
`tropospheric scatter
`placed a quarter-wavelength apart on a coaxial
`lElJECTRl In a transponder, the min—
`"lager Level
`line and adjusted in length to compensate for
`jn‘IUrTi Input Lo the receiver which is capable of
`impedance mismatch
`'trip-ol :r-tnl) tranz'for‘
`causing a trai'lsmittcr to emit a reply
`|El,l-.‘CI An electrical cable consisting
`IELECTRI A pulse that starts a cycle
`"jgger pulse
`of three individually insulated wires that are
`of nperation Also known as tripping pulsei
`twisted together and covered by an outer layer
`['trIg-ar .pnls}
`of protective material
`{'trip.leks .ka-bol j
`Il-llJ-LCI A switch that Is actuated by
`"Igger switch
`|ELECTRI Dual duplexer that permits the
`Fu||lng a trigger. and is usually mounted in a
`metal-grip handle
`dently in a radar system
`trim” lube
`IELEU‘R] It cold-cathode gas-tilled
`triplex system [COMMUNI Telegraph system in
`tube In which one or more auxiliary electrotIES
`which two messages in one direction and one
`initiate the anode current but do not control it
`message in the other direction can be sent
`j'irlgvar .tLihl
`simultaneously overa single circuit
`[ELECTR] A pupil device with a gating
`.sis-tam j
`control aeting as a fast-acting switch Similar in
`trlp magnet See phase magnet
`nature to a thyratron
`tripping device
`jetacj Mechanical or electro-
`trim [ELECTRI Fine adjustment of capacitance,
`magnetic device used to bring a circuit breaker
`inductance, or resistance of a component during
`or starter to its off or open position, either when
`manufacture or after installation in a circuit
`certain abnormal electrical conditions occur or
`[trim ]
`when a catch is actuated manually
`{'trip-in di
`lELECI A relatively small vari-
`trimmer capacitor
`able capacitor used in parallel with a larger vari—
`l‘trip-in .palsj
`tripping pulse Sectrigger pulse
`ableorfixed capacitorto permit exactadjustment
`IELECTRI Fast—switching semiconductor
`of the capacitance of the parallel combination
`consisting of an alloyed junction pup device
`'tim-or ka.pas-ed-arj
`in which the collector is capable of electron
`[ELECI A potentiometer
`trimmer potentiometer
`injection into the base; characteristics resemble
`which is used to provide a small-percentage
`those ofa thyratron electron tube, and switching
`adjustment and is often used with a coarse
`time is in the nanosecond range
`'tim-or pe.ten-che'a‘m-ad-or j
`IELECTR] A three-electrode electron tube
`tristate logic
`IELECTRI A form of
`transistor logic in which the output stages or
`containing an anode, a cathode, and a control
`input and outputstages can assumethree states;
`'trT.6d j
`two are the normal low-impedance l andOstates,
`triode clamp IELECTRI A keyed clamp circuit uti-
`and the third is a high-impedance state that
`lizing triodes. such as a circuit which contains a
`allows many tristate devices to time-share bus
`['trT.stat 'laj-ikj
`.od 'klamp )
`IELECTRI Crystal—controlled,
`IELECTR] A clipping circuit
`triode clipping circuit
`electron-coupled, vacuum-tube oscillator circuit
`that utilizes a transistor orvacuum triode
`which is isolated from the output circuit through
`.od 'klip»in .sar-kotl
`use of the screen grid electrode as the oscillator
`triode laser
`[ELECTR] Gas laser whose light out-
`anode; used for multiband operation because
`put may be modulated by signal voltages applied
`it generates strong harmonics of the crystal
`to an integral grid
`i 'tri.od 'la-zar j
`'trT.tet 'as-o.lad-or j
`triode transistor
`|ELECTR| A transistor that has
`IELEC| A long, recessed lighting unit hav-
`three terminals
`j'tri.6d tran'zis-tarj
`ing its opening flush with the surface of the
`triple-conversion receiver
`[ELECTR] Communi—
`ceiling and serving as a support and reflector for
`cations receiver having three different
`mediate frequencies to give higher adjacent-
`Trojan horse
`|COMPUT SCII A computer program
`channel selectivity and greater image-frequency
`that has an unannounced (usually undesirable)
`j'trip~al kon.varvzhan ri.sé-varj
`function in addition to a desirable apparent
`triple detection
`Ste double-superheterodyne
`j.tr6~jon ‘hOrsj
`l'tripol di.tek-shanj
`trolley pole
`IELECI The pole which conducts elec-
`triple-length working
`jCOMPUT SCII Processing of
`tricity from the trolley wire to the trolley
`data by a computer in which three machine words
`['trél-é Ipoll
`are used to represent each data item,
`in order
`to achieve the desired precision in the results
`trolley wire
`letecj The means by which power is
`conveyed to an electric trolley locomotive,
`it is
`'trip-el llenkth 'wark~in j
`an overhead wire which conducts power to the
`triple modular redundancy [COMPUT scrj A form
`locomotive by the trolley pole
`j'tral-e .wTrj
`of redundancy in which the original computer
`unit is triplicated and each of the three inde-
`coaxial-line matching assembly
`pendent units feeds into a majority voter. which
`Sue tropospheric scatter
`outputs the majority signal
`['trip-el 'méje-Ior
`[COMMUNI Scatter propa—
`tropospheric scatter
`wave transformer
`in which three stubs are
`gation of radio waves caused by irregularities
`Id, but not
`so known
`3d j
`park gap
`/een two
`ry trigger
`are ap-
`—C()re trans.
`i DOwer-Iine
`gap SWitch
`lOQFBm has
`3 known as
`lac used to
`{WDut pulse
`in a circuit
`)r network
`ly with an
`2. A
`-y an input
`kot j
`a way that
`lek~tr6d j
`>ut then


`Il-LLECT‘RI Any of ”1,.
`tube coefficient
`‘ “Witt:
`that describe the charact
`ml a tit
`vacuum tube. such an amplification lact
`the! conductance. or altern'arinntrmTo or
`tub .ko-i.lish‘anr|
`”l Plate-
`tube heating time
`tube to attain operating tempera
`llied-Iu .i‘Im I
`i iii:-
`who noise
`L'Irlaling In a tinr:-
`illlITI tube. such as that due to shot uric
`Ihemial agitation
`I'tiib .itt'JizI
`lube ot' flux 5:.- tube of force.
`'tilb at; 11%.
`tube of lame
`[Heel A region of spam bun
`by a tubu liiriruriace consign until the lint-i; “Illumi-
`whlch pass through a given closed curve 0
`known as who ol flux.
`'tIJL'I :w 'fr'Jrc |
`tube tester
`IfiL-E‘C‘Tiil A test Instrument. flexifin
`measureand Indicate the condition olelectron I“
`used in electronic equipment
`i'tub .tes-iarf
`tube voltage drop
`icutctiti In it gas; tube 1
`anode voltage tiunnp.
`the conducting period
`I‘liib‘i'i'Ji-tii ,drapl
`tube voltmeter
`See vacuum-tube
`'tiib ‘vélt,mEd~9r]
`tubular capacitor
`|Lt.l:r: A paper or Electruiyiic
`capacitor having:
`the form of a cylinder. will;
`leads usually pmiecting atria | ly Item I he Ends; the
`capacitor plates are long stripe; of metal Io” SL‘p-
`aratcd by insulating strips, roller] II'ILtI a compaq
`'iil-hya-lrir hnlpfirad‘nr l
`tunable echo boar
`|t-;I.ccriromr'.l Echo be: con.
`slitting of :in adiuntahle cavity operation in a
`single mode;
`if calibrated,
`the setting or the
`plunger at resonance will
`Indicate the thaw.
`i 'rIi-na-bal 'eltvf) .btile: I
`tunable filter
`IELECTR| An electric filter In which
`the frequency of the passband or rejection band
`can be varied by adILrstIng its components.
`I'm-no-bnl 'lil-tar]
`Ichcnn Magnetron which
`tunable magnetron
`can be tuned mechanicallyr or electronically by
`varying its capacitance L'if Inductance
`boi 'mae-no.rran ]
`IELECTRI To adjust for resonance at a de-
`sired frequency,
`I tUn I
`tuned amplifier
`JELECTRI An amplifier in which
`the load In a tuned circuit; load Impedance and
`amplifier gain than vary' with frequency.
`'am-plo.i'i»ar |
`lecccrnl A vacuum -tube
`tuned-anode oscillator
`oscillator whose frequency IS determined by n
`Lani. circurt In the anode circuit. coupled to IhI:
`grid to proviriei he required feedback. also known
`as tuned-plate oscillator
`I :tiind 'an.6d .aso
`tuned~anocietuned-grld oscillator Sec tuned-grid
`tuned—anode oscillator.
`Itiind 'an.od Itiind
`'[Irid .iiavalir'iti or]
`iELEC‘I‘RI Transistor oscil-
`tuned-base oscillator
`lator in which the frequetrcy‘determining res-
`onant circuit
`located in the base circuit.
`comparable to a tuned-grid oscillator
`I :tiind
`'ins‘d-ar I
`tuned cavity Sue cavity resonator
`I Itiind 'kav-
`tropospheric wave
`In the refractive Index of air in the troposphere:
`used for long-”(listeners communications. with
`the. aid of relay facilities. Jail-300 ntilen [lilti—
`fiiiii kilometersl apart. Also known as iroposcai-
`[ ilrri'Iit-aislir-Ik 'sL’rd-ar I
`tropospheric wave
`[COMMUNI A radio wave that
`is propagated by reflection from a region of
`abrupt change In dielectric constant or its gra-
`dient in theiroposphere
`I Ilrr‘rp-olsfirtik 'wév I
`trouble-location problem IctirrInIiT ccrI In com-
`puters. a tent problem used in a diagnoritic
`'trab-ni lniiratshon .pr'abviam I
`Immem SCII To Iind and correct
`errors and faults in a computer, usually in the
`'trob~ol.shu't I
`true-motion radar
`IELECTRIA radar set which
`radar presentation
`on the niiit:~|’105il'lfin Indicator. as opposed
`to the reltttli'evinntlnn. true-or-relatwe-b‘earlnu.
`roost commonly used.
`:rni‘yfihfln 'ri'J.Liar I
`[F.LE'C'I'RI A radar
`true-motion radar presentation
`pian-ptlaliion Indicator presentation in which
`the center of the 17:0th represents the some
`geographicI.tii:.iti0i1. trntll reset. with all moving
`t'il'JIE'Lii‘i. including Ihe uncr‘s own crel'i, moving
`on the scope
`'In'l lmr‘r-shon 'ra.rliir .pres-an
`.ta-ehnri i
`true motor load Sn' thermal horsepower
`'modior .IIIIrl
`1<':::.IT Sin-1| To stop a robotic. process
`incline it l‘II'lfi' been completed.
`I ‘irau.kfit i
`truncated pareboloid
`|EiECTROMAiif i-taraheloid
`antenna In which a portion ofthe top and bottom
`have been cut away to broaden the main lobe
`in the vertical plane
`'tran,kad-od pa'rabo
`'i‘.| The error reziulting: l'rom
`trunoetlcm error
`rial net ol'tirita In place iii a
`ti'iéilnfli'fr'aili of a p
`cmnpletc or infinite not
`iiran'i'I‘I-tman .er-arl
`iconiiiiir-tI n leiepln'rnelinecrinnecringtwn
`central uilioes Also known at
`ii|.||‘|lr‘. circuit
`Icompur SCI] A path over which information is
`tmnsferretl in .1 computer
`l mm |
`trunk circuit Fin-trunk.
`'trnni: .sar-knt l
`trunk exchange
`ICOMMIJHI A telephone
`change wituSe main function ”e: in Il'Iterct'innect
`'trnnk iks'chanj I
`trunk feeder
`|ELEC| An electric power transmis-
`sion line that connects two generating stations.
`or a generating station and an important sub-
`station. or two electrical distribution networks.
`'trank .fedor]
`trunk group
`[COMMUNI The collection of trunks
`of a given type or characteristic that connect two
`switching pomts.
`'trank .griip I
`T-section fitter
`IELECI T network used as an
`electric filter
`'16 ,sek-shan .fil-tor)
`TSR Sm RAM resident
`T switch
`IELECTR] An electrical switch that joins
`a machine to either of two other devices
`.swich I
`'l'l'L Soc transistor—transistor logic
`TI'Y Steteletypewriter
`tube Stu electron tube
`I ‘tu'b ]


`tunnel diode
`IliLEC'I’RI Acircuitwimsecnmporienlzs
`[uI'IEd circuit
`n be adjusted to make the Circuit responsive to a
`finiciiliir lreqtienqu in a tuning range. Also known
`aginning circuit
`[lliintl 'sar-kat J
`[wed-collector oscillator
`jalacrel A transistor
`usclllaier in which the frequency‘determining
`[Egtll‘lflm Circuit lsl mated in theculleclof circuit.
`|5 comparable to a tuned-anode elect‘rnm
`tribe oscillator
`|thiniJ ka‘lck-tar .Iis-aJad-arj
`“mad l'lltor
`|ELECTRI Filter that uses one or more
`tinted Circuits to attenuate or pass signals at the
`[gsnllflfll frequency
`[ltiintl 'fiHorj
`mad-grid oscillator
`[ELECI'RI Oscillator whose
`“entrant? is determined by a parallel-remnant
`circuit In the grid coupled to the plate to provide
`tum-grid tuned-anode oscillator
`IELatrrrii A
`vacuum -tube oscillator whosefrequcncy is deter-
`mined byatanlt circuitintliegridcircuit.coupled
`to the entitle to provide the required feedback.
`j jtijnd 'igrid ltund 'an.ed .i'as-aJad-ar j
`wngd—plate oscillator Err tuned-anode uscl llritnr
`l jinnd 'plate .as-o.l;‘id-or j
`|i-'.l.ErrI-r| A ra-
`iuned-deo-lrequency receiver
`rlI-ti receiver consisting of a numher oi amplifier
`stages that are tuned to resonance at
`frequency of the desired signal by a
`gang capacitor;
`the amplified signals at
`original carrier frequency are led directly into
`the detector for demodulation. and the resulting
`audio-frequency signals are amplified by an
`audio—frequency amplifier and reproduced by a
`loudspeaker Abbreviated TRF receiver
`'rad-éo lfré-kwan-se ri.sé-vor j
`tuned-radio-frequency transformer
`transformer used for selective coupling in radio-
`frequency stages
`j ltiind 'rad-éo :fré‘kwantsé
`Sue vibrating—
`tuned-reed frequency meter
`reed-frequency meter
`j jtii nd 'réd 'fré-kwon-sé
`IELECI A relay having mechanical
`tuned relay
`resonating arrangements that
`or other
`response to currents at one particular frequency
`jjt'tind ']
`tuned resonating cavity
`ingcavity halfawavelengthlongorsomemultiple
`ofa half wavelength. used in connection with a
`waveguide to produce a resultant wave with the
`amplitude in the cavity greatly exceeding that of
`the wave in the waveguide
`(ltiind '
`.kav‘od-é j
`jELECj Transformer whose as-
`tuned transformer
`sociated circuit elements are adjusted as a whole
`to be resonant at the frequency ofthe alternating
`current supplied to the primary. thereby causing
`thesecondaryvoltagetobuild uptohighervalues
`than would otherwise be obtained
`|ELECTR| The portion of a
`contains circuits which can be tuned to accept
`the carrier frequency of a desired transmitter
`while rejecting the carrier frequencies ofall other
`stations on the air at that time
`[ELECTRI A gas tube having a heated
`tungar tube
`thoriated tungsten filament serving as cathode
`and a graphite disk serving as anode in an argon-
`filled bulb at a low pressure; used chiefly as a
`rectifier in battery chargers
`j' .tijbj
`tungsten filament
`|ELEC| A filament used in
`lamps. and as an incandescent
`cathode in many types of electron tubes.
`such as thermionic vacuum tubes
`[ELECTRI A lamp con-
`tungsten-halogen lamp
`taining a halogen. usually iodine or bromine.
`which combines with tungsten evaporated from
`the filament
`[ltontston ‘hal-o-jan .lampj
`ICOMPUT SCll The use of various tech-
`niques involving adjustments to both hardware
`and software to improve the operating efficiency
`of a computer system IELECTR] The process of
`adjusting the inductance or the capacitance (or
`both] in a tuned circuit, for example. in a radio.
`television. or radar receiver or transmitter. so as
`to obtain optimum performance at a selected
`'ttin-ir] j
`tuning capacitor
`[ELECI A variable capacitor
`used for
`tuning purposes
`ltUl‘i‘llJ ko.pas
`j 'tiin-iij .sar-kat ]
`tuning circuit Scrtuned circuit
`tuning coil
`IELECI A variable inductance coil for
`adjusting the frequency of an oscillator or tuned
`'tiin-irj .kOil j
`tuning core
`[ELECTROMAGI A ferrite core that is
`designed to be moved in and out of a coil or
`transformer to vary the inductance
`IELECTR] A device that indicates
`tuning indicator
`when a radio receiver is tuned accurately to a
`station. it is connected to a circuit havinga direct-
`current voltage that varies with the strength of
`the incoming carrier signal
`'tiin~in .in‘do
`IELECTR] The frequency range over
`tuning range
`which a receiver or other piece of equipment
`can be adjusted by means of a tuning control
`('ttin-ii] lranj j
`tuning screw IELECTROMAGI A screw that is in-
`serted into the top or bottom wall of a waveguide
`and adjusted as to depth of penetration inside
`tuning or
`impedance—matching purposes
`'tiJn-in .skrii j
`tuning stub [ELECTROMAGI Short length of trans-
`mission line. usually shorted at
`its free end.
`connected to a transmission line for impedance-
`matching purposes
`['tiin-ii] .stobj
`tuning susceptance
`[ELECTRI Normalized sus-
`ceptance of an anti-transmit-receive tube in its
`mount due to the deviation of
`its resonant
`frequency from the desired resonant frequency
`j'tiin-iij sa.sep-tons j
`tuning wand
`IELECI Rod of insulating material
`havingabrass plugatoneend andapowerediron
`core at the other end; used for checking receiver
`['ti'in-in .wa'ndj
`tunnel diode
`[ELECTR] A heavily doped junction
`diode that has a negative resistance at very
`low voltage in the forward bias direction. due
`flit: cg”Elan
`s of a lhermjun'ls
`atlrin I'aclnr
`we required for
`inating in a Va
`) she-l effec
`t and
`‘iub av 'flaiisj
`i space hound
`' the fines of [cure
`med curve his};
`v 'lers l
`ment designating
`tofele-qirrin tubes
`'tiib .lea-iarj
`a gas tube.
`iducting period.
`:ube voltmeter
`er or EleClmlytic
`a cylinder. with
`am theends. the
`if metal foil gap.
`I intt‘ia Cumpaq
`Echo box con-
`operating in a
`setting of the
`cate the wave.
`filter in which
`'rejection band
`3 components,
`ignetron which
`lectronically by
`nance at a de-
`)lifier in which
`mpedance and
`A vacuum-tube
`:termined by a
`coupled to the
`ick Also known
`id 'an.od .a‘so
`'an.6d jtiind
`ansistor oscil-
`termining res-
`base circuit;
`(lttind 'kav'


`tunneling cryotron
`to quantum-mechanical tunneling, and a short
`circuit in the negative bias direction Also known
`as Esaki tunnel diode
`{'tan-ol .di.6d]
`tunneling cryotron
`IELECTRI A low—temperature
`current-controlled switching device that has two
`electrodes of superconducting material sepa-
`rated by an insulating film, forming a Josephson
`junction, and a control
`line whose currents
`generate magnetic fields that switch the device
`between two states characterized by the presence
`or absence of electrical resistance
`Sec scanning tunneling
`tunneling microscope
`'ton-al-ii] 'mT-kra.sk6pl
`IELECTRIA two-terminal elec-
`tronic device having an extremely thin potential
`barrier to electron flow, so that the transport
`characteristic (the current—voltage curve) is pri—
`marily governed by the quantum-mechanical
`tunneling process which permits electrons to
`penetrate the barrier
`['tan-al .iaok-shan]
`tunnel rectifier
`IELECTRI Tunnel diode having a
`relatively low peak-current rating as compared
`with other tunnel diodes used in memory-circuit
`('tan-al .rek]
`tunnel resistor
`IELECTRI Resistor in which a thin
`layerofmetal is plated acrossatunnelingiunction, to
`give the combined characteristics of a tunnel diode
`and an ordinary resistor
`'ton-ol rials-tar)
`IELECTRI Transistorlike device in
`which the emitter-base iunction isa tunnel diode
`and the collector-base junction is a conventional
`('tan-al .tri.6d ]
`ICOMPUT SCll A horizontal row of data items
`in a relational data structure; corresponds to
`record or segment
`in other types of data
`turbine generator
`[ELEC] An electric generator
`driven by a steam, hydraulic, or gas turbine
`['tor-bon .ien-a,réd-or]
`IELECI An alternator, such as a
`synchronous generator, which is driven by a
`steam turbine
`Turing machine
`ICOMPUT SCll A mathematical
`idealization of a computing automaton similar
`in some ways to real computing machines; used
`by mathematicians to define the concept of
`('tt'iriij mo.shén)
`|ELEC| One complete loop ofwire
`turnaround system ICOMPUT sct| In character
`recognition, a system in which the input data
`to be read have previously been printed by the
`computer with which the reader is associated; an
`application is invoice billing and the subsequent
`recording of payments Also known as reentry
`system ['tarn a.rat'ind .sis-taml
`submission of a job for a data-processing system
`and its completion
`l'tcrn-a.rai'ind Itim]
`[COMPUT SCI] A complete computer sys—
`tem delivered to a customer in running con—
`dition, with all necessary premises, hardware
`and software equipment,supp|ies,and operating
`In check lcr
`lmecml The time that 1.1.
`turn-off time
`Computer Oper
`gate circuit to Shut ultra current
`['tarn rial“? a
`turn-an lime
`|t;1.cc1'tii The time that ill ’lrtim’
`fir equipment
`gate circuit to allow a current to
`value Harmon .timl
`reach its iufi
`wirl‘T iilter
`turns ratio
`|chc| The ratio of the
`ul ,1 parallel-T.
`turns in a secondary winding of a Ila ”fiber 0!.
`elaments chos
`to the number of turns in the primary wf‘iftner
`due to each c
`['tarnr. ,ra-shfs}
`specified lrcqt-
`consisting o (the or more la e :.=
`”Inst network
`horizontal dipoies on a mast. UEuLIIfl-rncgu“
`so the currents In the two dlpulel; ”if:
`there is a progi
`equal and In quadrature. used with “423““?
`about the ion-
`frequency modulation, anti other Vim-If!“
`frequency or ultrawhigit-frequencytrananiitrnmh‘
`mlsted palr
`obtain an essentially timnidlrectinnal “dig?!“
`|‘tarn.stTI uniten‘a]
`[ENG acousl The rotarirt
`Without a co'-
`it platform 0n
`which a disk record is placed in
`copper pair
`r recording or
`'tarri.ta-bal l
`Mist-took coni-
`rect-ptacle in v"
`lurtet tuner
`IEl.ECTRI A television tuner lit-Jinn
`insertion to it
`one set of pretunod circuits for eacii Cl'li'JnncF
`mounted on a drum that rs rotated by llIL' chi-inn.
`plug accident-
`selector; rotation of the drum Connetli; “a;
`,lak ka‘nek-tor.
`set of tuned circuits In ttirn to “it receiver
`“No-address or
`code using tv
`antenna circuit,radio—frequencyamplitiur;autlr-[
`l'tarmt .tii‘nar]
`,res .kéd l
`ICOMIJIJT SrCiI A cursor with the attributeu
`two-address ll
`til lmth position and direction. llfli‘iaily, an Flirt)»:
`puters, an in
`that points In the direction it is about to move
`ation and sps
`and generates a line along its path
`['tii 'ad.res ir_
`ICOMI'HT m1 A method of computer.
`assisted instruction that involves- a cnllcctlon 01
`screen formats, [generally arranged In eeuuences
`that can be selected from a menu, and presented
`[,tii di'men-s
`in response to the terminal operator's request
`ltii‘torvE-al 1
`TV See television
`access store
`ln optical char-
`TV camera scanner
`locations ass'
`acter recognition, a device that images an in-
`to be physic
`put character onto a sensitive photoconductive
`taken from (
`target of a camera tube, thereby developing an
`electric charge pattern on the inner surface ofthe
`two-gap head
`target, this pattern is then explored by a scanning
`magnetic ta]
`beam which traces out a rectangular pattern
`other for red
`with the result that a waveform is produced
`two-hop trans
`which represents the character's most probable
`radio waves
`{té'vé lkam-ro .skan-or)
`TVl SM television interference
`from the io_--
`TVRO Sec television receive only antenna
`ground, and
`IENG ACOUSI A loudspeaker designed to
`again before;
`handle onlythe higheraudio frequencies, usually
`those well above 3000 hertz; generally used in
`two-Input suit
`conjunction with a crossover network and a
`:in,pL'it sab'tr
`two-level sub
`ICOMPUT SCII A feature of
`twln arithmetic units
`in which enl
`some computers where the essential portions of
`the arithmetic section are virtually duplicated.
`('twin o'rith-mo.tik .yii‘nctsi
`of the decin
`twln axial cable
`ICOMMUNI A transmission line
`having the
`consisting of two coaxial cables enclosed within
`contains tw:
`a single sheath, each used to transmit signals in
`'kod l
`one direction
`['twin 'ak-sé-al 'ka-ball


` E
`|r::inii=ti'r sci] Ccrntintmtit: chedt of
`bill" chock.
`LLmputeroperation. achieved by the duplication
`or equipment and automatic comparison of
`I'twin 'chekl
`min-T filter
`IELEC] An electric l'iiter consisting
`of rr parallel-T network with values of network
`eieinents chosen In such a war,r that the outputs
`due to each of the paths precisely cancel at a
`Sgt-tilled ltequenCy
`I 'iwin 're .fti-tar i
`twin-T network
`Sr: parallel‘T network.
`we .net.w:Iri: |r
`twist patccrnotinol A waveguide section In which
`there is a progressive rotation of the cross section
`the longitudinal axis of the wavegutde
`|et.r=.cIA cable composed of
`misled palr
`insulated conductors twisted together
`Without a common covering. Also known as
`cgrpper pair
`t'twis-tad 'peri
`Mist-luck connector
`[ELECl r"\ power plug and
`receptacle in which the plug in List he twisted after
`insertion to locit. it in place. to guard against the
`piug accidenlaliy being knocked loose
`.Ii'iii ka'neli-tar I
`|cr'ii.ii>ut sctI In computers. a
`“0.3:!de code
`code using two-address instructions.
`I ‘tti 'ad
`.res .lirTid l
`two-address Instmctton Icon-rpm scr] In con-r—
`puiers. an instruction which Includes an riper—
`aiinn and specil'ies the location of two registers
`I'lil ‘nd.res in.strait-sh:inl
`iwo~dimenslenal electron gas field-effect tran-
`5w higit—eiectron-mobility transistor
`{.tii di'men~shan~al'an ‘gas Iféld itfekt tran
`two-dimensional storage ICOMPUT scr| A direct-
`access storage device in which the stowage
`locations assigned toaparticularfile do not have
`to be physically adiaoent. but instead may be
`taken from one or more seek areas.
`'tii Idi
`Imen-shon oi 'storiil
`two-gap head ICOMPUT scr] One of two separate
`magnetic taupe heads, one for reading and the
`other for recording data.
`I ‘tti lgap 'hed I
`lwu-hoptrsnsmlsslon [COMMUNI Propagation of
`radio waves in which the waves are reflected
`from the ionosphere,
`then reflected from the
`ground, and then reflected from the ionosphere
`again before reaching the receiver
`'tii Ihap
`two-Input subtracter
`iin.pdt sab'trak-tar]
`ICOMPUT scrl A subroutine
`two-level subroutine
`in which entry is made to a second, lower-level
`I't'u ilev-al 'sab-rU.tén]
`lwo-out-of-flve code
`[COMPUT scr| An encoding
`of the decimal digits using five binary bits and
`having the property that every code element
`contains two Is and three 0's
`'tii at'id av lf'iv
`'kod I
`Sec half-subtracter
`'5 {fikfirfi a
`ll. {31ng a
`iach its lull
`number of
`1W winding
`of notified
`I-‘i “Etched
`ii pair are
`i teleclslnn
`' very—high:
`nsmlllerq to
`al radii-then
`platform on
`'ecording or
`Liner harm?
`-:Ch Channel:
`nnects each
`the receiver
`re attributes
`|ly, an arrow
`out to move
`'tord-ol I
`f computer.
`collection of
`n sequences
`rd presented
`or’s request
`optical char-
`iages an in-
`eveloping an
`aurface ofthe
`>y a scanning
`:ular pattern
`is produced
`ost probable
`' designed to
`ncics. usually
`rally used in
`twork and a
`A feature of
`all portions of
`y duplicated.
`mission line
`closed within
`mit signals in
`~bol l
`two-pulse canceler
`ICUMMUNI Randomized code con-
`two-port code
`sisting of an encoding section in which the
`plain LEM groups are arranged in alphabetical
`or other significant order accompanied by their
`codegroups ll'l nonalphabetical orrandrirn order.
`and a decoding section in which the code groups
`are arranged in alphabetical or numerical order
`and are accompanied by their meanings given in
`the encoding section.
`'tu ‘part 'kod I
`two-pass compiler
`[concur scrl A language proA
`cessor that goes through ihe program to hr:
`translated twice. on the first pass ll checlo: the
`syntax of statements and constructs a table of
`Symbols. while on the second pass it actually
`translates program statements Into rn'aclilne
`'Iii ipas knm'pil-ar I
`liaiacl it
`two-phase alternating-current circuit
`crrcult in which themare two alternatingcitrronts
`on separate wires. the two currents being 00”
`IELECI Current
`a phase
`through two pairs of wires or at
`difference of one-quarter cycle I00”) between
`the current in the two pairs
`'11] ',I52 'ka-rant ]
`two-phase live-wire system Ii:Lr'c| System of
`alternating-current supply comprising five con-
`ductors. loitr of which are connected as in a1wn-
`phase [on r—wire system. the fifth being connected
`triumphant; tourmlre system tetra-I System of
`alternating-current supply comprising two pairs
`of conductors. between one pair of which is
`maintained an alternating difference of potential
`displaced in phase by one-quarter of a period
`from an alternating difference of potential of the
`same frequency maintained between the other
`l'tii lfaz'foriwir‘sls-tam]
`two-phase three-unto system [ELEC] System of
`alternating-currentsupply comprisingthree con‘
`dtictors. between one of which {known as the
`Common return) and each of the other two are
`maintained alternating difference of potential
`displaced in phase by one-quarter of a period
`with relation to each other.
`'tu 1faz 'thré lwfr
`"sis-tam l
`two-plus-one address Instruction Icornrlur scr]
`An instruction in a computer program which
`has two addresses specifying the locations of
`in which the result is to be entered.
`('tii .plos
`hirer-r 'ad.rcs rinstraii‘shan]
`junction Interrmoittnot a waveguide
`[unction with two openings; it. can consist either
`two essentially different waveguides connected
`l'tti I tort 'Ionk-shani
`two-port system Ictrrir first alt-system which has
`only one input or encitntlori and onlyr one
`response or output.
`l'tij Iport 'Sisvtam I
`two-pulse cancatar
`1t-ti.1=.crr'r| A moving-target in-
`dicator canceler which comps res the phase
`variation of two successive pulses received from


`two-quadrant multiplier
`a target; discriminates against signals with radial
`velocities which produce a Doppler frequency
`to a multiple of
`the pulse repetition
`['tii lpals 'kan-slar]
`two-quadrant multiplier
`ICOMPUT scr| Of an ana—
`log computer. a multiplier in which operation is
`restricted to a single sign of one input variable
`{'tii lkw'a‘d-rant 'mal-to.pli-ar)
`two-source frequency keying
`[COMMUNI Keying
`in which the modulating wave shifts the out—
`frequency between predetermined values
`derived from independent sources,
`'tii lsérs
`'fré-kwon-sé .ke-ig]
`[COMPUT scr| A varia-
`two-state Turing machine
`tion of a Turing machine in which only two states
`are allowed. although the number of symbols
`may be large
`['tii lstét 'tl'Jr-ig mo.shén]
`two-symbol Turing machine
`ICOMPUT scr] A vari-
`ation of a Turing machine in which only two
`symbols are permitted, although the number of
`states may be large
`'tii lsim-bal 'tUr-irJ mo
`.shén )
`[COMMUNI Keying in which the
`two-tone keying
`modulating wave causes the carrier to be mod—
`ulated with one frequency for the marking con-
`dition and modulated with a different frequency
`for the spacing condition
`['tii lton 'ke-ig]
`two-tone modulation
`ICOMMUN] lnteletype-writer
`operation. a method of modulation in which two
`different carrier frequencies are employed for the
`two signaling conditions; the transition from one
`frequencyto the other is abrupt, with resultant phase
`['tiJ' ltén .ma'i-o‘la-shan)
`two-wire clrcult
`IELECI A metallic circuit formed
`by two conductors insulated from each other; in
`contrast with a four-wire circuit. it uses only one
`line or channel for transmission ofelectric waves
`in both directions
`{'tii :wir 'sor-kot]
`two-wire repeater
`lELECTRl Repeater that pro-
`vides for transmission in both directions over a
`two-wire circuit; in carriertransmission. itusually
`operates on the principle of frequency separation
`for the two directions oftransmission
`l'tij Iwir
`ri'péd-ar )
`TWTA Sm travelin

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