`Page 1
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Petitioner, :
` v. :
` INC., :
` Patent Owner.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Videotaped Deposition of BERNHARDT LEVY TROUT
` Boston, Massachusetts
` Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 9:06 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Alan H. Brock, RDR, CRR
`Job No.: 26641
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
`Amgen Inc. v. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`IPR2019-00739 and -00740
` Videotaped deposition of Bernhardt Levy
` Trout, held at the offices of:
`Page 2
` Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
` One Post Office Square
` Boston, Massachusetts 02109
` Pursuant to agreement, before Alan H. Brock,
` RDR, CRR, Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth
` of Massachusetts.
`3 4 5
`8 9
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` dholman@sternekessler.com
` dsterling@sternekessler.com
` 1185 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036-2601
` ediamond@kslaw.com
` nchoi@kslaw.com
` gflattmann@kslaw.com
` Paula S. Fritsch, Amgen Senior Counsel
` Tara Rahemba, Alexion Senior Director,
` Patent Counsel
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
` C O N T E N T S
`Page 4
` By Mr. Holman 5
` E X H I B I T S
` (None marked.)
`2 3
`5 6 7
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` January 28, 2020 9:06 a.m.
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` being first duly sworn or affirmed to testify to the
` truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Trout.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. My name is David Holman. I'm an attorney
` with the law firm Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox. I
` represent Amgen in this case, and I'm going to be
` taking your deposition today.
` Can you please state your full name for
` the record, please.
` A. Yes. Bernhardt Levy Trout.
` Q. So, Dr. Trout, have you ever been deposed
` before?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. And can you give us an idea, what was the
` context of your previous depositions?
` MR. DIAMOND: And in answering these
` questions, just I caution you not to reveal any, you
` know, third-party confidential information that
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` might be involved in any of those matters.
` A. I've been deposed in a variety of cases,
` all having to do with technical issues, mostly
` pharmaceuticals.
` Q. Again, without disclosing any confidences
` from those cases, were they related to patents?
` Were they patent cases?
` A. I would say that all the times I've been
` deposed the cases had to do with patents. There
` were probably other issues, but I was focusing on
` patents.
` Q. And again without disclosing any
` confidences from those cases, did any of those, your
` previous depositions, involve formulations of
` antibodies?
` A. By "involve" -- it's kind of vague.
` Q. Sure. So you mentioned that the previous
` cases involved, I think you said, technical issues,
` mostly pharmaceuticals. So did those cases relate
` to pharmaceutical formulations comprising
` antibodies?
` A. And again, by "relate" -- it sounds very
` broad, so....
` Q. The technology at issue, was it a
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` therapeutic antibody?
` A. I can't remember all the details. Sitting
` here, I don't remember exactly if it -- if there was
`Page 7
` directly an antibody involved.
` Q. Okay.
` A. It may not have been.
` Q. You can't recall?
` A. I can't recall exactly.
` Q. Do you recall when, time frame, this was,
` what year this might have been?
` A. Well, I mean, I've been deposed several
` times before, so I was trying to recall the various
` cases in which I, you know, was a witness in for
` which I've been deposed. And I don't think that,
` using your termination, there was antibodies
` directly -- formulation of antibodies directly in
` those cases, but there may have been.
` Q. Okay, and you said you've been deposed
` several times. Are there several cases? Do you
` recall how many cases that you were involved in as a
` witness?
` A. And again, "as a witness," you mean having
` been deposed?
` Q. Yeah, let's stick with the depositions for
` now. So as an expert witness, depositions, how many
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` cases do you recall being involved in before this
` one?
` A. I don't have the exact number. Maybe
` somewhere eight-ish, maybe close to ten, something
` like that.
` Q. Okay. So eight to ten. And as far as you
` can recall today, the best of your recollection is
` these cases did not involve therapeutic antibodies
` as a technology?
` A. Well, again, I'd have to go through them
` and kind of think about them. But just as I recall,
` I don't remember in particular one that directly
` involved antibodies. But that's the best I can do
` right now.
` Q. Okay. That's fine. So in some of those
` cases -- let's see, you have a lot of cases you've
` previously done. So have you ever testified at
` trial?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how many cases have you testified at
` trial before?
` A. Again, exact number, probably three or
` four, something like that, plus or minus, but about
` that number.
` Q. And can you recall if any of these cases
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` where you testified at trial involved therapeutic
` antibody technology?
` A. I think those cases, as best as I can
` recall, did not involve therapeutic antibody
` technology.
` Q. And is it safe to say that in these cases
` that you also prepared and submitted expert reports?
` A. I'm sorry, I didn't understand.
` Q. So in these cases where you were deposed or
` where you testified at trial, did you also submit an
` expert report in those cases?
` A. Yes, I think I submitted an expert report
` in all of those cases.
` Q. Okay.
` A. It may have been more than one. Sometimes
` you have to submit other reports, followup reports.
` Q. And do you recall any of these -- going
` back to your deposition experience: Were any of
` your depositions related to a Patent Office
` proceeding, such as today's proceeding, inter partes
` review?
` A. As best as I can answer sitting here, I
` don't think so. I know this is a -- inter partes
` review -- I think that the other cases I was deposed
` in were not, as best as I can remember sitting here.
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` Q. Okay. So today this deposition may be a
` little similar to what you've experienced, but there
` are going to be some differences.
` A. Sorry, I just remembered. Again, I was
` trying to recall as best I can. I think I was
` deposed in the inter partes review before, now that
` I -- now that I recall.
` Q. All right. And do you recall what the --
` if that inter partes review involved therapeutic
` antibody as the patented technology?
` A. Again, if you mean therapeutic antibody is
` the main subject, it was not.
` Q. Do you recall if that deposition as part of
` an inter partes review involved formulations of
` therapeutic antibodies?
` A. Again, I know you used that word
` "involved." It seems pretty broad. I mean, the
` main subject was not antibodies.
` Q. Okay. And do you recall in your deposition
` experience in the IPR case that we're discussing,
` did you provide expert testimony on behalf of the
` patent owner or the patent challenger, petitioner,
` in that case? Do you remember?
` A. Yes, in the case I'm recalling it was on
` behalf of the patent owner.
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` Q. All right. Thank you. So you understand
` that today you're here to provide testimony related
` to declarations that you've submitted in two
` different IPR proceedings? Right? Do you
` understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And more specifically, you have two written
` declarations that you've submitted. And so today
` is, you know, my opportunity -- I'm entitled to
` cross-examine you to better understand the opinions
` and information and statements in your declarations.
` Do you understand that?
` MR. DIAMOND: Objection to form.
` A. As a nonlegal person, layperson in the law,
` I think I understand that.
` Q. So as you can see, we have a court reporter
` here today, and he's going to be transcribing our
` conversation for the record. And so because he's
` generating a written transcript, you understand
` that, assuming we don't discuss any confidential
` information, that the written transcript will become
` a public record? Do you understand that?
` A. Again, it sounds like a legal issue. But
` that's my understanding.
` Q. Okay. So you've been sworn in, and you
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` understand that you are testifying under oath and
` under penalty of perjury today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand that you're here today
` to testify truthfully and accurately regarding the
` opinions and information and statements set forth in
` your declarations?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, Dr. Trout, is there any reason you
` can't -- any reason you will be unable to testify
` truthfully and accurately today?
` A. No.
` Q. Great. So today I'm going to use plain
` English. I'm going to do my best to speak clearly
` so you can understand each of my questions.
` However, if you at any point don't understand a
` question I'm asking, just ask me, just please let me
` know, and I'll do my best to try and clarify it for
` you. Does that sound fair?
` A. Okay.
` Q. All right. And on the flip side, if you
` answer my question, I'm going to assume that you
` understood the question that I've asked you. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. So I mentioned we have our court reporter
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` here who's transcribing our conversation. So this,
` of course, means it's very important that we not
` speak over each other or interrupt each other, you
` know, during our conversation today. So I'll do my
` best to let you make sure you're finished with your
` answer before I move on to my next question, and I
` ask that you do the same for me: let me finish my
` question before you begin your answer. Does that
` sound fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So that helps create a clean transcript,
` but it also makes it easier on our court reporter
` for transcribing.
` Okay. So as you've probably experienced
` in your previous depositions, your counsel may
` object to some of the questions that I ask today.
` That's his right during these depositions. But if
` your counsel objects to a question, do you
` understand that you still need to answer my question
` unless he specifically instructs you not to answer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So I may ask a question, counsel may
` object, and then you still need to answer unless he
` says specifically -- a specific instruction not to
` answer. Right?
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` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. Okay, great. So your counsel's objections,
` should he decide to raise any, they're supposed to
` be limited to single-word objections: "Objection,
` form." "Objection, hearsay." "Objection,
` foundation" -- things like that. Does that make
` sense?
` MR. DIAMOND: I object to your legal
` statement there. But go on.
` Q. Does that make sense?
` A. It's a legal -- it sounds like it's legal
` terms. But I understood the words you said.
` Q. Sure. I mean, I just want to sort of lay
` out the rules of engagement, because this deposition
` is a conversation, but it's not an everyday
` conversation. It's a little bit awkward, because
` I'm asking questions and then there's objections and
` then you're answering. So I'm just trying to lay
` the groundwork, the framework, of how we're going to
` proceed today.
` MR. DIAMOND: Object to that, too, but
` go on.
` Q. Regarding the objections, your counsel is
` not allowed to make statements or suggestions that
` suggest an answer to you. Do you understand that?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And those types of speaking objections and
` general coaching of the witnesses are prohibited in
` proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board.
` MR. DIAMOND: Counsel, first of all, I
` object to this line of questioning. I'm not going
` to coach the witness. And if you have a problem,
` you can talk with me about it. Okay?
` MR. HOLMAN: I'm just setting the
` groundwork so the witness understands how today is
` going to go.
` MR. DIAMOND: It's silly. Go on.
` Q. So as I mentioned, the cross-exam today,
` this deposition, is conversation between the
` examining attorney -- that's me -- and the
` witness -- that's you.
` MR. DIAMOND: Objection to form.
` Q. The defending lawyer, counsel, can't act as
` an intermediary, can't interpret questions for you,
` can't decide which questions you should answer, help
` you formulate your answers or help you correct your
` answers while you're testifying. Do you understand
` that, Dr. Trout?
` MR. DIAMOND: Objection, calls for legal
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` conclusion. But again, counsel, I'm not going to do
` that, and if you have a problem, you can talk to me
` about it.
` A. I understood, you know -- at least to the
` extent that I'm not a legal expert, I understood the
` words you were saying.
` Q. So today I'm going to do my best to take a
` break about every hour. If you need a break, if we
` haven't taken a break and you need one, just let me
` know, speak up. I'm happy to take one. All I ask
` is that if there's a question pending, that you
` please answer the question, and then we can break
` after that. Does that sound reasonable?
` A. Okay.
` Q. All right. So Dr. Trout, it looks like you
` have a couple of documents that you have brought
` with you there. Are those two documents there in
` front of you?
` A. They're two documents. Counsel brought
` them. I didn't bring them. But there are two
` documents here, yes.
` Q. And what are those two documents?
` A. The two documents are the two declarations
` that I submitted in this case.
` Q. And have you inspected those? Do you know
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` if they have any markings or highlighting or notes
` in them that were not in the originals?
` A. I have not inspected them.
` Q. Do you mind if I inspect them, please?
` A. No.
` MR. HOLMAN: So just for the record, Dr.
` Trout has a copy of the declaration of Bernhardt
` Trout, marked as ALXN2024 in Case No. IPR
` 2019/00739. This is the '504 patent declaration.
` And Dr. Trout has a copy of the
` declaration of Bernhardt L. Trout, marked as
` ALXN2024 in Case No. IPR 2019/00740. This is the
` '880 patent declaration.
` Q. Dr. Trout, it appears that those documents
` are copies of the as-filed declarations. To the
` best of your knowledge is that the case, that those
` are copies of the original declarations as filed?
` A. That's my understanding. I haven't
` reviewed them as of now, but that's my
` understanding.
` Q. So we brought copies as well. But since
` you already have two copies in front of you, we're
` happy to burden you with two more duplicates, or
` you're free to work from those copies.
` MR. DIAMOND: Counsel, we don't have any
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`Page 18
` issue with him using the copies that are in front of
` him now.
` Q. Would you like to just work from those
` copies that your counsel has provided you?
` A. Yes.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` Q. So Dr. Trout, let's look at your -- today
` we'll probably refer to these as the '504
` declaration and the '880 declaration. Does that
` sound okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. If I use that terminology, will you
` understand when I say the '504 declaration, I'm
` referring to your declaration directed to the '504
` patent, and when I say the '880 declaration, I'm
` referring to your declaration referring to the '880
` patent? Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. So let's look at your '504 patent
` declaration. We've already established that this is
` the declaration of Bernhardt Trout, Ph.D., directed
` to Patent No. 9,725,504. Do you see that on the
` front page there?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so if you could turn to the last page
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` of the declaration, just before Appendix A. It's
` Page 52, but it doesn't have a page number.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And here you have a statement that says, "I
` hereby declare that all statements made herein of my
` own knowledge are true and that all statements made
` on information and belief are believed to be true.
` I further declare that I made these statements with
` the knowledge that willful false statements and the
` like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment
` or both under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United
` States Code." And then there's a signature
` underneath that. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you please confirm for me that that
` signature here is your signature?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Thank you. So, Dr. Trout, did you prepare
` this declaration yourself?
` A. I prepared the declaration together with
` counsel.
` Q. And are you aware of any errors in this
` declaration?
` A. Upon review, I found some typos, but there
` are no substantive errors that I'm aware of.
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` Q. Anything you wish to correct on the record
` today?
` A. I think the typos will be evident. If you
` ask me about them, I can correct them at that time,
` if need be.
` Q. Okay. To the best of your recollection,
` how much time would you say you spent preparing this
` declaration?
` A. I don't remember the exact number of hours.
` Q. I mean, can you give me an estimate?
` A. I mean, probably, I don't know, 50-ish,
` plus or minus -- maybe a little more, maybe a little
` less, something like that. Maybe more than that.
` I'm not sure the exact number.
` Q. So approximately 50 hours, maybe a little
` more?
` A. Maybe more. It could be substantially
` more. But just sitting here, that's kind of about
` the number, very roughly. Probably more than 50,
` maybe a little less.
` Q. But as you said, it could be substantially
` more. Could it be a hundred hours?
` A. Could be. I think probably less than a
` hundred, though.
` Q. So probably more than 50, less than a
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` hundred.
` A. In rough terms. I didn't add up the
` numbers.
` Q. If we split the difference, would 75 hours
` be a good guess?
` MR. DIAMOND: Objection to form.
` A. I would just stick with my answer.
` Q. Somewhere between 50 and a hundred?
` A. Well, I think I said maybe 50, plus or
` minus, maybe substantially more, up to around a
` hundred, something like that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I think less than a hundred, though.
` Q. All right. So I'm going to sort of ask the
` same types of questions on your '880 declaration.
` So if you could just switch documents and turn to
` the '880 declaration. Again, on the first page of
` this one it says the declaration of Bernhardt L.
` Trout, Ph.D., and this is directed to the Patent
` 9,718,880. Right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you could just turn again to the
` last page, just before Appendix A, which, again, is
` on Page 52. Are you there?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. Great. And you have the same statement
` here. You say, "I hereby declare that all
` statements made herein of my own knowledge are true
` and that all statements made on information and
` belief are believed to be true. I further declare
` that I made these statements with the knowledge that
` willful false statements and the like so made are
` punishable by fine or imprisonment or both under
` Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code."
` And again I see a signature underneath there. Can
` you confirm for me that that is your signature?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. All right. And so you mentioned for the
` '504 declaration that you prepared it with the
` assistance of counsel. I'm going to ask you the
` same question: Did you prepare the '880 declaration
` yourself?
` A. I prepared the '880 declaration together
` with counsel.
` Q. And since there's a lot of overlap between
` these two declarations, are there any errors in the
` '880 declaration that you're aware of?
` A. I think that there are some typos that I
` found upon review. There's nothing substantive.
` Q. Okay. And so is there anything you wish to
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` correct on the record for the '880 patent
` declaration?
` A. Similarly to the other: I think typos are
` pretty evident. So we can just correct them or note
` them if they come up.
` Q. Okay. And so when we were discussing the
` amount of time you spent preparing for your
` declaration for the '504 patent declaration, did
` that include the time spent preparing the '880
` patent declaration as well? Were you lumping those
` together, or were you just focusing on the '504?
` A. I was lumping them together.
` Q. So if I asked you how much time you spent
` preparing the '880 patent declaration, your answer
` would be the same? Collectively, preparing the '504
` and '880 declarations is somewhere between 50 and a
` hundred hours? Is that reasonable?
` A. Well, I would stick to my original answer
` on that.
` Q. All right. So when you were preparing your
` declarations, did you perform any literature
` searches?
` A. It's kind of vague. Could you rephrase or
` be more specific?
` Q. Let's see. So did you, let's say, search
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` for scientific literature in a database such as
` Google Scholar, PubMed, to help inform or develop
` your opinions for your declarations?
` A. As far as I recall, I didn't use those
` databases.
` Q. Did you use any other databases?
` A. I don't -- I don't recall.
` Q. Can't recall?
` A. I don't recall using a database.
` Q. Do you recall doing any other types of
` searches for literature to inform your opinions for
` preparing your declaration?
` A. Again, it's kind of vague. Could you maybe
` clarify?
` Q. I'm just trying -- so you have a list of
` documents in your declaration. Like, for example,
` in Appendix B there's a list of documents. Did you
` identify any -- did you yourself identify any of
` those documents, or were they provided to you by
` counsel?
` A. I worked together with counsel in preparing
` these and finding the -- I'd say incorporating the
` references. So it was together.
` Q. So do you know -- you don't recall doing
` any online literature searches to identify
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` references that are in your table of exhibits in
` Appendix B? Is that right?
` MR. DIAMOND: Objection to form.
` A. I would just stick to the words that I used
` in my original answer.
` Q. Your original answer being -- I asked you
` if you did any literature searches. You said you
` didn't understand, it was vague. And so then I
` said -- I gave you some examples, like Google
` Scholar and PubMed. You said, "I don't recall using
` those databases." And then I asked you did you use
` any other databases, and you said you didn't recall.
` So is that your testimony, that you
` don't recall searching any databases for references
` as part of your declaration?
` MR. DIAMOND: Object to the summary of
` the testimony.
` A. Yeah, I would just stick to my answer for
` the questions as I originally answered them.
` Q. So one more question about that: So your
` answer -- one of your answers was, you said, "I
` worked together with counsel in preparing these and
` finding the -- I'd say incorporating the references.
` So it was together." So when you said you worked
` with counsel in preparing these and finding the or
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` incorporating the references, do you know who did
` the finding of the references?
` MR. DIAMOND: And in answering this or
` any other question, just don't reveal the substance
` of any communications with counsel. I think counsel
` is asking you who. So that's the question.
` A. I worked together with counsel on that.
` Specifically who, it's Mr. Diamond. Oh, and --
` Mr. Diamond in particular.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. I think it was -- I think it was just
` Mr. Diamond.
` Q. So to the best of your recollection, you
` and Mr. Diamond worked together to find the
` references that are included in your declaration.
` MR. DIAMOND: Objection to form.
` A. That's correct. I worked directly with
` Mr. Diamond.
` Q. All right. Okay, so Dr. Trout, now I'm
` going to switch gears and ask you some questions
` about today's deposition -- not the declaration, but
` the deposition. A lot of time we get some confusion
` on those two because they sound somewhat similar.
` So if you could give me an estimate of
` how much time did you spend preparing for today's
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` deposition?
` A. I'd say several days, a couple of days,
` several days.
` Q. And so I'm going to ask you some questions
` about people you may have met with. Please
` understand, I'm not intending to ask about the
` substance of any of your conversations that you had
` with -- may have had with counsel.
` So in these preparations, you said a
` couple of days, several days. Did you meet with
` anyone to prepare for today's deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And with whom did you meet?
` A. So I met with the four folks to my left, in
` front of you.
` Q. If possible, could you state their names
` for the record.
` A. I don't know their full names necessarily.
` So I know Evan Diamond. Primarily with him.
` Q. So you met with the four counsel, four
` counsel that are sitting in this room today to
` prepare for this deposition. Anyone else?
` A. No.
` Q. And were these meetings in person or by
` phone, a mixture of the two?
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` MR. DIAMOND: And again, counsel is not
` asking you for the substance of any communications,
` just that question.
` A. I think we may have had -- I think both.
` Q. So some in-person meetings and some phone
` meetings.
` A. That's right. There may have been just one
` phone meeting, but there was a combination of phone
` meeting and in person.
` Q. And I believe previously you said it was
` several days. So could you give me an estimate of
` how long these meetings were, number of hours you
` spent in these meetings?
` A. I mean, roughly something like, you know, a
` little over 16 -- phone calls, I think it was just
` one phone call and then two in-person meetings,
` approximately eight hours, maybe a little less,
` maybe a little more.
` Q. Did you review any documents when you were
` preparing for this deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which documents did you review to prepare
` for today's deposition?
` A. I reviewed my declarations, and I reviewed
` the materials considered, and I reviewed the -- I
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 - Depo@TransPerfect.com
`Page 29
` guess it was the petition and preliminary response,
` and then the PTAB decision. I don't know if I got
` the terms right.

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