`V. 54, no. 6 (June 2014)
`General Collection
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`Table of Contents
`M47 Transfusion CME hits 50
`A.E Eller and RM. Nuts
`”48 'Do you catch my drift?”
`TI Harmon
`1450 Can a comparative database study help to develop an effective risk index
`]. Dalton and E Famg
`5. Sapatnelmr and HI. Figueroa
`1452 How do we use molecular red blood cell antigen typing to supplement
`pretrnnafuslon testing?
`Our cover was penned by Jessica Nagy,
`an artist and writer best known [or her
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`TRANSFUSION Volume 54. June 2014
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`Page 2 of 14
`[Culglccal Predictors of postoperative hemoglobin drift
`d rGilt, GJ. Whitman, W.]. Sal/age, RM. N055. and SM. Frank
`$.48 ’Elcztmg blood loss and transfusion requirement in patients undergoing surgery for museuloskeletal tumors
`ompmn, D. May, RE Choong, M. Tacey, D. Liew, and M.I:‘ Cole-Sinclair
`35:35:10.“ Of a single-chain human leukocyte antigen-DRAIDRB3*0 1:01 molecule and differential binding of a monoclonal
`F E 30 Y 1n the presence of specifically bound human platelet antigen-la peptide
`- Ouwmans, PA. Smetlzurst, Sf: Garner, W.H. Ouwehand, and S.L. Morle
`A new bead-based
`human platelet antigen antibodies detection assay versus the monoclonal antibody immobilization of
`P attlet antigens assay
`L. Porcelijn, E. Huiskes. I. Comijs- van Osselen, A. Chhatta, V. Rathore, M. Meyers, and M. de Haas
`l 493
`Sfiperlor'ity of preemptive donor lymphocyte infusion based on minimal residual disease in acute leukemia patients after
`a Ogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
`Y Tan. K. Du, Y. Luv, 1. Ski, L. Can, Y. Zheng. G. Zheng, Y. Zhao, X. Ye, Z. Cai, and [1. Huang
`EV§lufltion of peripheral blood stem cell quality in products transported by traditional courier or commercial overnight
`Sh'PPlng services
`A. Howard, 12 Chitphakdiihai, EK. Waller, w. Harris, H. Rosenthal, w. Nelson, N. Majhailv W NaWWr 5' waldwgel' 1‘ Lisy,
`1. Uecker, ]. Miller, and SR. Spellman
`Fryopreserved stem cell products containing dimethyl sulfoxide lead to activation of the coagulation system without any
`Impact on cngraftment
`A. HOlbrO, L. Graf, M. Topalidou, C. Hitcher, ].R. Pasxweg, and DA. Tsakiris
`The natural killcr—activating receptor; NKGZD, on CD3+CD8+ T cells plays a critical role in identifying and killing
`autologous myeloma cells
`L. Talebian, D./l. Fischer, 1. Wu, ].Y. Channon, C.L. Sentman, M.S. Ernstoff, and KR. Meehan
`Continuing Medical Education Program in Ti‘ansfilsion
`A}? Eder
`The impact of platelet additive solution apheresis platelets on allergic transfusion reactions and corrected
`count increment
`A.A.R. Tobinn, AK. Fuller, K. Uglik, D.I. Tisclz, RD. Barge, R.I. Benjamin, PM. N653, and KB. King
`Periopcrative and transfusion outcomes in women undergoing cesarean hysterectomy for abnormal placentation
`K1: Brookfield, L. 1‘ Goodnough, DJ. Lyell, and A]. Bunuick
`1,113 I{Se of an objective structured clinical examination to assess internal medicine residents’ transfusion knowledge
`L. Saldenberg and D. Pugh
`Deferasirox improves hematologic and hepatic function with effective reduction of serum ferritin and liver iron
`concentration in transfusional iron overload patients with myelodysplastic syndrome or aplastic anemia
`].-W. Cl'zeong, H.-]. Kim, K.-H. Lee, S. -S. Yuan, ].H. Lee, H.-S. Park, H.Y. Kim, H. Shim, C.-M. Seong, C.S. Kim, J. Chung, M.5. Hyun,
`D.-Y. Io, C. W. lung, S.K. Solm, H. .1. Ynon, as. Kim, Y.-D. I00, c. -Y. Park, and Y.H. Min for the Korean Society OfHematology Aw“?
`Myeloid Leukemia/Myeludysplaszic Syndrome Working Party
`Pharmacokinetics of plasma-derived Cl—esterase inhibitor after subcutaneous versus intravenous administration in
`subjects with mild or moderate hereditary angioedema: the PASSION study
`I. Mtlrtinez-Saguer, M. Cictmii, C. Suffritti, E. Rusicke. E. Aygiiren-Piirsiin, H. Stall, 73 Rossmanith, A. Feussnel; U. Kalzncz,
`and W. Kreuz
`In vitro properties of platelets stored in a small container for pediatric transfusion
`N. ’Iynngzird, M. Trinks, and G. Berlin
`Isoprostane and isofuran lipid mediators accumulate in stored red blood cells and influence platelet function in vitro
`S.L. Spinelli, KL. Lanmm, AB. Casey, A. Croasdell, TM. Curran, ICE Henrichs, S.I. Pollock, GA. Milne, MA. Refacn, C.W. FlallClS,
`RP Phipps, and N. Blumberg
`Comparison of antibody titers in donor specimens and associated AS-l leukoreduced donor units
`EA. Hill and BJ. Bryant
`Quality of red blood cells washed using an automated cell processor with and without irradiation
`AL. Hansen, ’ER. Turner, Q.-L. Yi, and 1.12 Acker
`The effects of rejuvenation during hypothermic storage on red blood cell membrane remodeling
`].D.R. Km‘aclz, R. Almizrat], B. Bicalho, ].I?Acicer, and ].L. Holovnti
`Page 3 of 14
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`Volume 54, June 2014 TRANSFUSION
`Page 3 of 14
`Leukoreduced whole blood—derived platelets treated with antimicrobial peptides maintain in vitro properties during
`M. Bosch—Marcé, S. Seethuruman, I. Kuitz, K.V.K. Mohan, 8.]. Wagner, and CD. Aireyu
`1610 Determination of thromboelastographic responsiveness in stored single-donor platelet concentrates
`1.]. Boniekoe, PE van der Meer, and D. de Korie
`FINA-3 gene frequencies in Brazilians and a new polymerase chain reaction—restriction fragment length polymorphism
`method for HNA-3a/3b genotyping
`LB, Lopes, W Baleotti Jr, RB. Suzuki, A. Fabron Jr, AK. Chiba. 1.133. Vieim-Filho, B. tie Souza Castro, AM. Kunioshi, and
`1.0. Bordin
`1622 Unstimulated Ieukapheresis in patients and donors: comparison of two apheresis systems
`M. Schulz, H. Bialleck, K. Thorausch, G. Bug, U. Diinzinger, L'. Seifried, and H. Bo‘nig
`Severe pertussis and hyperleukocytosis: is it time to change for exchange?
`A. Kuperman, Y. Hoffmann. D. Glikman, H. Dabbah, and Z. Zonis
`Evaluation of a rapid colorimetric assay for detection of bacterial contamination in apheresis and pooled random dono
`platelet tmits
`WA. Heaton. GE. Good, R. Galloway-Hashim, RA. Yomiaviun, and MR. Jacobs
`A novel approach for rapid detection of bacterially contaminated platelet concentrates via sensitive measurement of
`microbial DNA polymerase activity
`D.R. Zweitzig, N.M. Riccardella, ].M. Pester, R. Jeanmonod, MJ. Kopnitsky, and S.M. O'Hara
`Estimating window period blood donations for human immunodeficiency virus Type 1, hepatitisC virus, and hepatitis B
`virus by nucleic acid amplification testing in Southern Pakistan
`B. Moiz, T Manner, U. Shaikh, S. Adil, N. Ali, E Mahar, N. Shamsuddin, and M. Khurshid
`1660 Acute hepatitis B in blood donors over a 5-year period in England and North Wales: who is getting infected?
`GK. Rosenberg. S. Lattimorc, S.R. Bruilsford, P.E. Hewitt, KI. Tettmur, AD. Kitchen, 5. Ijaz, and RS. Tecider
`Incidence of acute transfusion reactions to platelets in hospitalized pediatric patients based on the US hemoyigflance
`reporting system
`N. Li, L. Williams, Z. Zhou, and Y.-Y. Wu
`1673 Adoptable strategic approaches to improve outcomes of allo
`unrelated donors
`S.K. Sohn und].H. Moon
`Fresh-frozen plasma should not be given to nonbleeding premature infants with “abnormal" coagulation tests
`AK. Keir and S. Stanworih
`In reply:
`C. Dani
`Parvovirus B19 Genotype 2 in blood donations
`AM. Eis-Hiihihger, U. Rebel; A. Edelmcmn, U. Kalus, and 1. Hofmarm
`1685 Does transfusion of salvaged blood products have a significant impact on coagulation?
`B. Ferro, 1. Frugiuele, C. Faldini, and S. Bonarelli
`gcncic peripheral blood stem cell transplantations from
`1686 George Garratty, PhD, FIBMS, FRCPath, 1935-2014
`L.D. Petz
`TRANSFUSION Volume 54. June 2014
`Page 4 of 14
`Page 4 of 14
`Pharmacokinetics of plasma-derived Cl-esterase inhibitor after
`subcutaneous versus intravenous administration in subjects with
`mild or moderate hereditary angioedema: the PASSION study
`Inmaculada Martinez-Saguer,’ Marco Cicardz'f Chiara Sufirirtifi Eva Rusz’cke,3
`Emel Aygorerz-Pursiin,3 Hildegard Stall/1 Tanja Rossmanithf Annette Feussner,“ Uwe Kalina,‘i and
`Wolfluzrt Kreuz’
`BACKGROUND: Hereditary angloedema (HAE) is a
`rare disease caused by 01 —esterase inhibitor (Ci—INH)
`deficiency, characterized by periodic attacks of acute
`edema affecting subcutaneous (SC) tissues and
`mucous membranes. Human C1-INH concentrate given
`intravenously (IV) is effective and safe, but venous
`access may be difficult. We compared SC and IV
`administration of human pasteurized C1-lNH concen-
`trate with respect to pharmacokinetics, pharmacody-
`namics, and safety.
`STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a prospec—
`tive, randomized, open-label, crossover study. Twenty-
`four subjects with mild or moderate HAE were randomly
`assigned during an attack-free interval to receive 1000
`units of human pasteurized CI-INH concentrate IV or
`SC. Plasma levels of C1-INH activity and antigen, C4
`antigen, cleaved high-molecular-weight kininogen
`(clHK), and Ct-INH antibodies were measured.
`RESULTS: The mean relative bioavailability of func-
`tional C1—lNH after SC administration was 39.7%.
`Maximum C1-lNH activity alter SC administration
`occurred within 48 hours and persisted longer than after
`IV administration. C4 antigen levels increased and clHK
`levels decreased after IV and SC administration, indi-
`cating the pharmacodynamic action of C1—INH. The
`mean half-life of functional Ct-INH was 62 hours after
`IV administration and 120 hours after SC administration
`(p : 0.0595). Ci-INH concentrate was safe and well
`tolerated when administered via both routes. As
`expected, SC administration resulted in a higher inci-
`dence of injection site reactions, all of which were mild.
`CONCLUSION: With a relative bioavailability of 39.7%,
`SC administration of human pasteurized C1-INH yields
`potentially clinically relevant and sustained plasma
`levels of Ct-INH and is safe and well tolerated.
`ABBREVIATIONS: Allts) : adverse eventts); AUC : area under
`the curve; Cl~INH : Cl-esterase inhibitor; CL : total Clearance;
`clI-IK = cleaved high-molecular-weight kininogen;
`Cm, = maximum concentration; HAE : hereditary angioedcrna;
`HK = high-molecular-weight kininogen; MRT = mean residence
`time; SC = subcutaneous; t, ,2 : terminal elimination half—life;
`TmX : time of maximum concentration; V2 = volume of
`distribution at the terminal phase.a
`From the lHemophilia Center Rhine Main GmbII,
`Morfelden-Walldorf, Germany; the 2Department of Clinical
`Science “Luigi Sacco," University of Milan, Milan, Italy;
`the 3Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology,
`Hemostaseology and Cardiology, University Hospital Frankfurt,
`Frankfurt am Main, Germany; the ‘Technical Solutions Center,
`Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics GmbH. Eschborn, Germany;
`the 5Clinical 1er Center Rhine-Main [KSRM], University
`Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; and GCSL
`Behring GmbIrI, Marburg, Germany.
`Address reprint requests to: Inmaculada Martinez-Saguer,
`Hemophilia Center Ithine Main GmbH, Hessenring 1321, 64546
`Morfelden-Walldorf, Germany; e—mail:
`This study was supported financially by CSL Behring
`GmbH, Marburg, Germany.
`ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00748202.
`Received for publication lune 7, 2013; revision received
`October 23, 2013, and accepted October 23, 2013.
`doi: 10.1111/trf.12501
`© 2013 The Authors. Transfusion published by Wiley
`Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of AABB.
`This is an open access article under the terms of the
`Creative Commons Attributi0n-NonCommcrcial-NoI)erivs
`License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
`provided the original work is properly cited, the use is
`non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are
`TRANSFUSION 2014;511:1552-1561.
`1552 TRANSFUSION Volume 54, June 2014
`Page 5 of 14
`Page 5 of 14
`eredirary angioedema {HAEL caused by func—
`tional deficiency of C1~esterase inhibitorl
`[Cl-INI-I), is a rare disease characterized by
`recurrent. spontaneous. nonaliergic edema
`in subcutaneous (SC) tissues and mucous membranes. In
`case of laryngeal edema. HAE is associated with high mor-
`tality rates when there is a delay in treating the attacks.“
`I-IAE is a debilitating disease that can have a severe effect
`on quality oflife.
`Cl-lNI—I is a serine protease inhibitor that controls
`vascular permeability by acting on the initial activation
`phase ofthe complement, coagulation. contact, and fibri-
`nolytic systems. The functional deficiency of Cl-INH
`leads to increased activation'of plasma kallikrein and
`Factor (FIXIia with a subsequent release of bradykinin,
`which is a key mediator of vascular permeability." Addi-
`tionally. Cl-INi-I is the main inhibitor of FXIa. which plays
`an important role in the generation of thrombin, a positive
`modulator of vasopermeabilitys'”
`HAE Typel results from a quantitative deficiency
`in functional Cl-INI-i. whereas the less common I-IAE
`Type II, affecting 15% of patients. results from a dysfunc-
`tional form of Cl-lNI—I circulating at normal or elevated
`plasma concentrations." Both defects are inherited as an
`autosomal dominant trait. ['LALE Type III is extremely rare.
`with mainly women being clinically affected; it is not asso-
`ciated with CI-INH deficiency and its pathoplrysiology
`is uncertain.“ Gammon anti-inflammatory treatments.
`such as corticosteroids. antihistamines. or epinephrine.
`are usually inappropriate for treating acute attacks caused
`by HAE. 1" Clinical studies,‘ "'3 as well as rrrore than 30yea1‘s
`of clinical use.”-'5 have shown that
`intravenous (IV)
`Cl-INH replacement therapy with human Cl-INH con-
`centrate is an effective and safe treatment for acute
`edema attacks in patients with HAE. Therefore, Cl-INH
`concentrate is recommended as first-line therapy in this
`of Cl-INH activity. In addition to assessing the safety
`and toierability ofC I -IN H concentrate when administered
`via both these routes. we also assessed plasma levels
`of Cl-INH antigen and cleaved high-molecular-weighr
`kininogen (clHK). serum levels of C4 antigen. and the
`presence of Cl-INH antibodies after treatment. These
`additional endpoints were assessed to provide insight into
`the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynatnic effects of
`the Cl-INH concentrate administered.
`Study design and treatment
`This was a single-center, prospective. randomized. open-
`label, crossover study in adults with mild or moderate
`HAE Type I or Type II. The study was conducted between
`September 22. 2008 (first subject first visit). and November
`1. 2010 (last subject last visit]. Subjects enrolled into the
`study had to present during an attack-free interval. In
`total, 24 subjects were each randomly assigned to one of
`two treatment sequences. AB or BA (A = N; B = SC). at a
`ratio of 1:1. Blinded randomization envelopes were used.
`Blinding procedures were otherwise not needed because
`the study involved treatment with only one study drug.
`The sample size was calculated in accordance with the
`guideline on clitrical
`investigation of recombinant or
`human plasma-derived F IX products
`BPWPI 144552l2009).
`According to the randomization sequence. human
`pasteurized Cl-INH concentrate (Berinert. CSL Behring]
`was administered during an attack—free interval as either
`an IV infusion or an SC infusion, in each case as a single
`dose of 1000 U in 20 mL ofsolution. with a washout period
`of at least 7 days before study enrollment and between the
`two treatments. The IV infusion was administered over a
`time period of 3 minutes. The SC infusion was adminis-
`tered over a 15-minute period using two medical infusion
`pumps for continuous.
`simultaneous administration
`(MEDIS Infusa Tl portable syringe driver. OMT. Minder].
`Germany] of two doses OFSUU U each at two different loca-
`tions in the abdomen. A follow-up visit was performed
`3 months after the second administration of Cl-INI-I
`Plasma sanrples for pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
`dynamic analyses were collected at t), 0.25, 0.5. 0.75. 1. 2. 4.
`6. 8. 12. 16, 20. 24, 36, 4t}. 60, 72, 120. and 168 hours after
`each treatment. In addition. after amending the protocol
`during the study. additional sampling times [at 336 i
`48 and 504 i 48 hr after treatment] were introduced for
`the analysis of Cl-INH activity and antigen levels, and C4
`antigen levels. to investigate pharmacokinetic and phar-
`macodynarnic trends over a longer period in six subjects.
`The analysis of clHK levels was also added. for which
`blood samples were collected at 0. 12. 35. 60. 168. and 504
`hours after treatment in these six subjects.
`In patients with HAE requiring frequent IV treatment
`with Cl-INH concentrate.either for acute edernaattacks or
`for prophylaxis. venous access may become difficult over
`time. The SC administration of CI-INII concentrate
`is therefore being investigated as a potential alternative
`therapeutic approach. specifically for the prophylactic
`treatment ofHAE. in support ofthis approach. a preclinical
`study with CSL Behring‘s human pasteurized Ct-INH
`concentrate (Bennett. CSL Behring. Marburg. Germany)
`revealed a relative bioavailability of approximately 70%
`after SC administration in rabbits, compared with IV
`administration (Ingo Pragst. CSL Behring, May 2013).
`Building on this preclinical experience, the primary objec-
`tive of our study was to cotnpare the pharmacokinetics of
`the same preparation of Cl-INI-i concentrate after N and
`5C administration in subjects with mild or moderate HAE
`during an attack-free interval. evaluating the relative
`bioavailability ofSC administration based on plasma levels
`Page 6 of 14
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`s-bOi-takll I! and maul-r:
`Volum954, June 2014 TRANSFUSIDN 1553
`Page 6 of 14
`Study population
`the University Hospital
`The study was conducted at
`Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), after receiving
`approval from the applicable ethics committee. All poten-
`tial study participants provided written informed consent
`before being screened for eligibility. Men and women
`could only be enrolled if they were at least 18 years of age
`and presented with mild or moderate HAE Type I (Cl-INII
`activity < 50% and Cl-INH antigen < 15.4 mg/dL) or Type
`II (CI-INH activity < 50% and Cl-lNH antigen in normal
`or elevated concentrations) during an attack-free interval.
`All but two of the enrolled subjects had mild HAE. Subjects
`were excluded from the study if HAE was not diagnosed or
`if their last treatment with Cl—INH concentrate (i.e., their
`last attack) had occurred within 7 days before enrollment.
`Subjects with acquired angioedema and all other types of
`angioedema not associated with Cl-INH deficiency were
`also excluded. Additionally, subjects who had received any
`investigational drug (excluding drugs appropriate for
`treating acute angioedema) during the 30 days before
`treatment in the current study, subjects who had received
`any other drug appropriate for the treatment of acute
`angioedema within 7 days before each administra-
`tion of study drug in the current study, and subjects
`undergoing prophylaxis with danazol, antifibrinolytics,
`c-aminocaproic acid, or
`tranexamic acid were also
`excluded. Further exclusion criteria included known
`hypersensitivity to the study drug, pregnancy (a rapid
`pregnancy test was required for women of childbearing
`potential), breast-feeding, malignant disease, immunode-
`ficiency, and concurrent serious or acute illness or
`Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
`The primary endpoint was the bioavailability of functional
`Cl—INH after SC administration relative to IV administra-
`tion of human pasteurized Cl-INH concentrate, calcu-
`lated on the basis of plasma Cl-INH activity Secondary
`endpoints were analyses of plasma Cl—lNH activity and
`antigen levels, serum C4 antigen levels, and plasma clHK
`Cl-INH activity was determined using the functional
`chromogenic assay (Berichrom Cl-lNH, commercially
`available from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Eschborn,
`Germany). Standard human plasma served as the calibra-
`tor; the results are expressed as percentage of normal
`values. The assay was performed according to the manu-
`facturer’s instructions. The citrated plasma samples were
`analyzed undiluted.
`Both Cl-INH and C4 antigen levels were analyzed
`using nephelometric technology from Beckman Coulter
`(Brea, CA). The reagents for Cl-INH antigen were
`obtained from Siemens Healthcare D