`Page 1 0f 17
`Journal of Molecular Biology
`P. Wright
`Department of Molecular Biology. Research Institute ol't-icripps Clinic
`10666 N. Torrey Pines Road. La Jolie. CA 92037. U.H.A.
`Assistant Editor
`J. Karn
`MR1] Laboratory of Molecular Biology
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`Founding Editor
`Sir John Kendrew
`Consulting Editor
`Sydney Brenner
`I'. ( 'linmhon. Laliorutoire ile ('iénétique Moléculuire ties Eucaryotes ilu (FNRS. Institut de Chimie Biologique.
`Fuenlté de Médecine. ll Rue Human”. 67085 Strasbourg Cedex. France.
`M. Golf-simian, Institute of Cam-er Research. College of Physicians lit Surgeons of (.‘olumbin University.
`701 W. lfiBth Street. New York. NY [0032. U.S.A.
`i-‘on Hipppl, institute of Moleeuiar Biology. University of Oregon. Eugene. UH 974034229. UHA.
`R. Huber. Max—Plunek—luotitut. l'ijr Biochemie. 8033 Martinsrietl hei Miinchen. Germany.
`A. King. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Hills Road. Cambridge CB? 2QH. UK.
`Associate Editors
`f”. R. Con-for. Human Genome Center. Donner Laboratory. [Alwrenre Berkeley Laboratory. University of California.
`Berkeley. CA 94720.
`.-'\".—H. Chen. The Rockefeller University. I230 York Avenue. New York. NY H1121. [Le-LA.
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`Page 2 of 17
`Page 2 of 17
`Journal of Molecular Biology
`Volume 214, Number 3
`Strategy for Analysing the (.‘o—operat-ivit..\,-' of
`lntramoleculnr lnteratctiims in Peptides and
`A. Horovitz and A. R. Fersht
`til 3—617
`Novel (JAB-AA R-ecept:.u' o: Subunit. is Expressed
`only in ('erel'aellar Granule (‘ells
`K. Kato
`(Z'rystals ol'o—Momorcharin. A New
`liillostnne-inatel-iruting Protein
`Calcium Binding Sites in Tomato Bushy Stunt
`Virus Visualized 1]}? Lane (‘rystallography
`The Longest. Regular Polypeptide 3,0 Helix in.
`A tom it- Resolution
`('Trysiallizution and Prelimiiuu‘y X-ray Study of
`AaH l'l‘z. an insect—specific Toxin from the
`Scorpion Andmrtonus oustmlis Hector
`New ('I'ystalline Forms of Neuroaminitlase of
`Type H Human Influenza Virus
`(_'r_vsta|li2alion and Preliminary X-ray Studies of
`11-Serine Dehydrutast- from Escherichia ml!
`Z. Feng, W. W. Li, H. W. Yeung,
`S.-z. Chen, Y.-p. Wang, X.-y. Lin,
`Y.-c. Dong and J.-h. Wang
`J. W. Campbell, I. J. Clifton,
`T. J. Greenhough, J. Hajdu,
`S. C. Harrison, R. C. Liddington and
`A. K. Shrive
`V. Pavone, E. Di Blasio, A. Santini,
`E. Benedetti, C. Pedone, C. Toniolo
`and M. Crisma
`C. Abergel, E. Loret, H. Rochat and
`J. C. Fontecilla-Camps
`in, M. Luo, W. G. Laver,
`M. Air, C. D. Smith and
`G. Webster
`0bmolova, A. Tepliakov,
`Harutyunyan, G. Wahler and
`D. Schnackerz
`Expression and Function of the.
`Bacteriophage T-l
`il'f-‘u‘il'r (hole of
`L. K. Derr and K. N. Kreuzer
`ljl 9—bit
`64 l —-li42
`Levanuse (lperon of Barium sum-tilts [neludes a
`Fructose—specific Pliospholra-nsi'ernse System
`Regulating the Expression of the. (lperon
`Establishment ofdr Now DNA MeLhyIat-ion
`Patterns. Transcription Factor Binding and
`Deoxycylidine Mcthyltttion at (7110: and Non-(‘pG
`Segue-macs in an Integrated Adenovirus Promoter
`Deletion ol‘ Sites for Initiation of DNA Synthesis
`in the. Origin of Broad Host-range Plasmid R1162
`Myosin Step Size. Estimatirm From Slow Sliding
`Movement. of Act-in Over Low Densities ol‘ Heavy
`Determining Local Conformational Variations in
`DNA. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structures of
`the DNA Duplexes tl((TG('-l_"TAAT(‘G} and
`(“CCTV-Al‘GCGLH Generated Using
`Hack—calculation of the Nuclear (lverhauser Eli'eet
`Spectra, a Distance Geometry Algorithm and
`Constrained Molecular Dyna-mics
`Three-dimensional Structure of the Mammalian
`Cytoplasmic Ribosome
`Page 3 0f 17
`I. Martin-Verstraete, M. Débarbouille,
`A. Klier and G. Rapoport
`M. Toth, U. Muller and W. Doerfler
`H. Zhou and R. J. Meyer
`T. Q. P. Uyeda, S. J. Kron and
`J. A. Spudich
`W. J. Metzler, C. Wang,
`D. B. Kitchen, R. M. Levy and
`A. Pardi
`685 - 697
`A. Verschoor and J. Frank
`731' 749
`Page 3 of 17
`Two-domain Strut-tum of the Native and Reactive
`(fentrr {'leavvd Farms of (‘T lnhihimr of Human
`Complement by Neutron Scattering
`Three-dimensional Structure of Human
`|l”Cd,IMeLnIlothiunein-E in Saint-ion Determined
`by Nuclear Magnetic Resonant? Spectroscopy
`Amide Proton hm. hangs in Human
`Motallnthionein-fi Measured by Nutlear Magnetic
`Resonance Spec trouc.npy
`I’hyuuhilipmtein Mot-hyhtinn. Effect of the y-N-
`Methylaspamginu Residue on Energy Transfer in
`Phyunuyaniu and the Phycuhilisome
`Author Index
`S. J Perkins, K. F. Smith
`S. Amatayakul, D. Ashford,
`T. W Rademacher. R. A. Dwek,
`P. J. Lachmann and R A. Harrison
`B. A. Messerle. A. Schéifl‘er, M. Vafiék
`J. H. R. Ka'gi and K. Wtithrich
`B. A. Messerle, M. Boa, A. Schifi'cr,
`M. Vafik. J. H. R. Kfigi and
`K. Wiithrich
`R. V. Swanson and A. N. Glazer
`(fowr HZuNfrrdimL' [‘nnfnrmatirm of an RNA Pseutlnknnt. I‘ugliai at ”-1.. J. MOI. Biol. 214. 437—453.
`(Jr-igimtitm by BPU _-' Whitefriflw Md. Tmtbridgw Wells,
`and printed and bound in Great Britain. by HIV '( ' When-tom: Ltd. £de?“
`This journal is printed (m. art-Mfrs? pap”
`Page 4 of 17
`Page 4 of 17
`J. Mal. Biol. “9910214. 751—763
`Two-domain Structure of the Native and
`Reactive Centre Cleaved Forms of CT Inhibitor of
`Human Complement by Neutron Scattering
`Stephen J. PerkinsT, Kathryn F. Smith
`Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry
`and Protein. and Molecular Biology
`Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
`Rowland Hill Street. London N W3 2PF, U .K .
`Supavadee Amatayakul, David Ashford, Thomas W. Rademacher
`Raymond A. Dwek
`(llgcobiology Unit. Department of Biochemistry
`University of Oxford. South Parks Road , Oxford 0X1 SQI'. I'.K.
`Peter J. Lachmann and Richard A. Harrison
`M RC Molecular Immunopathotogy U nit. M RC Centre.
`Hills Road. Cambridge (9'82 ZQH. U .K .
`( Receired 14 November 1989: accepted 20 April 1990)
`The CT inhibitor component of human complement is a member of the serpin superfamily.
`and controls (‘1 activation. Carbohydrate analyses showed that there are seven O—linked
`oligosaccharides in Cl inhibitor. Together with six N-linked complex-type. oligosaccharides.
`the carbohydrate content is therefore 26% by weight and the molecular weight (M,) is
`calculated as 71.100. Neutron scattering gives an M, of 76.000 (:4000) and a matchpoint. of
`418 to 423% zHZO.
`in agreement with this carbohydrate and amino acid composition.
`Guinier plots to determine the radius of gyration R6 were biphasic. Neutron contrast
`variation of CT inhibitor in HZO—ZH ZO mixtures gave an overall radius of gyration R5 at
`infinite contrast of 4-85 nm. from analyses at low Q. and a cross-sectional R6 of I-43 nm. The
`reactive centre cleaved form of CT inhibitor has the. same M, and structure as the native
`molecule. The. length of Cl inhibitor. 16 to 19 nm. is far greater than that of the putative
`serpin domain. This is attributed to an elongated structure for the carbohydrate-rich
`ll3-residue N-terminal domain. The radial inhomogeneity of scattering density. at. is large
`at 59 x l0” from the RC, data and 28 x10" from the cross-sectional analysis. and this is
`accounted for by the high oligosaccharide content of CT inhibitor. The scattering data were
`modelled using small spheres. A two-domain structure of length [8 nm based on two distinct
`scattering densities accounted for all the contrast variation data. One domain is based on
`the crystal structure of at, antitrypsin (7 nm x 3 nm x 3 nm). The other corresponds to an
`extended heavily glycosylatcd N-tcrminal domain of length l5 nm. whose long axis is close
`to the longest axis of the serpin domain. Calculation of the sedimentation coefficient 320. w
`for Cl inhibitor using the hydrodynamic sphere approach showed that a two-domain head-
`and-tail structure with an M of 71.000 and longest axis of 16 to 19 nm successfullv
`reproduced the 82., w of 37 S. Possible roles of the N-terminal domainIn the function of (‘1
`inhibitor are discussed.
`TAuthor to whom correspondence should be. addressed. in the Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry. Royal
`Free Hospital School of Medicine. Rowland Hill Street. London NW3 2P1“. UK
`0022— ’ ‘ti/90/l' 75l—oflilitlti..00
`(C I990 Arudrmic Press Limited
`-..I ('5!to
`S. J. Perkins et al.
`1. Introduction
`The complement system comprises a family of
`plasma and cell—surface glyeoproteins that operate
`as a cascade and play a. major
`role in immune
`defence mechanisms. The classical pathway of
`complement activation is initiated by the first: com—
`(11. which reacts largely with immune
`complexes of lg.“ or 1:50 inlInnuoglobnlins bound to
`foreign material
`I985; Reid.
`Hchumakcr cl at" IQST). The unrestrained activation
`of (.‘I would eel-use excessive consumption of (7-2 and
`(‘4. thus (‘1 is regulated by (.‘T inhibitor (Harpel.
`lQ'ifi: Him .5: Reboot.
`liltil: (Iooper
`I985: Davis.
`liltiti). This protease inhibitor. present at about-
`in plasma. forms stable l2! complexes
`with the (‘ll' and Ii'is subcompmuénts of CT to
`further complement activation.
`formation is
`characterized by
`the irreversibic
`cleavage of the peptide bond at Arg444—Tbr445 in
`the reactive centre of (‘l inhibitor (Halvcsen of rd.
`liltifi). Conformational changes after cleavage lead
`to a much more stable protein structure (Bruch c!
`mt. ltlHH: l’emberton Pt rd. 1939}. While f‘l inhibitor
`is the only known inhibitor of ('lr and {.‘Ts.
`it. is also
`a critical regulatory component of the coagulatitm.
`librinolytic and kinin—releasing systems. and its
`cleavage of the Arg-tct-‘t-Thr-‘t-l-S peptide bond is
`important in certain disease states (Davis. 1988].
`Compositional stut'lies of ("l inhibitor are required
`to understand the mechanism of control of ('l
`activation in serum. (.‘l inhibitor is a I'uember of the
`serpin supertamily (scrine protease hihibitor) of
`serum inhibitors (Davis et
`til" 1986: Buck et at.
`Its H, has been est-inmt-ed as 93.00” to
`”6.00“ by gel electrophoresis and ultracentri—
`fugation analyses (l’ensky p! at. itlfil: Hu-upt at at.
`ltl'r'tl: R-elnml H at. lili'i: Nilsson &. Wiman. 1982:
`Harrison. till-$3}. However. the sequence shows that
`the mature protein M, is only 52.300 and it has been
`suggested that this implies a carbohydrate content
`as high as 49'?“ (Bock e! at" l98ti}. This is not.
`previous carbohydrate
`which found a total of 33 ‘53 to 350i: by mass (Haupt
`ct rd” ltl'i'll; Harrison. 1933}. The stI'Lu-ture of the
`1N-linked and {ii-linked oligosaeeharides have been
`determined. but not their [tidal amounts (Ht-rocker P!
`at... I985}. Accordingly. further carbirihydrate analy-
`ses were performed in order to define the composi-
`tion of UT inhibitor.
`Structural data are required also to undemt-aud
`the function oft'l inhibit-or. Hedimei'itatimi data for
`inhibitor give.
`s30... values mostly at. 3'75
`(Schultze rt (11.. 1962: Haupt. c! at... 19?“; Reboot M
`rd. 1977: (lhesne c! ”L. 198:!) from which highly
`t-‘It'll'lgtlatfll structtm-‘s have. been deduced ((ldermatt
`(11.. 1981: Perkins.
`[985]. Electron microscopy
`suggested that. (‘l inhibitor has an elongated two-
`domain ‘"Iu-ad-amt-tail" structure (thiermatt e! at”
`lilBl }. and Inicrocalol'imetry experiment-s supported
`this lwo-donmiu structure (Lennick et at.
`The crystal
`st-ructln't-- of the homologous serpiu
`Page 6 0f 17
`Oil-antitr_\'psin can he. used to model the L‘-t-erminai
`365 amino acid residues (Loberniaun rt rd. 1934-.
`Bock e! at” [986: Harrison. 1989}. which probably
`corresponds to the “twat!" of ('l
`inhibitor. The
`Il3 amino acid
`residues. with
`presumed length of anywhere between '36 um and
`53nm. The structure of the. N-terminal domain is
`poorly understood:
`the functional
`nuances of this domain are wholly unknown (Davis.
`Neutron scattering is an efi'ectivc multiparameter
`tool for structural studies of glycoproteins (Perkins
`pt at" l985: Smith et at. 1990). Contrast variation in
`Hzl l—EHZU mixtures will identity the overall struc—
`ture under conditions close to physiological.
`which the internal arrangemii-nt of protein and
`carbohydrate can he allowed for (Perkins. IQSSH. b).
`The conformational transitirm between the native
`and reactive centre cleaved proteins can be moni—
`tored. The two—domain model for (.‘l inhibitor can
`be compared quantitatively with the crystal struc—
`ture of Gil-antitrypsin (Lt'ibermann at at” IQRJ-t
`Smith P! m'..
`I990}. where molecular models for (‘l
`inhibitor can be developed. Possible roles for the
`heavily glycosylated N-ierminal domain for
`function of Cl inhibitor are discussed.
`2. Materials and Methods
`(aj Preparations of the rudim- and reaction renlrr- cleared
`forms of t 'l'
`from human
`inhibitor was prepared
`l..:1clnnann (Hit-iii]
`according to the method of Harrison 6’:
`and either used fresh or stored frozen at —Tt|"t" until
`required. if frozen. samples were prepared for |.-:ratt.ei'ill,t_lr
`studies by gel filtration on Hepbarnse tilt in 12 vasndium
`phosphate. 2th} rim-Nat”. I mM-El'lTA. pH Tell. The peak
`fractiolds) at about
`ltl mgfml were then dialysed agaii'lst-
`the same buffer. filtered through a (N? am filter (Colman)
`into sterile glass or plastic vials. and held at 4"1.‘ until
`required for analysis. Two [towns of ("'T inhibitor were used
`in analysis. The native form showed a single band on
`tiI)Stpolyaciylumide gel electrophoresis (Laemrnli. I970].
`and was fully active against (‘Is and plasn‘lin. The split
`form oft 'T inhibitor was generated subsequent to isolation
`by the action of an unidentified prot-cztsets]. (tel electro—
`r-.hromatography analyses of this slmwed it to have been
`split at 2 sites. one at or close to the reactive centre
`exposed loop, and the other close to the amino terminus of
`the pron-in. generating fragments indistinguislmble from
`those generated by Pseudomrmm (imagines-n elastase
`(l’embertou N m'” 1939]. The sites of cleavage were
`confirmed by amino-terminal sequence analysis (per-
`formed by Ilr I.. Paektuan at
`the Protein Sequencing
`Facility. Department of Bim-hcmistry. University of
`Cambridge} ot' the cleaved material both before and after
`dialysis against scattering buffers. This indicated that
`cleavage had occurred bet ween tier-HI and Valli-12 in the
`reactive cent-re and, in appmximately equimolar amounts.
`either bet-warm Metal and Leu3‘2 or between la‘u32 and
`Phe33 in the :uninn—termiiml region. While the (‘-terminal
`peptide. containing the. reactive cent-re residues. was fully
`retained in the dialysed cleaved molecule. partial (up to
`30‘5“} loss of the amino—terminal 3|f32 residues may have
`Page 6 of 17
`Solution. Structure of ("f Inhibitor
`occurred. although the nature of the residues at.
`amino terminus of the protein (N- PleC-Hnin-LTfi-fi-S-S}
`make this difficult.
`to quantify precisely. Samples were
`manalysed by gel electrophoresis suhsequent to solution
`scattering studies. and no dil’r‘erenccs lieforc or after the
`scattering experiments were detected. In addition. native
`(1T inhibit-or after the scattering experiments had an unal—
`tered ka‘t'ifit' activity against active—site titrated plasmin.
`('Ffrhtli’lyfl’t’fll‘f" unofyxio of f '7 inhibitor
`release. of N—linked
`The methods
`saccharidea by hydrazinol‘vsis and their subsequent analy~
`sis have been dcscrilu-c'! (Ashi'ord c! m"..
`oligosaucharidcs with
`(A rlfimlmricr urcafur'icnxi and fi-N-arctylhcmisaminidasc
`(Jack hean} have also been tlescl'ilici'l (I’arekh c! m'.. 1987}.
`{'l-linkcd oiigosaccharidcs were rclca-scd and reduced l.|_\'
`alkaiine sodium liorohydride treatment using a modifica-
`tion of the method described In: Mizuorhi ct m". [I980].
`Typically. 2'5: mg of (TI inhibitor was treated with 2'30 ,ul
`of' ”'6 .‘I-Hfldllllll
`lsHllJorohydride liftitlmt‘ifmmol. New
`England Nuclear} iI'I {HIS M-sodillm hydroxide For so h at.
`:‘jl.l"'(_' with shaking. 'l‘lu- mixture was corded to 4'i't' and
`I‘lui of" acetic onhydride was added. After
`llimin. an
`lfliil of' acetic auhydridc was added and thc
`reaction allowed to [um-cod at room t-cinpcrat-uw For a
`lllI min. This addition and incubation was
`repeated twice more. The reaction mixture was adjusted
`to approximately pH ti liy dropwise addition of I M-acetic
`acid. and then applicd to a
`lml column of DUWI‘X
`AHSHX l2 (H‘
`form. Bio-Rad}. The coiunm was cilitod
`with 5 column volumes ul'distillcd watt-r. Thc. cluatc was
`tiltcrcd through a 0-5 pm 'l‘cllou filter and evaporated to
`dryness. Borate was mmoved IJ'Y repeated evaporation
`[fix] with incthanol
`(iiihlul). The sample was
`snhjeoled to descending paper chromatography for 4H h
`with butan-l-oliethanolll'water (4 :
`: l. by vol}.
`For quantification of the nlllnher olil—linked chains on
`lactose was added prior to the. alkaline
`trcatmcnt. After isolation of the» reduccc'l.
`radio—labelled oligosaccharides
`from paper chromato-
`they were treated with neuraminidaac and
`suhjcctcd to high—voltage eioctmplmresis in
`acetic iuridi’watcr (3:1 :378. by vol.) hufier. pH 5-4 at
`Bi] V cm"I
`for 45 min. The. neutral oligosaccharidcs
`remaining at
`the origin were. eluted with water and
`applied to a Bio-Gel Put high-resolution gel
`system. Radioactivc fractions eluting from I to 5 glucose
`comparison with
`oligosacrharide standards. were pooled Urge-their. Lactito]
`was separated from reduced ('l-glycuns by high—voltagc
`Plect-mphorcsis in horntc hufi'er {Ashitirrl e! n.3,. 1937]. The
`radil'iactive areas were eluted from the elm‘trophm'etoA
`gram and quantified by liquid scintillation counting.
`A portion of the Bio-t.lel
`I’-~l pool. was also subjected to
`the procedure
`reducing—torn:inal moiiosaccimridc
`determination (Aahford cl' oh. I987). The. radioactive areas
`the resulting clectrophoretograln corresponding to
`glucit-ol and N-acct_\'lgaiartosaminit-oi \verc quantified hy
`integration of the raditmctivc [malts detected by the linear
`analyser. f‘orrcctions in the quantification were made for
`trace contaminants in the lart-itol and for background.
`ll'l' Nt'm’mu duh: ciiflcr'iinn um} rmm'yscs
`Neutron data acre rollcctml on Instrument. DI? at thc
`radius of
`duration Ru data wcrc hosed on a sample to doti-ctor
`Page 7 0f 17
`tlifit'ance ol‘ 346111 and neutron wavelengths of 1‘38?) to
`I-395 nm or
`I'tiUil Inn. corresponding to a
`((3:43: sin {if}. whore 20 is the scattering anglc} ol‘ III-(I33
`to li-486om'l. Data at.
`larger Q were obtained with a
`sample to detcctor distance of" 140:3). wavelengths of
`H301 to 1-004 um. and main beam to detector angles ofU "
`and Iii-89° to give. 0 ranges ofIi-l 3 to Hill nm " and trial to
`3-6 run".
`Instrument 011 with a sample to detector
`distance of “Hi to and u‘m‘elel'lgth of I'll“ not was used to
`obtain a lower Q rangc of 0-0019 to (1-221) nm' 1. Samples
`warc dialysed at 6°C with stirring int-0 ”man-sodium
`phosphate. 20(lmM-Nat‘l.
`l mat-EDTA {pH 7-1}
`in 0'10.
`80% or 100%, 2H 20 solutions with 4 changes over 36 to
`48 h). All neutron data were. recorded at. 201'. (Hint-en—
`trations were measured using an absorption coetficicnt.
`. $3me of 3-6 (Harrison. 1983; Salvesen cl rd.
`Data reduction was hased on standard Grenoble- software
`((ihosh. 198]}. and the final analyses in London were
`hased on SII'TPL {Perkins it. Sim. 198d}. Statistical anal .V‘
`aei-‘i were l'mi'for'med using MINITAB (version til) on a
`microcomputer {Ryan at at. I985].
`the t'iuinier equation gives the radius of
`At small Q.
`gyration It"; and the forward scattering at act-o scat-owing
`angle [{0} {(iuinier & Fouruet. 1955}:
`In HQ) = ln tffll—Réqlig
`In a given solute-‘solrent contrast. HG measures the
`degree ol’ ciongation of a glycoprotcin. If this struct-urc is
`sufficiently elongated, the [fa of t-hc cross—sectional struc-
`turc 33:5 and the cross—sectional
`intensity at zero angle
`[HQ] x Q1040 are obtained from:
`In mm x Q] = In [1in x Ola .u — Hisczo.
`The matchpoini
`is ohtaincd l'rorn a graph of JIflHfl'TS!
`”=0 2H20 [7"!
`is sample transmission. i
`is sample
`thickncss, r is <.-.<.ui<.-cnt-ration}. and from t-hc (.‘I‘tiHfi-Ht-‘t'ljtlllill
`analyses using JIHQ) ijq flui'c’l‘st. Experiment-a] match—
`points can be compared with the amino acid acqucncc on
`the basis of. the unhydratiul shape of arr—VT.
`the use of
`crystallographic volumes {unhydrutedL and thc lti‘i-D
`non-exchange of the main-chain amide protons (Perkins.
`1986). The contrast. variation analysis of the arrangement
`of ¢.-.a.i-lioh_\;ti1-at.c and protein is based on t-hc Htohrmann
`equation {Ibel & Stuhrimtnn. 1975):
`3%; = Ré_c+atfi x Ap‘ I —,86 xAp'2
`”is = His—Eta“ x AP- 1 *lgxs x AP. 2.
`where Ref and Rxsc are the radii of gyration of the
`macromolecules and its cross-section at
`infinite contrast.
`are and 1x5; Incasurc thc correspondin
`geneity of scattering densities. and tip '
`is thc reciprocal
`solvent—solute contra-st dilTert-noe. The terms in Be and
`if“ measurc the. displacement of the centre of scattering
`densityr as the contrast. is varied. From the term in )3. the
`diatamre A hut-ween the centres ol‘ 2 components of
`distim'i scattering densities ,01 and p2 and volumes 1'. and
`I}. respectively. can he calculated; however. 3 parameter-
`weightcd least—squares fitting of the data in Fig.3{hi
`showed that this was not measurablc.
`The neutmn-scattering curve HQ} in reciprocal space
`can be transformed into real space P(r) by use of the
`indirect- t-ransi'ornmtion procedure (ITI’) incihod [Glat-tcr.
`1982]. This requircd the full scattering curvc to 3-6 um ' ‘.
`It. offcis an alternativc calculation of the R6 and the
`length L for ('I inhibit-or. The 75 experimental HQ] data
`points [in 3 suhdomains to correspond to thc 3 HI?
`configurations} were heat
`tittcd using It} to 15 cubic
`splines, which were transliirmed into Itll points of tho
`Page 7 of 17
`T54 H. J. Perkins et a].
`function based on n maximum length of dilnm.
`llesnn-aring ol‘ the neutron curve was performed on the
`hilt-tits of u [BIT wavelength nprend of I00” full~width to
`hall—tmuimum. The slit width and length corrections were
`to he t‘tllilll and toured on a beam divergence of
`Will l2 rm] nt Instrument DIT.
`{d} Mule-Hing of Hu- ufrmi'nrr- of {'17 inhibitor
`Modelling of the I'IelllrlIII-st‘atlei‘lttg eurves was based
`on the dry volume of the gl‘t'eoprotein [(‘hothia.
`lilt'llil. and used IJehye simulations based on