`(t9) Wocld "','!!:::~:~.~ro:,.::'! o,gaohat;on •
`11111111111111 11 IIIII IIIII 11111111111111I1111111111111111111111111 lllll 11111111111111111111111
`(43) International Publicalion Date
`13 December 2007 (13.12.2007)
`(10) International Publication umber
`WO 2007/140806 Al
`(51) [ntemational Patent Clas.silication:
`1104M I 172.'i (2006.01)
`(21) lnternalional Application Number:
`9 June 2006 (09.06.2006)
`(22) lntcrnational Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`Engl ish
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States excepl US) : NOKIA
`[F[/Flj; Kcilalahdentie 4, F IN-02L50
`Espoo (FO.
`(72) Lnvcntors; and
`UR.MI, .Juba,
`(75) lnvenlors/Applicunls (for US only) :
`lFT/Fl]; Asemakatu 4.A.3., FIN-24 100 Salo (Fl).
`SAARJNE , Kaj [FI/JP] ; 1-1-13 Koyamadai Shina(cid:173)
`gawa-ku, Tokyo 142-0061 (n'). RAUTANE
`, Tero
`I F[{Fl] ; Munterinkatu 6 E 62, FIN-20360 Turku (Fl).
`(74) Agent: VAN WALSTON, .B., Gerard, G.; Nordic Patent
`Service ApS, PiJesLraede 58, DK- U 12 Copenhagen K
`(81) Designated Slates (imless 01/ienvise indica1ed, for every
`kind of national protect/011 available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, l3
`, BZ, CA, CH, CN ,
`CO, R, '
`, CZ DE, DK, DM, DZ, E , EE, EG, ES, Fl
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, rL, IN, [S, JP, KE,
`NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE,
`SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ. TM, TN, TR, Tf, T'Z UA, UG
`US, UZ, VC, VN , ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless othenvise indicated, for eve,y
`kind of regional pro1ec1io11 a11ailable): ARil'O (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`'ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ. TM).
`Ewupean (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, Ill IS, lT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL PL, PT,
`RO, SE, S[, SK, TR), OAPI (BE BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`wltli search report
`(Comi11ued 011 next page]
`~ -
`(57) Abslract: A device ( l ) such a~ a laptop computer inc ludes a fin (cid:173)
`gerprin t sensor (21) and has u specific function to be performed asso(cid:173)
`ciated with at least two of the fingerpri nts of an au thorized user of lhc
`device (I). The device performs the specific function when an aut ho(cid:173)
`rized user places a finger on the fingerprint . e nsor (2 1.). The functions
`assoc iated wi th tl1e fingerprints of the au thorized users can be quickly(cid:173)
`accessed even whe n a security or keyboard lock is active. A mobiJe
`communication terminal' (l) includes a fingcJprinl sensor (2 l) in a cal]
`handling key (L l). Calls arc answered, rejected or initiated when aa au(cid:173)
`thorized user places a linger on the ringerprint sensor (21 ).
`Apple and Samsung Ex. 1110
`Apple Inc., Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc. v. Firstface Co., Ltd.
`Page 00001


`WO 2007 /140806 A 1
`IJlll llllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll~II
`For 1wo-le11er code,; and oth er abbrevia1ions. refer 10 the "C11id(cid:173)
`a11ce Notes on Codes andAbbreviatirms" appearing at the b gin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the P CT Gazelle.
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00002


`WO 2007/U0806
`PCT /EP2006/005525
`The present
`to devices
`in which
`functions are activated by user input, in particular to
`in which user
`is performed with
`fingerprint sensor . The invention relates to a method of
`quickly selecting or activating a function in a device,
`in particular in a device
`controlled by a processor.
`the operation of which is
`is known
`to use
`fingerprint sensors on personal
`computers and on mobile handsets, in particular to enable
`secure access
`for a number of users
`based on a fingerprint. Hereto, a database connected to
`the fingerprint sensor contains information relating to
`authorized users by means of fingerprint data.
`Most personal computers and mobile handsets are provided
`with a security lock (or just a keypad lock "keylock")
`a state of
`the device
`in which
`processor will ignore any key activations, except those
`that deactivate the lock function.
`Many personal computers and telephone headsets are also
`provided with quick access keys (shortcuts) by means of
`which a user can activate a specific function associated
`with a given quick access key by a single press of the
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00003


`WO 2007/1-10806
`However, a problem associated with the security or keypad
`lock function is that it has to be opened first before
`any quick selection can be done with the quick access
`keys. This
`down quick selection and
`undermines the concept of quick selection keys.
`In most mobile handsets
`deactivated for the "call answer key" in order to enable
`a user to easily answer an
`incoming call even if the
`keylock is active. However,
`a problem associated with
`this way of handling keylock on a mobile handset is that
`incoming calls may also be answered either by accident
`(when phone is in a pocket for example) or intentionally
`by an unauthorized third-person should they get access to
`the handset.
`it is an object of
`the present
`to provide
`device, which allows quick
`object is
`of functions when a key lock is active. This
`achieved by providing a device comprising a
`controlling the operation of the device,
`is configured
`to perform
`a multitude of
`fingerprint of a
`in which
`fingerprints of at least t wo different fingers of one and
`the same user are stored,
`a specific function
`to be
`performed being associated with each of the at least two
`the processor being configured
`perform the function associated with a fingerprint when
`the fingerprint scanned by the fingerprint sensor matches
`one of the stored fingerprints .
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00004


`WO 2007/140806
`PCT /EP2006/005525
`Since the human hand normally has 10 fingers, each having
`a different print, up to ten different functions can be
`activated quickly with the fingerprint sensor. Further,
`only a single sensor is required for activating up to 10
`5 different quick selection functions, where conventionally
`up to ten keys were required. Thus, the size of the user
`interface can be reduced .
`The specific function can be the start of an application
`10 or of an applet on the device.
`the device further comprises a keypad,
`which case the device has at least one mode in which a
`security lock or a keylock is applied, and the processor
`is configured to perform the command associated with a
`given fingerprint when the fingerprint sensor scans the
`given fingerprint, also when the device is in a mode in
`which the security lock or keylock is active.
`The device may comprise one or more further fingerprint
`to be
`in which case
`performed is associated with each of the at least two
`fingerprints and the further fingerprint sensor. Thus, an
`number quick
`funct ions
`The fingerprint data of one or more authorized users can
`be stored in the device to support multi-user operation .
`It is also an object of the invention that the device is
`coupled to a secure network.
`It is another object of
`invention to provide an
`automated teller machine including the device.
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00005


`WO 2007/140806
`PCT /EP2006/005525
`An object above is also achieved by providing a method
`for operating
`a device with
`a user
`includes a
`fingerprint sensor comprising associating a
`specific function to be performed with each of at least
`fingers of a user,
`and performing
`the specific
`function associated with a
`finger when the fingerprint
`sensor scans a fingerprint matching one of the at least
`two fingers.
`the device
`is controlled by a processor
`in response
`to user
`input via a keyboard,
`further comprising the step of performing the specific
`f unction
`associated with
`fingerprint when
`fingerprint sensor scans a fingerprint matching one of
`the at least two fingers when a security lock or keypad
`lock is active.
`Thus, the user does not waste time to
`the device when
`to activate
`a quick
`selection function.
`The method may
`further comprise
`fingerprint data of one or more authorized
`of storing
`the step
`users of the
`device. Thus,
`the device can be used in
`a multi-user
`environment .
`The step of performing a function may include performing
`an application or an applet.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide
`a mobile communJcation
`in which
`the risk of
`inadvertedly answering a call is reduced. This object is
`achieved by providing a mobile communication
`comprising a processor controlling the operation of the
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00006


`WO 2007/1-10806
`terminal, a fingerprint sensor for scanning a fingerprint
`of a user of the terminal, the processor being configured
`to answer an incoming call when a fingerprint scanned by
`sensor matches
`during an
`incoming call, and/or
`the processor being
`outgoing call when
`fingerprint scanned by the fingerprint sensor matches a
`stored fingerprint and a telephone number has been keyed
`in, selected or identified.
`Thus, an authorized user can quickly answer or place a
`call, with
`a minimized
`risk of
`initiations, -answers or -rejections. This will improve
`confidence of users
`the device and
`acceptance of the technology.
`the fingerprint sensor is integrated in a
`combined onhook/offhook key,
`in a separate onhook key
`and/or in a separate offhook key.
`Alternatively, the fingerprint sensor can be integrated
`in a multifunctional softkey .
`The mobile communication terminal may have at least one
`25 mode of operation or state in which a keylock is applied
`and wherein the processor is configured to answer an
`incoming call when
`fingerprint sensor matches a stored fingerprint during an
`incoming call, also when the device is in a mode in which
`the keypad lock is active, and/or wherein the processor
`is configured
`initiate an outgoing call when
`fingerprint scanned by the fingerprint sensor matches a
`stored fingerprint when a telephone number has been keyed
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00007


`WO 2007/140806
`in, selected or identified, also when the device is in a
`mode in which the keypad lock is active.
`The fingerprint data of one or more authorized users may
`support multi-user
`An object above is also achieved by providing a method
`for operating a mobi l e communication terminal device with
`a user
`includes a
`fingerprint sensor,
`comprising answering an incoming call when a fingerprint
`scanned by
`sensor matches
`fingerprint during an incoming call, and/or initiating an
`outgoing call when
`fingerpr i nt
`fingerpr i nt sensor matches a stored fingerprint and a
`selected or
`identified .
`the fingerprint
`combined onhook/offhook key,
`sensor is integrated in a
`in a separate onhook key, in
`a separate off hook key
`in a multifunctional
`soft key
`The device may be control led by a processor operating in
`r esponse to user input via a keyboard, further comprising
`the step of performing the specific function associated
`finger when
`sensor scans
`fingerprint matching one of the at least two fingers when
`a security l oc k or keypad lock is active.
`Further objects ,
`features, advantages and properties of
`the device, mobile communication
`terminal and methods
`according to the invention will become apparent from the
`detailed description.
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00008


`WO 2007/1-10806
`following detailed portion of
`the present
`5 description,
`invention will be explained
`in more
`detail with reference to the exemplary embodiments shown
`in the drawings, in which :
`Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic front view on a device according
`to a first embodiment of the invention ,
`is a block diagram illustrating
`the general
`architecture of the device of Fig. 1,
`Fig. 2A is a flow chart illustrating the operation of the
`device shown in Fig. 1
`Fig. 3 is an elevated view on a device according to a
`second embodiment of the invention,
`Fig .
`4 is a diagrammatic elevated view on the device
`according to Fig . 3, and
`Fig. 5 is a diagrammatic front view on a device according
`to a third embodiment of the invention.
`In the following detailed description, the device and the
`25 method according
`form of a
`personal computer,
`PDA, mobile
`terminal or a mobile
`communication terminal in the form of a cellular/mobile
`phone, will be described by the preferred embodiments.
`The invention can,
`however, also be carried out with any
`other device
`operation of which controlled by a
`illustrates a
`according to
`embodiment of
`a mobile
`the invention in the
`form of a
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00009


`WO 2007/140806
`telephone by a
`front view . The mobile phone 1
`comprises a user interface having a housing 2, a display
`3, an on/off button (not shown), a speaker 5
`(only the
`openings are shown), and a microphone 6 (not visible in
`Fig. 1) . The phone 1 according to the first preferred
`embodiment is adapted for communication via a cellular
`network, such as the GSM 900/1800 MHz network, but could
`just as well be adapted for use with a Code Division
`Multiple Access
`3G network, or a
`TCP /IP-based network
`to cover a possible VoIP-network
`(e.g . via WLAN , WIMAX or similar) or a mix of VoIP and
`Cellular such as UMA (Universal Mobile Access).
`The keypad 7 has a first group of keys 8 as alphanumeric
`keys, by means of which the user can enter a
`number, write a text message (SMS), write a name (associ(cid:173)
`ated with the phone number) , etc. Each of the twelve al(cid:173)
`phanumeric keys 8 is provided with a figure "0-9" or a
`sign"#" or"*", respectively. In alpha mode each key is
`associated with a number of letters and special signs
`used in the text editing.
`The keypad 7 has additionally a second group of keys com(cid:173)
`prising two softkeys 9,
`two call handling keys
`key 11 and onhook key 12), and a 5-way navigation key 10
`(up, down, left , right and center : select/activate). The
`function of the softkeys 9 depends on the state of the
`phone, and navigation in the menu is performed by using
`the navigation-key. The present function of the softkeys
`in separate
`just above
`the display 3,
`dedicated area 4 of
`softkeys 9. The two call handling keys 11,12 are used for
`establishing a call or a conference call ,
`terminating a
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00010


`WO 2007/1-10806
`call or rejecting an incoming ca l l. This key layout is
`characteristic for e.g. the Nokia 6600™ phone .
`The navigation key 10 is a four - or five-way key which
`can be used for cursor movement, scrolling and selecting
`(five-way key) and is placed centrally on
`the front
`surface of the phone between the display 3 and the group
`of alphanumeric keys 7. A dedicated menu key 13 gives
`direct access to the menu structure and a copy and paste
`key 14 assist
`in collaboration with
`the soft keys
`copying and pasting text or graphi cs. A dedicated clear
`key 15 serves to delete items .
`A fingerprint sensor 21 is placed at an easily accessible
`position on the housing .
`In the present embodiment the
`sensor is shown to be placed on the front surface of the
`mobile communication terminal. However,
`the fingerprint
`sensor could be placed on other surfaces of the terminal,
`such as the s i des, top, bottom or back .
`A releasable rear cover (not shown) gives access to the
`SIM card (not shown), and the battery pack (not shown) in
`the back of the p hone that supplies e l ectrical power for
`the electroni c components of the mobile phone 1 .
`The mobile phone 1 has a flat display 3 that is typically
`made of an LCD with optional back lighti ng, such as a TFT
`matrix capable of displaying color images. A touch screen
`(not shown) may be appl ied on top of the LCD display 3 .
`Fig . 2 illustrates in block diagram form the general ar(cid:173)
`chitecture of a mobile phone 1 constructed in accordance
`with the present invention . A processor 1 8 controls the
`communication with the cellular networ k via the transmit-
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00011


`WO 2007/1-10806
`ter/receiver circuit 19 and an internal antenna 20. A mi(cid:173)
`into analogue
`transforms the user's speech
`crophone 6
`signals, the analogue signals formed thereby are A/D con(cid:173)
`verted in an A/D converter (not shown) before the speech
`is encoded in a digital signal processing unit 17 (DSP).
`The encoded speech signal is transferred to the processor
`18, which e.g. supports the GSM
`terminal software. The
`processor 18 also forms the interface to the peripheral
`units of the apparatus, including a RAM memory and a ROM
`10 or Flash ROM memory 16,
`the graphical display 3,
`(as well as data,
`fingerprint sensor 21 and keypad 7
`power supply, etc . ) . The digital signal-processing unit
`17 speech-decodes the signal, which is transferred from
`the processor 18 to the speaker 5 via a D/A converter
`(not shown).
`As is also illust rated in the flowchart in Fig. 2A, after
`a fingerprint is registered by the fingerprint sensor 21,
`the signal from the fingerprint sensor is processed with
`a fingerprint algorithm that is either included in the
`hardware of the sensor 21 or in the software running on
`the processor 18 . A variety of fingerprint processing
`algorithms have been developed and experimented with over
`the years, each with a varying degree of success. The
`basic idea behind all of these algorithms is to identify
`and locate unique points of the fingerprint referred to
`as minutia . The
`two predominant
`types of minutia are
`ridge endings and bifurcations . A ridge ending is formed
`when a ridge of a fingerprint no longer continues along
`its path, it simply stops or ends . A bifurcation on the
`other hand is formed when a ridge of a fingerprint splits
`two ridges or, conversely, when
`ridges merge into one ridge. Fingerprint identification
`algorithms are concerned with identifying every minutia
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00012


`WO 2007/1-10806
`of the fingerprint (both ridge endings and bifu rcations)
`and associating with each minutia found, three positional
`(x, y, and theta) . These
`three parameters
`locate the minutia in an arbitrary (but fixed) Cartesian
`coordinate system where x and y map the position of the
`minutia and theta defines its angle of orientation with
`to one of
`the axes. A match between
`fingerprints is made when the x, y, and thet a of one
`fingerprint match
`( or nearly match)
`the x, y, and theta
`10 of
`another print. Various other
`identification algorithms can be used for the present
`invention, and since the exact nature of the fingerprint
`identification algorithm is not essential for the present
`these other algorithms are not described in
`15 detail here.
`The fingerprint data of at least two of the fingers of an
`authorized user
`(such as for example the owner of the
`terminal) have been stored in the terminal 1. The stored
`fingerprint data can have been generated with
`fingerprint sensor 21 on
`terminal itself, or be
`source. A function to be performed is associated with
`each of the at least two fingerprints of the user. The
`association of functions to the various fingerprints is
`in this preferred embodiment carried out via the user
`interface, but
`functions may alternatively be
`preprogrammed. A group of functions to choose from may be
`preselected. The functions to be performed can be simple
`functions, applets, or applications.
`The fingerprint sensor 21 scans the fingerprint of any
`finger that is placed thereon
`( step 2. 1) . The processor
`18 monitors the output from the fingerprint sensor 21 and
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00013


`WO 2007/140806
`compares it with the stored fingerprint data using the
`fingerprint algorithm (step 2.2 and 2.3). When there is a
`the processor 18 performs the funct i on associated
`that has been
`scanned by
`(step 2.4),
`such as
`starting an
`internet browser, creating a new message,
`accessing the calendar, placing a call to a given contact
`and unlocking
`terminal. If there is no match
`process returns to step 2.1.
`A specific function can be associated with each of the 10
`fingers of the human hands. Table 1 below provides an
`example of assoc i at i on between fingers of the right hand
`(RH) and the left hand (LH) and functions to be performed
`according to the invention.
`Table 1
`Function to be performed
`New message
`index finger
`Access to calendar
`RH middle finger
`Un l ock the terminal
`ring finger
`Initiate phone call to contact 1
`little finger
`Initiate phone call to contact 2
`Open Web browser
`index finger
`Unlock the terminal
`LH middle finger
`Initiate phone call to contact 3
`ring finger
`Initiate phone call to contact 4
`little finger
`Initiate phone call to contact 5
`te rminal is provided with a keylock that prevents
`actions of the terminal
`in response to inadverted key
`activations, for example when the terminal is in a bag or
`pocket. When the key l ock is active, the processor ignores
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00014


`WO 2007/1-10806
`any key activations, except
`to deactivate
`key lock
`( if any), in some circumstances particular keys
`can be enabled to bypass the keylock, such as the call
`handling keys upon an
`incoming call. The
`activated with the fingerprint sensor are performed also
`when the keylock is active,
`the user only has to
`place the correct finger on
`fingerprint sensor to
`the terminal
`perform the function
`associated with the fingerprint concerned. According to a
`10 variation of this embodiment the terminal is not provided
`with a keylock .
`According to another variation of the first and second
`embodiments one or more further fingerprint sensors (not
`shown) are provided to increase the number of functions
`that can be accessed quickly .
`Fig 3. shows a second embodiment of the invention in the
`form of
`computer. The
`laptop computer 100
`a user
`interface having
`a housing 102,
`display 103,
`an on/off button
`104 . The
`computer 100 according to the first preferred embodiment
`is adapted for operation with Windows® operating system,
`but could
`just as well be operated with any other
`suitable operating system such as Mac OS X ® or Linux®.
`The laptop computer 100 may be connected to a TCP/IP(cid:173)
`based network, al though this is not necessary for the
`The keyboard 107 is of the
`"QWERTYu or similar type and
`has alphabetic keys and numeric keys, by means of which
`the user can enter text and numbers.
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00015


`WO 2007/140806
`PCT /EP2006/005525
`The laptop computer 100 has additionally a
`touchpad 109,
`a leftclick button 110 and a rightclick button 111. The
`touchpad 109 serves to control the position of a cursor
`of the graphical user interface on the display 103. The
`leftclick and rightclick keys 110 and 111 serve to select
`and activate functions associated with icons shown on the
`display 103. These functions can be simple functions that
`are performed as a part of an application,
`such as
`marking a text, the changing of a setting, but they can
`also be the start of applets or applications.
`i s
`placed at
`an easi ly
`accessible position on the housing 102. In the present
`the fingerprint sensor 121 is shown
`to be
`placed on the front surface of the laptop computer 100.
`the fingerprint sensor 121 could be placed on
`other surfaces of the computer, such as the sides, top,
`bottom or back.
`W A releasable rear cover (not shown) gives access to the
`battery pack (not shown) in the back of the computer that
`supplies electrical power for the electronic components
`of the laptop computer 100.
`The laptop computer 100 has a pivotable flat display 103
`that is typically made of an LCD with back lighting, such
`as a TFT matrix capable of displaying color images.
`Fig . 4 illustrates in block diagram form the general ar-
`chitect ure of
`laptop computer 100 constructed
`accordance with the present invention. A processor 118
`controls the operation of the computer. The processor 118
`also forms the interface to the peripheral uni ts of the
`apparatus, including a RAM memory and ROM memory 116, the
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00016


`WO 2007/140806
`PCT /EP2006/005525
`hard disk 117, the graphical display 103, the fingerprint
`sensor 121,
`touchpad 109 and keyboard 107
`(as well as
`data, power supply, etc.).
`5 The signal from the fingerprint sensor 121 is processed
`with a fingerprint algorithm that is either included in
`the hardware of the sensor 121 or in the software running
`on the processor 118. Similar fingerprint identification
`algorithms as described above for the first embodiment
`can be used for the second embodiment and since the exact
`nature of the usable fingerprint identification algorithm
`is not essential
`the present
`algorithms are not described in detail here.
`The fingerprint data of at least two of the fingers of an
`authorized user
`( such as for example the owner of the
`terminal) have been stored
`terminal 100,
`example on the hard disk 117. The stored fingerprint data
`can have been generated with the fingerprint sensor 121
`on the terminal 100 itself, or be transmitted/downloaded
`to the terminal from another source.
`A function to be performed is associated with each of the
`at least two fingerprints of the user. The association of
`the various
`preferred embodiment carried out via the graphical user
`interface, but the functions may alternatively be pre(cid:173)
`programmed. A group of functions to choose from may be
`preselected. The functions to be performed can be simple
`functions, applets , or applications.
`The fingerprint sensor 121 scans the fingerprint of any
`finger that is placed thereon. The processor 118 monitors
`the output from the fingerprint sensor 121 and compares
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00017


`WO 2007/140806
`it with the stored fingerprint data using the fingerprint
`algorithm . When
`a match
`the processor 118
`function associated with
`the fingerprint
`that has been scanned by the fingerprint sensor 121, such
`as for example starting an internet browser, creating a
`new e-mail message, accessing
`th e calendar, opening a
`file or unlocking the computer 100.
`A specific function can be associated with each of the 10
`fingers of the human hands. Table 2 belo.w provides an
`example of association between fingers of the right hand
`(LH} and functions to be performed
`(RH) and the left hand
`according to the invention.
`Table 2
`Function to be performed
`New e-mail
`index finger
`Access to calendar
`RH middle finger
`Unlock the computer
`ring finger
`Start wordprocessor
`little finger
`Start soft phone
`Open Web browser
`index finger
`Unlock the computer
`LH middle finger
`Initiate phone call to contact 1 with
`the soft phone
`ring finger
`Start photo viewer
`little finger
`Lock the computer
`The computer 100 is provided with a safety
`lock that
`actions of
`inadverted or unauthorized key activations. When
`lock is active,
`the processor only allows
`entry of a password and does not allow any other user
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00018


`WO 2007/140806
`PCT /EP2006/005525
`the computer. The functions activated
`interaction with
`with the fingerprint sensor are performed also while the
`computer is locked, i.e. the user only has to place the
`correct finger on the fingerprint sensor 121 to have the
`computer (processor 118) perform the function assoc i ated
`with the fingerprint concerned.
`Fig. 5 shows a third embodiment of the invention, which
`a mobile
`the mobile
`terminal according the first embodiment of the invention.
`the fingerprint sensor 21 is integrated in the
`offhook key 11.
`In this embodiment the main use of the fing~rprint sensor
`21 is to answer an incoming call and/or to initiate an
`outgoing call. Only the fingerprint data of one finger
`per authorized user need to be stored in the terminal 1
`according to this embodiment. The processor 18 monitors
`the signal from the fingerprint sensor 21 and compares it
`with the stored fingerprint data. When the processor 18
`incoming call
`fingerprint match
`simultaneously ,
`the incoming cal 1 is answered. When the
`processor 18 detects that a
`telephone number has been
`selected or
`fingerprint match occurs simultaneously an outgoing call
`to the identified phone number is placed .
`The keylock function of the terminal can be active when a
`is answered or
`initiated using
`the fingerprint
`sensor 21. Thus,
`the risk of a call inadvertedly being
`answered or initiated is significantly reduced when the
`keylock function is active and the only way to answer or
`initiate a call is by a fingerprint match.
`IPR2019-00612 Page 00019


`WO 2007/1-10806
`According to a variation of the third embodiment a second
`fingerprint sensor
`is integrated

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