`FW: IPR2019-00166; -00203 - IPRs 660 patent - Request for Motion to Submit
`Supplemental Information
`From: Cavanaugh, David <David.Cavanaugh@wilmerhale.com>
`Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2019 6:32 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: whelan@fr.com; Cavanaugh, David <David.Cavanaugh@wilmerhale.com>; Michael Kane <kane@fr.com>; Martina
`Hufnal <TyreusHufnal@fr.com>; PTAB Inbound <PTABInbound@fr.com>; IPR45375‐0002IP2 <IPR45375‐
`0002IP2@fr.com>; Yurkerwich, Kevin <Kevin.Yurkerwich@wilmerhale.com>; Kim, William
`Subject: IPR2019‐00166; ‐00203 ‐ IPRs 660 patent ‐ Request for Motion to Submit Supplemental Information
`Dear Honorable Board,
`As provided in 37 C.F.R. § 42.123, Petitioner requests authorization to file motions to submit supplemental information
`to supplement the record concerning the printed publication status of Ex. 1005/1105 in the IPR2019‐00166 and ‐00203,
`respectively. If the Board permits it, Petitioner would include the proposed supplemental information with the motions.
`This request is timely made within one month of the date the trials were instituted (May 14). Patent Owner opposes
`this request for authorization and, if authorization to file is granted by the Board, will oppose Petitioner’s motions.
`If the Board believes a call would be helpful, Petitioner and Patent Owner are available on Friday, June 7, after 2 pm
`eastern; or on Tuesday, June 11, before noon eastern or after 1:30 pm eastern.
`David L. Cavanaugh
`Counsel for Petitioner
`David L. Cavanaugh | WilmerHale
`60 State Street 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Boston MA 02109 Washington, DC 20006 USA
`+1 617 526 6036 (t) +1 202 663 6025 (t)
`+1 617 526 5000 (f) +1 202 663 6363 (f)
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