(12) Unlted States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`US 6,418,130 B1
`Cheng et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jul. 9, 2002
`Inventors: Yi Cheng, Solna; Lars BjOrup,
`Stockholm; Martin Jakob Rinman,
`Taby; Karl Dan Gustav Jerrestam,
`Johanneshov, all of (SE)
`5,243,653 A
`5,293,423 A
`5,444,766 A *
`5,546,464 A
`5,778,075 A *
`6,253,321 B1 *
`9/1993 Malek et al.
`3/1994 Dahlin et a1.
`8/1995 Farwell et a1.
`8/1996 Raith et a1.
`7/1998 Haartsen ..................... 375/138
`6/2001 Nikander et a1.
`........... 713/160
`.............. 455/437
`(73) ASSIgnee: Telefonaktlebolaget L M Erlcsson
`(publ), Stockholm (SE)
`W0 0139538
`............ H04Q/7/38
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C.154b b 0d
`( )
`(21) Appl. NO‘: 09/234’512
`Jan. 21, 1999
`Related US. Application Data
`PTOVlSlOHal application N0~ 60/115349: filed on Jim 8:
`Int. Cl.7 ................................................. H04M 1/66
`(52) US. Cl.
`....................... 370/331; 455/411; 455/410;
`370/328; 370/338; 380/247
`(58) Field of Search ................................. 370/328, 338,
`370/331; 455/410, 411; 380/247
`References Cited
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner—Hassan Kizou
`Assistant Examiner—Tim Spafford
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Burns, Doane, Swecker &
`Mathis, L~L~P~
`In a radio telecommunication system, the performance of a
`mobile unit can be Significantly Improved during a hand-
`over procedure by reusing existing security associations that
`corre5p0nd t0 the mobile unit. By reusing existing security
`associations, a mobile unit can begin secure communica-
`tiens immediately following the hand-Wei Otherwise, and
`in accordance With conventional practice, the mobile unit
`Will have to undertake the time consuming task of renego-
`tiating the required security associations, before it can begin
`transmitting and receiving secure communications.
`5,081,679 A
`1/1992 Dent
`35 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`EX. 1015
`Apple v. MPH Techs. Oy
`Ex. 1015
`Apple v. MPH Techs. Oy


`US. Patent
`Jul. 9, 2002
`Sheet 1 0f 5
`US 6,418,130 B1


`US. Patent
`Jul. 9, 2002
`Sheet 2 0f 5
`US 6,418,130 B1


`US. Patent
`Jul. 9, 2002
`Sheet 3 0f 5
`US 6,418,130 B1


`US. Patent
`Jul. 9, 2002
`Sheet 4 0f 5
`US 6,418,130 B1
`mMFDmEHEq<mn=2x<m_ mow


`US. Patent
`Jul. 9, 2002
`Sheet 5 0f 5
`US 6,418,130 B1


`US 6,418,130 B1
`This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §§119
`and/or 365 to US. Provisional Application No. 60/115,349
`filed in the United States on Jan. 8, 1999; the entire content
`of which is hereby incorporated by reference.
`The present invention involves wireless telecommunica-
`tion systems and/or networks, such as wireless local are a
`networks (LANs) and Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) systems.
`More particularly, the present invention involves the reuse of
`security associations when a mobile unit or mobile terminal
`undergoes handover from one stationary unit in the network
`to another.
`With the rapid development of wireless and mobile com-
`munication technologies, communication security issues,
`such as user authentication,
`traffic privacy and message
`integrity have become important concerns. In response, a
`number of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) security
`protocol standards, such as the Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
`protocol, the Internet Security Association and Key Man-
`agement Protocol (ISAKMP), and the Internet Protocol
`Security (IPSEC), are now employed in various wireless
`LAN and Mobile IP environments.
`The IKE protocol was designed to provide a mechanism
`for two or more communicating parties, such as a mobile
`unit (MU) and a network stationary unit (SU), to negotiate
`various security services and security associations. A secu-
`rity service is a method or means for providing protection for
`the communication between the two or more parties,
`whereas, a security association (SA)
`is a relationship
`between the two or more communicating parties which
`defines how the parties will execute the agreed upon security
`services. A security association is actually defined by a set
`of attributes, such as an authentication algorithm, an authen-
`tication key, an encryption algorithm, an encryption key, and
`a SA lifetime, which represents the period of time during
`which the corresponding SA is valid. As one skilled in the
`art will appreciate, the SAs must be negotiated and in place
`before the two or more parties can begin secure communi-
`cations the procedure for negotiating security services and
`SAs in accordance with the IKE protocol is accomplished in
`two phases. In a first phase (i.e., phase 1), the communicat-
`ing parties negotiate the ISAKMP SA. The ISAKMP SA is
`defined by a set of basic security attributes which provide
`protection for subsequent ISAKMP exchanges. In a second
`phase (i.e., phase 2), and under the protection of the
`ISAKMP SA, the communicating parties negotiate the IPSEC
`SAs associated with the IPSEC authentication header (AH)
`protocol and/or the IPSEC encapsulating security payload
`(ESP) protocol. The IPSEC protocols provide security ser-
`vices for communications at the IP layer. As is known in the
`art, a specific IPSECSA is uniquely defined by a security
`parameter index (SPI), a destination IP address, and an IPSEC
`protocol (i.e., AH or ESP).
`Because the SAs (i.e., the ISAKMP SA and the IPSEC
`SAs) are bound to the negotiating parties,
`the SAs are
`renegotiated whenever a mobile unit moves from one access
`point to another in a wireless LAN environment, or from one
`foreign agent to another in a mobile IP context. However, the
`IKE negotiation process is computationally intensive, par-
`ticularly phase 1. This is especially troublesome in wireless
`LAN and mobile IP applications where the mobile unit is
`frequently undergoing hand-over from one SU to another
`and where the MU has limited computational power. Under
`such conditions, overall system performance will be excep-
`tionally low since a significant amount of time must be spent
`renegotiating SAs rather than communicating.
`invention to provide a
`is an object of the present
`technique which improves the performance of a mobile unit
`(MU) in a wireless LAN or mobile IP environment, particu-
`larly during hand-over. The present invention accomplishes
`this by reusing rather then renegotiating the security asso-
`ciations (SAs) corresponding to the MU once the MU is
`handed-over. By reusing the SAs, less time is spent nego-
`tiating SAs. Consequently, a MU can begin secure commu-
`nications almost immediately upon being handed-over from
`one SU to a another SU.
`Accordingly, it is an objective of the present invention to
`provide a more efficient way to utilize SAs during hand-
`It is another objective of the present invention to reduce
`and/or minimize the latency period between the time a MU
`is handed-over to a stationary unit and the time the MU can
`begin secure communications with that stationary unit.
`It is yet another objective of the present invention to
`generally improve the performance of a MU through seam-
`less hand-over.
`It is still another objective of the present invention to
`maintain a required level of performance without sacrificing
`communication security.
`In accordance with one embodiment of the present
`the above-identified and other objectives are
`achieved through a method and/or an apparatus for accom-
`plishing hand-over of a mobile unit from a first stationary
`to a second stationary unit. The method involves
`disconnecting the mobile unit from the first stationary unit,
`and thereafter, connecting the mobile unit to the second
`stationary unit. The method also involves reusing an existing
`security association to support the connection between the
`mobile unit and the second stationary unit, wherein the
`existing security association was previously used to support
`the connection between the mobile unit and the first station-
`ary unit.
`In accordance with another embodiment of the present
`the above-identified and other objectives are
`achieved with a method and/or an apparatus for accomplish-
`ing hand-over of a mobile unit from a first stationary unit to
`a second stationary unit. More specifically,
`the method
`involves disconnecting the mobile unit from the first sta-
`tionary unit, and thereafter, connecting the mobile unit to the
`second stationary unit. The method then involves reusing an
`existing security association to support
`the connection
`between the mobile unit and the second stationary unit,
`wherein the existing security association was previously
`used to ensure secure communications for a connection
`between the mobile unit and a third stationary unit, and
`wherein the third stationary unit and the second stationary
`unit are associated with a first administrative domain that
`employs a common security policy.
`In accordance with still another embodiment of the
`present invention, the above-identified and other objectives
`are achieved with a method for reusing security associations
`to facilitate hand-over of a mobile unit between stationary
`units that are associated with a common administrative
`domain, wherein all of the stationary units associated with


`US 6,418,130 B1
`the common administrative domain are subject to the same
`security policy. The method involves negotiating a first
`security association for a connection between the mobile
`unit and a first stationary unit associated with the common
`administrative domain. The mobile unit is then disconnected
`from the first stationary unit, and thereafter, connected to a
`second stationary unit associated with the common admin-
`istrative domain. A first set of security association attributes,
`corresponding to the first security association, is then trans-
`ferred from the first stationary unit to the second stationary
`unit. The first security association can then be employed to
`ensure secure communications for the connection between
`the mobile unit and the second stationary unit.
`The objects and advantages of the invention will be
`understood by reading the following detailed description in
`conjunction with the drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates a first exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 2 illustrates a second exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 3 illustrates a first exemplary set of security asso-
`ciation attributes being transferred in accordance with the
`present invention;
`FIG. 4 illustrates a second set of security association
`attributes being transferred in accordance with the present
`invention; and
`FIG. 5 illustrates the transfer of security association
`attribute information,
`in accordance with the present
`invention, using encryption and authentication techniques.
`For a better understanding of the invention, the following
`detailed description refers to the accompanying drawings,
`wherein preferred exemplary embodiments of the present
`invention are illustrated and described.
`In addition,
`reference numbers used to identify key elements of the
`invention in the drawings are consistent throughout this
`invention involves a technique which
`The present
`improves the performance of a mobile unit or mobile
`terminal (herein referred to as a “MU”) in a radio telecom-
`munication system, particularly during hand-over, wherein
`the MU becomes disconnected from a first stationary unit
`(herein referred to as “SUkk”) and connected to another
`stationary unit (herein referred to as “SUk+,”) and wherein
`SUk and SUk+1 belong to a common administrative network
`domain that is under the control of a common security
`policy. The present invention accomplishes this by reusing
`one or more previously established security associations to
`support the newly formed connection between the MU and
`SUk+1. By reusing these previously established security
`associations, the MU and SUk+1 need not go through the
`time consuming task of renegotiating the security associa-
`tions (herein referred to as “SA”s) each time the MU
`changes it’s point of connection (e.g., undergoes hand-over)
`within the administrative domain. The present invention is
`of particularly importance where the communicating entities
`the MU and SUk+1) exhibit
`low to medium level
`computational power, and where the MU is especially
`mobile and frequently undergoing hand-over.
`In accordance with the present
`invention, each of a
`number of stationary units (SUs) associated with the same
`administrative domain, and thus under the control of a
`common security policy, are managed in an identical manner
`with respect to the SAs that are employed to protect the
`communication between the MU and the various SUs.
`Accordingly, the set of SAs that are established between the
`MU and any one of the various SUs belonging to that
`administrative domain can be reused by any one of the other
`SUs associated with that administrative domain, if and when
`the MU is handed-over to one of these other SUs. As
`previously stated, reuse of the previously established SAs
`will improve the performance of the MU during hand-over,
`without sacrificing communication security. However,
`depending upon the extent
`to which MU performance
`improvement is desired, two exemplary embodiments of the
`present invention are described herein below.
`In accordance with a first exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention, herein referred to as the partial SA reuse
`embodiment, a previously established Internet Security
`Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) SA
`is reused each time the MU is handed-over to another SU
`(i.e., SUk+1) in the administrative domain. More specifically,
`when the MU establishes a connection with a SU in the
`administrative domain for the first time, the Internet Key
`Exchange (IKE) phase 1 negotiation, which is used for
`establishing the ISAKMP SA, and the IKE phase 2
`negotiation, which is used for establishing the IPSEC SAs,
`are carried out in accordance with the various standards set
`forth by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
`However, as the mobile unit moves about, and is handed-
`over to another SU (i.e., SUk+1) associated with the same
`administrative domain, the previously established ISAKMP
`SA is reused by the MU and SUk+1. Nevertheless, the MU
`and SUk+1 still must conduct an IKE phase 2 negotiation;
`that is, the MU and SUk+l must renegotiate the IPSEC SAs.
`Because the IKE phase 1 SA negotiation process is far more
`time consuming relative to the IKE phase 2 negotiation
`process, the reuse of the ISAKMP SA greatly improves the
`performance of the MU during hand-over.
`In accordance with a second exemplary embodiment of
`the present invention, herein referred to as the full SA reuse
`embodiment, the previously established ISAKMP SA and
`the previously established IPSEC SAs are reused each time
`the MU undergoes hand-over from one SU (i.e., SUk) to
`another SU (i.e., SUk+1) in the administrative domain. As
`stated above, when a MU connects with a SU in the
`administrative domain for the first time, the ISAKMP SA
`and the IPSEC SAs are established in accordance with the
`IKE phase 1 and the IKE phase 2 negotiation processes
`respectively. However, unlike the partial SA reuse embodi-
`ment described above, subsequent hand-overs result in the
`reuse of both the previously established ISAKMP SA and
`the previously established IPSEC SAs. Thus, the entire IKE
`SA negotiation process, including phase 1 and phase 2, is
`avoided. Therefore, the MU and SUk+1 can begin commu-
`nicating with each other almost
`immediately after the
`ISAKMP SA and the IPSEC SAs are transferred from SUk to
`SUk+1. Consequently,
`the hand-over procedure is accom-
`plished in a seamless or near seamless fashion.
`In general, the full SA reuse embodiment provides greater
`MU performance enhancement during hand-over than does
`the partial SA reuse embodiment. That is because the MU
`and SUk+1 need not renegotiate any SAs. Why then might a
`network administrator opt to implement the partial SA reuse
`embodiment over the full SA reuse embodiment? One
`reason might be that the network administrator does not
`the various SUs associated with an administrative
`domain to share the same session keys (i.e., encryption and


`US 6,418,130 B1
`authentication keys) as specified by the IPSEC SAs. If, for
`example, all
`the SUs associated with the administrative
`domain share the same session keys and just one of the SUs
`is compromised, an attacker can probably compromise com-
`munications between the MU and any of the SUs associated
`with the administrative domain.
`As stated previously, a specific IPSEC SA is uniquely
`identified by a security parameter indeX (SPI), in combina-
`tion with a destination IP address, and a particular security
`protocol (e.g.,
`the authentication header protocol or the
`encapsulating security payload protocol). As such, a com-
`mon IP address is needed for all SUs in the administrative
`domain, in order to reuse an IPSEC SA. In accordance with
`the full SA reuse embodiment, this common IP address may
`be assigned to each SU as an alias IP address. However,
`under certain circumstances, a network administrator may
`not want to assign a common IP address to each SU. If this
`is the case, the network administrator is likely to opt the
`partial SA reuse embodiment rather than the full SA reuse
`When a MU is handed-over from one SU (e.g. SUk) to
`another SU (e.g. SUk+1), the SA attributes corresponding to
`the ISAKMP SA and the SA attributes corresponding to the
`IPSEC SAs, depending upon whether the partial SA reuse
`embodiment or the full SA reuse embodiment
`is being
`employed, must be transferred from SUk to SUk+1. This
`transfer of SA attributes from SUk to SUk+1 may be accom-
`plished in accordance with any one of a number of exem-
`plary techniques.
`FIG. 1 illustrates one such technique herein referred to as
`the direct transfer technique. According to the direct transfer
`technique, a MU 101 undergoes a hand-over from SUk 105
`to SUk+1 110 , as illustrated by the directional arrow marked
`“1”. Next, SUk+1 110 contacts SUk 105 by sending a SA
`request message, as illustrated by the directional arrow
`marked “2”. The SA request message specifically requests
`those SAs associated with the MU 101. Accordingly, the SA
`request message must contain an identifier code for the MU
`101. SUk 105 then replies to the SA request message by
`sending the appropriate SA attributes to SUk+1 110, as
`illustrated by the directional arrow marked “3”.
`In addition to the procedural steps described above, the
`direct transfer technique illustrated in FIG. 1, might also
`involve the step of verifying that SUk belongs to the same
`administrative domain as SUk+1. To accomplish this, each
`SU associated with the administrative domain might main-
`tain a list containing all IP addresses associated with the
`administrative domain. SUk+1can then perform the required
`verification by simply checking to see if the IP address
`associated with SUk is on the list. Alternatively, if admin-
`istrative domain corresponds with an IP network or subnet,
`SUk+1 can simply compare the network identification por-
`tion of SUk’s IP address with the network identification
`portion of it’s own IP address. If they match, SUk+1 has
`verified that SUk, in fact, belongs to the same administrative
`domain. If SUk+1 determines that SUk does not belong to the
`same administrative domain, then the MU and SUk+1 may be
`required to renegotiate the ISAKMP SA and the IPSEC SAs,
`unless the attributes associated with the ISAKMP SA and the
`in a database, as
`IPSEC SAs were stored, for example,
`illustrated in FIG. 2, during a previous connection between
`the MU and any one of the SUs associated with the admin-
`istrative domain to which SUk+1 belongs.
`FIG. 2 illustrates an alternative technique for transferring
`the appropriate SA attributes. This alternative technique is
`herein referred to as the intermediate storage technique. The
`intermediate storage technique may be preferable where the
`network configuration makes it difficult to identify SUk, or
`when direct communication between SUk and SUk+1 is
`difficult or undesirable. In accordance with this alternative
`technique, as shown in FIG. 2, a MU 201 undergoes a
`hand-over from SUk 205 to SUk+1 210, as illustrated by the
`directional arrow marked “1”. Prior to, simultaneous to, or
`if necessary, subsequent to the hand-over, SUk transfers the
`appropriate SAs associated with the MU 201 to a database
`(DBS) 215, as indicated by the directional arrow marked
`“2”. SUk+1 210 then sends a SA request message to the DBS
`215, as illustrated by the directional arrow marked “3”. As
`in the direct transfer technique,
`the SA request message
`contains an identifier code that specifically identifies the MU
`201. Thus, the DBS 215 can reply to the SA request message
`by sending the appropriate SAs, associated with the MU
`201, to SUk+1 210, as illustrated by the directional arrow
`marked “4”.
`As one skilled in the art will readily appropriate, the SAs
`contain sensitive information (e.g., session keys).
`Accordingly, the SA information that is transferred from
`SUk to SUk+1, using the direct transfer or the intermediate
`storage technique, should be protected. Therefore, encryp-
`tion and authentication mechanisms might be employed to
`ensure confidentiality and authenticity for this information.
`FIG. 3 illustrates, more specifically, the SA attributes that
`might be transferred from SUk to SUk+1, if the partial SA
`reuse embodiment is employed. As illustrated, SUk 105,
`upon receiving a SA request message from SUk+1 110, as
`indicated by the directional arrow marked “2”, sends a reply
`message 305 to SUk+1 110, wherein the reply message 305
`contains the information necessary to define the following
`ISAKMP SA attributes:
`the ISAKMP SA lifetime;
`ISAKMP session keys, including the ISAKMP session key
`for authentication and the ISAKMP session key for encryp-
`tion; keying material, which is required for deriving the
`IPSEC session keys; the last IKE phase 1 CBC (i.e., cipher
`block chaining) output block for generating an initialization
`vector which, in turn, is needed for the encryption of the first
`IKE phase 2 message. Although FIG. 3 indicates that the SA
`attributes are being transferred in accordance with the direct
`transfer technique described above, it will be readily appar-
`ent to one skilled in the art that the intermediate storage
`technique may be employed in the alternative.
`FIG. 4 illustrates the SA attributes that might be trans-
`ferred from SUk 105 to SUk+1 110, in addition to the SA
`attributes identified in FIG. 3, if the full SA reuse embodi-
`ment is employed. As illustrated in FIG. 4, SUk 105, upon
`receiving a SA request message from SUk+1 110, as indi-
`cated by the directional arrow marked “2” sends a reply
`message 405 to SUk+1 110, wherein the reply message 405
`contains the information necessary to define the ISAKMP
`SA attributes identified above in FIG. 3, and the information
`necessary to define the following IPSEC SA attributes: the
`IPSEC SA lifetime; the IPSEC protocols being used, that is,
`the authentication header and/or encapsulating security pay-
`load protocols; the IPSEC protocol mode, that is, the trans-
`port mode or
`the tunnel mode;
`the security parameter
`indeX(es); the IPSEC session keys, including the session keys
`for authentication and encryption, as well as their respective
`algorithms; the last CBC output block prior to hand-over,
`which is used as the initialization vector for encryption of
`the first IP packet subsequent to hand-over; and the value of
`the sequence number, in accordance with the authentication
`header protocol or
`the encapsulating security payload
`protocol, just prior to hand-over, as this value plus 1 will be
`the initial value of the sequence number after hand-over for


`US 6,418,130 B1
`anti-relay checking purposes. As was the case in FIG. 3, the
`transfer of SA attributes in FIG. 4 is accomplished in
`accordance with the direct
`transfer technique described
`above. However, it will be understood that the SA attributes
`may be transferred in accordance with the intermediate
`storage technique, also described above.
`As stated previously, the first time a MU connects to any
`SU in a given administrative domain, an IKE phase 1
`negotiation and an IKE phase 2 negotiation must be
`accomplished, thereby establishing the ISAKMP SA and the
`IPSEC SAs respectively. However,
`in accordance with
`another aspect of the present invention, the SA attributes
`associated with the ISAKMP SA and the IPSEC SAs may be
`stored for a period of time, for example, a period of time
`equivalent to the ISAKMP SA lifetime and the IPSEC SA
`lifetime respectively. The SA attributes might be stored in a
`database, such as the database 215 illustrated in FIG. 2. By
`storing the SA attributes, the MU might avoid having to
`renegotiate the ISAKMP SA and the IPSEC SAs if the MU
`becomes disassociated with the administrative domain, for
`example, by being handed-over to a SU which is not
`associated with the administrative domain, and then the MU
`becomes reassociated with the administrative domain, for
`example, by being handed back-over to a SU associated with
`the administrative domain, before the aforementioned period
`of time expires.
`In accordance with this aspect of the
`invention, the transfer of SA attributes to SUk+1 might be
`accomplished in much the same way as the intermediate
`storage technique illustrated in FIG. 2, but for the fact that
`the MU is handed-over to a SU associated with another
`administrative domain during an interim period between the
`time the MU is connected to SUk and the time the MU is
`connected to SUk+1.
`FIG. 5 illustrates a procedure for transferring SA attribute
`control messages, in accordance with an exemplary embodi-
`ment of the present invention, using encryption and authen-
`tication techniques to protect the SA attributes during trans-
`fer. While the procedure illustrated in FIG. 5 involves the
`intermediate storage technique, described above with refer-
`ence to FIG. 2, one skilled in the art will readily appreciate
`that a similar procedure could be applied to the direct
`transfer technique, described above with reference to FIG. 1.
`The procedure illustrated in FIG. 5 initially begins with
`the MU undergoing a hand-over procedure from the station-
`ary unit SUk to the stationary unit SUk+1, as indicated by the
`directional arrow marked “1”, wherein SUk and SUk+1 are
`associated with the same administrative domain. Therefore,
`SUk and SUk+1 are subject to the same security policy. Then,
`at some point during the hand-over procedure, SUk transfers
`the SA attribute control message to the DBS, as indicated by
`the directional arrow marked “2”. As shown, the SA attribute
`control message contains a MU identification code (IDMU);
`the SA attributes (ENCKSA), which are encrypted using an
`encryption key KSA; a time stamp (T); and a Hash value
`(HASHKDB). The purpose of the MU identification code
`(IDMU) is to identify the SA attributes (i.e., ENCKSA) as
`being associated with the MU. The purpose of the time
`stamp (T) is inform the DBS as to the period of time that has
`elapsed since the SUK sent the SA control message. If a
`significant period of time has elapsed,
`the DBS may be
`designed to reject the SA attribute control message to protect
`against unauthorized replay. While the MU identification
`code a (IDMU) and the time stamp (T) are not typically
`encrypted, the SA attributes are encrypted using an encryp-
`tion key KSA, which is shared by each of the SUs associated
`with the administrative domain. The Hash value
`(HASHKDB) is used for authentication purposes, and it is
`derived using an authentication key K173 and as a function
`of the MU identification code (IDMU),
`the SA attributes
`(ENCKSA) and the time stamp (T). The authentication key
`KDB, like the encryption key KSA, is shared by each of the
`SUs associated with the administrative domain. In addition,
`it is shared by the DBS.
`As stated, SUk transfers the SA attribute control message,
`containing the MU identification code (IDMU), the encrypted
`SA attributes (ENCKSA), the time stamp (T), and the Hash
`value (HASHKDB),
`to the DBS. Upon receiving the SA
`attribute control message, the DBS recalculates the Hash
`value as a function of the received values for the MU
`identification code (IDMU), the SA attributes (ENCKSA), and
`the time stamp (T), and based on the authentication key K173-
`Then DBS then compares the recalculated Hash value with
`the received Hash value. If the two values are equal (i.e., if
`the two values match),
`the DBS authenticates SUk, and
`accepts the SA attribute control message. The DBS then
`stores the encrypted SA attributes (ENCSKA) along with the
`MU identification code (IDMU).
`Further in accordance with the procedure illustrated in
`FIG. 5, SUk+1 now issues a SA attribute request message to
`the DBS, as indicated by the directional arrow marked “3”,
`wherein the SA attribute request message contains the MU
`identification code (IDMU). In response, the DBS transfers to
`SUk+1 the encrypted SA attributes (ENCKSA) that correspond
`to the MU identification code (IDMU) contained in the SA
`attribute request message. By applying the encryption key
`KSA to the SA attributes (ENCKSA), SUk+1 can decipher the
`encrypted SA attributes.
`The present invention has been described with reference
`to a preferred embodiment. However,
`it will be readily
`apparent to those skilled in the art that it is possible to
`embody the invention in specific forms other than as
`described above without departing from the spirit of the
`invention. The preferred embodiments are illustrative and
`should not be considered restrictive in any way. The scope
`of the invention is given by the appended claims, rather than
`the preceding description, and all variations and equivalents
`which fall within the range of the claims are intended to be
`embraced therein.
`What is claimed is:
`1. In a radio telecommunication system, a method for
`accomplishing hand-over of a mobile unit from a first
`stationary unit
`to a second stationary unit, said method
`comprising the steps of:
`disconnecting the mobile unit from the first stationary
`connecting the mobile unit to the second stationary unit;
`reusing an existing security association to support the
`connection between the mobile unit and the second
`stationary unit, wherein the existing security associa-
`tion was previously used to support the connection
`between the mobile unit and the first stationary unit.
`2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of:
`transferring a number of security association attributes,
`associated with the security association, from the first
`stationary unit to the second stationary unit.
`3. The method of claim 2, wherein the security association
`attributes are transferred from the first stationary unit
`directly to the second stationary unit.
`4. The method of claim 2, wherein said step of transfer-
`ring the number of security association attributes, associated
`with the security association, from the first stationary unit to
`the second stationary unit comprises the steps of:


`US 6,418,130 B1
`transferring the number of security association attributes
`from the first stationary unit to a data storage entity; and
`transferring the number of security association attributes
`from the data storage entity to the second stationary
`5. The method of claim 4, wherein the data storage entity
`is a database accessible to the second stationary unit.
`6. The method of claim 2 further comprising the step of:
`encrypting the number of security association attributes,
`prior to the step of transferring the number of security
`association attributes from the first stationary unit to the
`second stationary unit, using an encryption key that is
`shared by the

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