`MARCH 2-6
`Invitation to Exhibit
`The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
`(AAAAI) invites you to participate in the 201 2 AAAAI Annual
`Meeting in Orlando, Florida, March 2-6. This meeting is the
`premier educational event for allergistfimmunologists around the
`world, drawing more than 6,000 delegates each year. For AAAAI
`industry partners and related organizations, this important gathering
`offers an unparalleled opportunity to make and solidify relationships
`through person-to-person communications and marketing. Reserve
`your booth space today!
`0 Booth space with back and sidewall drape
`0 Booth identification sign
`0 Unlimited complimentary exhibitor badges
`2005 2% 2m"
`2010 2011
`0 One complimentary exhibitor/delegate badge per 100 sq ft of
`exhibit space rented (maximum 15)
`0 24-hour security
`0 General maintenance of the aisles and common exhibit hall areas
`Domestic 65%
`lntemational 35%
`0 Listing on annualmeetingaaaaiorg
`0 Listing in the Exhibit Guide
`0 Listing in the Final Program
`0 Opportunity to purchase pre- and post-show attendee mailing lists
`0 Opportunity to eam priority points
`0 Dedicated exhibit and poster time from 9:45 am to 10:45 am each
`Inline booths .................................... $35/sq tt
`Corner booths ................................... $38/sq it
`Island booths ................................... $42/sq tt
`Larger Island booths (30 it x 30 ft or larger) ............ $45/sq It
`Page 2 0f 18
`1 %
`Primary Care
`Allied Health Professional
`Basic Scientist
`11 %
`Saturday, March 3 .................. 9:45 am to 3:15 pm
`Sunday, March 4 ..................... 9:45 am to 3:15 pm
`Monday, March 5 ....................... 9:45 am to 3:15 pm
`Thursday. March 1 ....................... 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
`Friday, March 2 ......................... 7:00 am to 10:00 pm
`All booths and materials must be set up by 10:00 pm on Friday, March
`2.The AAAAI and Freeman may. without incurring any liability for
`damage or loss, install or dismantle any property of any exhibitor who
`has failed to do so by 10:00 pm, at the sole expense of the exhibitor.
`Monday, March 5 ....................... 3:15 pm to 10:00 pm
`Tuesday, March 6 ........................7:00 am to 6:00 pm
`Exhibit dismantle may begin immediately upon the close of the
`exhibit hall at 3:15 pm on Monday, March 5. Exhibit dismantle must
`be complete by 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 6. No exceptions can be
`made. Any exhibitor who violates this policy may affect their priority
`Exhibiting companies may opt to use independent service contractors
`for installation and dismantling. If such contractors are used, the
`exhibit company must send the AAAAI and Freeman the name, address
`and phone number of the independent contractor no later than January
`20, 201 2. Independent contractors are responsible for notifying
`the AAAAI and Freeman of the booths they will work in and they
`must provide proof of insurance with minimum $1,000,000 liability
`coverage, including property damage, by January 20. If information is
`not received by this date, the exhibitor must work with Freeman.
`Stande booths are 10 ft x 10 It or multiples thereof and are ananged
`in a straight line. All standard booths consist of 8 ft backwall drape
`and 3 ft sidewall drape. Exhibit fixtures, components and signs will be
`permitted to a maximum height of 8 ft and they may extend only 5 ft
`from the back-wall. Any fixtures placed within the remaining 5 ft must
`not exceed 4 ft high.
`Island booths consist of four or more standard booths back to back
`with aisles on all four sides. Exhibit fixtures, components and banners
`will be permitted to a maximum height of 24 ft Sufficient see-through
`areas must be provided to prevent blocking views of adjacent booths
`(Le. 50% of the island must be open display and not completely
`Any plans for multi-level booths must be discussed with Freeman.
`All booths must be carpeted.
`All exhibitor personnel must be registered for name badges.
`Unlimited exhibitor badges are provided at no charge. An exhibitor
`badge allows admission to the exhibit hall only.
`One complimentary exhibitor/delegate badge is provided per 100 sq
`ft of exhibit space rented (maximum 15). An exhibitor/delegate badge
`allows admission to the exhibit hall and all non-ticketed educational
`sessions. Additional exhibitor/delegate badges can be purchased.
`Exhibitor personnel interested in attending ticketed sessions must
`register as a paid delegate.
`Guest passes for exhibitor personnel will not be issued.
`Page 3 0f 18
`Each exhibitor is responsible for compliance with the
`Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within its booth space.
`Attire of all exhibit personnel should be consistent with the
`professional atmosphere of the Annual Meeting.
`If clo ed ound y tem cannot be ananged, open ound y tem
`will be permitted. However, sound "leakage" must not interfere with
`other exhibitors. The AAAAI reserves the right to request the reduction
`in volume or cessation of use of any system that creates such
`interference. Audio/visual equipment order forms will be included in
`the exhibitor service manual.
`Balloons are not permitted at the Annual Meeting.
`All requested exhibit booths received by September 30 will be
`drawn on an empty floor plan in priority point order. In the event that
`multiple companies have accrued an equal number of priority points,
`the exhibit application with the earliest receipt date will be given
`preference. The AAAAI will attempt to meet the size and location
`needs of each company, but reserves the right to assign space that
`is most appropriate for the overall exhibition. Appliwtions received
`after September 30 will be assigned booth space on a first-come,
`first-served basis. Notification of booth assignments will be sent in
`mid-November. Complimentary exhibitors will receive notification of
`their booth assignment following paying exhibitors.
`Booth/promotional activities, such as demonstrations, live interviews,
`market research, etc., may not interfere with normal traffic flow nor
`infringe on neighboring exhibits. Booth/promotional activities will
`not be permitted outside of the exhibitor's assigned booth space.
`Exhibitors should reserve a reasonable portion of their exhibit space for
`the crowds or lines that popular activities may attract. Meet the expert
`panels and product theaters are not allowed in the exhibit hall.
`Page 4 0f 18
`All activities offering CME credits occurring at or in conjunction with
`the Annual Meeting must be sponsored or jointly sponsored by the
`MAN, and planned and executed in accordance with the ACCME's
`guidelines for accredited CME activities, including the Standards for
`Commercial Support. Therefore:
`. Exhibitors defined as commercial interests by the ACCME are
`prohibited from offering or distributing CME activities or access to
`CME activities.
`. Exhibitors not defined as commercial interests by the ACCME
`may offer or distribute CME activities or access to CME activities,
`provided those activities are listed on the exhibit application and
`approved by the AAAAI.
`It is the policy of the AAAAI that any exhibitor whose booth space,
`exhibit display or exhibit materials are provided through an educational
`grant from another organization prominently disclose that information
`to all delegates visiting or viewing that booth.
`Canvassing or distribution of advertising material by an exhibitor or
`anyone representing a non-exhibiting firm is strictly prohibited outside
`of the exhibitcr's booth space or in any part of the exhibit hall, meeting
`rooms or public areas of the convention center or headquarters hotel.
`Prize contests, awards, drawings, raffles or lotteries of any kind held
`at any time or place within AAAAI Annual Meeting properties are not
`permitted. Attendees may not be registered for drawings, raffles or
`lotteries, which might be conducted after the Annual Meeting. Gaming
`devices of any description are not allowed in the exhibit hall.
`All equipment must comply with federal, state and local electrical
`codes. All exhibitor equipment must be UL-approved. Exhibitors should
`contact Freeman with any special requirements.
`A company that reserves booth space and fails to inform the AAAAI
`in writing of its plans not to attend automatically forfeits 100% of
`the total cost of the exhibit space assigned, may not be invited to
`participate in future AAAAI exhibitions, and forfeits all priority points
`earned over the past five years.
`Exhibitors must staff their exhibit booth during the scheduled hours of
`the exhibit hall. Exhibit personnel will be allowed in the exhibit hall one
`hour before the exhibits open and may remain in the exhibit hall one
`hour after the exhibits close each day.
`Exhibit Rules and Regulations
`Emibitnrs may not nail, staple, tack or otherwise affix anything
`to the ceilings, walls, painted surfaces, fire sprinklers, columns or
`Emibitors must comply with all federal, state and local fire and
`building codes that apply to the facility.
`The exhibit floor load limit is 400 lbs/sq ft distributed load.
`Exhibitors may distribute food and beverage items from their booth
`space upon AAAAI approval. Items must be ordered through the
`catering department at the convention center. A mtering order form
`will be included in the exhibitor service manual. Nuts and alcoholic
`beverages are prohibited.
`The AAAAI may be willing to approve and release meeting space
`for use by exhibiting companies, universities and/or non-profit
`organizations that have members, personnel or other affiliated
`individuals attending the AAAAI Annual Meeting. Appropriate functions
`may include: advisory boards, committee meetings, focus groups, staff
`meetings or social events.
`Exhibitors defined as commercial interests by the ACCME can host
`private social events. Companies interested in hosting an invite-only
`event, for a limited number of Annual Meeting delegates, should
`complete the function space request form. Companies interested in
`hosting a social event that is open to all Annual Meeting delegates
`should contact the AAAAI executive office for more information on the
`sponsorship fees associated with this type of event.
`Emibitors not defined as commercial interests by the ACCME may host
`private social events, either invite only or open to all Annual Meeting
`delegates, by completing the function space request form.
`Private social events proposed in conflict with any official Annual
`Meeting session or activity will not be allowed.
`All such activities must be reported to and approved by the AAAAI
`prior to development through the use of the function space request
`form, which can be found online. All forms must be accompanied by
`a nonrefundable fee of $100 (for-profit organizations only). There is
`one $100 charge per company. There is no charge for applications
`from non-profit organizations, government organizations, religious
`organizations and universities. Request forms will not be
`accepted after February 13.
`By approving your application, theAAAAl does not
`endorse or sanction your function, and no such
`relationship should be inferred by you or implied
`to the participants.
`Page 5 of 18
`Giveaways and product samples approved by the AAAAI may be
`distributed from your exhibit booth. Requests for items other than
`eduwtional materials must be submitted to the AAAAI with a sample
`by January 20, 2012. Samples will not be retumed.Written notification
`will be sent upon AAAAI approval of the items. In accordance with
`AMA ethical guidelines, giveaways must be available to all delegates,
`be of minimal value, provide a benefit to patients, or be used during
`the conference or in the professional activities of the delegate. The
`giveaway request form can be found on our website.
`Exhibitors are required to conform to all local labor regulations. Labor
`can be ordered through Freeman. More information will be included in
`the exhibitor service manual.
`Each exhibitor using music in conjunction with its exhibit is responsible
`for maintaining compliance with the appropriate music licensing
`Any exhibitor who wishes to employ an outside vendor to videotape or
`photograph their exhibit booth, activities, personnel, etc. must submit
`a written request to the AAAAI no later than January 20, 2012. All other
`videotaping and photographing within the exhibit hall is prohibited.
`Press releases issued before, during or after the Annual Meeting using
`the AAAAI name or the name of the AAAAI Annual Meeting must be
`approved by the AAAAI Communications staff two weeks in advance
`of the intended date of release. Please contact Megan Brown at
`mbrown©aaaaiorg If an exhibitor fails to comply with this regulation,
`the AAAAI has the right to remove the exhibitor from the exhibit hall,
`or deny participation in future AAAAI exhibitions. Exhibitors will not be
`granted access to the press room nor news briefing room at the Annual
`Meeting. Exhibitors cannot post press releases in the press room.
`Priority booth assignment is based on the total number of priority
`points accrued: companies receive 2 points for every 100 sq ft of
`space rented in 2011 , 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007; 10 bonus points
`are given to companies for exhibiting at all of the last five Annual
`Meetings regardless of the amount of space rented each year;
`companies are given 1 point for every $10,000 in sponsorships paid
`to the AAAAI between September 1, 2010 and August 31 , 2011;
`companies are given 1 point for every $10,000 in donations made
`to the ARTrust between the same dates. Exhibit applications must be
`received by September 30 in order to be considered for priority booth
`assignment. Non-profit companies receiving complimentary booth
`space do not accme priority points.
`Exhibit Rules and Regulations
`Smoking is prohibited at the AAAAI Annual Meeting.
`Subletting of exhibit space is prohibited. Sharing of exhibit space is
`not permitted unless it is within divisions of the same company and
`approved by the MAN.
`The AMA! reserves the right to interpret and make final decisions
`regarding all rules and regulations.
`The AAAAI will provide 24-hour security in the exhibit hall.
`Neither the security company, AMAI, Freeman nor the convention
`center is responsible for any loss or damage to exhibitor property.
`Sales and order taking are permitted in the exhibit hall provided all
`transactions are conducted within the professional nature of the
`meeting. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to have all licenses.
`permits, and/or registrations required by the venue, city, municipality
`and/or state. The exhibitor is responsible for compliance with all
`applicable tax laws. The AAAAI reserves the right to restrict sales
`activities that it deems inappropriate or unprofessional.
`lf exhibitors will be taking sales orders onsite, they must register as a
`dealer with the Florida Department of Revenue. Additional information
`is available online at www.myltorida.oom/dor or by calling 850-488-
`6800. Forms are available by Fax on Demand at 850-922-3676 to
`registered dealers. See Florida Statute 212 (www.|eg.state.fl.usl) for
`more information.
`. Huulu
`Page 6 of 18
`Guidelines For Support
`Your participation as an exhibitor at the 2012 AAAAl Annual
`Meeting will make a valuable contribution to the total learning
`experience of the meeting. Supporting an event or educational
`activity not only offers a more rewarding experience for attendees,
`it increases your company's visibility. Support is not limited to these
`suggestions; the AAAAI encourages new and creative ideas that
`contribute to the quality of the meeting.
`The AAAAI adheres to a right of first refusal process for organizations
`who have supported particular programs or activities the previous year.
`This means that the previous year’s supporter is given the option of
`confirming support of the same program or activity at the next year‘s
`meeting before sponsorship of that function can be offered to another
`organization. Bemuse some activities cannot happen without support,
`it is necessary to confirm funding at the earliest possible date in order
`to stay ahead of planning schedules. Previous sponsors, therefore,
`have until October 31, 201 1, to confirm their interest in supporting the
`same programs for the 2012 Annual Meeting.
`The policies outlined in this prospectus represent the only acceptable
`methods for the provision of educational sessions at the Annual
`Meeting. Satellite sessions, or those planned without the input or
`invitation of the AAAAI, are not permitted before, during or after the
`Annual Meeting.
`A corporate partner may wish to designate an advertising firm,
`communications company, or other third party vendor to act on its
`behalf in coordinating aspects of their support of an AAAAI program
`or activity. In all cases, the AAAAI prefers working directly with
`the corporate partner, but will work with a third party vendor once
`support is confirmed in writing and a three-party letter of agreement
`is signed by all parties involved. To initiate this process, the corporate
`partner should submit a request in writing to the AAAAI. The request
`should include the following:
`0 The name and contact information of one contact at the third party
`vendor in writing.
`0 A detailed list of the programs and tasks the third party vendor will
`Page 7 of 18
`Various amounts
`The Fellows-in-Training (FIT) travel
`scholarships bring 3" and 4" year allergy/
`immunology program participants to the
`Annual Meeting to enhance their teaming and
`to introduce various career options in allergy/
`Various amounts
`These travel scholarships provide
`international physicians who have authored
`abstracts accepted for presentation at the
`Annual Meeting with funds to defray travel
`and hotel expenses associated with attending
`the meeting. Attendance allows them to keep
`abreast of the current reseerch in the field
`and to meet with their colleagues.
`The Military Allergy Program is a series of
`educational sessions geared toward allergist/
`immunologists in the military. Approximately
`100 delegates typically attend these
`The purpose of the New Allergist/
`lmmunotogist Assembly (NAIA), consisting
`of more than 600 members, is to provide
`support to allergistfimmunotogists within
`their first five years of training in the
`development of their academic or clinical
`careers and to offer encouragement and
`opportunities in the AAAAI. All new atlergy/
`immunology specialists attending the AAAAI
`Annual Meeting are invited to attend this
`Saturday evening program.
`The Advanced Practice Course is a day-long
`session designed to highlight case studies
`in allergy, immunology and allergic disease.
`This program draws more than 250 Annual
`Meeting attendees and is designed to be
`unique to the allergy practice for nurse
`practitioners and physician assistants.
`The Allergy and Asthma for the Health Care
`Professional (AHP) Program is a series of
`educational sessions geared specifically
`for allergy/immunology nurses, nurse
`practitioners, and physician assistants. More
`than 400 Allied Health professionals typically
`attend these sessions.
`Various amounts
`These travel scholarships provide AAAAI
`Allied Health members who have authored
`abstracts accepted for presentation at the
`Annual Meeting with funds to defray travel
`and hotel expenses associated with attending
`the meeting. Attendance allows them to keep
`abreast of the current research in the field
`and to meet with their colleagues to team
`from their experiences.
`Dinner symposia are evening educational
`sessions offered to 300 delegates on a
`first-come, first-served basis. These sessions
`are planned by the AAAAI and include
`presentations from leaders in the field of
`The Fellows-in-Training (FIT) Program is a
`series of eduwtional sessions geared toward
`allergy/immunology FlTs. This program is
`comprised of multiple sessions scheduled
`throughout the day on Friday. More than 400
`File typically attend these sessions.
`The AAAAI is accredited by the
`Accreditation Council for Continuing
`Medical Education (ACCME) and abides
`by ACCME's Standards for Commercial
`Support in the development of educational
`activities. Organizations that support an
`edumtional session cannot be involved
`in the development or execution of the
`presentations. This includes selecting the
`content, faculty and format of the session.
`In addition. the AAAAI retains control of all
`capture and production of AAAAI Annual
`Meeting eduwtional content for enduring
`materials, and reserves the sole right to
`serve as the accredited CME provider for
`all CME enduring materials associated with
`the Annual Meeting. Support for educational
`sessions will be used to help cover costs,
`such as speaker honorarium/travel expenses,
`audio/visual equipment rental and catering.
`Corporate support of eduwtional sessions
`is recognized in all promotional materials
`associated with the Annual Meeting session
`information, including:
`0 AAAAI Annual Meeting website
`0 Preliminary Program
`0 Final Program
`0 Signs on site
`All attribution for educational sessions is as
`”Programmed by the MAAI. Funded through
`an educational grant Irom [Company name]. "
`In accordance with ACCME Standards, the
`AAAAI will not allow corporate or product-
`specific advertisements, invitations to events
`and/or promotional campaigns associated
`with any educational session. Additionally,
`companies may not engage in any activity to
`drive attendance to a specific educational
`Page 8 0f 18
`Educational Support Opportunities
`Seminars are ticketed sessions for
`a maximum of 30 people each. These
`roundtable sessions are designed to bring
`participants together with recognized experts
`in the fields to discuss critical topics within
`allergyflmmunology. There are approximately
`60 breakfast seminars and 30 lunch seminars
`scheduled during the Annual Meeting.
`Symposia are the highest profile sessions
`offered at our Annual Meeting. There are 28
`symposia offered, with up to 1,000 attendees
`present at each session.
`The 2012 Virtual Annual Meeting will be
`available on Data DVD after the meeting.
`Along with the DVD, delegates will receive
`online access to claim CMEICE credits.
`The DVD set includes: presentation slides
`along with video and audio for the Plenary
`and Keynote sessions; presentation slides
`synchronized with the audio recordings for
`selected courses, symposia, state-of-the-art
`sessions, workshops, pro/con debates and
`allied health sessions.
`Workshops are small, interactive sessions
`designed to provide in-depth instruction on
`critical topics within allergy/immunology.
`Workshops are open to 50-200 attendees
`each and there are approximately 50
`workshops scheduled during the Annual
`Page 9 0f 18
`Branding Opportunities
`Corporate support of the following
`opportunities is recognized in all
`promotional materials associated with the
`Annual Meeting, including:
`The abstracts accepted for presentation
`at the Annual Meeting are included on a
`flash drive which is available to more than
`0 AAAAI Annual Meeting website
`' Preliminary Program
`0 Final Program
`0 Signs on site
`All attribution for Annual Meeting activities is
`as follows:
`"Funded firmugh a grant from [Company
`name]. ”
`6,000 attendees at the Annual Meeting. Your
`company logo can be printed on the flash
`Digital meeting information boards will be
`prominently placed in the lobby areas of the
`convention center. Boards will be updated
`frequently highlighting popular sessions,
`social events, speakers and more. Sponsor
`will be recognized on the digital signs
`Offer delegates an easy, efficient way to view
`electronic versions of posters by sponsoring
`ePoster stations. Electronic posters are easy
`to use and are searchable by author or topic.
`Hash drives of the electronic posters will also
`be provided for Annual Meeting delegates.
`Your company logo can be printed on the
`flash drive. ePosters will be located in the
`Poster Hall. Sponsor will be recognized on the
`ePoster kiosk themselves.
`Page 10 0f 18
`Printer stations are located on site at the
`convention center and the headquarters hotel
`for delegates to download and print handouts
`for many of the educational sessions. In
`addition to the recognition described above,
`support is recognized with the use of your
`company or brand logo as part of the
`constructed design. The AAAAI will also allow
`branded mouse pads (to be provided by the
`supporter) at each computer station.
`The handouts submitted by speakers at
`the Annual Meeting are included on a flash
`drive which is available to more than 6,000
`attendees at the Annual Meeting. In addition
`the handouts will be made available to all
`meeting registrants via a password protected
`link through the AAAAI website both prior to
`and after the Annual Meeting. Your company
`logo can be printed on the flash drive and
`listed on the website.
`Put your company or brand logo on the
`electronic key cards given to delegates
`staying in the Annual Meeting hotels. The
`supporter will coordinate the production of
`the keycards and will work directly with the
`hotels for distribution.
`Page 11 of 18
`Companies are given the opportunity
`to present a two hour sales/marketing
`presentation allowing attendees to hear
`the latest about your product or service.
`Programs will be scheduled Friday and
`Monday evenings. Please contact Kay Whalen
`at (414) 272-6071 or kwhalen@aaaai.org
`for additional information. The fee for non-
`exhibiting companies is $78,500.
`Various amounts
`Notepads and pens will be distributed to
`more than 6,000 delegates in the registration
`bags. Company or brand logo can be printed
`notepads and pens.
`Remote Airline Check-In offers the ability to
`check passengers and luggage (domestic
`travel only) through to their final destination
`directly from the convention center. All airline
`boarding passes and luggage tags are printed
`onsite at the convention center. This service
`allows for delegates to proceed directly
`to their gate upon arriving at the airport.
`Boarding passes can be customized with the
`sponsor's company or brand logo. Sponsor
`will also be recognized on signs onsite.
`Support complimentary Wi-FI access at the
`convention center. Support is recognized on a
`registration bag insert
`Provide e-mail and web access for meeting
`attendees. One Internet station will be
`centrally located in a high traffic area of the
`convention center and will be available for
`the duration of the meeting. Another Internet
`station will be located inside the exhibit hall.
`To maximize the visibility of the supporter,
`the AAAAI is willing to locate the Internet
`station in close proximity to your exhibit
`booth (support must be confirmed by October
`21 to ensure booth placement). In addition to
`the recognition described above, support is
`recognized with the use of your company or
`brand logo as part of the constructed design.
`The AAAAI will allow branded mouse pads
`(to be provided by the supporter) at each
`computer station.
`Support complimentary luggage and coat
`check at the convention center for Annual
`Meeting delegates. Allow attendees to check-
`in personal property while attending the
`meeting, eliminating the possibility of leaving
`or losing important, expensive items behind.
`Sponsor will be recognized on signs near the
`luggage and coat check
`Annual Meeting delegates will be able to
`download a high-end mobile app before
`and during the Annual Meeting. The app
`experience will enrich the event experience
`with features such as maps, session and
`speaker details/updates and exhibitor
`Netwondng lounges will be set up in the
`exhibit hall and convention center lobby to
`offer attendees a place to relax and meet
`with colleagues during the meeting. The
`lounge will be set with sofas, tables and
`chairs, and outlets to charge electronic
`devices. Various branding opportunities are
`Make gathering and managing your leads
`more productive with lead retrieval. More
`information will be included in the exhibitor
`service manual.
`Industry partners and exhibitors can get a
`head start by mailing product information
`or invitations in advance to Annual Meeting
`registrants. You may purchase the pre-
`registration mailing list for this purpose.
`Phone numbers and e-mail addresses will
`not be included in the purchased information.
`To purchase the mailing list, complete the
`request form on our website.
`The Special Annual Meeting Edition
`of Impact, the AAAAI's quarterly
`membership magazine, is delegates'
`trusted resource for the latest Annual
`Meeting news and updates.
`This dual edition of the magazine is a great
`value and venue for product placement. In
`addition to being mailed to members prior to
`the meeting, this issue will also be given to
`delegates outside the Exhibit Hall.
`Extend the reach of your Annual Meeting
`visibility by securing space in this publication.
`Do it today as prime page location sells fast!
`Contact Megan Brown at (414) 272-6071
`or mbrown®aaaaiorg to take advantage
`of two-for-one advertising in the AAAAI's
`membership magazine.
`$6,000/day or $30,000 full meeting
`Prominently placed in the registration area,
`the schedule board is changed daily to reflect
`the day's conference activities. There are six
`panels; two dedicated for the commercial
`supporter's advertising.
`Variou amount
`Advertise in the exhibit guide which will
`be distributed on site at the meeting.
`The exhibit guide features the floor plan,
`exhibit descriptions and a product/service
`listing. Various advertising opportunities are
`available. More information will be included
`in the online exhibitor service manual.
`This opportunity will be offered to a sole
`supporter or in multiple supporters for lesser
`amounts. All delegates will receive a copy
`of the final program on site. As the sole
`advertiser of this publication, the supporter
`has the opportunity to advertise on the inside
`and back covers, as well as interior pages of
`the publication.
`This opportunity will be offered to a sole
`supporter or to multiple supporters for lesser
`amounts. The preliminary program will
`contain details about educational session
`topics, speakers, official events, e