`(.2) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`Jul. 1, 2014
`(2] ) Applicant Marcus E. Gurley. lake Mary. Fl. (US)
`Inventor: Marcus E.(iurle_y.1.ake Mary. M. (US)
`( ’1‘
`) Nnticc:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term oftltis
`is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.(.‘. 15403) by 0 days.
`References Cited
`11.3. li-XI‘IIN'I‘ D0011 MIiNTS
`3.339.925 A "
`4.34-1.33“) A ’1‘
`5.624.122 A ‘
`6.053.345 .-‘\ “
`6.301.207 B] ‘
`fi.fi0?.468 131 “
`8.672.813 1‘13
`9-190? Nissen __________________________ 473-469
`2.51982 Milligarl
`41097 Winkelhurn _.
`4.2000 Publieover eta].
`31:2001 Publicoveret a1.
`__________________ 482-‘27
`8-2003 Nichols el :11.
`3-2014 WcSI
`(21) App}. No; 141182.775
`Feb. [8. 2014
`" cited by examiner
`Related U.S. .-\|:I plic atinn [In In
`((13) Continuation 01‘ application No. 14:15} .975. filed on
`Jan. 10. 2014. which is a confirmation ni‘applicntinn
`Nu. 1311164356. Illed on Jun. 20. 201 I. nuw Pal. Nu.
`l’mvisiunnl application No. 61856.1(}3. filed an Jun.
`18. 2010.
`Int. Cl.
`.4633 5x1!
`(LS. (II.
`Field of Classification Seareh
`llSl’C ....................... 422192 94: 482123. 2?. 29 31
`See application file for complete search history.
`A633 5/]! (2013.01)
`- Kiel] Ngtlycnt
`Primary Ejmnim’r
`(7-1).!1Honuftz .‘1_2c’n.'_ or firm
`Milbrath 8: (.iilchrist. PA.
`Allen. Dyer.
`A trampnline arena includes a Irdlntwurk assembly having :I
`plurality 01‘ frame elements defining. an outwardly sloping
`nnler wall. and a deck. a plurality of vnids being defined
`between the framework elements. The arena :Ilsu includes ll
`plurality of trampolines connected to the frame elements
`along peripheries thereol'and extending aemss the pluralily
`(tl‘voids In lilrlher define lhe outwardly sloping mller wall and
`deck. and :1 padding assembly including a plurality ol‘pads
`Liverlying [he lhlnte elements and the peripheries (11-1111: trum-
`19 Claims. 6 Drawing Sheets
`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 2014
`Sheet 1 of6
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 2014
`Sheet 2 of 6
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`US. Patent
`Jul. 1,2014
`Sheet 3 of6
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`wrl‘Il-If-I-n-I .1
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 1, 2014
`Sheet 4 of6
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`FIG. 10
`US. Patent
`Jul. 1,2014
`Sheet 5 of6
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`FIG. 73
`US. Patent
`Jul. 1,2014
`Sheet 6 of6
`US 8,764,575 Bl
`US 8.764.575 B]
`This application is a continuation ofU.S. Non-Provisional
`patent application Ser. No. 14t151.975 filed on Jan. 10. 2014.
`which is a continuation ofU.S. Non-Provisional patent appli-
`cation Ser. No. |3t164.356. filed Jun. 20, 201 1. which claims
`the benefit of 11.3. Provisional Application Ser. No. 613356,
`108. liled on Jun. 18. 2010. the contents ofwhich applications
`are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.
`invention relates to trampolines. and more
`'l‘he present
`particularly. to arenas formed front a plurality oftrampolines.
`Trampolines have long been recognized as a source of fun
`and exercise for yotlng and old. alike. However. trampolines.
`and particularly large trampolines. have also been viewed as
`a considerable safety risk. As a result. trampolines have been _
`nnderotilired in group and commercial recreation applica—
`In view of the foregoing. it is an object of the present
`invention to provide an improved trampolitte arena. Accord-
`ing to an embodiment of the present invention]. a trampoline
`arena includes a framework assembly having a plurality of
`frame elements defining an outwardly sloping outer wall. and
`a deck, a plurality of voids being defined between the frame
`work elements. The arena also includes a plurality of traili-
`polines connected to the frame elements along peripheries
`thereol'and extending across the plurality of voids to further
`deline the outwardly sloping outer wall and deck, and a pad—
`ding assembly including a plurality of pads overlying the
`frame elements and the peripheries ofthe trampolines.
`According to an aspect ofthe present invention. the plural—
`ity of frame elements further delinc a plurality ofpylamids
`extending upwardly from the deck and plurality of pyramids.
`and the plurality of trampolines connected to the frame ele—
`ments along the peripheries thereofand extending across the
`plurality ofvoids also further define the plurality o fpyramids.
`These and other objects, aspects and advantages of the
`present invention will be better appreciated in view of the
`drawings and following detailed description of preferred
`FIG. 1 is a partially exploded view of a trampoline arena.
`including a framework assembly. a padding assembly and a
`plurality ofttampolines. according to an embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 1A is detail view of a representative connection
`between springs ofthe trampolines ofI-‘IG. l with elements of
`the Iramework assembly:
`FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a side frame ofthe frame
`assembly of FIG. 1:
`FIGS. 3 and 4 are top views of side frames of the frame
`assembly of FIG. 1. adjacent to opposite sides of a corner
`FIG. 5 is a perspective view of frame elements defining a
`pyramid ofthe arena of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 is a side profile view ol‘a llat pad ofthe pad assembly
`ofl’IG. I:
`FIG. 7 is a side profile view ofa side base pad of the pad
`assembly of FIG. 1‘.
`FIG. 8 is a side profile view of a side top pad of the pad
`assembly of FIG. 1'.
`FIG. 9 is a perspective view ofa corner ofthe arena of FIG.
`1. including pad assembly components:
`FIG. Ill is a perspective view ofa triangular base pad ofthe
`pad assembly components of FIG. 9:
`FIG. 11 is a side profile view ofa corner top pad of the pad
`assembly components of FIG. 9:
`FIGS. 12 and 13 are side profile views of two-piece corner
`pads of the pad assembly components of FIG. 9:
`FIG. 14 is a perspective view ofa pyramid of the arena of
`FIG. 1. including pad assembly components:
`FIG. 15 is a side profile view ofa pyramid base pad ofthe
`pad assembly components of FIG. 14:
`FIG. 16 is a side profile view of a pyramid top pad of the
`pad assembly components of FIG. 14:
`FIG. 1'? is a side prollle view ofa two-piece pyramid side
`pad ofthe pad assembly components of FIG. 14: and
`FIG. 18 is a perspixtive view ofatt access opening ofthe
`arena of FIG. 1. including pad assembly components.
`According to art embodiment of the present
`referring to FIG. 1. a trampoline arena 10 includes a frame-
`work assembly 12 supporting a plurality of trampolines 18
`(only a portion of the trampolines 18 are shown to more
`clearly depict the framework assembly 12) across voids 14
`thereof. and a padding assembly 16 overlying the framework
`assembly 10 and peripheries ofthe trampolines 18. Referring
`to FIG. IA, the trampolines 18 preferably connect to the
`framework assembly 12 via hooks at the end of trampoline
`springs 18A inserted into respective eyes Hill on members
`the framework. Connection points are advantageously close
`enough to eliminate the risk of appendages slipping between
`adjacent springs. The padding assembly 16 attaches to the
`framework assembly 12 via a plurality of [took and loop
`fasteners. or other fasteners.
`Referring again to FIG. 1. the framework assembly 12
`defines an outwardly sloping outer wall 2|]. a deck 22 and a
`plurality of pyramids 24 extending upwardly from the deck
`22. An access opening 26 is lomted through at least one side
`of the wall 20 by not placing a trampoline from the corre—
`sponding void l4..1‘\dvantageously. the framework assembly
`is adapted to bear the stresses of arena ll] usage while being
`completely free standing. I-Iowever. ifdesirtxl. the fmmework
`assembly 12 can be anchored at one or more points to struc-
`tural members ofa building in which the area ll] is located.
`Referring also to FIG. 2. sides ofthe wall 20 are supported
`by a plurality of substantially parallel. spaced apan. side
`Irames 30. Each side frame 30 includes lirst and second
`spaced apart side frame vertical members 311A. 303 and a side
`frame angled member 30C extending between the tops of the
`vertical members 30A. 308. Upper li‘ame members 32 C011-
`ntxt to brackets 34 at the top oi'each side Irame 30. tying the
`side frames 30 together and forming a top margin of the wall
`20. Brackets 36 tie a knee of each side frame 30 into longi-
`tudinal and transverse frame elements 40. 42 of the deck 22.
`Bracing 44 extends between midpoints of tlte side frames and
`the frame elements 4|]. 42 to add further rigidity and strength.
`US 8.764.575 B]
`Referring to FIGS. 1. 3 and 4. at corners 46 of the wall 20,
`adjacent side frames 30 are arranged substantially perpen-
`dicular and upper and lower corner brackets 48. 5|] are angled
`to tie into diagonal upper and lower corner members 52. 54.
`The design of corners 46 more evenly distributes stresses
`throughout the corner than a unitary member underlying the
`corner would. and increases available void space for trampo—
`lines at the centers 46.
`Referring again to FIG. I, the deck 22 is formed by the
`longitudinal and transverse frame elements 40. 42. Midpoints
`ofthe longitudinal frame elements 40 are supported by tri-
`pods 60 and midpoints of the transverse frailtc elements 42
`are supported by angled legs 62. Deck brackets 64 and cor—
`responding additional support legs 66 are located where [on-
`gitudirtal and transverse frame elements 40. 42 meet away
`from the outer wall 20 or pyramids 24.
`Referring also to FIG. 5. the pyramids 24 are interspersed
`throughout the deck 22. and olTer additional visual interest
`and more gaming options to the arena 10. The pyramids 24
`can also be arranged and used to help route existing building
`structures. such as pillars. through the arena 10. while pro-
`tecting users therefrom. Alternately. the pyramids 24 could be
`Each pyramid 24 includes fourcentral venical members 70
`connected by a common lop member 72. and four perimeter _
`horizontal members '24 connected by a plurality of brackets
`3'6 that also tie into the longitudinal and transverse frame
`elements 40. 42 of the deck 22. The perimeter horizontal
`members 74 are supported by perimeter legs 80 extending
`from the brackets 76. Additionally. a diagonal member 82
`extends from each comer of the top member 72 to a corre-
`sponding one of the brackets 76. Dual bracing 84 connected
`to each vertical member 70 extends to respective conrers and
`midpoints ofthe horizontal members 24.
`Referring again to l-‘lG. 1. the padding assembly 16 covers
`the framework assembly 12 cushioning any contact there-
`with. and inhibiting entanglement in trampoline springs. The
`padding assembly 16 is preferably formed from a plurality of
`loam pads sheathed in vinyl. The particular padding material
`can be chosen based on needs and preferences for a given
`application. However. a higher density foam. permitting a
`lower profile pad. is generally advantageous. Also. where
`pads abut a trampoline 14. the edges ofthc pad are preferably
`tapered or chanrfcrcd toward the trampoline 14. This arrange-
`ment reduces the likelihood of tripping over the edge ofa pad
`while using the arena 10.
`Rel'en'ing to FIG. 6. the side frames 40 lbrmirtg sides oflhe
`wall 20 and most oftlre longitudinal and transverse members
`40. 42 of the deck 22 are covered by generally flat pads 90.
`Referring to FIG. '7. longitudinal and transverse members 40.
`42 forming an outside edge of the deck 22 are covered by side
`base pads 92 having a wedge-shaped prolile with angularly
`offset Ilat edges to allow a smooth transition between the [lat
`pads 90 on the deck 22 and the wall 20. Referring to FIG. 8.
`the upper frame members 32 are covered by side top pads 94.
`Referring to FIGS. 9-13. at the centers 46. a triangular base
`pad 96 is arranged between opposite ends of adjacent base
`pads 92. covering the lower corner member 54. The side
`frames 40 in the centers 46 are covered by two-piece comer
`pads 100 extending upwardly from the junction of the base
`pads 92. 96. The upper corner member 52 is covered by a
`corner top pad 102. similar to the side top pads 94. but mite-red
`at respective ends thereof to closely fit between the ends of
`adjacent side top pads 94.
`Referring to FIGS. 14-17. the pyramids 24 have pyramid
`base pads 104 similar to the side base pads 92. but mitcred to
`closely fit at respective ends thereof. Likewise. the pyramids
`have pyramid top pads 106 similarto the side top pads 94. btrt
`again mitered to [it closely at ends thereof. Two—piece pyra—
`mid side pads 110 extend between the base pads 104 and top
`pads 106 covering the diagonal members 82.
`Referring to FIG. 18. adjacent the opening 26. additional
`vertical padding 112 is included to offer extra protection for
`users entering and exiting the arena 10.
`It will beapprcciated from the foregoing. that aspects ofthe
`present invention provide an improved trampoline arena that
`can be freestanding. in which stresses front the use of the
`trampolines are very evenly distributed throughout the frame—
`work assembly. even in comers thereof. Moreover. the pad-
`ding assembly closely conforms to the framework assembly.
`olfering excellent protection while minimizing the likelihood
`The foregoing embodiment is provided for illustrative and
`exemplary purposes. the present invention is not necessarily
`limited thereto. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that
`various modifications, as well adaptations for particular cir—
`cumstances. will fall within the scope of the invention as
`herein shown and described and of the claims appended
`What is claimed is:
`l. A trampoline arena comprising:
`a plurality ot'side frames defining an outwardly sloping
`outer wall. each of the plurality ofside frames including:
`a rigid lirst upright member having a top first upright
`menrber portion and a bottom first upright nrernbcr
`portion mountable to a floor. and
`a rigid angled member connected at an upper angled
`member portion to the top first upright nrernbcr por-
`tion and extending at a downward angle therefrom to
`a lower angled member portion. a plurality of voids
`being defined between the plurality of angled mem-
`a horizontally-extending deck connected to the second
`angled member portions of the plurality of side frames:
`a plurality oftrampolines connected to the angled members
`along peripheries thereof and extending across the plu-
`rality of voids: and
`8 padding assembly including a plurality of pads at least
`partially overlying the angled members and the periph-
`cries of the trampolines.
`2. The trampoline arena of claim t. wherein each of the
`plurality ofside frames further includes a rigid cross member
`extending between the lirst rigid upright member to tlte lower
`angled member portion.
`3. The trampoline arena of claim 2_. where each of the
`plurality ofside frames further includes a rigid second upright
`member having a top setxind upright member portion con—
`nected to the lower angled member portion and a bottom
`second upright member portion mountable to a floor.
`4. The trampoline arena o fclaim 3. wherein the rigid cross
`Incrnberincludes a first cross member end comtected between
`the top and bottom first upright member portions and a second
`cross member end connected at ajunclion ofthe lower angled
`member portion and the top second upright member portion.
`5. The arena of claim 1. wherein the outer wall substan-
`tially surrounds the deck.
`6. The arena ofclaim 1. wherein at Ieast one ofthc plurality
`of voids is not covered such that an access opening for the
`trampoline arena is formed.
`7. The arena ofclaim 1. funher comprising:
`at least one upper frame member interconnecting the plu-
`rality of side frames.
`US 8.764.575 Bl
`8. 'lhe arena ofclaim 7. wherein each ofthc plurality ofside
`frames further includes an upper bracket connected to the top
`first upright member portion and receiving the at least one
`upper frame member.
`9. The arena ofclaim 7. wherein the at least one upper
`frame mentber includes a plurality of upper frame members.
`10. The arena of claim 1. wherein each of the plurality of
`side frames further includes a lower bracket connected to the
`lower angled member port ion and anaching tltc deck thereto.
`11. The arena of claim It]. wherein the deck comprises:
`a plurality of intersecting longitudinal and tmnsverse deck
`frame elements. a plurality of deck voids being, defined
`between the plurality of intersecting longitudinal and
`transverse deck frame elements: and
`a plurality ofdeck trampolines connected to the plurality of
`intersecting longitudinal and transverse deck trmne ele-
`ments along peripheries thereof and extcnding across
`the plurality ofdcck voids.
`12. The arena of claim 1]. wherein the plurality of inter-
`secting longitudinal and transverse deck frame elements are
`rigid elements.
`13. The arena ol'claim I I. wherein the padding assembly at
`least partially overlays plurality of intersecting longitudinal
`and transverse deck frame elements and the peripheries ofthe —
`deck trampolines.
`14. The arena 1:: I‘claint [1. further comprising:
`a plurality of support legs supporting the longitudinal and
`transverse deck frame elements.
`15. The arena ol‘claim 14. wherein the plurality ot’support
`legs are tuninged at least one of: intersections of the longitu—
`dinal and transverse dock frame elements and midpoints
`between the intersections of the longitudinal and transverse
`deck frame elements.
`16. The arena of claim I. wherein the plurality of pads
`include a plurality oi'side base pads positioned along a tran-
`sition between the outer wall and the deck. the side base pads
`having a wedge—slutped prolile.
`IT. The arena of claim 16. wherein the plurality of pads
`include triangular base pads covering the lower corner mem—
`Ill. The arena of claim I. wherein corners ofthe outer wall
`include a pair of generally perpendicular side frames colt—
`nectcd by generally horizontal upper and lower corner ment-
`hcrs, such that trampoline covered voids are formed at the
`corners of the outer wall located at angles from adjacent sides
`of the outer wall.
`19. A trampoline arena comprising:
`a plurality ofrigid side frames defining a wall. a plurality of
`voids being defined between the plurality ofside frames.
`each of the plurality of rigid side frames comprising an
`upper bracket and a deck bracket. the plurality of side
`frames intercomteeted at the upper brackets by a plural-
`ity of upper frzuttc members:
`a plurality of trampolines connected to the side frames
`along peripheries thereof and extending across the plu-
`mlity of voids;
`a padding assembly including a plurality of pads at least
`partially overlying the side frames and the peripheries of
`the trampolines: and
`a trampoline covered deck coiutected to the plurality of
`side frames at the deck brackets.
`: 8,764,575 B]
`: 14f182?75
`:Jul}r L 2014
`: Marcus E. Gurley
`Page 1 0f[
`It is certified that error appears in the aboveidentified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`Column 4. Line 38. Claim 1
`Delete: “second"
`Insert: -- lower --
`Signed and Sealed this
`Twentieth Day of October, 20l5
`Michelle K. I u:
`Dr'r'emm' qfdrc United Stan-s Parent mm" Trademark Office