
`Exhibit 4
`Alphatec Holdings Inc. et al. v. NuVasive, Inc.


`Case 3:08-cv-01512-CAB-MDD Docu ment 407-5 Filed 10/27/11 PageiD.19250 Page 1 of 9
`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137288


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`;)303 CI\I?NEGIE AVE. CI.EVEIAND, 011110 411 11[1
`Request for Individual Custom Device
`(As required by Section 520 (b)
`of t:he Food, Drug & Cosmetic J\ct)
`. '
`I have determined thnt n special device will be necessary to
`provide most effective rcelief of a pati-ent condition described
`below. Available sta.nclard production devices are not completely
`suitable for this purpos-e.
`I agree that the custom devic.e will
`be used only by me for use for the patient named below.
`Please type or print:
`Patient Name:
`~L(-N' A-
`Patient Condition:
`ivrh.._ ~ a~
`Lc~ PelF+-~ Lq_-SJ
`~d ~ ~7 ~~ ?\1-
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`Print Name ··
`" G_fA
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`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137289


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`;/:~. AcroMed" Corporation
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`. : 3303 CAI?NEGIE AVE . CLEVELAND. 01110 tl/111.'",
`Request for Individual Custom Device
`(As required by Section 520 (b)
`of the F'ood, Drug & Cosmetic Act)
`• '
`I have determined Ulilt a special device will be necessary to
`provide most effective relief of a patient condition described
`below. Available standnrd production devices are not completely
`suitable for this purpose.
`I agree that the custom device will
`be used only by me for use for the patient named below.
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`Please type or print:
`Patient Name:
`./( A-IZ e--AI
`Patient Condition:
`/{'~ Ld f?LIF~~ VSt-> ef-4 ~~ ~ ~vt. '!!/
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`Print Name · ·
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`'l'elephone Number
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`Page 6
`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137290


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`•. 3JOJ CARNEGIE AVE. CLEVElAND, 01110 4.111~>
`Request for Individual Custom Device
`(As required by Section 520 (b)
`of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act)
`I have determined tl1~t ~ special device will be necessary to
`provide most effective relief of a patient condition described
`below. Available standard production devices are not completely
`sui table for this purpose.
`I agree that the custom device will
`be used only by me for use for the patient named below.
`Please type or print:
`Patient Name:
`~t:i VI "'of
`. Patient Condition:
`rf•l-1-f{,-e ,n~-lai-dc-h Ll.f-~ 1 • ~5c ----u ~tiLe~ Lr-s 1
`w,~ letr-1-(
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`Description of Custom Device:

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`Street -Address
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`('-tc. J. s,;, ")- 22Cq-
`Page 7
`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137291
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`Case 3:08-cv-01512-CAB-MDD Document 407-5 Filed 10/27/11 PageiD.19254 Page 5 of 9
`,~[ AcroMecr Corporation
`3303 CAI'?NEGIE AVE . CI.EVEI.AND. 01110 t1t111 ~1
`Request for Individual Custom Device
`(As required by Section 520 (b)
`of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act)
`I have determined thilt i1 special device will be necessary to
`provide most effective relief of a pntient condition described
`below. Available stilndurd production devices are not completely
`suitable for this purpose.
`I agree that the custom device will
`be used only by me for use for the patient named below.
`·Please type or print:
`, Patient Name:
`j_ ,
`; ·-
`· >
`Patient Condition:
`2 - Levl~L ~u..-ra-4-~ Lc. L~~ ~-4~1. t.--n~f-
`c.,___ .-v--p~ -17~ a....k.:_...,L_J
`c- ~"u • .f.,;._ .
`lA:;-n__ ~ ~~~ ~J!fi1 n.~ 2-~£ Pu-r
`Description of custom Device:
`. ~ f cw..I-A.A..0... c~ Le--uh..f .A--:,_ ~ a-,__ ~
`'I< rr vJ1Vh ~L-t
`L~ -I\
`2-~ m r11
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`·. ' · . ·>
`Print Name ·
`Z7 oq ~a11 klr~ fS1vvf'
`street Address
`C L 8/-t ((VJ,.,cJ
`Telephone Number
`Page 8
`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137292


`~ ..;.::."''~~'~;,"'Case 3:os.::cv-01512-CAB-MDD Document 407-5 Filed 10/27/11 PageiD.19255 Page 6 of 9
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`r:~~ .AcroMed· Corporation
`3303 C/\RNEGIE AVE. CLEVELAND. 01110 lll111~i
`Request for Individual custom Device
`(As required by Section 520 (b)
`of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act)
`I have determined that a special device will be necessary to
`provide most effective relief of a patient condition described
`below. Available standard production devices are not completely
`suitable for this purpose.
`I agree that the custom device will
`be used only by me for use for the patient named below.
`Please type or print:
`· · · Patient Name:
`T2 A-ND'-/
`Patient Condition:
`V C P 4, 'i 1 c-;._ L ~ - S J _
`~A-t LCD
`In r 1-uv-f.-" 4~£ .
`. -·,
`. ~- :• . .
`Description of custom Device:
`4- c4"' Ctt-~
`x- lsn...~ K Z\ ~~
`j ·
`Print Name '
`Street Address
`(_ LEVEltrN0) Oft
`Telephone Number
`Page 9
`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137293
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`• .e-~:~"""-- t~~e 3:08-cv-01512-CAB-MDD Document 407-5 Filed 10/27/11 PageiD.19256 PagY~t-ftfJ
`Pesign of anterior cages. lumbar and cervical: • John W .. Brantigan, M.D.
`June 20, 1990
`Morphometric studies of lumbar vertebrae (Berry, J.L., Moran, J.M,, ' Berg,
`W.S .• Steffee, A.D. Spine 12:362-367, 1987) indicate that at LS, the ratio
`of A- P width to M- L width of vertebrae averages 0. 66. This ratio increases
`as follows:
`--Ls -
`I feel that the ratio of dimension of the cages should duplicate the known
`average dimensions of lumbar vertebrae. _For simplicity, the different sizes
`should maintain about the same ratio.
`In the cervical area, -the M-L width is relatively greater~ with ratio closer
`to 0. 60, though I have not found published data reflecting this difference.
`Maintaining the anatomic ratio seems prudent.
`: <·
`. \_
`_ Anterior lumbar cages;
`' D - 3.0 mm
`E - 4.0 mm
`F- 2.0 mm
`G-0.75mm .
`H - 4.0 mm

`~axt fl
`'• .
`42 mm
`42 mm
`36 mm
`36 mm
`33 mm
`33 mm
`33 mm
`28 mm
`28 mm
`24 mm
`24 mm
`22 mm
`22 mm
`22 mm
`15 mm
`14 mm
`14 mm
`12 mm
`14 mm
`12 mm
`10 mm
`. ·.
`Page 10
`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137294


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`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137295


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`A TEC _LLI FOOO 137296

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