`[11] Patent Number:
`United States Patent
`Falls et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Nov. 23, 1999
`1/1988 European Pat. Off.
`........ G06F 11/14
`8/1993 European Pat. Off.
`........ G06F 15/16
`3/1995 European Pat. Off.
`........ G05F 17/30
`7/1995 European Pat. Off.
`........ GO6F 17/30
`InVemorS Patfild‘ T- Falls> NeWbury> Brlan J-
`Colllns, New Malden; Stephen P. W.
`Draper, Basingstoke, all of United
`[73] Assignee: Novell, Inc., Provo, Utah
`[21] Appl. No”
`PCT Filed:
`Jul. 18, 1996
`PCT N05
`Jul. 3, 1997
`§ 371 Date:
`Jul. 3: 1997
`§ 102(6) Date:
`PCT Pub. No" W097/04389
`PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 6, 1997
`Related US. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/001,261, Jul. 20, 1995.
`...................................................... G06F 17/00
`Int. Cl.
`[52] US. Cl.
`....................... 707/202; 707/201; 395/182.1;
`[58] Fleld of Search .................................. 707/8, 10, 201,
`707/203, 200, 202; 395/180, 182.1, 182.13
`Advance Program—Second Workshop on the Management
`of Replicated Data (WMRD—II), Nov. 12—13, 1992, pp. 1—2.
`“Application—Aware Adaptation for Mobile Computing”,
`M. Satyanarayanan et al., ACM SIGOS Operating Systems
`Review 29.1 , 1995, pp. 52—55.
`“Architecture of the Ficus Scalable Replicated File System”,
`T. Page, Jr., Computer Science Department Technical Report
`iJnligersity Of California At Los Angeles, Mar. 1991, pp.
`“Coda: A Highly Available file System for a Distributed
`Workstation Environment”, M. Satyanarayanan et al., IEEE
`Transactions 0n Computers, vol. 39 No. 4 Apr. 1990, pp.
`“Coding for Compression in Full—Text Retrieval Systems”,
`A. Moffat et al., IEEE DCC Data Compression Conference,
`1992, PP- 72—81~
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner—Paul V. Kulik
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Computer Law
`A method and apparatus are disclosed for synchronizing
`transactions in a disconnectable network. Each transaction
`mellldes Operanons that we?“ performed on a database
`replica on one computer While that computer was discon-
`nected from another computer and hence from that other
`computer’s replica. Transaction synchronization, which
`occurs after the computers are reconnected, transfers infor-
`man?“ mm 6“ comp“ far 0
`e 0 6? comp“ er 3}“
`applies updates to both replicas as appropriate. Transaction
`logs and clash handling tools may be used with the inven-
`References Clted
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`34 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
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`US. Patent
`N0V.23, 1999
`Sheet 1 0f4
`L— D2016,28EE
`: O 3l
`w z
`x c
`US. Patent
`Nov. 23, 1999
`Sheet 2 0f 4
`US. Patent
`N0V.23, 1999
`Sheet 3 0f4
`FIG. 3
`US. Patent
`N0V.23, 1999
`Sheet 4 0f 4
`FIG. 4
`This application is a 371 of PCT/US96/11901 filed Jul.
`18, 1996. This case claims benefit of provisional application
`Ser. No. 60/001261 filed Jul. 20, 1995.
`The present invention relates to the synchronization of
`transactions performed on separated disconnectable
`computers, such as transactions performed on a mobile
`computer and on a computer network while the mobile
`computer and the network are disconnected, or transactions
`performed on separate server computers in a network. More
`particularly, the present invention relates to the synchroni-
`zation of transactions when the separate computers are
`It is often convenient, and sometimes essential, to carry a
`computer and selected data while traveling. It may also be
`convenient or essential to access a computer network using
`a “mobile computer” such as a laptop, palmtop, notebook, or
`personal digital assistant. However, different types of mobile
`computing make very different assumptions about the use
`and availability of computer networks.
`Some mobile computers are not ordinarily connected to a
`computer network. Like their non-traveling “stand-alone”
`counterparts, such “walk-alone” computers cannot be con-
`nected to a network unless significant hardware or software
`modifications are made to them or to the network.
`“Mobile-link” portable computers are typically connected
`to a computer network and attempt (with varying degrees of
`success) to maintain that network connection during mobile
`use through a wireless link. Typical wireless links use radio
`waves or infrared light as carriers. Mobile-link computers
`can be used in a walk-alone mode if the network connection
`is lost. However, mobile-link systems provide few or no
`automatic facilities to synchronize the mobile-link computer
`with the network when the connection is re-established.
`“Disconnectable” computers include portable computers
`that operate in either a walk-alone or a mobile-link mode and
`provide significant automated facilities for synchronizing
`operations performed on the mobile computer with opera-
`tions performed on the network. Disconnectable computers
`need not be portable. For instance, separate server comput-
`ers in a wide-area network (WAN) or other network that are
`connected to one another only sporadically or at intervals
`may be disconnectable computers.
`Unfortunately, conventional disconnectable computers
`still rely routinely on manually directed file copying to select
`the data that will be used in the field. Moreover, conven-
`tional disconnectable computer systems are not easily
`extended to support a variety of database formats, and they
`do not properly handle the situation in which changes to the
`“same” data are made on both the portable computer and on
`a network computer during disconnected operation.
`For instance, the Coda File System (“Coda”) is a client-
`server system that provides limited support for disconnect-
`able operation. To prepare for disconnection, a user may
`hoard data in a client cache by providing a prioritized list of
`files. On disconnection, two copies of each cached file exist:
`the original stored on the server, and a duplicate stored in the
`disconnected client’s cache. The user may alter the duplicate
`file, making it
`inconsistent with the server copy. Upon
`reconnection, this inconsistency may be detected by com-
`paring timestamps.
`However, the inconsistency is detected only if an attempt
`is made to access one of the copies of the file. The Coda
`system also assumes that the version stored in the client’s
`cache is the correct version, so situations in which both the
`original and the duplicate were altered are not properly
`handled. Moreover, the Coda synchronization mechanism is
`specifically tailored, not merely to file systems, but to a
`particular file system (a descendant of the Andrew File
`System). Coda provides no solution to the more general
`problem of synchronizing transactions in a distributed data-
`base that can include objects other than file and directory
`Some approaches to distributed database replication are
`not directed to mobile computing per se but do attempt to
`ensure consistency between widely separated replicas that
`collectively form the database. Examples include, without
`limitation, the replication subsystem in Lotus Notes and the
`partition synchronization subsystem in Novell NetWare®
`4.1 (LOTUS NOTES is a trademark of International Busi-
`ness Machines, Inc. and NETWARE is a registered trade-
`mark of Novell, Inc.).
`However, some of these approaches to replication are not
`transactional. A transaction is a sequence of one or more
`operations which are applied to a replica on an all-or-nothing
`basis. Non-transactional approaches may allow partially
`completed update operations to create inconsistent internal
`states in network nodes. Non-transactional approaches may
`also require a synchronization time period that depends
`directly on the total number of files, directories, or other
`objects in the replica. This seriously degrades the perfor-
`mance of such approaches when the network connection
`used for synchronization is relatively slow, as many modem
`or WAN links are.
`Moreover, in some conventional approaches potentially
`conflicting changes to a given set of data are handled by
`simply applying the most recent change and discarding the
`others. Another drawback of several conventional
`approaches to replication is the requirement they impose that
`either or both computer systems be locked out of use while
`the replicas are being synchronized.
`Another drawback of conventional disconnected comput-
`ing approaches is that the location of data on the mobile
`computer does not always correspond to its location on the
`network computer. Files may be located in one subdirectory
`or on one drive during connected operation and in another
`subdirectory or on another drive during disconnected opera-
`tion. Thus, the mobile computer does not present the same
`view of the network when it is disconnected as it does when
`connected to the network. In addition to creating a risk of
`confusion and conflicting file versions, these conventional
`approaches require users to repeatedly reconfigure applica-
`tion programs to look for data in different locations.
`Thus, it would be an advancement in the art to provide a
`system and method for properly synchronizing transactions
`when a disconnectable computer is reconnected to a net-
`It would be an additional advancement to provide such a
`system and method which identify potentially conflicting
`database changes and allow their resolution by either auto-
`matic or manual means.
`It would also be an advancement to provide such a system
`and method which are not limited to file system operations
`but can instead be extended to support a variety of database
`It would be an additional advancement to provide such a
`system and method which do not require a synchronization
`time period that depends directly on the total number of files,
`directories, or other objects in the replica.
`It would be a further advancement to provide such a
`system and method which do not lock either the mobile
`computer or the network computers during synchronization.
`It would be an additional advancement to provide such a
`system and method which present consistent file locations
`regardless of whether the mobile computer is connected to
`the network.
`Such a system and method are disclosed and claimed
`The present
`invention provides a system and method
`which facilitate disconnected mobile computing in several
`ways. Prior to disconnection, the invention allows network
`administrators or users to readily select data that should be
`copied from a network to a mobile computer by simply
`identifying one or more target database subtrees. During
`disconnected operation of the mobile computer, the inven-
`tion presents the user with a “virtual networ ” environment
`that is consistent in use and appearance with the selected
`portion of the actual network.
`Finally, upon reconnection of the mobile computer to the
`network, the invention synchronizes operations performed
`on the mobile computer during the disconnected interval
`with operations performed on the network during that inter-
`val. Synchronization is both substantially automatic and
`transactional, so minimal user intervention is needed and
`inconsistent internal states are avoided. Moreover, synchro-
`nization does not routinely discard any of the changes made
`on either the network or the mobile computer.
`One embodiment of a system according to the present
`invention includes at least two computers capable of being
`connected by a network link. One computer will act as the
`mobile computer, while the other acts as the network. Of
`course, the network may also include more than one com-
`puter after the mobile computer is disconnected. Suitable
`mobile computers include laptops, palmtops, notebooks, and
`personal digital assistants. Suitable network computers
`include additional mobile computers as well as desktop,
`tower, workstation, micro-, mini-, and mainframe comput-
`ers. Suitable network links include packet-based, serial,
`local area, metropolitan area, wide
`area, and wireless network links.
`Each of the computers includes a non-volatile storage
`device such as a magnetic or optical disk or disk array.
`Initially, the storage device on the network computer con-
`least a portion of a target database. The target
`tains at
`database includes file descriptors, directory descriptors,
`directory services objects, printer jobs, or other objects. The
`target database is a distributed database whose entries may
`be kept in one or more replicas on different computers.
`Each replica of the target database contains at least some
`of the same variables or records as the other replicas, but
`different replicas may temporarily contain different values
`for the same variable or record. Such inconsistencies are
`temporary because changes in value are propagated through-
`out the replicas by the invention. Thus, if the changes to a
`particular variable or record are infrequent relative to the
`propagation delay, then