`Washington, D.C.
`In the Matter of
`Inv. No. 337-TA-1093
`(January 19, 2018)
`On January 2, 2018, the Commissioninstituted this Investigation pursuant to subsection
`(b) of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, to determine:
`whether there is a violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of section 337 in the
`importation into the United States, the sale for importation, or the sale within the
`United States after importation of certain mobile electronic devices and radio
`frequency and processing components thereof byreason ofinfringementof one or
`more of claims 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, and 18 of the °356 patent; claim 4 of the °336
`patent; claims 1, 5-8, 12, 16-18, and 21-22 of the °674 patent; claims 1-4, 7-9,
`11, 17, 20-23, 31-33 and 36 ofthe ’002 patent; and claims 1-3, 10-12, 18, and
`22-24 of the ’633 patent;' and whether an industry in the United States exists as
`required by subsection (a)(2) of section 337[.]
`83 Fed. Reg. 834-35 (Jan. 8, 2018). Moreover, pursuant to Commission Rule 210.50(b)(1), the
`presiding Administrative Law Judgeshall:
`take evidence or other information and hear arguments from the parties or other
`interested persons with respect to the public interest in this investigation, as
`' The asserted utility patent numbers are: U.S. Patent No. 9,154,356 (“the °356 patent”); U.S. Patent No.
`9,473,336 (“the °336 patent”); U.S. Patent No. 8,063,674 (“the ’674 patent”); U.S. Patent No. 7,693,002
`(“the 002 patent”); and U.S. Patent No. 9,552,633 (“the 633 patent”). See, e.g., 83 Fed. Reg. 834 (Jan.
`8, 2018).
`Qualcomm 2011, p.1


`appropriate, and provide the Commission with findings of fact and a
`recommended determination on this issue, which shall be limited to the statutory .
`public interest factors set forth in 19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1), (f)(1), (g)C)L.]
`Id, at 835.
`The Notice of Investigation (“NOI”) names as complainant: Qualcomm Inc. of San
`Diego, California (“Complainant” or “Qualcomm”). Jd. at 835. The NOI namesas respondent:
`Apple Inc. of Cupertino, California (“Respondent” or “Apple”). Jd. The NOI also namesthe
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations (“Staff”) as a party. Id.
`Target Date |
`Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.51(a), a target date for completion of the Investigation
`in the above-captioned matter must be set. See 19 C.F.R. 210.51(a). Upon a review ofthe
`Complaint and the NOI, and taking into account my commitments in other already instituted
`investigations, and staffing constraints, I have determinedthat a target date of sixteen-and-a-half
`(16.5) months is appropriate. The target date is therefore set for May 22, 2019. Based on this
`target date, the final initial determination on violation (“ID”) in this Investigation will be due no
`later than January 22, 2019. The proposed Procedural Schedule is set forth in Attachment A
`hereto. Ground Rules for this Investigation ‘ae set forth in AttachmentB.
`Procedural Schedule
`The Partiesshall file jointly by February 2, 2018 their own proposed procedural
`schedule that includes dates for each of the events in the attached proposed Procedural Schedule
`(as set forth in Ground Rule 1.13) that have not been identified.
`If the Parties wish to deviate from the proposed Procedural Schedule in Attachment A
`whenproposing other dates, they should explaintheir rationale for the proposed changesin their
`submission. The Parties should have extraordinary reasons for proposing scheduling changes.
`Qualcomm 2011, p.2


`However,certain dates such as the evidentiary hearing dates, the target date and the date for
`submission for the initial determination on violation may not be changedatthis time.
`Whenthe Parties submit their proposed dates to fill in those dates left blank, orifthe
`Parties wish to propose different dates for certain scheduled items,it would be helpful for the
`Parties to use the chart in AttachmentA, below,and to add athird column,or, alternatively, to
`use color to identify/highlight the new or changed dates the Parties propose.
`Ground Rules and Changes
`The conduct ofthis Investigation before me shall be governed by the Commission Rules
`and Ground Rules attached hereto as Attachment B. The Parties should pay particular attention
`to the GroundRules governing this Investigation as they may differ from the Ground Rules
`issued by mein other investigations. For example, here are some recent changes of which
`Parties should be aware:
`Exhibits attached to motions or memoranda,in additionto all post-hearing
`exhibits, must contain exhibit descriptions ofthe content in addition to an alpha or numerical
`All documents submitted as exhibits should be dated. If there are multiple
`iterations of the same documents, those multiple iterations should be dated. If, for example,
`screen shots ofwebsites are used, then the dates the screen shots were taken along with the
`https://address should be provided.
`Mootissues (and issues that will not be pursued), such as withdrawnclaimsthat
`will be dropped, contentions that will no longer be advocated, witnesses who will be dropped,
`documents that wil not be usedthat were previously relied upon, etc., should be identified at the
`earliest practicable time via an EDISfiling, with the Party responsible for the change doing the
`Qualcomm 2011, p.3


`The parties must jointly create and maintain a single chart of substantive legal
`issues being litigated in the Investigation. The chart shall be jointly filed as a separate docket
`entry simultaneously with the pre-hearing and the post-hearing briefs. The parties’ pre-hearing
`andinitial post-hearing briefs will follow the order of the issues set forth in the chart. The .
`leftmost column ofthe chart will list the issues being litigated, includingall infringement and
`invaliditytheories and defenses. The parties will create subsequent columnsfor each oftheir
`briefs, grouped by party (i.e., the chart accompanying the post-hearing reply briefs will include
`columns for Complainant(s)’s pre-hearing brief, initial post-hearing brief, and post-hearing reply
`brief, followed by columns for Respondent(s)’s pre-hearingbrief, initial post-hearing brief, and
`post-hearing reply brief). The cells ofthe columnswill contain page numbersofthe particular
`sections of the briefs where those issues are addressed. If issues, contentions, arguments, or
`defenses have dropped out from the pre-hearing briefs, that shouldbe noted explicitly in the
`chart accompanyingthe initial post-hearing briefs. That same principle should carry through to
`the outline accompanying the post-hearing reply briefs.
`| (5)
`Initial post-hearing briefs are now limited to issues on which each party bears the
`burden of proof.
`Post-hearing reply briefs are now limitedto the issues and evidence discussed in
`the initial post-hearing brief ofeach opposingparty.
`Parties should notify Chambers of any stipulations to which they have agreed
`whenever they occur during this Investigation.
`(8) _ All motions are now limited to 25 pages, andall attachments to motions may not
`exceed a total of 100 pages without requesting leave for good cause.
`Qualcomm 2011, p.4


`Unopposed motions and joint motions shall contain a proposed order. On the
`same day the motionis filed, a version of the motion including the proposed order in MS Word
`for Windowsshall be submitted to the Administrative Law Judge’s Attorney Advisor via e-mail.
`A party may file i stipulation to extend the deadline to respond to a subpoena
`only once as a matter of course. For any additional extensions, the party must file a motion for
`leave and show good cause. The same applies to third-party subpoenas.
`(11) With regard to deadlines in general, Parties may notjointly stipulate to extend
`deadlines without leave. Parties must file a motion and show good cause.
`Any informal communication with the Administrative Law Judge’s Attorney
`Advisors via email or telephoneshall not be referenced in any briefs, documents,or papers filed
`on EDIS. Ifa party references such a communication in a documentfiled on EDIS,the party
`will no longer be permitted to informally contactthe Attorney Advisors on any matter. All
`correspondence with Chambers will be conducted formally via EDIS.
`Discovery should proceed expeditiously. Any discovery disputes should be brought to
`‘the Court’s attention as soon as practicable. Because discovery statements are generally vague
`early in the Investigation, they are no longer required. However, the Parties should file on EDIS
`by February 2, 2018 a list/notice of any proceedings in the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office (“USPTO”), including those before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”), in
`addition to the identification and the status of any concurrent federalor state litigation that may
`affect the issues in this Investigation.
`The Parties should makeintensive goodfaith efforts te commence and respond to
`discovery promptly. This includes early and diligent applications for nonparty subpoenas, and
`Qualcomm 2011, p.5


`quick action to enforce said subpoenasifthird-parties delay. Lack of diligence may affect a
`Party’s showing of good cause for motions to enforce discovery, particularly if such motions are
`adjacent to the close of fact discovery. The Parties should note that the deadlines in the proposed
`Procedural Schedule are considered to be the last day to complete a task.
`Motions/Briefs /Confidentiality
`All documents filed on EDIS, including motions, memoranda in support of motions,
`oppositions to motions, and responses to motions, must contain at the bottom of each page, the
`title of the filed documentand theparty filingit.
`Within seven (7) business days of the submission of a motion, a memorandum in support
`ofa motion, an opposition to a motion, and a response to a motion that a party contends contains
`Confidential Business Information (“CBI”), the party should submit a copy to Chambers (ALJ’s
`attorney) identifying the proposed CBI redacted with red brackets.
`Patent Priority Dates, Prior Art and Technology
`The Parties are expected to identify patent priority dates and prior art, and to solidify their
`positions with respect to claim construction for the asserted patents early in the Investigation.
`Claim Construction
`The proposed Procedural Schedule in AttachmentA identifies dates by which the Parties
`should meet and confer to resolve claim terms, and a date of May 11, 2018 by which
`Parties should submit ajoint claim construction chart. The Parties should submit proposals on or
`before May 18, 2018 with their comments as to whether a Markman hearing would be useful in
`resolving disputed claims. The Parties’ claim construction Markmanbriefs are also due on May
`18, 2018. A proposed timeframe for a Markmanhearingis offered that is almost three months
`before the evidentiary hearing, or sometime during the week of June 11-15, 2018 on a day andat
`Qualcomm 2011, p.6


`a time to be determined. If the Parties would like to change that timeframe, they should provide
`a five (5) day date range before andat least a ten (10) day date range after.
`Ifa party contends that one or mie disputed claim term(s) is/are indefinite, that party
`must provide an explanationof its reasoning in its Initial Claim Construction Brief, due
`May 18, 2018. Simply claiming a term is indefinite, or providing norationale or a conclusory
`statement without support, will not be sufficient. The failure to provide a rationale may weigh
`against that proposal of claim term indefiniteness. Additionally, if a party proposes that one or
`more of the disputed claim terms should be construed to haveits/their plain and ordinary
`meaning(s), that party must provide a proposed construction for each term so identified.
`Absent a showing ofgood cause, the Parties will be bound by their proposed
`constructionsfor disputed claim terms on the date thejoint submission ofdisputed claim terms
`is due.
`Pre-Hearing and Evidentiary Hearing
`The evidentiary hearing is scheduled for September 17-21, 2018, if necessary, at a
`location to be announcedcloserto the hearing date. The pre-hearing conference and hearing will
`commence in the same location on September 17, 2018. The hearing days will start at 9:30 a.m.
`andconcludeat 5:30 p.m. each day, barring unforeseen circumstances (severely inclement
`weather, etc.). Additionally, at my discretion, I may hold one or more telephone conferences
`overa period of ten (10) days or so before the pre-hearing conference in order to resolve Motions
`in Limine and High Priority Objections.
`Direct testimony will be taken during the evidentiary hearing. Whetherall of the
`testimony will be direct will be determined later. Basic background information about a witness
`or the issues may be considered as part of an acceptable witness statement.
`Qualcomm 2011, p.7


`Asthe Investigation proceeds closer to the evidentiary hearing dates, the Parties will be
`asked ifthey need additional days we fewer days for the evidentiary hearing. While the Parties
`are encouraged to reduce the numberof evidentiary hearing days as they winnow down issues
`and disputes, exigencies do occur. If the Parties need additional days, we may adjust the
`schedule, most likely to include days the week before the dates now scheduled,if possible.
`Settlement and Mediation
`The proposed Procedural Schedule includes a date for one settlement meeting and a one-
`day mediation session (none of which will include me)at a time, date, and location of the
`Parties’ choosing for the good faith exploration ofsettlement, by persons whohavesignificant or
`requisite settlement authority, overthe issues in the case. Unlessthe Parties obtain my
`permission, for good cause shown,the settlement meeting should not occur by video-
`conferencing or by teleconferencing. The Commission Investigative Staff, designated as a party
`to the Investigation (see 82 F.R. at 18311), may bepresent at the settlement meeting to facilitate,
`but not mediate, the process without my prior approval. The mediation has been scheduled close
`to the evidentiary hearing. The Parties should include dates in their proposed schedule for filing
`the joint settlement conference report.
`To recapitulate: because these are fast-paced proceedings, the Parties are expected to
`exert diligence and file motions earlier than the stated deadline, such as motions to compel
`discovery or to enforce subpoenas, Motions forSummary Determination, and even Motions in
`* Settlement conference reports, at a minimum,should state what meeting(s) took place, who attended,
`and whatresult, if any, was obtained in each meeting. See Certain Dynamic Random Access Memory and
`NAND Flash Memory Devices and Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-803, Order No. 16
`(U.S.LT.C. Nov. 21, 2011).
`Qualcomm 2011, p.8


`The Parties should not tactically seek to withhold or delay motions, asevery party is
`expected to proceed expeditiously. Commission Rule 210.2.
`Please note that in the event a party needs to contact Chambers, they should contact Mr.
`Michael Buckler,
`Qualcomm 2011, p.9


`Inv. No. 337-TA-1093
`Parties File a Proposed Procedural Schedule and
`Identify USPTO/PTOproceedingsas well as state and
`federallitigation that is relevant to this Investigation
`February 2, 2018
`Deadline for PropoundingFirst Set of Interrogatories
`February 14, 2018
`Deadline for Propounding First Request for Production|February 14, 2018
`of Documents
`Deadline for Complainant’s Objections and Responses
`to Respondent’s First Set of Interrogatories and
`Request for Production
` Deadline for Respondent’s Objections and Responses
`to Complainant’s First Set of Interrogatories and
`Request for Production
`Deadline for Initial Contention Interrogatories TG
`Deadline for Initial Contention Deadline Interrogatory
`File Identification of Expert Witnesses, Including Their|March 2, 2018
`Expertise and Curriculum Vitae
`.._ ..
`Complainants File Notice ofPatent Priority
`Dates/Dates of Conception and Curriculum Vitae
`| March 9, 2018
`Parties Exchange List of Patent Claim Terms for
`March 23, 2018
`Respondents File Notice of Prior Art
`April 9, 2018
`Deadline for Disclosure of Invalidity Contentions
`April 16, 2018
`Deadline for Disclosure of Infringement Contentions
`Complainants and Respondents provide Staff with
`April 16, 2018
`April 27, 2018
`Qualcomm 2011, p.10


`Their Proposed Construction ofDisputed Claim Terms is
`Parties Meet and Confer (including Staff) to Attempt to|May 2, 2018
`Limit Claim Terms and Claim Term Disputes
`Parties File a Joint List Showing Each Party’s Proposed|May 18, 2018
`Construction of Disputed Claim Terms, with Initial
`Briefs by All Parties Explaining Their Initial Claim
`File Joint Claim Construction Chart
`May11, 2018
`Deadline to File Markman Hearing Proposals
`May 18, 2018
`Deadline for Disclosure of Domestic Industry
`May 25, 2018
`Last Day to File Motions to Compel Discovery
`May 29, 2018
`Fact Discovery Cutoff and Completion
`Technology Stipulation Deadline
`Markman Hearing (if Ordered)
`May 29, 2018
`June 1, 2018
`Week of June 11-15,
`(Parties should provide thumb drive or CD ROMSof
`tutorials if included in Markman Hearing)
` File Tentative List of Witnesses a Party Will Call to
`Testify at the Evidentiary Hearing, with an
`Identification of Each Witness’s Relationship to the-
`Last Day to File Summary Determination Motions
`' This date can belater if the Parties do not need extra hearing dates. Given that Commission Rule 210.18
`requires at least 60 days between summary determination motions and the evidentiary hearing, the
`proposed date may be movedto a later date if the proposed hearing dates do not change.
`Qualcomm 2011, p.11


` Submission of Statements Regarding the Use of
`June 29, 2018 Parties Exchange Exhibit Lists
` Submit and Serve Direct Exhibits (Including Witness
` File Pre-hearing Statements and Briefs (Briefs should
`Last day to file Motions in Limine
`August 10, 2018
`File Responses to Objections to Direct Exhibits Ss
`* For any questions regarding the mediation program,the parties should refer to the Revised Users’
`Manual for Commission Mediation Program,available at
`Qualcomm 2011, p.12
`Witness Statementsin lieu of Live Direct Testimony,
`and Statements Regarding Whether Any Party Intends
`to Offer Expert Reports into Evidence
`Submit and Serve Direct Exhibits (Including Witness
`Statements, if Appropriate), with Physical and
`Demonstrative Exhibits Available —- Complainants and
`Statements), with Physical and Demonstrative Exhibits
`Available — Staff
`contain no more than 100 pagesoftext, each side,
`unless there is no identity of interests, or different
`interests. To be discussed)
`July 13, 2018
`Staff files Pre-hearing Statement and Brief (No more
`than 100 pagesof text)
`July 20, 2018
`File Requests for Receipt of Evidence Without a
`Attendance at One-day Mediation Session’
`By August 10, 2018
`Submission of Mediation Report
`(Within 7 days of
`Statements), with Rebuttal Physical and Demonstrative
` Submit and Serve Rebuttal Exhibits (including Witness


` (Including witness statements)
`File Objections to Rebuttal Exhibits (Including Witness
`File High Priority Objections
`File Response to Objections to Rebuttal Exhibits
`(including witness statements)
`File Responses to Motions in Limine
`File Responses to High Priority Objections
`Submission of Declarations justifying Confidentiality
`of Exhibits
`August 10, 2018
`August 17, 2018
`August 17, 2018
`September 17, 2018
`(location TBA)
`Pre-Hearing Conference
` Evidentiary Hearing (Starting with Tutorials, as Parties|9:30 a.m., September
`17-21, 2018 (location
` Last day to submit Final Exhibits, by Appointment. All|No more than four(4)
`(Briefs should contain no more than 75 pagesoftext)
`File Reply Post-Hearing Briefs on Issues on Which The|October 12, 2018
`Party Bears the Burden of Proof (Briefs should contain
`no more than 50 pagesoftext)’
`Exhibits Should be Properly Labeled. (Follow the
`Ground Rules)
`business days after
`File Initial Post-Hearing Briefs and Final Exhibit Lists
`October5, 2018
`Submit Final JOINT Direct and Rebuttal Exhibits
`(CDROMor Flash Drive)
`October 5, 2018
`Final ID due
`January 22, 2019
`May22, 2019
`Target Date
`* Any party may weigh in on matters on whichthey do not have the burden of proof. Staff is expected to
`file a Post-Hearing Reply Brief, but may choose whichissues to address.
`Qualcomm 2011, p.13

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