide protection
` against replays. This latter, optional service may be selected, by
` the receiver, when a Security Association is established. (Although
` the default calls for the sender to increment the Sequence Number
` used for anti-replay, the service is effective only if the receiver
` checks the Sequence Number.) AH provides authentication for as much
` of the IP header as possible, as well as for upper level protocol
` data. However, some IP header fields may change in transit and the
` value of these fields, when the packet arrives at the receiver, may
` not be predictable by the sender. The values of such fields cannot
` be protected by AH. Thus the protection provided to the IP header by
` AH is somewhat piecemeal.
` AH may be applied alone, in combination with the IP Encapsulating
` Security Payload (ESP) [KA97b], or in a nested fashion through the
` use of tunnel mode (see "Security Architecture for the Internet
` Protocol" [KA97a], hereafter referred to as the Security Architecture
` document). Security services can be provided between a pair of
` communicating hosts, between a pair of communicating security
` gateways, or between a security gateway and a host. ESP may be used
` to provide the same security services, and it also provides a
` confidentiality (encryption) service. The primary difference between
` the authentication provided by ESP and AH is the extent of the
` coverage. Specifically, ESP does not protect any IP header fields
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` unless those fields are encapsulated by ESP (tunnel mode). For more
` details on how to use AH and ESP in various network environments, see
` the Security Architecture document [KA97a].
` It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the terms and concepts
` described in the Security Architecture document. In particular, the
` reader should be familiar with the definitions of security services
` offered by AH and ESP, the concept of Security Associations, the ways
` in which AH can be used in conjunction with ESP, and the different
` key management options available for AH and ESP. (With regard to the
` last topic, the current key management options required for both AH
` and ESP are manual keying and automated keying via IKE [HC98].)
` SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this
` document, are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [Bra97].
`2. Authentication Header Format
` The protocol header (IPv4, IPv6, or Extension) immediately preceding
` the AH header will contain the value 51 in its Protocol (IPv4) or
` Next Header (IPv6, Extension) field [STD-2].
` 0 1 2 3
` 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
` +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
` | Next Header | Payload Len | RESERVED |
` +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
` | Security Parameters Index (SPI) |
` +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
` | Sequence Number Field |
` +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
` | |
` + Authentication Data (variable) |
` | |
` +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
` The following subsections define the fields that comprise the AH
` format. All the fields described here are mandatory, i.e., they are
` always present in the AH format and are included in the Integrity
` Check Value (ICV) computation (see Sections 2.6 and 3.3.3).
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
`2.1 Next Header
` The Next Header is an 8-bit field that identifies the type of the
` next payload after the Authentication Header. The value of this
` field is chosen from the set of IP Protocol Numbers defined in the
` most recent "Assigned Numbers" [STD-2] RFC from the Internet Assigned
` Numbers Authority (IANA).
`2.2 Payload Length
` This 8-bit field specifies the length of AH in 32-bit words (4-byte
` units), minus "2". (All IPv6 extension headers, as per RFC 1883,
` encode the "Hdr Ext Len" field by first subtracting 1 (64-bit word)
` from the header length (measured in 64-bit words). AH is an IPv6
` extension header. However, since its length is measured in 32-bit
` words, the "Payload Length" is calculated by subtracting 2 (32 bit
` words).) In the "standard" case of a 96-bit authentication value
` plus the 3 32-bit word fixed portion, this length field will be "4".
` A "null" authentication algorithm may be used only for debugging
` purposes. Its use would result in a "1" value for this field for
` IPv4 or a "2" for IPv6, as there would be no corresponding
` Authentication Data field (see Section on "Authentication
` Data Padding").
`2.3 Reserved
` This 16-bit field is reserved for future use. It MUST be set to
` "zero." (Note that the value is included in the Authentication Data
` calculation, but is otherwise ignored by the recipient.)
`2.4 Security Parameters Index (SPI)
` The SPI is an arbitrary 32-bit value that, in combination with the
` destination IP address and security protocol (AH), uniquely
` identifies the Security Association for this datagram. The set of
` SPI values in the range 1 through 255 are reserved by the Internet
` Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for future use; a reserved SPI
` value will not normally be assigned by IANA unless the use of the
` assigned SPI value is specified in an RFC. It is ordinarily selected
` by the destination system upon establishment of an SA (see the
` Security Architecture document for more details).
` The SPI value of zero (0) is reserved for local, implementation-
` specific use and MUST NOT be sent on the wire. For example, a key
` management implementation MAY use the zero SPI value to mean "No
` Security Association Exists" during the period when the IPsec
` implementation has requested that its key management entity establish
` a new SA, but the SA has not yet been established.
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
`2.5 Sequence Number
` This unsigned 32-bit field contains a monotonically increasing
` counter value (sequence number). It is mandatory and is always
` present even if the receiver does not elect to enable the anti-replay
` service for a specific SA. Processing of the Sequence Number field
` is at the discretion of the receiver, i.e., the sender MUST always
` transmit this field, but the receiver need not act upon it (see the
` discussion of Sequence Number Verification in the "Inbound Packet
` Processing" section below).
` The sender’s counter and the receiver’s counter are initialized to 0
` when an SA is established. (The first packet sent using a given SA
` will have a Sequence Number of 1; see Section 3.3.2 for more details
` on how the Sequence Number is generated.) If anti-replay is enabled
` (the default), the transmitted Sequence Number must never be allowed
` to cycle. Thus, the sender’s counter and the receiver’s counter MUST
` be reset (by establishing a new SA and thus a new key) prior to the
` transmission of the 2^32nd packet on an SA.
`2.6 Authentication Data
` This is a variable-length field that contains the Integrity Check
` Value (ICV) for this packet. The field must be an integral multiple
` of 32 bits in length. The details of the ICV computation are
` described in Section 3.3.2 below. This field may include explicit
` padding. This padding is included to ensure that the length of the
` AH header is an integral multiple of 32 bits (IPv4) or 64 bits
` (IPv6). All implementations MUST support such padding. Details of
` how to compute the required padding length are provided below. The
` authentication algorithm specification MUST specify the length of the
` ICV and the comparison rules and processing steps for validation.
`3. Authentication Header Processing
`3.1 Authentication Header Location
` Like ESP, AH may be employed in two ways: transport mode or tunnel
` mode. The former mode is applicable only to host implementations and
` provides protection for upper layer protocols, in addition to
` selected IP header fields. (In this mode, note that for "bump-in-
` the-stack" or "bump-in-the-wire" implementations, as defined in the
` Security Architecture document, inbound and outbound IP fragments may
` require an IPsec implementation to perform extra IP
` reassembly/fragmentation in order to both conform to this
` specification and provide transparent IPsec support. Special care is
` required to perform such operations within these implementations when
` multiple interfaces are in use.)
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` In transport mode, AH is inserted after the IP header and before an
` upper layer protocol, e.g., TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc. or before any other
` IPsec headers that have already been inserted. In the context of
` IPv4, this calls for placing AH after the IP header (and any options
` that it contains), but before the upper layer protocol. (Note that
` the term "transport" mode should not be misconstrued as restricting
` its use to TCP and UDP. For example, an ICMP message MAY be sent
` using either "transport" mode or "tunnel" mode.) The following
` diagram illustrates AH transport mode positioning for a typical IPv4
` packet, on a "before and after" basis.
` ----------------------------
` IPv4 |orig IP hdr | | |
` |(any options)| TCP | Data |
` ----------------------------
` ---------------------------------
` IPv4 |orig IP hdr | | | |
` |(any options)| AH | TCP | Data |
` ---------------------------------
` |<------- authenticated ------->|
` except for mutable fields
` In the IPv6 context, AH is viewed as an end-to-end payload, and thus
` should appear after hop-by-hop, routing, and fragmentation extension
` headers. The destination options extension header(s) could appear
` either before or after the AH header depending on the semantics
` desired. The following diagram illustrates AH transport mode
` positioning for a typical IPv6 packet.
` ---------------------------------------
` IPv6 | | ext hdrs | | |
` | orig IP hdr |if present| TCP | Data |
` ---------------------------------------
` ------------------------------------------------------------
` IPv6 | |hop-by-hop, dest*, | | dest | | |
` |orig IP hdr |routing, fragment. | AH | opt* | TCP | Data |
` ------------------------------------------------------------
` |<---- authenticated except for mutable fields ----------->|
` * = if present, could be before AH, after AH, or both
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` ESP and AH headers can be combined in a variety of modes. The IPsec
` Architecture document describes the combinations of security
` associations that must be supported.
` Tunnel mode AH may be employed in either hosts or security gateways
` (or in so-called "bump-in-the-stack" or "bump-in-the-wire"
` implementations, as defined in the Security Architecture document).
` When AH is implemented in a security gateway (to protect transit
` traffic), tunnel mode must be used. In tunnel mode, the "inner" IP
` header carries the ultimate source and destination addresses, while
` an "outer" IP header may contain distinct IP addresses, e.g.,
` addresses of security gateways. In tunnel mode, AH protects the
` entire inner IP packet, including the entire inner IP header. The
` position of AH in tunnel mode, relative to the outer IP header, is
` the same as for AH in transport mode. The following diagram
` illustrates AH tunnel mode positioning for typical IPv4 and IPv6
` packets.
` ------------------------------------------------
` IPv4 | new IP hdr* | | orig IP hdr* | | |
` |(any options)| AH | (any options) |TCP | Data |
` ------------------------------------------------
` |<- authenticated except for mutable fields -->|
` | in the new IP hdr |
` --------------------------------------------------------------
` IPv6 | | ext hdrs*| | | ext hdrs*| | |
` |new IP hdr*|if present| AH |orig IP hdr*|if present|TCP|Data|
` --------------------------------------------------------------
` |<-- authenticated except for mutable fields in new IP hdr ->|
` * = construction of outer IP hdr/extensions and modification
` of inner IP hdr/extensions is discussed below.
`3.2 Authentication Algorithms
` The authentication algorithm employed for the ICV computation is
` specified by the SA. For point-to-point communication, suitable
` authentication algorithms include keyed Message Authentication Codes
` (MACs) based on symmetric encryption algorithms (e.g., DES) or on
` one-way hash functions (e.g., MD5 or SHA-1). For multicast
` communication, one-way hash algorithms combined with asymmetric
` signature algorithms are appropriate, though performance and space
` considerations currently preclude use of such algorithms. The
` mandatory-to-implement authentication algorithms are described in
`Section 5 "Conformance Requirements". Other algorithms MAY be
` supported.
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
`3.3 Outbound Packet Processing
` In transport mode, the sender inserts the AH header after the IP
` header and before an upper layer protocol header, as described above.
` In tunnel mode, the outer and inner IP header/extensions can be
` inter-related in a variety of ways. The construction of the outer IP
` header/extensions during the encapsulation process is described in
` the Security Architecture document.
` If there is more than one IPsec header/extension required, the order
` of the application of the security headers MUST be defined by
` security policy. For simplicity of processing, each IPsec header
` SHOULD ignore the existence (i.e., not zero the contents or try to
` predict the contents) of IPsec headers to be applied later. (While a
` native IP or bump-in-the-stack implementation could predict the
` contents of later IPsec headers that it applies itself, it won’t be
` possible for it to predict any IPsec headers added by a bump-in-the-
` wire implementation between the host and the network.)
`3.3.1 Security Association Lookup
` AH is applied to an outbound packet only after an IPsec
` implementation determines that the packet is associated with an SA
` that calls for AH processing. The process of determining what, if
` any, IPsec processing is applied to outbound traffic is described in
` the Security Architecture document.
`3.3.2 Sequence Number Generation
` The sender’s counter is initialized to 0 when an SA is established.
` The sender increments the Sequence Number for this SA and inserts the
` new value into the Sequence Number Field. Thus the first packet sent
` using a given SA will have a Sequence Number of 1.
` If anti-replay is enabled (the default), the sender checks to ensure
` that the counter has not cycled before inserting the new value in the
` Sequence Number field. In other words, the sender MUST NOT send a
` packet on an SA if doing so would cause the Sequence Number to cycle.
` An attempt to transmit a packet that would result in Sequence Number
` overflow is an auditable event. (Note that this approach to Sequence
` Number management does not require use of modular arithmetic.)
` The sender assumes anti-replay is enabled as a default, unless
` otherwise notified by the receiver (see 3.4.3). Thus, if the counter
` has cycled, the sender will set up a new SA and key (unless the SA
` was configured with manual key management).
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` If anti-replay is disabled, the sender does not need to monitor or
` reset the counter, e.g., in the case of manual key management (see
`Section 5.) However, the sender still increments the counter and when
` it reaches the maximum value, the counter rolls over back to zero.
`3.3.3 Integrity Check Value Calculation
` The AH ICV is computed over:
` o IP header fields that are either immutable in transit or
` that are predictable in value upon arrival at the endpoint
` for the AH SA
` o the AH header (Next Header, Payload Len, Reserved, SPI,
` Sequence Number, and the Authentication Data (which is set
` to zero for this computation), and explicit padding bytes
` (if any))
` o the upper level protocol data, which is assumed to be
` immutable in transit
` Handling Mutable Fields
` If a field may be modified during transit, the value of the field is
` set to zero for purposes of the ICV computation. If a field is
` mutable, but its value at the (IPsec) receiver is predictable, then
` that value is inserted into the field for purposes of the ICV
` calculation. The Authentication Data field is also set to zero in
` preparation for this computation. Note that by replacing each
` field’s value with zero, rather than omitting the field, alignment is
` preserved for the ICV calculation. Also, the zero-fill approach
` ensures that the length of the fields that are so handled cannot be
` changed during transit, even though their contents are not explicitly
` covered by the ICV.
` As a new extension header or IPv4 option is created, it will be
` defined in its own RFC and SHOULD include (in the Security
` Considerations section) directions for how it should be handled when
` calculating the AH ICV. If the IP (v4 or v6) implementation
` encounters an extension header that it does not recognize, it will
` discard the packet and send an ICMP message. IPsec will never see
` the packet. If the IPsec implementation encounters an IPv4 option
` that it does not recognize, it should zero the whole option, using
` the second byte of the option as the length. IPv6 options (in
` Destination extension headers or Hop by Hop extension header) contain
` a flag indicating mutability, which determines appropriate processing
` for such options.
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` ICV Computation for IPv4
` Base Header Fields
` The IPv4 base header fields are classified as follows:
` Immutable
` Version
` Internet Header Length
` Total Length
` Identification
` Protocol (This should be the value for AH.)
` Source Address
` Destination Address (without loose or strict source routing)
` Mutable but predictable
` Destination Address (with loose or strict source routing)
` Mutable (zeroed prior to ICV calculation)
` Type of Service (TOS)
` Flags
` Fragment Offset
` Time to Live (TTL)
` Header Checksum
` TOS -- This field is excluded because some routers are known to
` change the value of this field, even though the IP
` specification does not consider TOS to be a mutable header
` field.
` Flags -- This field is excluded since an intermediate router might
` set the DF bit, even if the source did not select it.
` Fragment Offset -- Since AH is applied only to non-fragmented IP
` packets, the Offset Field must always be zero, and thus it
` is excluded (even though it is predictable).
` TTL -- This is changed en-route as a normal course of processing
` by routers, and thus its value at the receiver is not
` predictable by the sender.
` Header Checksum -- This will change if any of these other fields
` changes, and thus its value upon reception cannot be
` predicted by the sender.
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` Options
` For IPv4 (unlike IPv6), there is no mechanism for tagging options as
` mutable in transit. Hence the IPv4 options are explicitly listed in
`Appendix A and classified as immutable, mutable but predictable, or
` mutable. For IPv4, the entire option is viewed as a unit; so even
` though the type and length fields within most options are immutable
` in transit, if an option is classified as mutable, the entire option
` is zeroed for ICV computation purposes.
` ICV Computation for IPv6
` Base Header Fields
` The IPv6 base header fields are classified as follows:
` Immutable
` Version
` Payload Length
` Next Header (This should be the value for AH.)
` Source Address
` Destination Address (without Routing Extension Header)
` Mutable but predictable
` Destination Address (with Routing Extension Header)
` Mutable (zeroed prior to ICV calculation)
` Class
` Flow Label
` Hop Limit
` Extension Headers Containing Options
` IPv6 options in the Hop-by-Hop and Destination Extension Headers
` contain a bit that indicates whether the option might change
` (unpredictably) during transit. For any option for which contents
` may change en-route, the entire "Option Data" field must be treated
` as zero-valued octets when computing or verifying the ICV. The
` Option Type and Opt Data Len are included in the ICV calculation.
` All options for which the bit indicates immutability are included in
` the ICV calculation. See the IPv6 specification [DH95] for more
` information.
` Extension Headers Not Containing Options
` The IPv6 extension headers that do not contain options are explicitly
` listed in Appendix A and classified as immutable, mutable but
` predictable, or mutable.
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
` Padding
` Authentication Data Padding
` As mentioned in section 2.6, the Authentication Data field explicitly
` includes padding to ensure that the AH header is a multiple of 32
` bits (IPv4) or 64 bits (IPv6). If padding is required, its length is
` determined by two factors:
` - the length of the ICV
` - the IP protocol version (v4 or v6)
` For example, if the output of the selected algorithm is 96-bits, no
` padding is required for either IPv4 or for IPv6. However, if a
` different length ICV is generated, due to use of a different
` algorithm, then padding may be required depending on the length and
` IP protocol version. The content of the padding field is arbitrarily
` selected by the sender. (The padding is arbitrary, but need not be
` random to achieve security.) These padding bytes are included in the
` Authentication Data calculation, counted as part of the Payload
` Length, and transmitted at the end of the Authentication Data field
` to enable the receiver to perform the ICV calculation.
` Implicit Packet Padding
` For some authentication algorithms, the byte string over which the
` ICV computation is performed must be a multiple of a blocksize
` specified by the algorithm. If the IP packet length (including AH)
` does not match the blocksize requirements for the algorithm, implicit
` padding MUST be appended to the end of the packet, prior to ICV
` computation. The padding octets MUST have a value of zero. The
` blocksize (and hence the length of the padding) is specified by the
` algorithm specification. This padding is not transmitted with the
` packet. Note that MD5 and SHA-1 are viewed as having a 1-byte
` blocksize because of their internal padding conventions.
`3.3.4 Fragmentation
` If required, IP fragmentation occurs after AH processing within an
` IPsec implementation. Thus, transport mode AH is applied only to
` whole IP datagrams (not to IP fragments). An IP packet to which AH
` has been applied may itself be fragmented by routers en route, and
` such fragments must be reassembled prior to AH processing at a
` receiver. In tunnel mode, AH is applied to an IP packet, the payload
` of which may be a fragmented IP packet. For example, a security
` gateway or a "bump-in-the-stack" or "bump-in-the-wire" IPsec
` implementation (see the Security Architecture document for details)
` may apply tunnel mode AH to such fragments.
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`RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header November 1998
`3.4 Inbound Packet Processing
` If there is more than one IPsec header/extension present, the
` processing for each one ignores (does not zero, does not use) any
` IPsec headers applied subsequent to the header being processed.
`3.4.1 Reassembly
` If required, reassembly is performed prior to AH processing. If a
` packet offered to AH for processing appears to be an IP fragment,
` i.e., the OFFSET field is non-zero or the MORE FRAGMENTS flag is set,
` the receiver MUST discard the packet; this is an auditable event. The
` audit log entry for this event SHOULD include the SPI value,
` date/time, Source Address, Destination Address, and (in IPv6) the
` Flow ID.
` NOTE: For packet reassembly, the current IPv4 spec does NOT require
` either the zero’ing of the OFFSET field or the clearing of the MORE
` FRAGMENTS flag. In order for a reassembled packet to be processed by
` IPsec (as opposed to discarded as an apparent fragment), the IP code
` must do these two things after it reassembles a packet.
`3.4.2 Security Association Lookup
` Upon receipt of a packet containing an IP Authentication Header, the
` receiver determines the appropriate (unidirectional) SA, based on the
` destination IP address, security protocol (AH), and the SPI. (This
` process is described in more detail in the Security Architecture
` document.) The SA indicates whether the Sequence Number field will
` be checked, specifies the algorithm(s) employed for ICV computation,
` and indicates the key(s) required to validate the ICV.
` If no valid Security Association exists for this session (e.g., the
` receiver has no key), the receiver MUST discard the packet; this is
` an auditable event. The audit log entry for this event SHOULD
` include the SPI value, date/time, Source Address, Destination
` Address, and (in IPv6) the Flow ID.
`3.4.3 Sequence Number Verification
` All AH implementations MUST support the anti-replay service, though
` its use may be enabled or disabled by the receiver on a per-SA basis.
` (Note that there are no provisions for managing transmitted Sequence
` Number values among multiple senders di

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