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`4:14 am
`9 April 2016
`YMJI)10517- 10`11Q-proof
`.HS 5.4.0 LTD
`4:14 am
`9 April 21116
`ABS 5.4.0 DTI)
`J A.w Aral DuewaioxAB279
`MAY 2016
`MAY 2016
`Supported by EU Lilly and Gtm/niny
`Commercial support None kkvU1fM
`.Support r( by Ell Lilly undl Company
`and PSAB outcomes over 60 weeks.
`Concluakms: IXE provides effective and sustained improvement In itch, skin pain.
`consistent from WI 12 (- 20-9; P <.001 vs BL) through Wk 60 ( -2I.8; P <.001 vs RL).
`60 (52.4 %). Finally, changes in NAB stun.' from BI. (score: 23.9) remained
`of patients reporting no edilo pain remained similar from WE 12 (S5.n%) through Wk
`P <.001 vs BL) through Wk 60 (change from BL -10.3, P <.001 as BD. The rate
`pals was also significantly reduced from BL (score 45.9) to wk 12 (change from BL'
`an bch NRS score of 0 was similar between Wk 12 (52.41) and Wk 60 (30.2"(,). Skin
`remained the same at Wk 60(P <.001 VS Bl.). The percentage of patients maintaining
`fans baseline (B4 score: 6.7) in Itch NRS at Wk 12 was -5.7 (P <.001 vs BO and
`patients treated with LYE 1 4w during the maintenance period. tiro mean change
`observed between IKE Q-4W (P < .001) or IXE QI2W (P < .05) vs PRO. Among
`Results. At Wk 60, significant )mpmsrments in itch. skin pain. and PSAB were
`forward. Response rates tiled the nonrespondkr imputationmethod.
`were make using hews after imputing missing data using Isst observation caned
`comparisons were nude using mixed effects modelo- within group comparisons
`each of 3 items. O = no at all bothered, 10 = extrentdy bothered). iktween group
`was assessed using the Ps Skin Appearance Saheesonrness measure (PSAB: for
`scale (VAS; O -no skin pain. 100 - severe skin pain) and patient bothersome-nest
`itching. 10 - worst itch imaginable). Skin pain was measured using a visual analog
`60). tech severity was assessed using the Itch Nornctic Rating Scale (Itch NRS:O = no
`IXE Q12W (N - 227), and PAO (N - 226) fix an additional 48 weeks (end point Wk
`scored as high responders (sPGA MI) were mnndomieed to LYE QM' (N = 229).
`12 weeks after an Initial 16(1-tugstaning dose. At Week (Wk) 12, LYE - treated pane°.
`2 weeks (1XEQ2W:N433)oosrny4 weeks OXEQIW ;N=- 132)for athtration of
`patens were randomized to receivesubcutaneots 80 mg IXE as one injreskm every
`Methods: in this phase 3. muhkenter, double-Wind. pkteelot (PIK)1contmlied trial.
`In key Ps symptoms in high responders over 60 weeks of treatment with LYE
`pedal. The objective adds study was to assess the sustaitabilky of improvemems
`affinity shown effective in the reduction of Ps plaques and itch over a 12 week
`(Ps). lzekizuntab (I)(E) is an ant61i17A monoclonal antibody with high binding
`Background: Itching is the most common and bothersome symptom of psoriasis
`Temple University Health System. Philadelphia. PA. linked States
`PnkrlekIs NIkai. MS, MBA. Eli Idly Benelux SA, Belgium: Gil Yasipuvitch, MD.
`Edson- Hcndla, MPH. hit Lally and Company, Indianapolis, IN. !United States:
`Orin GoIQ)lum. MD, Wilily and Company. Indianapolis IN. United States: Emily
`Spain: Baolin Zhu. PhD, Eh Lally and Company, Indianapolis. IN. United Mates
`Germany: Luis Puig. AID. PhD. Hospital de la Santa Gen i Sant Pau. Baaelona.
`States;Roland Kaufmann, MD. UniversityHospital Fmnkhtn.Frankfurt.
`II. Gottlieb. MD, Phi >, Tufts University School of Medicine. Boston. MA. United
`States: Thomas Luger. MI). Phil. university of Muinster. Munster. Germany: Alice
`Alexandra Kimball. MD. MPH. Harvard Medical School. Ruuon. MA, United
`COVER -I. a phase 3 trial
`ments in itch and other patient reported outcomes. Results from UN-
`Treatment with ixekizumab over 60 weeks provides sustained Improve-
`use responders.
`Therefore, IKE represents a potential loogtemt treatment option kw patients who
`reported eawmially no detectable impairment in their daily life doe to psoriasis.
`improvements in HRQoL with continual tnatmen, and two thirds of these patients
`HRQoddue to the disease. Among high responder patients, LYE pmnides sustained
`Discussion: At baseline, patients with psoriasis face a censkknble harden to heir
`reported a OLQI score of 0 or 1.
`-11.2. P <.001 vs Baseline). Atklitionalh. at Week 60.66.4%of IXE Q4W patients
`throughout thrift-we-tic maintenance period (Week (A man change from baseline.
`mean change: -113. p ..001 vs baseline): this improvement was maintained
`their DI.QI scores a Week 12 from baseline (baseline man score. 12.7: Week 12
`Q4W treatment during the maintenance period reported a significant change in
`Remits: Patients treated with IKE during the induction phase and continued on LYE
`nodeis. Rest toe rates used n mesas kler inpniutku (NMI method.
`let observation earned toward Scan ithit anal.* was conducted using mbwele Teets
`cams were evaluated Iehtg within gaup nests after imputing the missing data wing
`indicate worse I1RQWI; score of (1 or 1 naticate'no impairment in HRQWI'). Treatment
`by the Demnntogy 1)k Quality Index (183)1; score range of 0 -30: higher stares
`treatment for an additional 48 weeks (end point of Rini: W0. HRQ.A. was asorssod
`(.PGA ai; N - 6R2) were re andombed. and a sadwti (n - 229) continued IKE QtW
`ont starting duce of IXE At Rork 12, IXEtteated patients smnd as high responders
`Parry 4 weeks OXF.QM: N = 432), for a dlntbon a 12 wrMs, knowing an initial 16R
`maw ot ensomrtto Ba ntg IXE as one injection every 2 weeks (IXF.Q2W: N =433)0
`Meilxxtc In this phase 3. multicenter. dknd,k -blind trial, patients were randomized to
`ability of charges in HRQoL in high responders iwer 60 weeks with IKE treatmeit.
`moderate-to-severe puaiasb. The objective of this study was to assess the sustain-
`related quality of life (11RQoL) over a 12 week induction perkal in patients with
`Aiwa to be highly effective in reducing psoriasis plaques and improving health.
`Background and olrytctive: beekkunab (IXF.) is a high affinity anti-IL 17A antibody
`MD. Den arilogikunt Hamburg. Hambtrg, Germany
`Zhu, PhD. Eli Lily and Company. Indianapolis. IN. United States; Kristian Reich.
`Russel Burge, PhD, Eli Lilly and Company. Indianapolis. I.Y. United Sates; Baojtn
`Richard II. Warren. PhD, Unhersity M Manchester. Manchester. United Kingdom:
`Stares: Darryl Toth. MD, NLRB Medical Research. Windsor. ()Marks. Canada;
`United States: V7brke Strand, MD, Stanford University. Pianola Valley, C.A. (United
`Gordon. MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. IL
`United Stater, Catie ßu1, MD. PhD, flopitaux de Toulouse. France; Kenneth
`R. Feldman. MD, PhD, Wake forest School of Medicine, Winston -Salem, NC.
`Richard Lange)', MD. Dalhousie Universit), Halifax. Nona Scotia. Canada: Steven
`randomised phase 3 trial
`ments in health- related quality of life: Results from UNCOVER -1, a
`Treatment with ixekhumab over 60 weeks provides sustained improve-
`Commercial support None Identified.
`patients wide Psoriasis.
`with (F101 and the excellent safety profile support further development to treat
`psoriasis after 20 to 32 weeks of treatment. The linear efficacy response observed
`demonstrated evidence of efficacy in patients with moderate to severe plaque
`Ctinelttsfons CF101 was found to be very safe and well tolerated and has
`tharanl (P <.0261. Hisirical plaedx) rcyottscsare very rare at PAS190 and PAST 100
`achieved PAM 90 scores of 27% vs 3.5% In patinas previously treated with systemic
`.001) on week 32. In addition, patients treated with no prior systemic treatment,
`(35.31), 90(24.7'x) and 100(10.6%). PAM mean amend improycnent was S 7%(P
`demonstrated on weeks 20 to 32 showing linear improvement in PAST 50(63.5%). 75
`75 on week 12 (2 mg: 8.51: Placebo: 6.9%). However, positive data hasse been
`to the group treated with placebo. The study did trot met the primary endpoint of PASD
`RaaW.:CF IOl ludan exttiket saki) moment all lesteu Waatoes mina pnutemmur
`futility and then additional 220 patients were ennWkd (2 mg and placard).
`interim analysis on the first 103 patients. the 1 mg gour los been dropped due to
`safety have been perf rnttil at regular intervals throughout the study Following an
`area and severity hides (PASD score and physician gkAnl osesaneni (PGA) as well as
`war swikled'neither I mgor2 mgofCF 101 alter 12 weeks. Assessment of psoriasis
`raodlomúel Inn 3 gmups: I mg, 2 mg anti placebo. All patients recehing placebo
`Methods: The study included 323 patients with moderate to week plaque psoriasis
`patients with modknte to severe pl aquetype psoriasis
`()t4reshes:To evaluate he safety and et3kxy old CFIOI treatment Io a please IVIIIin
`nuclear celle of patients with psoriasis
`(A3AR), knemn to he ocetcxpressed in skin Ossun and peripheral blond mono-
`(FI0I binds with high selectivity to the Gi protein associated A3 adenosine receptor
`andpsoriatk effect demonstrated in a plisse II dinical trial in psoriasis patients.
`Background: C.F101 is an orally bioavailable small molecule drug presenting an
`Michael David. MD. Rabin Medical Center. Petach Tikva. Israel
`Rumania; Rumyana Yankusa, IX;C "Swett Georg! E001 ),Plordiv. Bulgaria.
`MD. Spit aloi Choie Jud etean de Urgenta-Sf. Apoxtol Andrer Cemstanta.
`Bulgaria; 'IlaTsingov. NI). MIIAT Varna at MMA Sofia. Bulgaria: Laura Sdmastru.
`Cenwl Medical de Diagnostic. Romania; Mariyana Rusisoe., 5111ÁT Ostrr. AD.
`Evgeniya ilrioakkta, l'MHAT Stara Zagora EAI). Bulgaria; Alta Peasant MD.
`Spitalul Clink Jud gitan dit Utgenta 'Sf. Apostai Andrei' Constante. Romanic
`Marets, MD. DCC "Fokus'3 .MIOC FOOD, Bulgaria; Nicola Gheorghe. 510.
`Dimkar Gospodhnov, MD, UMIHAT Dr Georgi Stenoski EAD. Bulgaria: Geisha
`II/111 phase 2 clinical trial
`Treatment of plaque -type psoriasis with oral CP101: Data from a phase
`rrealdlnn( gutute psoriasis.
`suggest a paentlat role for usekimtmab in the treatment of chronic and/or
`treatment of statute psoriasis has not been systematically Maned. These cases
`highly effective for paspo psoriasis and psoriatk arthritis. I:stskinunah for the
`Cantcluskm: Selective targeting of 1412 and (423 by uwekinunats Iwo pmnrn to he a
`recurrent streptococcal infections.
`side effects were reputed by any of the patients. There has been no evidence of
`remained char for more than 21 and it months. respectively. No adverse or stria.
`maintained complete ckannee for more than one year. Patient 2 and 4 have
`one injection ansl had complete clearing by the third inicciion. Paten. I anal 3 have
`Results: All four patients reported rapid improvement in their skin Icsions after not
`given a single 90og dose u(usteldnunub.
`a healthy 38-yeae.dd mak with statute psoriasis who failed c closporine and was
`eiiidsp .-inc. Ile was treated with tistckinumah at 90 mug every 8 weeks Patient 4 is
`psoriasis Maturing streptococcal pharyngitis. He previously failed treatment with
`Patient 3 is a 26-yarokl male with Cnhbm's disease who presented with imitate
`uwekinttmah initially at 45 mg every 4 weeks and then every 12 weeks thereafter.
`failed treatments include cycksperinc and topical steroids. Ile was treated with
`29-year-old mak with gotate psoiasi following streptocoxcal pharyngitis. Previous
`treated with twivkinumab initially at 90 mg, then 45 mg every I2 weeks. Patient 2 is a
`treatments included ceclospeeloc. namnsband UVII, and topical Refolds. She was
`assnrinld with recurrent episok. cf streptococcal p harym Lis. PnsiaK failed
`tutekinumah. Patient1is a 24yarekl female with recalcitrant gtktate p.srxiasis
`Case pee tntatkms: We present three cases of palate psoriasis treated with
`psoriasis. The use of ustekinumab as treatment for gutute psoriasis is lamgciy
`with plaque psoriasis, serum Ievseks of 11:12 and 11.23 are unregulated In guttate
`eruptive (ono of psoriasis characterized by smaller, scaly papules and plaque.. As
`maintenance of Th 1 and Th.17 cell populations. Gutute psoriasis is an acute.
`are among the key evoking: regulators of punish due to dick stimulation and
`interplay between genetics, environment. and the immune system. 11:12 and 11.23
`daracterized by thick, only paques. The pathogenesis of psoriasis is a complex
`Background: Psoriasis Is a chronic. ins-I and Th-17 mediated condition classically
`Salt Lake City, UT, United States
`States. Krblista Gallic °atm, MD. University of Utah Doparmtent of Dermatology,
`University of Utah Department of Dermatology. Salt lake City, UT, United
`Dermatology. Sah Lake City. UL United States; Rosemary DeShazo. MD,
`UT. United States; Jason Ilawken, MD. University of Utah Department of
`Grace Bummer, University of Utah Department of Dermatology. Sah (alce City.
`Treatment of gunate psoriasis with ustekinumab: A case seeks of 4
`f yicr Inc.
`mama. was provakd by Cnntpkee ,I(Mk'al (:nmmun(canons and funded by
`?Ws and,' etas Jutrkd by Pfzer ¡etc Medical usittug. under gtndarxv Jirnn tie
`new safety signals wereobserved.
`arena in pts with psoriasis encasing tofacitinib in the open-Label LTE study. No
`Conchaknt: A timsiotcsst safety profile and sustained (24-mouth) efficacy was
`(1551/2774) at MI. (s0% (1329/2233) at Ai 12. and SIK (300/557) at M24.
`M12. and 64% (354/549) at A124. PGA ttapnec was adtleMnl in 56% of pits
`achieving PASI75 response was 56x, (1535/2732) at MI of I.TE 69%(1536/2221) at
`inenases In absolute hvplhoeies subsequently decreased. Percentages of pts
`ante-sterol were observed at MI and remained stable thereafter. Initial modest
`ÁB278 J Ast Alan Dmwvro.
`0.9% of pts Increases in low- and hipdtsensky lipoprotein cholesterol, and total
`exauding nonmclanoa skin cancer (NMSC) were rep red in 1.2% and NMSC in
`3.5% (0.2% of all pu experienced serious herpes zostee) of pts. Malignancies
`Serious infections were reported in I.$%; herpes swan- infections were reported in
`(7.4 %). Serious AILS were reported in 7.9% of pts; 9.2% discontinued due toAEs
`creatine phosphokinaoe increased (9.8%). and upper te piratory tract infection
`ttmms among all pis recciving'ofaciinlb were nasopharingitis (15.(1). blood
`exposure prior to LTE varied fie individual pis). live most frequently «ponied AE
`Pts received tep to 1 year of tofaciting.. in qualifying barbes prior to LTE (tofackinib
`1912 were ongoing at at131)s6(I501 of tofaitlnlb 10 nog BID lo$0%stmtyduratlon).
`Results: Of 2847 pts treated (median (nngel treatment tktrat ion: 395 I1 -12591 days).
`cases): asidktte safety data are reported ro data cutoff.
`PÁ5175. Efficacy endpoints are reputed up to 2 pars (full analyst set. nMenrd
`Secondary endpoints included PGA response ('dar or 'almost dear) and
`Pcinary endpoints included adhtise events (AEs) and laboratory safety data.
`months, lased on la respotsc. Pooled data are reported (data cutoff: April 4. 2014).
`I.TE thereafter. Investigators could dose up or down to 5 or 10 mg BID every 3
`tofacilinib studies received tofachinib 10 mg twice dally (BID) until Month 3 (M3) M
`Methods: Eligible pts completing putdipatkm in randomise.' quailing P2 or P3
`(LTE) in patients (pts) with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (NCFOI 163253).
`anongoing (database not locked) Please (P) 3 openlabel long-term extension study.
`Objective. To report safety, tolerability and efficacy maintenance of'ofacitinlb from
`Background: d: Tribe-Ida b is an oral Janus kinase inhibitor that is being investigated for
`Rottinghaus. Pfizer Inc. Groton. CT United States
`States; Mandeep Katar.Pfizer Inc,Collegeville. PA. United States:Scott
`Pfizer Inc. (irone, CT. United States: Robert Wolk, Pfizer Inc. Grown. CT. United
`United Sentes: James Froids. Pfizer Inc. G
`. CT, United States; Huaming Tan.
`Texas. Dallas. TX. United States: Annie Gardner; Pfizer Inc, Cambridge- MA.
`Associates ami Modern Dermatology. A Baylor Health Texas Affiliate. Dallas.
`Independencia -11M. Chle; Jennifer Caber, Modem Research
`Valenzueta, University of Clsik Clinical Hospital and Probity Medical Research.
`Carte Paul. Toulouse University and Larrey Hospital. Toulouse. France: Richard(i.
`2-year efficacy and safety In an open -label long -term extension study
`Tofaatinib in patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis:
`CbrmrercMl support None kferrlf/)M.
`once the drug is temporary withdrawn.
`shorter duration of the effect achieved during psoriasis treatment with anal -TNF
`the netabtic syndrome, and does not simply overweight or obesity determines a
`Gmdttsion: Our results soma has the status of insulin resistance associated with
`assessment-Palmated insulin resistance Index (r = 0.288. P =.021)
`inverse csrrclation Was observed between 'time to relapse and homeostasis model
`those ones who fulfilled criteria for metabolic syndrome criteria (P = .0.15). An
`weigh. ocsmcight or obtsil), but without metabolic syndrome. as compared with
`'One to rebpse seers were significantly higher M patients with either normal
`Results No differences in PÁ5175 were frond between the metabolic gawps. Only
`treatment (PAS175/PGA and 'time to relapse after antiTNF drug discontinuation)
`syndrome. (Jura-weighs of psoriasis, metabolic profile and response to anti -TNF
`overweight patents with metabolic sytWmmc and (4)obese patients with metabolic
`weigh. (2) overweight or obese subjects but without metabolic syndrome, (3)
`Identifier. NCIbl', 53245). The population was divided into 4 groups: (1) normal
`otanercep t or atalinlmnab asfirstbiologic was analied (I hncatrnals.gnv
`without anliusascuiar disease and moderate-ma-pm psoriasis treated with
`Methods: Single-center prospective study font a cohort of 200 white patients
`and treatment outcomes with anti.1 Nl' dmw.
`nodknte to severe psoriasis could determine differences in disease characteristics
`Objective: This study aimed toexplore whether the metabolic status of paten. with
`and the potential and erbing ntcchanbnto remain uckar.
`resistatwr and the metabolic syndrome. Iluwecer, the nature of this association
`predisposition to devekop metabolic d)snYntlation leading to obesity.Insulin
`substantialtpitkniobgk cadence Indicates that psoriasis Is asociated with a
`Backgmtnld: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. In recent years
`IMIBIC/Rcina Sofa University Hospital /university of Còrdoba. C reloba, Spain
`Cordova.Spain; Juan Ruano.Ml).PhD. Departmentof Iknnataogy.
`Dermatology, IMIBIC/Reina Sofa University Hospital/University of Còrdoba,
`Cordoba. Spain, Antonio Vaez Garcia -Nieto. MD. Phi). Department of
`of Derntatology: IMIBIC /Reina Sofa University Hospital/University of Còrdoba.
`of Còrdoba, Cordoba. Spain; Marcelino Gonzalez- Padilla. MD. PhD, Department
`Department of Dermatology, IMIBKCJReina Sofia University Hospital/University
`HospltWnisersity of Còrdoba, Cordoba, Spain; Ana Rodriguezklartin, MD. MS.
`Lavirgcn, SID. MS. Department of Dermatology, IMIBIC/Reina Sofia University
`University Ilospital/Ltnivn &Iy of Cónloha. Cordoba. Spain; Ana Lonnte-
`Ile -etrfz tsl.Tejera, Plarni), PhD, Department of Plummer IMIBIC/Rei a Sofia
`IMIIR(JRelna Soia University HuspiIal/Universky of (Ureloh0. Cordoba, Spain.
`Cordoba. Cordoba, Spain; Francisco Ganes, MD, l)partmcnt of Dermatology.
`Pedro Jestis Carmona. MS, IMIDIC/Reina Sofia University Hospital/University of
`anti -TNP
`cohort of patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis urrtcd with
`The metabolic syndrome influences treatment outcomes in a Spanish


`4:14 am
`9 April 2016
`YMJD10817_10819_ roof
`ABS 5,4.0 DTD
`4:14 :tan
`9 April 2016
`ABS 5.4.0 DTD
`J AM Man Dumont AB281
`MAY 2016
`MAY 2016
`Commercial support. .Yon- identified.
`Cnrwnerrra!support None Identified
`inflammation and promoted union' wound healing
`and h)yxnro phie scarring. Finally, we posit that oral minucycline further minimized
`method obviated the need for subcutaneous sutures, which an induce granuloma
`sekctel lesions also reduced functional impairment. Our suturesadhcsive closure
`sokssgrs afforded precise removal and minimized risk of acarrtnog. Serial ntnuvalof
`.ryringowtas with minimally invasive pnrcohnres, Micraextlalos s with Carrmviejn
`recurrence or scar induction. We report a case of successful treatment of penile
`surgical excision have horn wed to remove syring.nas, yet all carry ohs risk of
`cosmetically distressing In the literature. ablative laser. cleclmcoagubton and
`recurrence. Syringomas are benign and typically asymptomatic, but can be
`intention. At follow-up. all sites had healed well with imperceptible scars and no
`along the incision line. Lesions of less than 2 mm were left to heal by secondary
`placement of topical 2octy l loan ucrylate skin adhesive (lkrmahord Advanced)
`approximated with interrupted) 5.. Fan Absorbing Plain Gut suture followed by
`these scissors. tle mpstasis was achieved with dectmcautery. Wound edges were
`fosiform incision mate using a scalpel: the met grin ellipse was excise:) using
`Castroviejoophthalmic scissors. brgerdumers of lesions (>1 cm) were removed via
`with epinephrine mama 32-gauge needk. While smaller Merlons were excised using
`locainc 15% cream under occlusion for 30 minutes. prior to injecting I%Ikkraine
`initially treated. Each lesion was marked, and pretreated with Ikiocaine 2.5%/pri-
`sclerotic samosa, enrolment with a sydngnma. Three papules on the penis were
`tadp boaltapol baaaloid ducts within the superficial dermis surrounded by dense
`on mk ocycllne. Biopsy of a penile lesion resealed a circunew ibed proliferation of
`remainder of the skin exam was remarfnbk for facial acne. for which he was placed
`inatkw, there were 50 white dermal papules on the surface of tie [wrote shaft The
`presented for treatment of asympomatk but persistent genital becomes. On roan -
`mdtmwdal (microcxcisidw and suture-adhesive) therapy. A 16-yrarold male
`reasons. We present a case of eruptive penile .syringonvas successfully treated with
`do not arty a risk of malignant trans(ematkw. therapy is often sought for cosmetic
`which occur.' the genitalia. Although syringomaa are generally ayympooatie and
`Syringonns are relatively uncommon, benign atoms( rumors. a mull subset of
`IL United States
`United Slates: Rebecca Ding, MD. Inyob t'nivrrai1 Medical (rater, Maywood,
`States: Jeave Reserva, MD, loyob University Medical Center, Maywood. IL
`Rebecca Eisner. MD. W)ob University Medical Center, Maywood. IL United
`Samantha (ior on, Loyola Unisersity Medial Center. Maywood. IL United States
`Patricia Tait. MD, Loyola University Medical Center, Alaywond, I1, United States;
`mkroexcisions and mature-adhesive repair
`Eruptive genital springotoas: Minimally invasive approach with serial
`Commercial support None Identified.
`standardization of applications In the arms. thigh and other areas of the body.
`fdlowagt. to better quantify treatment reads, and to establish parameters for the
`in arrlts and thighs, hua more studies are necessary with more patients and longer
`c'onchalon: This ankle described very promising results in the treatment of sagging
`punctures, and transienthematoma.
`side effects were pain during the application, local erythema and edema atthesiteof
`unaltered after 12 newels. No important side effets were detected. The observed
`the second application. The tumult drained in the firm patiem treated remained
`'orange peel" appearance cdec1utitis. flowerer, the results were more olden* after
`the texture of the skin in the treated ara; there was a reduction in sagging andin the
`Results: Four weeks after the first application, there was noticeable improvement in
`five times a day for 5 days.
`patkni +were intoned to use the same massage rerhnigtr at home. for 5 minutes.
`After the application, sigtrals massage was performed in tir treated ana, and
`(like 'X'). Apgpmxlnntcly E rad of tir product was used per amt. 10 rad per thigh.
`approximately 0.1 ml into tir seep dormis in parallel cylinders or crossed cylinders
`applied using1ml syringe and tir linear retrograde technique. injecting
`Iltdolaine), tir: final Poly-Llaedk acid dilution per rid woe 2() mt. The product was
`adonnes of the vial (S mi) and a solution (8 ml M distilled neater and 4 ml of 2%
`immediately before use. the vial was slnken vigranly and. tg- combining the
`WC with 8 ml of sterile distilled water and pre -envol at mom temperature.
`four patients, their thigh. Pdy.tAactk acid was reaxooittted on the day prier to its
`intervals. Their age ranged from 30. 65 years. Six patients had their arms treated and
`Materiale and methah: 10 patients were treated with 3 scsskats each. at four weeks
`rejuvenate tir medial and anterior region of the erns and tirHooghe
`Objective: To report 10 cases treated successfully with polLlacic tad to
`however there arc few publications on its use in other arcs of the body.
`last for up to two years. The application of this substance In tir face is well known.
`on the increase of dermal tissue by simulating collagen production. and the resobo
`abn,onhable and immunologically inert substance. ILS act km mechanism is based
`Introduction: Poly'Llactic acid Is an aliphatic polyester, hocompatttk. fully
`Clinks Dr Otario Maccdo Ltda. Sào Paulo. Brazil
`Maluf, MD, Chaska Dr Otaro Macedon Ltda. Sin Paulo, Brazil. Paola Rahal. MD,
`Mondes. MD, CBoica Dr Otavio Macedo Oda, Sao Paulo. Brazil: Karin: Cade
`Corradint, SID, Clint. Dr Otavio Macedo Lida, 5ìo Paulo, Brazil: Fernanda
`MaimsAid, MD, Clintco Dr thaw Macedo Ltda, Ski Paulo. Brazil; Camila
`Matsumoto, MD. (Unies Dr Otavio Macedo Ltda. Sao Paulo. Basalt: Luclana
`Oaim. MI), Clinica Dr Otavio Macedo Leda. Sim Paulo.Brazil;
`Muni. MD, Clinics Dr Otasin Maeedo lada. Soto Paulo. Brazil: Claudia Iteatriz
`Otavio Macedo. MD. ('u nia Dr Otavio Macedo. Sao Park,, troll: Lab Abreu
`Cosmetic one of polyLlacic acid for lajectkins for nonfadal areas
`tuning adilbry FYI) using this nosed noninvasive microwave technology.
`deep dermal timuie though dielectric hating. We repot a case of successfully
`hypmhkirosis. It targets the cccrine and apocrine swat glands by destroying Mc
`that was recently approved by the FDA in 2011 for the treatment of primary axibry
`no definitive treatment exits Ear this entky. MloaDry lo a novel mknuwave derke
`excitement and hat weather. Therapeutic modalities arc commonly bckhatcr and
`pmrkk and maybe exacerbated by syompathek stimulation such as stress, exercise.
`affects young females between 15 and 35 yarn of age. The disease is often severely
`pnketatoxis, penfdikular xamhanakesis, and sp ngiosis. Tits condition vainly
`clinically but histogadudogic examination often shows infundibubr pluming,
`and smooth papules in a grouped configuration. The dbgnosl is typically mask
`umbilicus, and nuhal thighs. Iil) typically presents. discrete. dome shaped, firm
`perbmMar regions, and also in less common locations such as the pre-sternal area,
`symmetrically in Anno rich in apocrinc glands. moor include the ariha. anoganital.
`condition characterized by multiple tteslttniored perifdBcvlar papules distributed
`Fox.Forttyee disease (FED, also known as apocrine miliaria) is a rare demrat logic
`'arm Taylor, SID. University of Illinois at Chicago. Chicago, IL, United States
`treatment of Foxrorlycc disease
`Cale report: A novel modality using microwave technology for the
`Supported 100% byJmts.serr Sckrrrl/ic AJjalrs,llG
`not at 12 mas.
`with UST vs ADA and 01M at 6 and 12 ems and signifiant.' better than IIX at 6 but
`Conclusions: In PSOLAR, skin related HRQoL was significantly better in pas treated
`stillexist hoe unmeamued variables. cg, adherence to therapy, rinsing a,tlootments
`adjtsttl for identified rekv-nt confounding factors. Residual confounding comkl
`Limitations: the to lack of nnddmnbation in this olncnatkonal study; :tendus were
`sigtifxantly better on ADA and ETN. but did na reads significance vs IFX.
`2 465; P =.041. respectively. At 12 clos, DLQI improvement in the LIST gaup was
`1.053195%Cl :0.430. 1.676;P=.0í1.1.061 10.156. 1.966;P =.021y and 1.02710.075.
`LIST were signR'xandy letter on te O other treatment gawps (AI)A. FM. and IF'X.
`group. The adjusted analysts dontunatrated tat ne-o, change from Ill at 6 naos for
`responses were generally comparable at 12 nus vs 6 mes within each treatment
`EIN,7b.1% for 11X. and 86,7% for Inn For both DLQI < 10 and DLQI to 10 gawps.
`proportions of prat achieving a eduction (x5) at 6 mos (76.9% for ADA. 828% for
`5310% for IFX, and 54.7%% for UST. Analog pt. with DLQI score ZIO at Ill, te
`clinically meaningful reduction (25) at 6 moi was 45.9% for ADA, 41.5% for EIN.
`UST: Among the pts with a DLQI score < 10 at IL the proportion achieving a
`was 4.5 and 4.9 her ADA. 6.2 and 5.4 for ETN, 6.5 and 6.9 for IFX, and 6.9 and 7.5 for
`PAO. At hand 12 mos. respectively, the overall mean Improvement in 1)1A51 from Nl.
`generally comparable across treatment groups. cxetpt IFX gawp had more severe
`on DLQI: ADA (662). EON (257). IFX (I 16). and UST (10413. M. characteristics were
`Results: Of the 2541 ps inkbting a first biologic on registry. 2076 had complete data
`score (i.e., DLQI < 10 and DLQIt I0 ) for ADA, EON. IFX vs UST at 6 /12 mos.
`clinically meaningful change (t.e., reduction 2 5 points) in DLQI stratified by Bi
`compare the mean improvement in ULQI and the proportion of ps achieving a
`( ANCONA) whit adjustment fox baseline (BL) chancteristkc, was performed to
`concomitant systemic NO therapies were excluded. An analysis of z'ozariattcc
`moo were evaluated. Treatment groups were mutually modusivc, and ps ruing
`Methods Pts who caned and retrained on trst biologic therapy on registry at 6/12
`PSOIAR at 6 and 12 months (mos) of treatment.
`infiixinah (10X) ss tWCkinumab (UST) on patient (pt) reported outcomes in
`Objectiva 'Rb evahate the impact of addimunab (ADA), etanerccpt (EON).
`Goyal. AID. Janssen Scientific Affairs. LLC Horsham. PA. linked States
`PturntD, Janssen Scientific Affairs. LLC, Horsham. PA, United State, Kavitha
`Janssen broanll and Dosekgmtent LLC. Horsham. PA. United States; Sella Lee,
`EID. University of Toronto. Toronto. Ontario. Canada: Wayne Wtgladff, PhD.
`Stull GISED, Az2enda Ospedaliera Wapa Giovanni XIII. Bergamo. Italy: Nell Shear.
`Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY. United States: Luigi Naidi, AID. Centro
`Medical School, floston MA. United States; Mark Lobwohl, MD. Icahn School of
`University. Redwood City, CA. United States; Akxa O. Kimball, MD, Harvard
`Research. Inc, Montreal. Queb

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