Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1989, 64, 546-550
`Measurement of nasal mucociliary clearance
`*Centro Auxologico Italiano, Divisione di Pneumologia Pediatrica, Milan, tIstituto di Clinica Medica,
`Servizio di Fisiopatologia Respiratoria, Universita Cattolica del S Cuore, Rome, Italy, and *Host Defence
`Unit, Cardiothoracic Institute, Brompton Hospital, London
`SUMMARY The saccharin test was carried out in a randomly selected sample of schoolchildren
`(142 boys and 153 girls, age range 11-14 years) to determine the variability and reproducibility of
`the test and to assess whether it could be used as a screening test for nasal mucociliary clearance.
`Nasal mucociliary clearance times were analysed according to clinical history (asthma, rhinitis,
`asthma with rhinitis, and acute upper respiratory tract infections), laboratory findings (positive
`skin test responses and bronchial hyper-reactivity assessed by methacholine challenge), and
`parental smoking. Nasal mucociliary clearance times showed a narrow coefficient of repeatibility
`(six minutes) in 50 subjects and there was substantial agreement between the two tests. Nasal
`mucociliary clearance times were less than 40 minutes in all the children. Normal children had
`nasal mucociliary clearance times of less than 24 minutes while significantly impaired nasal
`mucociliary clearance was detected in those with positive skin reactions and a positive response to
`methacholine challenge. We were unable to show that passive smoking had any consistent effect
`on nasal mucociliary clearance.
`We suggest that a time response between 30-60 minutes should be checked again at least two
`weeks later, and that children in whom repeated saccharin tests show a nasal mucociliary
`clearance of greater than 30 minutes should have ciliary beat frequency estimated.
`Mucociliary clearance is a key defence mechanism in
`human upper and lower airways, and its impair-
`ment, both acquired' and genetically determined,2 3
`predisposes to chronic infection of the nose, para-
`nasal sinuses, and respiratory tree. The age of onset
`of clinical symptoms is usually early but diagnosis is
`often late, because symptoms are not specific (for
`example, cough and sputum) and techniques for
`measurement of mucociliary clearance are time
`consuming and too expensive for routine screening.
`There is, however, evidence that mucociliary clear-
`ance occurs in the trachea and main bronchi at a
`similar rate as in the nose and so several simple
`methods have been developed to measure the nasal
`mucociliary clearance.4
`The saccharin test is inexpensive and simple to
`perform, and its results are similar to those obtained
`using a radioactively labelled particle.5 Recently it
`has been proposed as a screening test to detect
`abnormal mucociliary clearance.6 We have used the
`test to measure nasal mucociliary clearance in a
`random sample of schoolchildren. The purpose of
`the present study was to establish the normal range
`of results and reproducibility of the test in children,
`and to determine whether acute upper respiratory
`tract infection (common cold), allergic diseases
`such as bronchial asthma and rhinitis,
`bronchial hyper-reactivity and atopy, and exposure
`to passive smoking, prolonged the nasal mucociliary
`Subjects and methods
`The study was conducted in Verbania in northern
`Italy. Two hundred and ninety five schoolchildren,
`142 boys and 153 girls, age range 11-14 years, were
`studied. The group was a 20% sample stratified for
`age and sex and randomly selected from secondary
`school records.
`Information about respiratory diseases such as
`asthma and rhinitis was obtained from a question-
`naire that was completed by the parents. The
`smoking habits of mothers and fathers were also
`recorded. The questionnaire
`American Thoracic Society children's questionnaire9
`expanded to include more detailed questions on
`allergic diseases. A diary card to complete daily was
`Neurelis - EX. 2020
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`Measurement of nasal mucociliary clearance
`Comparisons were made between each of the first
`seven groups and the normal group separately using
`the Mann-Whitney U test. Lastly, to assess the
`effect of parental smoking, the children were
`grouped by the number of parents who currently
`smoked. Children whose parents had never smoked
`were compared separately with those who had one
`parent or both parents who were currently smokers,
`also using the Mann-Whitney U test.
`Reproducibility was assessed by calculating the
`nasal mucociliary clearance time
`between the tests on successive days in each subject
`and then the mean and standard deviation (SD) of
`the differences in the overall sample. The 95%
`coefficient of reproducibility is given as two SD.12
`The interclass correlation coefficient (Ri) was also
`computed. 13
`In 36 subjects the test was not carried out either
`because of rhinorrhoea (n= 12) or because the child
`was unwilling (n=24). The median nasal mucociliary
`clearance as measured by the saccharin test in the
`remaining 259 children was eight minutes (range
`The difference
`measurements on successive days with respect to
`the mean in each subject is shown in fig 2. The mean
`value of the differences (-0-26) was not significantly
`different from zero.
`The computed coeffficient of reproducibility was
`0 z
`20 24
`Nasal mucociliary clearance time
`Nasal mucociliary clearance time measured by
`Fig 1
`the saccharin test in 259 children.
`given to the parents two weeks before the examina-
`tion, and children who had a common cold during
`the seven days before the test were defined as
`having an acute upper respiratory tract infection.
`The saccharin test was carried out by the method
`first described by Andersen et a17 and modified by
`Rutland and Cole.8 A particle 1 mm in diameter was
`placed under direct vision on the inferior nasal
`turbinate 1 cm from its anterior end. The child was
`instructed not to sniff, sneeze, or cough during the
`test and to report a taste as soon as it was noted.
`Subjects who had severe watery rhinorrhoea were
`excluded. The time to the initial perception of a
`sweet taste was recorded in minutes. If no taste was
`apparent after 60 minutes the test was stopped and
`the ability of the subject to taste saccharin placed
`directly on the tongue was verified. In 50 children
`(25 boys and 25 girls) the test was repeated in the
`same nostril the following day to assess its repro-
`Atopic state was assessed by performing skin tests
`using five commonly inhaled
`mugwort, birch, and parietaria, and house dust
`mite). The details of the skin test technique and the
`allergen extracts have previously been published.10
`Wheal reactions were measured by a planimeter and
`a wheal area of 3 mm2 or greater was recorded as a
`positive response. Bronchial responsiveness was
`evaluated by the methacholine test using a standard
`method." Twelve concentrations (from 0-03 mg/ml
`up to 64 mg/ml) were given through a DeVilbiss 646
`nebuliser attached to a dosimeter (Mefar). A
`reduction in forced expiratory volume in one second
`(FEVy) of 20% or more was selected to categorise
`subjects into responders (in whom the provocative
`concentration of methacholine needed to reduce the
`FEV1 by 20% was less than 64 mg/ml), and
`non-responders (in whom a dose of 64 mg/ml of
`methacholine failed to reduce the FEV, by 20%).
`Having assessed data from the questionnaires, diary
`and the
`response to methacholine we divided the sample
`into eight groups: patients with asthma alone;
`patients with rhinitis alone; those with asthma and
`rhinitis; those who had an acute upper respiratory
`tract infection within the last week; those who had
`positive reactions to skin tests alone; those who had
`a positive response to the methacholine challenge
`alone; those who had positive reactions to both the
`skin tests and the methacholine challenge; and
`normal subjects.
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`4 * oo0*
`O- .
`. . .
`03 c 4
`.0 :)
`4, -EE
`c _
`Mean time of two tests (minutes)
`Fig 2 Mean nasal mucociliary clearance time of two
`tests plotted against the difference in time between the
`two tests. Horizontal lines indicate mean and two standard
`deviations above and below.
`Corbo, Foresi, Bonfitto, Mugnano, Agabiti, and Cole
`rhinitis, those with positive skin test reactions, those
`who responded to the methacholine challenge or
`children with acute upper respiratory infections.
`Children with colds had longer nasal mucociliary
`clearance times than normal children though the
`difference was not significant (p=009). A signi-
`ficant reduction in nasal mucociliary clearance was,
`however, found in those with positive reactions to
`skin tests and a positive response to the methacholine
`challenge (z=2.404, p=0 01469).
`Ninety eight subjects (38%) had one parent
`currently smoking, 51 (20%) had both parents
`currently smoking, and 110 (47%) had parents who
`had never smoked. There was no significant differ-
`ence between children whose parents never smoked
`and children whose parents currently smoked.
`six minutes (2SD).'3 The agreement between the
`two tests was substantial (Ri=0-80) according to
`the guidelines of Landis and Kock.14 When the data
`from the questionnaire were analysed six children
`were reported to have asthma without rhinitis, 25
`had rhinitis alone, and 10 had both asthma and
`rhinitis. Forty children had positive reactions to skin
`tests and did not respond to the methacholine
`challenge. A reduction in FEV, of more than 20%
`after the methacholine challenge was detected in 20
`subjects who did not react to the skin tests, and both
`tests and bronchial
`responses to the methacholine challenge were found
`in 20 children (table).
`Normal subjects had nasal mucociliary clearance
`times of less than 24 minutes, while longer times
`were detected in some subjects in other groups.
`There were no significant differences between nor-
`mal children compared with children with asthma,
`children with rhinitis, children with both asthma and
`The results of our study confirm those of Stanley et
`a16 that the saccharin test is an useful screening
`technique for measuring nasal mucociliary clearance
`as it is inexpensive, simple to do, and reproducible,
`and we have extended their results in adults to
`children. The nasal mucociliary clearance times
`found in normal children did not differ from those
`found by Andersen and Proctor4 who considered
`that any time in excess of 30 minutes was abnormal;
`we did not find any result in excess of 24 minutes.
`The test showed a rather narrow coefficient of
`reproducibility (six minutes, figure) and the mean
`value of the differences (-0.26) was not significantly
`different from zero, which means that the first
`measurement is not affecting the second and the
`difference does not vary in any systematic way over
`the range of measurements. The agreement between
`the two tests was substantial (Ri=0.80).
`Nasal mucociliary clearance depends on two
`principal components, the physiochemical qualities
`and quantity of the mucus, and the properties of the
`Nasal mucociliary clearance times in each group measured by the saccharin test
`Clinical group
`Normal subjects
`Patients with asthma alone
`Patients with rhinitis alone
`Patients with asthma and rhinitis
`Patients with upper respiratory tract infections
`Patients with positive skin responses alone
`Patients with positive response to methacholine challenge alone
`Paticnts with positive skin responses and positivc
`response to methacholine challenge
`Median (ranige)
`clearance tiine
`8 (1-24)
`9 (3-36)
`8 (2-36)
`9 (3-32)
`9 (1-40)
`8 (2-35)
`7 (2-36)
`10 (3-40)
`Neurelis - EX. 2020
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`cilia that propel it (for example, beat frequency and
`coordination); these are affected by disease. We
`did, however, find a significantly impaired nasal
`mucociliary clearance only in children with both
`positive skin reactions, and a positive response to
`the methacholine challenge. At present data on
`mucociliary clearance in allergic diseases are contro-
`versial.'5 16 Abnormal mucociliary clearance was
`patients with bronchial asthma,'7 and
`seen in
`abnormal cilia were found in subjects with perennial
`rhinitis.18 Impairment of mucociliary clearance in
`patients with asthma seems to be the result of
`qualitative'9 2(0 and quantitative21
`respiratory secretions rather than differences in
`ciliary beating.22 As these changes are transient, the
`saccharin test may fail to show impairment of nasal
`mucociliary clearance depending on the time that
`has elapsed since the exposure to the allergen. We
`found a prolonged nasal mucociliary clearance time
`only in subjects with both skin reactivity to allergen
`extracts and increased bronchial response to metha-
`Acute upper respiratory tract infections may
`reduce the nasal mucociliary clearance by direct
`damage to the cilia and change in the rheological
`properties of the nasal secretions.2325
`Tobacco smoke has a ciliostatic effect26 and
`changes the viscoelastic properties of mucus.27 28
`smokers has been found to be longer than in non-
`smokers.29 In the same study the route of exhalation
`was shown to be crucial, as smokers who regularly
`exhaled through their noses had a longer mean nasal
`mucociliary clearance time than smokers who did
`not regularly exhale by this route. We have not
`shown any consistent effect of passive smoking on
`nasal mucociliary clearance, however, probably
`because the effect is cumulative,29 and depends on
`the degree and the duration of exposure (that is, the
`current amount of parental smoking of cigarettes,
`number of parental smokers during the child's
`lifetime, and the duration of parental smoking
`during child's lifetime).
`In conclusion, we have shown that the saccharin
`test can be used on a large sample to study nasal
`mucociliary clearance in childhood because it
`simple to carry out and the results have a good
`coefficient of repeatability. We have confirmed that
`30 minutes is the cut off point that discriminates
`normal subjects from subjects with impaired nasal
`responses to skin tests and increased bronchial
`reactivity showed a significantly prolonged nasal
`mucociliary clearance time. We failed to show any
`differences between the normal group and the other
`groups, because the range in the results in the
`Measurement of nasal mucociliary clearance
`various groups was so wide that it was difficult to
`pick up small differences.
`Nevertheless, a time response of more than 30
`minutes should be checked again at least two weeks
`later in case it is due to an acute upper respiratory
`infection. Lastly, children who have repeated sac-
`charin tests in which they take longer than 30
`minutes to respond when they do not have an acute
`infection need further investigation.
`We thank I Annesi and F Kauffmann for their comments and
`suggestions, and M Lebowitz for his advice.
`Afzelius BA, Camner P, Mossberg B. Acquired ciliary defects
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`2 Sleigh MA. Primary ciliary dyskinesia. Lancet 1981;ii:476.
`3 Eliasson R, Mossberg B, Camner P, Afzelius BA. The immotile
`cilia syndrome. A congenital abnormality as an etiologic factor
`in chronic airway infections and male sterility. N Engl J Med
`4 Andersen 1, Proctor DF. Measurement of nasal mucociliary
`clearance. Eur J Respir Dis 1983;64 (suppl 127):37-40.
`5 Andersen IB, Camner P, Jensen PL, Philipson K, Proctor DF.
`Nasal clearance in monozygotic twins. Am Rev Respir Dis
`6 Stanley P, MacWilliam L, Greenstone M, Mackay I, Cole P.
`Efficacy of a saccharin test for screening to detect abnormal
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`7 Andersen I, Camner P, Jensen PL, Philipson K, Proctor DF. A
`comparison nasal and tracheobronchial clearance. Arch Environ
`Health 1974;29:290-3.
`Rutland J, Cole PJ. Nasal mucociliary clearance and ciliary beat
`frequency in cystic fibrosis compared with sinusitis and bron-
`chiectasis. Thorax 1981;36:654-8.
`9 Ferris BG. Epidemiology standardization project: children's
`questionnaire. Am Rev Respir Dis 1978;118(suppl):36-53.
`"' Corbo GM, Foresi A, Verga AE, Mattoli S, Polidori G, Ciappi
`G. Allergy indices based on allergen dose-response curve in a
`randomly selected sample of schoolchildren. Allergy 1987;42:
`Ryan G, Dolovich MB, Roberts RS, et al. Standardization of
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`tion and inhalation compared. Am Rev Respir Dis 1981;123:
`12 Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing
`agreement between two methods of clinical measurement.
`Lancet 1986;i:307-10.
`13 Kramer MS, Feinstein AR. Clinical biostatistics. LIV. The
`biostatistics of concordance. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1981;29:
`4 Landis RJ, Koch GG. The measurement of observer agreement
`for categorical data. Biometrics 1977;33:159-74.
`15 Wanner A. Allergic mucociliary dysfunction. J Allergy Clin
`lmmunol 1983;72:347-50.
`16 Wasserman SJ. Ciliary function and disease. J Allergy Clin
`Immunol 1984;73:17-19.
`7 Mezey RJ, Cohn MA, Fernandez EJ, Januskiewicz AJ, Wanner
`A. Mucociliary transport in allergic patients with antigen-
`induced bronchospasm. Am Rev Respir Dis 1978;118:677-84.
`18 Wihl JA, Mygind N. Studies on the allergen-challenged human
`nasal mucosa. Acta Otolaryngol 1977;84:281-6.
`19 Dulfano MJ, Luk CK. Sputum and ciliary inhibition in asthma.
`Thorax 1982;37:646-5 1.
`2(1 Shelhamer JH, Marom Z,
`Kaliner M. Immunologic and
`Neurelis - EX. 2020
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`Corbo, Foresi, Bonfitto, Mugnano, Agabiti, and Cole
`neuropharmacologic stimulation of mucous glycoprotein release
`from human airways in vitro. J Clin Invest 1980;66:1400-8.
`21 Yamatake Y, Sasagawa S, Yanaura S, Kobayashi N. Allergy
`induced asthma with Ascaris suum administration to dogs. Jpn J
`Pharmacol 1977;27:285-93.
`22 Greenstone M, Cooper P, Warner J, Cole PJ. Effect of acute
`antigenic challenge on nasal ciliary beat frequency. Eur J Respir
`Dis 1983;64(suppl 128):449-50.
`23 Sakakura Y. Changes of mucociliary function during colds. Eur
`J Respir Dis 1983;64(suppl 128):348-54.
`24 Carson JL, Collier AM, Hu SS. Acquired ciliary defects in nasal
`epithelium of children with acute viral upper respiratory
`infections. N Engl J Med 1985;312:463-8.
`25 Wilson R, Alton E, Rutman A, et al. Upper respiratory tract
`viral infection and mucociliary clearance. Eur J Respir Dis
`26 Kaminski EJ, Fancher OE, Calandra JC. In vivo studies of the
`ciliastatic effects of tobacco smoke. Absorption of ciliastatic
`components by wet surfaces. Arch Environ Health 1968;16:
`27 Jeffery PK, Reid LM. The effect of tobacco smoke, with and
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`28 Kollerstrom N, Lord PW, Whimster WF. A difference in
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`29 Stanley PJ, Wilson R, Greenstone MA, MacWilliam L, Cole PJ.
`Effect of cigarette smoking on nasal mucociliary clearance and
`ciliary beat frequency. Thorax 1986;41:519-23.
`Correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr G M Corbo,
`Divisione di Pneumologia Pediatrica, Centio Auxologico Italiano,
`28044 Verbania-Intra(No), Italy.
`Accepted 11 October 1988
`Neurelis - EX. 2020
`Aquestive Therapeutics, Inv. v. Neurelis, Inc. - IPR2019-00451

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