`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0119020A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jun. 24, 2004
`US 2004011 9020A1
`(76) Inventor: Andrew Bodkin, Wellesley, MA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`SUTE 2800
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 20, 2002
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl. ..................................................... G01J 5/02
`(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 250/353
`A common aperture, multi-mode optical imager for imaging
`electromagnetic radiation bands from a field of two or more
`different wavelengths is described. Fore-optics are provided
`to gather and direct electromagnetic radiation bands forming
`an image into an aperture of the multi-mode optical imager.
`The image is divided into two different wavelength bands,
`such as visible light and long-wave infrared. The first
`wavelength band (e.g., visible light) is detected by a first
`detector, Such as a CCD array, for imaging thereof. The
`Second wavelength band (e.g., long-wave infrared) is
`detected by a Second detector, Such as an uncooled microbo
`lometer array, for imaging thereof. Additional optics may be
`provided for conditioning of the first and Second wavelength
`bands, Such as Such as for changing the magnification,
`providing cold Shielding, filtering, and/or further spectral
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`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 1 of 20
`US 2004/0119020A1
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`FIG. 1
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`FIG. 3
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`FIG. 4
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`US 2004/0119020A1
`Jun. 24, 2004
`0001. This application claims priority to U.S. provisional
`application serial No. 60/344,130, filed Dec. 21, 2001,
`which is incorporated herein by reference.
`0002 Dual-mode imagers are known in the art to provide
`a device detecting both visible light and infrared radiation.
`However, current art dual-mode imagers are costly, com
`plex, bulky and heavy. Further, refractive lenses often used
`in dual-mode imagerS fair poorly in focusing an image
`having differing electromagnetic wavelengths. Other prob
`lems arise in dual-mode imagers when attempting to align
`pixel data for the differing electromagnetic wavelengths.
`Despite known military and commercial value, dual-mode
`imagers have not gained wide acceptance.
`0003) A multi-mode optical imager is provided as a
`common aperture device for multiple bandwidth imaging.
`By this design, a simple and compact optical System is
`formed for Such imaging while maximizing image quality
`and resolution.
`0004. In one aspect, a multi-mode optical imager is
`provided for Simultaneous visible light and infrared imag
`ing. The multi-mode optical imager has fore-optics that may
`provide image magnification and may, for example, utilize a
`broadband optical System Such as mirrored telescope design
`(e.g., a Newtonian reflective telescope or a Cassegrain
`reflective telescope). The fore-optics receive electromag
`netic radiation from a field of view of the multi-mode optical
`imager and focus Such radiation through a common aperture,
`into an imaging module, to form an intermediate image at a
`focal plane of the fore-optics. In one example, the f-number
`of the fore-optics is considered a “moderate” f-number, for
`example f/4. The fore-optics may be interchangeable with
`other fore-optics to provide user customizable imaging
`Specifications (e.g., to customize focal length, magnification,
`filters, cold Shielding, and/or other desired Separation, Such
`as a spectral or polarization State). After passing through the
`fore-optics and the common aperture, the electromagnetic
`radiation may be divided by the imaging module into two
`bands, one being a visible light wavelength band (“channel
`I”) and another being an infrared wavelength band (“channel
`II'). In one aspect, the imaging module includes a beam
`Splitter or filter, Such as a dichroic beam-splitter, to divide
`the two bands. The visible light wavelength band is directed
`to a first detector along channel I for visible imaging and the
`infrared wavelength band is directed to a Second detector
`along channel II for infrared imaging.
`0005 Those of skill in the art will appreciate that the
`Systems and methods described herein may be implemented
`to Support imaging of other desired wavebands (e.g., ultra
`violet (UV), near infrared (NIR), midwave infrared
`(MWIR), millimeter waves, etc.) other than the infrared
`wavelength and Visible bands, and may also be implemented
`in more than two wavelength bands. For example, in one
`aspect the multi-mode optical imager forms more than two
`channels (e.g., channel I, II and III) within the imaging
`module to accommodate more than two wavelength bands
`(e.g., visible light waveband, long-wave infrared (LWIR)
`waveband, and MWIR waveband), each channel having a
`corresponding detector. In another example, the imaging
`module Supports imaging in one or more wavebands (e.g.,
`visible light waveband and LWIR waveband) and is remov
`able, So that a user can replace one imaging module with
`another imaging module Supporting one or more other
`wavebands (e.g., MWIR waveband and UV waveband).
`Accordingly, the multi-mode optical imager of one aspect
`Supports multiple imaging modules Selectable by a user to
`accommodate imaging of Several wavebands in accordance
`with user needs. In one aspect, each imaging module Sup
`ports dual-mode imaging, each with channel I and channel
`II Supporting two Separate wavebands.
`0006. In yet another aspect, the imaging module after the
`common aperture includes an f-number reducer that pro
`ceSSes the infrared wavelength band after the intermediate
`image into a lower f-number (e.g., f/1) image for detection
`by an uncooled microbolometer array infrared detector. The
`f-number reducer may be accomplished by Several methods
`or combination of methods, for example: a) optical re
`imaging and magnification reduction through transmissive
`lenses; b) a fiber optic taper; c) micro-optics of the microbo
`lometer array image detector; d) an array of Compound
`Parabolic Concentrators (CPC); and/or (e) an array of hol
`low tapered capillaries.
`0007 Certain uncooled microbolometer array infrared
`detectors operate better with an f-number of about f/1. As
`one skilled in the art would appreciate, improvements in
`uncooled microbolometer infrared detectors may facilitate
`additional techniqueS off-number reduction, or even elimi
`nate f-number reduction within the imaging module. In one
`aspect, the imaging module does not Substantially modify, or
`alternatively increase, the f-number of the infrared wave
`length band after the intermediate image, So as to be nearly
`identical in f# to the visible light waveband. The f-number
`reducer may be constructed of germanium or other infrared
`lens material (e.g., IR fused silica, Zinc Selenide, calcium
`fluoride, AMTIR-1).
`0008. In still another aspect, the divided channels I, II
`(e.g., for visible light and infrared wavebands) may include
`imaging optics to condition the visible light wavelength
`band and/or the infrared wavelength band. Such condition
`ing may, for example include: modifying f-number, modi
`fying magnification, providing cold shielding, providing
`filtering, and/or providing spectral separation (e.g., hyper
`Spectral imaging).
`0009. In another aspect, the detectors and imaging optics
`are combined into the monolithic imaging module. The
`imaging module has an interchangeable interface to facili
`tate attachment to different fore-optics. The different fore
`optics may thus provide Selectable optical characteristics,
`e.g., wide-to-narrow fields of View, microScopy, and/or other
`System features described herein.
`0010. Once the multi-mode optical imager is pointed at a
`target, additional information may be gathered about the
`target. In one aspect, a distance finder provides distance-to
`target information to an operator. In one aspect, distance
`finding is performed Via Doppler Shift, for applications Such
`as astronomical observations: the Doppler Shift is generated
`by a signal emitted and received by the multi-mode optical
`US 2004/0119020A1
`Jun. 24, 2004
`imager. In another aspect, distance finding includes a time
`lapse determination between an emitted Signal (e.g., from a
`laser within the multi-mode optical imager) and Subsequent
`reception of the Signal by the multi-mode optical imager.
`The signal may be of any wavelength for which the multi
`mode optical imager is receptive. In Still another aspect,
`distance finding may utilize the origin of a Signal emitted
`from the target, and/or calculated from reflective material
`"painted” on the target, to which the multi-mode optical
`imager illuminates with an internally generated radiation
`Source. In one aspect, distance finder Signals (e.g., LIDAR)
`from the multi-mode optical imager may be sent through the
`Same fore-optics used for reception of electromagnetic
`radiation. Additional imaging devices within the imaging
`module may further provide friend-or-foe detection.
`In another aspect, a global positioning System
`(“GPS) provides the operator with the location of the
`multi-mode optical imager. The direction of aim may be
`provided by a magnetic compass, gyroscopic compass,
`multiple GPS receivers, inclinometer, accelerometer, rate
`gyros, and/or magnetometer, for example. With the imple
`mentation of the distance finder and GPS, the multi-mode
`optical imager may thus provide the location of a target.
`0012. In another aspect, image stabilization is provided
`by mechanical or post-processing means. Target tracking
`may be provided independently or in collaboration with
`image Stabilization means.
`0013 In another aspect, the multi-mode optical imager is
`coupled with a vehicle, Such as an unmanned aerial vehicle
`(UAV) or truck, So that a target object may be imaged,
`identified and targeted during Surveillance activities.
`In one aspect, a LWIR channel within the imaging
`module may be removed and replaced with a MWIR chan
`nel, and Vice versa. This provides a “Swappable' channel
`configuration to provide additional choices for a user.
`Accordingly, a user may Swap one imaging module for
`another, in one aspect, and/or Swap one channel with another
`channel within a given imaging module, in another aspect.
`0.015. In one aspect, the multi-mode optical imager pro
`vides automatic target recognition (ATR) to identify a cer
`tain object (e.g., a tank) depending on the types of spectral
`bands within a specific wavelength band (e.g., visible light
`spectral bands within visible light wavelength band) that are
`detected by a detector array. ATR is used in conjunction with
`imaging of other wavebands (e.g., infrared wavelength
`band) to better identify the object in many ambient condi
`tions. Dual-mode imagers were originally conceived to be
`missile Seekers, to improve the man in the loop target
`recognition, and for use with onboard ATR processors.
`However, most ATR processors are trained on visible light
`data (e.g., from Satellite or reconaissance plane), and have to
`use infrared missile data to finally identify a target and for
`homing in on the target. On the other hand, the multi-mode
`optical imager described herein gives the ATR the option to
`get visible light data, along with infrared data, for a more
`acurate identification of a target in various conditions (e.g.,
`use visible light ATR during the day, infrared imaging at
`night, MMW imaging in foul weather, Such as heavy pre
`0016. The multi-mode optical imager of one aspect elimi
`nates the need in the prior art to carefully align pixel data for
`differing wavelengths. By utilizing the common aperture for
`both the visible light waveband and the infrared waveband,
`the multi-mode optical imager can be formed as a Smaller
`and more compact System with high optical Sensitivity, as
`compared to the prior art.
`0017 FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of one multi
`mode optical imager;
`0018 FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of another multi
`mode optical imager;
`0019 FIG. 3 shows a compound parabolic concentrator
`in use with an optical detector;
`0020 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of another multi-mode
`optical imager;
`FIG. 5 is a schematic illustration of another multi
`mode optical imager having a hyperspectral imager within
`an imaging module,
`0022 FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of another multi
`mode optical imager having a distance finder and a targeting
`0023 FIG. 7 is schematic illustration of another multi
`mode optical imager and imaging module having MWIR,
`LWIR and visible detectors, and a distance finder;
`0024 FIG. 8 shows another multi-mode optical imager
`in use with a ground mobile Surveillance vehicle;
`0025 FIG. 9 is a schematic illustration of another multi
`mode optical imager having rate Sensors,
`0026 FIG. 10 shows another multi-mode optical imager
`in use with an unmanned aerial vehicle;
`0027 FIG. 11 shows a process for imaging with one
`multi-mode optical imager;
`0028 FIG. 12 shows another process for imaging with
`another multi-mode optical imager;
`0029 FIG. 13 shows another process for imaging with
`another multi-mode optical imager;
`0030 FIG. 14 shows a process for distance measurement
`and target marking with another multi-mode optical imager;
`FIG. 15A shows another process for imaging with
`another multi-mode optical imager; FIG. 15B shows
`another process for distance measurement and target mark
`ing with another multi-mode optical imager;
`0032 FIG. 16 shows a process for merging image data
`on a display;
`0033 FIG. 17 shows a process for surveillance and
`targeting of a target object with another multi-mode optical
`imager on a ground mobile Surveillance vehicle;
`0034 FIG. 18 shows a process for providing image
`Stabilization to multi-mode optical imager; and
`0035 FIG. 19 shows another process for surveillance
`and targeting of a target object with another multi-mode
`optical imager on an unmanned aerial vehicle.
`US 2004/0119020A1
`Jun. 24, 2004
`FIG. 1 shows one common aperture, multi-mode
`optical imager 10 for imaging electromagnetic radiation 12
`encompassing two or more wavelength regions, Such as
`Visible light and infrared radiation. Fore-optics 14 magnify
`and direct electromagnetic radiation 12 into a common
`aperture 15 of multi-mode optical imager 10, a focal point
`17 of fore-optics 14 is seen in FIG. 1. A filter or beam
`splitter 16, positioned after the common aperture 15, divides
`electromagnetic radiation 12 into a visible light wavelength
`band 18 and an infrared wavelength band 20. Visible light
`wavelength band 18 is illustratively shown aligned along
`channel I and infrared wavelength band 20 is illustratively
`shown aligned along channel II. Channel I and channel II
`represent, respectively, optical axes along which Visible
`wavelength band 18 and infrared wavelength band 20 are
`processed. For example, visible light wavelength band 18 is
`directed along channel I through a first field lens 22 and a
`magnifying or Zoom lens 24 to a first optical detector 26 (or
`alternatively to a camera that detects visible light wave
`length band 18). Infrared wavelength band 20 is directed
`along channel II through a second lens 28 (e.g., a second
`field lens) and an f-number reducer 30 to a second optical
`detector 32 (or alternatively to a camera that detects long
`wave infrared wavelength band 20). Detection of visible
`light wavelength band 18 and infrared wavelength band 20,
`by first optical detector 26 and Second optical detector 32,
`respectively, may be in the form of a still image at a certain
`point of time (i.e., when a shutter (not shown) opens, and
`Subsequently closes, over common aperture 15 to allow
`electromagnetic radiation 12 therethrough) or a stream of
`Video over a period of time.
`0037. In one embodiment, beam-splitter 16 (e.g., a dich
`roic beam-splitter 33) divides electromagnetic radiation 12
`entering through common aperture 15 into visible light and
`infrared wavelength bands 18, 20, respectively, along chan
`nels I and II. First field lens 22 and Zoom lens 24 provide
`magnification capabilities for the visible spectrum imaging
`of visible light wavelength band 18 with first optical detector
`26. First field lens 22 directs visible light wavelength band
`18 traveling from beam-splitter 16 to Zoom lens 24, which
`focuses visible light wavelength band 18 onto first optical
`detector 26, Zoom lens 24 facilitates Zoom functionality to
`increase or decrease the magnification of the visible image
`captured by detector 26, selectably. First optical detector 26
`may be a CCD or CMOS array, or other detector sensitive
`to visible light. Infrared wavelength band 20 is directed by
`second lens 28 traveling from beam-splitter 16 to optics of
`f-number reducer 30; f-number reducer 30 reduces the
`f-number of infrared wavelength band 20 prior to second
`optical detector 32. F-number reducer 30 may also be
`configured to provide Zoom function to increase or decrease
`the magnification of the infrared image captured by the
`detector 32. Beam-splitter 16, first field lens 22, Zoom lens
`24, first optical detector 26, second lens 28, f-number
`reducer 30 and second optical detector 32 may be combined
`into an imaging module 34 that couples with various fore
`optics (e.g., fore-optics 14) to capture and produce final
`images of electromagnetic radiation 12. A housing 36
`encases the components of imaging module 34. First optical
`detector 26 and Second optical detector 32 may, of course, be
`configured for sensitivity to wavebands other than visible
`light and infrared as a matter of design choice, depending on
`the desired image characteristics to be detected by multi
`mode optical imager 10. For example, other wavebands may
`include ultraViolet, near infrared and millimeter waves.
`These wavebands may be configured and processed in place
`of bands 18 and/or 20, for example. Accordingly, multiple
`imaging modules 34 may include, for example, channels I
`and II that process preselected wavebands, wherein a user
`“swaps out” imaging module 34 with another module 34 to
`capture and image the desired electromagnetic spectrum 12.
`0038 Housing 36 may be configured with an interface 38
`for attachment of varying fore-optics 14, Such fore-optics 14
`may provide a wide field of view, a narrow field of view, or
`any range therebetween, as a matter of design choice. In this
`way, housing 36 may accept fore-optics 14 that can be
`interchanged to alter multi-mode optical imager 10 focal
`length and Zoom capabilities, and may thereby form, for
`example, a microScope or a telescope having a low f-num
`ber. A virtual focal plane 40 of fore-optics 14 is thus formed
`at interface 38, and the location of focal point 17 within
`imaging module 34 may be controlled by the particular
`optical properties of fore-optics 14. Furthermore, by this
`interface 38, various imaging modules 34 having differing
`imaging characteristics-imaging ultraViolet and midwave
`infrared wavebands (3-5 um), in one example-may be
`interchanged with fore-optics 14 to provide custom configu
`ration in multiple bandwidth imaging with multi-mode opti
`cal imager 10.
`0039. In one embodiment, fore-optics 14 are formed of
`broad band curved reflectorS 42, Such as convex and/or
`concave mirrors, capturing a real image 17" of electromag
`netic radiation 12. Reflective Surfaces of reflectors 42 have
`a number of advantages over traditional refractive lenses
`when used with multi-mode optical imager 10. First, refrac
`tive lenses have indexes of refraction that change drastically
`between differing wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation,
`such as visible light and LWIR, leading to complex optical
`designs in order to avoid misfocus in all of the wavebands.
`Secondly, the reflective surfaces of reflectors 42 have a
`Shorter fore-optic length as compared to refractive lenses.
`Furthermore, the reflective surfaces of reflectors 42 provide
`the additional benefit of nearly identical optical properties
`acroSS abroad spectrum of wavebands. The curved reflectors
`42 gather the incident visible light and infrared wavebands
`of electromagnetic radiation 12 in a way as to provide the
`Same optical power in both visible light and infrared wave
`bands, while avoiding the focusing problems of refractive
`lenses. In one example, the curved reflectors 42 may include
`a concave mirror 44 forming aperture 15, and a convex
`mirror 46. Incident electromagnetic radiation 12 reflects off
`of concave mirrors 44 and is directed to convex mirror 46,
`which then focuses radiation 12 through aperture 15 and into
`imaging module 34. The fore-optics 14 may for example be
`a Cassegrain mirrored telescope or a Newtonian mirrored
`telescope. Those of skill in the art will appreciate that other
`broadband fore-opticS 14 may be chosen depending on the
`desired optical properties of the multi-mode optical imager
`10. Electromagnetic radiation 12 is focused by fore-optics
`14 at focal point 17 forming a real intermediate image plane.
`0040. After passing through dichroic beam-splitter 33,
`infrared wavelength band 20 encounters f-number reducer
`30. In one exemplary arrangement, fore-optics 14 produces
`an f/4 beam of infrared wavelength band 20 prior to f-num
`ber reducer 30; however, this f-number fore-optics 14 is a
`matter of design choice. F-number reducer 30 provides
`US 2004/0119020A1
`Jun. 24, 2004
`magnification and f-number reduction So that, for example,
`Second optical detector 32 of channel II may be an uncooled
`microbolometer array 48 to detect infrared wavelength band
`20. The f-number reduction of reducer 30 increase the image
`Signal reducing the effect of Secondary radiation (creating
`noise) within the detected image at Second optical detector
`32, Since Secondary radiation may emanate from, for
`example, housing 36 of imaging module 34. In one embodi
`ment, f-number reducer 30 reduces the infrared wavelength
`band 20 to have an f-number that is matched to the require
`ment of uncooled microbolometer array 48 (e.g., f/1).
`F-number reducer 30 may include a number of transmissive
`lenses, shown as a pair of lenses 50 in FIG. 1. As a matter
`of design choice, f-number reducer 30 may alternatively or
`inclusively include fiber-optics (i.e., fiber optic bundle
`pulled to a taper), micro-optics located on uncooled
`microbolometer array 48 (see, e.g., FIG. 3), and/or other
`optics to provide magnification and f-number reduction.
`Lenses 50 of f-number reducer 30 may be fabricated of
`various optical materials, Such as germanium, Zinc Selenide,
`calcium fluoride or AMTIR-1.
`0041. The production of high fidelity, broadband low
`f-number optics is known to be difficult. For this reason,
`f-number reducer 30 is positioned downstream from where
`infrared wavelength band 20 is divided off (i.e., downstream
`of beam-splitter 16) Such that only infrared wavelength band
`20 is affec

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