APPLE 1013
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`APPLE 1013




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`Third Edition 1944
`Minted with revised Etymologies and Enlarg




`. L'VIE. [(0)Ff-
`inquiet /ln kwuat/ v.1. {12:19:21 [Disturb the
`inquie’ter f. L inquiemre,
`peace or repose of (El Pemon)’ harass, mo
`. 2 Make uneasy disquiet. L15.
`Liiiilunie'tntion n.
`action 'of
`molesting; the condition of being drsturbe . 1.
`inquietude /in'lcw.uotjuzd/ n LM-E‘
`inquiétude or late L inquierudo, f. as ’INQU
`see -TUDE.] 1’1 Disturbance of one s 2pm?! d
`repose; molestation.
`Restlessness of
`the body caused by Pam?
`discomfort, etc. Now rare. L16. 3 Uneasrness 0
`mind, disquietude; in pl, disquieting thoughts.
`71. M17.
`inquiline /‘inkw1]Ain/
`[L 2mquilmus
`sojourner, f.
`incolere inhabit, f. as IN-. + calere
`dwell: see —1NE‘.] l A person who soiournscr
`lodges in a place. rare. M17. 2 An annual which
`lives in the abode of another winch tolerates'its
`in Enwmol., an insect which
`lodges in a gal] produced by another specres.
`the habit or
`izquilinism I'mkwrlinrz(a)m/
`condition of being an inquiline L20. inqul'linoua a.
`living in the nest or gall of another animal 1.19.
`inquinate /'mkw1neit/ at. Now rare. M16. [L
`inquinar- pa. ppl stem of inquinare pollute: see
`-A'l'Ea.] Pollute, taint, corrupt.
`inqui'nntion n. (a) the action of polluting; polluted
`condition; (11) a defilement, a polluting agent: LME.
`inquirable /m'kwrusrob(a)1/ a. Now rare or obs.
`Also en- /1n-, en—/. 1.15. [f. mounts + TABLE]
`Chiefly Law. That admits or calls for inquiry.
`inquiration /mkw.u'rer]'(a)n/ n. dial. 81 colloq.
`Also en- /1n-, sn-f. L18.
`f. next +
`-A'I'ION.] Enquiry; an enquiry.
`inquire /m'kw1ua/ 1). Also en- /m-, en-/ (see
`note below). ME. [0Fr. enquerre (mod. new
`formation enquén'r) f. Prom-Romance var. of L
`inquirene, f. as IN-g + quaerere ask] ”a at.
`investigate. ME—L18. h pi. Make
`investigation (into). ME. 2 0.1. Seek knowledge
`of (a thing) by asking a question; ask to be told.
`(Foil. by subord. cl.
`(81 direct speech) or (now
`less usu.) simple obj., of or (Sc.) at the person
`asked.) ME. 3 21.12 Put a question or questions;
`ask. (F011. by about or after a matter, of or (So)
`at the person asked.) ME. b Foll. by for, (arch)
`after. make request for (a thing); ask to see (a
`person). E16. 1'4 or. Question, interrogate, (a
`person). MEnLr7. 1‘5 err. Search for, try to find;
`search our. ME—LIS.
`1-6 7.7.2. Call
`require. rare. EIG~M17. 1'7 0.1. Name, call. rune
`(Spenser). Only in 1.16.
`In J. WOODAU. The use of a Probe. .sometimes to
`enquire the depth of a wound. b B. BE'ITELHEIM He
`felt no need to inquire into my motives. 2 R. BURNS
`The wily mother. . inquires his name. S. Lawrs Club
`members . . stopped him to inquire, ‘How’s your good
`lady getting on?’ W. TREVOR She enquired of me if I
`knew. . Lady Lord-Blood. 3 H. JAMES She enquired
`scrupulously about her husband’s health. M. Cox He
`had been encouraged to inquire freely of his parents
`on religious matters.
`inquire after
`spec. make
`inquiries about the health etc. of. b AV Acts 9:11
`Inquire in the house of Judas, for one called Saul of
`Tarsus. Homer’r Magazine I enquired at house after
`house for board.
`{[Recent UK usage tends to distinguish enquire =
`ask, inquire = make investigation; the distinction is not
`made in North America.
`inquirer n. 1.16.
`inquiring pp] a.
`seeking or disposed to seek information, answers, etc.:
`L16. inquiringly adv. M17.
`inquireudo (inkwm'rsndau/ n. Pl. -os. 1217. [L
`= by inquiring),
`ab]. gemnd of inquirere
`mourns] 1 Law (now Hist). An authorization
`to an official to make investigation on behalf of
`the Crown or government. E17. 2 gen. An
`investigation. M19.
`inquiry /m'kw1uri/ n. Also on- /m-, 511-] (see
`note below). LME.
`INQUIRE + -y3.] Il
`2 An
`investigation, an examination, esp. an official
`(in full public inquiry)
`investigation, held under
`the auspices of a
`concern. 216.
`Government department, into a matter of public
`. inquiry
`EARTH A special .
`J.staflces surrounding his death.
`g of
`a question,
`niltlezroglaktignfgamm. demand for a Commodity_
`a uery. M16.
`Ly? (4303::Svenéouliie leame nothinge therof by
`11’ Melbourne) Inquiry for goo
`”filmiii‘i‘knfiré‘eli‘ln (N.S.W.
`had ”12%?“
`iederably since the rain. 4 N. MAlliR
`0 ed the
`hgdsalready made his inquiries about w o own
`court of inquiry:
`see COURT n.
`lp the police in (or with)
`5: see DIRECTORY n. he
`flz'ZHZuifies: see HELP 1;. 5c. Jury of inquiry. see [pity :_
`[public inquiry: see sense 2 above. tribunal of mquny. s e
`. writ of inquiry: see WRIT n. 2..
`”1;!!er Buiry agent a private detective, inquiry
`Com ..
`from callers etc.
`qulfilc: 1332231168112: frqusgelt in— in branch L 311' m
`branch 11: cf. INQUIRE 1).
`L .
`(S e
`'site rat. M17-M18.
`mquzsrt— e
`Trigitctllltlir back-form. f. INQUISI'I'ION n.] 1 Ptgc‘ilid
`(a person) by the methods 0 intoe
`Inquisition. M17—M18. 2 Make inquiry
`investigate. M17—M18.
`'tion 1 kwr'zrj‘(9)n/ n. In sense 3 usu.
`%SE(O)FLU£ L inquisizio(n—), f. mqurstlt- gr;
`ppl stem of inquirere INQUIRE: see -ION..]
`instance of) the action or process of inquiring
`deeply into a matter in order to _dlSCOY6r.the
`facts; (a) searching exanunauon or investigation.
`IME. 2 A judicial inquiry, an inquest. Also, a
`recording the results _ of. such an
`inquiry. LME. 3 Hist. The iudicral Institution set
`up by the papacy in 1232 for the persecution of
`heresy by special ecclesiastical courts. .Also (in
`full Spanish Inquititian),
`the organizauon with
`similar functions established under the Spanish
`crown in 1479, which became notorious for its
`severity. £16. 4 A relentless questioning of a
`person. M19.
`4 K. WILLIAMS An interview which she described as
`‘a 1% hour inquisition’.
`inquisitional a. pertaining to the Inquisrtion or to
`(esp. harsh or relentless) inquiry M17.
`[1”. the n.]
`inquisition /rijkwr'zrj(a)n/ v.1. M17.
`Hist. Proceed against by the Inquisition.
`inquitinf, -zi-ve f. late L inquisitivus, f. L inquisiz-z
`see momsrrron n, -1vr.] Given to or desirous of
`inquiring; of an inquiring turn of mind;
`intellectually curious; spec. unduly curious about
`the alfairs of others, prying.
`CONAN DOYLE The garbage papers which cater for
`an inquisitive public. A. F. DOUGLAS—HOME Man is
`incurably inquisitive, and always trying to discover the
`origin of things.
`I. MORTIMER A pale man with
`inquisitive, almost colourless eyes. A. BROOKNER They
`were not inquisitive about my habits or relationships.
`inquisitively ado. 1.16. inquisitiveness 11. L16.
`mquisitor. /rn'kw121to/ n.
`In sense 2 also 1-.
`LME._[Fr. mquisz'teur (AN -tour) f. L inquisitor, f.
`mqumt—z see INQUISITION 71., -oa.]
`1 A person
`whose official duty is to inquire or examine (in
`matters of crime, taxation, etc); gen. a curious
`inquirer, an investigator. LME. fb An informer,
`a spy. _L16—L18. 2 Hist. An officer of the
`Iriquisiuon, esp. the Spanish Inquisition. M16.
`2 Grand Inquisitor the director of the court of the
`Inquisition in some countries. In ul '
`the head of the Spanish Inquisition. q emu-Gen
`mquiflml'ship n. M1 .
`inquisitor “8.
`‘husitress n. a female
`. as
`inquisitorial /1n kwrzr'to'ml/ a M18
`next + -AL1.] ‘1 0t", relating to, or functioning as
`an (oniCial)
`inquisrtor. M18. b Ofl‘ensively or
`imperunently (71111011851)
`' g. L18. 2 Of a system
`of crumnal procedure: in which the judge rather
`than a prosecutor investi
`accuianm'al. M19.
`gates the facts. Opp.
`inquisitorially adv. M19. inquisitorialness n. M19.
`inquisitory /m'kw1zrt(a)ri/ a. Now rare or obs.
`M17. [med.L inquisimrius f L.
`mud] = moron-roam. 1i
`“finrage '0. var. of ENRAGE.
`For other words bem'nning with in— see the entry for in-‘
`Tinrail v 2 Also (
`EN + RAIL ”'21
`ncloseri e31. E151
`In re
`'l'mrapture 11 var. of
`tau? [f
`r/Kma if]
`I“ n'/ adv
`Lo . =
`phr. In IEallty 1 &Prep
`mitts l-Eme-DICTIONE A “7' B if“ 1
`.......:. 1mm
`.. 1mm
`h e it. Cf. AN“
`Prep. p r. In the (legal) cas , P031 was .1);
`Cf REprep L19.
`fiwjth r' L194,
`Tmreglster 9 see ENREGISTE
`”Raid [5'
`11:11:12? £2 'rem a 1);”. M1];
`affefting awthinhga aidor a”: I: 233% ‘
`geniefore anguish 0r
`.poszpomwe Cf. INPERsoN
`Ia] habilitypéhi
`m rerum natura m
`adv. phr. L16.
`' mm.“
`] n nature, in 111?) .11:in
`finrich '0. var. of ENRICH.
`nix-o /'1nrou/ n. Pl. -os
`m seal + r6 basket]
`5 Same. 1317 U
`An ornamental i:
`or W
`insense‘ridin ’.
`[A '-'~ ”2+R0n
`foray. M16.
`g2 12mm;Gillefimcmmniauim;
`significant encroachment (on A; A Selim 1.
`(into). Now usu. in 1:]. M17,
`’ p0") or mmltn
`.2 J. R. GREEN They protested
`inroads on the liberties of
`the C
`considerable inroads
`Atlantic Monthly Democrats have
`inroads among affluent upper-middle-classvomzw
`inroad /'Inraod/ v. 517. [f. the n.] #1112 i
`an inroad into,
`13—1117, 2 “a:
`inroads. rare. M19.
`"finrol 11. var. of EN‘ROL.
`[f. [.21.
`inrolled /'inrauld, m'rauld/ a. L19.
`ROLL a. + -En1.] Bot. Having the mama)“
`inwards; involute.
`[f. 111+
`inrolling /'mroulig/ pp] a. LI9.
`ROLLING a.] Of a wave etc.: that rolls in.
`intact 1:. var. of moo-r.
`mrun' /'1nrAn/ n. L19. [f. 111-1 + RUN mittens:
`2 11‘. G Anlauf]
`1 An act of runningimn
`inrush. L19. 2 In ski—jumping: an approach mu.
`IIN'I +
`inrunning /'1nrAnrrJ/ pp! a. M19.
`RUNNING pp] 11.] Of a bay etc.: unendinsf"
`inland. Of a stream: flowing into alarzersm
`the sea, etc.
`[R fash if
`71- EI9;
`inru tion /in'mp[(e)n/
`imugrrou, emphasizing inn] A “we” hm
`inrush /'1nrA_[/ n. 1519 [f. [NJ + “5“”
`rushing in, an influx.
`f mi ‘r
`mru'sh /m'rA_[/ vi. Now rare. £17. [liiii
`RUSH v.2] Enter with force or speed, msI + win
`inrushing /'mrAInJ/ [3P1 ‘1' 9419‘ [£11ij {0105
`v.2 + —IN62-] Entering With SP“
`rushing in.
`[f Fr-
`yinsabbatist n. rare. MI7-EI9'
`‘ + .
`or med.L insabbazus, -sab(b)am:s.
`member of the sect of the Walden /m Win19
`in saecula
`saeculommlare L 7 ”at
`sAikjo'loxrom/ adv. 11h" ‘1‘6jf[rgver.
`. ,
`ages of ageS-l T° a” “mm (2,119.
`[f- WI
`insalivate /In'5€‘1“’ert/
`- ”"egnate (foodJ
`1 Mix 0‘ "apt liva.L19-
`saliva. M19. 2Mois9ten withsa
`MI I“
`insali'vationrtMi .
`insalubrions /msa'l(])ulbl195_/ W911”!
`f. as 111-” + salubnsor
`lisp. of
`salubrious, unhealthy.
`insalubrity muggingmflj
`insalubrité or f.
`climate 0:
`(esp.s0f *1
`unwholesomenes .
`Li 2
`n/ “'
`insalutary /msa'1”‘(fi°,}.oheau, .11
`ARY a.] 1 H
`$1.32 Not having 8 mm
`influence. rare. MI9'

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