`A New Traffic Scheduling Algorithm for Packet-Switched Networks
`Dimitrios Stiliadis and Anujan Varma
`Computer Engineering Department
`University of California
`Santa Cruz, CA 95064
`In this paper we introduce and analyze frame-based fair
`queueing, a novel tra.flic scheduling algorithm for packet(cid:173)
`switched networks. The algorithm provides end-to-end delay
`bounds identical to those of PGPS (packet-level generalized
`processor sharing), without the complexity of simulating the
`fluid-model system in the background as required in PGPS.
`The algorithm is therefore ideally suited for implementation
`in packet switches supporting a large number of sessions.
`We present a simple implementation of the algorithm for
`a general packet switch. In addition, we prove that the
`algorithm is fair in the sense that sessions are not penalized
`for excess bandwidth they received while other sessions were
`idle. Frame-based fair queueing belongs to a general class
`of scheduling algorithms, which we call Rate-Proportional
`Servers. This class of algorithms provides the same end-to(cid:173)
`end delay and burstiness bounds as PGPS, but allows more
`flexibility in the design and implementation of the algorithm.
`We provide a systematic analysis of this class of schedulers
`and obtain bounds on their fairness.
`Providing QoS guarantees in a packet network requires
`the use of tra.flic scheduling algorithms in the switches ( or
`routers). The function of a scheduling algorithm is to se(cid:173)
`lect, for each outgoing link of the switch, the packet to be
`transmitted in the next cycle from the available packets be(cid:173)
`longing to the flows sharing the output link. Implementa(cid:173)
`tion of the algorithm may be in hardware or software. In
`ATM networks, where information is transmitted in terms
`of small fixed-size cells, the scheduling algorithm is usually
`implemented in hardware. In a packet network with larger
`packet-sizes, the algorithm may be implemented in software.
`Several scheduling algorithms are known in the liter(cid:173)
`ature for bandwidth allocation and transmission schedul(cid:173)
`ing in output-buffered switches.
`These include the
`packet-by-packet version of Generalized Processor Sharing
`This research is supported by the NSF Young Investigator Award
`No. MIP-9257103.
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work
`for personal or classroom use is granted without fee ~rovided that
`copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage
`and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page.
`Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM
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`SIGMETRICS 96-5/96 Philadelphia, PA, USA
`@1996 ACM
`(PGPS) [1] (also known as Weighted Fair Queueing [2]),
`VirtualClock [3], Self-Clocked Fair Queueing (SCFQ) [4],
`Delay-Earliest-Due-Date (Delay-EDD) [5], Weighted Round
`Robin [6], and Deficit Round Robin [7]. Many of these al(cid:173)
`gorithms are also capable of providing deterministic upper
`bounds on the end-to-end delay seen by a session when the
`burstiness of the session tra.flic is bounded (for example,
`shaped by a leaky bucket).
`Based on their internal structure, traffic schedulers can
`be classified into two main types: sorted-priority and frame(cid:173)
`based [8]. In a sorted-priority scheduler, there is a global
`variable - usually referred to as the virtual time - asso(cid:173)
`ciated with each outgoing link of the switch. Each time
`a packet arrives or gets serviced, this variable is updated.
`A timestamp, computed as a function of this variable, is
`associated with each packet in the system. Packets are
`sorted based on their timestamps, and are transmitted in
`that order. VirtualClock [3], Weighted Fair Queueing [2],
`and Delay-EDD [5] follow this architecture. A frame-based
`scheduler, on the other hand, does not require a priority(cid:173)
`queue of packets to be maintained.
`Instead, bandwidth
`guarantees are provided by splitting time into frames of
`fixed or variable length, and limiting the amount of traf(cid:173)
`fic a session is allowed to transmit during a frame period.
`Examples for frame-based schedulers include Hierarchical
`Round Robin [9], Stop-and-Go Queueing [10], Weighted
`Round Robin [6] and Deficit Round Robin [7].
`A traffic scheduling algorithm must possess several desir(cid:173)
`able features to be useful in practice:
`1. Isolation of flows: The algorithm must isolate an end(cid:173)
`to-end session from the undesirable effects of other
`(possibly misbehaving) sessions. Note that isolation is
`necessary even when policing mechanisms are used to
`shape the flows at the entry point of the network, as the
`flows may accumulate burstiness within the network.
`2. Low end-to-end delays: Real-time applications require
`from the network low end-to-end delay guarantees.
`3. Utilization: The algorithm must utilize the link band(cid:173)
`width efficiently.
`4. Fairness: The available link bandwidth must be di(cid:173)
`vided among the connections sharing the link in a fair
`manner. An unfair scheduling algorithm may offer
`widely different service rates to two connections with
`the same reserved rate over short intervals.
`5. Simplicity of implementation: The scheduling algo(cid:173)
`rithm must have a simple implementation. In an ATM
`network, the available time for completing a scheduling
`decision is very short and the algorithm must be im(cid:173)
`plemented in hardware. In packet networks with larger
`Page 1 of 12
`packet sizes and/or lower speeds, a software implemen(cid:173)
`tation may be adequate, but scheduling decisions must
`still be made at a rate close to the arrival rate of pack(cid:173)
`6. Scalability: The algorithm must perform well in
`switches with a large number of connections, as well
`as over a wide range of link speeds.
`Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ), also known as Packet(cid:173)
`level Generalized Processor Sharing (PGPS), is an ideal
`scheduling algorithm in terms of its fairness and delay
`bounds, but is complex to implement because of the need
`to simulate an equivalent fluid-model system in the back(cid:173)
`ground. Timestamp computations in PGPS have a time(cid:173)
`complexity of 0(V), where V is the number of sessions
`sharing the outgoing link.
`Self-Clocked Fair Queueing
`(SCFQ) [4] enables timestamp computations to be per(cid:173)
`formed in 0(1) time and has fairness comparable to that of
`PGPS, but results in increased end-to-end delay bounds [11],
`[12]. The VirtualClock scheduling algorithm [3] provides the
`same end-to-end delay bound as that of PGPS with a simple
`timestamp computation algorithm, but the price paid is in
`terms of fairness. A backlogged session in the VirtualClock
`server can be starved for an arbitrary period of time as a
`result of excess bandwidth it received from the server when
`other sessions were idle [l].
`Frame-based fair queueing (FFQ) is a sorted-priority al(cid:173)
`gorithm, and therefore uses timestamps to order packet
`transmissions. However, it requires only 0(1) time for the
`timestamp calculation independent of the number of sessions
`sharing the server. At the same time, the end-to-end delay
`guarantees of FFQ are identical to those obtained from a
`corresponding PGPS server. In addition, the server is fair
`in the sense that connections are always served proportion(cid:173)
`ally to their reservations when they are backlogged, and are
`not penalized for an arbitrary amount of time for bandwidth
`they received while the system was empty. The algorithm
`uses a framing approach similar to that used in frame-based
`schedulers to update the state of the system; the transmis(cid:173)
`sion of packets, however, is still based on timestamps.
`We assume a packet switch where a set of V connections
`share a common output link. The terms connection, flow,
`and session will be used synonymously. We denote with Pi
`the rate allocated to connection i.
`We assume that the servers are non-cut-through devices.
`Let Ai ( r, t) denote the arrivals from session i during the
`interval ( r, t] and Wi ( r, t) the amount of service received
`by session i during the same interval. In a system based
`on the fluid model, both A;(r,t) and W;(r,t) are continu(cid:173)
`ous functions oft. However, in the packet-by-packet model,
`we assume that Ai ( r, t) increases only when the last bit of
`a packet is received by the server; likewise, W;( r, t) is in(cid:173)
`creased only when the last bit of the packet in service leaves
`the server. Thus, the fluid model may be viewed as a spe(cid:173)
`cial case of the packet-by-packet model with infinitesimally
`small packets.
`Definition 1: A system busy period is a maximal interval
`of time during which the server is never idle.
`Fig. 1. Intervals (t1, t2] and ( t3, t4] are two different busy periods.
`During a system busy period the server is always transmit(cid:173)
`ting packets.
`Definition 2: A backlogged period for session i is any pe(cid:173)
`riod of time during which packets belonging to that session
`are continuously queued in the system.
`Let Q;(t) represent the amount of session i traffic queued in
`the server at time t, that is,
`Q;(t) = A;(O, t) - Wi(O, t).
`A connection is backlogged at time t if Qi(t) > 0.
`Definition 3: A session i busy period is a maximal inter(cid:173)
`val of time ( ri , r2] such that for any time t E ( r1, r2], packets
`of connection i arrive with rate greater than or equal to p;,
`A;(ri, t) ~ p;(t- r1).
`A session busy period is the maximal interval of time
`during which if the session was serviced with exactly the
`guaranteed rate, it would remain continuously backlogged
`(Figure 1). Multiple session-i busy periods may appear dur(cid:173)
`ing a system busy period.
`The session busy period is defined only in terms of the
`arrival function and the allocated rate. It is important to
`realize the basic distinction between a session backlogged
`period and a session busy period. The latter is defined with
`respect to a hypothetical system where a backlogged connec(cid:173)
`tion i is serviced at a constant rate Pi, while the former is
`based on the actual system where the instantaneous service
`rate varies according to the number of active connections
`and their service rates. Thus, a busy period may contain in(cid:173)
`tervals during which the actual backlog of session i traffic in
`the system is zero; this occurs when the session receives an
`instantaneous service rate of more than Pi during the busy
`In [11], we introduced a general model for traffic schedul(cid:173)
`ing algorithms, called Latency-Rate (.CR.) servers. Any
`server in this class is characterized by two parameters: la(cid:173)
`tency 0; and minimum allocated rate p;. Let us assume that
`the jth busy period of connection i starts at time r. We de(cid:173)
`note by W{j ( r, t) the total service provided to the packets
`of the connection that arrived after time r and until time t
`by server S. Notice that the total service offered to connec(cid:173)
`tion i in this interval, W/ ( r, t), may actually be more than
`W{j(r,t) since some packets from a previous busy period,
`that are still queued in the system, may be serviced as well.
`Page 2 of 12
`Definition 4: A server S belongs in the class en if and
`only if for all times t after time T that the j-th busy period
`started and until the packets that arrived during this period
`are serviced,
`W{3(r, t) 2::: max:(0, p;(t- T - 0f)).
`ef is the minimum non-negative number that can satisfy
`the above inequality.
`The right-hand side of the above equation defines an en(cid:173)
`velope to bound the minimum service offered to session i
`during a busy period. It is easy to observe that the latency
`ef represents the worst-case delay seen by a session-s packet
`arriving into an empty queue. The maximum delay through
`a network of CR-servers can be computed from the knowl(cid:173)
`edge of the latencies of the individual servers and the traffic
`model. Thus, the theory of CR-servers allows us to deter(cid:173)
`mine tight upper-bounds on end-to-end delays in a network
`of servers where the servers on a path may not all use the
`same scheduling algorithm.
`The function W{3 ( r, t) may be a step function in a
`packet-by-packet scheduler. As in the case of W;( r, t), we
`update Wi:J ( r, t) only when the last bit of a packet has been
`serviced. Only in the case of a fluid-server, packets can be
`arbitrarily small and thus W;:3(r, t) may be continuous.
`To determine end-to-end delay bounds, we assume that
`traffic from session i at the source is leaky-bucket shaped
`[13]. That is,
`Ai(T, t) ~<Ti+ Pi(t- r)
`during any time interval ( T, t]. Also, we assume that session i
`is allocated a minimum rate of p; in the network. We state
`without proof the following key result from [11].
`Theorem 1: The maximum delay Df and the maximum
`backlog Qf of session i after the Kth node in an arbitrary
`network of CR-servers are bounded as
`D!( < <Ti + ~ 9(S3).
`'-Pi ~' '
`Q!( < u· + p· ~ E)(Sj).
`' - '
`'.L....i i
`where 0)5,l is the latency of the jth server on the path of
`the session.
`In Table I we summarize the latencies of many well(cid:173)
`known work-conserving schedulers, along with bounds on
`their fairness and implementation complexity. The fairness
`parameter in the table is the maximum difference in nor(cid:173)
`malized service offered by the scheduler to two connections
`over any interval during which both connections are con(cid:173)
`tinuously backlogged. The implementation complexity is at
`least O(log2 V) for all sorted-priority schedulers.
`The packet-by-packet approximation of GPS (PGPS) has
`the lowest latency among all the packet-by-packet servers;
`thus, from Theorem 1, PGPS has the lowest bounds on end(cid:173)
`to-end delay and buffer requirements. However, PGPS also
`has the highest implementation complexity. VirtualClock
`has the same latency as PGPS, but is not a fair algorithm [3],
`[1]. Notice, however, that none of the other algorithms suf(cid:173)
`fers from such a high level of unfairness. In SCFQ as well
`as the round-robin schedulers, the latency is a function of
`the number of connections that share the output link. In a
`broadband network, the resulting end-to-end delay bounds
`may be prohibitively large.
`The GPS scheduler provides ideal fairness by offering the
`same normalized service to all backlogged connections at
`every instant of time. Thus, if we represent the total amount
`of service received by each session by a function, then these
`functions can be seen to grow at the same rate for each
`backlogged session. Golestani [ 4] introduced such a function
`and called it virtual time. The virtual time of a backlogged
`session is a function whose rate of growth at each instant is
`exactly the rate of normalized service provided to it by the
`scheduler at that instant. Similarly, we can define a global
`virtual-time function that increases at the rate of the total
`service performed by the scheduler at each instant during a
`server-busy period. In a GPS scheduler, the virtual times
`of all backlogged connections are identical at every instant,
`and are equal to the global virtual time. This is achieved by
`setting the virtual time of a connection to the global virtual
`time when it becomes backlogged and then increasing the
`former at the rate of the instantaneous normalized service
`received by the connection during the backlogged period.
`This allows an idle connection to receive service immediately
`once it becomes backlogged, resulting in zero latency.
`We introduce such a function to represent the state of
`each connection in a scheduler and call it potential. The po(cid:173)
`tential uf a connection is a non-decreasing function of time
`during a system-busy period. When connection i is back(cid:173)
`logged, its potential increases exactly by the normalized ser(cid:173)
`vice it received. That is, if Pi(t) denotes the potential of
`connection i at time t, then, during any interval ( r, t] within
`a backlogged period for session i,
`Pi(t)-P;(r)= W,(r,t)_
`Note that the potentials of all connections can be initialized
`to zero at the beginning of a system-busy period, since all
`state information can be reset when the system becomes
`From the above definition of potentials, it is clear that
`a fair algorithm must attempt to increase the potentials of
`all backlogged connections at the same rate, the rate of in(cid:173)
`crease of the system potential. Thus, the basic objective is
`to equalize the potential of each connection. Sorted-priority
`schedulers such as GPS, PGPS, SCFQ, and VirtualClock all
`attempt to achieve this objective. However, in our defini(cid:173)
`tion of potential, we did not specify how the potential of a
`connection is updated when it is idle, except that the po(cid:173)
`tential is non-decreasing. Scheduling algorithms differ in the
`way they update the potentials of idle connections. Ideally,
`during every time interval that a connection i is not back(cid:173)
`logged, its potential must increase by the normalized service
`that the connection could receive if it were backlogged. We
`will call this service the missed service of connection i. If the
`potential of an idle connection is increased by the service it
`missed, it is easy to see that, when the connection becomes
`Page 3 of 12
`II Server
`L; + !:..m,,,;_
`h + !:..m,,,;.(V -1)
`Virtual Clock
`Deficit Round Robin ~
`Weighted Round Robin
`Complexity II
`max(max(Ci+!:..m,,,;.+!::.i. C·+!:..m,,,;.+h)
`Pj '
`Pi '
`C; = min((V -1)~, max (Ln)).
`1:o;n:o;v Pn
`O(log V)
`O(log V)
`TABLE I. Latency, fairness and implementation complexity of several work-conserving servers. L; is the maximum packet size of
`session i and Lmax the maximum packet size among all the sessions. C; is the maximum normalized service that a session
`may receive in a PGPS server in excess of that in the GPS server. In weighted round-robin and deficit round-robin, Fis the
`frame size and 'Pi is the amount of traffic in the frame allocated to session i. Le is the size of the fixed packet ( cell) in weighted
`busy again, its potential will be identical to that of other
`backlogged connections in the system, allowing it to receive
`service immediately.
`One way to update the potential of a connection when
`it becomes backlogged is to define a system potential that
`keeps track of the progress of the total work done by the
`scheduler. The system potential P(t) is a non-decreasing
`function of time. When an idle session i becomes backlogged
`at time t, its potential P;(t) can be set to P(t) to account
`for the service it missed. Schedulers use different functions
`to maintain the system potential, giving rise to widely dif(cid:173)
`ferent delay- and fairness-behaviors. In general, the system
`potential at time t can be defined as a non-decreasing func(cid:173)
`tion of the potentials of the individual connections before
`time t, and the real time t. Let t- denote the instant just
`before time t. Then,
`P(t) = :F(Pi(t-), P2(t-), ... , Pv(t-), t).
`For example, the GPS server initializes the potential of a
`newly backlogged connection to that of a connection cur(cid:173)
`rently backlogged in the system. That is,
`P(t) = P;(t), for any i E B(t);
`where B(t) is the set of backlogged connections at time t.
`The VirtualClock scheduler, on the other hand, initializes
`the potential of a connection to the real time when it be(cid:173)
`comes backlogged, so that
`The utility of the system potential function P( t) is in es(cid:173)
`timating the amount of service missed by a connection while
`it was idle. In an ideal server like GPS, the system potential
`is always equal to the potential of the connections that are
`currently backlogged and are thus receiving service. How(cid:173)
`ever, this approach requires that all connections can receive
`service at the same time. In a packet-by-packet scheduler we
`need to relax this constraint since only one connection can
`be serviced at a time. In the next section we will formulate
`the necessary conditions that the system potential function
`must satisfy in order for the server to have zero latency.
`If the potential of a newly backlogged connection is es(cid:173)
`timated higher than the potential of the connections cur(cid:173)
`rently being serviced, the former may have to wait all the
`other connections before it can be serviced. The self-clocked
`fair queueing (SCFQ) algorithm is a self-contained approach
`to estimate the system potential function. The potential of
`the system is estimated by the finish potential of the packet
`that is currently being serviced. This approximation, may
`assign to the system potential function a value greater than
`the potential of some backlogged connections. Thus, a con(cid:173)
`nection may not receive service immediately when a busy
`period starts. This behavior is different from that in GPS,
`where an idle connection starts to receive service immedi(cid:173)
`ately when it becomes backlogged.
`We now use the concept of potential introduced in the
`last section to define a general class of schedulers, which we
`call Rate-Proportional Servers (RPS). We will first define
`these schedulers based on the fluid model and later extend
`the definition to the packet-by-packet version. We denote
`the set of backlogged connections at time t by B(t).
`We will later show how the choice of the function P(t) in(cid:173)
`fluences the delay and fairness behavior of the scheduler.
`Page 4 of 12
`Definition 5: A rate proportional server has the following
`1. Rate Pi is allocated to connection i and
`where r is the total service rate of the server.
`2. A potential function P;(t) is associated with each con(cid:173)
`nection i in the system, describing the state of the
`connection at time t. This function must satisfy the
`following properties:
`(a) When a connection is not backlogged, its potential
`remains constant.
`(b) If a connection becomes backlogged at time r, then
`Pi( r) = max(P;( r-), P( r-))
`(c) For every time t > r, that the connection remains
`backlogged, the potential function of the connection
`is increased by the normalized serviced offered to
`that connection during the interval ( r, t]. That is,
`Pi(t)=Pi(r)+ Wi(r,t)
`3. The system potential function P(t) describes the state
`of the system at time t. Two main conditions must be
`satisfied for the function P(t):
`(a) For any interval (ti, t2] during a system busy period,
`(b) The system potential is always less than or equal to
`the potential of all backlogged connections at time
`t. That is,
`P(t)::; min (Pj(t)).
`4. Connections are serviced at each instant t according
`to their instantaneous potentials as per the following
`(a) Among the set of backlogged connections, only the
`set of connections with the minimum potential at
`time t is serviced.
`(b) Each connection in this set is serviced with an in(cid:173)
`stantaneous rate proportional to its reservation, so
`as to increase the potentials of the connections in
`this set at the same rate.
`The above definition specifies the properties of the system
`potential function for constructing a zero-latency server, but
`does not define it precisely. In practice, the system potential
`function must be chosen such that the scheduler can be im(cid:173)
`plemented efficiently. When we introduce the frame-based
`fair queueing algorithm in the next section, it will become
`clear how this definition can be used to design a practical
`scheduling algorithm.
`GPS multiplexing is a rate-proportional server where the
`system potential is always equal to the potential of the back(cid:173)
`logged connections. Since the service rate offered to the
`connections is proportional to their reservations at every in(cid:173)
`stant, the normalized service they receive during an interval
`( ti , t2] is never less than ( t2 - ti). Thus, the amount of
`service received by a connection i, backlogged during the
`interval (ti, t2), is given by
`and therefore,
`W;(ti, t2)
`t2 - t1.
`VirtualClock is a rate-proportional server as well. Consider
`a server where the system potential function is defined as
`P(t) = t.
`It is easy to verify that such a server satisfies all the prop(cid:173)
`erties of a rate-proportional server. Consider a packet-by(cid:173)
`packet server that transmits packets in increasing order of
`their finishing potentials. Such a server is equivalent to the
`packet-by-packet VirtualClock server.
`We now proceed to show that every rate-proportional
`server is a zero-latency server. This will establish that this
`class of servers provide the same upper-bounds on end-to(cid:173)
`end delay as GPS. To prove this result, we first introduce
`the following definitions:
`Definition 6: A session-i active period is a maximal in(cid:173)
`terval of time during a system busy period, over which the
`potential of the session is not less than the potential of the
`system. Any other period will be considered as an inactive
`period for session i.
`The concept of active period is useful in analyzing the be(cid:173)
`havior of a rate-proportional scheduler. When a connection
`is in an inactive period, it can not be backlogged and there(cid:173)
`fore can not be receiving any service. On the other hand, an
`active period need not be the same as a backlogged period
`for the connection. Since, in a rate-proportional server, the
`potential of a connection can be below the system potential
`only when the connection is idle, a transition from inactive
`to active state can occur only by the arrival of a packet of
`a connection that is currently idle, whose potential is be(cid:173)
`low that of the system. A connection in an active period
`may not receive service throughout the active period since a
`rate-proportional server services only connections with the
`minimum potential at each instant. However, it always re(cid:173)
`ceives service at the beginning of the active period, since its
`potential is set equal to the system potential at that time.
`Since £7l-servers are defined in terms of busy periods, it
`is necessary to establish the correspondence between busy
`periods and active periods in a rate-proportional server. We
`will now show that the beginning of a busy period is the
`beginning of an active period as well.
`Lemma 1: If r is the beginning of a session-i busy period
`in a rate-proportional server, then r is also the beginning of
`an active period for session i.
`A proof of this and subsequent lemmas and theorems can
`be found in [14]. When connection i becomes active, its po(cid:173)
`tential is the minimum among all backlogged connections,
`Page 5 of 12
`enabling it to receive service immediately. However, if a sub(cid:173)
`sequent connection j becomes active during the busy period
`of connection i, then the service of i may be temporarily sus(cid:173)
`pended until the potentials of i and j become equal. In the
`following lemma, we derive a lower bound on the amount of
`service received by connection i during an active period.
`Lemma 2: Let r be the time at which a connection i
`becomes active in a rate-proportional server. Then, at any
`time t > T that belongs in the same active period, the service
`offered to connection i is
`W;(r, t) ~ p;(t- r).
`This lemma is proved in [14]. Intuitively, this result asserts
`that the service of a backlogged connection is suspended
`only if it has received more service than its allocated rate
`earlier during the active period.
`A session busy period may actually consist of multiple
`session active periods. In order to prove that a rate propor(cid:173)
`tional server is an C:R, server with zero latency, we need to
`prove that for every time t after the beginnin g of the j-th
`busy period at time T,
`W;,j(T, t) ~ p;(t- r).
`The above lemmas lead us to one of our key results:
`Theorem 2: A rate-proportional server belongs to the
`class CR and has zero latency.
`The main argument for proving this theorem is that dur(cid:173)
`ing inactive periods the connection is not backlogged and
`is thus receiving no service. By Lemma 2, the connection
`can receive less than its allocated bandwidth only during an
`inactive period. However, since no packets are waiting to be
`serviced in an inactive period, the connection busy period
`must have ended by then. The formal proof can be found
`in [14].
`Thus, the definition of rate-proportional servers provides
`us a tool to design scheduling algorithms with zero latency.
`Since both GPS and VirtualClock can be considered as rate(cid:173)
`proportional servers, by Theorem 2, they have the same
`worst-case delay behavior.
`A. Packet-by-Packet Rate-Proportional Servers
`A packet-by-packet rate proportional server can be de(cid:173)
`fined in terms of the fluid-model as one that transmits pack(cid:173)
`ets in increasing order of their finishing potential. Let us as(cid:173)
`sume that when a packet from connection i finishes service
`in the fluid server, the potential of connection i is TS;. We
`can use this finishing potential to timestamp packets and
`schedule them in increasing order of their time-stamps. We
`call such a server a packet-by-packet rate-proportional server
`In the following, we denote the maximum packet size of
`session i as L; and the maximum packet size among all the
`sessions as Lmax•
`In order to analyze the performance of a packet-by-packet
`rate-proportional server we will bound the difference of ser(cid:173)
`vice offered between the packet-by-packet server and the
`fluid-server when the same pattern of arrivals is applied to
`both the servers. Let us assume that the service offered
`to session i during the interval ( r, t] by the fluid server is
`wt ( T, t) and by the packet-by-packet server is wt ( r, t).
`Let us assume that the kth packet leaves the system under
`the PRPS service discipline at time tf. The same packet
`leaves the RPS server at time tf. Using a similar approach
`as the one used for GPS servers [1], we can prove the fol(cid:173)
`lowing lemma:
`Lemma 3: For all packets in a packet-by-packet rate(cid:173)
`proportional server,
`tf $ t[ + Lmax .
`If we include the partial service received by packets in trans(cid:173)
`mission, the maximum lag in service for a session i in the
`packet-by-packet server occurs at the instant when a packet
`starts service. Let us denote with W; ( t) the service offered
`to connection i at time t if this partial service is included.
`At the instant when the kth packet starts service in PRPS,
`Thus, we can state the following corollary:
`Corollary 1: At any time t,
`Wt(o, t) - Wt(o, t) $ Lmax•
`In order to be complete we also have to bound the amount by
`which the service of a session in the packet-by-packet server
`can be ahead of that in the fluid-server. Packets are serviced
`in PRPS in increasing order of their finishing potentials. If
`packets from multiple connections have the same finishing
`potential, then one of them will be selected for transmission
`first by the packet-by-packet server, causing the session to
`receive more service temporarily than in the fluid server. In
`order to bound this additional service, we need to determine
`the service that the connection receives in the fluid-server.
`The latter, in turn, requires knowledge of the potentials the
`other connections sharing the same outgoing link. We will
`use the following lemma to derive such an upper bound.
`Lemma 4: Let (0, t] be a server-busy period in the fluid
`server. Let i be a session backlogged in the fluid server at
`time t such that i received more service in the packet-by(cid:173)
`packet server in the interval (0, t]. Then there is another
`session j, with Pj(t) $ P,(t), that received more service in
`the fluid server than in the packet-by-packet server during
`the interval (0, t].
`A proof of this lemma can be found in [14]. We will
`now use the above lemma and a method similar to the one
`presented in [15] for the PG