`Johnson et a].
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Chien, Philip, “Letter to a Beeper,” Popular Mechanics,
`Apr. 1994, U.S.A., pp. 50—53.
`Inventors: William Cedric Johnson, Los Angeles,
`Calif.; Charles C. McMullen, Colorado
`Springs, C010.
`[73] Assignee: ETA Technologies Corporation, Los
`Angeles, Calif.
`[21] Appl. No.: 388,276
`[22] Filed:
`Feb. 13, 1995
`H04L 9/22
`Int. Cl.6
`[52] US. Cl. ........................
`.. 380/25; 380/4
`[58] Field of Search ................................. 380/3, 4, 23—25
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`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—-Fenwick & West LLP
`A multi—component system for linking a user to a product or
`service provider includes a user processing device, a storage
`device, and a provider device. The storage device stores
`provider-specific application software, user-specific data,
`and a file management program. The storage device and the
`processing device are coupled to each other to form a user
`device which communicates with the provider device. Under
`direction of the file management program, the processing
`device carries out a recognition methodology which deter—
`mines whether the processing device and the storage device
`are authorized to operate with each other. This aspect of the
`system makes it possible to render the storage device
`operable only with a specific user processing device,
`referred to as the principal processing device. This, in turn,
`reduces the possibility of fraud since the storage device
`cannot be used without the principal processing device.
`Once it is determined that the processing and storage devices
`are authorized to interact with each other, the processing
`device executes the provider-specific application software to
`exchange information with the provider device. Together,
`the user and provider devices implement unique recognition
`and comprehension methodologies to ensure that the parties
`are authorized to communicate with each other and to ensure
`that the information exchanged cannot be understood by
`third parties. Overall, the system provides a highly secure
`mechanism for transfening information from one party to
`80 Claims, 27 Drawing Sheets
`Random Access Memory (RAM)
`Unencrypted PFM
`UAS—EKE Interaction
`User Device—PAS
`lnteraction Control
`Table .370
`Unenmyp ted Data Files
`UAS Key Code
`Recognition and Comprehension
`{Operational key file names
`and operational key codes)
`Key Code 1260
`Current User
`Key Code
`Current Provider
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 1
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 1
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`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 3
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 3
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 27
`DPlN Logic
`and Data
`Comm unication
`7 08
`Integration Utility
`In terface
`FIG. 2b
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 4
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 4
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 27
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 5
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 5
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 27
`Master EKE
`Data Storage
`Master EKE
`Control Program
`Hash Code
`FIG. 3
`Operational Key File Name,
`Operational Key code;
`Operational Key File Name2
`Operational Key code2
`Operational Key File Name n
`Operational Key coden
`FIG. 5a
`Operational Key File Name,
`Operational Key code,
`EKE Reference Code
`Operational Key File Name2
`Operational Key code2
`Operational Key File Namen
`Operational Key code n
`FIG. 5b
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 6
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 6
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 4 of 27
`YES ”0
` master EKE
`0N 942
`Verify UAS and
`master EKE are
`authorized to
`Implement UAS
`Implement DPIN
`modification routine
`FIG. 4a
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 7
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 7
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 5 of 27
`Prompt user for a
`Generate and store
`UAS hash code
`and UAS key code
`Generate and store
`master hash code
`and master key code
` Generate operational
`key code
`Generate operational
`key file name
`Receive operational
`key code
`Store key code and
`key file name in RAM
`Encrypt data using
`UAS key code; store
`Encrypt data using
`master key code; store
`Encrypt UAS‘ ID code;
`Reset new flags
`FIG. 4b
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 8
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 8
`US. Patent
`Sheet 6 of 27
`Prompt user for a
`Generate master key
`Verify DP/N accuracy
`Decrypt parameters
`stored on master EKE
`Store decrypted
`parameters into RAM
`Generate and store
`new UAS hash code
`and UAS key code
`Encrypt parameters
`stored in RAM
`Store encrypted data
`in non—volatile memory
`Store master hash
`code and master
`key code
`Encrypt and store
`UAS ID code in
`master EKE
`Delete old encrypted
`UAS ID code
`Reset ”new” flag in
`FIG' 40
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 9
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 9
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 7 of 27
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 10
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 10
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 8 of 27
`7 002
`. 7
`Prompt user for a
`Generate master hash
`Compare hash code to
`reference hash code in
`non—volatfle memory
`Hash codes
`Generate UAS hash code
`and UAS key code
`Store UAS key code
`in RAM
`Decrypt parameters
`stored in non—vo/ati/e
`Store decrypted
`parameters in RAM
`FIG. 4f
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 11
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 11
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 9 of 27
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 12
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 12
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 10 of 27
`772 present?
`Loadlinta RAM
`Set "override" flag
`transmissron ?
`mode ?
` Implement
`Delete stored
`session codes
`Reset delayed
`transmission flag
`Decrypt remainder
`of REM
`Store PFM in RAM
`Deco/pt file 752;
`store in RAM
`Prompt user for a
`key code
`Dem/pt remainder
`of PFM
`Store PFM in RAM
`7 92
`Perform file
`Establish unique
`between UAS and
`Transfer control to
`user device—PAS
`control portion
`Encrypt information
`in table 370
`Receive control
`from user device-
`PAS control portion
`Access stored
`session codes
`Send session
`Purge session
`codes from file 766
`Receive and store
`confirmation codes
`39f update ”‘79
`Reset delayed
`transmission flag
`Update recognition
`Store in file 752
`of EKE
`mode flag
`Encrypt stored
`session codes
` Update
` Update file
`FIG. 7a
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 13
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 13
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 11 of 27
`Select operational key
`file name
`Store key file name
`in EKE
`Retrieve operational key
`Retrieve EKE
`identification code
`process EKE
`identification code
`Store EKE reference
`code in RAM
`Encrypt recognition and
`parameters stored in
`RAM usmg UAS key code
`Store encrypted
`parameters in non—
`volatile memoo/ of UAS
`"new data" flag
`Encrypt PFM in RAM
`using selected operational
`key code
`Store encrypted PFM on
`file 752; store
`in RAM
`2 9
`For one of the managed
`data files, select an
`operational key file name
`Store operational key file
`name in Table 370 in
`Retrieve operational key
`code from RAM
`Retrieve file identification
`code from table 370
`Process file identification
`code to derive file
`reference code
`Store file reference code
`in Table 370 m RAM
`Decrypt data contained in
`file using user—entered
`key code
`Store the decrypted file
`data in RAM
`the deCIypted file
`data stored in RAM using
`the operational key code
`Overwrite file on ATKE with
`”5'ka encrypted file data
`N0 -
`FIG. 7b
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 14
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 14
`US, Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 12 of 27
`Retrieve operational key file name
`and EKE identification code
`Retrieve operational key code
`using operational key file name
`Process EKE identification code
`using operational key code
` ‘ 264
` 266
`Compare processed EKE identification
`code with reference code in RAM
`FIG. 7c
`For one of the managed files,
`a corresponding operational key file
`name and file identification code
`from Table .370 in RAM
`Retrieve an operational key code using
`the retrieved operational key file name
`Process file identification code using
`the retrieved operational key code
`Compare processed file identification
`code to file reference code in Table
`.370 in RAM
`consistent with each
`file status in Table .370 to ”open"
` More
`files ?
`Decrypt data in all managed files;
`store deco/pted data in RAM
`FIG. 7d
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 15
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 15
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 13 of 27
`Select and store a new operational
`key file name in EKE
`Retrieve new operational key code
`using new Operational key file name
`Process identification code using
`new operational key code
`Store new EKE reference code in
`RAM as a record under the new
`operational key file name
`Delete old EKE reference code
`Encrypt parameters in RAM usmg UAS
`key code
`Store encrypted parameters in UAS
`non—volatile memory
`Set new data
`Encrypt PFM stored in RAM usmg the
`new operational key code
`Store newly encorpted PFM on EKE
`FIG. 79
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 16
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 16
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 14 of 27
` 324
`For one of the managed files, select
`and store a new operational key file
`name in Table 370 in RAM
`Retrieve new operational key code
`using new operational key file name
`Process file identification code using
`new operational key code
`Store new file reference code in Table
`370 in RAM
`fites ?
`For one of the managed files,
`the operational key file name
`corresponding to the file
`Retrieve operational key code using the
`corresponding operational key file name
`file data
`from RAM,
`corresponding to the file
`file data using operational
`key code
`Store encrypted file data in
`corresponding file on EKE
`Con tin ue
`FIG. 7f
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 17
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 17
`US. Patent
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 18
`Eh \
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 18
`US. Patent
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 19
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 19
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 17 of 27
` mm\mflmboo3mm.12.0893
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 20
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 20
`US. Patent
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 21
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 21
` mnoooxas1‘:EmEESEFS
`US. Patent
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 22
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 22
`US. Patent
` mowm.E»mmEmmmoElmsbo:
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 23
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 23
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 21 of 27
`Generate future
`user key code
` Update parameters
`stored in file 167
`Device file name
`and historical files
`7 46
`Derive current
`session key code
`Process message
`for PAS?
`Retrieve session
` codes from file 766
` Execute
`application portion
`to generate
`session codes
`Set pause mode
`back to UAS-EKE
`control portion
`Package using
`proper protocol
` Store session
`to PAS;
`wait for response
`codes in file
`Set delayed
`Implement default
`Receive and
`confirmation codes
`Transfer control
`back to UAS—
`EKE control
` 499
`Device file name
`Update parameters
`Transfer control
`back to UAS—EKE
`control portion
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 24
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 24
`' US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 22 of 27
`Execute communications
`Extract user device file
`Derive current session
`key code
`Process parameters
`and session codes
`Compare processed
`parameters to
`reference parameters
`5 74
`Implement default
`session codes
`YES DPIN Present?
`Disregard session
`DPIN correct?
`Disregard session
` 5.38
`Change 0
`Modify DPlN
`Process message
`Send message to
`user device
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 25
`@ ~0
`YES Dpw needed?
` Recognition
`Update parameters
`proper sequence
`recovery sequence
`FIG. 12
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 25
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 23 of 27
` Device file name
`for PAS?
` N0
`mode flag
` Execute
`application portion
`to generate
`session codes
`l 7
`Set pause mode
`Transfer control
`back to UAS—EKE
`control portion
`5 7 9
`FIG. 13
` Retrieve
`Generate future
`user key code
`modules 7 46
`Process message
`Package using
`proper protocol
`to PAS?
` Store session
`codes in file
`to PAS;
`wait for response
`Set delayed
`Implement default
`Transfer control
`back to UAS—
`EKE con trol
`Receive and
`confirmation codes
`Device file name
`Update parameters
`and historical files
`Transfer control
`back to UAS—EKE
`control portion
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 26
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 26
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 24 of 27
`Receive transmission
`Execute communications
`Extract user device file
`Access parameters
`Process parameters
`and session codes
`Compare processed
`parameters to
`reference parameters
`708 772
` 720
`«w ~0
`DPiN needed?
`implement default
`YES DPiN Present?
`YES DPlN correct?
`Disregard session
`Disregard session
`Ch onge DPIN?
`Modify DPlN
`session codes
`Generate confirmation
`Update parameters
`Place message
`components in
`proper sequence
`Process message
`Send message to
`user device
` Recognition
` Terminate
`recovery sequence
`FIG. 14
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 27
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 27
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 25 of 27
`[ 1300
`Sender UAS
`Communi— Fogmg Communi—
`Receiving Meoh onism
`Receiver EKE
`Sender EKE
`FIG. 15
`Polling UAS
`FIG. 16
`Receiver UAS
`Polling EKE
`User UAS
`FIG. 18
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 28
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 28
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 26 of 27
`/ 734D
`Institution PAS
` Communications
`User EKE
`Direct Money Line Account
`FIG. 77 -
`Speed Control
`Starter Control
`Electrical Distribution
`On—board Distributed
`Fuel Flow Management
`FIG. 19
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 29
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 29
`US. Patent
`Dec. 2, 1997
`Sheet 27 of 27
`, f
` Communications
`User Device
`Emulation Module
`User Device
`Emulation Module
`FIG. 20
`7 422
`PAS Emulation
`PAS Emulation
`FIG. 21
`BIackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 30
`BlackBerry Corporation Exhibit 1004, pg. 30
`This invention relates generally to transactional,
`communication, and authorization systems, and more par-
`ticularly to a multi—component system which implements
`unique recognition and comprehension methodologies to
`verify party identities and to ensure session security.
`For a number of years now, tremendous efforts have been
`devoted to devising systems for linking consumers with
`product and service providers which would allow the con-
`sumers to communicate and to transact with the providers
`from remote locations, such as from their homes. Such
`etforts have produced some systems which have received a
`small degree of acceptance. Examples include home shop-
`ping networks (such as QVC), home entertainment systems
`(such as DirecTV), remote stock transaction systems (such
`as Reuters), and automatic teller machine (ATM) systems.
`While these remote systems have gained some acceptance,
`there still is, for the most part, an absence of a generally and
`widely accepted system for conducting business from a
`remote site.
`The failure of the presently existing systems can be
`attributed to a number of different factors. One possible
`factor is cost, both in terms of the providers’ cost and the
`cost to the consumers. Currently, consumers are typically
`linked to providers not directly but through aggregators. The
`presence of an aggregator adds a middleman to the business
`process which i