`United States Patent
`(10) Number:
`US 6,185,681 C1
`(45) Certificate Issued:
`May 23, 2006
`Inventor' Stephen 2'22" [mm CA (US)
`(73) Asstgnee: Maz Technologies, lnc.. lrv1ne. CA
`Reexamination Request:
`No. 90/006529. Feb. 10. 2003
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`patent No.:
`Feb. 6, 2001
`1!:ng N0"
`'6 ‘
`y ’
`1m. CI.
`153;; 33],;
`........................................ 713/1651713/172
`(52) US. Cl.
`(58) Field 01' Classification Search ....................... None
`Sec application file for complete search history.
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`A Cryptographic File System for Unix, Matt Blaze. (Nov.
`’Em/ 'ner—Justin T Darrow
`P .
`(5 )
`Cryptographic methods and systems are disclosed. The
`cyrptographic methods provide transparent encryption and
`decrypuon of documents 1n an clcctromc document man—
`agement system. The cryptographic system adds a software
`module to an electronic document management system
`Which traps file ”0 events and Performs cryptographic
`functions on the relevant documents before passing control
`back to the electronic document management system.
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 1
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 1
`US 6,185,681 C1
`Page 2
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`Symantec Corp. Norton Utilities for DOS/Windows 3.x.
`Secure File‘System Information. Secure File System (SFS)
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`Ermelindo Mauriello. Transparent Cryptographic File Sys-
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`Cryptograpmc F1|e System for Uan. p.
`l of 6. Unwersrta d1
`SalemO. Baronissi (SA) Italy.
`VDDR.TXT. Virtual Encrypted Disk Facility, p.
`l of 12.
`* cited by examiner
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 2
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 2
`US 6,185,681 Cl
`Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appeared in the
`patent, but has been deleted and is no longer a part of the
`patent; matter printed in italics indicates additions made
`to the patent.
`Claims 1—30 are cancelled‘
`New claims 31—38 are added and determined to be
`3]. A method ofencrypting an electronic document which
`is opett
`in an application program running in a general
`purpose computer; the general purpose computer including
`a display, a user input device, a crypto module and a
`processor, the tnetltod comprising:
`providing plural documents having respective names
`providing a first table having
`the natnes of encrypted documents
`for each of tlte natnes of encrypted documents in the
`first table, key natnes associated with the encryption
`key values for the encrypted documents
`(a) front within the application program running in the
`general purpose computer: a user issuing one of a
`“close, ” “save" or “save as " command for the docu-
`ntent using the user input device:
`(b) automatically translating the command into an event;
`(c) the crypto module automatically trapping the event:
`((1) the crypto module determining if the document should
`be encrypted using the first table, and if so then
`automatically obtaining an encryption key value by
`retrieving a key natne associated with a name of the
`selected document from the first table and
`retrieving the encryption key value associated with the
`key name from a second table,
`the second table
`having at least one encryption key value and at least
`one key name respectively associated with one of the
`encryption key values
`(e) the crypto module automatically encrypting the docu-
`\ment using the encryption key value;
`(I) the crypto module automatically passing control to an
`electronic document management system: and
`(g) the electronic document management system execut-
`ing the issued “close." “save " or “save as " command:
`whereby the electronic document
`is automatically
`32. The method of encrypting a document of claim 3]
`wherein the second table is stored in a smart card.
`33. A method of decrypting a document which is to be
`opened in an application program running in a general
`purpose computer, the general purpose computer including
`a display, user input device, a crypto module and a
`processor. the method comprising:
`providing plural documents having respective names
`providing a first table having
`is automatically
`the names of encrypted documents
`for each of the names of encrypted documents in the
`first table, key names associated with the decryption
`key values for the encrypted documents
`(a) user selecting the document
`to be opened in the
`application program using the user input device;
`(b) an “open " command issuing for the document to be
`opened in the application program;
`(c) automatically translating the command into an event;
`(d) the crypto module automatically trapping the event;
`(e) the crypto module determining if the selected docu-
`ment should be decrypted using the first table, and ifso
`then automatically retrieving a decryption key value by
`retrieving a key name associated with a name of the
`selected document from the first table and
`retrieving the decryption key value associated with the
`key name from a second table,
`the second table
`having at least one decryption key value and at least
`one key name respectively associated with one of the
`decryption key values
`the crypto module automatically decrypting the
`selected document using the decryption key value;
`(g) the crypto module automatically passing control to an
`electronic document management system,- and
`(It) the electronic document management system auto-
`matically executing the issued “open" comtnand so
`that the selected document is opened in the application
`whereby the selected document
`34. The method of decrypting a document of claim 33’
`wherein the second table is stored iii a smart card.
`35. A program product for use in a general purpose
`computer that executes program steps recorded in a
`computer-readable media to perform a method ofencrypting
`a selected one ofplural electronic documents which is open
`in an application program running in a general purpose
`computer, the general purpose cotnputer includittg a display,
`a user input device and a processor,
`the program product
`a recordable media; and
`a program of computer—readable instructions executable
`.. by_ the computer system to perform method steps carn-
`in response to a user issuing one ofa “close, " "save" or
`“save as" command for the selected document using
`the user input device from within the application pro-
`gram and the command being translated into an event.
`automatically trapping the event;
`using a first table to determine if the selected docutnent
`should be encrypted, thefirst table having the names of
`encrypted documents and, for each of the names of
`encrypted documents in the first table. a key name
`associated with an encryption key value for the
`encrypted document
`automatically obtaining an encryption key value by
`retrieving a key name associated with a name of the
`selected document from the first table and
`retrieving the encryption key value associated with the
`key name front a second table,
`the second table
`having at least one encryption key value and at least
`one key name respectively associated with one of the
`encryption key values
`automatically encrypting the selected document using the
`encryption key value: and
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 3
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 3
`US 6,185,681 Cl
`using a first table to determine if the selected document
`automatically passing control to an electronic document
`should be decrypted, a first table having the names of
`management system;
`encrypted documents and, for each of the names of
`whereby the electronic document management system can
`encrypted documents in the first table, a key name
`then execute the issued “close, " "save" or “save as"
`associated with a decryption key value for the
`command and the electronic docutnent is automatically 5
`encrypted document
`automatically retrieving a decryption key value by
`36. The program product of claim 35 wherein the second
`retrieving a key name associated with a name of the
`table is stored in a smart card.
`selected document from the first table and
`37. A program product for use in a general purpose
`retrieving the decryption key value associated with the
`kev name from a second table the second table
`computer that executes program steps recorded in a 10
`hdving at least one decryption key value and at least
`computer-readable media toperformamelhodofdecwptmg
`one key name respectively associated with one ofthe
`a selected one ofplural documents which is to be opened in
`decryption key values
`an application program runntng lit
`the general purpose
`computer, the general purpose computer including a display,
`automaticall ldec ”tilt
`the selected document usin the
`user input dewce and a processor the program product
`decryption key value: and
`automatically passmg control to an electrontc docutnent
`management system;
`a recordable media; and
`whereby the electronic document management system can
`a program of computer-readable instructions 933614101718
`then execute the issued open command so that
`bill” computer ”519'" ’0 petj’orm method 519175 00"" 20
`selected document is opened in the application pro-
`gram and the selected document
`is automatically
`in response toa user selecting the selected document to be
`opened in the application program using the user input
`38. The program product of claim 37 wherein the second
`device and an ”open " command issuing for the
`selected document
`to be opened in the application 25 table is stored in a smart card.
`program and the command being translated into an
`event, automaticallytrapping the event;
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 4
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 4
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Po. Box I450
`Almdria, Virginia 223I3-I4so
`Steven C. Sereboff
`SoCal IP Law Group
`310 N. Westlake Blvd.
`Suite 120
`Westlake Village, CA 91362
`DATE MAILED: 05/31/2005
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`Frcwoc (Rev. 10/03)
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 5
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 5
`Control No.
`Patent Under Reexamination
`Notice of Intent to Issue
`Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate
`Justin T. Darrow
`Art Unit
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`1. K4 Prosecution on the merits is (or remains) closed in this ex parte reexamination proceeding. This proceeding is
`subject to reopening at the initiative of the Office or upon petition. Ct 37 CFR 1.313(8). A Certificate will be
`issued in view of
`(a) E Patent owner's communication(s) filed: 28 April 2005.
`(b) E] Patent owner's late response filed:
`(c) E] Patent owner's failure to file an appropriate response to the Office action mailed:
`(d) E] Patent owner's failure to timely file an Appeal Brief (37 CFR 41.31).
`(e) [:1 Other:
`Status of Ex Parte Reexamination:
`[:1 Yes E No
`C] Yes E No
`(f) Change in the Specification:
`(9) Change in the Drawing(s):
`(h) Status of the Claim(s):
`(1) Patent claim(s) confirmed:
`(2) Patent claim(s) amended (including dependent on amended claim(s)):
`(3) Patent claim(s) cancelled: fl.
`(4) Newly presented claim(s) patentable: 49-56.
`(5) Newly presented cancelled claims: 31-48.
`2. E Note the attached statement of reasons for patentability and/or confirmation. Any comments considered
`necessary by patent owner regarding reasons for patentability and/or confirmation must be submitted promptly
`to avoid processing delays. Such submission(s) should be labeled: “Comments On Statement of Reasons for
`Patentability and/or Confirmation.”
`3. CI Note attached NOTICE OF REFERENCES CITED (PTO-892).
`4. E] Note attached LIST OF REFERENCES CITED (PTO-1449 or PTO/SB/08).
`5. 1:] The drawing correction request filed on
`is: E] approved
`E] disapproved.
`6. E] Acknowledgment is made of the priority claim under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)—(d) or (f).
`a)|:] All
`b)I:l Some"
`c)E] None
`of the certified copies have
`I:] been received.
`E] not been received.
`[I been filed in Application No.
`[:1 been filed in reexamination Control No.
`El been received by the International Bureau in PCT Application No.
`* Certified copies not received:
`7. CI Note attached Examiner's Amendment.
`8. CI Note attached Interview Summary (PTO-474).
`9. C] Other:
`cc: Re uester (it'third art
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-469 (Rev.9—04)
`Notice of Intent to Issue Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate
`Part of Paper No 05262005
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 6
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 6
`Application/Control Number: 90/006,529
`Art Unit: 2132
`Page 2
`Claims 1-56 have been subject to reexamination. Claims 1, 11, 12, 21, 29, and 30 have
`been amended, claims 3-7, 14-18, and 23-28 have been canceled, and new claims 31-48 have
`been added in an amendment filed 12/22/2003. Claims 1, 2, 8-13, 19-22, and 29-48 have been
`finally rejected. Claims 12, 29, 30, 37, 39, 41, 43, 46, and 48 have been amended and new
`claims 49-56 have been added in an amendment after final rejection filed 10/12/2004. Claims 1,
`2, 8-13, 19-22, and 29-48 have been canceled in an amendment afier final rejection filed
`04/28/2005. Claims 49-56 have been subject to reexamination.
`Newly presented claims-49-56 are patentable.
`The following is an examiner's statement of reasons for patentability and/or confirmation
`of the claims found patentable in this reexamination proceeding:
`Claims 49 and 50; 51 and 52; 53 and 54; and 55 and 56 are drawn to a method of
`encrypting an electronic document, a method of decrypting a document, a program product
`recorded in computer-readable media to perform a method of encrypting a selected one of plural
`electronic documents, and a program product recorded in computer-readable media to perform a
`method of decrypting a selected one of plural electronic documents. The closest prior art,
`Brundrett et al., US. Patent No. 6,249,866 B1, discloses such methods and program products.
`Although Brundrett et al., US. Patent No. 6,249,866 Bl anticipates claims 49-56, Brundrett et al.
`does not claim a first table having names of encrypted documents and, for each of the names of
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 7
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 7
`Application/Control Number: 90/006,529
`Art Unit: 2132
`Page 3
`the encrypted documents, key names associated with the encryption key values for‘the encrypted
`documents. This particular feature explicitly incorporated into independent claims 49, 51, 53,
`and 55 render claims 49—56 patentably distinct from any claim of Brundrett et al., US. Patent
`No. 6,249,866 B1 under the two-way test of 37 CFR § 1.601(n). See MPEP §§ 806.05(h) and
`2301.02 and Eli Lilly & Co. v. Board ofRegents ofthe University of Washington, 67 USPQ2d
`1161, 1164 (Fed. Cir. 2003). Further, this particular feature renders the rejection of the claims
`49-56 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) based on Brundrett et al., US. Patent No, 6,249,866 B1 eligible
`to be overcome by a declaration under 37 CFR § 1.131. Sec 37 CFR § 1.131(a)(l) and MPEP §
`715. The Declaration of Stephen Zizzi (Second) (inventor), Paper No. AF/D (04/28/2005), filed
`04/28/2005, in combination with exhibits, Paper No. AF/D (04/28/2005), filed 04/28/2005, and
`Paper No. AF/D (10/21/2004), filed 10/21/2004, clearly show completion of the invention,
`including an actual reduction to practice, of claims 49—56 before 09/01/1997 before the effective
`filing date of 09/ 16/ 1997 of Application No. 08/931,774, maturing into issued patent, US. Patent
`No. 6,249,866 B1. See MPEP § 715.07 I. The actual reduction to practice and sale ofthe
`invention of claims 49-56 before 09/01/ 1997 is corroborated in the Declaration of Christopher
`W. Mahne (Second) (President of MAZ Technologies, Inc., the patent owner), Paper No. AF/D
`(04/28/2005), filed 04/28/2005, and the Declaration of Paul Halpem (representative of the
`customer, Lyon & Lyon), Paper No. (10/ 12/2004), filed 10/ 12/2004. Thus, these declarations are
`sufficient to show the reduction to practice of the invention of claims 49-56 before the effective
`date ofBrundrett et al., US. Patent No. 6,249,866 B1 to overcome the rejection under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 102(e) based on this reference. See MPEP § 715.07 III. (A). The next closest prior art, Blaze,
`“A Cryptographic File System for Unix,” discloses similar methods and program products.
`However, Blaze neither teaches nor suggests a first table having names of encrypted documents
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 8
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 8
`Application/Control Number: 90/006,529
`Art Unit: 2132
`Page 4
`and, for each of the names of the encrypted documents, key names associated with the
`encryption key values for the encrypted documents. This distinct feature explicitly recited in
`independent claims 49, 51, 53, and 55 render claims 49 and 50; 51 and 52; 53 and 54; and 55 and
`56, respectively, allowable.
`Any comments considered necessary by PATENT OWNER regarding the above
`statement must be submitted promptly to avoid processing delays. Such submission by the
`patent owner should be labeled: ”Comments on Statement of Reasons for Patentability and/or
`Confirmation" and will be placed in the reexamination file.
`Telephone Inquiry Contacts
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to Justin T. Darrow whose telephone number is (571) 272-3801, and
`whose electronic mail address is justin.darrow@uspto.gov. The examiner can normally be
`reached Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's
`supervisor, Gilberto Barron, Jr., can be reached at (571) 272-3799.
`The fax number for Formal or Official faxes to Technology Center 2100 is (703) 872-
`In order for a formal paper transmitted by fax to be entered into the application file, the
`paper and/or fax cover sheet must be signed by a representative for the applicant. Faxed formal
`papers for application file entry, such as amendments adding claims, extensions of time, and
`statutory disclaimers for which fees must be charged before entry, must be transmitted with an
`authorization to charge a deposit account to cover such fees.
`It is also recommended that the
`cover sheet for the fax of a formal paper have printed “OFFICIAL FAX”. Formal papers
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 9
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 9
`Application/Control Number: 90/006,529
`Art Unit: 2132
`Page 5
`transmitted by fax usually require three business days for entry into the application file and
`consideration by the examiner. Formal or Official faxes including amendments after final
`rejection (37 CFR 1.116) should be submitted to (703) 872—9306 for expedited entry into the
`application file.
`It is further recommended. that the cover sheet for the fax containing an
`amendment after final rejection have printed not only “OFFICIAL FAX” but also
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications
`may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished
`applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR
`system, see http://pair—direct.uspto.gov. Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR
`system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217—9197 (toll—free).
`Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application should be
`directed to the Group receptionist whose telephone number is (5701) 272-2100.
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 10
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 10
`Application/Control Number: 90/006,529
`Art Unit: 2132
`Page 6
`May 26, 2005
`M 01m”
`é MEL
`Patentability Review Conferee
`Patentability Review Conferee
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 11
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 11
`Confirmation No.
`Appl. No.
`TC/A .U .
`Docket No.
`Customer N0.
`2/ 10/2003
`2 | 3 2
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Declaration of Stephen Zizzi
`1, Stephen Zizzi, am the named inventor on US Patent No 6,185,681 (“the ‘681 patent”).
`The ‘681 patent issued from Application No. 09/074,191 filed May 7, 1998 (“the ‘191
`application”). My curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit Z—25.
`2. All acts and events described herein took place in the United States. More particularly,
`nearly all took place in Orange County or Los Angelcs County, California.
`In early 1 995, while working for Litronic Industries, I recognized the need for cryptography
`and information privacy in private sector markets with regard to electronic files. The
`electronic files may be created, accessed and transferred on or to an individual computer or a
`networked computer. The electronic files may contain business, health and personal
`Declaration of Stephen Zizzi
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 12
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 12
`I recognized that a void in the market for encryption of electronic files in private sector
`markets was based on (1) processor intensive mathematical operations that slowed the
`performance of file operating systems, (2) user intensive processes that required the user to
`manually run a process to prepare a file for encryption and decryption separate and distinct
`from opening and closing the file, and (3) inability to securely store and manage the
`encryption and decryption keys such that files could be shared securely between workers or
`In April 1995 I attended an industry conference called “Internet World” in San Jose, CA and
`further observed the void in the market for security products for file security in the private
`sector. The products that were available at the time were stand alone windows applications
`that were very cumbersome and prone to be ignored by the user.
`6. During the summer of 1995, as Marketing Manager of Litronie Industries, I worked with
`software developers to develop an easy to use software product to be used with virtually any
`application that would run on the Microsofi Windows operating system. The only product
`that was developed was SecureSmart, a stand alone application that ran in Windows.
`SeeureSmart utilized the DES encryption algorithm and had a primitive private key
`management and transfer methodology. SecureSmart was slow and was manually operated.
`It required human involvement to open applications, find files to secure, pick (or generate) an
`encryption key, encrypt the file, destroy the original clear text file and then save the new
`encrypted file to disk with an indicative name. In order to use the file in clear text or to share
`it with another person whether locally or across the Internet, the same process had to be
`performed in reverse but with an additional challenge, selecting the proper encryption or
`decryption key. The product did not succeed commercially.
`7. During this time I recognized the need to eliminate the user effort in securing the files and
`create an encrypted file system that is transparent to the user.
`In Fall 1995 I began technical research to explore low level interaction with the Windows
`operating system in order to intercept file commands and develop a transparent encrypted file
`Declaration of Stephen Zizzi
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 13
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 13
`I recognized that the effort would require significant investment in research and
`development. Litronic denied these filnds and further development was put on hold.
`In December 1995 I began preparations for starting a new business to develop this product.
`10. In January 1996 I met Chris Mahne and we discussed financing and starting a technology
`venture. Chris was a fellow Cornell University graduate whose ambition and drive caught
`my attention. He seemed to quickly understand the concepts of security and the user issues
`that I had been trying to resolve. We agreed that the focus of the new business would be on
`commercial markets and a theme of transparent, non—disruptive file encryption that would be
`based on the Microsoft Windows operating system.
`I left a fulfilling and prosperous career at Litronic Industries in May 1996 on good terms
`with the company and its President at the time, and went on to co-found MAZ Technologies,
`Inc. (“MAZ”) with Chris Mahne and devote my efforts full-time to the development of the
`transparent encryption technology.
`1996 Source Code: Exhibit 2-1 through 2- l 0
`12. From May 1, 1996 through May 7, 1998, the filing date ofthe ‘ 191 application, Iworked full
`time at MAZ to develop encryption products, and especially the inventions of the ‘191
`application. Since MAZ was small, everyone had many roles. I was initially CEO, but most
`of my time was spent designing the products and implementing or managing the
`implementation of those designs.
`13. Our initial product, the IntelliGard M Series, was similar to Litronic’s SecureSmart, and it
`sold about as well, too. Meanwhile, I continued to develop a better product based upon my
`concept of a transparent encrypted file system, which eventually was released as IntelliGard
`14. By December 1996, I had the basic code written for what we were calling IntelliGard Smart
`Suite, but later called IntelliGard E. Exhibits 2—] though 2-10 are copies of IntelliGard
`Declaration of Stephen Zizzi
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 14
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1011, pg. 14
`source code samples with the initial concept development code dated December 1996.
`Altogether, Exhibits Z-1 through Z-10 represent a body of work in which my concept of a
`transparent encrypted file system took form. The exhibits were the first proof ofeoncept of
`the file encryption and decryption processes. The code in Exhibits Z-l through Z-10
`functioned as a standalone program to be used with any encryption algorithm. The claimed
`features included in Exhibits Z-l through Z—10 were produced prior to September 1997.
`Although some information included in the exhibits may refer to dates subsequent to
`September 1997, they refer to subsequent revisions of source code that was created prior to
`September 1997.
`IS. Exhibit Z—l is the source code for the IntelliGard Smart Suite Version 1.5. The IntelliGa