`pmtcin structure and molecular
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`Bmcnimica el Blophysica Acta 705(2)
`pmrern Structure and Molecular Enzymology P6(2)
`July 26, 1992
`(cued in: Current Contents Lila Sciences — Biological Abstracts — Chemical Abstracts — Index Chemicua - lndex Medicus -
`Exec/plat MOdICI)
`purihcation and characterization ol extracellular poly-
`ammo oxidaae produced by Penicillium so. No. PO—t
`(35A 31226)
`by Y, Kobayashl and K. Horikoshl (Saltama, Japan)
`Charge transfer
`In peptides.
`transtormetione Involving methionine. tryptophan and
`tyros-ne (BEA 31231)
`by WA. Pratz, F. Slebert. J. Butler. E.J. Land. A. Menez
`and T. Montenay-Gareatl’or (Frelburg. F.Fl.G.. Manches-
`ter. U.K. and Gil-sur- Yvette and Paris, France) ........
`Charge traneler between tryptophan and tyrosine in
`proteins (BSA 31233)
`by J. Butler, E.J. Land. WA. Prutz and AJ. Swallow
`(Manchester, UK. and Frelburg. FR. G.) .............
`Characterization ol
`the proteolytlc activity tirmly at-
`tached to yeast phoephoenolpyruvate carboxyklnase
`(EBA 31227)
`by l. Beck, M, Muller and H. Holzer (Munich and Frei-
`bulg, ERG.) ...................................
`Isolation and characterization ol giycopeptidea oi hu-
`man transcortln (EBA 31224)
`I.V. Met-
`by 0A. Strel‘Chyonok, G.V. Awakumov.
`veentseva, L.V. Akhrem and AA. Akhrem (Minsk.
`us 53.) ......................................
`Isolation and purification ot rat acute-phase rag-macro-
`globulin (EBA 31229)
`by DE. Panrucker and FL. Loracheider (Calgary.
`Canada) ......................................
`Radioimmunoassay of rat acute-phase a,-macroglobu-
`tin (SBA 31230)
`by DE. Panrucker and EL. Lorachelder
`Canada) ......................................
`Puntication and partial characterization at two forms at
`urinary trypsin inhibitor (BBA 31235)
`by Y Tanaka. S. Maehara, H. Suml. N. Toki. S. Moriyama
`and K. Sasaki
`(Tokyo. Shimane. Mlyazalrl and
`Hiroshima. Japan) ..............................
`The eltect ol aging on rat liver phosphoglycerate kinaale
`and comparison with the muscle enzyme (SBA 31237)
`by L.S. leemath and M. Rothatein (Buffalo. NY, U. 3.1!.)
`Purification and properties 01 the pyruvate dehydro-
`genaae complex from Salmonella typhimurlum and lor-
`mation ot hybrid: with the enzyme complex lrom
`Escherlchla coll (EBA 31239)
`by Fl. Seckler. R. Binder and H. Bleawanger (Tobingen.
`ERG.) .......................................
`Photoalllnity labeling ol membrane-bound porcine
`aminopeptideee N (BEA 31250)
`by D. Gralecoe. L. Varesl, M. Knrblehler and M. semerlva
`1 3a_/(Marselllee. France) .............................
`Demonstration that bovine erythrocyte cytochrome OS
`in the hydrophilic segment ol liver mlctosomal cyto-
`chrome b5 (BSA 31240)
`1V by SE. Slaughter. C.H. Wllllams, Jr. and D. E. Hultquial
`(Ann Arbor. MI, U.S.A.) ..........................
`Ettect ot vanadate on the formation and stability 01 the
`phoephoenzyme terms 01 2.3-bisphoephoglycerate—dt
`pendent phosphoglycerate mutase and at phoe-
`phoglucomutne (EBA 312‘s)
`by J. Canerea, F. Climent. R. Ber-trons and G. Pan:
`(Barcelona. Spain) ..............................
`The iaoelectrlc focusing at human thyroglobulln (EBA
`by C. Davoh‘. s. Grimaldl, G. Rueca. M. Andrea/i and H.
`Edelhoch (Rome, Italy) ..........................
`Isolation and partial characterization ol prochymosin
`and chymoein lrom cat (BEA 31244)
`by T.
`Jensen. N.H. Axelsen and B. Foltmann
`(Copenhagen, Denmark) .........................
`Recombination kinetics lollowing nanosecond laser
`photolysis of carbonmonoxyhaemoglobln (SBA 31238)
`by R. Catterall. DA. Duddell, Fl.J. Morris and J.T.
`Richards (Salford, U. K.) ..........................
`Circular dichroism studies on aa-antlplesmin and its
`interactions with pleemin and piaeminogan (BBA 31264)
`by T. Nilsaon,
`l. S/oholm and B. Wlman (Umea and
`Uppaala. Sweden) ..............................
`Purilication and characterization ol human Ct—esteraae
`inhibitor (BEA 31265)
`by T. Nileson and B. Wlman (Umoa. Sweden) .........
`' 134
`21 a
`The 1932 edition 01 lhla booklet. otterlng detailed widen” to anthem le available tree 0! charge trom the IDA Edllorlel
`Secreterlet. P.O. Box 1345. 1000 EH Ameterdem. The Netherlende. It Ie eleo pubHehed ae Blochlm. Bloohya. Acta 715 (10.2) 1-23.
`Page 3 of 10
`Tropomyofln Wucturo and Inhmobcular contacts In
`My paracryomln (BSA 31222)
`by 8.0. Gollldly (Chicago. IL. USA.) ..............
`384 Reports
`Arthurian plot charmflstlco o! mombmno-bounq 3.
`hydvoxy-s-mothmluuryl cocnzymc A rating.» "om
`the mm of Hm brumomls (BBA 30018)
`by AB. Sipnt (saucer. Malayan) .................
`Inhlblmry union of prollno-eonmnlng peptides on Xia-
`Pro—dlpomidytnminopoptidm (EBA 30023)
`by M. Honda, KM. Fukauwn. K. Fukulwl and T.
`Nagauu (Shiojin' and Yokohama, lean) ............
`Tides of "mod papon In other actions ............
`Page 4 of 10
`Biochimica e! Biophysica Acid, 705 (1982) 2717276
`Elsevier Biomedical Press
`BEA 31265
`Department of Clinical Chemistry, Umed University Hospital, 5—901 85 Umet‘z (Sweden)
`[Received December 16th, 1981)
`Key words: Ci—eslerase.‘ Disulfide; Esterase inhibitor; Complement; (Human)
`A new purification method for CI-esterase inhibitor is described, which is essentially a three-step procedure:
`precipitation with poly(ethylene glycol), chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydrophobic interaction
`chromatography on hexyl-Sepharose. The final product is a single-chain glycoprotein with a molecular weight
`of about 100000 and NHz-terminal asparagine. The molecule is fully active as judged by complex formation
`with CIs. Two of its three disulphide bridges can be easily reduced and S -carboxymethylated under
`non-denaturing conditions without loss of activity. However, at high dithioerythritol concentration the third
`disulphide bridge is also cleaved and accompanied by loss of the activity, indicating that this disulphide bridge
`is involved in maintaining the conformation around the reactive site in the inhibitor.
`Human plasma contains several protease inhibi-
`tors of well-known functions. Among these,
`CI-esterase inhibitor is important in the regulation
`of the complement system [1] and possibly also in
`the kininogen system [2] and the intrinsic fibrinol-
`ysis [3]. Several purification methods for the CI-
`esterase inhibitor have been described [1,4—8], al-
`though few seem to give fully satisfactory prepara-
`tions suitable for functional studies. In order to
`perform such studies we have therefore developed
`a simple method for purification of CI-esterase‘
`inhibitor which can be operated on a large scale
`and results in a high yield of pure product, with
`properties as close to the native molecule as possi-
`Materials and Methods
`Human plasma. Freshly frozen citrated human
`plasma was obtained from the Blood Centre of
`‘ To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`0|67—4838/82/0000—0000/$02.75 ‘0 I982 Elsevier Biomedical Press
`Page 5 of 10
`Umea University Hospital (courtesy of Dr. B.
`C1_s. This was prepared essentially according to
`the method of Chapuis et al. [9]. The final product
`was a homogeneous protein as established by
`SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, all of
`which could form a stable complex with Cl-
`esterase inhibitor, if this was added in excess.
`Reagents. Hexyl-Sepharose was obtained by
`coupling 100 ml
`1 M hexylamine (Kebo AB,
`Stockholm, Sweden), adjusted to pH 9 with hydro-
`chloric acid, to 1000 ml CNBr—activated Sepharose
`4B [10]. Sepharose 4B“ and DEAE-Sephacel“ were
`from Pharmacia Fine Chemicals
`Sweden). Polybrene was from Aldrich (Beerse, Bel-
`gium) and the chromogenic tri-peptide-p-nitroani—
`lide substrate 5-2400 was a gift from Kabi peptide
`Research (Molndal, Sweden, courtesy of Dr. Lars
`Mellstam). All reagents and chemicals used were
`of analytical grade.
`NH2-terminal amino acid determination. This was
`performed by manual Edman degradation [1 l],
`and the phenylthiohydantoins were identified by
`thin-layer chromatography as described previously
`Page 5 of 10
`Amino acid analysis. The samples were hydro-
`lyzed in constant boiling HC] in vacuo for 24, 48
`and 72 h. Analysis was performed on an LKB
`amino acid analyzer according to the procedures
`given by the manufacturers.
`Immunochemica.’ analysis. Rabbit antiserum to
`the Cl-esterase inhibitor was raised by injection of
`the purified protein mixed with Freund’s complete
`adjuvant. Booster doses were given together with
`Freund’s incomplete adjuvant when the specific
`antibody titers were decreasing.
`Electroimmunoassay was performed according
`to the method of Laurel] [13] and crossed im»
`munoelectrophoresis essentially as described by
`Clarke and Freeman [14}.
`Determination of Cl} and CIT-esterase inhibitor
`concentrations. The C15 concentration was de-
`termined from its absorbance at 280 nm, using an
`Ago“ of_9.5 {15].
`The Cls activity was measured using the chro-
`mogenic substrate 3-2400: a 140 nM solution of
`Cls gave a AA“u of 0.043/mjn at a substrate
`concentration of 0.63 mM in 0.] M sodium phos-
`phate buffer, pH 7.3, at 25°C.
`Cl-esterase inhibitor concentrations were de-
`termined spectrophotometrically using an Afioflm
`of 5.0 [11, or by titration against purified C15 in
`the following way: 25 ,ul of a Cl-esterase inhibitor
`sample was incubated for 10 min with 25 it] Cls
`(final concentration 140 nM) in a cuvette. Then
`0.7 m10.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.3, and 200 pl
`3 mM 8-2400 were added and residual Cls activity
`was measured from the AA4,0nm, as described
`above. The Cl-esterase inhibitor could then be
`calculated from the decrease in AAMOnn-i'
`Polyactylamide gel electrophoresis. SDS-poly-
`acrylamide gel electrophoresis according to the
`method 0; Weber and Osborn [16] was performed
`on non-reduced and reduced samples, as previ-
`ously described [17].
`Reduction and S-carboxymeihylation. Reduction
`of the CT-esterase inhibito: was performed using a
`protein concentration of about 2 mg/ml. Di-
`thioerythritol was added to final concentrations of
`003—200 mM. For reductions at non-denaturating
`conditions, a 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH
`7.3, was used. For reductions at denaturing condi-
`tions, the same buffer, containing 6 M guanidinium
`chloride, was used. After incubation for 30 min at'
`Page 6 of 10
`25°C in nitrogen athmosphere, [3H]ICH2COONa
`was added to a final concentration of 80 mM, and
`incubation was continued in the dark for another
`5 min. To the 200 mM dithioerythritol sample, 450
`mM ICH2COONa was used. The labelled protein
`was isolated by gel filtration on Sephadex (3-50
`columns (0.8 cm2 X 9cm) equilibrated with 0.1 M
`sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.3. Control samples
`similarly treated,
`that no di-
`thioerythritol was added. The separated protein
`samples were analyzed by radioactivity measure-
`ment (Packard Tri-carb liquid scintillator) and
`protein determination by AM or amino acid anal-
`ysis after acid hydrolysis. As a reference protein,
`az-antiplasmin (10 mg/ml) was treated in the same
`way in order to obtain the specific radioactivity of
`the iodoacetic acid, since it
`is known that
`protein contains three disulphide bridges and no
`free SH group [18,19].
`Purification of C1—-esterase inhibitor
`All procedure were carried out at +5°C. About
`1 litre of plasma depleted in plasminogen by treat-
`ment with lysine-Sepharose [20] was thawed, made
`20 mM in EDTA, and poiybrene was added to a
`final concentration of 0.6 g/l. The plasma was
`subsequently diluted with an edual volume of PEG
`6000 (12%, w/v). After stirring for 30 min,
`precipitate was removed by centrifugation, and to
`the clear supernatant were added about 300 ml of
`DEAE-Sephacel”, equilibrated with 0.04 M phos-
`phate buffer, pH 7.0.
`After stirring for 30 min, the gel was washed on
`a Buchner funnel with about 15 litres of the same
`phosphate buffer. The gel was then degassed and
`packed in a column (5 X 15 cm), and subsequently
`eluted employing a linear gradient of NaCl from (J
`to 0.3 M (total volume 1800 ml) in the same phos-
`phate buffer (Fig. l).
`The Cl—esterase inhibitor concentration in the
`eluted fractions was determined by electroim-
`munoassay. Generally it was eluted in the 0.15-
`0.18 M NaCl range. The fractions containing anti—
`gen were pooled, concentrated to about 30 ml and
`made 0.4M in (NH4 )2504 by addition of an ap-
`propriate amount of the solid substance.
`The concentrated DEAE-Sephacel“ pool was
`Page 6 of 10
`esterase inhibitor were obtained from 1
`Characterization of the purified CT—esterase inhibi-
`Homogeneity. The product obtained after the
`hexyl-Sepharose step is typically a single-chain
`protein which is more than 95% pure as shown by
`SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on re-
`duced and non-reduced samples (Fig. 3). 0n com-
`parison with reference proteins its molecular weight
`was estimated to about 100000. On crossed im-
`munoelectrophoresis, using a rabbit antiserum
`raised against the purified protein, only one pre-
`cipitation arc is observed for the purified Cl-
`csterase inhibitor, as well as for human pooled
`plasma (Fig.4). Within experimental error
`electrophoretic mobility of the pure product
`identical or very similar to the native Cl-esterase
`inhibitor in plasma. No signs of this inhibitor in
`complex with proteases such as Cls or Clr have
`been detected in normal plasma samples.
`The amino acid composition (Table I) is in ex-
`cellent agreement with that reported by Haupt et
`al. [4] for most amino acids. The only exception is
`tyrosine, where our figure is considerably lower.
`The amino acid composition reported by Harpel
`[I] is, however, quite different. On Nth-terminal
`amino acid analysis, about lmol asparagine per
`mol protein was found. No other amino acid could
`be detected.
`Activity. Titration of the purified Cl-estcrase
`inhibitor with Cls resulted in an inverse linear
`relationship between the amount of Cl-esterase
`inhibitor added and remaining Cls activity. A 10%
`molar excess of the inhibitor was sufficient
`abolish the Cls activity.
`SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analy-
`sis of the reaction mixture obtained using Cls in
`Fig 3. SDS—polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms of
`purified Cl-esterase inhibitor: (in), reduced sample: (b). non-re-
`duced sample.
`Eluhon volume (ml)
`Fig. l. Elution of the DFAE-Sephacel column by a linear
`gradient from 0.04 M sodium phosphate buffer. pH 7.0, to the
`same buffer containing 0.3 NaCl. .4,“
`); Cl-esterase
`inhibitor (ClN) concentration according to Laurel] electro-
`phoresis (------).
`then applied to a column of hexyl-Sepharose (5 X
`20 cm), equilibrated with 0.4M (Ni-{02804 in
`0.04 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. The Cl-esterase
`inhibitor passed through the column unadsorbed,
`whereas the contaminating proteins were either
`adsorbed or delayed (Fig. 2).
`The first peak containing the CT-esterase in-
`hibitor was pooled as indicated. and subsequently
`dialyzed against 0.1M sodium phosphate buffer,
`pH 7.3, in the cold. The solution was thereafter
`concentrated to give a final concentration of about
`3mg protein/ml and stored frozen at —80°C.
`Typically about 80—100 mg of the purified Cl-
`Absorbanceat280nm 9 N
`Elution volume (ml)
`Fig 2. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography on hexyl-Sep-
`harose. The pooled fraction from the DFAE-Sephacel column
`was applied to the hayl-Sepharoee column equilibnted with
`0.04 M sodium phosphate buffer containing 0.4 M (NH.),SO..
`The first peak consists of essentially pure Cl-eeterase inhibitor.
`Page 7 of 10
`Fig. 4. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis of (a) purified CI-
`esterase inhibitor, (1)) normal human plasma. The second di-
`mension was run into a gel containing I% (v/v) rabbit anti-
`CT-esterase inhibitor.
`excess revealed that all of the CI-esterase inhibitor
`reacted to form a complex with the C75 light
`chain. When the Cl-esterase inhibitor was in ex-
`cess all of the Cls was converted to the enzyme-in-
`hibitor complex, indicating that both the inhibitor
`and the Cls preparations fully retain their activi-
`Stability. A fresh preparation of Cl-esterase
`inhibitor, dialyzed against 0.1 M phosphate buffer,
`pH 7.3, was divided into aliquots and kept at
`+5°C, -20°C or —80°C. 'Sodiurn azide (0.04%)
`was added as preservant in the +5°C aliquots. At
`different times, ranging between 0—50 days, sam-
`ples were checked for inhibitory activity against
`Cls. At -80°C or at +5°C no decline in activity
`could be detected. However, at -20°C a small but
`steady decline in activity was observed, amounting
`Page 8 of 10
`The figures represent the mean value of three determinations.
` Amino acid 1‘30“; Amino acid 1‘50“;
`Aspartic acid
`Threonine ‘
`Set-inc '
`Glutamic acid
`Cysteine '
`‘ Extrapolated values.
`to about 50% during the observation period.
`The disulphide bridges in Ci—esterase inhibitor.
`Amino acid analysis has indicated six cysteines in
`the molecule (Table I),
`thus forming three dis-
`ulphide bridges. This has been investigated further
`by reduction of the CI-esterase inhibitor with di-
`thioerythritol in the presence of 6M guanidinium
`chloride, followed by S—carboxymethylation with
`[3H1CH2COONa. Using az-antiplasmin as
`standard, known to possess
`three disulphide
`bridges [19], we found 5.9 cysteines in the CI-
`esterase inhibitor. The small radioactivity incorpo-
`rated nonspecifically prior to reduction, corre-
`sponding to about 0.8 residues,
`is then already
`subtracted. Conclusively, the CI-esterase inhibitor
`contains three disulphide bridges.
`Partial reduction of the CI-esterase inhibitor
`under non-denaturing conditions using different
`S-carboxymethylation with [3H]ICH2COONa is
`shown in Fig 5. Two of the three disulphide bridges
`seem to be easily cleaved even at 3mM di-
`thioerythritol under non—denaturing conditions.
`However, to cleave the third disulphide bridge the
`dithioerythritol concentration has to be increased
`to 200 mM. Included in Fig.5 are also the results
`from activity measurements of the reduced Cl-
`samples. Reduction and
`Scarboxymethylation of the two easily reduced
`disulphide bridges are performed without loss of
`phoresis. If kept frozen at -80°C the material is
`stable for months, but not if frozen at —20°C.
`Lyophilization always results in loss of appreciable
`amounts of activity.
`Recently we reported [19,21] that two of the
`three disulphide bridges in az-antiplasmin could
`be reduced and S-carboxymethylated under non-
`denaturating conditions without affecting the
`inhibitory activity. Cleavage of
`the third dis-
`ulphide bridge could only be performed in the
`presence of denaturing agents and was accompa-
`nied by complete loss of activity [19,21]. In the
`present study, similar results are obtained with
`CI-esterase inhibitor, although the third dis-
`ulphide bridge in this case can be cleaved if a high
`concentration of dithioerythritol is used. This still
`leads to inactivation of the molecule, indicating
`that the ‘stable' disulphide bridge is indeed im-
`portant in maintaining the crucial conformation
`around the reactive site of the inhibitor. The simi-
`lar behaviour of the disulphide bridges in ail-anti-
`plasmin and Cl-esterase inhibitor may indicate a
`structural relationship between these molecules.
`This will be further elucidated by amino acid
`sequence analyses, which are already in progress.
`Financial support has been obtained from the
`Swedish Medical Research Council (project No.
`05193) and the Lions Research Foundation,
`Department of Oncology, Umea University (pro-
`jects l79/80 and 206/81). The expert technical
`assistance of Ms. Asa Alrnquist and Mr. Tord
`Arvidsson is gratefully acknowledged.
`I Harpel, P.C. (1976) Methods FJIzymol. 45, 751-760
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`7 Nagati, K., Iida. K. and Inai. S. (1974) Int. Arch. Allergy
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`8 Anderson, W.H.K., Smith, J.K. and Fothergill, 1.5. (1975)
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`activity. However, cleavage of the third disulphide
`bridge results in almost complete loss of activity
`Many of the previously published purification
`procedures for Cl-esterase inhibitor are tedious
`and result in low yields and varying amounts of
`degraded forms of the inhibitor. The method re-
`cently published by Reboul et a]. [5] is simple, but
`in our hands it only gave a 50%-pure material with
`several contaminants at low concentrations. There-
`fore the present method seems to be superior in its
`simplicity, high yield and quality of the final prod-
`uct. A yield of 80—l00 mg/litre plasma represents
`about 45—55%, assuming a concentration of 180
`mg/l in normal plasma [1]. The present method
`can, furthermore, easily be operated on a large
`The purified protein is a single-chain glycopro-
`tein with a molecular weight of about 100000, and
`asparagine is found to be its NHz-terminal amino
`acid. The purified preparation has electrophoretic
`mobility in the at2 region identical to that of the
`Cl-esterase inhibitor in plasma, as judged by
`crossed immunoelectrophoresis. It is also fully ac-
`tive, as judged by titration against Cls or analysis
`of a mixture of CI-esterase inhibitor and CIs in
`molar excess by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electro
`mot'SH/mot(IN u
`01‘! [manlrmion (mm
`Fig. 5. Reduction of Cl-esterase inhibitor (CIN) by different
`concentrations of dithioerythritol
`S-carboxylnethylation with [JHIICH ICOONa. The number of
`S-carboxymethylcysteinee were calcinated from the specific
`radioactivity (O
`O). Included in the figure are also the
`results from activity measurements (0).
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