`Page 1
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` CASE: Unassigned
` Patent No. 9,258,698
` OF U.S. PATENT NO. 9,258,698
`3 4
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 350
` Washington, D.C. 20005
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`PANASONIC EX. 1022, p. 1 of 13


`Page 2
` February 25, 2019
`Reported by: Ahuva Goldberger
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`3 4
`6 7 8 9
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`Page 3
` Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe
` Columbia Center
` 1152 15th Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005-1706
` Telephone: 202-339-8696
` E-mail:
` Collins Edmonds Schlather & Tower, PLLC
` 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2450
` Los Angeles, California 90071
` Telephone: 213-973-7846
` E-mail:
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`2 3
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` - - - - -
`Page 4
` (Proceedings commenced at 11:30 a.m.)
` MR. PEARCE: Good morning, your Honor. This
`is Vann Pearce, for the petitioners.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Thank you, Mr. Pearce. For
`patent owner, an entry, please.
` MR. EDMONDS: Good morning, Your Honor.
`This is John Edmonds. I'll be doing the talking, but
`also on the line is my colleague, Eric Carr. We're
`here on behalf of the patent owner. We refer to the
`patent owner as Cellspin.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Very good. Thank you,
`Mr. Edmonds. Mr. Carr, glad to have you join us.
`Okay. So the petitioner has asked for leave to file a
`reply to the patent owner's preliminary response.
` And with that, first of all, if anybody has
`a court reporter on the line, let me know. I'm
`assuming there is none. So go ahead, Mr. Pearce. What
`are we looking at here?
` MR. PEARCE: Briefly, Your Honor, is someone
`from Veritext on the line? We made an arrangement for
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`6 7
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`Page 5
`a court reporter to join. Is anyone on?
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Okay. Well, Mr. Pearce, as
`you made that arrangement, would you see to it that the
`transcript of this call gets filed as an exhibit in the
`case, please.
` MR. PEARCE: Certainly. And with that, Your
`Honor, just to briefly address the issue here. The
`patent owner had argued in its preliminary response
`that there is a lack of standing to institute the IPR
`because of a ruling of invalidity in a co-pending
`litigation by district court. The patent owner is
`currently appealing that ruling, and it is before the
`federal circuit now.
` We have requested leave to file a short
`reply for each, which I think would be no more than
`three pages to address that lack of standing argument.
`And there are really two reasons why there is good
`cause to allow our reply brief here.
` The first is that the patent owner has cited
`a number of cases in support of this argument. This is
`on page 42 of the preliminary response. These cases
`are clearly different situations than the case at hand.
` These are -- claims in this case were either
`canceled by the patent owner, or there was a final
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`Page 6
`judgement after all appeals, which was not the
`situation here.
` This is not an argument we submit we
`reasonably could have expected to address in the
`petition. We would like the opportunity to address the
`substance of that argument, and we submit the board may
`also benefit from having a complete record on this
`issue, which is really a legal issue.
` And the second point I'll make is, in the
`past, the board has given petitioners leave to address
`in the reply briefs arguments of a lack of standing or
`similar types of arguments.
` So this is not something, of course,
`directed to substantive questions of claim construction
`or invalidity. It's more of a legal question that we
`think is appropriate to address in a brief reply.
` That's an overview of our position. Of
`course I am happy to answer any questions.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Now, that's great.
`Mr. Edmonds, what's your response?
` MR. EDMONDS: Your Honor, the petitioner has
`not shown good cause to file a reply. As disclosed in
`the patent owner's response, the ruling is on appeal.
`We attached a copy of the ruling to the response, so
`there's no factual disputes there.
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`Page 7
` This is a legal issue. It's a legal issue
`that Panasonic was certainly aware of. They're one of
`the parties. That was a successful motion that
`resulted in the ruling of un-patentability that's
`appended to the respondent's brief.
` And they cited no intervening authorities or
`any new propositions of law. They just disagree with
`the legal argument that the patent owner is making, and
`that's not good cause for reply.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Let me ask Mr. -- well, see
`as how you're relying on the standing argument,
`Mr. Edmonds, what's the status of the federal circuit
` MR. EDMONDS: The federal circuit appeal is
`scheduled for oral argument on April 5th. It's fully
`briefed and scheduled for oral argument on April 5th of
`this year.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Do you have any information
`that you can add to that, Mr. Pearce?
` MR. PEARCE: I know we just got the ruling
`-- or, excuse me, the order of scheduling argument as
`Mr. Edmonds mentioned last Friday. And beyond that, I
`don't think there's anything more that either side can
`say about how that appeal will go. And of course the
`outcome of it is uncertain at this point.
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`Page 8
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Okay. Well, the issue is
`not really something we need to decide at this point,
`but I think the panel is interested in hearing the
`other side of this standing issue, as you labeled it,
`Mr. -- I guess Mr. Edmonds talks about it as a standing
` So let me consult with the panel a little
`bit, and I'll be right back with you, and give you a
`ruling here. So hang on.
` (A short break was taken.)
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Okay, counsel. The panel
`has had a moment to confer here. We're going to allow
`petitioner to file a three-page reply as requested.
`That reply will be due one week from today, which I
`don't have a calendar quite in front of me, but I think
`that's March 7th -- something. I don't know. Whatever
`it is -- March 4th. Thank you. One of my panelists
`has a calendar there. Well, actually, I do, too. I
`just missed it. March 4th is a week from today. Is
`that going to be okay for you, Mr. Pearce?
` MR. PEARCE: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: And there will be no reply,
`Mr. Edmonds. We understand what your position is. If
`something were to happen, which it doesn't appear that
`that will be the case, in the federal circuit appeal,
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`Page 9
`we expect the parties to notify us of what's going on
` As you know, the decision on institution is
`due, I believe, April 30th. And so that's a little bit
`after your oral argument. If anything were to happen,
`please advise us.
` Other than that, let me see if either of my
`panel members has anything to add, and we will go from
`there. Okay. We are -- we have no questions of you.
`Mr. Pearce, do you have anything further?
` MR. PEARCE: No, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Mr. Edmonds, anything
`further from you?
` MR. EDMONDS: No, your honor.
` JUDGE ANDERSON: Okay. With that, we will
`issue an order shortly, and we will expect the
`petitioner to file its reply a week from Monday, on
`March 4th. And we have nothing further. With that, we
`are adjourned. Thank you all for participating.
`Appreciate it. Bye-bye.
` MR. PEARCE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. EDMONDS: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Proceedings concluded at 11:38 a.m.)
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`Page 10
` I, AHUVA GOLDBERGER, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter, do hereby certify that there came before me
`via tele-conference, the above-referenced parties, that
`the proceeding was translated and proofread using
`computer-aided transcription, and the above transcript
`of proceedings is a true and accurate transcript of my
`notes as taken at the time of said event. I further
`certify that I am neither attorney nor counsel for nor
`related nor employed by any of the parties to the
`action in which this examination is taken; further,
`that I am not a relative or employee of any attorney or
`counsel employed by the parties hereto or financially
`interested in this action.
` As witness my hand and notarial seal this
`25th day of February, 2019.
` <%17404,Signature%>
` Ahuva Goldberger
` Notary Public
`My Commission Expires:
`May 21, 2019
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`2 3
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`[& - doing]
`& 3:6,15
`1152 3:8
`11:30 4:5
`11:38 9:23
`1250 1:24
`15th 3:8
`17404 10:20
`20005 1:25
`20005-1706 3:9
`2019 2:5 10:18,25
`202-339-8696 3:10
`21 10:25
`213-973-7846 3:18
`2450 3:16
`25 2:5
`25th 10:18
`30th 9:4
`350 1:24
`355 3:16
`42 5:22
`4th 8:17,19 9:18
`5th 7:15,16
`7th 8:16
`9,258,698 1:11,14
`90071 3:17
`a.m. 4:5 9:23
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`action 10:12,15
`add 7:19 9:8
`address 5:8,17 6:4
`adjourned 9:19
`advise 9:6
`ahead 4:22
`ahuva 2:24 10:3
`aided 10:7
`al 1:4
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`america 1:4 3:4
`anderson 4:9,16
`5:3 6:19 7:10,18
`8:1,11,22 9:12,15
`angeles 3:17
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`anybody 4:20
`appeal 1:2 2:2
`6:23 7:13,14,24
`appealing 5:13
`appeals 6:1
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`appearances 3:1
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`april 7:15,16 9:4
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`6:3,6 7:8,11,15,16
`7:21 9:5
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`asked 4:18
`assuming 4:22
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`attached 6:24
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`back 8:8
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`beyond 7:22
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`board 1:2 2:2 6:6
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`briefed 7:16
`briefly 4:24 5:8
`briefs 6:11
`bye 9:20,20
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`california 3:17
`call 5:5
`canceled 5:25
`carr 4:13,17
`case 1:10 5:6,23
`5:24 8:25
`cases 5:21,22
`cause 5:19 6:22
`cellspin 1:7 3:13
`center 3:7
`certainly 5:7 7:2
`certificate 10:1
`certified 10:3
`certify 10:4,10
`Page 1
`circuit 5:14 7:12
`7:14 8:25
`cited 5:20 7:6
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`collins 3:15
`columbia 3:7
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`copy 6:24
`corporation 1:4
`counsel 8:11 10:10
`course 6:13,18
`court 4:21 5:1,2
`currently 5:13
`d.c. 1:25 3:9
`day 10:18
`decide 8:2
`decision 9:3
`different 5:23
`directed 6:14
`disagree 7:7
`disclosed 6:22
`disputes 6:25
`district 5:12
`doing 4:12
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`[due - parties]
`due 8:14 9:4
`e 3:11,19
`edmonds 3:14,15
`4:11,12,17 6:20,21
`7:12,14,22 8:5,23
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`et 1:4
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`7:14 8:25
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`8:13 9:17
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`5:18 6:22 7:9
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`honor 4:7,11,24
`5:8 6:21 8:21 9:11
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`7:1 8:1,4,6 9:16
`j 3:14
`jedmonds 3:19
`john 3:14 4:12
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`jr 3:5
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`6:19 7:10,18 8:1
`8:11,22 9:12,15
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`8:16 9:3
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`6:15 7:1,1,8
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` 3:19
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`Page 2
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`8:11,20 9:9,15
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` 3:11
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`4:15 5:9,12,20,25
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`panel 8:3,7,11 9:8
`panelists 8:17
`partes 1:13
`participating 9:19
`parties 7:3 9:1
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`Page 3
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`[patent - year]
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`1:14 2:1,2 4:10,14
`4:15,19 5:9,12,20
`5:25 6:23 7:8
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`4:22,24 5:3,7 7:19
`7:20 8:20,21 9:10
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`6:21 8:13 9:17
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`6:11,16,22 7:9
`8:13,14,22 9:17
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`5:2 10:1,4
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`5:22 6:20,23,24
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`6:11 7:11 8:4,5
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`7:23 8:3,15
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`transcription 10:7
`translated 10:6
`trial 1:2 2:2
`true 10:8
`two 5:18
`types 6:12
`u.s. 1:14
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