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`2000 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
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`Table of Contents
`Volume 1
`Session Ll: Space Time Coding and Modulation I
`Organizers: Prof. Michael Fitz, Ohio State University; Prof. Brian L. Hughes, North Carolina State University
`Chair: Brian Hughs, North Carolina State Univiversity
`L 1.1 Space-Frequency Coded Broadband OFDM Systems ................................... .................. ................ ............. ............... 1
`Helmut Bolcskei, Arogyaswami J. Paulraj, Stanford University
`Ll .2 Energy-Efficient Antenna Sharing and Relaying for Wireless Networks .................................................................... 7
`J. Nicholas Laneman, Gregory W. Wornell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`L 1.3 Double Differential Space-Time Block Coding for Time-Selective Fading Channels .............................................. 13
`Zhigiang Liu, Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota; Brian L. Hughes, North Carolina State University
`L 1.4 Information Theoric Limits for Non Coherent Multi-Antenna Communications ...................................................... 18
`Lizhong Zheng, David N.C. Tse, University of California
`L 1.5 Codes for Differential Signaling With Many Antennas ............................................................................................. 23
`Babak Hassibi, Bertrand Hochwald, Amin Shokrollahi, Wim Sweldens, Lucent Technologies
`Ll .6 Optimal Space Time Constellations for Groups ....................................................................................................... n/a
`Brian L. Hughes, North Carolina University
`Session L2: Space-Time Coding II
`Organizers: Prof. Michael P. Fitz, Ohio State University; Prof. Brian L. Hughes, North Carolina State University
`Chair: Michael Fitz, Ohio State University
`L2.1 Capacity Scaling in Dual-Antenna-Array Wireless Systems ..................................................................................... 25
`David Tse, Chen-nee Chuah, Joseph M. Kahn, University of California
`L2.2 Algebraic Designs for Coherent and Differentially Coherent Space-Time Codes .................................................... 30
`Hesham El Gama!, A. Roger Hammons, Jr., Hughes Network Systems
`L2.3 Multilevel Codes and Iterative Multistage Decoding: Rate Design Rules and Practical Considerations ........ .......... 36
`M. Jaber Barran, Behnaam Aazhang, Rice University
`L2.4 A Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code ......................................•.................................................................. .42
`Hamid Jafarkhani, AT&T Laboratories
`L2.5 Spectral Efficiency of CDMA Systems with Transmit and Receivd Antenna Arrays ............................................... .46
`H. Huang, C. Papadias, A. Lozano, Lucent Technologies
`L2.6 Computing the Distance Spectrum of Space-Time Trellis ............................................................. ........ ................... 51
`Defoe K. Kucukyavuz, Michael P. Fitz, The Ohio State University
`Session L3: Frequency Hopping Systems
`Organizer and Chair: Ananthram Swami, Army Research Lab
`L3.l Generalized Frequency Hopping OFDMA through Unknown Frequency-Selective Multipath Channels ................ 56
`Shengli Zhou, Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota
`L3.2 Channel Estimation for Frequency Hopping Systems via Multiple Invariances ....................................................... 61
`Prashanth Hande, Lang Tong, Cornell University; Ananthram Swarni,,Army Research Laboratory
`L3.3 Maximum Likelihood Multi-User Detection for Fast Frequency Hopping/Multiple
`Frequency Shift Keying Systems ..................................................................................................... ................. ...... ......... ... 67
`Richard. J Kozick, Buchnell University; Brian M. Sadler, Army Research Laboratory
`L3.4 Iterative Multiuser Detection for Turbo-Coded FHCA Communications ................................................................. 73
`Paul C.P. Liang, Wayne E. Stark, University of Michigan
`L3.5 Energy-Efficient Routing in Frequency-Hop Radio Networks with Partial-Band Interference ................................ 79
`Michael B. Pursley, Harlan B. Russell, Jeffery S. Wysocarski, Clemson University
`L3.6 High Capacity High Data Rate Frequency Hopping Networks ................ ........................................... ...................... 84
`Naresh Sharma, Evaggelos Gereniotis, University of Maryland
`Session L4: Protocols for Mobile Distributed Systems
`Organizers: Prof. Michael Pursley, Prof. Harlan Russell, Clemson University
`Chair: Prof. Harlan Russell, Clemson University
`L4. l Differentiating Congestion vs Random Loss: A Method for Improving TCP Performance over
`Wireless Links .................................................................................................................................................................... 90
`Christina Parsa, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, University of California
`L4.2 Performance of IEEE 802.11 WLANs in a Bluetooth Environment ......................................................................... 94
`Carla F. Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino; Ramesh R. Rao, University of California,
`L4.3 On Demand Routing in Large Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Passive Clustering ............................................ .100
`Mario Gerla. Taek Jin Kwon, Guangyu Pei, University of California
`L4.4 Interference-Free Time-Frequency Broadcast Scheduling in Multihop Packet Radio Networks ............................ 106
`Kamran Sayrafian-Pour, Anthony Ephremides, University of Maryland
`L4.5 Routing Under Uncertainty: A Comparative Study ....... .......................................................................................... 112
`Martha Streenstrup, BBN Technologies
`L4.6 A Receiver-Oriented Approach To Reliable Broadcast in Ad Hoc Networks ............................ ............................. 117
`Matthew Impett, M. Scott Corson, University of Maryland; Vincent Park, Naval Research Laboratory
`Session LS: Coding
`Organizer and Chair: Prof. Michael Fitz, Ohio State University
`.LS.I Labeling and Decoding Schemes for Backward-Compatible Hierarchical Coded Modulation ............................... 123
`J.H. Lim, S.B. Gelfand, Purdue University
`L5 .2 Minimum Complexity Sequential Multihypothesis Detection: Weak Sequential Tests .............................. .. .......... 129
`Cenk Kose, Dennis L.· Goeckel. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
`LS ,3 Adaptive Iterative J:?etection for Turbo Codes on Flat Fading Channels ........................................... ........... ........... J 34
`Jun Heo, Keith M_. Chugg, University of Southern California
`L5.4 Further Synchronization Results for PSAM Systems ....................................................................... ~ ...................... 140
`Jerome A. Gansman, Herman Lo, Diane Lee, University of Maryland
`L5 .5 Turbo Codes with Non-Linear Constituent Codes .. : .................................. ; ............................................................. 144
`Oscar Y. Takeshita, Jing Sun, Michael P. Fitz, Ohio St_ate University
`L5.6 Parellel Concatenated Turbo Codes for Continuous Phase Modulation ............................................ .................... 147
`Mark R. Shane, Aerospace Corporation; Richard D. Wesel, University of California
`Session L6: Radio Resource Managemnet in Wireless Multimedia Systems
`Organizer and Chair: Prof. Halim Yanikomeroglou, Carleton University, CANADA
`L6. l Adaptively Structured, Soft-Planned W-CDMA HCS Networks ............................................................................. n/a
`Hamid Aghvami, M.R. Shikh-Bahaei, King's College London
`L6.2 Highly Sectorized System for Internet Wireless Access ........................................................................... .. ............. 153
`Elvino S. Sousa, University of Toronto
`L6.3 Trends in Resource Management ·Future Wireless Networks .................................................................................. 159
`Jens Zander, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
`L6.4 A New Algorithm to Reduce the Deviation in the Base Stations Transmitted Powers During
`Soft Handoff in CDMA Cellular Systems ......................................................................................................................... 164
`Bassam Hashem, Faridah Khalegi, Nortel Networks, Canada
`L6.5 Power Control and Rate Allocation in Multirate Wideband CDMA Systems ......................................................... 168
`Jon W. Mark, Shihua Zhu, University of Waterloo, Canada
`L6.6 Acquisition Dependent Random Access for Connectionless CDMA Systems ........................................................ 173
`Aylin Yener, Roy D. Yates, WinLab, Rutgers University
`Session L7: Wireless Image and Video Transmission
`Organizer: Prof. Chang Wen Chen, University of Missouri-Columbia
`Chairs: Prof. Chang Wen Chen, University of Missouri; Haitao Zheng, Lucent Technologies
`L 7 .1 Resource Allocation with Adaptive Qos for Multimedia Transmission over W-CDMA Channels ........................ 179
`Qian Zhang, Wenwu Zhu, Microsoft Research, P.R. China; GuiJin Wang, Tsinghua University, P.R. China;
`Ya-Qin Zhang, Microsoft Research, P.R. China
`L 7 .2 Reliable Wireless Video Transmission via Fading Channel Estimation and Adaptation ........................................ 185
`Wuttipong Kumwilaisak, JongWon Kim, C.C. Jay Kuo, University of Southern California
`L7.3 Packet Coding Schemes for MPEG Video over Internet and Wireless Networks ................................................... 191
`H. Zheng, J. Boyce, Bell-Labs, Lucent Technologies
`L 7.4 Soft Decoding for Robust Video Transmission ....................................................................................................... 196
`M. Bystrom, A. Kopansky, Drexel University; S. Kaiser, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
`L 7.5 Error-Resilent Video Coding with Channel-Optimizated Trellis-Coded Quantization ........................................... 202
`Zhen Liu, Arizona State,Uriiversity; Glen P. Abousleman, Motorola; Lina J. Karam, Arizona State University
`Session LS: Diversity Techniques
`Organizer and Chair: Prof. Valentine Aalo, Florida Atlantic University
`L8.1 Efficient simulation of Correlated Diversity Channels ........................................................................................... 207
`Norman C. Beaulieu, Queen's University, Canada; Maria L. Merani, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
`L8.2 The Effect of Guassian Weighting Errors in Hybrid SC/MRC Combiners ............................................................. 211
`A. Annamalai, Virginia Tech; C. Tellambura, Monash University, Australia
`L8.3 Average Outage Duration of Diversity Systems over Generalized Fading Channels .............................................. 216
`Young-Chai Ko, Ali Abdi, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Mostafa Kaveh, University of Minnesota
`L8.4 Outage Probability of Optimum Combining and MRC in a Rice Fading Channel with Cochannel Interference ... 222
`Chirasil Chayawan, Valentien A. Aalo, Florida Atlantic University
`L8.5 Error Rates for Hybrid SC/MRC Systems on Nakagami-M Channels .................................................................... 227
`A. Annamalai, Virginia Tech; C. Tellambura, Monash University, Australia
`Session L9: Access Control
`Organizer and Chair: Dr. Yi-Bing Lin, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
`Chair: Hamid Aghvami, University of London
`L9.I Integrating Global Wireless Systems with IP .......................................................................................................... 232
`David J.Y. Lee, William C.Y. Lee, Vodafone Airtouch Pie
`L9.2 Call Admission Control: Solution of a General Decision Model with State Related Hand-off Rate ....................... 237
`Novella Bartaloni, Universita di Roma, Italy; Imrich Chlamtec, University of Texas
`L9.3 Mobile Agents for Personalized Information Retrieval: When are they a good idea? ............................................. 242
`Ravi Jain, Farooq Anjum, Telecordia Technologies
`L9.4 Incorporating Proxy Services into Wide Area Cellular IP Networks ...................................................................... 246
`Zhimei Jiang, Li Fung Chang, Byoung Jo J. Kim, Kin K. Leung, AT&T Research
`L9.5 Reducing the Paging Costs under Delay Bounds for PCS Networks ...................................................................... 253
`Wenye Wang, Ian F. Akyildiz, Gordon L. Stuber, Georgia Institute of Technology
`L9.6 Performance Analysis if a Dual-threshold Reservation (DTR) Scheme for
`Voice/Data Integrated Mobile Wireless Networks ........................................................................................................... 258
`Li Yin, Bo Lin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; P.R. China; Zhensheng Zhang,
`Sorrentnet Corp., USA; Jason Yi"Bing Lin, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
`Session LIO: Qos
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Xian-Gen Xia, University of Delaware
`L 10.1 Quality of Service Routing in Ad Hoc Networks .................................................................................................. 263
`G.V.S. Raju, G. Hernandez, Q. Zou, The University of Texas
`LI 0.2 QoS Support in Mobile/Wireless IP Networks using Differntiated Services and Fast Handoff Method .............. 266
`Suk-Un Yoon, Ji-Hoon Lee, Ki-Sun Lee, Chui-Hee Kang, Korea University
`Ll0.3 QoS Management in Wireless ATM Networks using Large Deviation Principle ................................................. 271
`C. Ben Ahmed, N. Boudriga, M.S. Obaidat, Monmouth University
`LI 0.4 A QoS-Oriented Dynamic Channel Assignment M.ethod for Wireless A TM LANs ............................................. 276
`Nikos Passas, George Lampropoulos, Lazaros Merakos, University of Athens, Greece
`LI 0.5 Impact of TCP/IP Header Compression on the Performance of a Cellular System ............................................... 281
`Zoran Kostic, Xiaoxin Qui, Li Fung Chang, AT&T Labs-Research
`Session LU: Vector Channels
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota
`LI 1.1 Maximizing Data Rate-Sum over Vector Multiple Access Channel ..................................................................... 287
`Gleb V. Klimovitch, Watkins-Johnson Communications and Information Systems Laboratory;
`John M. Cioffi, ST AR Laboratory
`L 11.2 Distance Spectrum Computation for Equalized Mimo Multipath Fading Channels .............................................. 293
`Rittwik Jana, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Robert Calderbank, AT&T Shannon Research Labs,
`LI 1.3 An Adaptive Multicarrier Wireless Access System ............................................................................................... 298
`N. Vogiatzis, J.A. Sanchez-P., Lucent Technologies; Th. Zahariadis, N. Zervos, Ellemedia Technologies, Greece
`L 11.4 Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation for Multiple Antenna Systems ................................................................ 304
`Won-Joon Choi, Kok-Wui Cheong, John M. Cioffi, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
`LI 1.5 A Low Complexity Architecture of the V-BLAST System ................................................................................... 310
`Wong Kwan Wai, Chi-ying Tsui, Roger S. Cheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
`Ll 1.6 TURBO-BLAST for High-Speed Wireless Communications ............................................................................... 315
`Mathini Sellathurai, Simon Haykin, McMaster University, Canada
`Session: L12: CDMA 1
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Joseph C. Liberti, Telcordia Technologies
`L 12.1 Throughput Evaluation in CDMA/Shared-TDD Packet Systems in a Cellular Environment ............................... 321
`Kazuo Mori, Takehiko Kobayashi, YRP Key Tech Labs, Japan;
`Takaya Yamazato, Akira Ogawa, Nagoya University, Japan
`Ll2.2 Link and Network Layer Requirements for Mobility Support in CDMA Wireless Systems ................................. 327
`Michael Cheung, Jon W. Mark, University of Waterloo, Canada
`Ll 2.3 Power Control Scheme with Signature Sequence Adaptation for DS-CDMA Systems ........................................ 333
`Ho Y. Kwan, Tat M. Lok, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
`Ll2.4 Calculation of Erlang Capacity of Cellular CDMA Uplink Systems ...................................................................... 338
`Ling Ding, James S. Lehnert, Purdue University
`Ll2.5 A Dynamic Groupwise Successive Interference Cancellation Array Receiver Scheme
`for DS-CDMA Systems .................................................................................................................................................... 343
`Lei Shao, Guangguo Bi, Southeast University, Nanjing, P.R China
`Ll2.6 Phase Swept and Time-Delay Transmit Diversity Performance Results for lxRTT CDMA Systems .................. 347
`James Kubina, Adrian Smith, Bill Kirkland, Nortel Networks, Canada
`Session Ll3: CDMA-2
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Wen-Yi Kuo, Wiscom Technologies
`Ll3. l Detection of GSM Interference in a CDMA Wireless Communication Link ........................................................ 351
`K.C. Ho, S. Tutsanasuwan, C.H. Davis, University of Missouri - Columbia
`L 13.2 Analysis of Erlang Capacity for DS-CDMA Systems Supporting Multi-Class Services with the Limited
`Number of Channel Elements ........................................................................................................................................... 355
`Insoo Koo, Jeongrok Yang, Kiseon Kim, Kwang-Ju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
`Ll3.3 On Performance Evaluation of the Forward Link of DS-CDMA PCS Indoor
`Systems with Distributed Antennas .............................................................................................................. .................... 360
`Mario R. Rueda, Carmen Rodriguez, Carlos Marques, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
`Ll3.4 Some Results on Power Control in Wideband CDMA Cellular Networks ............................................................ 365
`A. Giovanardi, G. Mazzini, V. Tralli, M. Zorzi, University of Ferrara, Italy
`Ll 3.5 Rate Scheduling for CDMA Downlink Mixed Traffic Networks .......................................................................... 370
`Aikaterini C. Varsou, Princeton University; Howard C. Huang, Laurence Mailaender,
`Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
`Session: L14 Interference Cancellation/Equalization
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Roy Yates, WINLAB, Rutgers University
`LI 4.1 Average Error Probability of Optimum Combining with a Co-Channel Interferer in Nakagami Fading .............. 376
`Valentine A. Aalo, Florida Atlantic University; Jingjun Zhang, Motorola, Inc.
`Ll4.2 Effect of Tracking Error on DS-CDMA Partial Parallel Interference Cancellation .............................................. 382
`Xue Gao, Cheng-shu Li, Nothem Jiaotong University, China; Xiao-rong Lai, Eastern KingNet Ltd., China
`Ll4.3 Chip-Level MMSE Equalization at the Edge of the Cell... .................................................................................... 386
`Thomas P. Krauss, Michael D. Zoltowski, Purdue University
`Ll4.4 A 2-Stage Soft-Output Equalizer for EDGE .......................................................................................................... 393
`Hanks H. Zeng, Ye Geoffrey Li, Jack H. Winters, Hamid R. Sadjadpour, AT&T Labs
`Ll4.5 Multiuser Decision-Feedback Equalization of Block-Spread Multirate Transmissions for
`QoS Wireless Networking ......................................................................................................................................... ....... 398
`Anastasios Stamoulis, Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota
`L14.6 Performance Analysis of General Coherent MRC Receivers in Nakagami-m Fading Channels .......................... .404
`Lih-feng Tsaur, Conexant Systems, Inc.; Daniel C. Lee, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
`Session L15: Antenna Arrays
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Rick Blum, Lehigh Univiversity
`L15.1 Performance Analysis of Different Algorithms for cdma2000 Antenna Array System and a
`New Multi User Beamforming (MUB) Algorithm .......................................................................................................... .409
`Alireza Tarighat, Babak Daneshrad, University of California
`Ll5.2 New Differential Detection Using Multiple Transmit Antennas ............................................................................ n/a
`Zhihong Hong, North Carolina State University, and Brian L. Hughes
`L15.3 High Capacity Fixed Wireless Access Systems with Antenna Arrays ................................................................. .415
`Tat M. Lok, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Tan F. Wong, University of Florida
`L15.4 Utilizing Multiuser Diversity for Multiple Antenna Systems ............................................................................... .420
`Wonjong Rhee, Wei Yu, John M. Cioffi, Stanford University
`Ll5.5 Optimizing the Spectral Efficiency of Multiuser MIMO Smart Antenna Systems .............................................. .426
`Kai-Kit Wong, R.D. Murch, R.S.K Cheng, K.B. Letaief, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
`LI 5 .6 A Novel Antenna Solution for Bluetooth Access Point.. ...................................................................................... .431
`Pekka Salonen, Lauri Sydanheimo, Mikko Keskilammi, Markku Kivikoski,
`Tampere University of Technology, Finland
`Ll5.7 A Comparison of the Open Loop Transmit Diversity Schemes for Third Generation Wireless Systems ............ .437
`Anand G. Dabak, Srinath Hosur, Tim Schmidl, Chaitali Sengupta, Texas Instruments, Inc.
`Session L16: Multi Access/ Admission Control
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Bassam Hashem, Nortel Networks, Canada
`Ll 6.1 Analysis and Simulation of a Multiaccess Scheme over Flat Slow Fading Channels .......................................... .443
`Vivek Dua, Software and Silicon Systems, India; T.N. Krishnan, Philips Software, India;
`Utpal Mukherhji, Indian Institute of Science, India
`Ll6.2 An Adaptive Distributed Call Admission Control for QoS-Sensitive Wireless Mobile Networks ....................... .449
`Yousseflraqi, RaoufBoutaba, University of Waterloo, Canada
`Ll 6.3 Random Access MAC for Efficient Broadcast Support in Ad Hoc Networks ..................................................... .454
`Ken Tang, Mario Gerla, University of California
`L 16.4 Performance Analysis of Multiple Rejects ARQ for RLC (Radio Link Control) in the
`Third Generation Wireless Communication .................................................................................................................... .460
`Uooyeol Yoon, Erlang Technology; Seongsoo Park, SK Telecom, Korea; Paul S. Min, Erlang Technology
`Ll6.5 Call Admission Control Scheme for Arbitrary Traffic Distribution in CDMA Cellular Systems ........................ .465
`Robert G. Aki, Manju V. Hegde, Mort Naraghi-Pour, Paul S. Min, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
`Volume 2
`Session L17: Handover
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Tao Zhang, Telcordia Technologies
`Ll 7 .1 Comparison Between the Periodic and Event-Triggered Intra-Frequency Handover
`Measurement Reporting in WCDMA ..................................................................................................................... ......... .471
`Kimmo Hiltunen, Nicola Binucci, Joakim Bergstrom, Ericsson
`L17.2 Adaptive Resource Allocation Mechanism During Handoff for Mobile Internet Telephony ............................... .476
`Ji-Hoon Lee, Suk-Un Yoon, Sung-Kwan Youm, Ki-Sun Lee, Chui-Hee Kang, Korea University, Korea
`L 17 .3 An Approximate Analysis of Handoff Traffic in Mobile Cellular Networks ....................................................... .480
`Taekyoung Kwon, Yeonhee Oh, Yanghee Choi, Seoul National University, Korea;
`Mahmoud Naghshineh, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
`L 17.4 Optimal Handoff Control: Incorporating Handoff Delay ..................................................................................... .484
`Mehmet Akar, Yale University; Urbashi Mitra, Ohio State University
`L 17 .5 Using Packet-Level Information in Handover and Admission Control Schemes for Wireless Packet Networks .490
`Giuseppi Bianchi, Ilenia Tinnirello, Universita di Palermo, Italy
`L 17 .6 A Novel QoS Scheme for Hand offs in Wireless IP Networks .............................................................................. .496
`Toni Janevski, Boris Spasenovski, University "Sv. Kiri! i Metodij", Macedonia
`Session L18: Admission Control
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Jens Zander, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
`Ll 8.1 QoS-based Policy for Call Admission Control in Mobile Cellular Network ........................................................ 502
`Marjan Bozinovski, Petar Popovski, Liljana Gavrilovska, Institute ofTelecommunications, Macedonia
`Ll8.2 Charisma: A Novel Channel-Adaptive TDMA-Based Multiple Access Control Protocol for Integrated
`Wireless Voice and Data Services .................................................................................................................................... 507
`Vincent K.N. Lau, Yu-Kwong Kwok, The University of Hong Kong
`Ll 8.3 A Modified Grouped-Tag TDMA Access Protocol for Radio Frequency Identification Networks ...................... 512
`Nicos Pastos, R. Viswanathan, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
`L18.4 Performance of an Accessing and Allocation Scheme for the Download Channel in Software Radio ................ .517
`Truong H. Le, A.H. Aghvami, King's College London
`L 18.5 Performance of Prioritized Call Admission Strategies in Cellular CDMA Systems with
`Limited Receiver Processors ............................................................................................................................................. 522
`Dongwoo Kim, Hanyang University, Korea; Yonho Chang, Shinsegi Telecomm, Inc., Korea
`L18.6 Mobility-based Channel Reservation Scheme for Wireless Mobile Networks ...................................................... 527
`Jiongkuan Hou, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Yuguang Fang, University of Florida;
`Ali N. Akansu, New Jersey Institute of Technology ·
`Session L19: Multihop Networks
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Stefano Basagni, University of Texas at Dallas
`L 19 .1 Using Multi-Hop Acknowledgements to Discover and Reliably Communicate over
`Unidirectional Links in Ad Hoc Networks ....................................................................................................................... 532
`Marc R. Pearlman, Zygmunt J. Haas, Benjamin P. Manvell, Cornell University
`Ll9.2 TCP Performance Over a Contention Based Wireless Multi-Hop Network .......................................................... 538
`J. Dimarogonas, M.D. Snyder, Y. Barsoum, The MITRE Corporation
`Ll9.3 The Effects of MAC Protocols on Ad Hoc Network Communications ................................................................. 543
`Elizabeth M. Royer, University of California; Sung-Ju Lee, University of California;
`Charles E. Perkins, Nokia Research Center
`L19.4 MADF: A Novel Approach to Add an Ad-Hoc Overlay on a Fixed Cellular Infrastructure ................................. 549
`Xiaoxin Wu, S.H. Gary Chan, Biswanath Mukherjee, University of California
`L19.5 Power Dissipation Component of a Network Mangement Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks .................................. 555
`Spyros Tragoudas, Southern Illinois University
`Session L20:. Wireless Techniques
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Vincent Lau, The University of Hong Kong
`L20. l A High Performance, Versatile Residential Gateway .................................................................... , ....................... 560
`'J.A. Sanchez-P., K. Pramataris, N. Vogiatzis, Lucent Technologies, The Netherlands;
`Th. Arvanitis, D. Economou, Ch. Georgopoulos, N. Zervos, Ellemedia Technologies, Greece;
`D. Drakoulis, M. Nanousos, K. Satlas, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
`L20.2 Wireless Technologies Convergence: Results and Experience ............................................................................ .566
`N. Nikolaou, K. Vaxevanakis, S. Maniastis, I. Venieris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece;
`N. Zervos, Ellemedia Technologies, Greece
`L20.3 On Tolerating Single Link, Double Link, and Nodal Failures in Symmetric Grid Networks ............................... 572
`A.S. Acampora, R.A. Gholmieh, University of California
`S. Krishnamurthy, HRL Laaboratories, California
`L20.4 Capacity of Broadband CDMA Wireless Local Loop Systems ................................................. : ........................... 582
`A.S. Acampora, University of California; C.F. Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy;
`R.A. Gholmieh, University of California; M. Zorzi, Universita di Ferrara, Italy
`L20.5 A Virtual Home Agent Based Route Optimization for Mobile IP ............. ............................................................ 592
`Qiang Gao, Anthony Acampora, University of California
`L20.6 FDMA-based Multiuser Transmit Optimization for Broadcast Channels ............................................................. 597
`Louise M.C. Hoo, Stanford University; Jose Tellado, Gigabit Wireless Inc.; John M. Cioffi, Stanford University
`Session L21: Power Control
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Dongwoo Kim, Hanyan University, Korea
`L21.1 On the Performance of Fast Forward Link Power Control in IS-2000 CDMA Networks ............... : ..................... 603
`David W. Paranchych, Nortel Networks
`L2 l.2 Reverse-Link Power Control in CDMA Distributed Antenna Systems ................................................................. 608
`Arif Obaid, Global Engineering, Pakistan; Halim Yanikomeroglu, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
`L21.3 Power Control and Transmit Diversity in Multi-Path CDMA Systems ................................................................. 613
`Mohammad Saquib, Md Habibul Islam, Louisiana State University; Sarath Kumar, Lucent Bell Laboratories
`L2 l .4 Optimization of the Pilot-to-Data Power Ratio for DS-CDMA with Linear Interference Suppression ................. 619
`Wayne G. Phoel, MIT Lincoln Laboratory; Michael L. Horiig, Northwestern University
`L2 l .5 Transmit Power Control in Fixed Broadband Wireless Systems ............................................................................ 624
`Salem Salamah, David D. Falconer, H. Yanikomeroglu, Carleton University
`Session L22: Error Correction/Control
`Organizer: Technical Program Committee
`Chair: Brinton Cooper, Army Research Lab.