`) World 1n::~~~:~~0!ti:::L Organization A
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`(43) International Publication Date
`4 November 2010 (04.11.2010)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2010/126504 Al
`(51) lnternationa l Patent Clas.~iiicatioa :
`G06K 9100 (2006.0 I)
`(21) foternatioaal Application Number :
`(22) lnternational Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`29 April 2009 (29.04.2009)
`(71) Applicant
`(for nil designated States except US):
`NY, L.P. [US/US); 11445 Compaq Center Drive West,
`Houston, TX 77070 (US).
`(72) lnventors; and
`(75) [nventors/Applicants (for US only) : GAGNERAUD,
`Eric (FR/US]; '.20555 Tomball Park-way Houston, Hous(cid:173)
`ton, TX 77070 (US). AIMARD, Alexis [FR/US]; 20555
`Tomball Parkway Houston, Houston, TX 77070 (US).
`(74) Agents: KUO, Chun-Liang el al.; Hewlen-Packard Com(cid:173)
`pany, Intellectual Property Admi.uislrarion, P.O. Box
`272400 Mail Stop 35, Fon Collins, CO 80527-2400 (US).
`(8 1) Designated States (unless olherwise indicated. for eve,y
`kind o.f nnJionnl pro1ectio11 available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, OM, 00, DZ,
`EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GI-I, GM, GT, HN,
`HR, HU, ID, LL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
`NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, ST, SY, SY, TJ, TM, T N, TR, TT, TZ, UA,
`UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated St.ates (unless olhen,iise indicated, for every
`kind of regional pro/eclio11 available): ARlPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, OK, EE,
`[Conlinued on next page}
`(57) Abstract: A machine including a processor, a power
`bunon, a fingerprint scarmer coupled on the power button,
`and au authentication application executable by the pro(cid:173)
`cessor for comparing a nser fmgerprint image with a
`stored fingerprin t image.
`170 7 " " - - - - - -
`Figure 1
`- =
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`Apple and Samsung Ex. 1106
`Apple Inc., Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc. v. Firstface Co., Ltd.
`Page 00001


`WO 2010/126504 Al 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 1111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111
`ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, llR, IIU, rE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, Sl, SK, TR),
`OAP! (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML,
`MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`as to applicant's entitlement to apply.for and be granted
`a patent (Rufe 4.J7(ii))
`with intemational search report (Art. 21 (3))
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to tire identity of the inventor (Rule 4. I 7(i))
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`[0001] When powering on a machine such as a computing device, a user
`presses a power button switch on the machine. After the machine receives
`power, hardware and software components of the machine are loaded. The user
`gains access to the machine by logging into the machine with a registered
`password using an input device, such as a mouse or keyboard.
`Various features and advantages of the disclosed embodiments will
`be apparent from the detailed description which follows, taken in conjunction
`with the accompanying drawings, which together illustrate, by way of example,
`features of the disclosed embodiments.
`Figure 1 illustrates a block diagram of a machine with a fingerprint
`scanner according to an embodiment of the invention.
`Figure 2 illustrates a device having a fingerprint scanner on a power
`button and coupled to additional components according to an embodiment of
`the invention.
`Figure 3 illustrates a laptop that is powered on when a fingerprint
`scanner detects a user according to an embodiment of the invention.
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`WO 2010/126504
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`Figure 4 illustrates a fingerprint scanner on a power button and a
`status indicator positioned on a lid of a laptop according to an embodiment of
`the invention.
`Figure 5 illustrates a fingerprint scanner on a power button and a
`status indicator positioned on a base of a laptop according to an embodiment of
`the invention.
`Figure 6 illustrates timelines of a fingerprint scanner scanning a
`fingerprint, a machine powering on, and a lid of the machine unlocking
`according to an embodiment of the invention.
`Figure 7 is a flow chart illustrating a method for authenticating a user
`according to an embodiment of the invention.
`Figure 8 is a flow chart illustrating a method for authenticating a user
`according to another embodiment of the invention.
`Figure 1 illustrates a block diagram of a machine 100 with a
`fingerprint scanner 120 according to an embodiment of the invention. In one
`embodiment, the machine 100 is a desktop, a laptop, a server, and/or any
`device that includes a fingerprint scanner 120. As illustrated in Figure 1, the
`machine 100 includes a processor 110, a fingerprint scanner 120 coupled to a
`power button 130, an input/output device 140, a network interface 150, a
`storage device 160, an authentication application 170, and a communication
`bus 175 for the machine 100 and/or one or more components of the machine
`100 to communicate with one another. In other embodiments, the machine 100
`includes additional components and/or is coupled to additional components in
`addition to and/or in lieu of those noted above and illustrated in Figure 1.
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`WO 2010/126504
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`As noted above, the machine 100 includes a processor 110. The
`processor 110 receives and executes instructions for various components
`and/or applications of the machine 100, such as a fingerprint scanner 120 and
`an authentication application 170. A fingerprint scanner 120 is an optical device
`that scans an image of a user's fingerprint when the fingerprint scanner detects
`the user. In one embodiment, the fingerprint scanner 120 is disposed on an
`exterior of the machine 100, such as a lid of a laptop. In one embodiment, the
`fingerprint scanner 120 detects a user when the user touches or presses the
`fingerprint scanner 120 with a finger. In other embodiments, the fingerprint
`scanner 120 detects the user when the user's finger is within proximity of the
`fingerprint scanner 120. Additionally, the fingerprint scanner 120 is coupled to at
`least one power source (Figure 2) on the machine 100 and receives power while
`the machine 100 is powered off.
`For the purposes of this application, the machine 100 is powered on
`when a BIOS and an operating system of the machine 100 have been loaded.
`Additionally, powering on the machine 100 is a process that includes, but is not
`limited to, loading the BIOS and the operating system on the machine 100.
`Once the operating system has finished loading, the process of powering on the
`machine 100 is complete and the machine 100 is powered on. Additionally, the
`machine 100 is powered off when the machine 100 is not powered on and is not
`in the process of powering on. While the machine 100 is powered off, the
`fingerprint scanner 120 receives power while other components of the machine
`100 do not receive power.
`[0016] When a user touches the fingerprint scanner 120 with a finger, an
`optical device on the fingerprint scanner 120 begins to scan an image of the
`user's fingerprint. Further, when the fingerprint scanner 120 has finished
`scanning the user's fingerprint, a user fingerprint image 180 is created and
`stored as an image file. In one embodiment, the user fingerprint image 180 is
`stored on an image memory 195 included in the fingerprint scanner 120. In
`another embodiment, the user fingerprint image 180 is stored on a storage
`device 160 accessible to the machine 100. The image memory 195 is memory
`directly coupled to and included in the fingerprint scanner 120. In some
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`WO 2010/126504
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`embodiments, the image memory 195 is a part of the fingerprint scanner 120.
`The image memory 195 is configured to store the user fingerprint image 180.
`In other embodiments, the image memory 195 is further configured to
`contain stored fingerprints 190. The machine 100 compares the user fingerprint
`image 180 with the stored fingerprints 190 during a user authentication process.
`As illustrated in Figure 1, the fingerprint scanner 120 is coupled on a power
`button 130 included in the machine 100. As shown in Figure 1, in one
`embodiment, the power button 130 is coupled below the fingerprint scanner
`120. As a result, the fingerprint scanner 120 overlaps the power button 130.
`Additionally, the fingerprint scanner 120 includes a sensor. The
`sensor is included in the fingerprint scanner 120 and used by the fingerprint
`scanner 120 when detecting a user. In one embodiment, the sensor is a touch
`sensitive device that will detect a user for the fingerprint scanner 120 when the
`user touches or presses the fingerprint scanner 120 with a finger. In other
`embodiments, the sensor is a proximity device that detects a user for the
`fingerprint scanner 120 when the user's finger is within proximity of the
`fingerprint scanner 120. Additionally, as shown in Figure 1, the power button
`130 is coupled on the fingerprint scanner 120. The power button 130 is
`operationally coupled to a switch on the machine 100 that sends an instruction
`for the machine 100 to begin powering on when it receives a signal from the
`fingerprint scanner 120.
`In one embodiment, when the fingerprint scanner 120 detects a user,
`the fingerprint scanner 120 sends a signal to the power button 130 on the
`machine 100. The fingerprint scanner 120 will begin to scan the user's
`fingerprint and store it as a user fingerprint image 180. Additionally, when the
`power button 130 receives the signal from the fingerprint scanner 120, the
`machine 100 will also begin powering on. As a result, the machine 100 is
`powered on in response to the fingerprint scanner 120 detecting a user.
`Additionally, the machine 100 will concurrently be powering on while the
`fingerprint scanner 120 is scanning the user's fingerprint.
`The BIOS is a basic input/output system that initializes and controls
`hardware components and an operating system of the machine 100. The BIOS
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`WO 2010/126504
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`loads the operating system while the machine 100 is powering on and is stored
`on a storage device 160 accessible the machine 100. In one embodiment, the
`storage device 160 is included in the machine 100. In other embodiments, the
`storage device 160 is external and accessible to the machine 100. In one
`embodiment, the BIOS is stored in an embedded memory, included in the
`storage device 160.
`An operating system acts as an interface between the user and the
`components of the machine 100. In one embodiment, the operating system is
`stored in the storage device 160. Additionally, the operating system includes
`user accounts that a user accesses once the machine 100 authenticates the
`user. A user is authenticated when the user has verified an identity w ith the
`operating system. In one embodiment, the user verifies an identity through the
`fingerprint scanner 120. As noted above, the fingerprint scanner 120 scans a
`user fingerprint of the user and creates a user fingerprint image 180. The user
`fingerprint image 180 is a digital image of the user's fingerprint that the
`fingerprint scanner 120 scans. Additionally, an authentication application 170 on
`the machine 100 compares the user fingerprint image 180 to stored fingerprint
`data 190 on the machine 100 in order to authenticate the user.
`The stored fingerprint 190 is digital information of user fingerprints
`that the machine recognizes. In one embodiment, the stored fingerprints 190
`are characteristics of the user fingerprints that are stored as data, such as
`corresponding specific points or portions in the user fingerprints that is distinct
`from other fingerprints. In other embodiments, the stored fingerprints 190 are
`digital fingerprint images of user fingerprints that the machine 100 recognizes. In
`one embodiment, the user fingerprint image 180 and the stored fingerprints 190
`are stored in the storage device 160 on the machine 100. In another
`embodiment, the user fingerprint image 180 and the stored fingerprints 190 are
`stored in an image memory 195. In other embodiments, the user fingerprint
`image 180 is stored in the image memory 195 and the stored fingerprints 190
`are stored on the storage device 160.
`The stored fingerprints 190 are created by users scanning their
`fingerprints with the fingerprint scanner 120 and registering their corresponding
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`stored fingerprints 190 with user accounts in the operating system of the
`machine 100. In other embodiments, the stored fingerprints 190 are
`downloaded from additional devices through a network interface 150 and/or an
`input/output device 140 on the machine 100. In one embodiment, the network
`interface 150 is a wired or wireless network interface card. Additionally, in one
`embodiment, the input/output device 140 is a USB drive or an infra red device.
`As noted above, the fingerprint scanner 120 will scan the user's
`fingerprint and store a user fingerprint image 180 on the image memory 195 or
`the storage device 160. Once the user fingerprint image 180 has been scanned
`and stored, an authentication application 170 attempts to authenticate the user
`by comparing the user fingerprint image 180 to the stored fingerprints 190 and
`scanning for a match. The authentication application 170 is an application that
`accesses the user fingerprint image 180 stored in the image memory 195 or the
`storage device 160 and compares the user fingerprint image 180 to stored
`fingerprints 190. Additionally, the authentication application 170 scans the
`stored fingerprints 190 to determine whether one of the stored fingerprints 190
`match the user fingerprint image 180. In one embodiment, the stored
`fingerprints 190 are stored fingerprint images, as a result, the authentication
`application 170 scans the stored fingerprint images to determine whether one of
`the stored fingerprint images match the user fingerprint image 180.
`In one embodiment, the authentication application 170 scans the
`stored fingerprints 190 for a fingerprint that matches the user fingerprint image
`180 as soon as the fingerprint scanner 120 has finished scanning and storing
`the user fingerprint image 180 and while the machine 100 is powering on . In
`other embodiments, the authentication application 170 scans the stored
`fingerprints 190 for a fingerprint image that matches the user fingerprint image
`180 after the machine 100 is powered on.
`In one embodiment, the authentication application 170 is firmware
`that is embedded onto the fingerprint scanner 120. In other embodiments, the
`authentication application 170 is a software application stored on the machine
`100 within ROM or on the storage device 160 accessible by the machine 100 or
`the authentication application 170 is stored on a computer readable medium
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`readable and accessible by the machine 100 and/or the fingerprint scanner 120
`from a different location. The authentication application 170 communicates with
`devices and/or components coupled to the machine 100 physically or wirelessly
`through a communication bus 175 included in or attached to the machine 100.
`In one embodiment the communication bus 175 is a memory bus. In other
`embodiments, the communication bus 175 is a data bus.
`The authentication application 170 compares the user fingerprint
`image 180 to the stored fingerprints 190 one by one and determines whether
`the user fingerprint image 180 matches any of the stored fingerprints 190. If one
`of the stored fingerprints 190 matches the user fingerprint image 180, the
`authentication application 170 sends an instruction to the operating system of
`the machine 100 to authenticate the user. In some embodiments, when the user
`has been authenticated, a locking mechanism (Figure 2, 4, 5) is also configured
`to unlock. In other embodiments, the locking mechanism is configured to
`concurrently unlock while the machine 100 is powering on. In one embodiment,
`the locking mechanism is a device that is configured to lock or unlock for
`permitting or restricting the opening of a lid of a notebook, netbook, and/or
`personal computer.
`If the user fingerprint image 180 does not match one of the stored
`fingerprints 190, the authentication application 170 sends an instruction for the
`fingerprint scanner 120 to scan the user's fingerprint again . In one embodiment,
`the authentication application 170 also sends an instruction to a status indicator
`(Figure 2, 4, 5) on the machine 100 to output an error message when the user
`fingerprint image 180 does not match one of the stored fingerprints 190. In other
`embodiments, the authentication application 170 additionally sends an
`instruction for the locking mechanism (Figure 2, 4, 5) to remain locked until the
`user has been authenticated.
`Figure 2 illustrates a device 200 having a fingerprint scanner 220 on
`a power button 230 and coupled to additional components according to an
`embodiment of the invention. As illustrated in Figure 2, the fingerprint scanner
`220 is on the power button 230 and overlaps the power button 230. In one
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`WO 2010/126504
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`embodiment, the fingerprint scanner 220 is also coupled to at least one power
`source 240, 250 and a processor 210. Additionally, as illustrated in Figure 2, the
`processor 210 is also coupled to a status indicator 290, a locking mechanism
`270, and a storage device 260. In other embodiments, the fingerprint scanner
`220 is coupled to additional components in addition to and/or in lieu of those
`noted above and illustrated in Figure 2. The components listed above are
`included in a machine 200, such as a personal computer or a laptop.
`As illustrated in Figure 2, the fingerprint scanner 220 is coupled to
`and receives power from the first power source 240 and/or the second power
`source 250. Further, the components (the processor 210, the status indicator
`290, the locking mechanism 270, and the storage device 260) of the machine
`200 are coupled to and receive power from the first power source 240. In one
`embodiment, the first power source 240 and the second power source 250 are
`power supplies and/or batteries that store and supply power to one or more
`components, such as the fingerprint scanner 220.
`As illustrated in Figure 2, in one embodiment, the fingerprint scanner
`220 is coupled to the first power source 240 and the first power source 240 is
`configured to supply power to the fingerprint scanner 220 while the machine 200
`is powered off. Although the fingerprint scanner 220 receives power from the
`first power source 240, the machine 200 and the other components of the
`machine 200 do not receive power and are powered off until the power button
`230 is activated. As a result, the fingerprint scanner 220 is active and continues
`to scan for and detects a user while the machine is powered off.
`Once the fingerprint scanner 220 has detected a user, as noted
`above, the fingerprint scanner 220 sends a signal to the power button 230 to
`begin powering on the machine 200 and the components of the machine 200.
`The power button 230 then sends an instruction to the first power source 240 to
`supply power to the machine 200 and the components (the processor 210, the
`status indicator 290, the locking mechanism 270, and the storage device 260)
`so as to begin powering on. Additionally, as illustrated in Figure 2, the fingerprint
`scanner 220 is coupled to a second power source 250. The second power
`source 250 is an additional power source that is configured to store and supply
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`power dedicated to the fingerprint scanner 220 while the machine 200 is
`powered off. As a result, by using the second power source 250 to supply power
`to the fingerprint scanner 220, the first power source 240 is not drained by
`supplying power to the fingerprint scanner 220 and the first power source 240
`can still provide power to the machine 200 and the components of the machine
`200 while powering on. In other embodiments, the fingerprint scanner 220 may
`be coupled to a single power source or multiple additional power sources in
`addition to and/or in lieu of those noted above and illustrated in Figure 2.
`As noted above, when the fingerprint scanner 220 detects a user, the
`fingerprint scanner 220 scans and stores a user fingerprint image 280 of the
`user. Once the user fingerprint image 280 has been stored, an authentication
`application compares the user fingerprint image 280 to stored fingerprints 285
`and scans for a match. As noted above, in one embodiment, the user fingerprint
`image 280 is stored on image memory 265 included in the fingerprint scanner
`220 and the stored fingerprints 285 are stored on a storage device 260. When a
`match is not found, in one embodiment, the authentication application will
`indicate to the processor 210 that authentication has failed. The processor 210
`then sends an instruction for the status indicator 290 to emit a signal indicating
`that authentication has failed.
`The status indicator 290 is a device that emits audio and/or visual
`signals to a user when a user fingerprint image 280 scanned by the fingerprint
`scanner 220 does not match any stored fingerprints 285. In another
`embodiment, the authentication application configures the status indicator 290
`through the processor 210 to prompt the user to rescan their fingerprint with the
`fingerprint scanner 220 when the authentication application has indicated that
`authentication has failed. In other embodiments, the status indicator 290 is
`configured to output a signal when the authentication application indicates that
`the user has been authenticated. In one embodiment, the status indicator 290 is
`an audio device such as a speaker that emits an auditory signal such as a voice
`prompt. In other embodiments, the status indicator 290 is a visual device such
`as a LED or a LCD that emits a visual signal and/or message to the user.
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`Additionally, as noted above, in one embodiment, a locking
`mechanism 270 is configured to unlock when the user has been authenticated,
`while the machine 200 is powering on, or when the machine 200 is powered on.
`A locking mechanism 270 is a device that restricts access to the machine 200.
`As illustrated in Figure 2, the locking mechanism 270 is coupled to the
`processor 210. In one embodiment, the processor 21 0 sends instructions to the
`locking mechanism 270 to remain locked when the authentication application
`indicates that authentication has failed . In another embodiment, the processor
`210 sends instructions to the locking mechanism 270 to unlock when the
`authentication application indicates that the user has been authenticated.
`Figure 3 illustrates a laptop 300 that is powered on when a fingerprint
`scanner (Figure 1, 2, 4, 5,) detects a user according to an embodiment of the
`invention. As noted above, in one embodiment, the machine is a laptop 300. As
`illustrated in Figure 3, the laptop 300 includes a display device 320 enclosed in
`a lid 330, a base 340, a hinge 350, and a locking mechanism 360. Additionally,
`as illustrated in Figure 3, input devices 370 such as a keyboard and a mouse
`track pad are positioned in the base 340.
`The display device 320 is a device that outputs still and/or moving
`images. In one embodiment, the display device 320 is a LCD screen, touch
`screen, and/or a monitor that displays text, images, and/or patterns. As
`illustrated in Figure 3, the display device 320 is coupled to and enclosed in the
`lid 330 of the laptop 300. The lid 330 is an enclosure that houses the display
`device 320 and other components of the laptop 300. In one embodiment, a
`composition of the lid 330 includes, but is not limited to, alloys, plastics, and/or a
`combination of the above. Additionally, as noted above, a fingerprint scanner,
`coupled on a power button, is disposed on an exterior of the lid 300 (Figure 4
`and 5) and is accessible when the laptop 300 is in a closed position. The laptop
`300 is in a closed position when a locking mechanism 360 on the laptop 300
`couples the lid 330 of the laptop 300 with the base 340 of the laptop 300. As
`illustrated in Figure 3, a portion of the locking mechanism 360 is coupled to the
`lid 330.
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`As noted above, the lid 330 is coupled to a base 340 of the laptop
`through a hinge 350. The hinge 350 of the laptop 300 is a component which
`couples the lid 330 to the base 340 and allows the lid 330 and/or the base 340
`to open, close, or reposition. The base 340 is an enclosure that houses input
`devices 370, such as a keyboard, a mouse track pad, and/or other additional
`components of the laptop 300. As illustrated in Figure 3, a portion of the locking
`mechanism 360 is coupled to the base 340.
`As noted above, in one embodiment, the locking mechanism 360 is a
`device that securely couples the lid 330 of the laptop 300 to the base 340 of the
`laptop 300 so as to restrict a user from accessing the laptop 300. As a result,
`access to the display device 320 is also restricted. In one embodiment, the
`locking mechanism 360 is a mechanical device. When the laptop 300 is closed
`and the lid 330 comes in contact with the base 340, the two portions of the
`locking mechanism 360 couples together and locks. The two portions of the
`locking mechanism 360 are configured to latch together and/or rotors from the
`two portions are configured to move or rotate into a locked position.
`Upon instruction from an authentication application and/or while the
`laptop 300 is powering on, the locking mechanism 360 is configured to unlock
`by releasing the latches and/or having the rotors move or rotate into an
`unlocked position. As a result, the portions of the locking mechanism 360 at the
`lid 330 and the base 340 are no longer latched and/or locked, and the laptop
`300 is accessible. As noted above, in one embodiment, the locking mechanism
`360 is configured to unlock when the authentication application authenticates
`the user or while the laptop 300 is powering on. As a result, by releasing the
`locking mechanism 360 in response to authentication of the user fingerprint
`image or while the machine is powering on, access to the display device 320 is
`also granted.
`In another embodiment, the locking mechanism 360 is an
`electromagnetic device and includes at least one magnet. In one embodiment,
`the lid 330 of the laptop 300 includes one magnet acting as part of the locking
`mechanism 360 and the base 340 of the laptop 300 includes an additional
`magnet acting as another part of the locking mechanism 360. The
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`electromagnetic locking mechanism 360 is a magnetic device that is configured
`to modify a polarity of at least one magnet upon instruction by the authentication
`application to remain in a locked or unlocked state.
`[0042] When the magnets on the lid 330 and base 340 come in contact, the
`magnets couple and attach to one another. Upon instruction from the
`authentication application when a user has been authenticated or while the
`machine is powering on, an electrical device coupled to at least one of the
`magnets is instructed by the authentication application to reverse a magnetic
`polarity. As a result, the magnets on the lid 330 and the base 340 will repel and
`the laptop 300 is accessible. Other suitable locking mechanisms may
`alternatively be employed.
`Figure 4 illustrates a fingerprint scanner 410 on a power 420 button
`and a status indicator 430 positioned on a lid 440 of a laptop 400 according to
`an embodiment of the invention. As shown in Figure 4, in one embodiment, the
`fingerprint scanner 410 and the power button 420 are disposed on the top of a
`lid 440 of the laptop 400 and are accessible to a user when the laptop 400 is
`closed. As noted above and illustrated if Figure 4, the laptop 400 is closed when
`the lid 440 of the laptop 400 is coupled to the base 450 of the laptop 400 with a
`locking mechanism 461 .
`Further, as shown in Figure 4, a status indicator 430 is further
`deposed on a lid of the laptop and is visible and/or audible to a user when the
`laptop 400 is closed. As a result, the user is able to view and/or hear the signals
`from the status indicator 430 if an authentication of the user has failed. In one
`embodiment, the status indicator 430 also emits an audio and/or video signal
`when a user has successfully been authenticated by the laptop 400.
`Figure 5 illustrates a fingerprint scanner 510 on a power button 520
`and a status indicator 530 positioned on a base 550 of a laptop 500 according
`to an embodiment of the invention. As illustrated in Figure 5, in one
`embodiment, the fingerprint scanner 510, coupled on the power button 520, is
`disposed on the side of the base 550 of the laptop 500. As a result, the
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`WO 2010/126504
`PCT/ US2009/042157
`fingerprint scanner 510 is accessible to a user from the side of the base 540 of
`the laptop 500 when the laptop 500 is closed. Additionally, as illustrated in
`Figure 5, the status indicator 530 is also disposed on the side of the base 550 of
`the laptop 500 and is positioned such that a user is able to view and/or hear the
`visual and/or audio signals produced from the status indicator 530 while the
`laptop 500 is closed.
`Figure 6 illustrates timelines of a fingerprint scanner scanning a
`fingerprint, a machine powering on, and a lid of the machine unlocking
`according to an embodiment of the invention. As noted above, in one
`embodiment, the fingerprint scanner detects a user when the user is touching
`the fingerprint scanner.
`As shown in Timeline 1 of Figure 6, in one embodiment, when a user
`initially touches a fingerprint scanner on a machine, the machine concurrently
`begins powering on while the fingerprint scanner begins to scan a user
`fingerprint of the user. As noted above, the fingerprint scanner is coupled on the
`power button. As a result, when a user is touching the fingerprint scanner, the
`user also is touching the power button. Additionally, as noted above, powering
`on the machine includes, loading a BIOS and an operating system on the
`machine. Once the operating system has finished loading, powering on the
`machine is complete and the machine is powered on.
`As illustrated i

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