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`MEET 12.002
`DYE, Thomas
`First Inventor
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`Michael A. Kerr
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`Signature Date|November9, 2012/Michael A. Kerr/
`Michael A. Kerr
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 2 of 416
`Attomey Docket Number 5757-00601
`As a below namedinventor, I hereby declare that:
`Myresidence,post office address, and citizenship are as stated below next to my name.
`I believe I am theoriginal, first and sole inventor(if only one nameis listed below) or an original, first and
`joint inventor (if plural names are listed below) of the subject matter which is claimed and for which a patentis
`INTERNET NETWORKS,”the specification of which:
`(] is attached hereto.
`(1 wasfiled on March 9, 2004 as Application Serial No. 10/796,560
`and was amended on
`(if applicable).
`I hereby state that I have reviewed and understand the contents of the above-identified specification,
`including the claims, as amended by any amendmentreferred to above.
`I acknowledge the duty to disclose to the Patent and Trademark Office all information known to me to be
`material to patentability of the subject matter claimed in this application, as “materiality” is defined in 37 CFR. §
`T hereby claim foreign priority benefits under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or § 365(b) of any foreign
`application(s) for patent or inventor's certificate listed below, or under § 365(a) of any PCT international application
`listed below designating at least one country other than the United States of America, and have identified below any
`foreign application for patent or inventor's certificate, or of any PCT international application, having a filing date
`before that of the application on which priority is claimed.
`Cert. copy
`Filing Date
`Prior Foreign Application No.
`(mm/dd/yy) Claimed=Attached
`I hereby claim the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119(€) of any United States provisional application(s) listed
`Provisional Application No.
`60/453 ,307
`Filing Date
`I hereby claim the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 120 of any United States application(s) listed below, or under
`§ 365(c) of any PCTinternational application listed below designating the United States of America, and, insofar as
`the subject matter of each of the claims of this application is not disclosed in the prior United States or PCT
`international application in the manner provided by the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112, I acknowledge the duty to
`disclose all information known to me to be material to the patentability of the subject matter claimed in this
`application, as “materiality” is defined in 37 C.F.R. § 1.56, which became available between the filing date of the
`prior application and the national or PCT internationalfiling date of this application.
`Parent Application No.
`Filing Date
`Parent Patent No. (if applicable) or Status
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 3 of 416
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 3 of 416
`Attorney Docket Number 5757-00601
`I hereby revoke any previous Powers of Attorney and appoint Jeffrey C. Hood, Reg. No. 35,198; B. Noél
`Kivlin, Reg. No. 33,929; Robert C. Kowert Reg, No. 39,255; Eric B. Meyertons, Reg. No. 34,876; Mark S.
`Williams, Reg. No. 50,658; and Mark K. Brightwell, Reg. No. 47,446; with full power of substitution and
`tevocation, to prosecute the application, to makealterations and amendments therein, to transactall business in the
`Patent and Trademark Office in connection therewith, and to receive the Letters Patent.
`Please direct all communications to:
`Jeffrey C. Hood
`Meyertons Hood Kivlin Kowert & Goetzel PC
`P.O. Box 398
`Austin, Texas 78767-0398
`Phone: (512) 853-8800
`I hereby declare thatall statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and thatall statements made
`herein on information and belief are believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under
`18 U.S.C. § 1001 and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent
`issued thereon.
`Inventor's Full Name:
`Thomas A. Dye
`Inventor'sSignature: LL>‘ Date:Gp5pBY
`City and State (or Foreign Country) of Residence:
`Austin, TX
`Post Office and Residence Address:
`6621 Candle Ridge Cove, Austin, TX 78731
`(Include number, street name,city, state and zip code)
`Inventor's Full Name:
`Thomas A, Dundon
`Inventor's Signature:
`City and State (or Foreign Country) of Residence:
`Austin, TX
`Post Office and Residence Address:
`3505 Eldorado Tr., Austin, TX 78739
`(include number,street name,city, state and zip code)
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 4 of 416
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 4 of 416
`Attorney Docket Number 5757-00601
`] hereby revoke any previous Powers of Attorney and appoint Jeffrey C. Hood, Reg. No. 35,198; B. Noél
`Kivlin, Reg. No. 33,929; Robert C. Kowert Reg. No. 39,255; Eric B. Meyertons, Reg. No. 34,876; Mark S.
`Williams, Reg. No. 50,658; and Mark K. Brightwell, Reg. No. 47,446; with full power of substitution and
`revocation, to prosecute the application, to make alterations and amendments therein, to transact all business in the
`Patent and Trademark Office in connection therewith, and to receive the Letters Patent.
`Please direct all communications to:
`Jeffrey C. Hood
`Meyertons Hood Kivlin Kowert & Goetzel PC
`P.O. Box 398
`Austin, Texas 78767-0398
`Phone: (512) 853-8800
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledgeare true and thatall statements made
`herein on information and belief are believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under
`18 U.S.C. § 1001 and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent
`issued thereon.
`Inventor's Full Name:
`Inventor's Signature:
`Thomas A. Dye
`Cityand State (or Foreign Country) of Residence:
`Austin, TX
`Post Office and Residence Address:
`6621 Candle Ridge Cove, Austin, TX 78731
`(Include number, street name, city, state and zip code)
`Inventor's Full Name:
`Thomas A. Dundon
`oSinh,ms sK }‘nolo -
`Austin, TX
`City and State (or Foreign Country) of Residence:
`2. Aepc
`Post Office and Residence Address:
`3505 Eldorado Tr., Austin, TX 78739
`(Include number,street name,city, state and zip code)
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 5 of 416
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 5 of 416
`) an
`B\e a
`aN 9
`i.e. Ethemet
`(Prior Art)
`FIG. 1
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 6 of 416
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 8 of 416
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 8 of 416
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`Remote Speaker
`; VPN Network||401
`Remote Mic
`Transport 461
`VPN Network
`Transport 461
`for A/V Clients
`Remote Transport Output
`Remote A/V Clients
`we wenn enceeeeeeneeeeee enn eeen nnporesecentceerpocccacestccna cssntenpercseties
`VPN Network
`VPN Network
`Remote Client/Moderator boundary 510
`Transport 464
`Transport 464
`(3 452
`es, =
`Audio Encoder
` 552
`Local Mic
`Local ModeratorClient
`Conference Audio Output
`Remote Clients L_Decoderns2|
`Moderator Audio Input
`Audio Mixer[Decodernst|532
`Local Speaker Output 564
`Decoder (n)
`Local Speaker
`Le 527Remote mixed Audio
`Te) (C0) abe) 208Sandann
`,~~[~Moderator VoIP Mixer 569
`Boundary 566
`Moderator VoIP|VolP Encoder VoIP Decoder Audio Mixer 534
`Mixer 568
`Local Client VoIP
`VPN Network Transport 461
`Boundary 520 2
`aoon-ne------ 28...Fm ann ny nn nn nn nnn nnn enen eee nn eee
`VoIP Server(H.323) 409
`Te -*
`Whee a ge
`<intemet interfaces 435
`[PSTNTranspot433 O(c ttsi—‘—sSOSSSCSS
`(3 ¢—4
`PSTN Client
`FIG. 6
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 11 of 416
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 11 of 416
`Priority Claim
`This application claims benefit of priority of U.S. provisional application Serial No.
`March 10, 2003, whoseinventors are Thomas A. Dye and Tom Dundon which is hereby
`incorporated by referencein its entirety.
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to computer system architectures and more
`particularly to audio and video telecommunications for collaboration over hybrid
`Description of the Related Art
`Since their introduction in the early 1980's, audio/video conferencing systems
`("video conferencing systems") have enabled users to communicate between remote
`sites using telephone lines based on dedicated or switched networks. Recently,
`technology and products to achieve the same overInternet Protocol have been
`attempted. Many such systems have emerged on the marketplace. Such systems
`produce low-frame-rate and low quality communications due to the unpredictable nature
`of the Internet. Such connections have been known to produce long latencies with
`limited bandwidth, resulting in jerky video, dropped audio and lossoflip sync.
`Therefore, most video conferencing solutions have relied on dedicated switched
`networks such as T1/T3, ISDN or ATM. These systems have the disadvantage of higher
`cost and complexity and a lack of flexibility due largely to interoperability issues and
`higher costclient equipment. High costs are typically related to expensive conferencing
`hardware and dedicated pay-per-minute communications usage. Most often these
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 12 of 416
`dedicated communications circuits are switched circuits which use a fixed bandwidth
`In most prior art systems the public switched telephone network (PSTN) is used
`to transfer audio during conferencing and collaboration with remote parties. It is known
`that quality of audio reception is poor overtypical prior art Internet protocol (IP)
`systems. Prior art audio/video conferencing systems which use IP networks for audio
`and video transport lack the ability to terminate audio to client end systems through both
`PSTN and IP networks. Thus, it is desirable to achieve a hybrid mix of audio and video
`data over PSTN and IP based audio/video conferencing to achieve full duplex real-time
`operation for all conference participants.
`Modem voice over IP telephony systems have used the H.323 standard from the
`international telecommunications union (1TU). The H.323 standard focuses on the
`transmission of audio and video information through the Internet or switched private
`networks. Figure 1 illustrates a prior art H.323 system. The block diagram of Figure 1
`includes a number of major components, including the general Internet 435, Internet
`H.323 bridges or gateways 411, telecommunications PSTN 433 (Public Switched
`Telephone Network), wireless and land-line phone handsets 412/413, standard Internet
`router 453, an optional gatekeeper 205, a multipoint control unit 203, a standard local
`area network 457, a voice over IP server running the H.323 protocol 201, and multiple
`I/O and display terminals 455. Figure 1
`is an example of the prior art conferencing
`system used between hybrid networks connecting the PSTN and Internet. Hybrid
`networks are used to communicate audio on internal LAN and W AN networksas well
`as transfer of audio to the existing telephone or PSTN network. While the H.323
`recommendation allows for video conferencing, the prior art systems use private
`switched networksto establish transport that require expensive H.323 bridges between
`dedicated networks and the PSTN. Each of the componentsin Figure 3 servesthis
`purpose to achieve audio telecommunications between multiple parties.
`Referring again to Figure 1, the components of Figure 1 are interconnected as
`follows. Prior art technology uses PC or client terminals 455 connected through a local
`area network 457 to either a data server or a specialized audio/video server 201. The
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. / Page 13 of 416
`network server 201 contains the application necessary to generate the H.323 network
`protocol. The data server 201 may be connected to a local gatekeeper 205 thatis
`responsible for management control functions. As known the gatekeeper 205is
`responsible for various duties such as admission control, status determination, and
`bandwidth management. Data server 201 functions are specified and handled through
`the ITU-H.225.0RAS recommendations. In addition, management control unit (MCU)
`203 is connected to the data server 201. The multipoint control unit of a 203 is required
`by the eight-step ITU- 5 H.323 recommendation for flexibility to negotiate end points and
`determine compatible setups for any conference media correspondents. The multipoint
`control unit 203 enables communication between three or more end points. Similar to a
`multipoint bridge, the gatekeeper 205 and the multipoint control unit 203 are optional
`componentsof the H.323 enabled network. Anotheruseful job of the multipoint control
`unit 203 is to determine whether to unicast or multicast the aucio or video streams. As
`known by one skilled in the art, these decisions are dependent on the capability of the
`underlying network and the topology of the multipoint conference. The multipoint control
`unit 203 determines the capabilities of each client tennina1455 and status each of
`media stream.
`Again referring to Figure 1 a standard networkrouter 453 is connected between
`the local area network 457 and the Internet 435. At the outer edges of the Internet,
`"points of presence" are located at multiple end-point or call termination sites. Gateways
`411 are used to the transcode the H.323 network information onto the PSTN 433.
`Standard telephone handsets 413 or wireless phones 412 are connected to the PSTN
`telephony system.
`Figure 2 illustrates the embodiment of the H.323 protocol stack 200, its
`components and their interfaces to the local area network computers at the network
`interface 300. The input and control devices 455 along with a local area network 457 of
`Figure 1 are shownin Figure 2, consisting of the audio input output block 452, the video
`input and output block 451, the system control unit and data collaboration unit 459.
`Theseinput devices are largely responsible for the delivery of media data to the H.323
`protocol stack 200 shownin Figure 2.
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`Again referring to Figure 2 the sub blocksof functionality that make up the H.323
`protocol stack 200 is described. The H.323 protocol stack consists ofan audio codec
`211, a video CoDec 213 connected to the audio/video 452 451 input and output blocks.
`The audio and video CoDecs are responsible for compression and decompression of
`the audio and video sources. The real-time network protocol component215 is
`connected to the audio video CoDecsand is also responsible for preparation of the
`media data for transport according to the RTP (real-time protocol) recommendations.
`Again referring to the prior art system of Figure 2, the H.323 protocol stack has a
`system control unit 459 which connects to multiple control blocks within the H.323
`protocol stack 200. The system control unit connects to the RTC Protocol block 217 for
`real-time transport of the control information used to set-up and tear downthe
`conference. The system control unit 459 also connects to the call-signaling units 221
`and 219 for call signaling protocols and media stream packetization application used for
`packet based multimedia communications. The system control unit 459 also connects to
`the control signaling block 223 used for control of protocols for multimedia
`communications. Lastly, the H.323 recommendation defines a data collaboration
`capability as known and outlined in the T.120 data collaboration unit 225.
`All of the defined blocks make up the H.323 protocol network interface to the
`Transport protocol and networkinterface unit 300 for transport of data through the
`modem or router 453 to the Internet 435.
`Summaryofthe Invention
`The present invention comprises various embodiments which enable audio from
`standard and wireless telephones systems to be mixed with audio, video and
`collaboration data resident in IP networksin preparation for transport, preferably over a
`novel multicasting technique using virtual private networks. In one embodiment, audio
`data terminating or originating from the PSTN may be multiplexed into openor private
`IP networksfor efficient transport to multiple local or remote client computers. This
`allows video and audio collaboration clients to talk with remote telephony devices during
`the processof Multiparty audio/video conferencing.
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`In an alternate embodiment, without video conferencing, the method may use
`public networksto transport a multicast enabled IP audio stream during multi-party
`audio conferencing without the need for a conventional audio bridge device. Audio data
`is transported in a hybrid network comprising the PSTN and IP network.In this
`embodiment, a localclient initiates a call to the remote telephone or wireless telephony
`device from a local dial-out application located preferably on the clients' computer. Call
`set-up is initiated as a series of control packet data transfers to a Voice-over-IP (VoIP)
`server or PSTN gateway located at some predetermined Internet address on the world-
`wide-web. Control data packets are transported to the VoIP server via a sec1|:fe
`multicast enabled virtual private network. The local client computer compresses the
`audio data prior to transport to the VoIP server. The VoIP Server uses standard ITU-T,
`H.323 or SIP audio telephony transport protocol on the primary network connection
`protocol in preparation for entry to the secondary PSTN. The H.323 or SIP call
`instantiation is a protocol completed by the VoIP server which requests further transport
`of the digitized audio stream through a gatewayto the public PSTN. In this embodiment,
`the majority of the audio data in transport overvirtual private tunnels is multicast
`enabled such that the final termination or origination points are geographically close to
`the local or remote client computers. Once the proprietary data packets are handed off
`to the VoIP server or remote PSTN gateway, the invention ensures that standard
`protocols such as H.323 or SIP are used to further process for audio call set-up, tear-
`down and transport as know by those knowledgeable in the art.
`The H.323 or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) are used for call set-up of the
`network connections between the Hybrid networks and the remote telephone(s)
`(PSTN). Once IP network to PSTNcall connection is established, compressed digitized
`audio packet data is grouped into multicast packets and encapsulated for traversal
`through the openInternet. Transport between the remote PSTN client (Callee) and the
`Local (Caller) is accomplished with full duplex audio betweenall audio and video
`participants within the conference. In one embodiment, compression may be
`accomplished with a standard audio CoDec suchas that specified in the ITV-T G.729
`recommendation or with a proprietary audio CoDec as know in the art. Thus, audio data
`transcoders at the VoIP server may be used to match the expected audio decoders
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`located at the PSTN gateways. The unique process compressesthe "Callee" audio data
`at the local client computerprior to multicast transport to other remote clients and to the
`VoIP server. This process minimizes the transport bandwidth during the first mile
`connection to/from the Internet.
`In one embodiment, the method for adding a telephone participant to a
`multiparticipant video conference operatesas follows. A first message is sent to each of
`a plurality of multicast appliances overthe Internet, wherein the first message
`comprises a group address which identifies participants. Each of the multicast
`appliances receivesthe first message. A plurality of virtual private networks are then
`established across the Internet between the multicast appliances. As a result, one or
`more of the participants are able to communicatein the multi-participant video
`conference. The telephone participant then joins the multi-participant video conference
`wherein this comprisesa first participant contacting the telephone participant;
`establishing a phone number with a voIP server; the VoIP server communicating with a
`gatewayto call the telephone participant; and the telephone participant participating in
`the multi-participant video conference.
`In one embodiment, the telephone participant participates in the multi-participant
`video conference as follows: the telephone participant speaking in the video conference;
`generating digital voice data in response to the telephone participant speaking;
`transforming the digital voice data into IP packets; transmitting the IP packets containing
`the digital voice data to the first participant; at a computer system ofthe first participant,
`decoding the IP packets containing the digital voice data to producethe digital voice
`data; mixing the digital voice data of the telephone participant with digital voice data of
`the first participant; and providing the mixed digital voice data of the telephone
`participant and the first participant to the