(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0224891 A1
`Vishik et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 10, 2009
`US 20090224891A1
`(75) Inventors:
`Claire Svetlana Vishik, Austin, TX
`(US); G. Neelakantan Kartha,
`Coppell, TX (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`(73) Assignee:
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`May 20, 2009
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 1 1/026,531, filed on
`Dec. 30, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,551,082.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06K 700
`(52) U.S. Cl. ..................................................... 340/10.41
`A system and method are disclosed. In a particular embodi
`ment, the system includes a repository configured to store
`information comprising classification components. The
`information is received from a plurality of locations where the
`information is captured from one or more radio frequency
`identification (RFID) tags at each of the plurality of locations.
`Each of the one or more RFID tags is associated with at least
`one item. The repository is also configured to store market
`data comprising at least one geographic restriction associated
`with the at least one item.
`based on
`Correlate with
`other records
`in the
`decoded, create
`record; PML
`Submit record
`Page 1 of 10
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`Exhibit 1011


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 1 of 3
`US 2009/0224891 A1
`decoded, create
`record; PML
`Submit record
`based on
`CoIrelate with
`other records
`in the
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`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 2 of 3
`US 2009/0224891 A1
`ConSUmer blood
`Produced by
`Merck Outside U.S.
`793.318.54 M527 C75 B73
`Comporable to
`other products
`cicssified in the
`Some Cluster
`Stored in
`PA, U.S.A.
`1 OO
`Page 3 of 10
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`Exhibit 1011


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 10, 2009 Sheet 3 of 3
`US 2009/0224891 A1
`Some Application
`Some Processes
`w s
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`Health Care Logistics, Inc.
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`US 2009/0224891 A1
`Sep. 10, 2009
`0001. The present application claims priority from and is a
`continuation of patent application Ser. No. 11/026,531 filed
`on Dec. 30, 2004 and entitled “INTELLIGENT RFID
`of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference in
`their entirety.
`0002 The present disclosure relates to information man
`agement and in particular to methods, systems, and devices
`for the automatic capture and management of RFID tag infor
`0003) Automatic identification (auto ID), or automatic
`information capture, is the broad term that refers to a cluster
`of technologies that help machines identify objects. Auto
`identification is often coupled with automatic data capture.
`That is, to identify items, one has to capture information about
`them and somehow get the data into a computer database or
`other digital form without anyone having to type the infor
`mation in manually.
`0004. The aim of most auto-ID systems is to increase
`efficiency, reduce data entry errors, and to liberate people to
`perform more value-added functions, such as providing cus
`tomer service. There are a host of technologies related to
`auto-identification. These include bar codes, Smart cards,
`Voice recognition, certain biometric technologies (retinal
`scans, for example), optical character recognition, and radio
`frequency identification (RFID).
`0005 Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a generic
`term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically
`identify people or objects. There are several methods of iden
`tification, but the most common is to store a serial number that
`identifies a person or object, and perhaps other information,
`on a microchip that is attached to an antenna. The microchip
`and the antenna together are calledan RFID transponder oran
`RFID tag. The antenna enables the microchip to transmit the
`identification information to a reader. The reader converts the
`radio waves reflected back from the RFID tag into digital
`information that can then be passed on to computers that can
`make use of it.
`0006 Radio frequency identification first appeared in
`tracking and access applications during the 1980s. These
`wireless systems allow for non-contact reading. RFID is used
`for everything from tracking cows and pets to triggering
`equipment down oil wells. The most common applications
`are tracking goods in the Supply chain, reusable containers,
`high value tools and other assets, and parts moving to a
`manufacturing production line or tracking moving targets
`such as registered cars on toll roads. RFID is also used for
`security, such as controlling access to buildings and networks.
`It is also used in payment systems based on contactless Smart
`cards that let customers pay for items without using cash.
`0007 RFID has become an important technology with
`applications in many areas, from inventory control to distri
`bution of controlled goods (e.g. medication) and access to toll
`roads. Inventory control and management is one of the most
`active fields of applications. Most systems being developed,
`however, are for the capture rather than management of infor
`mation. RFID information management systems under devel
`opment typically don't take advantage of near real-time
`access to up-to-date information and context.
`0008 RFID applications may not bring significant
`improvement in the product management, Supply chain, and
`inventory systems. For example, RFID capture and manage
`ment systems used to govern the distribution of medicines
`merely capture the number in the RFID tag and are capable of
`blocking that number for confidentiality and privacy reasons.
`However, RFID offers an opportunity to take almost real-time
`Snapshots of the inventory, movement, shipping, distribution,
`replacement, and other uses of products, describing a con
`crete market in minute detail and permitting vendors to react
`immediately and effectively to changes in demand.
`0009. The present invention is further described in the
`detailed description that follows, by reference to the noted
`drawings, by way of non-limiting examples of embodiments
`of the present invention, in which like reference numerals
`represent similar elements throughout several views of the
`drawings, and in which:
`0010 FIG. 1 is a flow diagram of a method of an exem
`plary specific embodiment;
`FIG. 2 is an annotated illustration of an ontological
`code of an exemplary specific embodiment, and
`0012 FIG.3 is schematic diagram of a system of an exem
`plary specific embodiment.
`0013. In a particular embodiment, a system is disclosed
`that includes a repository configured to store information
`comprising classification components. The information is
`received from a plurality of locations including a first site and
`a second site. The information is captured from one or more
`radio frequency identification (RFID) tags at each of the
`plurality of locations. Each of the one or more RFID tags is
`associated with at least one item. The repository is also con
`figured to store market data comprising at least one geo
`graphic restriction associated with the at least one item.
`0014. In another particular embodiment, an interface to a
`repository is disclosed. The interface may be executable by a
`computer. The interface may include logic to display infor
`mation stored in the repository. The repository may receive
`the information from a plurality of locations including a first
`site and a second site. The information is captured from one or
`more radio frequency identification (RFID) tags at each of the
`sites. Each of the one or more RFID tags may be associated
`with at least one item. The information may include transac
`tional data comprising Substitute information.
`0015. In another particular embodiment, a computer-read
`able storage medium is disclosed. The computer-readable
`storage medium includes computer-executable instructions
`that, when executed by a computer, cause the computer to
`receive information. The repository may store the informa
`tion received from a plurality of locations including a first site
`and a second site where the information is captured from one
`or more radio frequency identification (RFID) tags at each of
`the sites. Each of the one or more RFID tags may be associ
`ated with at least one item. The information may include first
`information associated with a first item and second informa
`tion associated with a second item. The computer-readable
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`US 2009/0224891 A1
`Sep. 10, 2009
`storage medium may also include computer-executable
`instructions that, when executed by the computer, cause the
`computer to generate data related to a first classification com
`ponent of the first information based on content derived from
`the second information associated with the second item.
`0016. In view of the foregoing, the present invention,
`through one or more of its various aspects, embodiments
`and/or specific features or Sub-components, is thus intended
`to bring out one or more of the advantages that will be evident
`from the description. The present invention is described with
`frequent reference to RFID. It is understood, however, that
`RFID is merely an example of a specific embodiment of the
`present invention, which is directed broadly to methods and
`systems for automatic information capture and management.
`The terminology, examples, drawings and embodiments,
`therefore, are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.
`0017. A basic RFID system consists of three components:
`an antenna or coil; a transceiver (with decoder), also referred
`to as an interrogator or reader; and a transponder (RF tag)
`electronically programmed with unique information. An
`RFID tag typically consists of a microchip that stores the
`information in combination with an antenna.
`0018. The interrogator or reader, which also has an
`antenna, emits an electromagnetic signal. The tag antenna is
`tuned to receive the signal. A passive RFID tag draws power
`from the field created by the reader and uses it to power the
`microchip's circuits. The microchip then modulates the
`waves that the tag sends back to the reader and the reader
`converts the modulated waves into digital data.
`0019 RFID tags and readers are tuned to the same fre
`quency to communicate. RFID Systems use many different
`frequencies, but generally the most common are low—
`(around 125 KHZ), high (13.56 MHz) and ultra-high fre
`quency, or UHF (850-900 MHz). Microwave (2.45 GHz) is
`also used in some applications. Radio waves behave differ
`ently at different frequency, so proper frequency selection for
`a given application is a consideration for RFID implementa
`0020. Different frequencies have different characteristics
`that make them more or less useful for selected applications.
`For instance, low-frequency tags are less expensive than ultra
`high frequency (UHF) tags, use less power and are better able
`to penetrate non-metallic Substances. They are ideal for scan
`ning objects with high-water content, such as fruit, at close
`0021 UHF frequencies typically offer better range and
`can transfer data faster. They use more power, however, and
`are less likely to pass through materials. Additionally,
`because UHF frequencies tend to be more coherent, or
`focused, they require a clear path between the tag and reader.
`UHF tags might be better for scanning boxes of goods as they
`pass through a bay door into a warehouse.
`0022 RFID tags may be active or passive. Active RFID
`tags have a battery, which power the microchip's circuitry and
`broadcast signal to a reader. Passive tags have no battery.
`Instead, they draw power from the reader, which emits a
`fluxing electromagnetic field that induces a current in the
`tags antenna.
`0023. Additionally, semi-passive tags use a battery to
`power the microchip circuitry, but communicate by drawing
`power from the reader. Active and semi-passive tags are use
`ful for tracking high-value goods that need to be scanned over
`long ranges, such as railway cars on a track, but they are
`considered too expensive to put on low-cost items. Passive
`UHF tags, which cost under 50 cents in volumes of one
`million tags or more, are an attractive alternative. The read
`range of passive UHF tags is not as far as for active tags
`(typically less than 20 feet as compared to 100 feet or more for
`active tags). Another advantage of passive tags is that the
`relatively low cost makes them disposable so they can be
`disposed of with the product packaging.
`0024. The read range of passive tags depends on many
`factors: the frequency of operation, the power of the reader,
`and interference from metal objects or other RF devices. In
`general, low-frequency tags are read from one foot or less.
`High frequency tags are read from about three feet and UHF
`tags are read from 10 to 20 feet. Where longer ranges are
`needed. Such as for tracking railway cars, active tags use
`batteries to boost read ranges to 300 feet or more.
`0025 Typically, a tag carries no more than 2 KB of data.
`This is sufficient to store basic information about the item. A
`simple “license plate' tag contains only a 96-bit serial num
`ber. The simple tags are less expensive to manufacture and are
`useful for more applications where the tag will be disposed of
`with the product packaging.
`0026 Microchips in RFID tags can be read-write or read
`only. Read-write microchips allow an individual to add infor
`mation to the tag or write over existing information when the
`tag is within range of a reader or interrogator. Read-write tags
`usually have a serial number that cannot be written over.
`Additional blocks of data can be used to store additional
`information about the items the tag is attached to.
`0027. Some read-only microchips have information stored
`on them during the manufacturing process. The information
`on Such microchips cannot be changed. Other read-only tags
`have a serial number written to it once and that information
`cannot subsequently be overwritten.
`0028. One problem encountered with RFID is the signal
`from one reader can interfere with the signal from another
`reader where coverage overlaps. This is called reader colli
`Sion. One way to avoid the problem is to use a technique
`called time division multiple access (TDMA), where the
`readers are instructed to read at different times, rather than
`trying to read at the same time. This ensures that the readers
`do not interfere with each other. A further complication, how
`ever, is that an RFID tag in an area where two readers overlap
`will be read twice. The system has to be set up, therefore, so
`that if one reader reads a tag another reader does not read it
`0029. Another problem readers have is reading many
`chips in the same field, so-called tag collision. Tag collision
`occurs when more than one microchip reflects back a signal at
`the same time, confusing the reader. Different vendors have
`developed different systems for having the tags respond to the
`reader one at a time. Since they can be read in milliseconds,
`however, it appears that all the tags are read simultaneously.
`0030 The present disclosure is broadly directed towards
`the use of RFIDS to mark products, e.g., parts or packaged
`medical Supplies. Various embodiments, however, apply to
`other fields as well, such as user access to toll roads, build
`ings, or equipment. The disclosed system is concerned with
`RFID information capture procedures to the extent of Sug
`gesting improved RFID content to provide richer information
`about the objects marked and to classify newly captured
`entries in terms of an ontology relevant to an application. An
`ontology-based handling of the information Supplied with
`RFID enables the users to add reasoning and matching capa
`bilities to the applications using RFID for data capture. The
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`US 2009/0224891 A1
`Sep. 10, 2009
`disclosure thus provides a system architecture and software
`functionality to process RFID information.
`FIG. 1 is a flow diagram of a method of an exem
`plary specific embodiment. As shown in FIG. 1, ontologically
`coded RFID informationis captured and submitted (10) to the
`local system. The information is decoded (20) and a PML
`record is created. The record is submitted (30) to the clear
`inghouse for correlation (40) with other records. A result is
`obtained from the clearinghouse processing, and one or more
`actions are implemented (50) based on the result.
`0032 Broadly speaking, the system adds intelligence to
`RFID reading, management systems, and devices by adding
`the following functionalities:
`0033 1. RFID numbers are structured to support classify
`ing and positioning the information about an object marked
`with the RFID within an ontology, even if the only informa
`tion provided is the RFID number.
`0034 2. An ontology-based system that supports multi
`dimensional classification, synonymy (for instance, in the
`classification and geographical position of the object), and
`implementation of relatively complex rules as well as some
`reasoning capability.
`0035) 3. A search engine that supports fuzzy matching of
`query terms to, for example, replenish and order items.
`0036 4. A clearinghouse that consolidates information
`from multiple warehouses and creates a consolidated inven
`tory catalog.
`0037 5. A rules-based routing system that allows the users
`to optimize orders based on the system in terms of quickest
`delivery, highest quality, and the lowest expense or other
`value-added features defined by the users, such as compat
`ibility with locally adopted standards.
`0038. In addition, the architecture of the system provides a
`centralized repository where data flows from local RFID
`capture points, e.g., warehouses, pharmacies, tollbooths, or
`airports. The architecture permits implementation of value
`added functionality, such as product and price comparison,
`data marts dedicated to product groups or market segments,
`shipping and pricing optimization, as well as other capabili
`0039. Several scenarios illustrating the capabilities of
`various embodiments are provided below. The illustrated
`capabilities include fuzzy searching, SCM (supply chain
`management) optimization, execution monitoring, and order
`ing. The applications described are exemplary and are not
`intended to limit the scope of the invention.
`0040 Current RFID supporting systems provide harvest
`ing and capturing of RFIDs together with primitive ways to
`manage the information acquired using RFID scanning. A
`typical application creates a record of an object with a certain
`RFID and submits this information to other systems if so
`equipped. Modern approaches to records retrieval and man
`agement, however, allow developers to support increasingly
`complex manipulations of information captured in connec
`tion with RFID reading and adapt it to many additional uses.
`0041 While it is attractive to capture information about
`the inventory in a contactless manner and match it with exist
`ing descriptions of parts, it is useful to link this information
`with data about similar objects, e.g., parts from other vendors
`or generic drugs versus their brand equivalents. It is also
`useful to include information about location of inventory and
`shipping options.
`0042. A system is thus provided that collects information
`from individual warehouses or similar point locations and
`channels the collected information into a central clearing
`house. The clearinghouse is a record management and
`retrieval system, based on software applications used for this
`purpose, such as a relational database or a data warehouse.
`The systems include an ontology interface that supports rea
`soning capabilities as well as complex rules implementation
`for shipping and routing optimization and a search engine
`Supporting, among other capabilities, fuzzy matching of
`I0043. The rich retrieval capability in the system is sup
`ported by the composition of the RFID numbers. The RFID
`numbers are structured to include classification information
`that permits the system to identify captured information
`within a tree structure that includes related or similar parts,
`new developments and replacements. In addition to the num
`ber, the information injected from a certain warehouse or
`other similar location contains additions with regard to geo
`graphic location and shipping options. Information about
`prices, possible price ranges, price modifications, promotions
`and other relevant price related information is injected from
`other systems.
`0044) The "intelligence” of RFID harvesting systems is
`enhanced by structuring numbers to provide information not
`only about nature and origination of a part or object, but also
`information relating to similar or supplemental objects, con
`Straints and limitations, enhancements, place in the classifi
`cation, and so forth.
`0045. Currently, Electronic Product Code (EPC) is used to
`define RFID tags. In the Electronic Product Codes defined so
`farthere are four fields, which are, in order: a version number,
`defining the variety of EPC among a number of possible
`structures; a domain manager number which is effectively a
`manufacturer number; an object class which is equivalent to a
`product number; and a serial number. This information is not
`rich enough to support automatic classification of objects. In
`addition to EPC, Physical Markup Language (PML) is uti
`lized to define additional data that could be accessed by a
`sensor while reading EPCs or by other means. The goal of
`PML is to provide a collection of common, standardized
`Vocabularies to represent and distribute information related to
`EPC Network enabled objects. PML is an XML-derivative
`language permitting developers the freedom to define addi
`tional language sets, but it is not semantically oriented.
`0046) To enable sophisticated automatic classification and
`Subsequent rules-based processing of numbers, the present
`System upgrades the currently used codes structure and
`enriches it with semantically oriented elements. A model of
`such a number-based classification is the Dewey-Decimal
`library classification system, which maps numbers and let
`ters, and their positioning in a sequence, to a hierarchical
`classification system, comprising both general topic classifi
`cation and characteristics of the instantiated object. Such an
`approach enables the automatic classification of newly cap
`tured information in a more sophisticated way, pre-filling
`many fields and automatically activating triggers.
`10047 FIG. 2 is an annotated illustration of an ontological
`code of an exemplary specific embodiment. Instead of simply
`adding another instance of an object identified by a number,
`the coded number of FIG. 2 indicates that the object in ques
`tion A60 is part of a class of objects AB 70. It is similar to
`object Aa 80 and replaceable by Aa, Ab, and Ac. It is not
`allowed in Europe where it has to be replaced by Aband
`produced by a known set of vendors 90 under amended regu
`lar warranty, for which the terms are available. The price is
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`US 2009/0224891 A1
`Sep. 10, 2009
`falling 100 as a trend over the last 2 years in its 5th year of
`production. The item is overstocked in the warehouses in the
`US Mid-West 110, and so forth.
`0048. The components of the code constructed in the illus
`trated manner are automatically matched to the ontology,
`database schema(s), added to search indices, and Supple
`mented with information at the local warehouse and other
`data when submitted to the local repository and then the
`centralized clearinghouse. In the process of Submission, the
`enriched record based on the RFID code, can be translated
`into XML or other relevant languages to facilitate data pro
`0049 FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a system of an
`exemplary specific embodiment. In particular, FIG. 3 illus
`trates the components of a local, specific, non-limiting, sys
`0050. The system includes, but is not necessarily limited
`to, the following components:
`0051 1. Local RFID systems that include RFID capture,
`records management, and one or more modules for pre-pro
`cessing and Submission to the central clearinghouse. In one
`embodiment, the information captured from objects equipped
`with RFIDs is supplemented with the information about
`geography, shipping options and other parameters relevant to
`the location in question.
`0052. The local system, such as a relational database with
`an attached data transformation module, has a wide range of
`functionality, from simply serving as a data collection, trans
`formation, and transmission module to a fully enabled local
`system complete with ontology, search engine, and various
`application modules. The architecture assumes the consoli
`dation of normalized data from the local systems in a central
`repository and implemented as a distributed system.
`0053 2. Central Clearinghouse. The information from the
`local system is Submitted to a clearinghouse that serves as a
`central repository for data collected from capturing product
`or access codes. The Submission may operate as a batch
`process or as near-real-time Submission following processing
`by the local inventory and similar systems. Captured RFID
`data delivered directly to the central clearinghouse without
`prior Submission to the local system is also supported either
`for all information or for selected records types. The central
`clearinghouse contains a meta-catalog of products and a vari
`ety of modules in conjunction with the catalog, ranging from
`catalog management to ordering and data processing.
`0054 Optional data marts contain topic/market segment
`specific information. The system also contains data marts,
`which limit the scope of the central clearinghouse. Data marts
`may be specialized either by a function (e.g., shipping opti
`mization) or product category (e.g., consumer over the
`counter medical equipment). Data marts are subsets of the
`central clearinghouse and are searchable concurrently if so
`0055 3. Search and Match Engine. The system supports a
`Sophisticated search for products to allow finding products
`when there is no direct match between the query and the
`entries in the catalog. The search engine Supports three types
`of search parameters:
`0056 1. Exact match
`0057 2. Fuzzy match
`0058. 3. Based on reasoning
`0059 Exact match querying is self-explanatory: the sys
`tem finds products (or other records) that exactly match the
`terms of the query.
`0060) Fuzzy matching is set up to support matches that
`have a certain percentage of common parameters with the
`query. The measurement of communality under this paradigm
`can either be flexible, with all searchable parameters taken
`into consideration, or defined by the users or administrators
`with only certain parameters made flexible and only certain
`thresholds allowed. This type of search is supported by the
`classification that links related products. It also measures the
`level of commonality between the products.
`0061 The third type of search, reasoning-based, is sup
`ported by the ontology associated with the system. It allows
`the users to perform queries that are not well defined initially
`and can be refined using the ontology.
`0062 4. Rule Engine. A rule engine is used after the data
`from the RFID readers has been cleaned and aggregated. Rule
`engines encode the business rules that are of importance to the
`organization and associate these rules with all the operations
`performed by the system. For instance, a rule that is important
`in restocking might be:
`0063. If the inventory falls below a certain level, then
`reorder the item. This can be encoded as a rule such as:
`0064 Current-Inventory.<Level=>Trigger(ReOrderAc
`0065. In addition to the business rules, rules dealing with
`data manipulation or routing can be formulated.
`0066. There are several rule engines that work with rules
`of the type given above. Some advantages of such a represen
`tation are:
`0067. 1. Ease of use by business users
`0068 2. Ease of modification of rules to take into account
`new business cases.
`0069. 3. Ease of implementation
`0070. In addition to the business user side, rules them
`selves process the data, putting constraints or flags on the
`records or fields within them in accordance with the pre
`defined rules. For example, a rule formulated to ensure that
`after the level of product A reaches a certain quantity, it is
`labeled "overstocked' in the system, triggers price revision,
`and clocks new shipments into the region in question, is
`5. Ontologies. Ontologies are powerful tools that
`can be utilized in various ways to make use of the information
`captured with RFID technologies. Ontology is one of the
`central concepts of the knowledge representation. Typically,
`the word ontology refers to two things:
`0072 1. A study of the subject of the categories of things
`that exist or may exist in Some domain. Thus ontology is the
`study of categories. (Cf. biology, which is the study of living
`things, and theology which is the study of knowledge pertain
`ing to God).
`0073 2. The product of such a study is called an ontology.
`0074 The product of an ontological study will as a mini
`mum come up with a type hierarchy. It may also come up with
`a relation hierarchy, as is the case in conceptual graph-theory.
`These two combined will be called an ontology.
`0075. In the present disclosure, ontology is a detailed
`domain definition for the trading community. It includes
`interrelated hierarchies of concepts in the areas of geography,
`inventory control, shipping, fulfillment, ordering, etc. The
`ontology is created prior to the knowledge capture, using one
`of the commonly used ontology standards, such as DAML+
`0076. In addition to the hierarchical listing of concepts,
`ontology describes relations among them and concepts,
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`US 2009/0224891 A1
`Sep. 10, 2009
`allowing the developers to input some reasoning and intelli
`gence into the system. The reasoning capability can be used
`for pre-filling or deriving content based on information cap
`tured with RFID. For example, if the product being shipped to
`a warehouse is a UK standard telephone adapter, the system
`may pre-fill UK as a primary market and use DHL as a
`primary shipping company because this type of adapter is
`only used in the UK. It can also pre-fill the part number if it is
`not included in the RFID number.
`0077 Finally, the ontology will help determine alternative
`parts if the original part number is not available, including, for
`example, a reference to a multi-country telephone adapter
`that has a UK-specific outlet. If, on the other hand, the infor
`mation captured through RFID indicates that the part is the
`US standard phone adapter, then the primary markets can be
`defined as US, Japan, Switzerland, and other countries using
`this standard, shipping options can be pre-filled as well, and
`the part number can be determined accordingly.
`0078. The ontology can also be used as a foundation for
`richer search and retrieval. For example, a search for “tele
`phone adapter” will generate an additional question about the
`destination country and retrieved records will contain addi
`tional information that was not included in the

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