`Paper No. 27
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2019-00153
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`Held: March 11, 2020
`ELIZABETH M. ROESEL, Administrative Patent Judges.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney, P.C.
`1737 King Street
`Suite 500
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Wednesday, March
`11, 2020, commencing at 10:34 a.m., at the U.S. Patent and Trademark
`Office, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`- - - - -
`JUDGE ROESEL: Petitioner, you may begin when you're ready.
`We're here for IPR 2019-00153.
`MR. WALTER: May it please the council. I am Todd Walters, lead
`counsel in this IPR. We're going to be talking about U.S. patent 6,334,853.
`JUDGE ROESEL: And before you begin, would you like to reserve
`rebuttal time?
`MR. WALTER: I would like to reserve 15 minutes, Your Honor.
`Also I'd like to inform you that I have with me counsel of record Andrew
`Cheslock, I have Roger Lee and James Wilcox here with me.
`JUDGE ROESEL: You may begin
`MR. WALTER: Thank you, Your Honor. So if we could go to slide
`3. We're going to be talking about the 853 patent today and the patent is
`directed to a method for obtaining a dental occlusion map. The dental
`occlusion map by definition in the 853 patent is a graphical representation of
`the distance between opposite points for regions, again opposite points or
`regions on the surface of opposite teeth. That's what will be the term in
`occlusion map.
`If we could go to slide 4. The 853 patent has numerous claims in it.
`Most of the focus today is going to be on claim 1 and specifically on the
`determining step that you see on slide 4, that's roman numeral I. Within the
`claim the determining said distances between opposite regions on opposite
`teeth of the upper and lower jaws of the map.
`Can we go to slide 2 now. In this case there are a number of grounds
`that have been raised. There were five grounds. Each of the grounds
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`address a different collection of claims but there are two primary references
`that are being used in this proceeding. One is the Kunii reference and the
`other is the Myszkowski reference.
`If we could go to slide 5. For the presentation today we're going to
`focus on really two things. One is claim construction and two is one of the
`grounds. I'm happy to answer questions on any other issue in the case but
`we're going to focus on claim construction issues in one of the grounds, that
`would the Kunii grounds.
`If we can go to slide 6. Here, like in other cases that you've seen
`between 3Shape and Align, Align has again improperly imported numerous
`additional limitations into the claims to avoid the prior art.
`If we can go to slide 7, please. In this particular case there is a
`construction by Align on opposite regions and for that particular phrase of
`the claim, Align would like you to put into the claim that that means points
`and/or the circular elliptic or irregular shape surrounding points and that
`those points intersect the same Z-axis line. That is a construction that they
`are proposing for claim 1 in this proceeding.
`JUDGE ROESEL: So is claim construction for opposite regions a
`dispositive issue in this case?
`MR. WALTER: It is not, Your Honor. The Kunii reference in
`particular discloses all of the features of the claimed invention, claim 1,
`under either Petitioner's construction or under Patent Owner's construction
`and we can talk about that more as we go along looking at the references.
`But when you look at claim construction, and now we're on slide 8, if
`you're going to add limitations to a claim through a claim construction you
`really need to do a rigorous analysis. You need to look at the claim
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`language. You need to look at what the specification says. Is there any
`lexicography? Is there any disavowal? Is there any disclaimer? You need
`to look at the file history and then after all of that you can look at extrinsic
`evidence but the extrinsic evidence should not outweigh the intrinsic
`Here, if you go to the claim language, and now we're on slide 9, and
`look at claim 1 where the term opposite regions is found, there is nothing in
`claim 1 that limits the claim to points and there is nothing in claim 1 that
`says that there have to be shapes which are circular, elliptic or irregular
`surrounding the points. In fact the definition I read to you earlier says that
`an occlusion map can be distances between points or distances between
`regions. It doesn't even have to be distances between points.
`If we can go to slide 10. The other thing that Align is trying to import
`into the reading of the claim is that all distances have to be points on the
`same Z-axis. Again, the claims do not say anything about points being read
`along the same Z-axis line.
`If we can go to slide 11 and see the claim also doesn't provide any
`mention of a specific ordinance system that defines a virtual space. These
`are all limitations that they are importing into the claim and the claims
`themselves do not support that.
`Slide 12. The X there is just showing the claim language doesn't
`support it. But let's go on to the specification, and in slide 13 you'll see
`under a Phillips analysis if Patent Owner wanted the claims to mean
`something specific they could have been their own lexicographer. But they
`decided not to do that here. They did not provide specific definitions of
`terms that would allow them to import these limitations into their claims.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`If we can go to slide 14. If Patent Owner wanted to disavow
`meanings or exclude embodiments from their claims, they could have done
`that in their specification but they have not done that here.
`If we go to slide 15 and specifically focus on the Z-axis issue and
`whether points have to be along the same Z-axis, the 853 patent says
`specifically at column 5, lines 26 through 35 that the grid lines are all
`parallel to each other and are preferably perpendicular to the occlusion
`plane. Again, preferably is not an indication that the measurements have to
`be in a Z-direction in each instance.
`JUDGE ROESEL: But what about the first part of that sentence? The
`gridlines are all parallel to each other. Would that support measuring
`distance in the same direction for each point?
`MR. WALTERS: Again, if you go back to the claim there is no
`language in the claim and there is no language in the specification that says
`that all measurements have to be in the same direction.
`JUDGE ROESEL: But is there any support in the patent, what is the
`patent here --
`JUDGE ROESEL: -- the 853 patent for measuring distance in a
`different direction for different points?
`MR. WALTER: So if you look at the 853 patent where it talks about
`shapes, for example if we can pull up column 6, line 62. It says these
`regions can be circular, elliptic, irregular in shape there. It doesn't say that
`the regions on the top tooth and the bottom tooth have to be of the same
`shape. Then it goes on and says furthermore, the points 32 prime and 32
`double prime do not have to be located at the geometric center of the regions
`32 prime R and 32 double prime R in a manner similar to that described for
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`pairs of points on opposite teeth. What they're saying is you can take
`different positions within the regions and measure those distances. It doesn't
`even have to be the same geometric center of each of the shapes. So the
`shapes can be different on the top and the bottom and the portion where
`you're measuring to can be different in the shapes on the top and the bottom.
`Nowhere --
`JUDGE ROESEL: Those points 32 prime and 32 double prime, they
`do lie on the same Z-axis grid line; isn't that right?
`MR. WALTER: I agree with you. All of the figures do show that the
`points are measured along the same grid line but if you look at, for example,
`slide 16 the introduction to all of the figures says,
`"For a better understanding the invention will now be described by
`way of example only with reference to the accompanying drawings."
`Certainly the drafters of the specification did not contemplate the
`invention to be limited to the examples of the figures. That's very clear from
`the explicit language that introduces the figures.
`If we could go to slide 17. In addition, the claim language does not
`require shapes which are circular or elliptic or irregular. In fact the
`specification at column 6, lines 62 to 63 specifically says the regions can be
`circular, elliptic or irregular in shape. Of course the regions could be of any
`shape. They don't have to be the same shape for the top and the bottom of
`the tooth and you don't have to have the points be in alignment on the Z-
`If we could go to slide 18. Again, this is just an indicator that the
`specification does not support the importation of the limitations of
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`measuring along a Z-axis or the shapes of the regions being put into the
`claims themselves.
`If we can go to slide 19. In addition, there is nothing in the file
`history where Patent Owner has demonstrated that they distinguished the
`claims over the prior art based on these limitations they want to import into
`the claims.
`So there's nothing really in the file history and if we go to slide 21,
`Patent Owner's own declarants, both Dr. Valley and Dr. Bajaj, never did a
`rigorous claim construction. Neither one of them did an analysis of the
`terms of the claims, did an analysis of the specification, did an analysis of
`the file history or provided extrinsic evidence that would support the
`importation of these terms into the claims. So again, if you do a rigorous
`claim analysis you have nothing in the claims, nothing in the specification,
`nothing in the file history and no extrinsic evidence that really supports the
`narrowing of the claims as Align suggests.
`If we can go to slide 23. There was another issue that had come up
`earlier --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: Excuse me, just a second counsel.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: I'm looking at the description in column 5 at
`lines 26 through 35, it talks about figure 4 and the matrix of pixels and the
`grid lines can be drawn through the virtual image. Essentially what we've
`got, it says the grid lines are parallel to each other and are preferably
`perpendicular to the occlusion plane and I notice that it's preferably
`perpendicular to the occlusion plane. As you said, it doesn't appear that the
`claims, at least on their face, require that the grid lines be parallel to each
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`other. It also doesn't require that they be, I'm not sure, I think it doesn't
`require that they be perpendicular to the occlusion plane. But in any case, if
`they're not parallel to each other it seems that the calculations would get
`crazy complicated; is that not right?
`MR. WALTERS: It may be more complicated in terms of the
`calculations but of course you've seen in the prior art with the multi-
`projection methods that that's certainly capable. If you go back to column 3
`of the patent they certainly contemplate, if you look at column 3 let's start at
`line 35, in this area they talk about sometimes it should be noted that since
`teeth in 22 are at the rear of the jaws the buccal and lingual sides of the teeth
`are substantially perpendicular to the Y-axis and therefore it is convenient to
`consider a cross-section parallel to the ZY-plane. See that, then it goes on
`and says --
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: But not necessarily because as long as I
`know what the angle is, I can work it.
`MR. WALTERS: Exactly.
`MR. WALTERS: But then it goes on and suggests that but for other
`teeth you might try another plane. So the directions don't always have to be
`in the same direction. They're saying that it depends on how the teeth
`alignment is. So going back to slide 23, there was an issue over occlusion
`map. I think that issue is over now because Patent Owner does not advocate
`for a different meaning -- from the meaning that is provided within the
`specification. Also I don't see any issues that come up with regard to the
`prior art with the exception of one and that is the construction of occlusion
`map specifically contemplates distances between points or distances
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`between regions and if the claims require distances between points on the
`same Z-axis they're reading out of that definition that you can also read
`distances between regions because a point is just a subset of the region itself.
`If we go on to slide 43, I'm taking our demonstrative slides a little out
`of order, Your Honor, but I want to cover all the claim construction issues
`here. Patent Owner has newly presented a precision requirement in their
`claim construction analysis and if we go to slide 44, this comes up in the
`surreply and they indicate that because claims 12 and 13 impart precision
`that therefore claim 1 also has to have some specific kind of precision and
`honestly we don't understand this argument at all because there's no legal
`authority that they cite to that suggests that because a dependent claim
`requires some particular kind of precision that the independent claim also
`requires that precision and in fact, if we look at slide 45 the specification is
`extremely clear that the kind of precision that they say the claims require is
`not required.
`In column 7, lines 21 to 29, the 853 patent specification says that an
`illustrative example of a convenient color key code as shown in figure 9.
`Each color can either represent a given distance or ranges of distances. For
`example, in the former case color 91 may indicate 0.3 millimeters and color
`93 may indicate a distance of 2 millimeters, whereas in the latter case color
`91 may indicate a range of 0.3 to 2 millimeters and color 92 may indicate the
`range of 2.1 to 4 millimeters. In this area they certainly don't contemplate
`that the invention is limited to a precision of 0.1 millimeters and certainly
`not to a precision of zero millimeters. Claim 1 has no precision requirement
`in it.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`If we go to slide 35 now. There is also a new argument with respect
`to the Kunii reference and here the argument is that Kunii's projection
`disclosure is not a grid line and it's not a measurement of distance. That
`doesn't make any sense. If you look at 36, if we stay on 36 they say Kunii's
`fixed projection direction discussion does not disclose the claim method
`because the claim method does not use a fixed projection direction. In other
`words, Z-axis grid lines are not projections.
`If we go to 38, again there's nothing in the claims that require grid
`lines and there's nothing in the claims that require a Z-axis. What the 853
`patent describes is measuring distances between regions. It sets up an area
`in the top tooth. It sets up an area in the bottom tooth. It measures the
`distance between those teeth. That's exactly what Kunii describes. Don't be
`fooled by the languages of grid lines and projections, ask yourself what does
`the claim require and ask yourself what does Kunii disclose.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: In fact counsel, it doesn't even requirement
`measuring, it just says determining.
`MR. WALTERS: Determining.
`JUDGE MCNAMARA: I can do it any way I want.
`MR. WALTERS: Correct.
`MR. WALTERS: If we go to slide 25. The challenged claims are
`anticipated and rendered obvious by Kunii under either parties'
`constructions. As I mentioned before, we're on slide 26, the real focus in
`this case is on the determining step. The determining step says determining
`said distances between opposite regions on opposite teeth of the upper and
`lower jaws of the mouth.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`If we go to 27. You'll recall in Patent Owner's preliminary response,
`Patent Owner said that Kunii is limited to a multi-projection technique.
`They said Kunii discloses a distance map with multiple projections that
`allow detection of more active regions to determine or approximate load
`characteristics on teeth interacting with food particles. But Kunii is not
`limited to a multi-projection method and you have already recognized this.
`You'll recall, and now I'm on slide 28, you recognized that Kunii
`discloses measuring along a fixed projection direction. In fact, you indicated
`in the Institution decision Kunii discloses two ways to measure this distance,
`either along a fixed projection direction. Kunii refers to this method as a
`single projection technique.
`We can go to slide 29. Patent Owner has now again re-raised the
`same argument in their Patent Owner response and they haven't addressed
`the point that you've made in the Institution decision. But let's talk about
`this. If we can go to slide 30. Slide 30 shows a side by side comparison of
`figure 1A of Kunii and figure 2 of the 853 patent and you can see in figure
`1A of Kunii what they measured is the distance between B minimum and A
`max. By the way, B minimum on that surface is not the shortest distance
`between object B and object A. In the 853 patent, likewise what is going on
`in the patent is they describe measuring the distances between the opposite
`facing points, for example, 30 prime and 30 double prime. There's no
`difference in the disclosures of these documents or between what Kunii
`describes and what claim 1 of the 853 patent describes. It's measuring
`distances. Do not be confused by projections, grid lines, any of that, it's all
`just about measuring distances.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`JUDGE ROESEL: But with slide 30 Petitioner is contending that
`Kunii discloses this determining distances between opposite regions, even
`under Patent Owner's construction for opposite regions; is that right?
`MR. WALTERS: Correct, yes, and you can see in figure 1 that it has
`an arrow in the Z-direction normal to the XY-plane and it measures the
`distance between B min and A max, just as it's shown in figure 2 of the 853
`JUDGE ROESEL: So figure 1A of Kunii is the reason why Petitioner
`said earlier that claim construction for opposite regions isn't dispositive; is
`that right?
`MR. WALTERS: Correct. Yes, Your Honor. If we go to slide 37,
`please. Slide 37, again it's a comparison between figure 1A of Kunii and
`figure 2 of the 853 patent and it points out to you that the calculation of
`distance in Kunii is just taking A min minus A max and in the 853 patent the
`distance is just the distance between where 30 prime and the remaining
`points are with their respective facing surface distances.
`JUDGE ROESEL: So is there any difference between Kunii's fixed
`projection direction and the Z-axis grid line as you understand it from the
`853 patent?
`MR. WALTERS: No. If we can go to slide 31, again the Board
`picked up on this -- you picked up on this, my apologies, where you
`indicated that according to Kunii this calculation can be used to determine
`distances between points on the surfaces of the upper and lower jaw.
`If we go to slide 32. Kunii explicitly discloses this. It says,
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`"The characteristics of contact between the surfaces of the upper and
`lower jaws may be found from distances between points on surfaces of these
`And just be clear claim 1 requires distances between regions but that
`also includes distances between points and we know that because there are
`dependent claims that say the regions are points. So regions have to be
`something broader than points but may include points. Here what we're
`saying is Kunii discloses measuring distances between points. So either
`way, Kunii anticipates the claims under a broad reading of the claim or
`under a more narrow reading of the claim as Align has suggested.
`If we can go to slide 39. Align has also indicated that claims 12 and
`13 require some kind of precision that would not be obvious to a person of
`ordinary skill in the art and if we can go to slide 40, Petitioner has shown
`that the Hayashi reference actually discloses providing occlusion maps
`which have limits on the distance of the regions and in slide 40 you can see
`in figure 4 of Hayashi there are regions which are less than 0.3 and there are
`regions that are less than 0.5. What the claims in the 853 patent, that's
`claims 12 and 13 say is less than 0.1 and zero. But that's just an overlapping
`range with what's already in the prior art. That does not impart patentability
`to the claims.
`If we go to 41. This panel has already picked up on this issue and you
`have indicated that if there is to be patentability imparted upon these claims,
`that the Patent Owner needs to demonstrate that there's some kind of
`teaching away, unexpected results, criticality or other pertinent objective
`indicia and here the record is silent on any of that which, by the way, if we
`go to slide 42 Kunii itself contemplates showing zero distance. That's where
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`the teeth actually touch and occlusion maps that would show where the teeth
`actually touch. So getting down to zero is not something that imparts
`patentability and Patent Owner has not demonstrated why its particular
`selected ranges are critical and in fact, Kunii discloses specifically a zero
`I'm going to reserve the rest of my time for rebuttal but I am happy to
`answer any questions.
`JUDGE ROESEL: None here.
`MR. WALTERS: Thank you, Your Honors.
`MS. KELLY: Good morning, Your Honors. Kristina Caggiano Kelly
`on behalf of Align. So briefly to introduce we have a couple of main points
`JUDGE ROESEL: Would Patent Owner like to reserve rebuttal time?
`MS. KELLY: Oh, yes, 15 minutes please. Thank you. The main
`points that Patent Owner wants to go over today are that the petition relies
`on prior art that teaches the use of shortest distances as opposed to the 853
`patent which teaches distances along the axis and how that is an
`advantageous method of measuring that specifically serves the goals and
`objectives of this patent.
`As this Board has already noted, the Myszkowski reference does not
`describe a fixed direction and the Myszkowski and Hayashi grounds did not
`actually have a reasonable likelihood of unpatentability. For the Kunii and
`Hayashi references they do acknowledge fixed projection directions but as
`Dr. Bajaj explained at length in his deposition, that is not actually the same
`thing that the patent is teaching and they only describe them in order to teach
`the fallbacks and to teach away from using these methods.
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`The 853 patent claims, the dependent claims 12 and 13, cover levels
`of precision not found in the prior art and as Petitioner was discussing, these
`are not just overlapping numerical ranges but there is something very
`different about the way in which claims 12 and 13 describe an occlusion
`map which I'll get to. So the 853 patent claims an occlusion map indicative
`of distances between opposite regions on facing surfaces of opposite teeth of
`the upper and lower jaws of the mouth.
`Now each of these words in this claim needs to be given meaning.
`Opposite distances, opposite regions, opposite teeth, each one of these
`concepts is narrowing what exactly is the distance, how is the distance being
`defined, how is it being determined and then setting up that correspondence
`on the mapping surface. Now Petitioner's slide 3, if you recall, said that an
`occlusion map was defined as a graphical representation of the distance
`between opposite points or regions on teeth but that's not actually what this
`sentence says. It says the resulting graphical representation will be termed
`an occlusion map and if you read that sentence in context, the patent
`describes a very specific way of defining regions and determining the
`distances between them and the distance map that results from that method
`is what the patentee is talking about as an occlusion map in this patent. So
`just because other prior art references might use the term occlusion map
`doesn't mean they're referring to the same thing that this patent does. This
`patent is talking about the occlusion map that results from the specific
`method that is taught.
`The main claim construction term that is the point of dispute between
`the parties is this term opposite regions which is actually two disputes in
`one. One of the meaning of the word opposite and one over the meaning of
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`the word regions. So when you put them together Patent Owner's claim is
`proposed construction is points or circular, or elliptic, or irregular shaped
`surrounding points. That's the term regions and then that intersects the same
`Z-axis line that you get from the word opposite, and the word opposite and
`the word regions themselves are very context dependent words. By
`themselves they don't necessarily have a clear defined meaning but that's
`okay because the patent goes to great lengths to describe exactly what it
`means when it says opposite and what it means when it says regions and
`why those definitions are so important to achieving the objective of the
`JUDGE ROSEL: Now when Patent Owner says “the same Z-axis
`line,” is the intent of that to mean it has to be perpendicular to the plane of
`occlusion or could it just be the same Z-axis line for all points?
`MS. KELLY: When we say the same Z-axis line we're talking about a
`single Z-axis line running through the two points that are defined as opposite
`points and then because it's a grid, there would be many, many of those Z-
`axis lines, each of those Z-axis lines running through one point on the lower
`tooth and one point on the upper tooth, each of those Z-axis lines defining a
`pair of opposite points.
`JUDGE ROESEL: Is there anything in Patent Owner's construction
`that requires that the Z-axis lines be parallel?
`MS. KELLY: The construction doesn't specifically say that. They are
`parallel but Z-axis lines by definition will be parallel because they're all in
`the Z-axis and when you have a cartesian coordinate plane, you have the
`XY-plane which as the patent says is preferably but not necessarily the
`occlusion plane and then Z-axis grid lines which will all be by definition
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`perpendicular to the XY-plane and the specification actually says that the Z-
`axis lines are all parallel to each other, even though we didn't incorporate
`that specific statement into the proposed construction. We think it is
`inherent in the fact that they are Z-axis lines. In a cartesian coordinate plane
`all Z-axis lines will be parallel to one another.
`Now the occlusion plane is actually a term of art in dentistry and it is
`defined, and the patent acknowledges what that definition is and it's defined
`by the buccal cusp of the premolars which is typically or, as the patent says,
`preferably what you would use as your default XY-plane but perhaps if there
`is something wrong with the patient's buccal cusp that it doesn't give a good
`occlusion plane for purposes of measuring these distances, you might use a
`different XY-plane. That is what the patent is talking about when it says
`preferably the occlusion plane but not necessarily.
`But the patent also talks at length about setting the occlusion plane or
`setting the XY-plane as the occlusion plane and then measuring distances
`along the Z-axis and it talks about the flexibility of the cross-section. That
`doesn't mean you are cutting different axes as instead of the Z-axis. What it
`means you're cutting a different ZY-plane depending on how you want to
`view the cross-section and where you want to space those Z-axis lines
`because, again, even though all Z-axis lines are parallel to one another the
`patent doesn't say they have to be equidistant from one another. You could
`have some Z-axis lines a little further apart than others, depending on
`whether or not you're in a particularly highly contoured region of the tooth.
`So Patent Owner's construction does account for those kinds of flexibilities
`talked about in the patent, but the patent is very clear about certain things
`Patent 6,334,853 B2
`that define what the patentee means by opposite regions and what they
`define as the Z-axis and that is the XY-plane.
`JUDGE ROESEL: So what's the difference between the Z-axis line
`and Patent Owner's construction and the fixed projection direction of Kunii
`figure 1A?
`MS. KELLY: So a projection direction doesn't necessarily identify
`opposite regions on opposite teeth. So a projection means you start with one
`given point on the lower or upper, it doesn't matter, but for purposes of
`examples say a given point on the lower tooth. From there you can project
`in any direction you want to any point you want on the upper tooth
`depending on what it is you're trying to achieve, and Kunii talks about how
`you want to have up to 13 different projection directions from a single point
`on the lower tooth to 13 different points on the upper tooth in different
`directions and then you take the average of that and then you can do the
`same thing going in the other direction. You can do the same thing from
`many different points on both of the different teeth and it becomes very
`complicated very quickly which is why those equations are basically
`insurmountable for normal computing powers and, as Dr. Bajaj explained in
`his deposition, that is why Kunii applies what he describes as a "fixed raster
`buffer", something that helps with those incredibly complicated equations.
`You don't need that in the 853 patent because the method simply doesn't get
`that complicated. That's one of the advantages that the 853 method is
`seeking to do. By defining all of the distances as Z-axis lines, the equations
`are very simple. So a projection direction, again starts at a single point and
`can go in any direction. You may happen to choose vertical as one of your
`directions but Kunii doesn’t even suggest do

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If you do not receive the document in five minutes, contact support at support@docketalarm.com.

Sealed Document
We are unable to display this document, it may be under a court ordered seal.
If you have proper credentials to access the file, you may proceed directly to the court's system using your government issued username and password.
Access Government Site