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`1. diminish. decline.
`lessen. wane. See de-
`from individual gelatin relief matrices. 2. a print made
`by this process.
`crease. 3. lessen. —Ant. 1. increase. 3. magnify.
`DWM, Slang. dead white male.
`dye-wood (di’wd’od’), 71. any wood yielding a coloring
`matter used for dyeing.
`[1690—1700; DYE + woon‘]
`DWT, deadweight tons; deadweight tonnage.
`Dy-fed (duv’id). n.
`a county in Wales. 321,700; 2227
`dwt. 1. deadweight tons; deadweight tonnage. 2. pen~
`sq. mi. (5767 sq. km).
`nyweight; pennyweights.
`ceasing to live; approaching
`dy-ing (di/ing), adj.
`d.w.t.. deadweight tons; deadweight tonnage.
`death; expiring: a dying man.
`2. of. pertaining to. or as-
`dwy (dwi), n. Newfoundland.
`a gust or flurry of rain or
`sociated with death: his dying hour. 3. given, uttered,
`[cf. dial. (Isle of Wight) dwyes eddies. (Wiltshire,
`or manifested just before death: her dying words.
`Hampshire) iwy coastal squall; further relations unclear]
`drawing to a close; ending:
`the dying year. —n. 5. the
`act or process of ceasing to live. ending, or drawing to a
`DX, Radio.
`distance (used esp.
`to designate difficult
`shortwave reception). Also. D.X.
`[1250—1300; ME. See DIE‘, -1NG2. AING‘]
`(dik). n..
`ii. dyked. dyk-ing. dike‘.
`DX, diagnosis.
`a fe-
`dykez (dik). n. Slang (disparaging and offensive).
`Dy, Symbol. Chem. dysprosium.
`male homosexual; lesbian. Also. dike.
`[1940—45; earlier
`dy-ad (di/ad). n.
`1. a group of two; couple; pair. 2.
`in form bulldihe (with a var. bulldagger); of obscure
`Biol. 3. a secondary morphological unit. consisting of
`orig; claimed to be a shortening of morphodyke (var. of
`two monads: a chromosome dyad. b. the double chrom0<
`reshaping of HERMAPHRODITE).
`somes resulting from the separation of the four chroma,
`morphodyke is more likely a b. morphodite and a pre—
`tids of a tetrad. 3. Chem. an element, atom, or group
`existing dyke; other hypothesized connections. such as
`having a valence of two. Cf. monad. triad (def. 2a). 4.
`with diked out or dike "ditch." are dubious on semantic
`Math. two vectors with no symbol connecting them. usu-
`grounds] —dyke’y, adj.
`ally considered as an operator. 5. Social. a. two persons
`Dyl-an (dil’an). n.
`1. Bob (Robert Zimmerman). born
`involved in an ongoing relationship or interaction. b. the
`1941, U.S. folk-rock singer, guitarist. and composer. 2. a
`relationship or interaction itself. —adj. 6. of two parts;
`male given name.
`[1665—75; < Gk dyad— (s. of dyas) pair, equiv. to
`dyiu) TWO + fade *AD‘]
`dy-max-i-on (di mak’se an), adj. noting or pertaining
`to R. Buckminster Fuller's concept of the use of technol-
`1. of or consisting of a dyad;
`dy-ad-ic (di ad’ik). adj.
`ogy and resources to maximum advantage, with minimal
`being a group of two. 2. pertaining to the number 2.
`expenditure of energy and material.
`—n. 3. Math.
`two or more dyads added together.
`[1720—30; < Gk dyadilzos. See DYAD.
`dyn, Physics. dyne; dynes.
`dyad/ic sys/tem. See binary system.
`dyn., dynamics. Also. dynam.
`Dy-ak (di/ak). n. Dayak.
`dyna-, a combining form meaning "power.' used in the
`formation of compound words: dynamotor. Also. dy-
`dy-ar-chy (di/iir ké). n.., pl. -chies.
`arlchic, dy-ar/chi-cal, adj.
`nam-. dynamo-.
`[comb form of Gk dy'namis power,
`dy'nasthai to be able]
`Dyaus (dyous). n.
`the Vedic god of the sky. Also called
`Dyaus-pit-ar (dyous’pit’ar).
`dyonam-e-ter (di nam’i tar), n. Optics. an instrument
`for determining the magnifying power of telescopes.
`(di/a Zid’). Pharm.. Trademark.
`a brand
`[1820—30; DYNA- + METER]
`name for a diuretic preparation used in the treatment of
`edema and hypertension.
`dy-nam-ic (di nam/ik), adj. Also. dy-nam’i-cal.
`pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective ac-
`dyb-buk (Seph. Heb. de boTik’; Ashle. Heb., Eng. dib/-
`tion; vigorously active or forceful; energetic: the dynamic
`71., pl. dyb-buks, dyb-bu-kim (Seph. Heb. dé’bcfi»
`president of the firm.. 2. Physics. 3. of or pertaining to
`kem’; Ashle. Heb.
`di bc‘i’ok’im). Jewish Folklore.
`force or power. b. of or pertaining to force related to
`demon. or the soul of a dead person. that enters the body
`motion. 3. pertaining to the science ,of dynamics. 4. of
`of a living person and directs the person‘s conduct. exore
`or pertaining to the range of volume of musical sound.
`cism being possible only by a religious ceremony. Also,
`5. Computers. (of data storage. processing, or program»
`< Yiddish dibeh
`< Heb dibbfiq.
`ming) affected by the passage of time or the presence or
`deriv. of dabhaq cleave (to); sp. dybbuk is a Pol translit-
`absence of power: Dynamic memory must be constantly
`eration of the Heb word]
`refreshed to avoid losing data.
`6. Gram. nonstative.
`—n. 7. a basic or dynamic force. esp. one that motivates.
`Dyce (dis). n, Alexander, 17984369. Scottish editor.
`affects development or stability, etc.
`< F
`dye (di). n.. u. dyed. dye-ins. —n. 1. a coloring mate-
`dynamique < Gk dynamikos. equiv. to dynam(is) force,
`rial or matter. 2. a liquid containing coloring matter.
`power + -ikos 41C] —dy-nam/i-cai-Iy. ado.
`for imparting a particular hue to cloth, paper, etc. 3.
`color or hue. esp. as produced by dyeing.
`4. of the
`dynam/ic brak/ing, Railroads.
`a braking system
`used on electric and diesel»electric locomotives in which
`deepest OI blackest dye, of the most extreme or the
`the leads of the electric motors can be reversed so that
`worst sort: (1 prevaricaior ofthe blockest dye. —Ii.i. 5. to
`color or stain; treat with a dye; color (cloth. hair. etc.)
`the motors act as generators. offering resistance to the
`rotating wheel axles and dissipating kinetic energy.
`with a substance containing coloring matter:
`to dye a
`dress green. 6. to impart (color) by means ofa dye: The
`thereby retarding the locomotive.
`coloring mailer dyed green. —u.i. 7. to impart color, as
`dynam’ic head/room. Audio.
`the additional power
`a dye: This brand dyes well. 8. to become colored or ab-
`output capability of an amplifier when producing short»
`sorb color when treated with a dye: This cloth dyes cas—
`term peak signals, compared with its continuous-signal
`power rating. Also called headroom.
`[bef 1000; ME dien. OE déagian. deriv. of déog a
`idy/a-bla, dye’a-ble, adj. —dy/er, n.
`dynam/ic meteorol’ogy,
`the branch of meteorol-
`(did/n the waéll). adj.
`1. through
`ogy dealing with the study of atmospheric motion and its
`and through; complete: a dyed»in—the-uiool reformer. 2.
`Causal relation to other forces. Cf. physical meteorol-
`dyed before weaving.
`dye-ing (di/ing). n. process of coloring fibers, yarns. or
`[bef 1000; ME; OE déagunge. See DYE. ~1NG‘]
`dye-line (di’lin’). n. Photog.
`a contact print of a line
`drawing. giving brown lines on an offewhite background.
`[1950—55; DYE + LINE‘]
`(dl’ai‘), n.
`1. John. 1700~5B, British poet.
`Mary. died 1660. American Quaker religious martyr.
`born in England.
`Dyer-ma (jur/ma. jari». dyéirh). n.. pl. -mas. (esp. col»
`[actively] -ma. Djerma.
`(di/erz broom’. abrd’om’). n. woad»
`Dy-ers-burg (di'arz burg’). n.
`dy/er's green/weed
`lichen, Roccella tinctoria.
`dy/er's ITIOSS’.
`which the purple dye orchil can be prepared.
`dy/er's rock/at. weld”.
`[1860—65; cultivated for a
`yellow dye]
`any plant yielding a
`dy-er's-weed (di/arz wed/i, n.
`the dyeweed. Genisia
`dye, as the weld. Reseda luleolo.
`iincioria. or the woad, lsalis tinctoria.
`dy/er's wood/ruff,
`a European plant. Asperula tince
`loria. ofthe madder family. having red or pinkish-white
`flowers and red roots.
`3. to blow up. shatter. or destroy with dynamite: Saba
`teurs dynamited the darn. 4. to mine or charge With (1 .'
`namite. —adj. 5. Informal. creating a spectacular 0‘
`optimum effect; great; topnotch: a dynamite idea; 0 dr
`namile crew.
`[1867; < Sw dynamit. introduced by A.
`Nobel. its inVentor; see DYNAMA.
`.ITE‘] —dy’na-mwer'
`ady-na-mlt-lc (di/n9 mit’ik), adj. —dy/na.m“,l:
`cal-ly, ado.
`dy-na-mize (di’na miz’). U.t..
`-mized. mining,
`make more active, productive. or the like; energizE: an
`attempt to dynamize the local economy. Also, esp. Bril
`[1880—85; DYNAMUC) + -IZE] —dy/né:
`mi-za/tlon. n.
`dywna-mo (di’na mo’). n.. pl. -mos. 1. an electric gen.
`erator. esp. for direct current. 2. an energetic. hard_
`forceful person.
`[1882; short
`dynamo-, var. of dyna-: dynamorneter. Also. dynam‘
`dy-na-mo-e-Iec~tric (di’na m6 i lek’trik). adj.
`taining to the conversion of mechanical energy into elec.
`tric energy. or vice versa: a dynamoelectric machine
`Also, dy/na-mo-e-lec/tri-cal.
`[1880—85; DYNAMo.
`dy-na-mo-gen-e-sis (di’na m5 jen’o sis). n.. pl. .u,
`(-séz’). Psychol.
`the correlation of changes in respm5e
`with changes in sensory activity.
`[DYNAMO— + -GENEs|s]
`—dy/na-mo-gen/ic. dy-na-mog-a-nous (di/n9 may...
`nas), adj. ——dy’na-mog’e.nous-ly. ado.
`1. a device
`(di/n3 mom/i tar). n.
`for measuring mechanical force. as a balance. 2. a de.
`vice for measuring mechanical power. esp. one that
`measures the output or driving torque of a rotating ma.
`[1800—10;DYNAMO- + -METER]
`a car equipped
`dynamom/eter car/. Railroads
`with special instruments and coupled to a locomotive to
`record its energy output. fuel consumption. and other
`data continuously during a regularly scheduled run.
`the act,
`(di/n3 mom/i
`method. or process of using a dynamometer.
`DYNAMO- + —METRY] —dy-na-mo-met-ric (ana mi
`me/trik), dy/na-mo-met/rl-cal, adj.
`an electric machine
`(di/n3 mo/ter). n.
`for transforming direct current into alternating current
`or for altering the voltage of direct current, having two
`armature windings on the same core and a common
`magnetic field.
`[1905—10;DYNA» + MOTOR]
`a ruler
`(di/nast. -nast; Brit. also din/est). n.
`or potentate. esp. a hereditary ruler.
`[1625~35; < Ldy-
`nastés < Gk dynastés. equiv.
`to dy'nas(ihai) to rule +
`-le‘s agent suffix]
`dy-nas-tid (di nas’tid). n. See rhinoceros beetle.
`NL Dynasiidae the family which includes such beetles.
`equiv. to Dynast(es) a genus (see DYNAST) + -idae —iD‘]
`dy-nas-ty (di/n3 sté; Brit. also din/e sté). n., pl. -tlel.
`1. a se uence of rulers from the same family, stock, or
`roup: t e Ming dynasty. 2. the rule of such a sequence
`a. a series of members ofa family who are distinguished
`for their success. wealth, etc.
`[1425—75; late ME < LL
`dynastic < Gk dynasleia. See DYNAST, 7Y3] —dy-nas-tlc
`(di nas’tik; Brit. also di nas’tik), dy-nas/ti-cal, adj.
`—dy-nas/ti-cal-ly. ado.
`a tetrodE.
`dy-na-tron (di/n9 tron’). n. Electronics.
`once frequently used as an oscillator in radio.
`in which
`an increase in the plate voltage results in a decrease in
`the plate current because of emission of electrons from
`the plate.
`[1915‘20; DYNA- + -TRON]
`dyne (din). n. Physics.
`the standard centimeter-gram:
`second unit of force. equal
`to the force that produces
`an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second
`on a mass of one gram. Abbr.: dyn [1835—45; < F < Gk
`dy'namis force. power]
`(di nel’), Trademark. 1. a brand of modacryllc
`fiber used in
`textiles, characterized chiefly ‘by 115
`strength, rapid drying rate, and noncombustibility.
`yarn or fabric made of this fiber.
`dy-no (di’no), n.. pl. —nos.
`(def. 2).
`[by shortening; see -0]
`dy-node (di/nod). n. Eleclronics.
`an electrode for the
`emission of secondary electrons in a vacuum tub8~
`(1935740; DYN(A)- + -ooE’]
`a person Wh0
`Dy-oph-y-site (di of’a sit/). n. Theol.
`maintains that Christ has two natures, one divine a"
`the other human. Cf. Monophyslte.
`[1855760; < L_Gk
`dyophysités. equiv. to dye Two + phy'siis) nature + All/9'5
`iDy-oph-y-sit-lc (di of/a sit/ik), Dy-oph’y'il‘ '
`cal, adj.
`dy-o-style (di/a stil/), adj. distyle.
`a person Who
`Dy-oth-e-lite (di oth’e lit’). n. Theol.
`maintains that Christ has two wills. one divine and the
`other human. Cf. Monothellte.
`[1840—50; < Gk dyo Two
`+ —iheli!c as in monothelile] —Dy-oth’e-Ilt-IsmV n.
`a combining form meaning "ill," "bad." USBdl;
`the formation of compound words: dysfunction.
`[< G ‘
`c. ON tor-, G zers, Skt dus-]
`dys-a-cou-sia (dis/e kfi/zha. »zhe a, Azé a), n. Pollwl'
`a condition in which noise produces pain in the ear. 61/501
`dys-a-cous-ma (dis/e chozIma), dys-a-cu.sia (dis:
`kyfio’zha, -zhé a. -zé a).
`[< NL. equiv. to dys— DYS—
`< Gk dkous(is) ability to hear (ahouiein) W
`hear + sis 7515) + »ia AIA]
`dys-ad-ap-ta-tion (dis ad’ap ta’shen). n. ophthalm-
`faulty adaptation of the iris and retina to light. Also.
`dys-ap-ta-tion (dis’ep ta/shan).
`[ovs- + ADAPTATION]
`dys-an-ag-no-sia (dis an’eg no/zhe, -zhe a, »zé a).
`Pothol. an inability to comprehend certain words.
`+ Gk anagndsia ability to read (ana- ANA- + guns!“
`knowledge; see GNOSIS)]
`dys-a-phi-a (dis a/fé a, -af’é a). n. Paihol.
`of the sense of touch. Also, dys-a/phe-a.
`haph(é') touch + -1A]
`dys-ar-thri-a (dis ar’thre a). n. Palhol. any of certain
`a disorde}:
`[oys- +
`the producing DfpanChi‘O—
`dye’ sen/sitizing. Photog.
`mutic or orthochromatic film by treating it with an
`emulsion containing dyes that absorb light of all or cer-
`tain colors.
`a material yielding or used as a
`dye-stuff (di/stuf’). n.
`[1830—40; prob. trans. ofG Farbstoff]
`dye/ trans/fer. Photog.
`1. a photographic printing
`method by which a full-color image is produced by the
`printing of separate cyan. magenta. and yellow images
`‘. descended or borrowed from;
`whence: b.. blend of. blended;
`c.. cognate with; cf.. compare; deriv.,
`derivative: equiv.. equivalent; imit.. imitative; obl.. Oblique; r.. re-
`[)ldCllifI; 5. Stem: sp. spelling, spelled; resp., respelling. respelled;
`‘.’. origin unknown;
`'. unattested; i. probably
`earlier than. See the full key inside the front cover.
`a city in W Tennessee.
`an approach to psychiatry
`dynam/ic psychi/atry.
`that emphasizes emotional processes and their origins
`and mental mechanisms.
`dynam/ic psychol/ogy. any approach to psychology
`that emphasizes drives and motives as determinants of
`dynam’ic range’. Audio. the ratio of the loudest to
`faintest sounds reproduced without significant distor-
`tion. usually expressed in decibels.
`dy-nam-ics (di nam/iks). n.
`1. (used with a singular
`v.) Physics the branch of mechanics that deals with the
`motion and equilibrium of systems under the action of
`forces. usually from outside the system. 2. (used with a
`plural u.) the motivating or driving forces. physical or
`in any field. 3. (used with a plural U.) the pat—
`tern or history of growth. change. and development in
`any field. 4. (used with a plural u.) variation and gra-
`dation in the volume of musical sound. 5. (used with a
`singular u.) psychodynamics.
`[1780—90; see DYNAMIC.
`a principle whereby model
`dynam/ic similar/ity,
`airplanes. ships. and hydraulic structures are operated
`test purposes under conditions exactly simulating
`full-scale performance.
`dynam/ic spa/tial reconstruc/tor, an x~ray ma~
`chine that displays bodily organs in three-dimensional
`moving images. Abbr.: DSR
`dynam/ic strength’.
`resistance of a structure to
`loads applied suddenly. as during an earthquake.
`dynam/ic viscos/ity, Physics. See coefficient of
`1. any of various
`dy-na-mism (di/n9 mil/am). n.
`theories or philosophical systems that seek to explain
`phenomena of nature by the action of force. Cf. mechan-
`ism (def. 8). vitalism (def. 1). 2. great energy. force, or
`power; vigor:
`[he dynamism of the new governor.
`Psychol. a habitual mode of reducing or eliminating ten,
`[1825735; DYNAMs + -ISM]
`idy’na-mis’tlc. adj.
`ii. -mlt-ed. -mlt-ing. adj.
`dy-na-mite (di/n3 mit’). n..
`—n. 1. a high explosive. originally consisting of nitro—
`glycerin mixed with an absorbent substance. now with
`ammonium nitrate usually replacing the nitroglycerin.
`2. any person or thing having a spectacular effect. —v.l.

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