
`Cree Exhibit 1014
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`. “IL.
`l .
`I! ..
`I I
`'0 .
`730 Messrs. o metaphrase
`Nlussrn. \'nIewanh I” "fun. (Au Jnnrk. Brown. and Ruhinsnn)
`more In MI-LNAIIE](I4I.')'
`mesfillflflh‘ \'mEh-WIh II {ME lr AF‘. prob. ulIer.
`tit OF nmmugv -
`messy \'Iue -\ ml; Iness-l-cr: -t‘.st (184.1}
`1 : marked hy Etlnlusll
`disorder. n
`rl : IINtIm' (II ~ room)
`2 :
`L‘Iting In:
`less. or preeI.
`.n'ou :
`III.tIvI-:NI.Y <~ thinking)
`extra-Indy I pleasant ur
`tr ' III (~- Immune)
`Inertsvi-ly \'me-n \ IIdr — muss-i-ness \'me-
`i mmnzu
`nIcs-li-zn \IIIc-'IttlE-2a\ II [Stu 1cm. ul HIt‘lllZG] lull
`15112.1 : u WUIIILlll wIIII
`-1.0 \-l.)2t‘i\ II. pl -309 [59. fr. muslin).
`lldf.. mixed, Ir. LL IIII
`(If IIII'IIx'I'I—I- III mix — more :It Mlx} {1582] : u
`lL‘llli lIIdIrIrI ancestry
`pet-sun III'IIIixL-d blon : rpm-11':
`It person 01' mixed Eurnpwn and Arm-r-
` '1‘ llllhwlll-
`rues. Ira-Ital
`1 Lot] {11162}: a .'l
`-l gunmen + preggurine
`'Illlcllt.‘ cltrngen CHUNG: uscrl
`III and
`met pun (rm! jlrlnl purl o) MEITI
` ‘Imung. wIIlI.
`Inem- IIr mel‘ flh‘jlx [NL .ll MI...
`I', mum unit-mg. with. an:
`InIIlI with. 036
`ll: occurring later than III
`«Iluccaslttll III: ultE‘t‘ (mrrcaII-us)
`IIiIItzttI-It lk'llll'll'l tIr heyutul (met
`pltulnn) (IIIIIIaenrpllII)
`or more highl
`organized Ln smcIaIm-d 1mm of (n11!h’l:ll)‘lt‘lll>
`I change :
`3 [metal
`: more cnnIprI-lteuIn‘IIc
`: transcending (IIIeIupsyulutlogy) — III: rt with th: nunu: of It If uiulirle
`lu Ilmaigllulu :1 new but [eluted Lll
`Iptinn design Id In due! uriI all)r with
`the Enigma] um: (Ntcmnutlllcmn
`.) 4
`subslnullun at
`or IJlIllIilL‘lr.‘
`- by Il‘l'u I'IIJ’SIIIUFIBI 'III the benzene rlugt ul tiresepnrtttcd
`W on: CIH'IIO alum (meta-xylene)
`: derived [mm by IIIIII.‘ (If water
`(nwlufilimphoriu tteid)
`metal: oI-I’r:
`' ‘I-IIM n ‘llll451 :
`I31. relating to. (If
`tum-d an
`matubnllsm ,, mel- -bo|-l-cu|- y \rll-le-NEW Ildu
`mu-luh-u-Iism \Inav
`bJ-.]l-zam\ It [[SV. It. Gk IIIeIrIlmlfi lungs. lr.
`nwruhnllrln to change.
`. ”ll'fl‘f’
`-l- bull-II" to throw 7 more n1 IJEV
`u I Tlll' sum (If the prm.
`last-I. III the buildup and clash-um
`of prIIInIIhIIIIII: Iperrll':
`IlIe cltrlnicnl changes in living calls by w
`prrwrdut In! Vlllll {trust-.555: autl artiwtiru :Ind new material 15
`IIIItn III the processes by which :I
`.‘lllllli'L‘ n bundled I'II llu: livtug burl}-
`IltI: .‘lllln ml the mctnbulic sic-
`Iit'lliex tnklng |I|ttce 'II'
`Irl'tuulnl' envirmllllenl
`(IIII- ..._ of II lake)
`.7 u.
`.IIxcd ‘
`Ihtrlutinn (linlornerabuh'rm)
`IIIe-tnb-n-Iltc \ .
`\ n (111M)
`product III metuhulifim
`. n anh-
`netuhnlic prone“
`nt‘c caucnliatl
`In the I'nctabntutm III a pnrliculnr organism or In II
`IlZE \~.1I‘z\ le vllzed; din-lug vIltflfl?) :
`to tuh‘ect In Int-lulu—
`gulls“ adj
`'Illl N III: In parlnrm mmubullmn , — nIe-fub-n-livrub e Mun-.tu-ba-
`metrical-Inn; In It Ittclflcilrflrll
`'mctn-eur-prll \.mc~1.a-'1riir-pnl\IIIIJIITJr-J}: of. mlnllng m. :It being [he
`a! II (15154] :
`II bone :11 the plarl (If the IIIIIIII In finefuut her
`lwuen I
`cm'pus ill'lll IIII: pIIlIlungot tlIul typically can .I na- I'Irr: Iunre (Ir
`ll‘hE all gutcrl 110an when :III III: tiigils are
`uIeta-eur-yus \.rm~tm'lciippas\ II NL] (1670):
`llle pin—I 01 the Intnd (Ir
`lIIrulIIIII that contains the metncnrpuls
`IIIéIIIL-cntm fr.
`Irrrmv meln- —l- 0mm:
`cit-Intel.) {IT‘MJ :
`the paint III lrllurfit‘u-
`titan II
`III: veI'II'L'tIl through IIII: center
`nl hull
`Ilcy :II'
`II flImtlIIg burly wllll
`Ihu Vur
`'Jll thrnugh the new neuter Ill
`hum/nutty wIIuI‘I Illl: lmrl
`.cu-lrikN MI
`l :
`III In' rel mg III :: "IL-1n-
`rnalauental: lcnnlul ufgravity.
`: hIwIIIn Ihc celnrumerc
`IIilIIlach-I w IlI:Ir Ihctwnuhmv 2 cafllBI‘ nl buoyancy. 3 new
`lllOROilllll arms are ul l't‘llglll)‘ equal
`cantor I'll buoyancy whun [Inelr
`length 7 mulaccntrlc II
`Inn borlv Is. dIssIlnced. 4 point
`.1. *‘llEt'J II
`(1N1 .J {[028]
`I.I milk-35
`I. cysletl lute tin-.1 III' II Iligrrletic Iremulude that is uau the [mm which
`is. ”declare for the. definitive lime: — mutu-cer-t‘ur-i-ul \-E-.1|\ ml;
`mam-chrn-mat-ip lkru-‘mn-Ilh «(H l I 8‘36)
`1 : stuiulng IIr character-
`ized by sLLuu'tng II]
`II I'Iil'l‘trcnl C(lll'll' or allude [mm wIIIIt Is typical (~
`2 I having the annuity Iu fil-‘llll dlflurcm
`ell or tissue In dil'lereul eolnrn I}! shades <~ slums}
`\‘Iu-ll'lI-k!“ II pl but tun rim: I'II I:aIII.Ir1194|}l I
`the «Indy I)!
`5 III elhluul terms. III: nntum nl ethical judgments. and the
`type». of etlnml urgumculs — metII-ell
`nl \-IlII—|Inl\ urli
`IIIetn-llu-Liull \-'fik'\ll-)ll\ II {19714) .
`EllUlI which rulers III or lakes III:
`in. subject I'Iclinuul wrilltn; n
`its Lt‘JIIVL‘III'lllnB 7 nlatI‘I-fic-tiDII-ul
`\-.-.1Inal. *h'l'ID-IIJ“ ml}
`-- meta Ic-llmI-ist \-slll'.I-)n‘tr.t\ l'l
`muttt-gnloflxy \-'IzIIAI:1;-.~Ié\ II [ISV] t 1 ”.161 : the entire system of galax—
`ll:\: UNIH‘
`- -rnetn-ga-ltlt:olic Inna-'luk-Iikl rld'j
`91x \v'Je-IIn-VIM I'I [NL] Inn. 11164} :
`lIlIL‘rl‘llllltlll Ill Ila-Itera-
`rcrIulur Idler:
`III' II sexual and an :Iscxual
`\-j3-'DLLIIL\ (all
`'mct-Ill \'nIe-l’h II. 9}}an ant-I'll [ME l‘r. 01". fr. L nu‘rull‘nm mine. metal.
`Ir. Gk IIIul'ulloIt] (14c)
`: nay nf various opaque. funihlc. ductile. and
`typically lustruus :ililuliull:l:\ Illal
`Ilre gland Ironcluutu
`IJI' cleulriciiy
`llllll ll
`, I'm-m eatiuns lay loss. or uleclruns and yield IIIIII'Ic oxides and
`hyIIIIIxIIIcs: my: one tEIIII
`:1 t‘henIinel ciuncul us Lll'illllfllilrlllttl l‘rnnI
`illl ulluy 1 n: errt
`tcrlnl nr IIuIIIIInncI: out 01 which
`II person (It IIIIIIg is In,
`.3 I gluss
`I Its molten state It a: lJl‘ll
`type metal
`: matter at in metal Iype 5: IIUM) MIrrAL IS:
`nlill with merit}
`1metal w -nlerl m- -nJlIzd: all-hm m’ -nI-Iing new; I
`It: cover or fur-
`mum-Inn-gnam: \IHIC-lar‘lltll]-gwlj\
`II (193(1) : n lunguuge Ule III
`-tic \'IIIEAI'I -
`kl udl [I'M-ll : of u: relating Iu il
`I: m [II "It:
`Igtt 5-1ch \rllkfl II pl lIIII 5mg ll'l murrr {10:10) I
`II I'Imucll nl
`cultIIIuI IIIIIIIIII; In It were!)
`liIIgIIIsIIcn llllll‘dtllllfi
`the relation bulwuen Jungttuge nnr] uIIIcr
`FF0H““1"“"!°" _\ I} i
`lunch- 0. -
`Innlcrulci — 11:} :
`\- 16ml} — "I"? '
`m a-lhu-mt- C \
`sllllfllcd In or on lll
`meln-Ihu-Irrni \
`mentnll let to
`meta-Itglem} .
`lhai III ferennnlu
`tally by broader I
`\~'zh- __
`u art-Inn {Melaguu
`meIu-m-nn \
`”mill oi celII: dtllIi
`cavity lined with s|_
`lmete \'mét\ vI nr
`mezzan to maasul’t
`(bfil. 120)
`usu. used “'11“ out
`'rnete II IMF
`meta- I cumsychl'
`(1591) :
`thn I‘askll'
`l'I'IlIII III ilt‘llllllll
`Mllennr segmnnl
`spending pm" 01
`-—Inet-en ecu]:
`mo-le-ar \'m :—
`IIIoIefimII, Ir-
`III'lrL-III 101lll](l5
`snowfall) 1
`Igm ItIm nrpdm:
`Ilunal lll‘ulll'lfl (II
`Dmduced by thI‘—'_
`mp-leoIII-Ile \.mr
`I‘IvL‘rI 1mm IIII: e-
`mgtgor b : resell
`hl'llllance (a ~ nl
`[1 mu:
`rnfitnll; III melallo— t-IIIIIIIIanII [NIH Ir. L memlluml I morn] (m
`.- ul'. I'clttllufi In. w
`Imutnl-Iic \nlar'lIl-lilfl ad; [lie]
`c : having ”HID-E ,
`1:: mild: III or cuntnining :I mel‘ll
`II: tum:
`2 :
`lL ling metal
`3 - reminlslit mclalr ilh
`IIInIIIIhnIr) b: bwingunnt'fl
`try like that or metal (the m- huu II ~ time)
`qununce : GRA‘I'INII {II N mice)
`: hnI'iug rm inane
`Ullzlnltd nunllly (II w smile) — mE-tuI-ll-cahly \-li-ltla.)
`Imetallll: II “952] : u fiber or yarn mndu: ml or coated Wllh .,
`“-‘IIII; a
`W3; 15;}: by
`:l la|b[it‘: made WIIII thizl ‘
`{g L
`mast-I: -
`i muons \nIe-I
`:I- In.“ a
`"MIG ‘cr. n-
`III lull..."
`I? I", int-lg;I‘llI
`Jar‘lcrullfil lcu. 16.56] -
`ivielIlII-Ig I”. mululming mm"
`mel-al-I'Lze also met-ul- ze \'m ‘
`i1\ vI mulouI-Ilzed at,
`In; (15941:
`In cont. Ira-a? "'EI.'J_n1.
`all-lining Illa-II met-nl-Izd
`, u
`IIIIIcwitIninztn! —-met-n li-
`Jinn \.111l.'AI°l-:l-"I'-flv5llfill‘ .,
`l-Iaa-ra-plty \.l'l'lc-I=Ir‘ rg vl'd\ l'l [ISV] (ca, 1864]: H “my
`”findlflkg’ rI Icr Ill
`{wur RM?)
`uI'I: of metals can. With the nllurusniupc i EEC-I‘ll-Iu .ru'lllltg
`“(HLUE ndnmt‘n
`\InIcAtal-fiiAgra-lntfl It i the-talulo-urunhqu \nlaqln-In-‘gmqfin '5'th
`all!“ t c
`Ine-tnI-lo- mnhoi cal-1y \-'IzI-II- I-kIII-IIIE-wrlv
`108)" " '
`\'IIIe-l'lv.I'iid\ l! (13.12)
`I :
`ll nonntctnl IIIIII mm
`with a metal In furtn ttll "III:
`1 : an element iIItIIrmcdlntc incgmblnr
`flhllmu‘t Dylnflg‘r
`tics between thetyniml meta 53nd notuncmlx
`ti nun-9.9 \
`scmblingtt metal
`lIIIrIctalloiIl also mot-ul-loi-Ilnl
`\.mc-I‘l-'I'Ii-IPI\ adj (ca. 1850)
`tum I'II'I“l
`III. I‘l:
`ng to. or bclng .1 metalloid
`1 = ‘9'
`«~13 .I II\ n (ca. HIM) : a percussio
`rll‘l’lgiqgquU'IIu‘— .
`mc-Inl-ln-phone \III
`g 01' fl write-7. of metal Inns of varying pi
`inptrnmeltl cnnaist
`[ch “5'
`W1 :11 Itatnnlera
`In’ill‘li-V cnnccr _.
`I“ and Tun-Icesnfi l’
`met-Ill-Iur-gy \'II‘IE-lnl-filr-JE» c.\'
`.ler tIta-‘III-Iar-\ Ir [NL IIIrIIIl'lIuRI
`II u Ich
`Irfll‘d " l
`melall- + -Irl'
`III -lll‘g_\'] Ice. 1'!
`I: the sc
`Cl: IInIl tech
`7 Inet-al- ur-gl-cul \.lllc-I“l~ r:
`In“ adj 7 met-nI-lufiiiigll' l-
`\‘kln-Jlé‘. adv — met-nI-lur-nist \'l‘l‘lL-l 1-..1I-jist, en: Brit ram-m.1,r_{ "
`III] “I "shah
`“1}. mil
`metal-mark \‘mc-I
`: any at u
`“.1134 IIIIIt
`diuutvswml urn.
`L y ”n E
`Incl nf smnll nI
`tly colored
`“Heat/es “:5 “a
`cal utterflies lhnl nlIIun hum: nactulllt- 0.01:)
`IiIIII on :11: wing...
`meta- “11'" 1'
`,‘ m
`met-al-smith \-.s:nith\ fl (14¢) :
`I: purl-all :tlilllcrl in manna-mum
`[nu-elm t. “Ht-Ea. “
`nIet-nl-wure \~.wur. -.wcr‘. II “3961 I wnru IlIIILlL' rIl' IIIIIIIII; up ; mu 1
`nlr‘ucl‘ ' ill: \-‘»<t:'1v
`utensils III: household um:
`It shghl murg
`metal-work \7.w.Irk\ It [In 1350) I
`I-urlucl IIl' lnelfllWIIrL‘inu; a
`: a metal I'll)jl:L'l nl unit-Li ‘
`I-I'I'I 7 met-fl vwarl-t-nr \r‘wal‘kitl‘ I.
`flrgv'hlAla-ta n
`things out or mL'lal
`nIel-uI-wurltoing \-.war-Icn]\ II (18821 :
`III: 111:1 or prnnui ut slim"!
`metals-twain [\m;
`llilile at STAND] (l
`meta-math-e-nInt-I‘cs \'IIIE-lnumullln'llliI-llkm -mflrll1il-\
`II pl lam m
`. transfer of a (ll '.
`.rI'IIg t'n conslr lru. 1890) :
`It held Ul Illudy concerned “‘lllt IIII: IDMIBI
`innlher marl of t'llu
`structure IIIILI prullcrtiefl (III.- the cmmswney and conipletcnrla 01m.
`'llgl'lfllll IlllTl‘” — _
`filllfil nl'mnlllmnlttlr
`system» — metn-muth-NnaI-lmill \fll-RBRQ
`ul-IY \‘Il‘!f(“‘)::\l
`meta-more \'IIIc-t
`III"\ II NEW} {11377) : any or a linear act “II. III prim.
`means-“1551}? cu:
`ilively sltnilur segments into Wl‘ltcl] the body 111'
`it higher invr'l'lchtllte II:
`vertebral: ' divmlble — mela-mer-lc \.nIe-Ia~'IIIcr-iic. -‘IIIIr-\ ml} e
`by 0135‘
`”l \ rm
`meta-mt -l-L'ul-ly \- hull-A adv
`IrIe-lnmucr-lsm \m:I—'tu-Ina-.Ii~zarn\ II (l877) :
`the condition of having
`1“" "I "'5 'f‘lmfigh
`III' the stage 01‘ evulutiouury IlrvulupnIIII-II characterized by a body made
`him" “d l
`'k In I;
`'mflmmrfll {K “5‘
`metn-rnar-phlc \.IIIc-ta~'xnor-llk\ ml] (1816)
`I of or relating to
`hum“ ‘0‘" or 4‘
`nlet: mrphn-Iis
`2 a!" melt : ul. I'eluun
`III. or produced by melamor-
`mots-te \mm a“ -
`plum] — metu-mur-phincal-ly \-fi-kta- Ié\ mh'
`cunwvc uppver s
`Inelu-mnr-nhism Urn-j
`. -z=m\ II (1845) : H rlIInge in the cum-titu—
`I"d ‘5 "mm/‘6
`llUl'l ol ruck:
`fipvl‘lf :
`.I [IrIInnuncnd chatune tII'Ecclctl
`and water thnl results in II 1'“an compllt‘l and more highly crystalline
`meta-utor-plloue \-.l‘nz. ~.IoIa\ vi} -pImst-Il: minus-int: [pron II. MP
`IIII-luIIIorplonur. lr. mamrnarphosvmetunm hmis. ir. L ”Il.'lfl'”lufflllllllf}
`lI'l' ( Ifi'lfil
`u :
`lu change Into at different Ill:
`Icnl form esp. by lllll'lfll"
`natural means
`to change slrikin Ily I'll: :IFPCIJI’EIIICE nr ulIIIrtlt‘m of
`'l'tt/INSFIJrlM {you are ltU IIIIIIanIurpllaII-d I Cull hurtlly think you my
`murder - Shall.)
`2 -
`tu cause (ruck) In undergo melllnltjl'llllltlltt ~ It
`I ;
`to undergu melmntuphmil: 2 :
`It] hurmn: tIIIrIIIfIII‘mL-Il
`syn m
`meta-mui'thIu-Ills \‘mt-lfl-I'Ft'tdhlarsmfi II. III who-mu: \ sea EL. Ir. Gk
`nIetaIIIuI-plnfitsis. 1r.
`tu trnnslnrln. FI‘.
`harm (I533)
`“2 uhIIIIIzI- ul pltysauitl l’urn-I. structure. or sulmmucc
`y sumrmturnl means:
`:I striking nllurntiun lll Itppcumntx.
`I: IIIrIIcter. or turnmxluuces
`2 :
`:1 IIInrkctl and more m I
`drvelupmentul Change in the [mm or sll'uullll‘c ulan ultnllul
`.n. .I hut-
`terllr or ll 11-03) occurring Illtbseullcnl to birth or hutcl
`nIet-unal-y-sis \.nie7Ia-'nn-£a-sas\ II (1914): .1 I'L'lulaly 5 "I I)"; ”WWI“
`between snunds or worrls rusutliug in different mnsIItuenls fut.
`III the
`duvelupmeut III rut run-ml
`u Ilapmu)
`us \r'ltB-rr-fl'lu.
`lrnI»\. n. pl-roi \-.lrt‘::'\ [NL,1’r. HII'IW I 0"
`III-pllmr Inc may , more at NEI-IIItItts] [Ills-4)
`lll'lEI' member (II II“
`liIml and must uIeuItIII [mar III the three sum-m,
`:- Enir»: of vellum-11¢
`rcIInI nrgum‘ IlItIl lunctiuns (Ill
`ll pct-nIuIIeIII adult.
`'ld I};
`I mnnlm.
`birds. and mammals hut i. um present In all in lower ftlrmsl — Hamlin!”
`MEIIUNEIIIIIIOL. I‘RthH'IlRKm- , mete-neph-ric \-frtk\ adj
`\'Ine-ta laz\
`rI [15V] [1887) :
`the slant nl‘
`InItIIIII-I .Intl
`|'I|lIIII.-III'1III: 5 llIdlE
`IIIeinhix iII whlgh llll.’ ulIrLInIostuIIt-II heroine arranged in the t-quumflfl'
`mclnnhm Rule II (19391 : a auction ”1 (llt'lcquulurllxl plant: at ”I”
`IIIrInplmsc spIudlc having the ulIIoIInIIII'IIItIII. orrcnled upon II
`lmr \'me—m-Jfir Intro ~rnI-\ n [MP or L; MF Inlstaplmreu fr- '-
`luemp am. It.
`IIIIrrrInlIt-rw'u tu trunslet. lr. matu— |
`plat-III. II"
`hmn' —-nII-re HI Ina/III] 1‘15le)
`I :
`II figure trial-leech in which" wurrll'?
`phrase Ilet'Inh.I denoting am.- kind III nhjcct nt' iclcu l!l
`llbULl in 1111‘“ "
`III suggest tl likeness or Imuinuy helm-cu lllEl'l'l (Its in drawn?”
`I'II money);
`lIn'Iudly I llgllmlivr language
`— etIranII-e SIMILI'.
`Z =
`:ijuct. “slimy. or :de tryutL-d I19;
`:I nmlaphnr : SYMIIDI. 2 — IIIet-Ii‘
`ulmr I: \.
`Ia-‘lI'II-ik. - III-\ or met-a—pImr-i-eal \-i-1:I=1\ utlf —I1wl'
`1y \
`Etta—1m .1th
`rnel Plum-alt
`t2 \.Im:-la—\ n [15V] (1833) : a salt or ester of -*
`mellI-pllns-phu-rlc acid \-,fiia-'Ior-ikn,
`-‘fa‘r-; -'fzis-f(a-)rik-\ n (1333
`I a glnssy suit-1 Iu:ld l-IPD, rlr ll-IPOIII. lonned by heating orthophos'
`IIhat'iI‘. acid
`mcln-nllrmtc \'me—ta-.friz\ n (1640) : a literal translation
`Cree Exhibit 1 014
`Page 4
`Cree Exhibit 1014
`Page 4

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