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`Early History of SQL
`Donald D. Chamberlin
`Ray Boyce and I first met E.F. (Ted) Codd at a symposium
`he organized at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in
`Yorktown Heights, New York, in 1972. Ray and I were
`both recent hires at the Watson Center. I had recently
`completed my PhD at Stanford University, and Ray had
`completed his at Purdue University. We were members
`of a recently reorganized IBM group that was looking
`for a mission. At that time, Ted Codd was a computer
`scientist at IBM’s San Jose Research Laboratory and
`was proposing a new way of organizing data that he
`called the ‘‘relational data model.’’
`One of the most important research areas in com-
`puter science in the early 1970s was the development
`of systems and languages for handling what computer
`scientists call persistent data. This term denotes data
`that remains in a computer system indefinitely, until
`it is explicitly deleted. Systems for managing persistent
`data were spreading quickly in the business world. A
`database management language proposed by the Coda-
`syl Data Base Task Group (DBTG)1 was receiving a lot of
`attention. Ray and I spent some time studying this lan-
`guage, learning concepts such as ‘‘currency indicators’’
`and ‘‘set occurrence selection.’’ With a little practice,
`we learned how to represent a database query in the
`form of a program that navigated through a network
`of pointers to find the desired information.
`Designing a Relational Language
`For Ray and me, our exposure to the relational data
`model at Codd’s research symposium was a revelation.
`For the first time, we could see how a query that would
`require a complex program in the DBTG language
`could be reduced to a few simple lines using one of
`Codd’s relational languages. It became a game for the
`two of us to invent queries and challenge each other
`to express them in various query languages.
`One of the queries that came out of this game was as
`follows: ‘‘Find names of employees who earn more than
`their managers.’’ The query was based on a three-
`column employee table. Each row of the table represented
`an employee and contained a name, a salary, and the
`Table 1. Employee.
`Editor: Craig Partridge
`name of the employee’s manager. (This is a simple ex-
`ample. In a real application, employees would be iden-
`tified by some unique identifier such as an employee
`number.) Table 1 shows the structure of the table
`with four example rows.
`The third row of the table indicates that Baker’s sal-
`ary is $50,000 and Baker’s manager is Smith. The first
`row indicates that Smith’s salary is $45,000, so Baker
`earns more than his manager. Similarly, Nelson’s salary
`is $55,000, but Nelson’s manager is Baker, who earns
`$50,000, so Nelson also earns more than his manager.
`The result of the query, based on these four sample
`rows, is Baker and Nelson.
`In his research papers, Codd introduced two rela-
`tional query languages, called Relational Algebra2 and
`Relational Calculus (also known as the Data Sublanguage
`Alpha3). Relational Algebra consists of several operators,
`usually represented by symbols such as those in Figure 1.
`Using these operators, the query about well-paid
`employees could be represented as in Figure 2a.
`Codd’s Relational Calculus was based on a notation
`used in formal logic, using an existential quantifier 9
`(meaning ‘‘for each’’) and a universal quantifier 8
`(meaning ‘‘for all’’). Similar to Relational Algebra, Rela-
`tional Calculus could represent the well-paid employee
`query compactly (see Figure 2b).
`Ray and I were impressed by how compactly Codd’s
`languages could represent complex queries. However,
`at the same time, we believed that it should be possible
`to design a relational language that would be more
`accessible to users without formal training in mathe-
`matics or computer programming. We believed that
`barriers to widespread acceptance of Codd’s languages
`existed on two levels. The first barrier came from the
`mathematical notation, which was hard to enter at a
`keyboard. This barrier was superficial and could be eas-
`ily dealt with by replacing symbols with keywords—for
`example, replacing p with ‘‘project’’ and 8 with ‘‘for
`all.’’ The more difficult barrier was at the semantic
`level. The basic concepts of Codd’s languages were
`adapted from set theory and symbolic logic. This was
`natural given Codd’s background as a mathematician,
`but Ray and I hoped to design a relational language
`based on concepts that would be familiar to a wider
`population of users. We also hoped to extend the lan-
`guage to encompass database updates and administra-
`tive tasks such as the creation of new tables and
`views, which had traditionally been outside the scope
`of a query language.
`After attending Codd’s symposium, Ray and I spent
`the next year experimenting with language designs.
`78 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
`Published by the IEEE Computer Society
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`Our first attempt, called Square,4 was based
`on the notion of mapping and used a sub-
`script notation that was difficult to type.
`When we moved to the San Jose Research
`Laboratory in 1973 to join the System R proj-
`ect, we began work on another new language
`that we called Sequel. Sequel allowed the
`well-paid-employee query to be represented
`in a readable form free from mathematical
`concepts and symbols, as in Figure 2c.
`Ray and I hoped that, with a little practice,
`users could learn to read queries like this al-
`most as though they were English prose.
`This example query might be read as follows:
`‘‘Find an employee (let’s call him ‘e’) and
`another employee (let’s call him ‘m’) where
`e’s manager matches m’s name (in other
`words, e’s manager is m) and e’s salary is
`greater than m’s salary (in other words,
`e earns more than his manager); then print
`e’s name (for every such employee).’’
`It is important to note that the Sequel ver-
`sion of this query describes the information it
`is looking for but does not provide a detailed
`plan for how to find this information. This is
`why Sequel is called a declarative (rather than
`a procedural) language. Translating the de-
`clarative query statement into a detailed
`plan for processing the query is the job of
`an optimizing compiler.
`From the beginning, Sequel was intended to
`be used both for data manipulation (querying
`and updating data) and for data definition (cre-
`ation of tables, views, and assertions). To em-
`phasize this duality, Ray and I wrote two
`Figure 1. Examples of Relational Algebra operators.
`papers: ‘‘SEQUEL: A Structured English Query
`Language,’’5 and ‘‘Using a Structured English
`Query Language as a Data Definition Facility.’’6
`As luck would have it, the first of these papers
`became quite well known, while the second
`was never published outside IBM.
`In 1974, about one month after present-
`ing a paper on Sequel at a technical confer-
`ence in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ray Boyce
`died suddenly of a ruptured brain aneurysm
`at the age of 26, leaving behind a wife of
`five years and a 10-month-old daughter.
`I often remember how much I enjoyed work-
`ing with Ray. We had a seamless partnership.
`In his brief career, Ray collaborated with Ted
`Codd on the Boyce-Codd Normal Form7 and
`with me on Sequel. I think that Ray would
`have been pleased to see the impact that his
`ideas have had on the world.
`After Ray’s untimely death, the Sequel lan-
`guage continued to evolve as a part of the
`System R project at San Jose Research Labora-
`tory. System R was installed on an experi-
`mental basis in three IBM customer sites,
`and a more complete Sequel language design
`was published in 1976,8 based in part on the
`experience collected by early users. In 1977,
`Figure 2. Three versions of the query, ‘‘Find names of employees who earn more than their managers.’’
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`The SQL standard
`has been helpful in
`providing a mechanism
`for the controlled
`evolution of the
`because of a trademark issue, the name
`Sequel was shortened to SQL.
`The SQL Standard
`Commercial implementations of SQL, such
`as Oracle and DB2, began to appear in the
`late 1970s and early 1980s. By 1986, a stan-
`dard language definition called ‘‘Database
`Language SQL’’ had been formally adopted
`by the ANSI and ISO standards groups.9 A
`conformance test suite for the SQL standard
`was developed by the National Institute of
`Standards and Technology, and many SQL-
`based products were validated by this test
`suite between 1988 and 1996. New versions
`of the SQL standard were published in
`1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, and 2008.
`The SQL standard has been helpful in
`providing a mechanism for the controlled
`evolution of the language, providing a
`forum in which both users and implement-
`ers have a voice. Over the years, the evolv-
`ing standard has corrected many of the
`initial deficiencies of SQL and has added
`many new features, including outer joins,
`table expressions,
`actions, user-defined types and functions,
`and online analytic processing (OLAP)
`functions. In the hands of the ANSI X3H2
`Committee, the definition of SQL has
`evolved from a 12-page research paper to
`an international standard comprising hun-
`dreds of pages.
`SQL has been a more successful query lan-
`guage than Ray Boyce and I had any reason
`to expect in 1974. I think that the most im-
`portant ingredient in this success was Ted
`Codd’s breakthrough work in defining the
`relational data model and raising the level
`of abstraction with which users could inter-
`act with stored data. While SQL has been
`criticized as departing from some of Codd’s
`original principles, experience has shown
`the language to be simple enough to learn
`easily and expressive enough to do useful
`work. Other important contributions to the
`success of SQL include the following:
` The language benefited greatly from hav-
`ing robust early implementations on
`multiple platforms. System R provided a
`multiuser implementation with transac-
`tional semantics and a sophisticated opti-
`mizing compiler. At roughly the same
`time, Oracle implemented the language
`on the widely used Unix platform.
` By combining query, update, and admin-
`istrative tasks into a single language, SQL
`makes it easy for authorized users to mod-
`ify database schemas and install new
`applications while the system is running.
`These tasks had traditionally been per-
`formed by specialized database admin-
`istrators during system maintenance
`intervals. Making every user his own data-
`base administrator removed an important
`bottleneck from application development.
` The SQL standard provided a common
`ecosystem in which vendors could de-
`velop competing implementations, tools,
`and training materials. The standard also
`reassured users that they would not be-
`come dependent on a single software ven-
`dor, although vendors had a regrettable
`tendency to implement different subsets
`of the standard and to include proprietary
`Criticisms of SQL
`languages, SQL has
`Like most successful
`attracted its share of criticism, which has
`tended to focus on the following issues.
`Orthogonality and Completeness. The ear-
`liest versions of SQL lacked support for
`some aspects of the relational data model,
`including primary keys and referential integ-
`rity. The early language also lacked orthogon-
`ality because it did not allow subqueries to be
`used in place of named tables and it failed to
`provide a way to name the columns of a
`query result. All these serious deficiencies
`were corrected by the 1992 version of the
`SQL standard, illustrating the helpful influ-
`ence of the standards process.
`Nulls. SQL supports a ‘‘null value’’ that rep-
`resents a data item that is missing or inappli-
`cable. The null value is not comparable to
`any other value, and for this reason, SQL
`implements a three-valued logic in which a
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`search condition might be neither true nor
`false. Nulls and three-valued logic were
`both introduced by Ted Codd in his early
`papers, and Rule 3 of Codd’s famous ‘‘Twelve
`Rules’’10 requires a relational database system
`to support nulls. Various writers have com-
`plained that nulls and three-valued logic
`make queries more confusing and optimiza-
`tion more difficult. Researchers have pro-
`posed other approaches to the problem of
`missing data, but none of these approaches
`is without disadvantages. SQL lets users spec-
`ify, on a column-by-column basis, where
`nulls are permitted and where they are pro-
`hibited. Over the years, nulls have proven
`in the design of various features,
`such as outer join, that have been added dur-
`ing the evolution of the language.
`Duplicates. Unlike Codd’s original defini-
`tion of the relational data model, SQL per-
`mits duplicate rows to exist, both in a
`database table and in a query result. SQL
`also allows users to selectively prohibit dupli-
`cate rows in a table or in a query result. The
`intent of this approach is to give users con-
`trol over the potentially expensive process
`of duplicate elimination. In some applica-
`tions, duplicate rows might be meaningful—
`for example, in a point-of-sale system, a cus-
`tomer might purchase several identical items
`in the same transaction. In other applica-
`tions, such as printing an address list, dupli-
`cate values could be unexpected but users
`might prefer not to pay the cost of detecting
`and eliminating them. As in the case of nulls,
`the SQL approach provides users with tools
`to control duplicate rows according to the
`needs of specific applications. The cost of
`sorting a million records to detect duplicates
`seemed more significant in 1974 than it does
`today, when an ordinary laptop has thou-
`sands of times more memory and processing
`power than a mainframe computer of the
`Impedence Mismatch. SQL was designed to
`be used both as a stand-alone language for
`interactive queries and as an application de-
`velopment language for online transaction
`processing (OLTP). This is a helpful unifica-
`tion of concepts, but in OLTP applications,
`SQL is usually embedded in (or called from)
`a host programming language such as C or
`Java. Often the data types of the host language
`are not the same as those of SQL, and the host
`language is usually more procedural, whereas
`SQL is more declarative. The resulting
`SQL was designed to be
`used both as a stand-
`alone language for
`interactive queries and
`as an application
`development language
`for OLTP.
`‘‘impedance mismatch’’ tends to increase ap-
`plication complexity and interfere with
`global optimization. One approach to this
`problem has been the development of com-
`putationally complete SQL-based scripting
`languages such as Persistent Stored Modules
`When Ray and I were designing Sequel in
`1974, we thought that the predominant use
`of the language would be for ad-hoc queries
`by planners and other professionals whose
`domain of expertise was not primarily data-
`base management. We wanted the language
`to be simple enough that ordinary people
`could ‘‘walk up and use it’’ with a minimum
`of training. Over the years, I have been sur-
`prised to see that SQL is more frequently used
`by trained database specialists to implement re-
`petitive transactions such as bank deposits,
`credit card purchases, and online auctions.
`I am pleased to see the language used in a vari-
`ety of environments, even though it has not
`proved to be as accessible to untrained users
`as Ray and I originally hoped.
`Looking back at my experience at IBM Re-
`search in the 1970s, I feel fortunate to have
`been working at that place and time. Ted
`Codd, Ray Boyce, and the System R team
`were wonderful people to work with, and
`the impact of our work has been gratifying.
`I am grateful for having had the opportunity
`to participate in this work.
`1. ‘‘CODASYL Data Base Task Group,’’ April 71
`Report, ACM, 1971.
`2. E.F. Codd introduced the operators of relational
`algebra in ‘‘Relational Completeness of Data
`October–December 2012 81
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`Base Sublanguages,’’ IBM Research Report RJ
`987, Mar. 1972. Several versions of the rela-
`tional algebra exist, all of which include some
`version of the operators used in this paper.
`There is no recognized standard notation for
`these operators. The notation used in this article
`is taken from H. Garcia-Molina, J. Ullman, and
`J. Widom, Database Systems: the Complete Book,
`Prentice-Hall, 2002, pp. 189–237.
`3. E.F. Codd, ‘‘A Data Base Sublanguage Founded
`on the Relational Calculus,’’ Proc. ACM SIGFIDET
`Workshop on Data Description, Access, and Con-
`trol, ACM Press, 1971, pp. 35–68.
`4. R. Boyce et al., ‘‘Specifying Queries as Relational
`Expressions: the SQUARE Sublanguage,’’ Comm.
`ACM, vol. 18, no. 11, 1975, pp. 621–628.
`5. D. Chamberlin and R. Boyce, ‘‘SEQUEL: A Struc-
`tured English Query Language,’’ Proc. ACM
`SIGFIDET Workshop on Data Description, Access,
`and Control, ACM Press, 1974, pp. 249–264.
`See also http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/
`6. R. Boyce and D. Chamberlin, ‘‘Using a Structured
`English Query Language as a Data Definition Fa-
`cility,’’ IBM Research Report RJ1318, Dec. 1973.
`7. The Boyce-Codd Normal Form is a database de-
`sign discipline taught in most advanced
`textbooks on database management. For exam-
`ple, see R. Ramakrishnan and J. Gehrke, Data-
`base Management Systems, 3rd ed., McGraw
`Hill, 2003, pp. 615–617.
`8. D. Chamberlin et al., ‘‘SEQUEL 2: A Unified
`Approach to Data Definition, Data Manipulation,
`and Control.’’ IBM J. Research and Development,
`vol. 20, Nov. 1976, p. 560.
`9. See the ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-1, Information
`technology - Database languages - SQL - Part
`1: Framework (SQL/Framework); ANSI/ISO/IEC
`9075-2, Information technology - Database
`languages - SQL - Part 2: Foundation (SQL/
`Foundation); and so on at http://www.ansi.org
`or http://www.iso.ch.
`10. E.F. Codd., ‘‘Does Your DBMS Run by the Rules?’’
`Computer World, vol. 21, Oct. 1985. See also
`11. ANSI/ISO/IEC 9075-4, Database Language SQL,
`Part 4: Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM);
`Donald D. Chamberlin is an adjunct professor
`at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His work
`on SQL and System R at IBM has been recognized
`by the ACM SIGMOD Innovation Award and by
`the Computer History Museum. Contact him at
`82 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
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