`Alphatec Holdings Inc. et al. v. NuVasive, Inc.


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`loggerhead - look
`log-ger-head \‘lo—gor—.hed. 'li’t—\n : a large
`sea turtle of subtropical and temperate
`waters -— at loggerheads-. in a state of
`quarrelsome disagreement
`log-gin \'lo—je-o, 'lo-ja\ n, pl Ioggias Vio-
`jé-az. 'lo-jaz\: a roofed open gallery
`log olc \‘lii-jik\ n 1 : a science that deals
`with the rules and tests of sound thinking
`and proof-by reasoning 2 : sound rea-
`soning 3 : the arrangement of circuit el—
`ements for arithmetical computation-ins.
`computer — Iog-i-cal \—ji-kal\ adj ——
`log-local-Iy \-jik(o-)le\ adv-— lo-gl-cian
`\10-'j i-shan\ n
`lo-glsdlcs \lo—'jis—tiks\ n sing_or pl:
`procurement maintenance, and tranths-
`portation of materiel. facilities, and per-
`sonnel -- lo-gis-tic \-tik\ or lo-gis-ti-cal
`\-ti-lrol\ adj
`'lag-\ n 1: a dead—
`logo am \'lég-.jam.
`loc ed jumble of logs'1n a watercourse 2
`': DBADLOCK —- logiam v:
`lo o \‘lo-go\ n, pl log-03 \-goz\ : an iden—
`'ng symbol (as for advertising)
`.Iogo- pe \‘Io-ga-nip. '15-\ fl : LOGO
`log-re l-ln? \nro—lim n : the trading of
`votes'by egislators to sechre.,iavorable
`action on projects of individual interest
`lo-gy \‘lo-gé\ also log-9y \‘lo—gé,
`'la—\ adj
`: deficient
`in vitality
`loin \'léin\ 11 [ME Iowa, fr. AF Ioigne', fr.
`VL *lumbec, fr. L fumbus] 1 : the part of
`the. body on each side (if the spinal col-
`umn and between the hip and the lower
`ribs; also: a cut of meat from this part of
`an animal 2 pl: the pubic region: also
`: the organs of reproduction
`loin-cloth \_—.kloth\ n: a cloth worn about
`the 101113 often as the sole article of cloth~
`ing in warm climates
`: LINGER 2.: to
`loi-ter \‘loi-tor\ vb
`hang around idly 9 Synonyms DAWDLE
`Iol-ter-er n
`\‘Ial\ vb
`: 121110013,I BANGLE
`loI-la-pa-loo-za \.la’i—la-po-'lfi-za\ r: : some~
`thing extraordinarily impressive or out-
`IOl-li-po or lol-ly-pop \‘la-li-.piip\ n : a
`lump 0 hard candy on a stick
`lot-ly-gag \‘lii-qu g\'vb -gagged;. -gag-
`Lon abbr London
`lone \llorn anti 1. soumitv (11 ~' sen-
`tinel)2 :SOLE ONLY (the ~ theater in
`town) 3 : ISOLATED (a a... tree) .
`lone-1y \‘lon-le\ any Ione-ll-er; -est‘ 1
`: being without company 2 : UNFRE-
`QUENTED (a «4 spot) 3 : LONESOME —
`lone-li-ness n
`lomer \‘lfi-nafl n : one that avoids others
`lone-some \‘lén-sarm adj
`1 : sad from
`lack of companionship 2: REMOTE; also
`:SOLITARY (a my road) — lone-some-ly
`adv -— lonesome-noes I:
`1long \'160\ adj Ion-ger \'lou-gar\; lon-
`gest \‘lén-gast\
`1 : extending for a con—
`siderable distance (a .-..., corridor): also
`: TALL, ELONGA‘I‘ED (nu legs) 2 : having
`1 extending over a
`a specified length 3
`considerable time; also : TEDIOUS (no
`lectures) 4 : containing many items in a
`series (a no list) 5 : being a'syllable or
`duration 6: extending far into the fu—
`ture 7: -well furnished with something
`— used with on
`2long adv: for or during a long time
`310119 11:3 long period of time
`4long vb longed; long-ing \‘lon-i13\: to
`feel a strong desire or wish 9 Synonyms
`5long abbr longitude
`Iong--boat \‘lon-.b6t\ rt: a large boat usu.
`carried by a merchant sailinggship
`long-bow \-.b6\ :1: a Wooden bOW drawn
`by hand and used esp. by-medieval Eng-
`lish archers
`\lan-‘je-va-té\ 11 [LL- longaevf-
`fr.- L ongaem long-lived fr. 10113113
`long 4- 11mm age] : along duration of in-
`dividual life: also : length of life
`long-hair \‘lonilher‘t n 41 : a lover of clas-
`sical music 2: I-IIPPIE 3.: a domestic cat
`having long outer fur — long-haired
`\-.herd\ oi- long-hair adj
`long-horn \-'.horn\ n ': anyof the cattle
`' with long horns-formerly common in- the
`southwestern US.
`long '-hu'ndr'edweight n, Brit - see
`WEIGHT table
`long-'ing \‘lon-in\ n :a strong destre' clip.
`for Something unattainable —- long-ing-
`ly adv
`lon-gi-tude \‘lan—ja—.tiid, -.ty1'id\ n. angu-
`lar dietance expressed usu in degrees east
`'or west from the prime meridian through
`Greenwich, England
`lon-gi-tu-di-nal \.li=in—ja—‘tu—‘din—ol, -'tyiid-\
`adj 1: extending lengthwise 2: of or re—
`lating to length —- lon-gi-tu1di—rlal- ly adv
`[Orig-range won-'ra'nfi adj 1: relating
`to or fit for long distances 2, involving a
`long period of time
`Iong-shore-tnan \rlon-.sh61'_-man\n: .a la—
`borer at a wharf who loads and unloads
`-fo-ri1)_\ adj
`long—suf-forcing \-'59-11—111,
`patiently enduring lasting offense or
`. hardship
`long-xterm \‘1o13—'torm\nay' 1: extending
`over or involving alongper10d of time 2
`:constituting a financial obligation based
`on a term usu ,of more than 10 years (An
`long-time \‘Ion-‘tirh\ adj:
`.tion (Au friends)
`long ion 11-— see WEIGHT table
`Ion-gueur \lo“- 'gcer\ n, pl longueurs
`\i‘ame or -'goerz\ IF. lit., length] : a dull
`tedious. portiontas of a book)
`long-wind-ed \jlon-'win-dad\ an} :
`diously long in speaking or writing
`loo-fah \‘lfi-t’o\ n : a spenge consisting of
`the fibrous skeleton of a gourd
`1 look \'ll‘1k\ vb 1 : to exercise the power of
`vision : SEE (me what I won) 2 : EX-
`PECT 3 : to have an appearance that be-
`fits (v-uts the part) 4 :_ SEEM (~11 thin).
`of long dura-


` 5
`med - medleys
`1mod \‘med\ ad)“ : MEDICAL
`(He school)
`mice! n :
`MEDICINE 1 —— usu. used in pl.
`“'3de door 1 medical; medicine
`dimer! 3' medium
`MEd abbr master of education
`med-a! \‘me-d°l\ n IMF madame, fr. on
`medaglia' coin worth half a denarius,
`medal; fr. VL *medalir-hali. alter. of LL
`medialis middle. fr. L medias} 1--: a small
`usu. metal object bearing 'a religious 'em-
`blem or picture 2': a' piece or metal is-
`sued to commemorate a person or event
`or to award excellence or achievement
`med-al-ist or med-aI-list \‘me-d’l-isd n
`1 : a designer or maker of medals '2 : a
`recipient of a medalas an award
`me-dal-Iion \mo—‘dal-yom a
`medal 2 : a tablet or panel bearing-a por-
`trait or an ornament
`med-die \‘me-d’fl vb-med-dled;' med-
`dling : to interfere without right or pro-
`priety ——‘- med-dler \‘me-d’l-aern '-
`med-dle-some \‘me-d’l-‘saniV-adj .'
`clined to meddle
`med-e'vac also med-i-V'ac \'me'-da—.Vak\
`n 1 : emergency evacuation of the sick
`or wounded 2 : a helicopter used for
`..-me-'dia .\'me-de-a\ n, pl mecdi-as
`':‘-M_EDIUM 4 2 sing or p! in cousin MASS
`me-di-al \‘me-dE-oi\ adj :-occurrin'g in or
`extending toward the middle -
`1megdi-an \‘rné-dé-‘on\ n 1 : a value in an
`ordered set of values below and above
`which there are an equal number of val-
`ues 2 :‘MEDIAN'SI‘RJP
`2Friesliat‘l adj
`1 : being in the middle or in
`an intermediate position 2.: relating to
`or-constituting astatistical median
`median strip :1 : a strip dividing a high-
`way into lanes according to the direction
`or travel
`me-di-ate \'mé-d‘é—.at\ vb -at-ed: -at-lng
`1 :
`to act as an intermediary; esp': to
`work with opposing sides in order to re-
`solve (as a dispute) or bring about (as a
`settlement}- 2 : to bring about, influence.
`or transmit (as a physical process or
`effect) by acting'as an intermediate or
`controlling agent or mechanism 9 Syno-
`\.rné—dé-'é-shon\ n — me-dI-a-tor \‘mé-
`dé—tar\ n
`'med-ic \‘me-dik\ n : one engaged in med-
`ical work; esp : CORPSMAN"
`med-i-ca-ble \‘me-di-ka—bal\ ad]? : CUR-
`pain. —
`me-di-ca-ment \mi—‘di-ke-mant,
`ka-\ n : a substance used in thera '
`Medi-care \‘me—di-.ker\ n : a government
`prbgram of financial assistance for med-
`ical care esp. for the aged
`med-i-cate \‘me-de-.kat\ vb mat-ed; deat-
`ing : to treat with medicine
`med-Lca-tion \.me-do-'ka—'shon\ n
`: the act or process of medicating 2
`mevdic-i-nal \mv'di-s’n-oh aaff :
`or used to cure disease or relieve
`me-dic-i-nal-ly adv
`: a sub-
`med-i-cine. \'rne-da—son\ a
`stance or preparation used in treating dis-
`ease '2 : a science and art dealing with
`the prevention; alleviation. and cure of
`medicine ball :2 : a heavy stuffed leather
`ball used for conditioning exercises
`medicine man a : a priestly healer or sor—
`cerer esp. among the American Indians
`: Sl-IAMAN _
`'med-i-co \‘me—di-.k6\ n, p! ~cos : a med—
`ical practitioner or student
`me-di-e-val also me-diae-val \.mé-de-'e-
`val. .me-. mé—Fdeavsh calf
`1 : of, relating
`to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages
`2 : having a quality (as cruelty) associated
`with the Middle Ages 3 : extremely out-
`moded or antiquated — li-e-vaI-ism
`\\ n — me-di-e-val-ist \-list\ a
`me-di-mcre hmé-dé—‘é—kafi an)“ [I'm-7. fr. L
`mediocris, l'r. medias middle '-I- ocrir' stony
`mountain] : of moderate or low quality
`: ORDINARY — me-dioocori-ty V's-kro-
`t6\ :2
`med-Mate \‘me—da—Jéfi vb
`Jet-ed; -tat-
`ing 1 : to muse over : CON'I'EMPLATE,
`PONDER 2 : to engage in deep mental ex-
`ercise directed toward a heightened level
`of'spiritual awareneSs 3 :INTEND,'PI;AN
`—— med-I-ta-tion \.me—da—‘ta-shan\ n —
`med-i-ta-tive \'me—do—.ta-tiv\ adj —
`medJ-ta-tlveoly adv
`Med-i-ter-ra-nean \.rne-de-ta—'ra-ne-on.
`-‘ra-nyan\ adj' : of or relating to the
`Mediterranean Sea or to the lands or peo-
`ple around it
`1meodi-um \‘mE-dE—am\ n,- pf mediums or
`me-dia \—de-a\ [L]
`: something in a
`middle position; aiso : a- middle'position
`or degree 2 : a means of effeCting or
`conveying something 3 : a surrounding
`or enveloping substance 4 : a channel or
`system of communication.
`or entertainment 5 :.a mode of artistic
`expression 6 : an individual held to be a
`channel of'connnunication between the
`.earthly world and a world of spirits '7 : a
`condition or environment in which some-
`;thing may function or flourish
`2medium and :
`intermediate in amount.
`quality. position. or degree
`me-di-umois-tic \.mé-dE-o-'mis.—tik\ adj
`: of. relating to, or being a spiritualistic ‘
`Med-ic-aid \‘me-di-.kad\ n : a program of
`financial assistance for medical care de-
`signed for those unable to afford regular
`medical service and financed jointly by
`the state and federal governments
`med-i-cal \‘mc-di-kai\ adj : of or relating
`to the science or practice of medicine or
`the treatment of disease —- med-i-caI-ly
`-\-k{o-)lé\ adv
`medical examiner n : a public officer
`who perforate autOpsies on bodies to find
`the cause of death
`medivac var of MEDEVAC
`modeley \‘med-lé\ - n, pl medleys
`: HODGEPODGE 2 : a musical composi—
`tion made up esp. of a series of 'sOngs


` .
`2pmvrisilan vb : to supply with provisions
`prOvvi-siénoal \—'vi-zho-nal\ adj : provided
`for a temporary need : CONDI'I'IONAL- --
`pro-vi-slon-al-ly adv
`pro-vi-so \pra-‘v‘i-zfi\ n, pl '-sos aha
`-soes IME. fr. ML proviso quad provided
`that] :‘an article or clause that introduces
`a condition : STIPULA‘X‘ION '
`pmvo-ca-teur \pro—.va-ka-'tar\ a : one
`who provokes
`promo-'ca-tion \.pri—va-'kii-shan\ n_ 1
`: the act of provoking 2 : something that
`provocative \pra—‘vi-ko-tiv\ adi :‘serv-
`ing to provoke or excite
`pro-volts \pra—‘vok\ vb pro-voiced; pro-
`vok-ing 1
`z to incite to anger :
`CENSB 2 :
`to call forth : BVOKE (a
`remark that provoked laughter) 3 : to
`stir up on purpose (m an argument)
`0 Synonyms marl-M's. ampsmra.
`pro-vok-er n
`pro-vo-Io'one \.pr6—vo-‘lé—né\ n : a usu.
`firm pliant often smoked Italian cheese
`pro-vest \‘pré-wést, ‘pra'i-vast\ n : a high
`official : DIGN'I‘I‘ARY; esp : a high-ranking
`university administrative officer
`provost mar-shal \‘pro-.vo-'mar-shal\ a'
`: an ‘officer who supervises the military
`police of a command
`prow \‘prau\ n : the bow of a ship
`prow-ess \‘prai'i—os\ n 1 : military valor
`and skill 2 : extraordinary ability
`prowl \'prau(-a)l\ vb : to roam about
`stealthily — prowl n —— prowl-er n
`prox-i-mal \‘prak-sa-mah calf. '1 : next to
`or nearest the point of attachment or ori-
`gin: esp : located toward the center of the
`body 2 : of. relating to, or being the
`mesial and distal-surfaces of a tooth w
`prox-l-mal-Iy adv
`prox-i-mate \'prfik~sa-mat\ mg 1 : DI-
`RECT (the ~ cause) 2 : very near _
`prox-im-l-ty \prfik—‘si—ma—té\ a'
`:- _NEAR-
`prox-i-mo \‘prfik—sa.m6\ adj '[L pmximo
`meme in the next month] : of or occur-
`ring in the next month after the present
`proxy \‘prik—sein, pl prox-ies [MEproxi,
`procucie, alter. _of prowl-ode,
`fr._ AF. fr.
`ML pragmatic, alter. of L procurario ap-
`pointment of another as' an agent, fr.
`proaa-m‘e to take care of] : the authority
`or power to act for another; also : a: doc-
`ument giving such authorisation '—
`proxv ad;
`prudeX'prfidtn : a portion who shows or
`affects extreme medesty — prud-eg
`\‘prfi-do—reW n — prud-lsh adi — pru -
`pru-dent \‘prfi—d’nn adi
`: shrewd in
`the'management of practical affairs 2
`FRUGAL 9 Synonymswmcxous, Foali-
`sxenrso. SBNSIBLE, suns —— prudence
`\-d°ns\ n —-— \ru-den-tlal \pril—‘den-choh
`‘prune \‘pn‘in\ n : a dried plum _
`- ”prune vb pruned; pron-log : to cut off
`- unwanted parts (as of a tree)
`pro’vision- - psychiatry
`pru-rl-ent \‘pritr—é—ont\ adj : LASCIVIOUS;
`also : exciting to lasciviousness -— pru-ri-
`ence \é—ans\ n
`1pry \‘pm vb pried; pry-ing : to look
`closely or inquisitively; esp : SNOOP
`2pry vb
`rled; pix-ling 1 : to raise, move.
`or pu apart wi
`a pry or lever 2': to de-
`tach or open with difficulty -
`3gr}! 7:
`: a tool for prying
`3 or Psa abbr Psalms
`PS abbr
`1 Rpmripmm] postscript 2
`public school
`PSA abbr public service announcement
`psalm \‘sfim.
`'sfilm\ n, ofien cap [ME fr.
`OE psealm,
`fr. LL psalmus.
`fr. Gk
`twanging of a harp. fr.
`psalfein to pluck, play a stringed instru-
`ment] : a sacred song or poem; esp : one
`of the hymns collected in the Book of
`Psalms — psalmdst n
`psalm-o-dy \‘sfi-ma-dé. 'sai-\ n : the sing-
`ing of psalms in worship
`Psalms a ,— s'ee _nmu‘a'tablc
`Psal-ter \‘sél—tafl n : the_Book of Psalms;
`also : a collection of the Psalms arranged-
`fordevotional use
`pseucl abbr pseudonym: pseudonymous
`pseu-do \'sfi—do\ calf : SPURIOUS, 5mm
`pseu-do-nym \‘sfi-do-mixm a : a fictitious
`name —-— pseu-domy-mous \sfi-‘dfi-na-
`mas\ Gaff
`psou-do-sci-ence \.sfi-d6—'si—_ans\ a : a
`system of theories, assumptions, and _
`methods erroneously regarded as scientif-
`ic --
`seu-do'gsci-en-tif-ie \'ti-
`fik\ a f
`PSG abbr platoon sergeant
`1psi \‘si. 'psi\ n : the 23d letter of the Greek
`alphabet -— ‘1’ or tb-
`2{355i abbr pounds-per square inch
`psit-ta-co-sis hsi—ta—‘ko-san a : an infec-
`tions disease of birds marked by diarrhea
`and wasting and transmissible to humans
`pso-ri-a-sis \sa-‘ri—a-sas\ n z a chronic
`skingdisease characterized by red patches
`covered with white scales -
`PST abbr Pacific standard time
`1psy'ch 'or ps1yche \‘sik\ vb psyched:
`ov'twrr. ourcusss; also
`: to analyze beforehand ' 2 : INTIMIDATE;
`also :- to prepare oneself psychologically
`(get psyched up-for the game)
`2psych abbr psychology
`_parggche \‘si—ké\ ‘a : sotJL, PERSONALITY;
`psygch'e'odeldc Msi-ka-‘de-lilfi calf
`1 _: of.
`relating to, or causing abnormal psychic
`effects (rs-'7 drugs) 2 : relating to the tak-
`ing'of psychedelic drugs (~ experi-
`3 : imitating. suggestive of, or
`reproducing the effects of psychedelic
`drugs (w art) <~ 'colors) —' Psyche—
`delic a "—— psy-che-del-i-ca ly \-1i-
`k(a—)lé\ adv
`ps'y-chi-a-try \saé'lci—a-tré, si-\ a [prob. fr.
`F psychiaflte, fr. psychiatré psychiatrist,
`fr. Gk psyche breath, soul + intros physi-
`cian] : a branch of 'medicine dealing 'with -
`mental, emotional; and behavioral disor-
`ders 4- ps ochl-at-ric \.si_—ké—'a-tfik_\ acir
`— psy-chI-a-trlst \sa-‘lci—‘a-trist, 5H3.

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