`Patent Owner
`Case: IPR2019-00451
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`OBJECTIONS ............................................................................................................ 1
`Exhibit 2001: Epilepsy Fast Facts, CDC, 2019 ................................................... 1
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 1
`FRE 901 (authentication) ................................................................................... 1
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 1
`Exhibit 2002: Grant Fast Track (diazepam intranasal solution), 2016. .............. 2
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) .......................... 2
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 2
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 2
`Exhibit 2003: LeWine, “. . .Injection Helps Stop Epileptic Seizures,” 2012 ..... 2
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) .......................... 2
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 3
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 3
`Exhibit 2004: “Managing Epilepsy . . .” CDC , 2016 .......................................... 3
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) .......................... 3
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 3
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 901 (authentication) ................................................................................... 4
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 4
`Exhibit 2005: Fiest, “Prevalence and Incidence of Epilepsy. . .”, 2017 ............. 4
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) .......................... 4
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 4
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 4
`Exhibit 2006: SIGMA Chemical Company Catalog, 1988 ................................. 5
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 5
`FRE 901 (authentication) ................................................................................... 5
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 5
`Exhibit 2007: Bechgaard, “Solubilization of . . . Benzodiazepines . . .”, 1997 . 5
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 5
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 5
`Exhibit 2008: Hussain, “Nasal Absorption of Propranolol . . .”, 1980 .............. 6
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 6
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 6
`Exhibit 2009: Lau, “Absorption of Diazepam and Lorazepam . . .”, 1989 ....... 6
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 6
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 6
`Exhibit 2010: Schols-Hendriks, “Absorption of Clonazepam …”, 1995 ........... 6
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) .......................... 6
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 7
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 7
`Exhibit 2012: Declaration of Dr. Sveinbjorn Gizurarson, Ph.D. ........................ 7
`FRE 602 (personal knowledge) ......................................................................... 7
`FRE 701 (improper lay testimony); 702 (unqualifed expert testimony) ........... 8
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 8
`FRE 1006 (summary to prove content) .............................................................. 8
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 8
`Exhibit 2013: Riss, “Benzodiazepines in Epilepsy . . .”, 2008 ........................... 9
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 9
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 9
`Exhibit 2014: Wermeling, U.S. Patent No. 6,610,271, 2003 ............................. 9
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) ............................................................... 9
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ................................................................................. 9
`Exhibit 2015: Cole, “. . . Individual Epilepsy Guidelines . . .”, 2009 ................ 9
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) .......................... 9
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................10
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ...............................................................................10
`Exhibit 2016: Terry, “... Rectal Gel in School and Day Care Settings,” 2007 .10
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................10
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................10
`FRE 105 (limited purpose) ...............................................................................11
`Exhibit 2017: Diastat® Label, 2005 ..................................................................11
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................11
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................11
`FRE 901 (authentication) .................................................................................11
`Exhibit 2018: “NAYZILAM® (midazolam) . . . approved by FDA. . .”, 2019 .12
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................12
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................12
`FRE 901 (authentication) .................................................................................12
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Exhibit 2019: French, “Initial Management of Epilepsy,” 2008 ......................12
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................12
`Exhibit 2020: Corbo, “Measurement of Nasal Mucociliary Clearance,” 1989 13
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................13
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................13
`Exhibit 2021: “How does the nose work? The nasal mucosa,” 2019 ................14
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................14
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................14
`FRE 901 (authentication) .................................................................................14
`Exhibit 2022: Mygind, “Nasal Allergy,” 1979 .................................................15
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................15
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................15
`Exhibit 2023: “Neurelis Files New Drug Application . . .” 2019 .....................15
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................15
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................16
`FRE 901 (authentication) .................................................................................16
`Exhibit 2024: “Neurelis Receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation…”, 2019 .16
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice) ........................16
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception) .............................................................16
`FRE 901 (authentication) .................................................................................17
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Petitioner, Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. submits the following objections to
`evidence of the Patent Owner, Neurelis, Inc.
`Exhibit 2001: Epilepsy Fast Facts, CDC, 2019
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response and Patent Owner’s
`Exhibit 2002: Grant Fast Track (diazepam intranasal solution), 2016.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response and Patent Owner’s
`Exhibit 2003: LeWine, “. . .Injection Helps Stop Epileptic Seizures,” 2012
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response and Patent Owner’s
`Exhibit 2004: “Managing Epilepsy . . .” CDC , 2016
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response and Patent Owner’s
`Exhibit 2005: Fiest, “Prevalence and Incidence of Epilepsy. . .”, 2017
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response and Patent Owner’s
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Exhibit 2006: SIGMA Chemical Company Catalog, 1988
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response and Patent Owner’s
`Exhibit 2007: Bechgaard, “Solubilization of . . . Benzodiazepines . . .”, 1997
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Exhibit 2008: Hussain, “Nasal Absorption of Propranolol . . .”, 1980
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2009: Lau, “Absorption of Diazepam and Lorazepam . . .”, 1989
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2010: Schols-Hendriks, “Absorption of Clonazepam …”, 1995
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2012: Declaration of Dr. Sveinbjorn Gizurarson, Ph.D.
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`Paragraphs 2, 5, 7, 67 are not relevant to any instituted ground and their probative
`value is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its
`waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to
`unfair prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 602 (personal knowledge)
`Paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 28-33, 36, 44, 48, 50-51 include assertions for which evidence
`has not been introduced sufficient to show that the witness has personal knowledge
`of the matters asserted.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 701 (improper lay testimony); 702 (unqualifed expert testimony)
`For paragraphs 16-25, 26, 28, 31-36, 38-39, 41-43, 48, 50-52, 54-56, 58, 60-61,
`67-70, 75, 77-80, 82-87, 89-95, 97, 99-109, 111-116, the declarant is not qualified
`to opine on what a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand, to opine on
`patent claim limitations, to perform claim construction, and/or to perform legal
`analysis of patent invalidity. The opinion testimony offered in this exhibit is not
`based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge, and is also not based
`on personal knowledge. The opinion testimony includes unsubstantiated leaps and
`advances inaccurate, unqualified generalizations.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`For paragraphs 28-33, 44-46, 48, 50-52, 54, 56-61, 63-67, 71-72, 74, 77-78, 83-
`84, 89, 92, 111-113, the exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted
`without meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 1006 (summary to prove content)
`Paragraphs 28-29, 36, 48, 50-51, 56, 58, 59-60, 79, 85, 87, 89, 95, 100-102, 104-
`105, 109, 114-116 constitute improper summary with underlying documents not
`made available.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Exhibit 2013: Riss, “Benzodiazepines in Epilepsy . . .”, 2008
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2014: Wermeling, U.S. Patent No. 6,610,271, 2003
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2015: Cole, “. . . Individual Epilepsy Guidelines . . .”, 2009
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2016: Terry, “... Rectal Gel in School and Day Care Settings,” 2007
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2017: Diastat® Label, 2005
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2018: “NAYZILAM® (midazolam) . . . approved by FDA. . .”, 2019
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2019: French, “Initial Management of Epilepsy,” 2008
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2020: Corbo, “Measurement of Nasal Mucociliary Clearance,” 1989
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2021: “How does the nose work? The nasal mucosa,” 2019
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2022: Mygind, “Nasal Allergy,” 1979
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not cited in Patent Owner’s Response and is not relevant to any
`instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value is substantially outweighed by its
`confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of the Board’s and the Petitioner’s
`time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair prejudice if used later in the
`proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2023: “Neurelis Files New Drug Application . . .” 2019
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Exhibit 2024: “Neurelis Receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation…”, 2019
`FRE 402 (relevance); FRE 403 (confusion, waste, prejudice)
`The exhibit is not relevant to any instituted ground. The exhibit’s probative value
`is substantially outweighed by its confusion of the issues to be decided, its waste of
`the Board’s and the Petitioner’s time, and the danger that it will lead to unfair
`prejudice if used later in the proceeding or on appeal.
`FRE 802 (hearsay without exception)
`The exhibit is offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted without
`meeting any hearsay exception.
`FRE 901 (authentication)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`Patent Owner failed to provide evidence sufficient to establish the exhibit is
`what it is purported to be.
`FRE 105 (limited purpose)
`If the exhibit is admitted, its use should be limited to the purpose for which
`it was offered in Patent Owner’s Response.
`Dated: November 13, 2019.
`/Michael I. Chakansky/
`Michael I. Chakansky (Reg. No. 31,600)
`Hoffmann & Baron, LLP
`4 Century Drive
`Parsippany, N.J. 07054
`Tel: 973.331.1700
`First Backup Counsel for
`Petitioner Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`I hereby certify that on this the 13th day of November 2019, the foregoing
`served in its entirety on the following counsel of record by electronic service by
`email at the email addresses as set forth below.
` Jeffrey Guise
`Richard Torczon
`Lorelei Westin
`Lee Johnson
`Nathaniel Leachman
`Alina L. Litoshyk
`Wendy Devine
`/Michael I. Chakansky/
`Michael I. Chakansky (Reg. No. 31,600)
`Hoffmann & Baron, LLP
`4 Century Drive
`Parsippany, N.J. 07054
`Tel: 973.331.1700
`U.S. Patent No. 9,763,876
`I hereby certify that on this the 19th day of November 2019, the foregoing
`served in its entirety on the following counsel of record by electronic service by
`email at the email addresses as set forth below.
` Jeffrey Guise
`Richard Torczon
`Lorelei Westin
`Lee Johnson
`Nathaniel Leachman
`Alina L. Litoshyk
`Wendy Devine
`/Michael I. Chakansky/
`Michael I. Chakansky (Reg. No. 31,600)
`Hoffmann & Baron, LLP
`4 Century Drive
`Parsippany, N.J. 07054
`Tel: 973.331.1700

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