
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2019-002071
`U.S. Patent No. 9,517,219 B2
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`1 Cases IPR2019-00207 and IPR2019-01095 have been joined in this proceeding.


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`On October 4, 2019 and October 18, 2019, Almirall’s declarants, Dr.
`Osborne and Dr. Kircik, respectively made critical admissions during cross-
`examination that undermined Almirall’s case and supported Amneal’s declarant’s
`(Drs. Michniak-Kohn and Gilmore) opinions. Thereafter, Dr. Michniak-Kohn and
`Dr. Gilmore, in their Reply declarations, included facts about Almirall’s
`declarants’ admissions via information from counsel, as opposed to combing
`through the voluminous transcripts themselves. When questioned by Almirall’s
`counsel on cross-examination about the genesis of their understanding about these
`facts, both of Amneal’s experts testified truthfully that they obtained the
`understanding from counsel. But, relying on information from counsel does not
`render an expert’s opinions unreliable so long as the expert: disclosed the
`information relied upon, based their opinions on reliable principles and methods,
`and reliably applied those principles and methods to the facts of the case.
`Almirall, concerned about and desperate to escape the adverse consequences
`likely to stem from the admissions its declarants made, now seeks to exclude the
`opinions of Drs. Michniak-Kohn and Gilmore without factual or legal support.
`The Board should deny Almirall’s motion for at least two reasons. First, Almirall
`did not timely raise the evidentiary basis on which it now moves. Not only does
`this mean that Almirall did not satisfy its threshold obligation, but failing to timely
`- 1 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`object deprived Amneal an opportunity to cure any issue. Second, the challenged
`testimony is not unreliable, as Almirall contends. The challenged testimony was
`based on the experts’ view of the published literature and prior art, their own
`experience, and their understanding of the technical field. The information
`supplied by counsel to Amneal’s experts are undisputed facts extracted from the
`deposition transcripts of Almirall’s declarations—it is the undisputed record, and
`nothing more. Almirall has not shown that any fact supplied by Amneal’s counsel
`was incorrect or not in the record. And, Almirall has not articulated any cognizable
`reason why Amneal’s expert’s opinions are unreliable because some facts were
`supplied by counsel.
`II. Argument
`A. Almirall did not timely raise its objection to the now-challenged
`For the first time during the deposition of Amneal’s declarants, Dr.
`Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore, Almirall raised objection to declaration
`testimony (not deposition testimony) of those experts because each had relied upon
`factual information supplied by counsel about deposition admissions of Almirall’s
`declarants. Almirall’s motion to exclude should be denied because Almirall did not
`timely raise any objection to the testimony of Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore,
`thereby depriving Amneal the opportunity to potentially cure any objection.
`- 2 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`Rule 42.64(b)(1) states that “[o]nce a trial has been instituted, any objection
`must be filed within five business days of service of evidence to which the
`objection is directed. The objection must identify the grounds for the objection
`with sufficient particularity to allow correction in the form of supplemental
`evidence.” See 37 CFR § 42.64(b)(1). Almirall never filed its current objection to
`Dr. Michniak-Kohn’s or Dr. Gilmore’s testimony within five business days of
`those declaration being filed. Without timely raising its objection, Almirall
`effectively deprived Amneal of an opportunity to potentially cure any objection by
`having Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore review the deposition transcripts of
`Almirall’s declarants and state whether they agreed with the information supplied
`by counsel. That is, following the scriptures of Rule 42.64 would have mooted
`Almirall’s entire motion to exclude.
`Recognizing that its failure to timely object is fatal to its motion, Almirall
`tries to fix the problem by claiming that during these depositions “it became clear
`that [Almirall’s declarants] had come to [their] understanding of Almirall’s
`experts’ deposition testimony via counsel rather by relying on the deposition
`transcripts themselves.” See Paper 43, 5-6, n2. Almirall’s excuse is unavailing.
`Almirall acts as if it seeks to exclude deposition evidence under Rule 42.64(a)
`rather than declaration evidence under Rule 42.64(b). Since Almirall is seeking to
`exclude declaration evidence, any objection to that evidence at the depositions was
`- 3 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`untimely because those depositions occurred more than five business days from
`filing. In fact, Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore were deposed on December 6
`and December 12, respectively, which were more than five business days after
`November 1 when Amneal’s Reply declarations were filed. Paper 32; Paper 33.
`Moreover, it is illogical that Almirall somehow needed to wait until the
`depositions of Drs. Michniak-Kohn and Gilmore, as the context of the information
`supplied by counsel was clear. As Almirall’s motion highlights, each time Dr.
`Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore relied upon information from counsel they started
`the sentence with “I understand.” Paper 43, 2-5, 7-9. Even if Almirall needed
`deposition testimony, it should have objected within the time allotted and then
`obtained any clarification at the deposition. Because Almirall failed to diligently
`review the declarations of Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore and file any
`objections within five business days, Almirall’s motion to exclude should be
`denied on this basis alone.
`The now-challenged testimony is not inadmissible under Fed. R.
`Evid. 702.
`In a cursory one-paragraph argument for each declarant, Almirall argues that
`certain paragraphs from Dr. Michniak-Kohn’s and Dr. Gilmore’s declarations
`should be excluded as unreliable because Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore did
`not themselves comb through the transcripts of Almirall’s declarants to determine
`the veracity of those statements. But, that is irrelevant, particularly where Almirall
`- 4 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`has not demonstrated that any of the factual statements supplied by counsel was
`inaccurate. Accordingly, and for the reasons below, the now-challenged testimony
`of Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore is not unreliable.
`As an initial matter, expert testimony is unreliable only if it, inter alia, (1)
`does not disclose the facts and data upon which it is based, (2) is not the product of
`reliable principles and methods, and (3) the expert has not reliably applied the
`principles and methods to the facts of the case. See Fed. R. Evid. 702. Each of the
`identified paragraphs in Dr. Michniak-Kohn’s declaration and Dr. Gilmore’s
`declaration contain proper opinion testimony based on those expert’s view of the
`published literature and prior art, their own experience, and their own
`understanding of the technical field (formulation for Dr. Michniak-Kohn and the
`diagnoses, treatment, prescription, and administration of acne and rosacea products
`for Dr. Gilmore). See AMN1043, ¶¶ 4, 15, 26, 35–37, 55, 59, 68, 70–73, 75, 78,
`83, and 86; AMN1044, ¶¶ 8, 16, 17, 21, 26, 28, 37, 38, 40, and 46. In each case,
`Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore disclosed the facts upon which they relied,
`how and where they obtained those facts, offered testimony based on reliable
`principles and methods, and reliably applied those principles and methods to the
`facts of this case. Therefore, Almirall overreaches by asking the Board to exclude
`the entirety of the challenged paragraphs.
`- 5 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`Almirall’s sole complaint is that Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore relied
`on factual information supplied by counsel concerning the deposition statements
`and admissions by Almirall’s declarants. But, reliance on information from counsel
`is not unreliable.2 Consistent with Fed R. Evid. 702, the context of the declaration
`statements discloses the source of the information (which was later confirmed at
`deposition), and the declarations explicitly disclose the content of the information
`supplied by counsel. Moreover, the information supplied by counsel is nothing
`more than confirmatory evidence that supports the already-stated opinions of Dr.
`Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore based on those expert’s view of the published
`literature and prior art, their own experience, and their own understanding of the
`technical field. Indeed, setting aside paragraph 71 of Dr. Michniak-Kohn’s
`declaration, there is not any instance where the information supplied by counsel
`forms the sole basis for any of Dr. Michniak-Kohn’s or Dr. Gilmore’s opinions.
`Next, Almirall complains that it was deprived of the opportunity to examine
`Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore on the challenged portions of Dr. Michniak-
`Kohn’s and Dr. Gilmore’ declarations. See Paper 43, 6, 9. But that is not at all the
`case. Almirall had every opportunity to cross-examine Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr.
`Gilmore during their depositions, as to any material in their declarations and cited
`2 By that same rationale, Almirall’s declarant Dr. Osborne’s testimony in
`paragraphs 29, 34, 87, 88, 109, 173, and 195 would similarly be unreliable because
`Dr. Osbourne also relied in part on information from counsel. See Ex. 2057, ¶¶ 29,
`34, 87, 88, 109, 173, and 195.
`- 6 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`exhibits. In fact, Almirall spent much time at both depositions examining the
`witness on the published literature and prior art, their own experience, and their
`own understanding of the technical field. See AMN2068, 21:6-23:8, 39:15-40:10,
`65:6-11, 94:12-95:9, 97:6-98:4; AMN2069, 55:10-57:12, 66:17-70:5, 121:17-
`Almirall was also not deprived of the opportunity to cross-examine Dr.
`Michniak-Kohn or Dr. Gilmore about the “veracity” of the information supplied by
`counsel. A review of the deposition transcript of Dr. Gilmore shows that Almirall’s
`counsel asked questions unrelated to the “veracity.” For example, in Dr. Gilmore’s
`deposition, Almirall’s counsel repeatedly asked Dr. Gilmore on the substance of
`her conversations with counsel, which is unrelated to the “veracity” of any the
`information supplied by counsel. EX2069, 170:1-174:15. If Almirall wanted to see
`if either expert agreed with the veracity of information supplied by counsel,
`Almirall’s counsel could have easily provided the deposition transcript of
`Almirall’s experts to Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore at their depositions and
`then questioned Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore about any potential
`discrepancy between the representation from counsel and the testimony of
`Almirall’s declarants. In fact, Almirall’s counsel was instructed by Amneal’s
`counsel to do exactly that. EX2069, 174:16-176:15. Almirall’s counsel refusal to
`do so because there is no discrepancy, and their refusal reveals that Almirall was
`- 7 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`more interested in manufacturing a baseless reason to try to exclude portions of
`these declarations than it was in questioning Dr. Michniak-Kohn or Dr. Gilmore
`about the “veracity” of the information from counsel. EX2069, 174:16-175:3.
`Even if Almirall tried to question Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore about
`the veracity of the information supplied by counsel, Almirall would have found
`that the information supplied by counsel was entirely consistent with the testimony
`of Almirall’s declarants. The table below shows that the factual information
`supplied by counsel to Dr. Michniak-Kohn was accurate.
`Information supplied by counsel
`1st bullet, pg. 2
`2nd bullet, pg. 2
`3rd bullet, pg. 2
`4th bullet, pg. 3
`5th bullet, pg. 3
`6th bullet, pg. 3
`7th bullet, pg. 3
`8th bullet, pg. 3
`9th bullet, pg. 3
`10th bullet, pg. 3
`11th bullet, pg. 4
`12th bullet, pg. 4
`13th bullet, pg. 4
`14th bullet, pg. 5
`15th bullet. pg. 5
`16th bullet, pg. 5
`17th bullet, pg. 5
`Deposition testimony of Almirall’s
`AMN1040, 11:18-12:15, 13:24-14:7
`AMN1040, 114:19-22
`AMN1040, 18:23-20:19
`AMN1040, 112:3-114:2
`AMN1040, 24:9-25:14
`AMN1040, 141:5-10; 142:4-143:15
`AMN1040, 44:16-45:14
`AMN1040, 50:3-51:4; 52:20-25
`AMN1040, 53:12-57:12
`AMN1040, 76:23-82:8; 108:11-15
`AMN1040, 76:23-82:8; 108:11-15
`AMN1040, 84:5-19
`AMN1040, 42:23-43:4
`AMN1040, 95:24-96:10; 94:5-15
`AMN1040, 92:18-93:9
`AMN1040, 84:5-19
`AMN1057, 120:19-121:20; AMN1039,
`- 8 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`Similarly, the table below shows that each piece of information supplied by
`counsel to Dr. Gilmore was accurate.
`Information supplied by counsel
`1st bullet, pg. 7
`2nd bullet, pg. 7
`3rd bullet, pg. 7
`4th bullet, pg. 7
`5th bullet, pg. 7
`6th bullet, pg. 8
`7th bullet, pg. 8
`8th bullet, pg. 8
`9th bullet, pg. 8
`10th bullet, pg. 8
`11th bullet, pg. 9
`Deposition testimony of Almirall’s
`AMN1039, 72:22-75:9; 79:9-81:11
`AMN1039, 56:15-57:10
`AMN1057, 88:5-89:8; 106:22-107:5
`AMN1039, 35:18-36:5
`AMN1039, 150:10-152:18
`AMN1039, 150:16-29; 151:15-25;
`AMN1039, 149:15-150:9
`AMN1039, 70:9-12; 71:11-72:21
`AMN1039, 57:22-58:13; 61:18-24
`AMN1057, 88:8-97:6
`AMN1039, 60:113-61:17; 134:13-
`136:8; AMN1057, 80:11-25
`AMN1039, 149:15-150:9
`Finally, Almirall’s evidentiary challenge does not go to the admissibility of
`the testimony in the challenged paragraphs. Rather, the Board has broad discretion
`to assign the weight to be accorded expert testimony. Yorkey v. Diab, 601 F.3d
`1279, 1284 (Fed. Cir. 2010). Here, the Board should not exclude the challenged
`testimony but simply assign it the weight the Board believes that testimony
`III. Conclusion
`For the foregoing reasons, the Board should not exclude the challenged
`testimony of Dr. Michniak-Kohn and Dr. Gilmore.
`- 9 -


`Case IPR2019-00207
`Patent 9,517,219 B2
`Respectfully submitted,
`Dennies Varughese (Reg. No. 61,868)
`Lead Attorney for Petitioners
`Date: January 24, 2020
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`- 10 -


`The undersigned hereby certifies that the above-captioned “Petitioners’
`Opposition to Motion To Exclude Evidence” was served in its entirety on January
`24, 2020, upon the following parties via electronic mail:
`James Trainor
`RJ Shea
`902 Broadway, Suite 14
`New York, NY 10010
`Telephone (212) 430-2600
`Facsimile (650)938-5200
`Jennifer R. Bush
`801 California Street
`Mountain View, CA 94041
`Telephone (650) 988-8500
`Facsimile (650) 938-5200
`Elizabeth B. Hagen
`1191 Second Avenue, 10th Floor
`Seattle, WA 98101
`Telephone (206) 389-4510
`Facsimile (206)389-4511
`Dennies Varughese, Pharm.D.
`Date: January 24, 2020
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W. Registration No. 61,868
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`Lead Attorney for Petitioners
`(202) 371-2600

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