`A Generalized Processor Sharing Approach
`in Integrated Services
`to Flow Control
`Networks: The Single-Node Case
`Abhay K. Parekh, Member,
`IEEE, and Robert G. Gallager,
`Fellow, IEEE
`Abstruet-The problem of allocating network resources to the
`users of an integrated services network is investigated in the
`context of rate-based flow control. The network is assumed to be
`a virtual circuiq comection-based
`packet network. We show that
`the use of Generalized processor Sharing (GPS), when combined
`with Leaky Bucket admission control, allows
`the network to
`make a wide range of worst-case performance
`guarantees on
`throughput and delay. The scheme is flexible in that d~erent
`users may be given widely different performance
`and is efilcient in that each of the servers
`is work conserving.
`We present a practicat packet-by-packet
`service discipline, PGPS
`(first proposed by Deme5
`Shenker, and Keshav
`[7] under the
`name of Weighted Fair Queueing),
`that closely approximates
`GPS. This altows us to relate ressdta for GPS to the packet-by-
`packet scheme in a precise manner.
`In this paper, the performance of a single-server GPS system is
`analyzed exactty from the standpoint of worst-case packet delay
`and burstiness when the sources are constrained by leaky buckets.
`The worst-case sewdon backlogs are also determined. In the sequel
`to this paper,
`these results are extended to arbitrary
`networks with multiple nodes.
`focus on a central problem
`‘fltis pttper and its sequel
`in high-speed
`in the control of congestion
`networks. Traditionally,
`the flexibility
`of data networks
`been triided off with the performance
`given to
`its users. For example,
`the telephone
`network provides good
`but poor
`flexibility, while
`switched networks are more flexible but only provide margittal
`networks must
`~arry a wide r~nge of tfaffic t~pes and still be able to provide
`to real-time
`such as voice
`and video. We will
`art approach to reconcile
`demands when the short-term demand
`for link usage frequently exceeds
`the usable capacity.
`We propose the combined use of a packet
`service discipline
`based on Generalized
`and Leaky Bucket
`Manuscript nxeived June 1992; revised Febmary and April 1992;approved
`was presentedin put at IEEE INFOCOM ’92. Tk research of A. Parekh
`was psrtfy funded by a ~lnton Hayes Fellowship and a Center for Intelligent
`ControlSystemsFellowship.The researchof R. Gallager was funded by the
`Nationrd Science Foundation under 8802991-NCR and by the Army Research
`Officeunder DAAL03-86-K-0171.
`A. K. Parekh is with the JBM T. J. WatsonResearch Center, Yorktown
`Heights, NY 10598.
`and Decision
`is with the Laboratory
`R. G. Gstlager’s
`Systems, Massachusetts
`Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
`IEEE Log Number9211033.
`and fair use of the
`flexible, efficient,
`to provide
`rate control
`links. Neither Generalized
`Processing Sharing, nor its packet-
`based version, POPS, are new. Generalized Processor Sharing
`is a natural generalization
`of uniform processor
`sharing [14],
`and the packet-based
`version (while developed independently
`by us) was first proposed in [7] under
`the name of Weighted
`Fair Queueing. Our contribution
`is to suggest
`the use of PGPS
`in the context of integrated services networks
`and to combine
`this mechanism with Leaky Bucket admission control
`in order
`to provide performance
`in a flexible environment.
`A major part of our work is to analyze networks of arbitrary
`using these
`and to show how
`the analysis
`leads to implementable
`for guaranteeing
`In this paper,
`however, we will
`restrict our attention to sessions at a single node, and postpone
`the analysis of arbitrary topologies
`to the sequel.
`Our approach can be described as a strategy for rate-based
`flow control. Under
`a source’s
`traffic is
`by a set of statistics
`such as average
`rate, max-
`imum rate, and burstiness,
`and is assigned a vector of vahtes
`to these parameters.
`The user
`also requests
`a certain quality of service
`that might be characterized,
`by tolerance
`to worst-case
`or average
`delay, The
`network checks
`to see if a new source can be accommodated
`if so, takes actions
`(such as reserving transmission
`or switching capacity)
`to ensure the quality of service desired.
`Once a source begins sending traffic,
`the network ensures
`the agreed-upon
`values of traffic parameters
`are not violated.
`Our analysis will concentrate
`on providing
`and worst-case
`packet delay. While packet delay
`in the network can be expressed as the sum of the processing,
`and propagation
`delays, we will focus
`on how to limit queueing delay.
`is done through
`We will assume that rate admission control
`leaky buckets
`of using leaky
`[20]. An importaht
`is that
`this allows us to separate the packet delay into
`two components:
`delay in the leaky bucket and delay in the
`network. The first of these components
`is independent
`of the
`other active sessions,
`and can be estimated by the user
`if the
`of the incoming data is sufficiently
`simple (see [1, Sect. 6.3] for an example). The traffic entering
`the network
`has been “shaped”
`by the leaky bucket
`in a
`that can be succinctly characterized
`(we will do this
`in Section V), and so the network can upper bound the seeond
`of packet delay through this characterization.
`1063-6692/93$03.00 @ 1993 IEEE


`upper bound is independent of the statistics of the incomirsg
`data, which is helpful
`in the usual case where these statistics
`are either
`or unknown. A similar
`to the
`analysis of interconnection
`networks has been taken by Cruz
`[5], From this point on, we will not consider
`the delay in the
`leaky bucket.
`is defined and ex-
`plained in Section Il.
`In Section 111, we present
`the packet-
`based scheme, PGPS, and show that
`it closely approximates
`GPS. Results obtained
`in this
`section allow us to translate
`session delay and buffer
`for a
`GPS server
`system to a PGPS server
`system. We propose
`a virtual
`time implementation
`of PGPS in the next section.
`Then, PGPS is compared
`to weighted
`round robin, virtual
`clock multiplexing
`[21 ], and stop-and-go
`queueing [9]–[ 11].
`a desirable multiplexing
`scheme, we turn our attention to the rate enforcement
`in Section V. The Leaky Bucket
`is described and proposed as
`a desirable
`strategy for admission
`control. We then proceed
`with an analysis,
`in Sections VI–VIII, of a single GPS server
`system in which the sessions are constrained
`by leaky buckets,
`The results obtained here are crucial
`in the analysis of arbitrary
`topology and multiple node networks, which we will present
`in the sequel
`to this paper,
`at the nodes
`service discipline
`The choice of an appropriate
`flow control.
`the network
`is key to providing
`to treat users
`A good
`allow the network
`in accordance with their desired quality of service.
`this jiexibiliry
`the fairness
`should not compromise
`of the scheme,
`i.e., a few classes of users should not be able to
`degrade service to other classes,
`to the extent
`that performance
`are violated. Also,
`if one assumes
`the demand
`for high bandwidth
`is likely to keep pace with the
`increase in usable link bandwidth,
`time and frequency multi-
`plexing are too wasteful of the network resources
`to be con-
`sidered candidate multiplexing
`disciplines. Finally,
`the service
`discipline must be analyzable
`so that performance
`can be made in the first place. We now present a flow-based
`called Generalized
`Processor Sharing
`is efficient,
`and analyzable,
`and that
`seems very appropriate
`for integrated services networks. How-
`it has the significant drawback of not transmitting packets
`as entities.
`In Section
`III, we will present
`a packet-based
`is an excellent
`GPS even when the packets are of variable length.
`is work
`A Generalized
`conserving and operates at a fixed rate T. By work conserving,
`we mean that
`the server must be busy if there are packets
`in the system.
`is characterized
`by positive
`numbers 41. qbz..... @,v. Let s, (7. t) be the amount of session
`i traffic served in an interval
`(T-.t]. A session is backlogged
`time t if a positive
`amount of that session’s
`traffic is queued
`at time t. Then. a GPS server
`is defined as one for which
`for any session z that is continuously
`(7, t].
`over all sessions
`backlogged in the interval
`and session i
`is guaranteed
`a rate of
`g,= &7’.
`for a number
`GPS is an attractive multiplexing
`Define r,
`rate. Then, as long
`to be the session i average
`as r, S g~, the session can be guaranteed
`a throughput of
`of the demands of the other
`addition to this throughput guarantee,
`a session i backlog
`will always be cleared at a rate ~ g,.
`The delay of an arriving session i bit can be bounded as
`a function of the session i queue length,
`the queues
`and arrivals of the other
`sessions. Schemes
`such as FCFS, LCFS, and Strict F%ority do not have this
`By varying the @i’s, we have the flexibility of treating the
`sessions in a variety of different ways. For example, when
`all @,’s are equal,
`the system reduces to uniform processor
`sharing. As long as the combined
`rate of
`is less than r, any assignment
`of positive ~i’s
`a stable
`system. For example,
`a high-b~ndwidth
`session i can be assigned gi muctt
`than its average
`thus allowing
`for better
`of the other
`to make worst-case
`it is possible
`work queueing
`delay guarantees when the sources
`by leaky buckets. We will present our results
`on this
`later. Thus, GPS is particularly
`sending real-time traffic such as voice and video.
`1 illustrates generalized processor
`sharing. Variable-length
`packets arrive from both sessions on infinite capacity links and
`let Ai(O, t) be
`appear as impulses
`to the system. For i = 1,2,
`the amount of session i
`traffic that arrives
`the system in
`the interval
`(0, t] and,
`let Si(O. t) be the amount
`of session
`traffic that
`is served in the interval
`(O, t]. We
`the server works at rate 1. When 41 = +2 and
`both sessions
`are backlogged,
`they are each served at rate ~
`[1. 6]). When 201 = @Z and both sessions
`session 1 is served at rate ~ and session 2 at rate
`~. Notice how increasing
`the relative weight of 42 leads to
`treatment of that session in terms of both backlog and
`delay. The delay to session 2 goes down by one time unit, and
`the delay to session 1 goes up by one time unit. Also, notice
`that under both choices of @i, the system is empty at time 13
`since the server is work conserving under GPS.
`It should be clear
`from the example
`the delays expe-
`rienced by a session’s
`packets can be reduced by increasing
`the value of @ for
`that session. This reduction,
`though, may
`of a corresponding
`be at
`the expense
`in delay for
`from the other sessions. Fig. 2 demonstrates


`241 = 42
`Session 2
`The lower portion of the table gives the packet departure
`times under both schemes.
`‘k. ‘kind
`14 ‘ire’
`Fig. 1. An example of generalized
`session is steady.
`may not be the case when the better-treated
`Thus, when combined with appropriate
`rate enforcement,
`can be used effectively
`of GPS multiplexing
`control packet delay.
`is an idealized
`A problem with GPS is that
`that does not
`transmit packets
`as entities.
`It assumes
`can serve multiple
`and that
`the traftic is infinitely divisible.
`In this section, we present
`a simple
`is an
`to GPS even when the packets
`of variable length. Our idea is identical
`to the one used in [7].
`We will adopt
`the convention that a packet has arrived only
`afier its last bit has arrived.
`Let FP be the time at which packet p will depart
`a very
`service) under Generalized
`Processor Sharing. Then,
`good approximation
`of GPS would be a work-conserving
`Fig. 2, The effect of increasing o,
`for a steady session i].
`order of FP. Now,
`in increasing
`that serves packets
`time r. The next
`the server beeomes
`free at
`to depart under GPS may not have arrived at
`time -r
`and, since the server has no knowledge
`of when this packet
`to be both work
`will arrive,
`there is no way for
`the server
`order of FP.
`and serve the packets
`in increasing
`The server picks the first packet
`that would complete
`in the GPS simulation
`if no additional packets were to arrive
`this scheme PGPS for packet-by-
`time T. Let us call
`packet Generalized
`Processor Sharing. As stated earlier,
`mechanism was originally called Weighted Fair Queueing [7].
`Table I shows how PGPS performs
`for the example in Fig. 1.
`that when ~1 = 42,
`the first packet
`to complete
`service under GPS is the session 1 packet
`that arrives at time
`1. However,
`the POPS server
`is forced to begin serving the
`long session 2 packet at time O since there are no other packets
`in the system at that
`time. Thus,
`the session 1 packet arriving
`at time 1 departs
`the system at time 4, i.e., 1 time unit
`than it would depart under GPS.
`is how much later
`A natural
`issue to examine at this point
`packets may depart
`the system under POPS relative to GPS.
`First, we present a useful property of GPS systems.
`Lemma I: Let p and p’ be packets in a GPS system at time
`~, and suppose that packet p completes
`service before packet


`p’ if there are no arrivals after time ~. Then, packet p will also
`service before packet p’ for any pattern of arrivals
`time r.
`The sessions to which packets p and p’ belong are
`both backlogged from time r until one completes
`By (1),
`the ratio of the service received by these sessions
`of future arrivals.
`if PGPS schedules
`is that
`A consequence
`another packet p’
`a packet p at
`time ~ kfore
`is also
`time ~,
`then in the simulated GPS system,
`packet p cannot
`leave later
`than packet
`p’. Thus,
`the only
`that are delayed more in PGPS are those that arrive
`too late to be transmitted
`in their GPS order.
`means that only the packets that have a small delay under GPS
`are delayed more under PGPS.
`Now let FP be the time at which packet
`PGPS. We show that
`Theorem 1: For all packets
`p departs under
`is the maximum packet
`length and r
`is the rate
`where L~u
`of the server.
`Proojl Since both GPS and PGPS are work-conserving
`their busy periods coincide,
`i.e., the GPS server
`in a busy period iff the PGPS server
`is in a busy period. Hence,
`it suffices
`to prove the result
`for each busy period. Consider
`any busy period and let the time that it begins be time zero. Let
`p~ be the kth packet
`in the busy period to depart under PGPS,
`and let k
`be Lk. Also,
`let t~ be the time that p/c departs
`under PGPS and Uk be the time that pk departs under GPS.
`let a~ be the time that pk tives. We now show that
`for k = 1,2,
`.... Let m be the largest
`that satisfies both
`Then, packet pm is transmitted
`. . . . pk
`before packets p~+l
`under PGPS but after all these packets under GPS. If no such
`for the case m > 0,
`integer m exists,
`then set m = O. Now,
`packet pm begins transmission
`at t~ – ~;
`so, from Lemma 1,
`.... W} > tm – -y.
`Since pm+I.
`. . ..pk_l
`pk does under GPS,
`t~ – ~
`and depart befOre
`If m = O, then pk _ ~,..., pl
`pk does, and SO
`leave the GPS server before
`Uk >tk.
`leave simultaneously
`if fv maximum-size
`Note that
`in the reference
`they can be served in arbitrary order
`in the packet-based
`system. Thus, F“ – FP 2 (IV – 1) ~
`even if the referenqe
`system is tracked perfectly.
`t) ~d SI(7,
`t) be the amount of session i traffic (in
`bits, not packets)
`served under GPS and PGPS in the interval
`Theorem 2: For all
`times ~ and sessions
`Si(O, ~) – Sa(O, ~) s L~aX.
`The slope of Si alternates
`r when a
`session i packet
`is being transmitted,
`and O when session i is
`not being served. Since the slope of Si also obeys these limits,
`the difference
`Si (O, t) – Si (O, t)
`its maximal
`when session z packets begin transmission
`under PGPS. Let
`be some such time, and let L be the length of the packet going
`into service. Then,
`the packet completes
`at time
`t + ~. Let ~ be the time at which the given packet completes
`under GPS. Then,
`session i packets
`served in the same order under both schemes,
`S1(O,~) = Sa(O, t+ ~).
`From Theorem 1,
`+ Si(O,
`t + L-:m”)
`< Si(o, t+:)
`= Si(O, t) + L.
`Since the slope of S1 is at most T,
`the theorem follows.
`Let Q~(-r) and Q,(t)
`be the session i backlog (in units of
`traffic) at time T under PGPS and GPS,
`respective y. Then,
`from Theorem 2 that
`1: For all
`times 7 and sessions
`- Qi(O, T) < L~aX.
`the uniform
`shown for
`the result
`Theorem 1 generalizes
`processing case by Greenberg and Madras
`[12]. Notice that
`Theorem I and Corollary
`I can be used to translate
`bounds on GPS worst-case
`packet delay and backlog to
`bounds on PGPS.
`Variable packet
`lengths are easily handled by PGPS. This
`is not
`true of weighted round robin.
`to pro-
`so far
`problem studied
`in [4],[19],[2],[8 ],[3]: There
`are N input
`to a
`the peak rate of the ith link is Ci, and the
`rate of
`the multiplexer
`is C ~ ~~=1 Cl. Since up to
`L max bits from a packet may be queued from any link
`the packet has “arrived,”
`least Lmax bits of
`buffer must be allocated
`to each link.
`In fact,
`in [3] it
`is shown that at
`least 2L~aX bits are required,
`and that
`a class of buffer policies
`called Least Time to Reach
`Bound (LTRB) meets
`this bound.
`is easy to design
`a PGPS policy that meets
`this bound as well: Setting
`@i = Ci,
`it is clear
`the resulting GPS server ensures


`any busy period, and let the
`is idle. Consider
`when the server
`time that it begins be time zero. Then, V(t) evolves as follows:
`v(o) = o
`V(tj-1 + T) = V(tj-1)
`T ~ tj –tj–l,
`j =2,3,
`+i ‘
`bits are ever queued at any link.
`that no more than L~=
`1 guarantees
`that no more than
`The bound of Corollary
`2L~m bits need to be allocated
`link under POPS.
`if Li
`In fact,
`is the maximum allowable
`size for
`link Z, then the bound on the link i buffer
`Further, various generalizations
`of the problem
`can be solved: For example,
`suppose the link speeds are
`arbitrary, but no more than /i(t) + Titbits can arrive on
`link i
`in any interval of length t (for each i). Then,
`xi ~i < C,
`setting q$ = ~i for each i yields
`service discipline
`for which the buffer
`L max + m~~~o(fi(t)
`– r~t) bits for each link i.
`c > 0 such that
`l There is no constant
`S~(O, t) – S1(0, t) < CL~U
`i over all patterns of arrivals. To see
`holds for all sessions
`~z =...=
`t,his, let K=[c+2j,
`sizes at Lma. At time zero, K – 1 session
`fix all packets
`1 packets arrive and one packet arrives
`from each of the
`sessions. No more packets
`arrive after
`time zero.
`Denote the K – lat session 1 packet
`to depart GPS (and
`PGPS) as packet p. Then, FP = —
`i = 2, .... IV. Thus,
`and Si(O, Fp) = ~L~U
`first K – 1 packets
`to depart
`the GPS system are the
`1 packets,
`and packet
`leaves POPS at
`(K - 1)*.
`S1(O, (K - 1)%)
`= (K – l)L~aX
`SI(O, (K – 1) +_zq
`= K(K – l)Lm=
`This yields
`(K – 1) %)
`- S1(O, (K-
`= (K-
`l) LmU(l
`- ~_;
`the RHS of (9) can be made to approach
`For any given K,
`(K -
`arbitrarily closely by increasing
`A. Wtual
`i’lme Implementation of PGPS
`of Wtual
`In this section, we will use the concept
`to track the progress
`of GPS that will
`lead to a practical
`of POPS. Our
`of virtual
`the innovative
`one considered
`in [7] for uniform
`In the following, we assume that
`the server
`works at rate 1.
`each arrival and departure from the GPS
`Denote as an m
`tj be the time at which the jth event occurs
`server, and let
`events are ordered arbitrarily). Let
`the time of
`the first arrival of a busy period be denoted as tl = O. Now
`observe that, for each j = 2,3,
`..., the set of sessions
`that are
`is fixed, and we may denote this
`busy in the interval
`set as Bj. Wturd time V(t)
`is defined to be zero for all times
`The rate of change of V, namely av$~+’),
`service at rate @iWqj+r)
`session i receives
`each backlogged
`Thus, V can be interpreted
`as increasing
`at the marginal
`at which backlogged
`the kth session i packet
`arrives at time
`Now suppose
`length L$. Then,
`and has
`the virtual
`which this packet begins
`and completes
`as S,~ and
`respectively. Defining F’) = O for all
`i, we have
`S$ = max{Ff-l,
`the virtual
`are three
`from the standpoint of implementation.
`time finishing times can be determined
`the packet
`time. Second,
`the packets are served in order of virtual
`time finishing time. Finally, we need only update virtual
`when there are events in the GPS system. However,
`the price
`to be paid for these advantages
`is some overhead in keeping
`track of sets Bj, which is essential
`in the updating of virtual
`to be the real time at which the next packet
`Define Next(t)
`will depart
`the GPS system after
`time t if there are no more
`time t.Thus,
`the next virtual
`time update after
`at Nezt(t)
`t will be performed
`if there are no arrivals
`in the
`[t, Next (t)]. Now,
`a packet
`arrives at some
`time t (let
`it be the jth event) and that
`the time of the event
`just prior
`to t is I- (if there is no prior event,
`if the packet
`is the first arrival
`in a busy period,
`then set ~ = O). Then, since
`is fixed between events, V(t) may be
`the set of busy sessions
`from (10) and the packet
`stamped with its virtual
`time finishing time. Next (t)is the real
`time corresponding
`the smallest virtual
`time packet
`finishing time at time t. This
`time may be computed
`from (10) since the set of busy
`sessions, B~, remains
`fixed over the interval [t,Next(t)]:
`~~in be the smallest virtual
`time finishing time of a packet
`the system at time t. Then,
`from (10)
`– t
`‘M’” = ‘(t)+ Zi.B, di
`- Next(t)
`= t+ (Fmin – V(t)) ~
`is defined
`is updated
`time, POPS
`this mechanism for updating
`as follows: When a packet
`and the packet
`is stamped with its virtual
`time. The
`is work conserving
`and serves
`in an increasing order of timestamp.


`Under weighted round robin, every session i has an integer
`wi associated with it. The server polls the sessions
`according a precomputed
`sequence in an attempt
`to serve ses-
`sion 2 at a rate of fi.
`If an ernpt y buffer
`is encountered,
`server moves to the next session in the order
`When an arriving
`i packet
`just misses
`a frame,
`it cannot be transmitted
`the next
`session i
`If the system is heavily loaded in the sense that almost
`every slot
`is utilized,
`the packet may have to wait almost N
`to be served, where N is the number of sessions
`sharing the server. Since POPS approximates GPS to within
`one packet
`time regardless of the arrival patterns,
`it is immune to such effects. POPS also handles variable-length
`packets in a much more systematic
`fashion than does weighted
`round robin. However,
`if N or the packet sizes are small,
`is possible
`to approximate GPS well by weighted
`robin. Hahne [ 13] has analyzed round robin in the context of
`providing fair rates to users of networks
`that utilize hop-by-hop
`window flow control.
`scheme called virtual clock
`Zhang proposes
`an interesting
`multit)lexing [21], %-tual clock multiplexing
`allows a guaran-
`teed rate and (average) delay for each session,
`the behavior of other sessions. However,
`if a session produces
`a large burst of data, even while the system is lightly loaded,
`that session can be “punished”
`much later when the other
`sessions become
`active. Under PGPS,
`the delay of a session
`i packet can be bounded in terms of the session i queue size
`seen by that packet upon arrival, even in the absence of any
`rate control. This enables
`to take advantage of lightly
`loaded network conditions. We illustrate
`this difference with
`a numerical
`fixed-size pack-
`that submit
`Suppose there are two sessions
`is one, and the
`ets of one unit each. The rate of the server
`rate is ~ for each session. Starting
`zero, 1000 session
`1 packets
`begin to arrive
`at a rate of
`1 packet/second. No session 2 packets
`arrive in the interval
`[0900) but, at time 900,450
`session 2 packets begin to arrive
`at a rate of one packetkecond.
`Now if the sessions
`are to be
`treated equally,
`the virtual clock for each session will tick at a
`rate of ~, and the PGPS weight assignment will be 41 = oz.
`Since both disciplines
`are work conserving,
`they will serve
`session 1 continuously
`in the interval
`from either
`time 900-,
`there are no packets
`in queue
`the session
`1 virtual
`clock will
`read 1800 and the
`2 virtual
`clock will
`read 900. The 450 session
`that begin
`time will be
`the 100 session
`1 packets
`time 900 will be stamped
`Thus, all of the session 2 packets will be served under Virtual
`Clock before
`any of
`the session
`1 packets
`are served. The
`session 1 packets
`are being punished
`since the session used
`the server exclusively
`in the interval
`[0900). Note, however,
`this exclusive use of the server was no? at the expense of
`any session 2 packets. Under PGPS,
`the sessions are served in
`round robin fashion from time 900 on, which results in much
`less delay to the session 1 packets.
`is an attractive
`The lack of a punishment
`of PGPS since,
`in our scheme,
`the admission
`of packets
`regulated at the network periphery through leaky buckets and
`it does not seem necessag
`to punish users at the internal nodes
`as well. Note, however,
`that in this example PGPS guarantees
`of ~ to each session even in the absence of access
`is proposed in [9]-[ 11] and is based
`Stop-and-Go Cheueing
`on a network-wide
`time slot structure.
`It has two advantages
`over our approach:
`it provides better jitter control and is prob-
`ably easier
`to implement. A finite number of connection
`are defined, where a type g connection
`is characterized
`by a
`fixed frame size of Tg. Since each connection must conform
`to a predestined connection
`the scheme is somewhat
`flexible than PGPS. The admission policy under which delay
`and buffer size guarantees
`can be made is that no more than
`riTg bits may
`be submitted during any type g frame.
`If sessions
`1,2,...,N are served by a server of capacity 1, it is stipulated
`that ~~~1 r, S 1, where the sum is only taken over
`the real-
`grow linearly with Tg, so
`time sessions. The delay guarantees
`in order
`to provide low delay one has to use a small slot size.
`The service discipline
`is not work conserving
`and is such that
`each packet may be delayed up to 2Tg time units, even when
`there is only one active session at the server. Observe that for
`a single-session
`PGPS system in which the peak rate does not
`exceed the rate of the server, each arriving packet
`is served
`upon arrival. Also, since it
`is work conserving,
`PGPS will provide better average delay than stop-and-go
`a given access control
`It is clear that ~i is the average rate at which the source i can
`send data over a single slot. The relationship
`between delay
`and slot size may force Stop-and-Go
`to allocate bandwidth by
`peak to satisfy delay -senstive sessions. This may also happen
`under PGPS, but not to the same degree. To see this, consider
`an on/off periodic source that fluctuates between values C – f
`and O. (As usual,
`f is small.) The on period is equal
`to the
`off period,
`say they are B seconds
`in duration. We assume
`that B is large. Clearly,
`the average
`rate of
`this session is
`0.5(C – f). We are interested
`in providing
`this session low
`delay under Stop-and-Go
`and PGPS. To do this, one has to
`pick a slot size smaller
`than B, which forces
`r = C – f. The
`the server
`that can be allocated
`is c.
`Under PGPS, we allocate
`a large value of @ to the session
`to bring its delay down to the desired level; however,
`the remaining
`capacity that can be allocated
`is 0.5(C + c).
`is a second on/off
`Now observe
`session with
`identical on and off periods
`as the first sesision, but which
`is relatively
`less delay sensitive,
`then PGPS can carry both
`(since the combined
`rate is less than C)
`whereas Stop-and-Go
`that we will
`the Leaky Bucket
`Fig. 3 depicts
`the traffic that enters
`the network. Tokens or
`use to describe
`are generated
`at a fixed rate, p, and packets
`can be
`into the network
`only after
`the required
`number of tokens
`from the token bucket. There is no bound


`Tokens enter at rate pi
`I-JC; titS
`‘===+=+”o—Rate < Ci
`Ai(O,r) -
`To the network
`Incoming (Bursty) ‘lh.fIic
`F]g. 3. A Leaky Bucket.
`I)JJBucket Empty
`- Ai(O, t)
`,4 Z’--
`‘ Bucket mu
`u; + Ki(t
`= Ui
`slope = P;
`Fig. 4. A,(t)
`and l,(t).
`the token
`that can be buffered, but
`on the number of packets
`bucket contains
`at most a bits worth of tokens.
`In addition to
`securing the required number of tokens,
`the traffic is fuxther
`to leave the bucket at a maximum rate of C > p.
`The constraint
`imposed by the leaky bucket
`is as follows:
`Ai (~, t) is the amount of session i flow that
`the leaky
`bucket and enters the network in time interval
`(I-, t], then
`Fig. 5. At(O,
`t), St(O,
`t), Qi(t)
`~d Dl(t)
`We may now express 11(t) as
`/i(t)= ~i+ Ki(t)
`– Ai(O, t).
`From (15) and (14), we obtain the useful
`In this section, we analyze the worst-case
`single-node GPS systems for sessions that operate under Leaky
`the session traffic constrained
`as in
`and the only assumptions we make
`There are N sessions,
`traffic are that Ai N (~i, pi, Ci )
`the incoming

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