`Robert J. Davies
`In re Patent of:
`U.S. Patent No.:
`January 31, 2006
`Issue Date:
`Appl. Serial No.: 09/876,514
`Filing Date:
`June 7, 2001
` Attorney Docket No.: 39521-0056IP1
`Mail Stop Patent Board
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Exhibit 1034
`Apple, et al. v. Uniloc


`1. My name is Lawrence Faulkner. I am over the age of 18, have personal
`knowledge of the facts set forth herein, and am competent to testify to the
`same. I have reviewed Ex. 1006, and certify that Ex. 1006 is a true and
`correct copy of the IrDA Object Exchange Protocol, Version 1.2 (“IrOBEX
`1.2”). In support of my statements here, I have attached and referred to
`appendices that include archives of web pages and copies of published
`2. I currently serve as a Project Manager at Granite Construction. From 1998
`to 2000, I served as the Executive Director of the Infrared Data Association
`(IrDA). IrDA is a non-profit corporation established in 1993 that focuses on
`providing standards for infrared data exchange that ensure quality and
`interoperability between mobile computing devices. During my tenure as
`Executive Director of IrDA I oversaw the development of numerous
`technical specifications and the deployment of IrDA technology in millions
`of electronic devices, including all mobile devices implementing the
`PalmOS platform as well as every major cell phone manufactured
`throughout the world. Ex.1040, Abstract, 3. IrDA technologies were widely
`deployed in cell phones, cameras, camcorders, and even toys. Id.
`3. During my tenure as Executive Director, infrared data exchange using IrDA
`was the de facto technical solution for wireless cable replacement, especially


`for mobile handheld devices. At the start of my tenure, the Bluetooth
`specification had not yet been released or implemented in a commercial
`product (which first occurred in 1999). The WiFi specification was released
`in late 1998 and took time to become popular. Other technologies emerged
`around this time as well, most of which have now fallen to the wayside, and
`some of which have survived. But in 1998, infrared data exchange with
`IrDA was essentially the dominant communication protocol in the wireless
`data communication market. At that time, designers and developers of
`mobile systems were acutely aware of the IrDA technology, the IrDA
`specifications, the IrDA organization, and the website
`4. As Executive Director, I oversaw the release of various protocols and
`specifications, covering all relevant technology layers, from low-level
`physical transceivers up to high-level protocols for data exchange. One of
`these protocols was the IrDA Object Exchange Protocol, Version 1.2
`(“IrOBEX 1.2”; Ex. 1006). In 1999, I was personally involved in the public
`release of IrOBEX 1.2, an update to an earlier published version of IrOBEX.
`During the development of the IrOBEX 1.2 specification, I was in regular
`contact with the authors (Patrick Megowan, David Suvak, and Doug Kogan
`of Counterpoint Systems Foundry, Inc.) as well as the other contributors to


`the specification, which included representatives from Microsoft, Apple,
`Hewlett-Packard, and Nokia.
`5. To the best of my recollection, the IrOBEX 1.2 specification was made
`publicly available on the website on or immediately after the
`March 18, 1999 date listed in the document. Ex. 1006, 1. I personally
`authorized the release of the IrOBEX 1.2 specification on the IrDA website
`and I have personal knowledge that the IrOBEX 1.2 specification was made
`publicly available well before October 11, 1999.
`6. Ex. 1039 corroborates my personal knowledge and shows a screenshot of a
`web directory hosted by the Open Source Lab at Oregon State University,
`which includes downloadable copies of many of the IrDA specifications.
`Among the downloadable files in this directory is a pdf file of the IrOBEX
`1.2 specification, which is a true and correct copy of Ex. 1006. The web
`directory lists a last modified timestamp of “1999-05-27” for the IrOBEX
`1.2 specification clearly indicating that this file was created no later than
`May 27, 1999, approximately two months after the date identified in the
`IrOBEX 1.2 document. It is clear from the internal date of the IrOBEX 1.2
`specification, the file date of the copy of the IrOBEX 1.2 specification
`hosted at Oregon State University, and my own personal recollection, that


`the IrOBEX 1.2 specification was made publicly available between March
`18, 1999 and May 27, 1999.
`7. Appendix AAA shows a link to the IrOBEX 1.2 specification on the IrDA
`website on Oct. 4, 1999, clearly showing the link to download the IrOBEX
`1.2 specification. Appendix AAA, 2. The page shown in Appendix AAA is
`a true and correct copy of the webpage that provided a link to IrOBEX 1.2 in
`1999. I have personal knowledge that, at the time this link was placed on the
`“Specifications” page of the website, a copy of the IrOBEX 1.2
`specification in PDF form was also placed on the website, and that
`by clicking on the link, any user could download the IrOBEX 1.2
`specification from the website. The IrDA standards, including
`IrOBEX 1.2, were prominently displayed on the IrDA website and indexed
`under a section titled Standards. Appendix AAA. Additionally, the IrDA
`website included search functionality that would have helped a person locate
`documents of interest, such as the IrOBEX 1.2 specification.
`8. The IrDA organization was formed not only to create specifications for
`technology involving infrared data communications, but also to promote the
`technology throughout the world. The IrDA organization had a Marketing
`Chair, Brian Ingham, whose responsibilities included promotion of the IrDA
`technologies and specifications. Appendix BBB. IrDA also employed two


`full-time marketing specialists, one of which was focused primarily on Asian
`markets. Technical papers were frequently published in industry and
`academic venues (see Appendix CCC), and key IrDA technologists and
`evangelists regularly presented at popular industry conferences, including
`the Embedded Systems Conference, and others. Appendices DDD and
`GGG. As another example, a set of IrDA overview articles authored by
`Patrick Megowan, David Suvak, and Charles Knutson of Counterpoint
`Systems Foundry, Inc., were not only reprinted multiple times in different
`venues, but were cited by authors around the world, sometimes even
`reprinted in foreign languages without permission. See e.g., Appendix EEE
`(Patrick J. Megowan, David W. Suvak, and Charles D. Knutson. "IrDA
`Infrared Communications: An Overview." Proceedings of the Fifth Annual
`Embedded Systems Conference East, Boston, Massachusetts, March 10-12,
`1997, which has been cited more than 30 times to my knowledge). In short,
`during my time as Executive Director of IrDA, a person interested in
`wireless data communications, especially in the mobile and embedded
`market, would have been well aware of the IrDA standards and how to
`acquire them.
`9. In addition to its availability online, the IrOBEX 1.2 specification was also
`distributed to IrDA members through IrDA’s email list. As Executive


`Director, in 1999 I authorized copies of IrOBEX 1.2 to be emailed to IrDA
`members, some of whom are shown in Appendix FFF. A person interested
`in IrDA technology would have subscribed to IrDA’s email list and could
`have accessed IrOBEX 1.2 based on the listserv email distributing IrOBEX
`1.2. A person interested in wireless communication technology, such as
`IrDA, exercising reasonable diligence, could have joined the IrDA listserv
`based on the advertising and promotion of IrDA discussed above. The
`person would then receive updates to the IrDA standards through the IrDA
`listserv. Emails sent through the IrDA listserv had no expectation of
`10. Although IrOBEX 1.2 is no longer available at the IrDA website, I have
`personal knowledge that IrOBEX 1.2 was available on the Internet in 1999.
`I personally accessed IrOBEX multiple times through the IrDA website prior
`to Oct. 11, 1999.
`11. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. I
`hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are
`true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to
`be true; and further that these statements were made the knowledge that
`willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or


`imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States
`Dated: January 9, 2020
`Lawrence Faulkner




`60 captures
`17 Apr 1999 - 19 Dec 2017
`1998 1999 2000
`(cid:66) ⍰ ❎
`f (cid:64)
`▾ About this capture
`IrDA Serial Infrared Data Link Standard Specifications
`Notice: The following documents are available at no charge both here
`and on the IrDA FTP site.
`*By downloading these specifications, you acknowledge and agree that you or your organization
`will use the IrDA specifications for your own purposes only and will not copy, resell or otherwise
`distribute or make commercial use of IrDA Standard Specifications. IrDA Standard Specifications
`are protected by United States Copyright Law and no part of the standards may be reproduced or
`distributed without the prior written consent of the Infrared Data Association.
`Each document is a separate file and must be downloaded. The
`documents are formatted in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF). You will need the
`appropriate viewer to process the documents. The documents are offered
`on a "as is basis" and comments are welcome. Please e-mail your
`comments to
`IrDA SIR Data
`IrDA Control
`IrCOMM 1.0
`IrDA Serial Infrared Physical Layer Link
`Specification, IrDA Serial Infrared Link
`Access Protocol (IrLAP) and IrDA Serial
`Infrared Link Management Protocol (IrLMP),
`IrDA Tiny TP (1,331KB). Get specification.
`IrDA Command and Control Ir Standard
`(Formerly IrBUS) (701KB). Get specification.
`IrDA Infrared Communications Protocol
`(641KB). Get specification.
`IrTinyTP 1.1
`IrDA Infrared Tiny Transport Protocol (82KB).
`Get specification.
`IrLAN 1.0
`IrDA Infrared LAN Access Extensions for
`Link Management Protocol (92KB). Get
`IrOBEX 1.2
`IrDA Object Exchange Protocol (362KB). Get


`60 captures
`17 Apr 1999 - 19 Dec 2017
`1998 1999 2000
`(cid:66) ⍰ ❎
`f (cid:64)
`▾ About this capture
`IrDA Infrared Mobile Communications
`(1,020KB) See Press release. Get
`IrDA Infrared Transfer Picture Specifications
`(240KB). IrTranP provides image exchange
`protocol used in Digital Image capture
`devices/cameras. To see more about
`IrTran-P visit the IrTran-P website. Get
`IrDA Dongle
`IrDA Dongle Interface specifications (85KB).
`Get specification.
`Over IrDA
`Information for using Jetsend over IrDA
`Protocols (49KB). Get application note.
`Standards | Specifications | Guidelines
`About IrDA| Standards| IrDA Members| Using IrDA| Products| Design with IrDA| IrDA News| Sitemap| Homepage| Feedback




`IrDA Officers
`21 captures
`8 Oct 1999 - 9 Apr 2004
`1998 1999 2000
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`Executive Director
`Vice President
`Marketing Chair
`Marketing CoChair - Market
`Marketing CoChair - Market
`Technical Chair
`Technical CoChair - Protocol
`Technical CoChair - Physical
`Test and Interop Chair
`Test and Interop CoChair - Test
`Test and Interop CoChair -
`Lawrence Faulkner (IrDA)
`Mike Watson (Calibre)
`Eng Tan (Hewlett-Packard)
`Daphne Terrell(IrDA)
`Vanessa Hutchison (ESI)
`Brian Ingham (IBM)
`Robert Stuart (Sharp Electronics)
`Dave Suvak (Counterpoint Systems)
`Gontarou Kitazumi (Okaya
`Systemware Co Ltd.)
`Ray Chock (Calibre)
`Charles D. Knutson (Counterpoint
`John Petrilla (Hewlett Packard)
`Mitsuji Matsumoto (Waseda Unv.)
`About IrDA | Background | Officers | Board of Directors | Committees | Staff |
`Schedule/Events | Application | Benefits | Disclaimer
`About IrDA| Standards| IrDA Members| Design with IrDA| Products| Using IrDA| News/Events| Homepage| Feedback




`IrDA Related Articles
`31 captures
`18 Feb 1999 - 13 Dec 2004
`1998 1999 2001
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`Articles of Interest
`Many of the articles listed below can be found at,
`just search on "IrDA", you will receive a list of related articles with links to
`the full article. If the article you are interested in viewing is not listed please
`contact the Publisher.
`Wired News PayPal Puts Dough in Your Palm
`July 27th, 1999; by Karlin Lillington
`"A timer based data link control protocol for mobile computing"
`Florence, Italy 5-9 Oct. 1998 Wei, G. Fujii, A. Nemoto, Y. Dept. of Electr.
`Eng., Tohoku Gakuin Univ., Japan IEEE ICUPC '98. IEEE 1998
`International Conference on Universal Personal Communications.
`Conference Proceedings (Cat. No. 98TH8384) 1998 P1339-43 vol. 2 4.
`"AMI Pockets $5 Million in IrDA Growth"
`Portable Design Magazine, July 1999; Industry News and Events
`"Network card shuffle into businesses"
`Baltimore Computer User; June 1999;Linda Dailey Paulson;
`"Will Bluetooth Bite Back?" Short-distance wireless technology will
`bring high speeds--and security concerns.
`Computerworld; Matt Hamblen; June 28th, 1999.
`"Wireless Alternative" The Clarinet Systems EthIR LAN proves worthy
`competition for radio-based wireless solutions
`PC Magazine; Les Freed; June 8, 1999
`Making the Connection "Tips for successful IrDA design"
`PORTABLE DESIGN Magazine; Charles D. Knutson; June 1999
`Priority Interrupt "Keeping up the pace"
`PORTABLE DESIGN Magazine; John C. Miklosz; June 1999
`"Networked Printers: Color Us Impressed"
`Network Computing;Robert J. Kohlhepp;June 14, 1999;"Although there
`have been no seismic shifts in the networked color printer market since our
`last look, improved features provide some intriguing new options. Integrated
`Fast Ethernet and IrDA (Infrared Data Association) ports speed
`"Workgroup Printer Is Fast, Economical"
`Windows Magazine; Lenny Bailes; June 01, 1999; "Fast and versatile,
`Hewlett-Packard's new LaserJet 2100 delivers flawless (1200x1200 dot-
`per-inch) text and gray-scale output. This printer is packed with convenient
`features-including an infrared port..."
`Faster Infrared IEE Review-Institution of Electrical Engineers
`By Michael Faraday House May 1999 Issue


`31 captures
`18 Feb 1999 - 13 Dec 2004
`IrDA Related Articles
`"L'infrarouge multiplie sa vitesse par quatre"
`INFORMATION ET TECHNOLOGIES; Ridha Loukil; May 1999 Issue/Page
`13; Contact information for the magazine: 26, Rue d'Orandour-sur-Glane
`75504 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: 011 44 25 30 01
`1998 1999 2001
`CBS This Morning Thursday, MAY 27, 1999; Technology expert Mark
`Kroese visited Martha Stewart to demonstrate how today’s handheld
`companions can help you get organized electronically. Infrared Connectivity
`was demonstrated and highlighted.
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`"Handhelds Take on Corporate Functions"
`COMPUTERWORLD; Matt Hamblen; May 24th, 1999
`"VFIR gets green light"
`Portable by Design; May 1999
`"The Wireless Alternative"
`PC Magazine; Les Freed; June 8, 1999
`"Workgroup Printer Is Fast, Economical"
`WINDOWS Magazine on Line; Lenny Bailes; June 01, 1999, Issue: 1006
`IrDA Standard Increases Data Transfer Fourfold
`Electronic Products Magazine; Alix L. Paultre; May 1999
`"Startup offers consumer appliances wireless links"
`EETimes; Junko Yoshida; May 17, 1999, Issue: 1061
`"Wireless Standards vie for your APP"
`EDN Magazine; Nicholas Cravotta, Technical Editor; May 13, 1999
`"ASICs: wise choice for smart cell phones "
`Electronic Engineering Times; Farzad Zarrinfar ; May 03, 1999
`"Let's Get Infrared"
`Computer Edge; Linda Dailey Paulson; 4/16/1999
`"Infrared Apathy?"
`Portable Design Magazine; Paul A Gendreau Jr.; April, 1999
`"IrDA To Ratify Standard For Infrared Wireless Networking"
`InformationWeek; Brian Riggs; 3/22/1999
`"IR For Wireless connectivity"
`Electronic Design Magazine, Part 2; Lee Goldberg; February 8, 1999
`"Fujitsu's LifeBook: A High-End Laptop Computers Desktop
`Internet Week: Alan Zeichick; February 01, 1999, Issue: 750
`"NTT exec drives Japan's network traffic"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Junko Yoshida; January 25, 1999; Issues
`"Siemens, Maxim launch IR data transceivers"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Cupertino, CA; January 25, 1999
`"Seiko introduces thermal printer"
`Computer Reseller News; Stephanie Green; January 25, 1999
`"Two Portables Primed for the Road"
`Windows Magazine; Jim Forbes; January 01, 1999
`"Scanning, Sending and Faxing to Go"
`Windows Magazine; Jeff Newman; January 01, 1999


`IrDA Related Articles
`"Infrared Data Links Broaden Market"
`Laser Focus World; Brian O'Rourke; December 1998
`Santa Comes Loaded With Electronic Gifts
`1998 1999 2001
`TechWeb News; Margaret Quan; December 22, 1998
`31 captures
`18 Feb 1999 - 13 Dec 2004
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`"Standards may make digital camera's click"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Robert G. Taylor; December 21, 1998, Issue
`"Linux-Powered Development
`Information Week; Robert G. Taylor; December 21, 1998
`"Flat speakers to 'virtual girl' doll, it's electronic Christmas -- In '98,
`Santa comes loaded"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Margaret Quan; December 21, 1998
`Computer Reseller News; Edward J. Correia; December 07, 1998
`"Acquisition bolsters IrDA testing capability"
`Electronic Engineering Times; November 23, 1998
`"Infrared data: Faster! Faster!"
`Comdex Daily; Lamont Wood; November 20, 1998
`"Wires away: RF, IrDA disconnects the entanglement"
`Comdex Daily; David Hakala; November 18, 1998
`"Tiny IR transceiver suits mobile devices"
`Electronic Engineering Times; November 16, 1998
`"2,001 Tips: Windows 98 -- Get under Win98's hood-learn about the
`tweaks and tools you can use for a smooth-running system."
`Windows Magazine; November 15, 1998
`"CPU Lessons 37 & 38: Notebooks & Peripherals -- The Quizzes"
`Computer Retail Week; November 09, 1998
`"CPU Lesson Thirty-Eight: Peripherals"
`Computer Retail Week; November 09, 1998
`"NetXpress SL2000"
`Computer Reseller News; November 09, 1998
`"Component makers rev up for auto use"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Terry Costlow; November 02, 1998
`"Screen, Wireless Modem Set New HPC Standards"
`Windows Magazine; John D. Ruley, Serdar Yegulalp and Tom Henderson;
`November 01, 1998
`"Sneak Peek -- NT boasts an improved interface, hardware support
`and reliability-but upgrades won't come easy."
`Windows Magazine; November 01, 1998
`"The Promise of IrDA"
`Communication Systems Design; San Francisco, CA.; Charles D. Knutson;
`"Consumer Focus Shifts to Home Nets"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Manhasset, NY,; 7/6/98
`"Go Wireless"
`Wireless Design & Development; Morris Plains, NJ.; 6/8/98


`IrDA Related Articles
`"Bluetooth Creates Personal Wireless Network"
`Bluetooth Creates Personal Wirless Network; Sunnyvale, CA.; Keith
`Diefendorff; 6/1/98
`1998 1999 2001
`"Physics-Business Master's Degree"
`The Industrial Physicist; College Park, MD; David Pope; 6/1/98
`31 captures
`18 Feb 1999 - 13 Dec 2004
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`"The Ins and Outs of Infrared"
`Laptop Buyer's Guide & Handbook; New York, NY.; Konstantinos
`Karagiannis; 6/1/98
`"The Internet-Age Computer for the Rest of Us"
`The Computer Post; Winnipeg, MB.; 6/1/98
`"Wireless Camps Aim for Common Ground"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Manhasset, NY; 6/1/98
`"IrDA Tranceiver Supports Standard"
`Wireless System Design; Hadbrouck Heights, NJ.; 5/1/98, p.210
`"IrLMP: Information Access Services"
`Communication System Design; San Francisco, CA.; Mike Rodbell; 5/1/98
`"Make a Connectionless Connection with IR"
`Portable Design; Kennebunk, ME.; 5/1/98
`"Digital Camera OS Developed"
`Electronic Engineering Times; Manhasset, NY; Yoshiko Hara & Terry
`Costlow; 4/1/98
`"Digital Ultrasonic detector/Detects Analog, Converts to Digital"
`IAN/Instrumentations and Automation News; Ranor, PA.; 4/1/98
`"Infra-Ready/get your notebook connected without getting wired"
`Mobile Computing & Communications; New York, NY.; Rich Malloy; 4/1/98
`"IR Data Transceiver Covers 9/6kbps to 4Mbps"
`EP&T; - Electronic Products & Technology; Mississauga, ON.; 4/1/98
`"IR Transceiver Reduces Current Drain at Short Distances"
`EP&T; - electronic Products & Technology; Mississauga, ON.; 4/1/98
`"Moving Monster Files Without Nets or Zip Drives"
`PCWorld Magazine; Kirk Steers; April 1998; Article.
`"Tiny IR Transceiver Supports IrDA 1.2a Specs"
`EE Product News; Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.; 4/1/98
`"Thinking Toys Emerge"
`Electronic News; New York, New York; 3/23/98
`"4-Mbit/s, IrDA-Compatible Transceiver Lowers Power Requirements"
`Electronic Design; Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.; Patrick Mannon; 3/9/98
`"Infrared Tranceiver Adds to Battery Life"
`Canadian Electronics; Markham, On.; 3/1/98, p.CE220,
`"IrDA Link Access Protocol"
`Communication Systems Design; San Francisco, CA; Mike Rodbell; 3/1/98
`"IrDA Transceiver Helps Eliminate Need for External Devices"
`EE Product News; Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.; 3/1/98
`"Low-Power IrDA Transceivers Eye Protable Datacomm Assignments"
`EE Product News; Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.; 3/1/98
`"Seeing Red"
`Covallis Gazette-Times; Covallis, Or.; 2/23/98, p.C1,


`IrDA Related Articles
`"HP Pushes Wireless"
`HP World; Sunnyvale, CA; 2/1/98
`31 captures
`18 Feb 1999 - 13 Dec 2004
`1998 1999 2001
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`About IrDA| Standards| IrDA Members| Using IrDA| Products| Design with IrDA| IrDA News| Sitemap| Homepage| Feedback




`IrDA News
`39 captures
`28 Jan 1999 - 10 Feb 2005
`1998 1999 2000
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`LATEST EDITION! IrDA Quarterly Newsletter
`November 8th - 10th, 1999 Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands/Bluetooth
`Conference Enabling "Effortless Connectivity Between Devices" IrDA
`Presentation: Day One of the Conference, Tuesday November 9th at 12.20
`pm. IrDA Leadership will present a comparison of IrDA and Bluetooth in
`terms of cost, applications, use models and performance. For additional
`information about the conference go to:
`July 27th to 29th, 1999 IrDA members and leaders will be presenting
`Profiting from Developments in Gateways, Deployment, Distribution &
`Installation for the Residential, SoHo and MDU Markets
`The Marriott at Fisherman's Wharf - San Francisco
`For detailed session information go to:
`4:00 What Are the Pros and Cons of Various Physical Layer Technologies?
`Network Product Division, AMD (Home PNA) & ADVANCED MICRO
`Mr. Ben Manny; Manager, Residential Communications - Intel
`Architecture Lab; Chair, HomeRF (TM) working group; IrDA board member
`Mr. Lawrence Faulkner
`Executive Director
`April 13th, 16th, and 19th, 1999 - The Infrared Data Association Launched
`a European Press Tour in Paris during the membership meetings and then
`continued on to Munich and London. Executive presentations,
`interoperability demos and new product announcements were the
`highlights. Click here for details and summary.
`March 8, 1999 - The Infrared Data Association Announces Results of
`January 1999 General Meeting and Appointment of Officers and Committee
`IrDA Releases 16 Mb/s Extension to IrDA-Data
`February 9, 1999 - IrDA Members presenting papers and tutorials at the
`Wireless Symposium and Portable by Design Conference, Feb. 22-26 at
`the San Jose Convention Center.


`39 captures
`28 Jan 1999 - 10 Feb 2005
`👤 ⍰ ❎
`f 🐦
`▾ About this capture
`IrDA News
`November 16, 1998 - The visibility of IrDA enabled products at COMDEX
`this year was truly exciting. Our membership put forth a strong promotional
`message through product demonstrations, presentations and displays for
`thousands of show attendees.
`1998 1999 2000
`September 10, 1998 - IrDA has produced a white paper to compare the
`wireless connectivity technologies of IR and RF. The IR standards
`addressed are IrDA – D (Data – SIR, FIR, VFIR), IrDA – C (Control), and
`the proposed AIR. The proposed RF specifications addressed are
`Bluetooth and Home RF. Click here to obtain the white paper.
`June 19, 1998 - IrDA held its April General Meeting in Osaka, Japan and
`demonstrates products to Japanese business and industry press. See
`summary for details.
`May 30, 1998 - IrDA Announces that the IrDA Control Specification
`(formerly known as IrBUS) is now available on the IrDA Web Site in the
`Standards section under Specifications. IrDA is making the document
`available to the public free of charge. This new standard for cordless
`human input devices enables the seamless communication of two-way
`command and control products from short range to across the room.
`February 24, 1998 - IrDA Announces A Draft Specification for A Wireless
`Infrared Connector on the Desktop
`February 3, 1998 - Nagano Olympics Installs IrDA Enabled High Tech
`Public Phones for Infrared, ISDN (Voice, Data, & Fax) Communications
`View Past News Events
`News/Events Home | Archive
`About IrDA| Standards| IrDA Members| Using IrDA| Products| Design with IrDA| IrDA News| Sitemap| Homepage| Feedback




`IrDA Infrared Communications:
`An Overview
`ByPatrick J. MegowanDavid W. SuvakCharles D. KnutsonCounterpoint Systems Foundry, Inc.{patm, davesu, knutson}


`Biographies:Patrick Megowan and David Suvak have been involved with the Infrared Data Associationsince the beginning. At Hewlett-Packard they created much of the pioneeringHP/Microsoft Windows 95 IrDA solution. Pat and Dave subsequently foundedCounterpoint Systems Foundry, Inc., to make IrDA software solutions for embeddedsystems and non-PC platforms. Counterpoint products are available for major RTOSs andin stand-alone, DOS, and Windows configurations. Counterpoint is heavily involved in theongoing development of standards and technologies. Dr. Charles Knutson is VicePresident of Research and Development at Counterpoint Systems Foundry.


`1.0 IntroductionAs infrared data communications, based on standards from the Infrared DataAssociation (IrDA), become widely available on personal computers and peripherals, atimely opportunity exists for effective and inexpensive short range wirelesscommunications on embedded systems and devices of all types. The IrDA standards weredeveloped rapidly (compared to most standards organizations), and information on theIrDA protocols has not yet reached every corner of the embedded systems universe. Thispaper gives an overview of the IrDA protocols with comments on their use in embeddedenvironments.The Infrared Data Association (IrDA) is an industry-based group of over 150companies that have developed communication standards especially suited for low cost,short range, cross-platform, point-to-point communications at a wide range of speeds.These standards have been implemented on various computer platforms and more recentlyhave become available for many embedded applications. Because of their wide acceptance,the IrDA specifications are now on an accelerated track for adoption as ISO standards.1.1 What is an IrDA Protocol Stack?Communications protocols deal with many issues, and so are generally broken intolayers, each of which deals with a manageable set of responsibilities and supplies neededcapabilities to the layers above and below. When you place the layers on top of each other,you get what is called a protocol
`, rather like a stack of pancakes or a stack of plates.An IrDA protocol stack is the layered set of protocols particularly aimed at point-to-pointinfrared communications and the applications needed in that environment.


`Below is a picture of the IrDA protocol layers. This layering will serve as theoverall structure for much of the remaining discussion.Physical LayerIrLAPIrLMPTiny TPIASIrLANOBEXIrCOMMThe layers within this stack can be divided into two groups—required and optionalprotocols.1.2 Required IrDA ProtocolsThe required layers of an IrDA protocol stack are in unshaded boxes in thediagram above and include the following:
`• Physical Layer: Specifies optical characteristics, encoding of data, and framingfor various speeds.
`• IrLAP: Link Access Protocol. Establishes the basic reliable connection.• IrLMP: Link Management Protocol. Multiplexes services and applications onthe LAP connection.
`• IAS: Information Access Service. Provides a “yellow pages” of services on adevice.1.3 Optional ProtocolsThe optional protocols are shown above in shaded boxes. The use of the optionallayers depends upon the particular application. The optional protocols are:
`is required
` inmany cases.
`• TinyTP: Tiny Transport Protocol. Adds per-channel flow control to keepthings moving smoothly. This is a very important function and
`• IrOBEX: The Object Exchange protocol. Easy transfer of files and other dataobjects
`• IrCOMM: Serial and Parallel Port emulation, enabling existing apps that useserial and parallel communications to use IR without change.


`• IrLAN: Local Area Network access, enabling walk-up IR LAN access forlaptops and other devices.When the stack layers shown above are integrated into an embedded system, thepicture may look more like the following: UserApplicationOBEXIrCOMMDriver ModeController/UARTInfrared TransceiverIASTiny TPIrLMPIrLAPUpper Layer APIFramerTimerUser ModeInterruptModePhysical LayerFramer APIOS APIOperatingSystem(OS)


`2.0 Physical Layer and the Framer2.1 Framer OverviewThe Physical layer includes the optical transceiver, and deals with shaping andother characteristics of infrared signals including the encoding of data bits, and someframing data such as begin and end of frame flags (BOFs and EOFs) and cyclicredundancy checks (CRCs). This layer must be at least partially implemented in hardware,but in some cases is handled entirely by hardware.In order to isolate the remainder of the stack from the ever-changing hardwarelayer, a software layer called the
`is created. Its primary responsibility is to acceptincoming frames from the hardware and present them to the Link Access Protocol layer(IrLAP). This includes accepting outgoin

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