`(10) Patent No.:
`a2) United States Patent
`Crowleyet al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Inventors: Dennis P. Crowley, New York, NY (US);
`Alexander M. Rainert, Brooklyn, NY
`(73) Assignee: Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer,the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/126,762
`May11, 2005
`Prior Publication Data
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`Nov. 30, 2006
`2004/0215793 A1* 10/2004 Ryanetal. 0. 709/229
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`Related U.S. Application Data
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`12, 2004.
`Int. Cl.
`H040 7/20
`US.ChL wo. 455/456.3; 455/414.2; 455/456.1;
`Primary Examiner—John J Lee
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmFish & Richardson P.C.
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........... 455/456.3,
`455/414.1, 266, 414.3, 415, 412.2, 435.1,
`455/456.1, 456.2, 463, 466, 517, 452.2. 5521, ©
`See application file for complete search history.
`method of establishing connection between users of mobile
`A method of establishing
`(56) devices includes receiving at a computeralocation ofa firstReferences Cited
`user from a first mobile device, receiving from a second
`mobile device a location of a second user having an acquain-
`tance relationship to the first user, and sending a message to
`the first mobile device based on the proximity ofthe first user
`to the seconduser.
`7/2002 Gilmouret al.
`6,421,669 Bl
`4/2003 Fraccaroli «0.0.0... 455/456.3
`6,549,768 B1*
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`8/2003 Loveland..............00. 455/502
`2003/0162555 Al*
`2003/0200192 A1l* 10/2003 Belletal. woe T07/1
`2004/0189476 Al
`9/2004 Borovoyetal.
`21 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`Analyzer 98a
`Engine102 | Identifier100
` Generator104-
` be
` Message
` QoOorOHI
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0001
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0001
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Page 2
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`at http://socialtwister.com/archives/000132.
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`2004/04/07/dodgeballcom.html, Apr. 7, 2004, 1 page.
`“Dodgeball.social ... NJASNT (Not Just Another Social Networking
`Tool),”at http://www.splatt.com/aw/blog/archives/000329.html, Apr.
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`“Dodgeball.com is like Friendster for your mobile phone,”at http://
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`[retrieved on Feb. 21, 2009]
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`Retrieved from the Internet: <URL:http://web.archive.org/web/
`Dodgeball.com. “Join Dodgeball.Circles.” [retrieved on Feb. 21,
`2009] Retrieved from the Internet: <URL:http://web.archive.org/
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`2009] Retrieved from the Internet: <URL:http://web.archive.org/
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`Flickr. “The Dodgeball Shut-Down Party.” [retrieved on Feb. 21,
`2009] Retrieved from the Internet: <URL:http://flickr.com/photos/
`* cited by examiner
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0002
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0002
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 1 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0003
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0003
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 2 of 16
`U.S. Patent
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0004
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0004
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 3 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Don Pablo
`J L&i
`sy FIGURE 3
`To: nyc@
`MSG: @Luna
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0005
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0005
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 4 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Don Pablo
`Don Pablo is @||Tony is @Happy
`IC Muggs (112
`Place (2600
`Main St.) Why
`Forest Ave.)
`not stop by and||Why not stop by
`say hello?
`and say hello?
`Tony is @Happy
`Place (2600
`Forest Ave.)
`Whynot stop by
`and say hello?
`TJ is @Luna
`Lounge (171
`Ludlow St.) Why
`not stop by and
`say hello?
`TJ is @Luna
`Lounge (171
`Ludlow St.) Why
`not stop by and
`say hello?
`TJ has a crush
`on you, he is
`@Luna Lounge
`(171 Ludlow St.)
`Is any
`Don Pablo is @
`IC Muggs. You
`Know him
`through Tony.
`One of your
`nearby. Make
`yourself look
`! Just got
`back into
`Is any
`body out?
`Frankie says:
`Just got back
`into town.
`Is any
`body out?
`Frankie says:
`Just got back
`into town.
`body out?
`Frankie says:
`Just got back
`into town.
`Is any
`body out?
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0006
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0006
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 5 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Receive Message
`Parse Message
`Interpret Message
`Components 56
`Send Message| No
`Send Message| No
`In Database?
`Resolve Venue
`Location 70
`Check Location Against
`Acquaintances 72
`Send Message To
`Acquaintances 74
`Send Message
`To User 76
`Send Messages To
`Profile Matches 77
`Send Message
`To User 79
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0007
`| |
`| |
`| | |
`Submit Location
`Of Service 50
`Receive Message
`And Display 62
`Display Error
`Message 68
`Display Message
`Acquaintances 75
`Display Message
`Matches 78
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0007
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet6 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0008
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0008
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 7 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Mobile Party Finder
`t soundslike the worst sort of dotcompitch: Social networking meets location-based services.
`Butit turns out that Dodgeball tives up to its memes. Combining the functionsof IM, Friendster,
`and Citysearch, the new mobile social software lets you form “flashmobs with yourfriands,”
`says founder Dennis Crowley. Here’s how a night out in NYC might go down. ~ Brian Lam
`Stop off the F tra:n at 2nd Avenua and headfor Luna
`Lounge. SMS yourlocation to nyeSsadgeball com,
`and the sericeblasts on alert massage with your
`whereabouts to your cute af trends
`Luna Lounge is dead, and you're jonasing lor a quick arcade fa.
`Text-massage “Luna Lounge? Ms. Pac-Man” to Dodgeball. and
`it searchas nearby dives tor the game. Tuins out, she’s chomping
`ghasis in a bar just to blocks away. fau're on it.
`While you're playing, Dodgeball repons
`that your gal Stan is at The Magician
`Maybehe's buying rounds again? Set a
`new high score, then scurry on over
`dodgeball says?
`Stan @ The Magiciny
`Ms, Pac-Man within 6
`blocks: Motor City Bar.
`ostin the foot.
`Oh, snap! You get a Dodgeball APB thai
`Update your coordinates whon you gotto The Magician.[|SMS hor through Dadgebal to break the ice. Then go
`Courtney Love just showed up at Pianos and
`inroduce yoursell and scare her AIM nama,
`Sadgeball chimes in again A fnendof a friand 1s at the
`she’s dancing on a table. You and dozens of
`samabar, and ~ you lucky dog - she's Lutet
`other gawker-stalkers descend ikke paparazzi.
`Rita thru Mark, Reply
`fo say Hi
`the guy waving
`A ce on idiot.
`‘George is.near you
`(@ Pianos,11:58 pn)
`am and says: Courtney
`Luv is here and
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0009
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0009
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 8 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`areaMMUERN(elem ii-ag(813)
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send them here.
`POPU MCC furl mle
`In order to use our mobile social network, you need to be a registered user of dodgeball.com...
`first tell us who you are...
`first name
`last name
`email address
`home city
`now tellus who you want to be...
`password (again)
`and tellus about your phone...
`mobile phone number
`mobile phane provider
`Are we missing your provider?
`where should we send messages about
`your friends whereabouts?
`can we send photos to your phone?
`{your phone needs to be able to receive pictures)
`alternate cell phone handle
`What's this?
`| NewYork City. NY
`© female
`© male
`¥iMy phone
`My email addresss
`O Yes
`a :
`@yourprovider.com (optional)
`oe .
`: home t about us |} press cent. set l
`pyright ° 2005,dodgeball,comet“patent Pending,
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0010
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0010
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 9 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
` “eS
`Seardh Cages ; Oy
`search > Cpeopie® Venues?
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send them here.
`eshee en
`«iemey" MaeNenesy
`You are lagged in as donpablo in New York City. [logout]
`You won't get messages from dodgeball until you activate your phone.Click here to activate!
`test your phone
`Now, we just have to make sure your phone is set to receive text
`Keep an eye on your phone... we just sent you a text message
`containing a four digit code. This code will help us make sure that your
`phone is actually set up for text messaging and thus a-okay for use with
`If you did receive a test message from us click here.
`If you did not receive a test message from us then click here
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0011
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0011
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 10 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`Senhaete ay
`4 é
`You are logged in as donpabio in New York City. (logout)
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send them here.
`You vion't get messages from dodgeball until you activate your phone. Click here to activate!
`if you finally did receive aur test message, click here.
`So, you didn't receive our text message, eh?
`No worries - you canstill send us text messages which means you can
`broadcast your location to your friends, just not receive on their
`location of your friends and their friends.
`* Learn more about how to use dodgebail.com.
`e Start adding and inviting friends to join.
`If you are convinced that you have text-messaging and want to try
`again, then doublecheck the following...
`Check to make sure your phone is on.
`Double-check your phone's display to see if you have a new text
`Check with your provider to make sure you are subscribed to their
`text messaging service.
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0012
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0012
`You are logged in as donpablo in New York City. [loqout]
`You won't get messages from dodgeball until you activate your phone.Click here to 4
` ote xenai C=)
`Don P.
`an change your photo
`eg ge
`This user does not have a personalprofile.
`Did you fill out yours yet?
`Are your friends not hooked up yet? Go ahead and invite them
`and you can start using dodgeball.
`these people want to be your friend...
`You do not have any pending friend requests to confirm.
`+ brosccest your
`whereadous to itends.
`+ meck for ne
`+ scan the ni
`+ hear abou!things
`haapening aaund wou. |
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 11 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`search > peoples venues”
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send them here.
`i ees
`+ look-up he tocalon
`ofa venue.
`to your tends.
`Ietos aman
`+ Onsccast a message
`waiting for confirmation from...
`Yau are not waiting for confirmation fram any friends.
`generate an RSS feed of your check-ins
`expart my friends to a FOAF file
`To delete your dedgeball.com account, slick here.
`To send yourself a sample dodgeball message, click here.
`friends of dodgeball
`me *
`Sorry, but we don't know who your friends are yet. Add friends by
`users, or inviting new friends.
`(Remember,friends aren't "connected" until both approve the
`friends who are outside my homecity (New York City}
`You don't have friends in any other cities.
`friends I am Not Sending Messages To
`You are nat blocking any of your friends.
`Tao prevent friend from sending or receiving messages from you,
`click manage friends. (sssh - we won't tell them)
`Don's friends of friends
`Sorry, you are not connected to any friends-of-friends.
`4s you connect yourself ta more people, friends-of-friends will
`start to appear.
` septate
` PatentPending.
`aboutus s’press| contact | lodout| Copyright 6 005, dodgeball-com!”
`@ tome
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0013
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0013
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet12 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`bringing your phone f0 fife. search > people|fvenues °
`‘You are logged in as donpablo in New York City. [loqout]
`You won't get messages from dodgeball until you activate your phone. Click here to activate!
`Upload Your Photo
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send them here.
`Choose wisely... not only is this pic by which people will recognize you on the site, but it's also the pic we'll send to
`friends-of-friends when they're 10 blocks away. You want to make a goodfirst impression, right?
`Oh, and please don't break the Three Golden Rules of Dodgeball Photos:
`1. Use a photo of yourself.
`2. No nudie pics. 1 mean, come'on... let's keep it clean.
`3. No pics containing children, pets, cartoons, celebrities, artwork or copyrighted images.
`Note: Breaking these rules can result in having your photo - or in severe cases, your account - deleted.
`Your currently don't have a photo. You should upload one!
`(make sure it's a jpg, 100 x 100 and no larger than 30k)
`Cjpgs only - files larger than 30k will be rejected}
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0014
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0014
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 13 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
` search > ®peoples
`You are logged in as donpablo in New York City. [logout
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send them here.
`You won't get messages from dadgeball until you activate your phone.Click here to activate!
`invite your friends
`What good is a friend-finder service if none of your friends are using it?
`Want to get your friends connected? Just drop their email addresses in the fields below and we'll shoot them an email.
`Your name:
`Yourfriend’s email jns
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0015
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0015
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 14 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
` search > "pédple” Venues*pressMeipy
`You are logged in as donpablo in New York City. (logout)
`Suggestions? Bugs? Send themhere.
`You won't get messages from dodgeball until you activate your phone. Click here to activate!
` manage friends
`Yeah, we know... sometimes you just can't say “no” when someone asks you to be your friend and sometimes you just don't want
`certain people to know about where you are. We call this the “ex-girlfriend bug’.
`Which is why we built this tool to allow you to pick and chaose who you want to send messags te. It's simpte: keep the people vou
`went to broadcast your location to on the left side, put the people you don't want to send or receive messages from on the right
`side. Click a person’s phota to move them fram one side to the next. Easy.
`And the best part? They never have to know aboutit! Regardiess of whether you choose to send to these people or block them,
`you will stil appear ss their friend on your profile page. Your secret is safe with us.
`If you wart to delete friends for good, click here. Just remember that if you delete someone, (a) you can't "un-do”it and (b) they can
`see that you've deleted them.
`Click the phatas to move friends from one graup to another.
`SLeLshth- Aha hacked ke Akiaitiacbhecsmc cheba cnet
`Sorry, but we don't know who your friends are yet, Add friends
`by searching current users or inviting new friends.
`dan't send/receive messages from these people
`‘fou are not blocking any friends.,
` ome | aboutus| press|
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0016
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0016
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 15 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`seach > f people| Wenues™® Porels4 fheips
`You are jogged in as danpablo in Nev: York City, [logout]
`Suggestians? Bugs? Send them here,
`You won't gat messages from dodgeball until you activate your phone.Click here to activate!
`' by venue name or keyword:
`. Luna Lounge, pancakes. models,
`Big Buck Hunter}
`in New York City [change city}
`10 ost Recent Comments
`paul on Enids:
`now a wilamsburg institution, bathroom
`is no longer haunted,
`f Tom on the Gaf: (05.02.2005)
`tped Wednesdays -- Bring in ten track
`play Hst, and you might get to haarit.
`: 273 Church Street
`at Frarcklin
`added by: steve
`2522 Steinway St
`added by: alex
`+ 480 Fark Ave ©
`added by: alex
`05 W 51st
`btw. 9th and 10th
`added by: alex
`212 Sth Ave
`added by: glex
`Jeni on Palacinks :
`This place rocks. Their crepes are
`freaking awesome. Yum.
`279 Church St
`added by: alex
`Jeni on Esouelita :
`This place ts toc funny- the entertainment
`includes a hilariously rich transvestite
`i Tellus the name of the venue you
`show that everyone should see at least
`+ want to add, then click “continue”
`ence. Don't wear white pants thaugh
`because you'll be sitting on the dance
`venue name
`floor for the show. It starts at midnight,
`so don't be late!
`this venue will be added in
`} New York City (change city]
`Jeni on Culture Club: (05.02.2005)
`Bay George dancing on the har. Enough
`143 Madison Ave
`said. 1 Room143iJ
`added by: alex
`Jeni on Diyas:
`This place has an atmosphere that can go
`- romantic or frieadly-hang-out very easily.
`Steady latin music plays at a volume that
`stil alluws conversation and the staff is
`always very atcomodating, If for nething
`else, come fer the creative martini menu,
`great endive salad and lobster raviclis.
`: 209 east Sth ctreet
`Jeni on L'Exoress :
`at bowery
`There's a reason this plece is busy at ail
`added by: Chris
`hours of the night- the atmosphere is
`lively, the foed is grest, and the wine list
`15 nothing to laugh at. Do yourself a favor 5 +-~-.--- sere rere ee een ere een ee ere1
`and pass up pizza and diner focd et 3 in
`the moming and head fer L'Exnress.
`Battery Pa
`= West St
`added by: alex
`added by: jaime
`Jaent on Remotes Lounge:
`Lights, camera... no action. If you're at
`this bar, chances are it's yourfirst time
`and you came cut of curniesity after
`hearing about their tv-meeting theme, It
`will take about 15 minutes for that
`curiosity ta wear off so don't plan on
`staying long,
`Leanne on AER:
`i the lower fevelis so lovely.
`Leanne on Gypsy Tea: (04.30.2005)
`seems to me this dub has something for
`; everyone, it's pretty and fun,
`.. thelegaldisclaimer that,appites to these comments :
`cenonctaumuenapineninttuieieaN PEELS ORES ART ROE HT,nae tetRR A 8 Rttretereteenamineeden
`3 ‘homeé | aboutus
`) press | contact Vagoslogout | Copynght © 2003, dodgeball.com, Patent Pending.
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0017
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0017
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 22, 2009
`Sheet 16 of 16
`US 7,593,740 B2
`GatherProfile Information
`Receive OptIns
`Identify Groups and
` No
`Broadcast Start Message
`Broadcast Supplemental
`Send Summaries & Update
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0018
`Snap Inc. Ex. 1008 Page 0018
`US 7,593,740 B2
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/570,410,filed May 12, 2004, and entitled
`“Location-Based Social Software for Mobile Devices,” the
`contents of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its
`This invention relates to systems and methods for connect-
`ing people to each other, and moreparticularly to connections
`of acquaintancesfor activities such as socialization.
`People are social creatures—somemoresocial than others.
`Weexpress this socialization through relationships, and we
`carry it out through communication. Many communication
`techniques have been used—from direct dialogue to smoke
`signals to telegraph to telephone and wireless communica-
`tions, such as cellular telephone. Moder technological
`modes of communication are very convenient, very easy to
`use, and very efficient.
`However, establishing the communication is not always
`easy. Such a step generally involves getting all the people for
`communication on a single communication channel, whether
`in the same room, on a single phonecall, or whatever—often
`termed as a “meeting” in a business context or perhaps a
`“party” or “confab”ina social context. Setting up the meeting
`or party is not so easy, however. The process may require
`sending out invitations, either by paperor electronically. The
`organizer may then need to tally up any responses to deter-
`mine whowill be coming. Alternatively, an electronic system
`such as a meeting scheduler can keep track of responses.
`Another way to set up a meeting or party is simply to contact
`each invitee directly (or by having a helper do so), such as
`through numeroustelephonecalls or e-mails messages. Such
`a process can be rather time consuming, and is perhaps too
`much work for a spontaneous get-together. Certain on-line
`systems also can help organize a party, keeping track of
`RSVP’s and other information. Yet these too require advance
`planning andfairly involved organization. In addition, many
`ofthese systems require the organizerto select attendees from
`amanually-created list of acquaintances, such as members of
`an e-mail address book.
`This documentdiscloses systems and methodsfor allow-
`ing acquaintances to find each other so that they can get
`together, and perhaps have a good time. In general, users of a
`system may employ portable devices, such as e-mail or text-
`message enabled telephones, to identify their location to their
`acquaintances, such as through a server that keeps track of
`relationships established between users. The system mayalso
`determine the distance between users so that only users in
`close proximity to each other trade communications. In this
`way, users do not receive communicationsif it is impracti-
`cable for them to establish a meeting with their acquaintance
`or acquaintances.
`In some embodiments, such a system may have a number
`of advantages. For example, a system may allow for conve-
`nient communication amongfriends wholike to socialize but
`do not wantto plan every outing. The system mayalso allow
`for spontaneous socializing, where friends who were not
`thinking of being with each other end up together for a fun
`evening. In addition, a system may help avoid the problem of
`friends who were out near each other, but never realized it
`until later. In general, the system has the ability to tur an
`otherwise lackluster evening into a very fun nighton the town.
`Also, the system may be extended using well-knownsocial
`networking approaches to allow for communications, not
`only with direct friends, but with friends of friends and other
`furtherrelations. In addition, people may berelated to others
`by the system according to interests provided by each user or
`inferred by the system. As such, a particular evening may be
`improved for a user, and by meeting additional people, the
`person’s entire social life can be improved. No moresitting
`alone andlonely.
`One embodiment of such a system can be found at the
`Dodgeball website, hosted at www.dodgeball.com.This sys-
`tem is directed to location-based social software for mobile
`devices, such as cellular telephones. The system provides a
`unique means by which friends can register themselves with
`the system,so that the system knowswhotheir acquaintances
`are or should be. The user may then identify their location,
`and receive information about the status of nearby friends,
`while those nearby friends learn the status of the user. When
`integrated with features such as coordination of reviews of
`various venues, and the ability to send a message by shouting
`it out to one’s friends, this system has drawn a number of
`users recently and a numberof positive comments.
`In one aspect, a methodis disclosed for establishing con-
`nection between users of mobile devices. The method com-
`prises receiving at a computera location ofa first user from a
`first mobile device, receiving from a second mobile device a
`location of a second user having an acquaintancerelationship
`to the first user, and sending a messageto the first mobile
`device based on the proximity of the first user to the second
`user. The user locations may be determined by converting a
`location proxy (which may comprise a venue name)to a set of
`corresponding location coordinates, which may comprise
`GPS coordinates. The venue name may beparsed form an
`electronic mail message, and the electronic mail message
`maybe parsed into components from a MIMEheader. The
`message mayalso be sent over a text messaging system.
`In some aspects, the acquaintance relationship may be a
`friend relationship or a friend-of-a-friend relationship. The
`locationofthe first user may also be retired a predetermined
`time after receiving the locationofthe first user, so that other
`users may no longer learn the location of thefirst user. In
`addition a message to the second mobile device may be
`blocked based on a selection by thefirst user to hide from the
`second user.
`In yet other aspects, a venue review may be received from
`a third user and the review may be madeavailable to the first
`user and the seconduser. In addition, a message may be sent
`to the second mobile device based on the proximity of the
`users to each other. Also, the first sent message may provide
`the identity of the second user, and the second sent message
`mayprovide an indicationthat anotheruseris in the proximity
`of the second user, without providing the identity of the first
`In another aspect, a system for providing information about
`acquaintances is provided. The system may includean inter-
`face to receiving messages from users ofthe system providing
`information associated with their location, a location engine
`configured to correlate the recei