`APPLE 1013
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`Academic Pm“. Inn.
`1150 5111b Am. San. lingo. CIJiJ‘m-Iii: 91911-431 1
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`Dutch metal
`dynamical time
`Dutch metal Metallurgy. a copper-base alloy containing 15% zinc.
`rolled to foil; ttsed as an inexpensive substitute for gold.
`Dutch process Chemical Engineering. a procedure for cr‘ating‘wltllc
`lead, in which metallic lead in containers eorrodcs due to tire action of
`acetic acid and carbon dioxide. wlticlt are produced by the fermenting
`tanbark and manure into which tlte containers have been placed.
`duty Hydrology. see DUTY or WATER.
`duty cycle Engineering. 1. the amount of time it takes to start. operate,
`stop. and idle a machine when it is being used for intermittent duty. 2. a
`percentage that expresses the amount of working time as compared to
`the total operating time of an intermittently working piece ofequipincnt.
`Electronics. the ratio of the “on“ period of a pulse to the total pulse pe-
`riod. Nucleoiiies. the fraction of time that a useful beam is available at
`full power in a particle accelerator. Telecomniimications. the daily
`schedule of a radio transmission station.
`duty cyclometer Engineering. an instrument that records the operation
`of a duty cycle.
`duty of water Agriculture. the relationship between the quantity of
`water used in irrigating an area and the size of the area or the amount of
`crops produced there.
`duty ratio Electronics. 1. the ratio of the time an intermittently operat’
`ing device is working to the total time available. 2. the ratio of average
`to peak power in a pulsed system.
`Du Vigneaud, Vincent [di'i vén’yo’] 1901—1978, American biochemist;
`Nobel Prize for research on pituitary hormones.
`DV or D.V. double vibrations. Also, dv or d.v.
`D value Microbiology. the time required to decrease the number of vi-
`able microorganisms at a given temperature to a given percentage, usu-
`ally 10%, of the original number.
`D variometer declination variometcr.
`DVM or dvm digital voltmeter.
`DVM or D.V.M. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
`DVS or D.V.S. Doctor of Veterinary Science.
`DVST or dvst direct—view storage tube.
`DW or dw deadweight; distilled water.
`dwarf Biology. an animal or plant that is significantly shorter or smaller
`than others of its species, often having abnormal proportions as well,
`and for which there is no expectation of growth to the normal size.
`Medicine. specifically, a markedly undersized person; especially one
`whose bodily proportions are abnormal. Astronomy. see DWARF STAR.
`dwarf Cepheid Astronomy. a pulsating variable star having a period of
`less than 6 hours and a type A or F spectrum.
`dwarf disease Plant Pathology. a virus disease of blackbenies, plum
`trees, and other plants that causes a reduction in growth and fruit pro-
`dwarf dud Ordnance. any nuclear weapon that fails to provide a yield
`within reasonable range of that expected with normal operation.
`dwarf galaxy Astronomy. a galaxy having a small mass and low lumi-
`dwarfing Plant Pathology. an underdevelopment of a plant or plant
`part, caused by various types of disease agents or by faulty nutrition.
`dwarflsm Medicine. abnormal underdevelopment of the body; the con-
`dition of being undersized, especially with a lack of normal proportion.
`dwarf star Astronomy. a star on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-
`Russell diagram.
`dwell Design Engineering. the part of a cam that allows the cam fol-
`lower to remainat maximum lift for an extended period of time.
`Robotics. a programmed delay in the working cycle of a robot.
`dwell time Transportation Engineering. the duration of a station stop.
`or of all station stops during a given trip. Metallurgy. in powder metal-
`lurgy, the time elapsed during the application of the maximum pressure.
`dngh [dwi] Meteorology. l. a sudden shower or snow flurry along the
`coast of Newfoundland. 2. any coastal squall. Also, dwy, dwey, dwoy.
`DWT or dwt deadweight ton; deadweight tonnage.
`dwt. Pennyweight.
`DX Aviation. the airline code for Danair.
`DDX distance; distance reception; direct expansion.
`X diagnosis.
`g‘ylagWCChEmical slimbol for dysprosium.‘
`e Biology. a double chromosome arising from the halving of a
`C0nt?a3:rri:lngt Izhtt: firstrnerotrc drvrsron. Mathematics. a decomposable,
`' en501‘. 1-6.. a contravariant 2-tensor whose (l,j)th com-
`dyadic Cell Biology. of or relating to a dyad. MathematicS. an a
`of two or more rlyads.
`dyadic expansion Mathematics. the representation of a “Umber-
`dyadlc operation Mathematics. any operation that requires tw
`operands, such as addition. or subtraction; a binary Operation COmpm 0
`I’rogrunimi/ig. also, dyadic Boolean operation. a logic °P€rati0n lher
`uses two operands.
`dyadic processor Computer Technology. a multiprocessor SYStemj
`which two processors are under the control of the same Operating 3y:
`dyadic rational Mathematics. a rational number of the fOrm 0/2,,
`where a and n are integers and n is nonncgative.
`Dyaris rule Entomology. a law [based on the observation that Certain
`caterpillar pans grow in geometric progressron, increasing in size by a
`constant ratio at each mouit; used to deduce facts about the life mom
`of an insect for which other information is lacking.
`Dyazlde Pharmacology. a trade name for a preparation of triamtetene
`with hydrochlorothiazide, used in the treatment of hypertension and
`dye Chemistry. a natural or synthetic’substance that is used in solution to
`impart color to another substance; distingurshed from a pigment, Which
`is used in suspension.
`dyecrete process Engineering. 3 process in which organic dyes are
`used to permanently color concrete.
`dyeing Chemical Engineering. the process of applying a color-produc.
`ing agent to a material.
`dyeing assistant Chemistry. any material that is used in a dyeing pro-
`cedure to promote or control the actions of the dye.
`dye penetrant Metallurgy. a liquid used to reveal fine cracks in a
`metallic component.
`dyestufl‘ Materials. any substance that yields or is used as a dye.
`dyn. dynamics; dyne; dynes.
`dyna- a combining forin meaning “power,” as in dynatron.
`dynam- a combining form meaning “power,” as in dynamite.
`dynam. dynamics.
`dynamic Mechanics. of or relating to the science of dynamics. Physics.
`1. relating to or manifesting force or power. 2. of or relating to bodies in
`motion or to motion in general. 3. describing any system that changes
`over time. Acoustical Engineering. 1. of or relating to the range of vol-
`ume of musical sound. 2. describing an acoustical device, such as a
`loudspeaker or microphone, that derives electroacoustic energy from
`some form of motion. Computer Technology. of programming, process-
`ing, memory, or the like, affected by the passage of time or by the varia-
`tions in power input. Also, dynamical.
`dynamic accuracy Control Systems. in an automatic control system.
`the difference between the actual position and the position desired or
`dynamic address translator Computer Technology. in a virtual
`memory system, a hardware device that uses a memory mapping table
`to specify the correspondence between the virtual address and the Ital
`dynamical diffraction Crystallography. diffraction theory in Will?“
`the modification of the primary beam on passage through the crystal IS
`important. The mutual interactions of the incident and scattered beams
`are taken into account; this is important for perfect crystals and for elec—
`tron diffraction by crystals.
`dynamical equinox Astronomy. the intersection of the eciil’tic With
`the celestial equator where the Sun is moving from south to north.
`dyrlam'cal friction Physics. 1. the friction between two materials plir
`hing. against each other. 2. the drag force between electrons and 10‘“
`drifting With respect to one another.
`dynamic algorithm Computer Programming. an algorithm including
`parameters that are determined by computations and logical compar‘
`isons during program execution.
`dynamical halo model Astrophysics, a model to explain the prppasa’
`“0“ of 603m": rays. postulating that they originate in the galactic dis
`and diffuse outward and inward in a dynamical galactic halo.
`dynamical m9?" SUI'I Navigation. a fictitious sun that moves a! a con
`stant rate: used in calculating the equation of time.
`dynamical SVSlem Mathematics. in the calculus of variations. an op“
`mization problem in which the state of an object is described by a syS'
`tem of ordinary differential equations.
`dynamical time _ Astronomy. the system of uniform time scales now
`used in almanacs in place of ephemeris time.